


English version⬇

The mental image of “Kacho Fugetsu” and the way of dealing with religion
As I age, I am drawn more and more to the “mercy of things” sentiment. The four seasons show us their diverse expressions from year to year. The Obon vacation is over, and I’m back on track. … .

 The photo shows a statue of a bodhisattva standing in the precincts of a family temple where I was paying a visit the other day. I did not confirm the name or the origin of the statue. I happened to take a picture of it, and when I checked it on my computer screen later, to my surprise, a faint mist was rising in the air, which appeared in the picture. It was a divine atmosphere. The Bodai-ji temple is backed by a mountain, and although I have never been there, I have heard that there are 88 places of worship. I am happy that the “spirit” of the mountain may have been reflected in the image.
 As is typical, as one ages, one’s mind naturally turns to things like “mental landscapes. We are forced to face our health and life expectancy, and this is a natural part of human nature.
 The Japanese archipelago has four distinct seasons, and I believe that this seasonal change has long been the backbone of the “Kacho Fugetsu” (flower, bird, wind, and moon) mentality of the Japanese people. In particular, the cold climate of Hokkaido has added a deeper sense of shade to the Japanese view of the natural environment.
 The Japanese-style paintings of Sumio Goto that I saw the other day seem to me to express, as mental landscapes, the expansion and extension of the Japanese people’s sense of “Kacho Fugetsu” (flowers, birds, winds, and the moon). The form of expression itself, Japanese-style painting, conveys the Japanese view of “nature” in an easy-to-understand manner.
 The Japanese view of “nature” is conveyed in a way that is easy to understand. I believe that the Japanese people are deeply moved by the lineage of such expressions and the spirituality that has been handed down from generation to generation.
 Mono no aware (mercy of things), a core area of Japanese spirituality, is a worldview that is commonly shared by Kacho Fugetsu (flowers, birds, winds, and the moon). The Japanese have naturally acquired the philosophy of the impermanence of all things through the changes of the four seasons. The distinct changes of the four seasons have formed the framework of the lifestyle traditions of the Jomon society. This is probably the basis of the Shinto worldview, in which 8 million deities are worshipped. In contrast, Buddhism, a world religion, was introduced to Japan, but unlike in other countries, in the Japanese archipelago the two have functioned in a non-confrontational manner, as if they were the base and the surface of the world. It seems to me that a sense of “the bottom line,” like “honne” and “tatemae,” has emerged strongly in the Japanese people. In a society where cartoon expressions such as “Birds and Beasts Caricatures” have continued to exist as treasures of Kozan-ji Temple, a Buddhist temple that is a world religion.
 Oops, my Bon vacation ended yesterday (laugh). This is the “summary” of the vacation.
 Today, I will start my new duties again, dealing with the remaining issues. I will try to handle it as quickly and efficiently as possible.





English version⬇

Soba flour and dried bonito flakes are purchased at a specialty store for professional use.
As a man who is not a professional, I would like to start with “form” first, so I would like to introduce myself to a specialty store for professional use. The specialty store has a wonderfully educational atmosphere. The atmosphere is wonderfully educational.

 Now, before we can start our training, we have to prepare for the next step…….. I had a buckwheat noodle making set, but I realized that I could not practice without buckwheat flour……..
 I had to start from where to get Soba flour, and I had to search for it on the web. I was surprised to find only information on specialty shops, and I thought, “Oh, I am a beginner, and suddenly I find a soba flour specialty store, which is also a factory specializing in suppliers.
 For sushi, rice is usually available at home, and ingredients can be purchased at supermarkets that have a small fresh fish section. In my case, I often go to a food store owned by a fresh fish wholesaler at the Sapporo Central Market (the store in the photo of the fish in the storefront), so I usually have no difficulty in buying fish. In addition, there is a fish shop in Yoichi, Shakotan that sometimes gives me information. There are many other places to buy buckwheat flour.
 I asked a senior knowledgeable person for help in obtaining buckwheat flour. He introduced me to Sapporo Soba Flour Milling, a buckwheat flour factory in Shiroishi Ward, Sapporo City, about 30 minutes from my house by car.
 When I went there, I found that it is mostly a production plant for commercial use, but as instructed by a senior staff member, they also sell to the general public. So, I bought a buckwheat flour called “Dosan Ishiwa. For the time being, I bought about 3 kg of it so that I and my wife would be the only ones to eat bad buckwheat noodles, and we could practice making buckwheat noodles. One kilogram of Soba flour is enough for about 10 servings, so it will be enough for 5-6 times of practice.

On the other hand, for “soba-tsuyu”, we went to Okuma Shoten, a specialty store in Shiroishi Ward, Sapporo City. Upon entering the store, the aromatic smell of “katsuobushi” (dried bonito flakes) from the factory was here, a pleasant aroma that stimulated us intensely. The atmosphere of the store was very much like a specialty store for traders, but there was a friendly female staff member who kindly responded to our novice-like situation.
 I would like to devise various ways to use dashi as my subconscious, as it has something in common with sushi cuisine, but I would like to learn from the best first. As we were talking, I heard that the owner of this restaurant also holds “Soba classes” for novice Soba lovers, and he even gave me a printed material titled “Soba Soup Recipe” for beginners. We were very grateful.
 I could smell the depth of the restaurant. Now, I would like to start my training gradually. Of course, I will do it undercover, so please bear with me for a while longer.




English version⬇

Japanese Painter Sumio Goto Museum / Kamifurano
More than 50 years have passed since the commercial “of a man who understands the difference. In this way, what Japanese people live becomes history as it is. This is the legacy of sensitivity. The Japanese Art House, Goto Sumio Museum of Art/Kamifurano

 When it comes to art appreciation, my main focus is basically on Japanese-style paintings. In Tokyo, the Yamatane Museum of Art is my base camp, and I make it a habit to visit the museum whenever there is a new exhibition.
 I believe that painting and art are the most fundamental part of my nature. As a human being, I have a strong desire to explore the history of the “sense of beauty” that Japanese people have always felt, and I believe that Japanese-style paintings will inevitably take center stage in my life. I went to see the “Birds and Beasts Caricatures” at Kozanji Temple in Kyoto, and I have already seen the exhibition at the Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, but I gave it up when I heard that the waiting time was several hours.
 The museum is located in Kamifurano, which is the only place in Hokkaido where Japanese-style paintings such as these are exhibited. As I have mentioned several times in this blog, the round-trip drive is about 250 km, which has become somewhat tedious as I get older, but I visited again this time because of the consecutive holidays.
 In his pursuit of Japanese-style painting, the artist was deeply attached to the nature of Hokkaido, and he says that he had a divine experience while painting its magnificent natural formations.
 He was born in a Shingon Buddhist temple in Noda City, Chiba Prefecture, and continued to paint while staying at ancient temples in Nara and Kyoto under his father’s guidance. As a religious person, these architectural experiences formed the basis of his work, and he must have acquired a certain “point of view” while interacting with them.
 When he came into contact with the magnificent natural formations of Hokkaido from such a perspective, he must have been strongly moved from deep within his psyche. I was sketching while standing in the midst of this magnificent and severe nature. He must have let his body accumulate the impressions of this land that the Japanese people had faced.
 It is said that when he gave a lecture on his works in Sounkyo and other places in Asahikawa, the people of Kamifurano who were attending the lecture actively invited him to build his studio in the present location. The photo below is an aerial view from the museum in Kamifurano, looking far to the west.




English version⬇

[The temptation of sushi items, the lure of buckwheat flour…]
I am 40 years old, but I have not had enough training and I am far beyond that age, but I am still confused between sushi and soba. I am now far beyond the age of 40, but I am still confused between Sushi and Soba, and I am thinking of joining Soba as well. I’m not sure.

The warming trend is spreading to marine products around Hokkaido, and large fish such as “inada” and “katsuo” (bonito) are now available at prices around this level.
 My wife glares at me from the side with a scary look on her face, as if to say, “The freezer will be full if we process this kind of fish,” or “What are you thinking? The pleasure of processing these fish continues to stimulate my brain. As readers know, my greatest hobby is my “nigiri-zushi” fetish, so I am deeply attracted to this kind of seafood.
 A fish of this size would probably supply several hundred kan of sushi material. The fascination of cooking lies in the element of interaction and dialogue with these “ingredients. Human beings have been sustained by receiving their life. Perhaps it is from this thought that we have developed a deep-seated affection for them. The expression on their faces, which do not say much, seems to be appealing to us, “If you are going to eat them, handle them well! If you are going to eat them, handle them well!
 This kind of communication must have continued through the long “relationship” between the creatures.

 On the other hand, the staff members also presented me with a “soba noodle making set” as a gift. I am also thinking of the message from them, “Sushi is good, but we would like you to serve Soba (buckwheat noodles) to the guests. Among my acquaintances in the construction industry, there are some who are particular about the “grind” of buckwheat noodles and grind them on a millstone to make their own buckwheat noodles. This world full of knowledge is also exciting and makes me feel like a bottomless swamp.
 It is true that the food is very tasty. I can understand the fascination of the abundance of knowledge.
 However, I wonder if sushi chefs also have the orientation of buckwheat noodle chefs. There is no doubt that sushi and soba are two major areas of Japanese cuisine, and sushi and soba go very well together. However, as a “creator,” it seems to me that the direction of his orientation is a little different from that of a sushi chef. The “cooks” are not so different from the elderly who love to cook.
 I am an elderly person who loves cooking, but I am too “confused” to think about it (laugh).
 For the time being, I do not want to buy a millstone to make buckwheat flour by myself, but I would like to get buckwheat flour easily and make the best use of the “set” of buckwheat flour. However, I have a feeling that I will be addicted to it before long. I am looking forward to getting some more.




English version⬇

Discovering New Vegetables, Exploring Produce Markets
I have a strong desire to pioneer new vegetables from my parents’ farming days, and my eyes tend to swim at the market. What is the reaction of the Japanese market to the “in-between cabbage and daikon” variety? …

In Naganuma, a suburb of Sapporo, there is a produce market with a large parking lot along the national highway. It has become a habit for me to look for seasonal vegetables as an occasional easy outing.
 Yesterday, I overslept a bit so I headed here to avoid a long-distance trip. When I got there, I found that each store building had been reconstructed and renovated. In my family, my father was engaged in the production of a wide variety of vegetables in the fields inherited from my grandfather, who settled in the area, to the extent that it was said, “It’s like a vegetable fair. He experimented with a variety of vegetables and taught other farmers the secrets of their production methods, which led to mass production and the shipment of their products to markets as far away as Osaka, thereby expanding the sales channels for Hokkaido vegetables. The “lily bulb” was a big hit among such efforts.
 The mother, who grew up in a family of immigrants from Gifu Prefecture, the most advanced agricultural community of the time, was the one who used the most advanced production techniques. As I was only a farmer until I was three years old, this is all hearsay to me.
 However, when I come to a farmers’ market like this, I unconsciously pay attention to such new varieties. It may be that I am “looking for” my parents in that way.
 The one that caught my eye was the “kohlrabi” in the photo. 〜Kohlrabi is a perennial herb of the Brassicaceae family. It originates from the northern Mediterranean. It is a vegetable whose globularly enlarged stems are peeled and used for food. The stems are green or purple in color and taste similar to cabbage or broccoli stems, and are used in salads and pickles. The word is derived from the German words kohl for cabbage and rabi for turnip. ~ (from the German kohl, meaning cabbage, and rabi, meaning turnip)

 When I looked at the price, I saw that it was 100 yen. When I bought it, I didn’t know the details of its identity, but I felt its “noisy blood” inside and bought it immediately (laugh). I tried to make asazuke (pickled in soy sauce), just as the explanation at the market had explained.
 So it was about time, and I tried it right away. I lightly sprinkled salt, added “Asazuke no Moto” and put it in a thick plastic pack, cut kelp into small pieces, mixed them together, and pressurized it. And left it for a few hours. I put it in my mouth.
 It was a light “daikon”. It tasted a little more like cabbage than daikon, and the skin was thicker and tougher than daikon. It was a bit like “Oh, it would be safer to peel the skin off,” but if you cut it thinner, it would have a certain softness to it. It was not bad at all.
 This was the only one of its kind on display at the store (or was it on the verge of being sold out?), so it is still in the experimental stage. So, it is probably still in the experimental stage. Now, it remains to be seen if it will be able to enter the world of the Japanese taste buds. But it looks cute.



English version⬇

The mysterious beauty of light and a shrine made of shiraki wood.
The simplicity of this sacred stage allows it to beautifully reflect the changes of the four seasons in the fertile Japanese archipelago. Is this an honest achievement of Japanese architecture? The shrine and the light

 Typhoon No. 5, which crossed the Tohoku region and caused great damage, has turned into a tropical cyclone but is now stagnant over the southwestern seas of Hokkaido, so Sapporo is at the mercy of unstable weather all day long, even though it is the middle of the Bon Festival.
 Unable to go out anywhere, I had no choice but to make “meat and potatoes” in a nonchalant manner (laugh). I made a big pot full of it and called my children, who offered to help me flatten it. Thankfully, they took almost 80% of it home with them with their cooking skills. I know there are many different hobbies, but in my case, apparently my biggest hobby is cooking. I enjoy the ease of men’s cooking, which allows me to cook more freely and nonchalantly than my wife. While I think this is not a good stance to take, I appreciate the freedom.
 I sometimes make sushi for my staff as a manifestation of that kind of self-indulgence. However, in my case, I do fulfill my duties and devise various ways of cooking for the three daily meals, so please don’t misunderstand me.
 Today’s photo is a view of the main shrine of Kaitakushi Shrine, a branch of Hokkaido Jingu Shrine, where I paid a visit on a fine morning a few days ago. The shrine is a simple wooden structure, but the morning sun was shining just as I was visiting the shrine, and the contrast of the light gave the shrine a slightly mysterious reflection, almost like an abstract painting.
 The angle of the morning sun’s rays changes slightly with the seasons, and the light changes depending on the day’s solar radiation conditions. The bare wood has a mirror-like effect that reflects the beauty of the momentary changes in the environment.
 I was attracted to wood simply for its natural expression as a material, but now I realize that it can also be used as an aesthetic device in this way.
 It made me think that the Japanese sense of divinity may have a large aspect of this kind of aesthetic perception.
 Speaking of “sukimoku-zukuri,” the Ise Jingu shrine pavilions are known for their ceremonial relocation of shrines, but they may also represent the extreme point of Japanese architecture. It is thought to have strongly influenced the mentality of the Japanese people, and thus to have formed a “tradition.
 Is it because of its simple form that it is able to symbolically reflect the fertile changes of nature? Perhaps, the recognition of such “effects” is an aesthetic perception like one of the major pillars in Japanese architecture.
 Now, the second half of the Bon vacation. Although I am concerned about the bad weather from the tropical depression that has changed from a typhoon, I would like to enjoy the panoramic landscape that is typical of Hokkaido a little more. I hope you all have a nice vacation.



 あ、こちらの寺院のご本尊は「不動明王」さま。密教特有の尊格である明王の一尊。大日如来の化身とも言われる。また、五大明王の中心となる明王でもある。 謹んで合掌。

English version⬇

The main deity of the temple, Fudo Myoo, is the Buddhist deity of the family temple.
Nobunaga is said to have said, “When you die, you have nothing. However, “Nobunaga’s Tomb” is located by the approach to the inner sanctuary of Koyasan where Kukai is laid to rest. Is this the truth of the Japanese people? …

 We are now in the Obon vacation period, and things have been going on for consecutive holidays. As I age, I gradually become more and more familiar with the holiday as my own personal matter. So, I have been paying a visit to my family’s family temple from time to time. I have a photo record of the time when my mother, second brother, and I visited the remains of my grandfather and grandmother who were kept at the temple when I was in the early elementary school years. I vividly remember the atmosphere of that time. It was about 65 years ago.
 The bones were in an urn, and I think my father was trying to decide where to place them in a suitable cemetery. My family had immigrated to Hokkaido from Imazu, near Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture. I think my grandfather was not clear about where he wanted his eternal home when he emigrated. As the youngest son, he was given the role of “patriarch” in charge of my grandfather’s remains, and my father was faced with the decision of whether to bury his remains in Hiroshima Prefecture or in Hokkaido, where he had moved far away from his family.
 As a matter of fact, my father’s eldest brother and uncle’s family eventually sought a cemetery in Fukuyama.
 Eventually, my father found a cemetery in the Satozuka Cemetery in Sapporo, where he buried his own remains as well as those of his grandfather and grandmother. In the end, my father concluded that my grandfather’s remains should be buried in Hokkaido. He had no other choice but to have his own remains buried in Hokkaido, and at the same time, his parents’ remains were buried there as well. My mother followed my father’s wishes to the letter.
 I remember the day I laid their ashes in the cemetery.
 Time goes by, and such a moment for my siblings’ generation will soon come. As the youngest child in the family, I have to think about my own life separately. Sometimes my wife and I talk about such things. My wife’s family will have to make a similar choice.
 I am currently participating as a member of the Hokkaido Housing Advisory Council, but I think that I must also decide my own “future” as well. Now that we are entering a period of declining population, the number of houses that our generation will have to manage will be considerably “multiple”. I believe that a similar thematic composition is occurring in the NEXT world of the human world.

 The temple built a new main building in 1993. The temple built a new main hall in 1993, and there was a “Houmeiroku” from that time, which I saw for the first time inadvertently. I found my name and my intention more than 30 years ago, and the word “Bodhidai-ji” seemed realistic to me.
 The main deity of this temple is “Fudo Myoo,” a deity unique to esoteric Buddhism. He is one of the Myoo, a deity unique to esoteric Buddhism. He is said to be an incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai. He is also the central Myoo of the Five Great Myoo. We respectfully bow our hands in prayer.





English version⬇

[Tokyo Central Accommodation Reservation Fiasco – Savior Capsule H (Laughs)
No, it is not a laughing matter. A stable lodging environment for rest and relaxation is essential for the elderly. Confirmation of reservations, not just sitting around. …

 Well, this is an embarrassing fiasco at my age. I have been traveling around the country to conduct “in-depth” housing interviews, much as I did when I was still working, but in the midst of all this, I made a huge mistake that I did not anticipate. I had an embarrassing experience when I went to a hotel I thought I had made a reservation for without checking it properly, only to find out at night that the reservation was not available and that the hotel was fully booked on the day of my visit.
 The problem occurred just the other day, on the evening of July 28. On that day, after visiting a museum facility that I often go to in Tokyo, I attended a rather large lecture in Yurakucho, which I attended for a long time. Since the lecture was to end around 20:00, I booked a hotel room in Shinbashi (or so I thought). It would take about 1.5 hours of travel time to return to the hotel in Chiba Prefecture where I had stayed the day before, so I decided to stay in Shimbashi because it was too much trouble.
 When I arrived there after 8:00 p.m., thinking that I could finally sleep, I found out to my surprise that I had made a mistake. This was the first time in my life that I had made such a mistake. I was deeply surprised at myself, but I had no choice. I had no choice but to look for a hotel to stay in and deal with the situation locally. This was also the first time for me to have such an experience. I thought I would look for a hotel in the Shimbashi area where I am now. I heard about one hotel near there, but I was told that the price was outrageously expensive, so I retreated. I think it was close to 20,000 yen for a capsule. It was not a very secure environment for more than the price. I thought about having my phone search for me, but it would be too much trouble to set up the conditions.
 So I headed for a capsule hotel in Ueno, where I had stayed once before and found it to be convenient and clean. I had never experienced the feeling of being a lodging refugee at this time of the day, not even when I was in the prime of my drinking life as a salaryman in Tokyo. For a moment, I thought I might have to pass the time wandering around the metropolis and staying in the open.
 As one might expect, it was a bit hard on my young body. But I thought, well, that’s just the way it is. I was scheduled to fly back to Sapporo the next day, so I thought, “I’ll head to the airport early and sleep in the waiting area. I called my wife in Sapporo for advice, just in case. She said, “If something happens, don’t forget to take care of it.

 Shimbashi – Ueno is 6 stops by JR. From there, the destination is a three-minute walk away. The total number of steps had reached the level of over 18,000 steps over the course of the night. The time was after 21:00. Luckily, the lower level was available. The price was 5,500 yen, which was cheap for an emergency evacuation.
 The photo above is an “indoor” photo taken after I had settled down a bit. Although it is a capsule, there is a storage space for clothes and luggage with a key on the left front side of the room, and I was able to secure a place to stay for the night.
 A modern-day version of an elderly vagabond. I am reminded that careful planning is essential so as not to cause trouble in the world. Deeply regretful.

【入道雲とセミ時雨が知らせる、至る「お盆」 】


English version⬇

 It seems that many people have been on a nine-day weekend since yesterday. My wife and I were out for a long drive here and there, but I have to be careful because there are many drivers who are not used to driving like normal drivers. Even if you are driving according to the rules, there are many drivers who are not used to driving and who drive very slowly on roads they have never driven before, or who drive out of control. So please drive safely.
 It is indeed mid-summer, and the cicadas are still singing on the driving course. When I wrote the word “spirits,” I realized that cicadas are aptly described as such. The cicada’s cry of life echoes throughout the forest as a chorus. It is truly a “spirit of the trees.
 The true nature of the entire creature as a species is so deep and piercing that it cannot be helped. I wondered what kind of poems Saigyo-san read in this kind of semi-rainstorm, but I could not come up with any poems due to my lack of study. Later, I looked it up and found this poem.
 The sound of the water makes me forget the heat.
     The sound of cicadas in the treetops is muffled
 Saigyo Hoshi became a monk drifting in and out of Japan, composing waka poems every day and deepening his indulgence in flowers, birds, wind, and moon. Unable to attain liberation, he wanders through the cycle of reincarnation in the six realms. In this poem, water is the main theme and the cicada is the incidental object. The Cicada is a concomitant object.
 Since ancient times, humans have been in contact with their spirits and have come to know that this is the destiny of reincarnation. From this knowledge, we have come to know one of the extremes of the seasons and have given it the religious term “Higan” (the other shore). Indeed, he must have had a sense of “the season that leads to the end” of all things in nature.
 The photo was taken during a drive yesterday, when I was hoping to catch a glimpse of the iridocumulus clouds that kept bubbling up, and when I rounded this curve, they smiled back at me at exactly the right moment. I am soothed by the beauty of moments like this.
 The sky and the earth show us a magnificent panorama in Hokkaido in every season, but gradually my mind is being guided by the clouds and the like. At the same time, the mental pattern of my childhood also overlaps with this kind of mentality.
 I think we can still enjoy the cicadas that signal the beginning of midsummer for a few more days.





English version⬇

Unintentionally “Appreciation of Paintings” – Mukashi E, Kikuo Matsushita’s works
I am strongly attracted to “Rakuchu Rakugai-zu”, a picture I drew in the first grade of elementary school in the U.S.A., which shows the Japanese people from the viewpoint of the people living in the city. …

 The venue for the high school class reunion the day before yesterday was a restaurant specializing in banquets called “Mikawa-ya Kaikan”, which we were indebted to. It is a business owned by the family of a friend of mine who was a classmate of mine in junior high and high school. He was naturally in attendance, but what I found myself looking at again was this picture hanging as a background painting in the banquet room.
 I was reminded of the fact that my friend’s mother was the manager of this kind of store, and I was somewhat indulged in the sensation of the selection of the painting while drinking sake.
 The painting itself is the work of Kikuo Matsushita (born in 1918 and died in 2010), a contemporary artist who seems to have established a style of vividly capturing the history of the place while conclusively elucidating the history of the place and its lifestyle. I asked the owner about this work, but he did not have much knowledge about it. Sapporo Nishi High School has a high percentage of students who go on to Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, so I asked the former art club member who happened to be in attendance to confirm his knowledge, but he did not have any such “knowledge” because he specializes in painting by himself.
 I could feel his “taste” and it was like talking to his mother for the first time in a long time. It was like talking to his mother for the first time in a long time. His mother is amazing (laugh).

 The overall view looks like this, but it probably depicts a commercial district somewhere in Japan up to the Edo period. While reproducing a certain localized point in the past of Japanese society, this work vividly recreates my favorite “Rakuchu Rakugai-zu,” a uniquely Japanese pictorial cultural area. As someone who has chosen information on residential architecture as my life’s work theme, I appreciate this kind of “city” perspective.

 The reality of the “way of life” that flows between the rows of houses and stores and their respective “livelihoods” is vividly reproduced. The people who move between the buildings express their way of life through their body movements.
 It is as if one can smell the origins of the city block and how it came to be.
 It occurred to me that there are similarities between my life’s work and this kind of expression. I have been reporting on residential architecture and using photographs as my “means of expression,” I have been strongly interested in what people think about and try to live in their houses. However, I will take care not to mention personal information in general.
 In this pictorial expression, I am committed to “anonymity” and express each human being’s life head-on. It was a time as if we were having a “dialogue” on the fundamental aspects of this area.