
【都市での生存手段建築 中山道・浦和の煎餅店-3】



English version⬇

The Architecture of Means of Survival in the City: Nakasendo, Urawa’s Sembei Shop – 3
Just 40-50 years ago, the air of subsistence was everywhere in Japanese cities. Is the modern “house just for living” really progress? …

This photo shows the signboard and “storefront” of a “sembei store” taking advantage of its location on a street. In the large earthen floor, the rice cracker manufacturing process was repeated every day. The well-worn kamado (a kind of wooden stove) shows the power of the fire that sustained the business.
The third photo is said to show the “livelihood” of this house in the 1950s. Personally, it is a close resemblance to my father. …Until the Edo period, society was based on agriculture as a basic national strategy. The economy was based on the amount of rice produced under the samurai rule, but during the Tanuma period, there were attempts at “reforms” that emphasized a market economy.
The Meiji government forces overturned the Edo shogunate system by investing in the former zaibatsu groups such as Mitsui and Sumitomo, which had controlled the Kansai economy during the Meiji Restructuring. Such social transformation can be said to have continued until the Showa period.
This rice cracker store in Urawa conveys the atmosphere of such social reform.
I once visited a merchant’s house that still remains in front of a station in Utsunomiya, Tochigi Prefecture, and the substance of the market and urban economy of the Edo period is still strong in some parts of the Kanto region. The streets of Edo (present-day Tokyo) were probably made up of such merchant and cottage industry houses. As the city changed from Edo to Tokyo, these remnants of the urban landscape were almost completely wiped out. In other words, the state-of-the-art scrap-and-build process has progressed rapidly, and the conditions of Edo society can no longer be felt.

The photo exhibit showed the process of kneading the raw ingredients for the rice crackers, cutting them into molds, frying them in oil over a kamado, dipping them in shoyu sauce, and then grilling them. The photos suggest that the family’s production was maintained by the female labor force of the neighborhood, rather than a “cottage industry. The part of the building facing the street must have been a specialized space for production and business.
In the 1950s, my family was engaged in this type of cottage industry. There were five male siblings in my family, so production revolved around them as the main labor force. Gradually, part-time and other workers were brought in, and the scale of the business expanded. The on-site feeling of production labor and its atmosphere is so pervasive that it has a gut-wrenching effect. Children were engaged in frantic production labor from early in the morning, and then had to eat and go to school. Although “salaried” households finally began to populate the neighborhoods around my generation, most of my children’s families maintained this kind of work ethic.
In the current era of 2025, this kind of atmosphere is disappearing from the city, but I believe that the founding period of Japanese cities was based on this kind of atmosphere. We need to consciously carry on this culture.



English version⬇

Conversation with a mandarin duck and the blooming of a Siberian lily
Two unique seasonal expressions of northern summer. The brightness of life plays its own symphony in the midst of nature. The two subjects are as follows.

Morning walkway, yesterday, we spent some time building a trusting (?) relationship. I was able to photograph a young male member of a family of mandarin ducks, posing on a standing tree (lol). (Laughs.) How nice.
Usually, most of the mandarin ducks are still sleeping, but one of the young male mandarin ducks, which looked like a young male from the color of its feathers, was not so alert and accepted the camera’s gaze without hesitation. He was still very conscious of my presence, and only for a short time, when he basically leapt to the surface to escape my gaze, he seemed to say, “Well, I’ll let my guard down a little bit.
That device, it’s not meant to harm you, is it?” It is as if he is saying to me, “Well, I’m going to let my guard down a little bit, aren’t I? He decided that the iPhone device I was pointing at him was not that dangerous, and for a mere 10 seconds or so, as he descended into the water, he showed his body as if he were looking at me for the camera.
I have observed them wagging their tail feathers from side to side as an expression of their strong alertness, but I did not see such a gesture. I was pleased with myself because of my limited experience in observing nature. It seems somewhat like a clue to dialogue with Ikimono.
I walked along the path, feeling completely at ease, and encountered a decisive change in the daylily, which has been showing changes every day recently.
Finally, among the flower buds that had branched off, there were some that had reached the moment of “blooming.
As the name “lily” implies, the tips of the thin flower clusters spread out. This appearance can be seen as bewitching or dainty, as an appeal to the unique beauty of this species. Either way, I feel it is an expression of feminine beauty produced by the nature of Hokkaido. I hope to enjoy its impressive beauty for some time to come.
At the moment, the flower buds are blooming facing slightly downward. Considering gravity, the flowers open slightly downward and then gradually “stand up” in a straight posture.
As I was taking the shutter to look for blooming individuals, I found one with a snail attached to it as a bonus (laugh).
It was as if an unscrupulous snail had interrupted the moment when the flower finally blossomed after a long life’s work, or as if it was the “destiny” of a flower bud that happened to meet such a fate. As an observer, this kind of coincidence seems to be the very essence of life itself. The two lives of the flower bud and the snail are like the “chance encounter” in Magritte’s painting. Summer in the north is really in full swing.

【懐かしい家内制食品手工業 中山道・浦和の煎餅店-2】



English version⬇

Nostalgic Domestic Food Handicraft Industry: Nakasendo, Urawa’s Sembei Shop-2
The universal survival strategy of the Japanese people from their parents’ generation to prehistory. The unchanging business of food production. The control of the cultural flow path called “Kaidou-suji”. The

Japanese people have struggled to survive in society. We have survived to the present day thanks to the desperate efforts of our predecessors to make a living. This is a matter of course, but this old house in Urawa makes me feel it strongly.
The reason is that the historical background, the location of this rice cracker store, and its business have many similarities to my family’s. The house was built during the period of turmoil from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji period. During the turmoil from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji period, this house was located facing Nakasendo, a major roadway in Urawa, which is a reasonably urban area, and probably provided food to travelers and other mobile people to sustain their lives.
My family started a food manufacturing business on a site facing Ishiyama-dori, a major north-south road in Sapporo, during the postwar turmoil and reconstruction period, and has managed to support my family.
As I looked at the photos on display of production scenes that were typical of a cottage industry, I felt a strong sense of empathy for the similarities with my own family. The women in the photographs even have the look of their mothers on their faces.
The strategy of survival is to secure a livelihood with reliable food products by opening a wide frontage to the street and offering easy food products to people on the street. I myself was only 3 years old, so I did not understand such a way of thinking of my parents, but I feel the same way about their choice of life, which was to quit farming and move to Sapporo, the largest city in Hokkaido, after the chaos of the postwar period.

Looking at the map with this kind of emotion, the street maps of the time and the names of stores expressed on them also give one a sense of déjà vu. More specifically, even the handwriting, which appears to be handwritten rather than typed, evokes a sense of traditional values from the Japanese society of earlier times.
The work expresses a part of the roots of our society.
〜The origin of “senbei” is said to have been brought back from China by Kukai, or from a confection invented by a disciple of Sen no Rikyu, or from a baked dumpling leftover by a Soka resident named Osen-san, who learned it from a traveler. The practice of baking and eating dumpling-shaped glutinous rice cakes was already widespread during the Yayoi period (710-794). However, this was only a staple food, and it was not until the Muromachi period (1333-1573) that it took on the character of a snack, and it was not until the Edo period (1603-1867) that many specialty rice crackers were born. In the Edo period, “senbei” were made by kneading and baking wheat flour mixed with sugar. Shio senbei” was considered a lower class product, and is said to have originated when farmers roasted leftover rice, mixed it with salt, stretched it out, cut it into rounds in bamboo tubes, dried it in the sun, and baked it over a charcoal fire. It was not until 1645 that soy sauce was added to salt rice crackers. They thrived in the town houses near Edo (Tokyo), such as Senju, Kanamachi, Shibamata, and Soka. In particular, “Soka senbei” from Soka, a post town on the Oshu highway, became so popular that it represented “shio senbei” (salted rice cracker). Reference: National Rice Cracker Industry Association, “Half a Century with Rice Crackers (50th anniversary commemorative magazine)
The Yayoi Period? The world of Japanese people’s food is truly profound. ….



English version⬇

Old Houses in the Kanto Region: “Takano Sembei Shop on Nakasendo Road”-1
Replan is planning to publish a book in Kanto area this summer. As fieldwork for this project, we are learning about the lifestyle and culture of our predecessors. The Urawa merchant houses and sembei shops from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji period. …

Our company will publish Replan’s “Building with Kanto’s Construction Companies (tentative title)” this summer in August. Replan’s stance since its inception has been to spread information on home building by local construction companies in a more familiar, deeper, and broader manner. We will be sending this message to everyone in the Tokyo metropolitan area who is interested in building a house. In 2010-2011, we published three issues of “Replan Kanto” in the Kanto region, but we had to pause for a while due to the chaos caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake. After that, we had started to try again in 2019-20, but this time we had no choice but to postpone the publication due to the global infectious diseases.
The evolution of Japan’s “highly insulated and airtight” houses, which started in Hokkaido, has been attracting attention from many users, and even in the Kanto region and southward, advanced construction companies have been gaining significant support from the local community. We are appealing to many people for such a breath of fresh air, Replan-like reportage of actual house building. The publication style is intended to spread information both on paper and on the Internet. We hope that you will pick up a copy and look at it at a bookstore or the like when it is published.
In preparation for the publication, I have been personally conducting historical fieldwork on “house building in the Kanto region”. Hokkaido is the home of our company, and the current trend toward “highly insulated and airtight” houses is based on the history of pioneer settlements since the Meiji period and the evolution of housing technology under the natural conditions of snowy and cold weather. It is essential to explore what kind of labor and hardships our ancestors went through in each region, and what kind of lifestyle and culture we should utilize in the modern age.
For this reason, we have been exploring old and historical houses in the Kanto region for many years in order to learn about housing culture. This time, we are going to visit the “Urawa Minka En” in Urawa City, Saitama Prefecture.
The first house is Takano Sempeiten, a rice cracker shop built along the old “Nakasendo” road in the central district of Urawa City. As for the building, there is a legend that it encountered the Ansei Earthquake when it was newly built in 1855. The building was purchased by “Takano Sembeiten,” which had been in business just across the Nakasendo around the beginning of the Meiji period. Therefore, it is now a 168-year-old relocated building. The store architecture, which is even older than Hokkaido’s pioneer days, has been revitalized and preserved, and it carries the pulse of the era from the end of the Edo period to the early Meiji period to the present day. As a Hokkaido native, I am moved by its history and the vividness of its predecessors’ breath.
So it was a first-class location in Urawa, an inn town along a major highway. First of all, we are greatly impressed by the fact that the business of a sembei shop was generating profits that could meet such an investment in this early Meiji era.
Now, since the preface was long, I will continue this section in a series from tomorrow onward.




English version⬇

[Compact lifestyle orientation and PV utilization in an era of rising electricity costs
The ability to judge the realism of users’ lifestyles in a remarkable and clear way that is typical of rental housing. The means to fight against the era of exploding electricity bills. The means and utilization techniques to fight against the era of exploding electricity bills.

This is a continuation of yesterday’s coverage of an apartment building in Fukagawa, Hokkaido, which has achieved ZEH. Yesterday, we discussed the challenge of solar power generation efficiency in the Hokkaido region. In fact, the presentation by Mr. Morishita, president of Moriei Construction Company, at the Shinjyukyo meeting and its materials emphasized this aspect.
However, I was concerned about a passage in the presenter’s remarks: “This is rental housing.
The presentation was about a rental house, which was fully occupied with reservations due to the response at the planning stage of the new construction. However, when the new building was completed and the rent was announced, all the contracts were cancelled.
He continued, “Indeed, 98,000 yen per month for a rental house of about 25 tsubo each may seem high at first glance. However, the rent includes electricity, heating and cooling, snow removal, parking (for one garage plus one flat for a total of two cars), and Wi-Fi usage. The only other utility cost is the water bill.”
When the company made an announcement to the public again, the rooms were fully booked right away.
In terms of user response, I think this clearly expresses the true feelings of the users.
This part of the presentation was given only in passing because it was given at the Shinjyukyo, a technical research organization for housing construction, but from the perspective of users and the living environment, this is a much more useful point. Unfortunately, there were no further tidbits on this point. After the presentation, Dr. Kamata’s lecture followed, so we were not able to cover it in depth.
Once again, I checked Moriei Kensetsu’s website, etc., and did additional exploration along this point. It became clear that what modern sei-katsu-sha are looking for in a home is expressed there.

This rental house is all-electric and all heating costs are included in the electric bill. This is significant. Snow removal, parking (for two cars), and Wi-Fi usage fees are essential infrastructure for living in Hokkaido. The water bill is separate for each house, which may be a limitation of Fukagawa City’s utility rate system. The key point here is that the electricity bill, which is combined with the heating bill, is included in the rent.
Under these rental rate conditions, it would be possible to gain the understanding of users by calculating the entire electricity bill, including the income and expenditure from the photovoltaic power generation made possible by the entire building, and then averaging the amount of the electricity bill for each unit.
It would not be fair if all households did not share the cost of solar power generation equipment, and above all, there is a common understanding among Hokkaido-area residents that the cost of winter heating is an indispensable part of the infrastructure itself.
This means that it was easy to achieve a common understanding shared by all households in terms of controlling the troublesome cost of living and saving money. This kind of realism and compactness is probably more easily shared than in the case of custom-built detached houses.
This perspective of using solar power generation as a “public infrastructure cost reduction measure” is something that I think I was able to see for the first time because this was a case of rental housing, not a detached house.




English version⬇

Annual Measured Data of Solar Power Generation in Fukagawa, Hokkaido (2 energy-saving regions)
Fukagawa City is at the forefront of the challenge, and has the heaviest snowfall climate in Hokkaido. The frontier challenge is to further improve the performance of facilities based on the wealth of insulation experience and knowledge. The frontier challenge to the equipment performance.

Now from the presentation at the recent 6/24 Shinjyukyo Hokkaido/Asahikawa meeting. The presentation was on the actual measured values of the installation and running of a photovoltaic power generation system in a maisonette-type rental apartment with six units and a total floor area of 499.85 m2 (about 151 tsubo).
As for the performance of the building, the Ua value (average thermal transmittance coefficient of the outer skin) of 0.17-0.2. The performance level is 0.2 for units facing the exterior wall and 0.17 for intermediate units.
Fukagawa City in Hokkaido, where the house was built, is classified as an area 2 under the energy conservation standard, but the conditions seem to be as close to area 1 as possible. The annual minimum temperature is 21.5 degrees below zero. Compared to Asahikawa, a representative city of one region, where the annual minimum temperature is 41.0 degrees below zero and the annual snowfall is 557 cm, it is not as cold, but the snowfall is much heavier. This makes the area unsuitable for solar power generation. The area’s characteristics are such that it is not suitable for solar power generation.
This is a case where Moriei Construction, a local construction company working on highly insulated and airtight housing, built the house and continued to measure the actual performance afterwards. Hokkaido is a region with extremely harsh conditions for solar power generation, and it is considered to be one of the worst regions in terms of heavy snowfall.
The photovoltaic power generation system installed in such climatic conditions is 6.75Kw on the roof surface, and of course, it is also installed on the wall surface during winter because it cannot generate power due to snow accumulation. The exterior photo shows the view from the west side looking south. It is not a densely populated area, so the shadow effect is minimal in terms of solar radiation acquisition conditions.

The figure above is a graph and table of actual measured data. Roof surfaces generate almost no electricity from December to February, and then recover rapidly from March. On the other hand, the wall installation shows a modest power generation efficiency even during the winter period. In terms of the power generation rate index, 90.7% for the south side installation and 58.5% for the west side installation compared to 100% for the roof side. In total, this was an example of achieving ZEH.
As mentioned earlier, the Hokkaido region has a very cautious community mentality toward solar power generation. Due to snow conditions, roof-mounted solar power generation systems do not generate electricity for three months in winter, and home builders in this region are most concerned about dealing with snow loads, and basically want to avoid problems caused by installing equipment that would further complicate these conditions.
This is the very reason why the region is “at the forefront of issues. I applaud the frontier spirit that dared to take this approach in such a region.
Dr. Kamata of the New JCMA also commented that the data would be very valuable for the New JCMA to analyze. As a leading example of solar power generation in snowy and cold regions, we hope that the research will continue and that more rational criteria will be established.



English version⬇

Summer in Sapporo 2023
Humans, as animals, spend more than 90% of their time in architectural spaces, living in an environment that is out of touch with nature. On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of the human beings live in nature itself. They are in a position to be taught. …

Yesterday, I mentioned about the day lilies that are creating a peaceful symphony along the river at the foot of the mountain in Maruyama, a satoyama-like area in Sapporo. The other is a family of mandarin ducks by a pond in Maruyama Park.
For most of my life, I have not been very interested in dogs, but as I age, I am becoming more and more aware of the expressions and movements they emit. During walks, I am becoming more and more sensitive to messages from them, which until now had little interest in me.
And, as they see this change in our state of mind, they begin to approach us, thinking, “Oh, this guy looks like he could be easy to win over. I am gradually being drawn in by such things, and I may be on the verge of being turned into a “trickster” by them. I am on the verge of being tricked.
I have a moderate defense instinct against such approaches, so I can control my emotions, but when he shows me his natural body expression of dreaming defenselessly as in the picture, I fall into a situation where I am on the verge of knocking him out. I find myself smiling and wanting to watch his dreaming. It is a very selfish empathy.
The mandarin ducks, on the other hand, are observing the behavior of a species in nature, so the psychology of interacting with them is not one of love, but rather of respect for them as dignified creatures.
The main focus of this project is to share the sense of nature’s changes in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, in 2023. We humans spend more than 90% of our time each day in an environment that is isolated from the outside world by housing and architecture. In contrast, those of us who live in the natural environment as it is, are living in a true sense of the local natural environment.
I suppose it is similar to the feeling of being “taught” by the appearance of the living creatures as part of nature.
I try not to disturb them as much as possible, but sometimes I am told “You’re annoying me, you know. I respond with an emotional response like, “Oh, I’m sorry for bothering you,” as if I were an animal myself.
And when we accept their response, we feel as if their mind becomes tranquil and they return our observation with the words, “You can do whatever you like. Like, “Thank you, I see that nature is like that this year.
It is not that I have a strong awareness of them as a destination, but I am “drawn” to them every morning when I realize I am on my way to see them again. Well, it must be a selfish love, or a one-sided love (laugh).

【さっぽろ夏本番へ オオウバユリ変化転生】



English version⬇

Sapporo summer is in full swing.
The call of early summer in northern Japan. They stand up in the forest and surprise the eye with their transformed poses. I wonder how long it will be before it blooms in its signature pose? …….

The summer solstice has passed and so has the first six months of this year.
We have basically continued our morning walk every morning for a long time. Even during the winter, I have continued to walk where I can while conversing with the snow-covered roads. Since I have been improving my diet on top of this, my weight has decreased by nearly 10% this year. The “close” is a delicate word (laugh), and it fluctuates depending on the scale on any given day. The better I feel, the more my appetite increases, which makes me realize how difficult it is to break away.
The day I went for a walk along the “Miya-no-mori River,” a creek that runs along the foot of the Sapporo Maruyama mountain range, my eyes were delighted by the blooming of the day lilies that dotted the natural forest along the Miyanomori River.
Every year in this blog, I have been posting a diary of my daily observations of the “changes” in the blooms, and this year, the flower buds are beginning to “pop” as shown in the photo above from the state of bulging flower buds as shown below. The word “flabby” is appropriate for this moment, and the petals of each flower petal are screaming for blooming.
The flower buds of the lily of the valley are said to be the soul food of the Ainu people, who store rich starch in their underground stems and eat them as dumplings. I have tried it once, and it was a taste that made me appreciate the local flavor of “Ezo”.
More than the texture, however, I enjoy the ever-changing appearance of the flower buds that develop from this time of year.
The dazzling green glow of life on earth fills our hearts.
As my love never ends, so my music never ends.
This is the last line of the last scene of an old movie about the life of the musician Schubert. The annual dialogue with the day lilies is like an exciting love affair, and the melody keeps settling deep in my heart. I am grateful that this encounter remains unchanged year after year.

This is a fresh wild butterbur just before it is “peeled” and cooked.
While the lily of the valley is a partner to watch its changes like an actress’s flexible body movements, this is a being that takes a lot of time and effort to satisfy our taste buds. Peeling and removing the skin is a tedious process, but boiling the fish with salt and carefully removing the outer fibrous threads all the way around is a dialogue with nature that is deeply satisfying.
Above all, after the process is over, the delightful texture makes me explode with joy (laughs).
The northern nature is showing us fresh colors again this year.



English version⬇

Natural” Formation to Tighten Artificial Spaces
Japanese people have created a society that conforms to standardization and production control, but the spirit of monozukuri, or “doing what one can do,” is very important. …

The first photo is a natural wood used for the handles of the opening and closing windows. The unique curvature of the wood is utilized to fulfill the function of the handles. It is a common pattern, but it is used to create the atmosphere of a condominium as an accommodation facility.
It may be a kind of “winning point” whether or not the visitors feel “Oh, I want to touch it.
But I’m not so good at it. There may be a few people who would take it as “Oh, I’m not very good at this.
The person who selected this interior design must have known that 10-20% of the people would find it somewhat difficult to use, so he or she decided to give it a shot.
I thought that they were betting on those who would enjoy the special feeling of “this is nice” and “oh, it has a nice touch. On the other hand, the natural wood used for the surface of the TV stand in the second photo is probably less resistant.
The natural grain of the wood has the message that no two pieces of wood are the same, and yet the smoothness of the flat surface is functional and reassuring. People who do not like the idea of artificiality will not feel any resistance to the use of natural wood.
It seems to me that the floor plans are based on rationality through uniformity and standardization, but the details are designed to create a dialogue and response to the user. Like, “Do you like this kind of thing? something like that.
When I moved toward the adjacent yakiniku restaurant, my eyes were caught by a group of paving stones, which were a little too tough to be called gravel, on the dog run outside.
The function of these paving stones is to catch the rainwater that falls from the roof. If they were too large, there would be a risk of rainwater splashing, but it seemed to me that they were trying to time it within the limits of that risk. It is true that there is no definite rule for the size of gravel stones, so it would be fine to freely choose the size of stones within the range of functionality allowed. Even if we consider it as a cost, it probably does not make such a big difference.
On the other hand, in terms of “visual impression,” there are some types of people, like myself (laughs), who respond, “Oh, that’s nice. Considering it as a cosmetic cost, I think it is worth a try. The effect of creating a unique texture in the appearance can be expected, as the change in the size of the stone creates a change in the reflected light.
These small challenges, which were taken on by the company to bring the design closer to the natural state, made me feel the “let’s do what we can do” aspect of the project. Even in the current trend of prioritizing averageity and generality in everything that is shipped from production-controlled factories, this kind of spirit is an important element of on-site manufacturing.



English version⬇

[Unfortunate political party posters clustered around a beautiful abandoned house.
The national “vacant house rate” is over 13%. It is a sense of disappointment as an asset utilization of the nation as a whole. On the other hand, I think they are a beautiful and decaying form of existence that makes us pull back our hair. …

Today’s episode is about “abandoned houses” due to the declining population. As I continue to explore living spaces, I am gradually becoming more and more interested in the “end of life” of these “abandoned houses”.
The number of so-called abandoned houses is not reflected in the survey. The survey does include vacant houses, but the definition of “vacant house” is different from that of abandoned houses. The Housing and Land Survey is based on housing that can be inhabited, so if abandoned and vacant houses are included, the actual number of vacant houses is estimated to be higher than the 8.46 million units in the latest survey conducted in 2018. The vacancy rate is 13.6%. The record level has been renewed every time.
Well, these abandoned houses are gradually becoming a common scene in the Japanese landscape. Among them, there are some buildings that stand out and are good-looking.
When I crossed from the Seto Inland Sea side to the Osaka Bay side in Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture, I saw an extremely impressive abandoned house and felt compelled to snap the shutter. I couldn’t resist snapping my shutter when I saw it. Once you start looking at it, the proportions, the texture of the materials, and the plants that cling to it all come together to form a beautiful whole.
The first picture, the front one, is very consistent in terms of balance. The side view is also very neat as it stands on a corner lot. It must have been a kind of landmark in the area when it was used.
Perhaps that is why different political parties were putting up election posters all over the exterior walls. To maintain political neutrality (laugh), I blacked out the party name posters and processed the image, but I felt that they were very commercial, or rather, very loud in their political assertions. Normally, posters of political parties on houses are put up with the approval of the house owner, but here, political parties, which seem to be opposite to each other, were arguing in good harmony (?). But here, the opposite political parties were in harmony (?). This may be a proof to the local community that this building is indeed an abandoned house. From the side of the abandoned house, there may be a kind of pride in the fact that it is used in this way even if it is not used as a residence for a long time.
The reality is that the total number of vacant houses, including such abandoned houses, exceeds 13% of the total number of houses in Japan, and the increasing trend is likely to continue. There may be various social structural factors at play, but from the viewpoint of proper asset management, it is still disappointing. It seems to me that today we are being asked to respond to these new realities.
For the sake of future generations, we should probably consider a revitalization method that is not all about party poster displays.