
【豊かな植物・穀類採集 札幌「擦文」遺跡探訪-3】



English version⬇

Exploring the rich plant and grain gathering Sapporo “Abrasive Culture” site-3
The main ingredient of one-pot dishes harmonizes with animal protein, a masculine food source obtained through heroic hunting and fishing. Grains like porridge may be a nostalgic taste of mother’s cooking. ……

The current annual average temperature in Sapporo is around 10°. It was said to be around 8° a little more than 20 years ago, but recent global warming seems to have had a significant impact. The unusual encounters of wild animals with the human world this year may have been influenced by this macroscopic warming, especially the fact that it was quite hot this year.
Such climate change has had various social effects in the historical period. It is said that the fashion of the women of the royal aristocracy of the time, known as junihitoe, had something to do with this, and the famine of the mid to late Edo period is said to have been a direct result of the cold weather.
The Jomon period was warm and the Yayoi period was cold, the Heian period was slightly warmer, and the Edo period was cold again (the 14th to mid-19th century was also known as the “Little Ice Age”).
What was the situation in the Sapporo area of Hokkaido? As shown in the photo, plant foods such as millet, foxtail millet, and Japanese millet, which are of natural origin but would have been “managed” by humans, have been found at the ruins of the Aburibun period. The diorama paintings vividly depict women gathering various plant resources.
Mulberry was cultivated in the “Mulberry Garden” area near the site from the very beginning of the Meiji era (1868-1912), and the Sapporo/Ishikari Chubu fan-shaped area was a relatively suitable location for plant resources.
For a rice lover like myself, this kind of grain makes me happy from the bottom of my heart (laugh). At the same time, such harvested foodstuffs have a historically feminine atmosphere, and may stimulate a sense of nostalgia for “mother’s taste. I assume that the fact that women are depicted in the dioramas is probably due to the common sense of human history in general.

These plants and grains were stored in earthenware vessels for each variety, and stored around the kitchen like today’s “rice cribs,” and must have been part of the daily diet. They must have been stored in earthenware and stored around the kitchen like today’s “rice hibi,” and must have been used as a daily staple food. Rather, it is imagined that the men ate it as a “one-pot dish” with animal protein sources such as salmon and Ezo sika deer acquired as a result of their hunting and fishing activities. Grains seem to have played a leading role in the porridge, which seems to have permeated the people’s palates.
The scene of men and women supporting each other’s livelihood through their frantic production activities rises up in my mind. On the other hand, they probably had information and knowledge about rice cultivation in the mainland society. It is said that in the Ainu marriage rituals of later times, there was a custom of “eating a full meal of rice. It can be imagined that there was a unique mentality toward rice, an “imported product” that could not be produced on the island of Hokkaido.

【1000年前のサケを獲る暮らし 札幌の「擦文」遺跡探訪-2】




English version⬇

The Life of Catching Salmon 1,000 Years Ago: Exploring Sapporo’s “Abrasive Culture” Ruins-2
Abundant fall salmon fishing and traces of trade with Honshu society have also been unearthed. We also imagine the existence of tensions that gave rise to the Abenohirau expedition. The…

The site is about 4.5 km from my house, which is an hour’s walk or less than 10 minutes by car. It is truly “dark under the lighthouse,” and I am amazed at my own foolishness in walking from place to place all over Japan (laughs). But, well, such is life. I would like to rethink this in a positive direction. I would like to start thinking about the economic activities and livelihood in those days in an environment that has the advantage of a guaranteed climatic identity.
The period from the late 600s to the 1100s AD in Hokkaido was the period of the Abrahamic Culture.

The site was a concrete visualization of “salmon fishing” as many piles were found in the river bottom topography. The site is located along the Kototoi River, a tributary of the Ishikari River. The ease of catching salmon and the abundance of fishing must have been an important factor in determining the best location for the people of this period to make a living. The illustration shows a river that is estimated to be about waist-deep in water. Considering the width of the river, this area must have been an optimal environment.
The main product of the area is thought to have been large quantities of processed dried salmon. The traces found in the above figure indicate a large number of animal protein sources and plant nutrients. I will discuss the numerous sources of plant nutrients later tomorrow, but the traces of a truly rich dietary life have emerged.

It has been confirmed that a large settlement was established in this area facing the Kototoi River.
Wooden tools for daily life, made from cedar and other wood that was incompatible with the vegetation of the area at the time, have even been found at the ruins. This visualizes the establishment of “trade” with Honshu society.
Rivers were naturally connected to the transportation network by boats. It is natural to imagine on what scale and with what kind of network these trading relationships were conducted. According to the research of Mr. Takuro Segawa, an acquaintance of Hokkaido archaeology, these trade relations with Honshu society were strained by the “Okhotsk culture people” who later advanced into the area, which triggered the northern expedition of Abenohirau. There are also traces of a struggle between Abeno’s army and the Okhotsk culture people on Okushiri Island.
If we believe this theory, it would be evidence that the trade relationship between Honshu society and the Abrahamic societies had already been established by the mid-600s. In this context, what was the position of these communities in the Sapporo area?
Although this is the “history” of Hokkaido, where no written records have survived, and where the geographical location of my family is very close, we can imagine a variety of circumstances when we consider trade as the main axis.

【1000年以上前のわが家周辺 札幌の「擦文」遺跡探訪-1】



English version⬇

Exploring the “Abrasive Culture” Site in Sapporo, Hokkaido, over 1,000 years ago.
The history and life of people are visualized in a realistic way right under our noses! It is a pleasure to be able to compare and contrast with the ancient times in the Honshu area. The “Rubbun” site is located right next to our house.

I have been organizing the large number of photos I have taken as part of my “life after death” as an information media person. Basically, it is the photo data that I have been taking as my interests dictate, but when I started, I was surprised at the sheer volume. I realized how much effort it would take to organize this data into a separate set of basic data (I cried).
However, since this is my own reorganization, and since I am reliving what I have done in the past, I am able to clearly see where my interests lie. It takes time and effort, but it is also meaningful because it brings new insights.
In the midst of all this, I discovered a photograph taken by the Sapporo City Archaeological Center.
It is quite stimulating for me to dig up human records from a time when there were no written records, and to grasp the facts from the aspect of housing and daily life. As I proceeded with the confirmation work, I was surprised to learn that this buried cultural property was discovered on the campus of Hokkaido University, about 2-3 km from my house, in the area of the “Kotoni River” flowing from the Miyanomori area where I often take a walk to the direction of Hokkaido University, in Kita 23-jo Nishi 14, Kita-ku, Sapporo City. I was suddenly turned on to organizing the exhibition.
In the exhibition, the results of the excavation were incorporated into a diorama, clearly indicating the lifestyle and way of living.
Hokkaido at this stage, from the late 600s to the 1100s A.D., is in the “Scrubun period,” a slightly developed phase from the post-Jomon period. Basically, it was a period when hunter-gatherer society continued. Eventually, with the establishment of the Kamakura shogunate, Hokkaido was recognized as a region under its direct control, although it did not have much substance. A period that continued into the Ainu cultural period. What had previously been “pit dwellings” were transformed into “flatland” dwellings during the Ainu period. This change in housing form is very interesting, and I believe it is connected to the riddle of the existence of the Ainu people.

The following is a description of the site. The K39 site is located in and around the Hokkaido University campus along the old Kotoni River, and was surveyed from 1996 to 1999 in conjunction with the reconstruction of the “Ring Road” in the city. As a result of the survey, we found the remains of a pit dwelling from the Aburumon period, the remains of a fire, earthenware, iron swords, axes, and amber beads, as well as some foodstuffs such as millet, millet, Japanese millet, salmon, Ezo sika deer, and Japanese mussels. In addition, a row of piles (fishing piles?) driven across the river were found at the site of an old river. A large amount of textile products such as boats, arrows, pestles, containers, chopsticks, combs, stakes, weaving tools, weights, candlesticks, ropes, twine, and straw sandals were also excavated from the old river site. It is rare to find wooden products and other perishable household utensils in such large quantities, and this is a clear indication of the way of life at that time. <Summary
The diorama at the top shows a pit dwelling of the period. It is quite large, and you can see that a large amount of plant food was stored in textile “bags.
Therefore, we would like to try to have a dialogue with our ancestors more than 1,000 years ago using the diorama and excavated items as materials.

【早朝気温−1.2° 結氷進むなかの水鳥たち】




English version⬇

Early morning temperature -1.2°, waterfowl in the midst of ice formation.
As the first humans of the digital age, we have acquired a rare environment in which scenes of our lives can be restored. How can we make the most of this advantage? The…

It is said that continuity is the power of mankind. I have been writing this blog on a variety of themes, such as casual daily records, talks with nature, and reports on the latest research on housing. Thanks to your support, I have been writing this blog for a total of 18 years since I started in August 2005. Having lived my life as an ordinary person without a doubt, the only thing I can do is to continue.
As such, my work environment has been changing, and I am working on organizing my information. I have been traveling all over the country, and in between, I have accumulated a lot of “interview photos” on the two themes of history and living environment. Some of them are reflected in my blog posts, but many of them are tucked away in the back of my records cabinet. No, rather, it is overwhelmingly a group of photos that have been sleeping.
It is a strange thing that the atmosphere of the scene comes back to you with a strong impact, even though you were unconsciously taking the picture at the time when you clicked the shutter. A small photograph can restore such memories.
The accumulation of photographs has continued deliberately, little by little, since the 2003 visit to the Yoshinogari Ruins. As a matter of course, human behavior patterns express certain regularities and preferences. As the person who knows them best, I can understand their thinking patterns and feelings.
But if you think about it, it seems that we were the first humans to record such things. This is a result of the very convenient tool of digital recording. And we have also acquired the ability to use computer tools that allow us to organize them.
When we are organized, the year 2020 is a gaping hole. You have had the entire society forced to “shut down” due to the new Corona’s ebb and flow, and personally, you have had a digital data loss incident. An electrical accident caused the loss of photo data from some of the years.
But, since I have continued blogging about it as well, a minimum data trace is represented as a blog post. Some image processing and other procedures may be necessary, but “piecing together” has become possible. So, I would like to organize them and make a new challenge by using the photo editing that only modern people are now able to do.

Oops, the photos and the blog post are not linked at all (laugh).
The photos are taken on my daily walk, and they appear here and there, but yesterday I saw waterfowls for the first time in a long while. The pond is starting to freeze over, but they are still active on the remaining surface of the water. I had the impression that the family was probably congregating as much as possible. It was as if they were talking to each other, saying, “Let’s get through the cold winter with each other’s body heat.

As we approach the winter solstice, the angle of the morning sun’s rays changes, and only the slightly higher mountains shine with a dazzling golden light. Nature conveys various kinds of beauty to us, doesn’t it?





English version⬇

Ishikari Hamamasu round trip
A relaxing weekend at a one-day hot spring spa. The natural scenery healed me after a long absence, and my mood was liberated. However, brown bears have also expanded their range of activity. I reconfirm my sense of distance from the natural world. The day trip

Today, I’d like to take a quiet moment to talk about house-hunting.
In modern life, a day spa is an established punctuation mark of life. The Japanese are bath-loving people, and perhaps the most significant feature of this is their public bathhouse culture. The large bathtubs and open environment are unbearable for bath lovers.
For this reason, various bathing facilities in metropolitan areas are providing elaborate bathing environments for holiday visitors. Building equipment manufacturers are also paying attention to how the market for unit baths will evolve in the future, given the trend toward higher costs for detached houses, which will inevitably lead to higher prices. If we simply consider the cost performance, if we have to take a “bath outside” for two days on weekends, we will only be using it for “getting ready” during our five-day working hours. The mood of the room was a standoff with “Why not use a hot-spring bath on weekends?
If the house baths are cancelled and only shower booths are used, there will be room for cost reductions. This is an interesting future market trend.
Oops, I’m getting off topic (laugh).
As you may have guessed, I too have been going to hot bath facilities on weekends. What makes my enjoyment even greater is the occasional “environmental change. Driving to a different bathing facility than usual is a pleasure. People my age are the first generation of the car society. We have lived with the car, which has maximized “freedom of movement” as a result of human evolution. Although the “elderly” are now being harshly treated in the lessons for license renewal, I would like to remain obedient and maintain my freedom of movement as much as possible.
Yesterday, my wife was extremely busy, so I took a drive alone. It had been several years since I had been to a day spa in Hamamasu, Ishikari City, and back. On the way there and back, I was comforted by the scenery typical of Hokkaido, which I love.
The photo above is a distant view of Mourai in Ishikari City, which is the starting point of the Sea of Japan Oloron Line on Route 231 from Sapporo. The encounter with the scenery for the first time in a long time instantly brought back a sense of comeback (laugh).

An early winter day with clouds like yesterday’s is also quite profound. In Spielberg’s “Encounter with the Unknown,” a mountain with a similar shape was designated as a “landmark” for the earthlings in their inspirational communication with the aliens.
On the way back, the view from Atsuta facing Ishikari Bay with the Shakotan Peninsula side in the distance.

However, when I asked the staff at the warming facility, they informed me that brown bears have been reported very frequently this year. In addition, there has been a series of sudden attacks by groups of Ezo sika deer. Nature is a dynamic and ever-changing place, and its aspects are changing in various ways. We must always keep in mind the optimum distance from nature.

【6世紀後半の「香取海」周辺地理 千葉芝山古墳探訪-5】



English version⬇

Geography around “Katori-kai” in the late 6th century: Chiba Shibayama Kofun Tomb Exploration-5
The ground for the Kashima and Katori warriors was chosen as the base for the “conquest of the barbarians” in the Tohoku region, and Minamoto no Yoshiie attacked beyond the Nakoso no Seki barrier. This is an exploration of the history of the area where they were based. …

In this blog series, I have tried to consider the reality of the period as much as possible in line with the findings from the exhibition at the “Shibayama Kofun Tomb and Haniwa Museum” in Shibayama Town, Chiba Prefecture. The figurative “haniwa” (a straw figure) has been a source of inspiration for Professor Hidemichi Tanaka of Tohoku University, and has been used as the basis for his Jewish theory, but the local museum has carefully avoided going into depth about such expressions.
The exhibition is composed of various exhibits based on the physical evidence accumulated from archaeological findings that have been confirmed as of now.
I am strongly interested in the overall geography of the Katori-Kai and Kashima Shrine, which stretches from the central part of Boso and the Pacific coast to the north. In ancient times, Katori and Kashima, the three shrines in the eastern part of Japan, were named in the Kojiki, the oldest extant chronicle of Japan, as “warrior gods” through this region, and I am strongly interested in their position as a “base of departure” to the northeast.
As a broad understanding of Japanese history, the diplomatic response to the Sui and Tang dynasties, which were powerful states established on the Chinese continent, had a profound effect on the consolidation of power in Japan, and the Yamato kingdom, which had been centered in the Kinai and western part of Japan, gradually sought to integrate with the eastern regions.
The process of the gradual strengthening of the central government’s dominance over the previously decentralized state and society must also have led to the explicit change in the construction of “anterior posterior circular mounds” in this region.
Japanese history then further developed into a trend of pursuing domestic “barbarian conquest” agendas as a sign of strengthening diplomatic relations with the Sui and Tang dynasties. It is said that the Chinese continental state was a very important domestic persuasion to be powerful against the external enemies of the four circuits. In the original political history of the Japanese archipelago, “harmony is the key to success,” and such conflicts were not the main stream. For the Tohoku region, this was an unreasonable development.
As a result of this trend, the area between Boso and Katori-kai became a “base of operations” against the Emishi.

The area controlled by the “Meno” clan in the Kanto region from Gunma to Tochigi prefectures is said to have been more important, but for a time these areas suffered severe damage from volcanic eruptions and their power declined. For this reason, the Boso side became a more important area.
In later times, Minamoto no Yoshiie, the founder of the samurai class, advanced into the Tohoku region and chose “Nakosuno-no-seki” in the vicinity of Iwaki City as his entry point, indicating that he had armed himself and built up his army in this area. It seems that Yoritomo’s success in regrouping his forces in this area was due to the history and inevitability of this region.
In this sense, the unexplored ancient history of this region is of considerable importance, and I hope to continue to explore and excavate it.

【独特の「ユダヤ的」はにわ造形 千葉芝山古墳探訪-4】



English version⬇

Unique “Jewish” Haniwa Formation Chiba Shibayama Kofun Exploration-4
It is possible that a variety of ethnic groups settled in the Kanto region in ancient times. The haniwa sculpture is reminiscent of the Jewish people, but it is inconsistent with the fact that no other historical traces are found. …

We have been thinking about the Tonozuka and Himezuka burial mounds, which are assumed to have been constructed as symbols of the authority of the Kuninoyakko of Musa in Boso, but what is inevitably puzzling is the unique expression of haniwa (straw hatchet) modeling unique to these burial mounds.
This is the basis for the aforementioned assertion by Professor Hidemichi Tanaka of Tohoku University, but so far, there seems to be no more obvious evidence than the recognition of a shape identity. However, it is clear that the ancient Japanese society must have been a society that accepted a variety of frontier immigrants, so we cannot assume that this is a completely ridiculous theory. It is possible that people of a certain costume culture settled in the region and quickly shaped their own cultural customs. However, if such a fact existed, then why is there no confirmation of the inheritance of such a fact in the subsequent historical process? Also, why are there no significant traces of such ancestral traditions? In other regions, such facts are often handed down at shrines. Therefore, although the professor’s theory is very exciting and stimulates the imagination, we must wait for the results of further empirical verification of the facts.
On top of that, as shown in the photo above, the types of haniwa excavated at Tono-mizuka and Hime-mizuka seem to be different.
In Himezuka, there are many haniwa statues that seem to be male, as if to protect them, which seems to be a masculine expression of affection to protect women. On the other hand, the Tono mound is said to contain statues of gentle women, large swords, saddles, houses, animals, and boys.
Although the interred person in Tono-mizuka is the lord of the kingdom and in Hime-mizuka the spouse of the lord, we can sense a certain “feeling” in each of them. Since this is a human activity, there must have been some kind of temporary commitment to such an act.

A group of such haniwa were lined up around the tomb. They were not facing the main body of the tomb, but were set up in front of the viewers looking at the tomb. It can be imagined that the person who was buried here, or his descendants, wanted to appeal to the legitimacy of their power to the people who looked at them.
In a time when there were no effective means of communication, they must have thought of various ways to make the people feel a sense of metaphysical value and reverence for the burial mound. The burial mound itself was not only a large-scale civil engineering project, but also an architectural device similar to the castle towers of later times.
I was made to feel that Shibayama Town is continuing its efforts to excavate the cultural aspects of these burial mounds very well and convey them in an easy-to-understand manner to people today.

【古代「国造」権力の見える化 千葉芝山古墳探訪-3】



English version⬇

Visualization of Ancient “Kokuzo” Power: Exploring Chiba Shibayama Kofun Tumulus – 3
There are many ancient burial mounds in Japan, but this restoration of the fashion of the time and events with the participation of local elementary and junior high school students are also a part of the project. This is the vitality of the region. Chiba, Japan

The town of Shibayama in Chiba Prefecture is engaged in a series of activities that specifically address the theme of what ancient chiefs enshrined in ancient burial mounds might have been like. Among them, the “Shibayama Haniwa Festival” held once a year is one of the most energetic activities that the town has continued.
I was unaware of these activities until I visited the local museum, where I learned that on November 12, 2023, the 38th Shibayama Haniwa Festival was held for the first time in five years. Local elementary and junior high school students and others dressed up as ancient people and held ceremonies at the Tonozuka-Himezuka Kofun Tomb, Shibayama Niozonzon, Shibayama Park, and other locations. We were pleased to see that local children also participated in the event. I think this is an attempt to cultivate respect for local history.
The second photo shows the outline of the project. It says that, as well as restoring the excavated haniwa, it will “reproduce the customs of the time” by conducting a rigorous period study based on it.
I think it is wonderful that archaeological research is approaching the world of fashion, such as the diorama of the Stone Age at the National Museum of Japanese History in Chiba Prefecture, which I recently introduced, showing a realistic image of a family, and what kind of clothes people wore, which is very concretely related to the “atmosphere of the period. Even in the Stone Age, women’s search for beauty, which emanates from human nature, is a universal value that transcends time.
For us ordinary people, this kind of visualization evokes a very concrete imagination in an easy-to-understand way. What is not so clear in the text alone is awakened with a powerful impression.

As I mentioned yesterday, the burial mounds are supposed to be inhabited by a local authority called “Kunizo” or “Kuninomyakko. The map of the tombs reveals the existence of the Kunizo of Musa, which brings back a sense of reality beyond the time and space of about 1,500 years.
The succession of regional power and the coronation rites give us a glimpse of the origins of the festival. By impressing the people with such a “rite of passage,” a kind of “agreement” is established in the relationship between the rulers and the ruled. The word “matsurimono,” in its original sense, had a two-sided nature as a “rite of passage.
The town of Shibayama, Chiba Prefecture, has taken the opportunity of excavating such a burial mound and has come up with a very innovative and challenging idea. I imagine that the national project of Narita Airport may have formed the background for this kind of activity.

【権力継承セレモニー「古墳造営」 千葉芝山古墳探訪-2】




English version⬇

Chiba Shibayama Kofun Tumulus Exploration -1
Kofun tumuli were constructed actively until a certain period, and then they were replaced by Buddhist temples at once. I would like to take a macroscopic look at the background circumstances. The following is the background of the construction of the tombs.

As my work position undergoes major changes and I become more conscious of a certain degree of freedom in my environment, I am becoming more and more focused on the sukiya part of my nature. In my case, my main areas of interest are old private homes and old architecture from all over Japan, or more specifically, dialogue with people from the past. My interest is focused on what kind of houses they lived in and what kind of thoughts they had as they lived their daily lives. In my case, the history of the Japanese people.
It is becoming a common theory that the introduction of Buddhism converted kofun tombs into “temples” that played a major role in the history of Japan. The fact that the cultural inheritance of what had been actively built throughout the country until a certain period of time has ceased all together is probably revealing this fact.
The illustrations are from an exhibition at the Shibayama Kofun Tumulus and Haniwa Museum in Shibayama, Chiba Prefecture. The exhibition provided a very clear explanation of why and how the construction of kofun tumuli took place.
The Japanese archipelago had a long tradition of Jomon lifestyle, to which a new revolutionary means of production, rice cultivation, was introduced. At the same time, a completely new industrial revolutionary element, agricultural engineering, was introduced at the same time. In contrast to the hunter-gatherer means of acquiring food, which had been used until then as a plant-managed food resource and production device, it was essential to invest a concentrated amount of labor in mathematical civil engineering modification techniques and in civil engineering work that was necessary to manage water.

Such civil engineering projects naturally required a system to envision and plan the entire project, and to command and mobilize manpower. Therefore, groups of people from all over East Asia migrated to the Kanto region as the new frontier, and they acquired land and settled here as well. The leaders of these groups were naturally equipped with the “power” to control the entire region.
Kofun tumuli express such collective civil engineering projects and the creation of a “power” structure.
Later, with the emergence of a powerful centralized state on the Chinese mainland, it became necessary to integrate these regional powers as an international response. The Yamato kingdom was compelled by the need to unite these powerful domestic powers and to grant them prestige and culture, and it bestowed a variety of gifts upon them.
Ultimately, however, the need for a visible code of conduct that would allow the people to recognize the “legitimacy” of the regional power itself led to the spread of “ceremonial devices for changing power,” such as the anterior-rectangular mounds, to regional powers in various regions.
That is how it seems to me. The labor power of building the tombs was, after all, a ritual of power-shifting based on civil engineering labor to build rice paddies, and it seems to be a figuration of such a ritual.

The fact that the haniwa were arranged around the burial mound but oriented to the gaze of those looking at the burial mound from the outside is a strong reflection of this situation.

【ナゾのユダヤ系?関東入植民 千葉芝山古墳探訪-1】



English version⬇

A Jewish Tomb of Nazo descent? Kanto Settlement, Chiba Shibayama Kofun Tomb Exploration-1
The unique haniwa terra-cotta tombs of Shibayama, Chiba Prefecture, are known for their mysterious formations. We finally visited the exhibition “Shibayama Kofun Haniwa Museum”. A surprising visit to the ancient history. The museum is located in the center of Chiba Prefecture.

Dr. Hidemichi Tanaka of Tohoku University (Japanese art historian and historian. Professor Emeritus of Tohoku University.) However, as an ordinary person, I still feel that it is a bit of a leap, and I would like to see more academic verification of the theory.
As a basis for this theory, Dr. Tanaka strongly points out a group of haniwa (clay figurines) from the Tonozuka and Himezuka burial mounds, which are stored in the “Shibayama Kofun Haniwa Museum” in Shibayama Town, Chiba Prefecture. I was able to visit the museum this year. I was allowed to take photos of this exhibition, so I would like to review them and consider Mr. Tanaka’s romantic theory.
The top photo is a restored male figure, which could be called the main part of the exhibition. The photo below shows a “warrior haniwa” (clay figurine) excavated during the excavation of a burial mound in 1956, which is dated to the latter half of the 6th century.
He wears a wide-brimmed hat (crown) and wears a long, unique “mizura” hairstyle. This hairstyle was one of the first boys’ hairstyles in the Yamato period. The hair is parted in the center of the head and tied in a loop around the ears. In some cases, a comb is inserted into the knot.
This male haniwa with a full beard is typical of the Shibayama haniwa style.
In his theory, Dr. Tanaka cites this style of appearance, especially the “wide-brimmed” hat, as a characteristic of ancient Jewish customs, and uses it as the basis for his own theory. It is true that Japanese people have long continued the custom of tying up their hair in a bun and protecting their heads with a hat such as a crow’s-bill hat. This culture is said to have been influenced by the Chinese culture, but the wide-brimmed hat seems to be unique to the Japanese culture.

The above table shows the chronology of Japanese history and these tumuli, which correspond to the late 500s of the 6th century, the period when the Soga clan’s rule was at its peak in the central part of Japan. The family of this tumulus must have been one of the clans that gained as much regional power as the Kunizukuri in the Boso region at this stage of history.
In the Kanto region, the Boso region is one crossing by sea from the Miura Peninsula, and if one were to go from the Kinai region to the Kanto region, it would be on the main route in ancient times. For this reason, the Boso area had the most burial mounds in the Kanto region. There is no doubt that the Boso area was recognized as the most advanced region in the Kanto region. The Yamato clan was powerful in such an area and had strong ties with the central Yamato royal authority in the form of the front-recessed circular mounds.
It is possible that the Qin clan, which gave birth to Qin Shi Huangdi on the Chinese continent, was allowed by the Yamato kingdom to develop and control this region and settled there. It is true that the Japanese archipelago was the largest frontier in East Asia during this period. Dr. Tanaka’s theory is that the Hata clan may have been a member of the Jewish tribe.
The Hata clan is well known in the Kyoto area, and it is true that they repeatedly immigrated to the Japanese archipelago in waves. This is a blog series in which I would like to consider this theory in my own way. To be continued tomorrow.