



English version⬇

Handicrafts since the Jomon period / Lacquerware House 2 – Kusado-Senken 2023 Revisited-6
Lacquerware is called JAPAN in the world. It is a tradition since the Jomon period, created in the land of wood. With the increase of social productive power, it became a handicraft industry. …

Continuing from yesterday, how “commercial and industrial” businesses of the Hatsugen period were active at the Kusado-Senken site. The basic purpose of monozukuri is to improve our lives. Among them, tableware that decorates our eating habits is the most basic of all. In the Stone Age, stone plates and other such items were used, but since the Jomon, when settlement began in the Japanese archipelago, lacquer was utilized in the processing of wood products as a society in the land of trees.
The following is a quote from Wiki’s description. 〜Lacquer has been used since the Jomon period, and many types of lacquerware have existed continuously until the present day. Lacquerware is thought to have originated in China, and the technique was thought to have been introduced to Japan from the continent along with lacquer wood. However, radiocarbon dating in the United States of America has confirmed that six pieces of lacquer decoration excavated in Minamikayabe, Hakodate, Hokkaido, date back approximately 9,000 years (the first half of the Early Jomon Period), well beyond the 7400-year-old Chinese date. Furthermore, analysis of a lacquer tree branch excavated from the Torihama Shell Midden in Fukui Prefecture has confirmed and proven that it is the oldest in the world, dating back to approximately 12,600 years ago (the early Jomon Period). (Based on these remains and artifacts, it is believed that poison oak was already growing in Japan during the early Jomon Period. ~.
In English, lacquerware is called JAPAN, which means that the world recognizes lacquerware as a craft unique to Japan. As containers for placing Japanese foodstuffs, lacquerware products can be said to be the shirushi of a people. Wooden products, as they are, allow moisture from foodstuffs to permeate through them. As a “waterproof” treatment for wooden products that are readily available, I would like to express my deep appreciation to our predecessors who focused on lacquer, which is also obtained from sap. It reminds us of the depth of the technological tradition of handling wood.
It is wonderful and impressive that the restored dwelling and workshop exhibit at this Kusado-Senken site also focused on these craftsmen and industries first.

It is also interesting to note the existence of a craftsman named Nurishi in this optimal location for product distribution. Lacquer and lacquer wood as raw materials were probably produced far away. Lacquer collected in the mountainous area upstream of the Ashida River in Kusado-Senken, the location of this chuzu, must have been transported here by river transportation. It is also assumed that there is a relationship of trust based on geographical and blood ties. Wooden products, another raw material, must have been a peripheral skill of artisans and craftsmen, as shown by the reconstruction of the workshop of a bansho (carpenter) in the exhibition at the site. The “manufacturing” accumulation of the division of labor structure, or in modern terms, the supply chain, was splendidly established.
A restored diorama of a well-organized workshop conveys even the arrangement of work. The processed lacquerware is arranged on shelves for drying, various tools are laid out on the floor in the workshop, and the containers of lacquer for painting are neatly arranged on the shelves to the right of the workshop. A world of functional spatial beauty.
The lacquerware produced in this way was probably shipped from the Ashida River estuary to the Seto Inland Sea trading area to be sold in the Kyoto-Osaka market. This Seto Inland Sea trading world may have served as the financial foundation for the Heike clan during the Gempei period and as the basis for the anti-Oda forces during the Sengoku period.
The daily life of the people clearly reveals the basic elements of the social structure.






English version⬇

The “Takumi” craftsman’s life / Nuri-shi no Ie 1 – Kusado-Senken 2023 Revisited-5
Machiya life” realism reminds us that the custom of “tidying up” in a small space may have greatly enhanced the “responsiveness” of the Japanese people. …

In the Middle Ages, “fairs” were established on unowned land that was not manor or farm land, such as boundary areas and riverbanks, where people could easily gather and distribute their goods. Kusado-Senken was established at the mouth of the Ashida River, which flows through the center of Fukuyama City and empties into the Seto Inland Sea. The area was located in the center of the Seto Inland Sea trading zone, and the ebb and flow of the large Seto Inland Sea was also favorable in this area.
Craftsmen and artisans began to settle in such an area where people came and went frequently. Today we use the term “tradesmen” to refer to the entire area, but business has probably had such a character since the primitive period. We will visit the homes of these various craftsmen. The first is the house of a “lacquer worker” who finishes woodworking tools that deal with lacquer. Above is an exterior view, but the floor surface of the street is “simply paved” with stones. Perhaps an urban structure designed for vehicular traffic for active cargo movement.
The sliding door entrance is 1 ken wide, with ventilation openings on each side. On the right is the living room space, almost the entire lower half of which is finished with painted walls. On the left side is the workshop space, which has a larger opening. The ventilation element has been enhanced in consideration of the physical movement of the workers. At the same time, it seems to be designed to communicate with the street.

Like the row houses of the Edo period, this one uses one of the “2-house row houses”. This is the interior space of the lacquerware house. On the right side is the family living room, and across the earthen floor is the workshop space. This house will be introduced in two parts. Today is the living room space.

Bent timbers are used for columns and beams, and the walls are painted. The roof is exposed, exposing the structural materials, and there is no ceiling. The area is 1 ken by 2 ken. A sunken hearth is set in front of the earthen floor, and is used as a dining space around the hearth. The floor is covered with wooden boards. A pot is placed over the fire and food is served on dishes. This is the dining scene of the medieval people on their “Hare” day, as best they could. The futon mattress is made of a cottonless mat. Other household goods are stored in their own containers. A desk is set in one corner. This may be a writing desk to record transactions.

A view of the space behind the living room. A water bottle is placed in the earthen floor to support the basics of life as drinking water. On the left side of the room, firewood is stored. This is for the day’s use, and the rest of the wood was piled up outside. On the far right side of the room is a bamboo rack for storing clothes. To the left of it are used knives and a cutting board. Around them, salt and other seasonings were stored in containers.
Once the space for eating was finished, it was transformed into a space for sleeping. The dishes and containers were put away and organized, and then the futon was laid out. The lifestyle culture that responds flexibly to changes in the use of space must have given birth to many characteristics in the Japanese people. It is an expression of the mother of our lifestyle, and is very “nostalgic.

【1400年代・瀬戸内の物流と店舗 草戸千軒2023再訪-4】



English version ⬇

Logistics and stores in the Seto Inland Sea, 1400s, Kusado-Senken 2023 revisited-4.
A jar is equivalent to a water bill in modern times. It is a basic tool for daily life. I am delusional and think that 10 years’ worth of water bill including shipping cost would be reasonable. I am full of delusions.

This exhibit of the city of Kusado-Senken restores and recreates the situation as it was about 600 years ago. It vividly depicts the daily lives of the common people of the town and period from the mid to late Muromachi period.
This was a time in Japanese history when the ancient “tatemae” system of public lands and civic rights hardly functioned in reality, and the “shoen” system of “private ownership” of land became common throughout the country. The “Aki Province Numata Manor” near Kusado-Senken was a manor established by the Numata clan, a development lord, who donated the land to the central aristocracy. As a result of political changes in the central government, the “Rengeoin” of Kyoto became the lord, and the “Kobayakawa,” who later became a military commander in the Warring States period, was made the head of the manor.
The manor-governing system in medieval Japan was a multilayered land control structure based on manors and fiefdoms. The local peasants suffered from exploitation by their lords, but at the same time, as their productive capacity increased, they actively demanded a reduction in annual tribute from the lords.
Against this backdrop, a city functioned as a kind of “liberated zone” for trading the “surplus products” generated by the peasants of each manor, and a city of 1,000 houses was established. In such “cities,” Chinese coins were used as a means of payment. This may mean that the budding form of “civil society,” which is connected to the present day, was beginning to be seen in these “cities.
While taking the history class, I felt a sense of excitement as the class approached this period (laugh).

A familiar feeling of monetary economization. The coinage above is about 50,000-100,000 yen per kanbun. To make it easier to grasp, it would be 100,000 yen today, and half of that would be converted to 50,000 yen, 30,000 yen, and so on.
The landing place and the “market” are adjacent to each other, and a simple hut is used as a temporary storage place for unloaded goods. The market place is a thatched hut. This hut is a dug-out pillar structure made of natural wood with no walls. The goods are based on excavated artifacts.
A large jar is placed here. The first requirement for life was to secure water, and it was absolutely essential to store water in each house, even to fetch water from a well. It is self-evident that this was the greatest necessity. General commodities included live fish, dried fish, shellfish, seaweed, salt, and mountain birds. In addition, rice, beans, vegetables, and mats were sold. Oil and earthenware (kawarake) were sold by “swing peddlers,” who carried them around on their shoulders.
The economic principle of “supply and demand,” or human activity as it is, is honestly and fully developed.
I have a family history of feeling this way, and I get a little “excited” when I am in a store where many shoppers gather (laugh). (Laughs.) Having seen history from the primitive to the ancient times, I am finally drawn into the atmosphere of “our time.

【中世の暮らし・女性たちのこだま 草戸千軒2023再訪-3】



English version⬇

Medieval Life and Women’s Stories: Kusado-Senken 2023 Revisited-3
Hey, my husband, he’s so rude! The world of cutting-edge information spreading with the most painful words in the ear (laughter). The voice of the people rises from there. The people’s voice rises up from there.

When we speak of traces of daily life, the main “breath” is the reality and atmosphere of women’s daily lives. In the diorama exhibition at the Kusado-Senken site, the most striking feature is the well area and the concrete traces of water work.
The exhibit shows a “tub” that would have been used for daily washing, and the technique used to make the waterproof, lacquered, and bent items is based on concrete excavation results. Even the clothes-drying area has been carefully reconstructed, and clothes that might have been used as undergarments are hung on the clothesline. The scene of the men relieving their daily stress by talking without reserve to the men at the “well” is echoed in the room.
Hey, my husband, he’s so rude!
My husband is the same as everyone else’s. The other day…”
They would “echo” these conversations throughout the tenement house, as if to show off their sorrows (laughter). (Laughs.) Because they speak so quickly and talk over each other, the men can only hear fragments of the conversation, but it echoes through the town.
The illustration titled “Mortar and Pestle” is a scene from the lives of medieval women. It is probably a scene of daily food processing, in which foodstuffs are processed into powder and cooked, and the women seem to be working with a pestle to “grind” their resentment toward their husbands, while shouting at each other. Thanks, I wonder if it is a self-flagellation (laughs).

The “common sense of life” of the medieval people must have been cradled in the environment of these “machiya” townhouses in the village town of Senken, located at an important node of the Seto Inland Sea transportation system. The active logistics and human flow must have provided information on the evolutionary process of various lifestyles. For the merchants, these evaluations from the marketplace were the “voice of the market” that they could not get enough of.
There is no doubt that the voices of the market would have been the most important norm for them when they made business decisions. The existence of a commercial city in the Seto Inland Sea region, a major artery in the domestic and international trade network, must have been a cutting-edge area where the people’s real senses were being renewed on a daily basis.
Machiya spaces like this one carried an odor similar to that of information, a cutting-edge area in the modern world.
From these areas, this sense of selective information must have eventually reached Sakai, the largest city on the Seto Inland Sea transportation route, and sublimated into the merchants’ sense of value as the voice of the people. While the remorseless evaluation of husbands may have been based on love, the ability to judge other things and people without reservation was refined to an unreserved level.
I am beginning to think that the “western” world of values that is imprinted in the history of the Japanese psyche is the way of thinking and reasoning that was nurtured day by day in the existence of these commercial villages.

【モノ・カネ・情報の交差点 草戸千軒2023再訪-2】



English version⬇

A Crossroads of Goods, Money, and Information: Kusado-Senken 2023 Revisited-2
From the exchange of information on familiar foods to rumors of political and military affairs, information must have been exchanged as a melting pot of the common people in medieval society. ……

Japanese history from the perspective of the people is difficult to find. History is inevitably centered on conflicts and civil wars that are the main “flow” of power transfers, and is told from that perspective. In reality, however, it is the daily lives of ordinary people that are the most important factors in history, and it is the changes and things that do not change that are the most important factors in history.
Castles and other structures such as “Heijo-kyo” and “Heian-kyo,” which involved major civil engineering works, are indeed very monumental, but they do not convey the real voices of the common people. In contrast, the remains that convey the reality of the common people in the medieval period in an easy-to-understand manner are valuable.
The legendary town of Kusado-Senken, mentioned in the mid-Edo period geographical journal “Biyoroku Gunshi,” does not appear on the main stage of history, but as an important point in the Seto Inland Sea trade zone, it must have functioned to ensure the flow of goods. In military affairs, which can be called the extreme end of politics, securing food supplies is critically important for logistics. It is clearer than seeing fire. It is true that “you can’t fight a war if your stomach is empty. Vacant lands and riverbanks facing the flow of oceans and rivers, where logistics are actively carried out, are the best places for commercial trade. Places where one can go to buy anything are extremely valuable.
Kusado-Senken was discovered during renovation work on the Ashida River between the end of the Taisho era and the beginning of the Showa era. However, at that time, the site was never excavated, and it was not until 1961-37 that full-scale excavation work was finally begun, and the name became known throughout Japan. The name was imprinted on Hokkaido boys like a distant thunderbolt.

The figure is a scene from the Ippen Shonin Eaden, which shows people trading in a medieval commercial city. Such scenes could only be seen in paintings such as the pictorial biography. Concrete artifacts were unearthed to bring such spaces into relief. You were able to restore the entire image of the “city” based on empirical evidence based solely on things. Of course, from there, it took a great deal more effort to arrive at a full-scale diorama with a sense of reality.
At Kusado-Senken, Chinese coins such as Sung and Ming coins, “wooden letters” used as “written agreements” for commercial transactions, and ceramics brought as commodities were excavated. A large amount of earthenware, which must have been used to store such “merchandise,” clearly shows the reality of active commercial transactions.
Although the site is located on the middle bar of the Ashida River, goods were brought to the site by people from surrounding villages and “manor” estates, as well as by junks that took goods in and out of large vessels that traveled to and from the Seto Inland Sea. Naturally, there must have been opportunities for people to exchange information with each other, and information from various regions must have been exchanged.
I hear that Oda is in power in Kamigata these days.
“Oh, well, it is widely rumored that Nobunaga will soon become either Grand Minister or Shogun.
Speaking of which, is tempura in fashion these days?
“Oh, it’s a luxury food that requires a lot of oil.
I wish I could listen to such rumors on the streets of Kusado-Senken (laughs). Laughs.

【鎌倉室町期の瀬戸内海都市遺跡 草戸千軒2023再訪-1】



English version⬇

Seto Inland Sea City Ruins of Kamakura Muromachi Period Kusado-Senken 2023 Revisited-1
A very interesting medieval site both in Japanese history and in terms of genealogical research. We will re-experience the atmosphere of the lifestyle and way of life of a logistics port trading center in the Seto Inland Sea. …

We have explored the ruins of Sapporo around 1000 years ago seven times, but we also wanted to consider the ruins of Japanese history in parallel, so we revisited the port ruins “Kusado-Senken” in Fukuyama City, eastern Hiroshima Prefecture.
The Kusado-Senken site is said to have flourished from about 1,000 years ago to 4-500 years ago, while the Abraviation site is said to be about 1,000 years old. The “Senken” is a kind of figurative expression for a medieval city with many buildings and residences, including merchant houses and craftsmen. The Seto Inland Sea trading area has continued to play a major arterial role in Japanese history.
In my own family tradition, I have a deep connection to the Eiga Senken family near Himeji, which is also in the Seto Inland Sea trading zone. When that family fell into crisis, I can trace how they found a way to survive in the trading zone, including Kusado-Senken and later Onomichi, where their family had survived as merchant families. During the Edo period, the family operated a trading house under the name “Agaya” with Onomichi as its base of operations.
It is said that during the Edo period, our family directly descended from a merchant family that ran a trading house in an inn town called Imazu, which is 5-6 km from Onomichi and is halfway between Kusado-Senken and Fukuyama. There is also a grave site of his ancestors here.
Incidentally, Onomichi and this Kusado-Senken area are a short distance of 22-23 km. The city of Kusado-Senken was located at the mouth of the Seto Inland Sea on the Ashida River, which flows through present-day Fukuyama City. There is a record that the city was washed away by a flood in 1673, but it seems to have been an existence linked to Onomichi, which was a short distance away.
The Seto Inland Sea area is the largest “cradle” area for the development of commerce in Japan. It has continued to be a major artery region for logistics by ship to the largest metropolitan area in Japan, Kyoto-Osaka. Kusado-Senken has played a very important role as a relay spot.

Onomichi is a commercial city that has been linked to modern times, but Kusado-Senken, on the other hand, is a “phantom medieval city site. The ruins have been memorialized as the Fukuyama Museum of History “Kusado-Senken Museum” in the castle park in the center of Fukuyama City. The photo shows the full-size restored remains that were permitted to be photographed for the museum’s core exhibit. The photo shows the “way of life of common people,” which is very interesting from the viewpoint of architecture and housing, transcending a period of nearly 1,000 years. The architectural group restored through meticulous research radiates a strong sense of reality. In this respect, unfortunately, there is a huge gap between the Aburibun ruins in Sapporo and the rest of the site.
I have introduced the museum in this blog once before, but recently I had an opportunity to visit the tombs again and revisited the museum again. I would like to introduce the museum in a series of articles, as I have gained various “insights” there.

【土中保存という人類普遍の知恵 札幌「擦文」遺跡探訪-7】


English version⬇

The universal wisdom of preserving artifacts in the ground
Hey, what are you preserving? The old-timers pointed out my lack of common sense. I must learn with humility. I must learn with humility.

I visited the ruins of a lifestyle that was practiced on the island of Hokkaido, a region about 4-5 km from my home, dating back about 1,000 years. As a lover of history, I have always been attracted to the “echo” of layered time and its multi-layered nature when traveling south of Honshu, and I think I finally had the opportunity to experience something beyond time.
People living in Hokkaido probably have a kind of “sense of loss that resembles a sense of freedom. I think we have been repeatedly exposed to the mentality of accepting the fact that we cannot have such a sense of loss clearly, and only seeing it in a positive light, as if “it can’t be helped”.
The lifestyle and culture of modern Hokkaido is based on “colonization and immigration” after the Meiji period, and I believe that the lifestyle and culture of the Honshu region is the foundation of ours.
In this context, these obvious traces of lifestyle and cultural practices are very interesting. Many of them are things that can be experienced, but some are not.
One such culture of life is the universal human wisdom of “food preservation using burrows in the ground”. This lifestyle was represented in several of the dioramas.
In our modern urban life, this is a little-neglected wisdom, but especially in the cold climate of this region, it was used as a measure to preserve food by taking advantage of the constant temperature and humidity in the soil. However, I am not sure what kind of food was stored in the diorama alone, and my imagination is lacking, so I was very curious to know more.
The depth of the soil is about 1m or more, which means that the annual average temperature in this area of Sapporo is about 25°C. This means that the soil is about 1m deep. This would have maintained the average annual temperature of about 8 degrees Celsius in Sapporo, and also preserved a certain level of humidity. On top of that, since there is no direct contact with the air, the progress of decomposition is suppressed.
In an era without electric refrigerators, this was surely the ultimate method of food preservation.
From the look of the bag, we can confirm that it is made of cloth and is about 1 meter in size. This means that animal protein sources such as salmon, which would have been abundant in the area, would have been more reasonably preserved as smoked or dried food, so we can imagine dried grains. Could it be millet or foxtail millet, as mentioned before?
Well, it is very enjoyable to think of it as an opportunity to talk with the local people of the past by stimulating their imagination. What are you preserving?” “Haha, you don’t know that, you ignoramus!
(laughs)” Conversations like this. Personally, I love being immersed in this kind of fantasy (laugh).

【北方日本の変動要因としての火山噴火 札幌「擦文」遺跡探訪-6】



English version⬇

Volcanic Eruption as a Variable Factor in Northern Japan: Exploration of the Sapporo “Abrasive Text” Site – 6
Volcanic eruptions of Mt. Hakutou and Towada, a factor of change for which there are no written records in Japan or Korea, China. What is the impact on hunter-gatherer societies? ……

Two “variables” that are rarely mentioned in Japanese history or ancient Korean and Chinese history books are the caldera-level eruption of Towada volcano in 915 and the volcanic eruption of Mount Paektu in 946.
Towada is mentioned in a privately compiled history book of the Heian period called Fuso Bunki, which is said to have been compiled by Koen, a priest of Koutokuin Temple on Mount Hiei, during the reign of Emperor Horikawa after 1094. Even at that time, it was 180 years in the “past”. In Japan, Buddhist temples and other records served as media and historical records.
The Towada eruption left clear traces in the surrounding strata, and geological evidence of the damage has recently been confirmed. In the Akita Prefecture area, it is clear that a pyroclastic flow swallowed a dwelling built with timber from the 912 eruption. Considering the scale of the damage, it can be estimated that it would have had a considerable impact on the historical development of the ancient Northeast region.

The eruption of Mt. Paektu, on the other hand, is said to have had a stronger impact on the Hokkaido region.
Although geologically dated as a very “recent” volcanic eruption on a global scale, there are almost no records of its occurrence in Japan, China, or Korea. However, as shown in the figure above, there are clear stratigraphic records of volcanic ash fall. Unfortunately, there are no clear written records, especially for the Aburibun period on Hokkaido Island, but it must have been a major factor in the fluctuation of the island. The eruptive sedimentary layer has been identified as an extremely rare stratum in Tomakomai.
It is clear that we, as an agricultural culture, do not have a clear imagination about the impact of such a change on the economic structure of hunter-gatherers.
The westerly winds coming across the “warm sea” of the Sea of Japan have made the northern part of the Japanese archipelago one of the snowiest regions in the world. Aomori and Sapporo rank first and second in the world in terms of cities. Perhaps Hokkaido’s northeastern region is unique in its climatic conditions of snow cover and cold temperatures.
These conditions are not often recognized.
In addition to these regional characteristics, the largest eruptive ash fall since the beginning of history hit the Abravaean society far across the Sea of Japan. Guided by geological and archaeological findings, we would like to excavate the lives of people in the past and discover the “wisdom” of their survival.
We in Hokkaido are under tremendous pressure from environmental factors as a factor in housing. However, I would like to think positively that being an advanced area in terms of challenges will also be the greatest incentive for technological development to overcome such challenges.

【宗教と葬送in狩猟採集社会 札幌「擦文」遺跡探訪-5】



English version⬇

Religion and Funeral Service in Hunter-Gatherer Society: Exploration of Sapporo “Rubbun” Site-5
The death of a member of society is expressed in accordance with its importance, but on Hokkaido Island, mass grave sites are predominant. Furthermore, what is the meaning of the continued culture of clay figures? …

It is indisputable that the death of a human being is a painful event for the society to which he or she belongs and for his or her family. However, the way of mourning and the path of repose differ depending on the social stage of the society.
Basically, we live in a world of values within the framework of Japanese society. Within that society, we are sublimating the values of all the local communities that have been integrated into the nation-state. Therefore, we can imagine that the Paleolithic-derived hunter-gatherer society also exists in the world of consciousness.
We should take such an approach as to search for the origin of the evolutionary process of the spirit, which is a subconscious form of the souls of the dead, many of which have the custom of being reposed in “stone” as an expression of the souls of the dead. This approach may reflect the long spiritual history of mankind during the Stone Age.
Post-agricultural societies have had a comparative “sense of disconnection” with clay figurines. The majority opinion of historians is that they are a cultural tradition that is an outgrowth of the “prayers” of pre-religious societies. In particular, the expression and posture of the above clay figurine found on the island of Hokkaido shows a unique respect for the dead.
In “Japanese” society south of Honshu, the burial of the dead became an expression of the differentiation of status and class. From mass graves, the burial mounds of those in power were constructed, and this led to the figuration of “front-rear round tombs” as a silhouette of the Yamato royal union. This went too far, and the establishment of a centralized state coincided with the introduction of Buddhism, which led to the construction of temples.
However, with the exception of a small portion of Hokkaido Island (Kofun tumulus in the Ebetsu area), the Kofun culture did not spread, and the Jomon-derived funerary practices continued, as did the use of clay figurines. Clay figurines were not only a form of mourning for the dead, but also a form of prayer for new life, and for women’s pregnancy and childbirth. The two aspects of life and death were paralleled.

However, as we have already seen, the cutting-edge lifestyle culture represented in the craftsman’s work illustration above also flowed into Hokkaido’s abraded society through active trading activities. The illustration shows “cutting-edge” technological wooden vessels of Japanese society at the time, such as the “tub,” which was known as a “kenkemono” (curved object). These products were an indispensable part of the lifestyle and culture of the Abravaean society, and are said to have penetrated deeply into that society. The fact that the species of wood used as the material for these wooden products is clearly not native to Hokkaido, and the fact that such craft culture is not found in the Abravaean society at all, makes it clear that they were the result of trade with Japanese society.
If this is the case, one wonders if there was any exchange at all in terms of funerary rituals, a spiritual and cultural practice that is fundamental to human society. It is also likely that intersexual romance and mixed blood were common.
The funeral style known in Hokkaido Island society since ancient times is the shuutsutsumi tomb. This is considered to be a large-scale mass grave, in which a circular pit is dug into the ground and the dug-up earth is piled up in a ring around it to form a large doughnut-shaped peri-dike, within which multiple graves are placed.
It is obvious that there is a strong correlation between the tomb system, the social system, and its philosophy. I ask myself whether we modern people also have psychological roots in this kind of tomb system.

【狩猟に生きる神々しい世界 札幌「擦文」遺跡探訪-4】

アイヌ期の日本社会との「交易品」のひとつとして「熊の胆〜くまのい」がある。熊の胆汁(胆嚢)を乾燥した。熊の「胆のう」。 胆のうの中に入っている結晶を細かく砕いて服用する。 胆汁酸代謝物のタウロウルソデオキシコール酸が主成分だと。


English version⬇

The Divine World of Hunting: Exploring the Sapporo “Scrub Artifact” Ruins – 4
Close encounters with the wild teach us a world of empathy with their hearts. It is a world of power that uses everything, and a world of deep beauty. The world of beauty.

One of the “trade goods” with Japanese society during the Ainu period is “bear’s bile – kuma-no-i. Dried bear bile (gall bladder). Bear’s “gall bladder”. The crystals in the gall bladder are broken into small pieces and taken. The main ingredient is tauroursodeoxycholic acid, a bile acid metabolite.
The use of animal gall since ancient times is found in the West (Greece, India, and Saracen), and it is assumed that medicines from the West were introduced during the Tang dynasty. It was gradually added to pills and other preparations during the Tang and Song dynasties. Xiong gall’s effects include an increase in the hepatic concentration of bile acids and bile flow through its diuretic action. It has a stimulant effect, acting on hepatocytes to promote bile secretion, and a cholecystokinin effect, pushing bile through the intrahepatic bile ducts to the common bile duct.
In Japan, it has been used since the Asuka period (710-794) and was frequently used as “kumanoi” in the early Edo period (1603-1868), and it became an indispensable ingredient in medicinal preparations. It is a very nourishing and tonic “crude drug.
If hunting is to be a viable survival strategy on Hokkaido Island, there will always be contact with brown bears, which are large adult animals. Hunting with arrows and spears made from various stone tools, rather than guns and other lethal weapons, would have been a very dangerous occupation. In a close encounter such as the one in the diorama, it seems almost impossible to respond with arrows. The Ainu cultural custom of respecting the brown bear seems to be an expression of the difficulties of hunting.

Just the other day, on my way home from Chitose Airport, I encountered a herd of Ezo sika deer as I was driving my car to get on the highway. Well, it was only a few deer, so there was no particular difficulty, but when I was driving around Hokkaido covering housing, I once encountered a large herd of them at Lake Mashu. It happened to be a certain distance away, so there was no danger, but a sudden encounter with the wild was a unique experience. The overwhelming sense of life of the swarm was strangely etched into my mind in the “silence.
The divine atmosphere comes to your whole body at once. It is aptly described as “blood rushing. In the beauty of the serious expression in the eyes of wild animals, there is something that makes us recognize each other. There comes a moment when we, as wild animals, see them as our sacred counterparts. It is a world guided by instinct. Perhaps such a spirit is something important.
A society based on agriculture is a world of elaborate calculations, but a hunter-gatherer society must have a completely different system of values. It is a beautiful world, and I am deeply impressed by it.