


English version⬇

Snow removal may be a trigger for attachment to the house…
The “dialogue” between northern houses and snow is a fate that cannot be escaped. Is it a challenge to be overcome, or a flexible response? It is also a matter of attachment to the climate. …

Yesterday was the first time in a long time that we experienced a small “snow flurry. The depth of snow around our house was 25 cm according to the “depth of snowfall in Sapporo” announced by the Japan Meteorological Agency. In terms of physical sensation, it felt like a normal winter snowfall, but in reality, this was the first time I had to shovel snow this winter.
So, yesterday, I reported on the mentality of northern people in dealing with such snow shoveling work. Around my house, everyone was engaged in snow removal work in their own way. Unknowingly, we realize that a lot of information is exchanged through such scenes. Needless to say, this kind of scene is repeated every winter, so it is a silent reminder of what is going on in our neighborhood.
The truth is that when our house was newly built 32 years ago, road heating was attached and there is hot water circulation piping under the brick-paved road surface. We actually had it running for 1-2 years, but in order to keep the road surface melting snow, we need to keep the “perfect snow melt” conditions. In this case, it is necessary to predict the time of snowfall and keep running in preparation. We have installed snowfall sensors, but in reality, the operating conditions are not always as expected. So when we have to make “safe side” driving decisions, it is difficult to control the cost of the kerosene.
In reality, the parking lot is being used as a parking lot, so there is no problem if there is some compacted snow as long as it does not interfere with parking. Furthermore, even if the snow is melted by road heating, the boundary with the public road that has not been paved is rather exposed, and snow removal work must be carefully carried out there to level the road surface condition.
So, for these reasons, the initial decision was gracefully dismissed and human-powered snow removal using human judgment sensors became more reasonable. Everyone was in a similar situation at neighboring houses, etc.
The exterior of my house looks like the photo, but the brick flooring is obscured by the thin layer of compacted snow, which gives it an interesting beauty when the melted snow surface appears from time to time. This is not a bad thing, as there is a sense of encounter, as if to say, “Oh, how are you? In terms of appearance, the “lightly covered with snow” atmosphere is generated, as shown in the photo. It seems to be honestly in harmony with the sense of the season.
It makes me feel as if it constitutes one of the hidden attachment feelings of houses in Hokkaido and northern Japan. In the material composition and coloring of our house, we were conscious of a kind of “dialogue with the snow. By checking the snow cover every winter, it becomes an “opportunity for attachment” in itself.
I have been living in this house for about 32 years, and I find myself becoming more and more “sukiyori.
I fantasize that it is possible to have such a strange sense of attachment (laughs). Houses can make us realize various kinds of enjoyment, can’t they?

【年末最終週の札幌、雪かき本格化かなぁ 🎵】

写真は12/27 午前4時前に撮影したものですが、道路除雪の様子からは降雪はたぶん昨日の夜になってからのようで市の除雪車が入ってその後はあんまり降っていない様子であります。その下のように天気状況図を確認してみると、わが家周辺には昨晩20時以降、活発な雪雲が出張ってきていることが確認できた。

これらは15年くらい前にドップラーレーダーに換装され、雨雲の位置の他に移動速度もわかるようになった。このため、気象庁の降水予想は高精度となり、数kmのオーダーの分単位の細かい予想が可能になっている。リモートセンシング技術と解析技術は、10年単位で革新され、われわれは知らず知らずのうちにその恩恵にあずかっている。 by Shigeru Narabeさん。〜

English version⬇

Sapporo, the last week of the year, is the snow shoveling in full swing 🎵.
The winter general of semi-“Boomerang snow” has arrived. I have been living in a detached house in snow country for more than 50 years. When it snows, it turns on my DNA. The roar of the snow removal warriors! ・・・

When I woke up early this morning, the view in front of my house was as you can see.
I had been plowing since the beginning of December, but finally I had to start shoveling snow in earnest.
The photo was taken before 4:00 a.m. on 12/27, and from the look of the street plows, it seems that the snow probably started falling last night, and not much has fallen since the city’s snowplows arrived. Checking the weather map below, I could see that there was an active snow cloud around our house after 8 pm last night.
It was a semi “heavy” snowfall. It was the kind of snowfall that came suddenly and ended up falling without lingering. The forecast also shows a chance of snowfall until mid-morning today, followed by clear skies.
Well, General Winter, I guess you could say I have a light greeting for you.
Recently, I have been indulging in a series of visits to the Kusado-Senken site in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, a warm climate area. Many of you seem to have taken a new interest in the site and have responded favorably to my posts, but I am going to take a break for now.
Although I have strong family ties to this area, I myself am a native Hokkaidoan. When the snow falls, there is a part of me that naturally turns on inside of me. I have been living in a detached house for more than 50 years, and although there are differences among people, I think we all share the same sense of “destiny” for snow removal work as people from snow country.
So, since I will probably spend about an hour or so immersed in the snow removal work, I’m going to lighten up on my blog writing today due to time constraints. Let’s do it, shall we?

P.S.: I finished removing snow from 3 areas (in front of my house and office, and 2 parking lots) in about 1.5 hours. While I was relaxing, a reader posted a wonderful “explanation/explanation. It is easy to understand and scientific, so I am reprinting it here with your permission.
〜The city of Sapporo basically waits until the snowfall is over before going out to remove it. For this purpose, a weather radar located at Mt. In addition to these radars in Hokkaido, there are also weather radars at Yokotsudake in Hakodate and Kombumori in Kushiro Town, which allow real-time monitoring of precipitation and future estimates of a few hours to be viewed at any time from the JMA website.
These radars were converted to Doppler radar about 15 years ago, and now provide information on the location of rain clouds as well as their speed of movement. As a result, the JMA’s precipitation forecasts have become highly accurate, and minute-by-minute detailed forecasts on the order of several kilometers are now possible. Remote sensing and analysis technology has been revolutionized over the past decade, and we are unknowingly reaping the benefits of these innovations. by Shigeru Narabe. ~





English version⬇

The Different Kinds of People Gathering in a Medieval City – Kusado-Senken 2023 Revisited – 14
I am going to be drawn to the area of historical diversity society, the state of human existence and housing, architecture and cities. What shall I do (laugh) …

This year was a milestone year for me personally, and I believe that people today will inevitably be required to live in various stages of life as a way of “coping. I strongly felt that way.
Generally speaking, it is something like “life after old age. I have yet to reach such a landing point, but I am gradually becoming more and more attracted to the idea of building on what I have done so far and thinking about things that I did not have time to notice when I was in active service.
It is not necessarily something that I have “left undone,” but I would like to explore in my own way, guided by such a feeling.
Things like this exploration of Senken Kusado are things that I have yet to sort out for myself, and I am not sure why I am so strongly attracted to them or what their implications are. But I am strongly interested.
So I have done a little marketing research, and I am getting some interesting responses from readers. Perhaps there is something we can share in the “way of life” of our predecessors?
The illustration above is a part of the “Yutsu Nenbutsu Emaki” (scroll depicting the Buddha) from the middle Muromachi period (mid-Muromachi period), which was probably drawn in 1417, the same year as the reconstruction of the streetscape of Kusado-Senken. In the asylum of the medieval city, human traces of diverse people, people who are considered “deformed” by the world, are sometimes depicted. Although modern Japanese people are living a proper life in relation to the corporate and capitalist society in a very docile manner, their predecessors were a bit more diverse.

This is a detailed zoomed-in view of the right side of the screen. In the upper right corner are three “thugs” who are believed to be committing gang violence. In Japanese society, “hoodlums” are not so common these days. In a society of unprecedented “labor shortage,” are such “outcasts” being weeded out? The figure on the right is wearing “mise-saya,” a type of geta custom-made by a geta shop, and is dressed in a shoulder-length robe. The figure on the right is said to be holding a “mise-saya” (waist sword).
Below this screen, a beggar is depicted. The expression on his body expresses his desperation. To the left of the beggar is also a “masked” figure. According to historian Yoshihiko Amino, there were many people in medieval society who wore such masked costumes in a dubious manner. According to Yoshihiko Amino, they may have been “non-humans.

This is an enlargement of the screen on the left. The two men slightly above were considered to be “gong-tappers and bowl-tappers”. Does that mean they were “chindon-ya,” or publicity men? The word “ringo” is used to describe this kind of publicity, and I wonder if this kind of technique was developed in medieval cities to advertise to the masses who gathered there. A woman with a walking stick in a straw hat and a woman carrying a child on her back can also be seen in the scene. There are also rogues like the one on the upper right, but I wonder if the “eyes of others” also had a security effect in medieval cities. I feel that I am being led more and more to this kind of historical diversity of society and the relationship between human existence and housing, architecture, and the city.




English version⬇

[Agricultural Production and the Anthropocene Topographic Transformation – Kusado-Senken 2023 Revisited – 13
Agriculture necessitated the modification of nature as agricultural engineering. The political system was tested in conjunction with this so that it could have legitimacy. …

Although we have seen the “market” aspect of Kusado-Senken, it goes without saying that the creation of such a “market economy” society was predicated on the premise of increased agricultural productivity in society as a whole.
The hunting and gathering lifestyle that has been the “traditional society” since the Jomon period has been drastically transformed by the continuous anthropogenic landform modification and agricultural land use based on the basic “natural modification” of the Anthropocene, which has revolutionized everything. In terms of population maintenance efficiency per unit area, it can be said that rice-crop-centered land use was critically important in Japanese society.
I believe that a relationship of domination and subjugation emerged with regard to the collective work that was essential to make such agricultural engineering sustainable, and the necessity for a more powerful and efficient power structure grew. The development of the construction of “kofun” (burial mounds) throughout the Japanese archipelago, where massive civil engineering work was indispensable as a device for the initial display of power, probably reflected such basic principles of power structure.
It seems to me that in the Japanese archipelago society, there was a competitive relationship among groups regarding the command and order authority of such agricultural and civil engineering collective labor and its validity and social “conviction,” which eventually converged historically by the people of the Amaterasu lineage. The multiple layers of agricultural activities layered in the traditional acts of the emperor may represent such a process.

In the exhibition description of this Kusado-Senken site, explanatory images about agricultural engineering, as shown above, were also presented. The most basic tool excavated was a wooden “mokko,” a prototypical earth-moving tool. With these tools and a large mobilized labor force, the natural water resources such as the Ashida River system were converted into suitable areas for rice cultivation.
Although the Ritsuryo (law-based) “public-land civic” system was introduced as the initial system of Japanese political society, such a socialist system failed to create people’s “motivation” and vitality for the most basic social development, and eventually the manor-kommunal system (a layered land control structure based on manors and fiefs in medieval Japan) was established. The manor system was a system of donated lands. The manor derived from the donated land manors, and the fief derived from the national government offices. (Based on the theory proposed by historian Yoshihiko Amino.) The Kusado-Senken area became the driving force behind the evolution of society as the most suitable system for Japan. In the area around Kusado-Senken, a manor called “Numata-so” was established and became the base for the development of active production activities, which eventually led to the establishment of this medieval market city.
In later years, under a different national system in Hokkaido, the process that led to the formation of a metropolis such as Sapporo was also experienced during my lifetime. What is important is to maintain harmony between the natural modification and the original natural environment.
Even though Hokkaido has become one of the most prominent agricultural production regions in Japan, it continues to be loved by people around the world as an attractive natural climate. Is it not highly suggestive that Prince Shotoku declared “harmony is the noblest” as Japan’s national motto for political governance by far?




English version⬇

Medieval Upheaval, Cities, and Religion – Kusado-Senken 2023 Revisited – 12
Ippen, the founder of the new Buddhism in the Kamakura period, who created a state of anarchic excitement with his dancing Nembutsu. Buddhism, introduced as a state religion, entered the realm of “people’s salvation. …

It is hard to escape from Kusado-Senken (laughs). Is there a part of your ethnic DNA that awakens with age? I have always had a strong interest in historical studies, and I believe that when we think about housing, we are also deeply inclined toward the “city” or residential environment.
In the Kusado-Senken Museum exhibition, many historical paintings are used as visual materials of the medieval period, and a part of the “Ippen Seine” that I have been interested in for a long time appears frequently. This national treasure, the pictorial biography, is a vivid depiction of medieval society and stimulates unlimited imagination. In my opinion, Ippen (1239-1289) is a predecessor with whom I may have some family connection. He was a descendant of the Ochi and Kono clans in Iyo from ancient times.
Ippen was born as the second son of his father, who had fallen from grace after standing on the side of the defeated Emperor Go-Toba during the Jokyu Rebellion (1221), a period of medieval upheaval. However, it is said that he abandoned his family again at the age of 33 and literally became an ordained priest.
The illustration above is a picture from the Kyoto National Museum showing Ippen’s “Odori Nembutsu” and the “Ippen Seinei” depicting the medieval market of Bizen Fukuoka, which Ippen is said to have visited. When I was digging deeper into Kusado-Senken, I realized that this painting is the most closely related to this Bizen-Fukuoka market in terms of chronological simultaneity. Although it is about 90 km by land according to the modern Google Map, it is located next to the city on the Seto Inland Sea Sea route, and its establishment is thought to be of the same process.
Ippen-san was ordained and left again from Iyo around 1272, which is also roughly the same period in progress as Kusado-Senken’s time estimate. Therefore, it seems that Ippen is highly homogeneous with the medieval city depicted in the picture biography.
I would also like to add that although Emperor Go-Toba is famous for his many visits to Kumano, Ippen also had his greatest religious encounter at Kumano Hongu Shrine after he was ordained. Ippen continued to visit places such as Esashi, Oshu, the birthplace of his father, Tsushin, who was executed in the Jokyu Incident, and eventually created the most advanced culture of the time through his “Odori Nembutsu” performance. It seems to me that he was ordained as a priest while maintaining a strong sense of attachment to his father and ancestors. Is this inevitable for a religion that considers life and death?
We can clearly feel the memories of the upheavals experienced by the medieval people, and the leap in individual spirituality that was triggered by these memories.

It is said that Ippen was applauded by the general public for his dancing Nembutsu. I believe that Ippen’s missionary activities were the climax of the “New Buddhism” of the Kamakura period, and the existence of “commercial and industrial villages” in various regions was highly compatible as a “base” for such activities. The anarchic state of Dharma joy of dancing and chanting Namu Amidabutsu was regarded by the Kamakura Shogunate as a factor of “dangerous mass revolt” and was even denied entry to the city of Kamakura.
Between the existence of the city and the new Buddhism, we find the strong “popular nature” of this period.




English version⬇

[Citizens’ Own Religious Architecture “Mido” – Kusado-Senken 2023 Revisited – 11
The affinity between the city of commerce and religion. The economic activity of trade seems to have been socially compatible with the interrelationship with religion.

A medieval city in the character of “gate city” in the Kamakura – Muromachi historical time, Kusado-Senken is a kind of azir space that does not have the expression of power structure such as land rule or religious rule. Perhaps it is a boundary city with a character similar to Sakai in the Kinai region, but such an existence is an expression of the lifestyle orientation of the common people.
It can be seen that the urban space was created in accordance with the requirements for the establishment of commerce and industry. In the context of such urban planning, the religious building “Godo” can be seen as “so that’s what it is,” as the museum’s research study says.
According to the museum’s research presentation, the following passage is found under the title of “Prayer.
〜Stone and wooden pagodas, copies of the Lotus Sutra, tablets, and kakebotoke have been excavated from Kusado-Senken. These objects suggest a part of the medieval people’s belief in the gods and Buddha during a time of social turmoil and uncertainty in their lives. 〜The site was considered to be a “temple of the gods”.
The people of the medieval period were said to have believed in the gods and Buddha. Human beings will inevitably die. It is only natural that this fact should strongly define the spiritual world of human beings. The externalization and embodiment of life-related emotions, such as parent-child relationships, was recognized as the most important social norm.
Since ancient times, the tradition of mourning for the dead in the form of kofun (burial mounds) has been alive in Japan, and the general public has also continued to worship the dead in communal graves. Buddhism was introduced to Japanese society from the Asian world, and it penetrated deeper into the psyche of the Japanese people than in any other region.
In medieval cities, where the very foundation of existence itself was a “gap” in society, these architectural facilities, which were related to human life and death, were erected spontaneously, so to speak. Of course, there must have been a certain economic leader, a citizen, whose generous donation must have triggered a large number of supporters to establish this kind of architectural space.
In Eiga Senken in the Himeji area, which is also in the Seto Inland Sea trading zone, the missionary activities of the Ikkyu Sect were so successful that a symbol of the people’s rally called “Eiga Godo” was established, but even in this Kusado Senken, which was destroyed by a natural disaster as a city, the germ of such an opportunity Eiga Godo” was a symbol of the people’s rallying. This “Eiga Gōdo” was destroyed by fire during Hideyoshi’s attack on Eiga, but it has been relocated and continues to exist today as the Kameyama Gōdo.
These remains show that in Japan, such asyl spaces and commercial and industrial cities were used interchangeably, with religion as a major mediator.

Among religions, there were differences in doctrines among sects, and new religions that aimed to “save the people” emerged in this period, completely different from those that aimed for strong alliances with the authorities in the capital. Although only the name of the temple, “Godo,” is known at this point, it may have been a base for a specific religious sect, as was the case with Eiga Godo.
It may indicate something about the medieval people’s view of life and death and the state of their spirit. I bow my head in prayer.




English version⬇

[The diet of medieval city people. Canine Eating? ~Kusado-Senken 2023 revisited-10]
Abundant marine products and brown rice with a portion for each family. The seasoning is salt. The excavation results also strongly suggest a canine food culture. The excavation results also strongly suggest the Inu food culture.

The basis of human life is “what we eat. In order to communicate with our ancestors on the island of Hokkaido, it is necessary to understand their hunter-gatherer diet, which is different from that of us modern Hokkaido people. Since we are based on a rice-eating culture, the translation of konnyaku is an important point in this regard.
In this revisit to the Kusado-Senken Museum, we will focus on this area of food culture as a “point of restoration”. As for the development of the blog series, I had just slid over here from the period of the Abrasive Culture of Hokkaido Island, so it was also important to check it out.
Then I was able to check out the very same exhibit as shown in the photo. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. I’m eating a lot of good food (laughs). They have a richer food composition than modern people, and their nutritional balance is well thought out. Well, it is a reconstruction, so it may be a little bit “Hare no Hi” (a special occasion), but it is clear that the menu is based on the analysis of a large amount of excavated artifacts. Fisheries products from the Ashida River and the Seto Inland Sea were abundant on the table. The octopus is seasoned with a heaping helping of salt. Today, it would naturally be “soy sauce,” but such a brewing industry would have been still in its infancy. Conversely, the “salt manufacturing” industry was active in the Seto Inland Sea region. Rice was probably unpolished rather than polished, and each household cooked rice according to their own preference for the amount of rice to be cooked. As we saw the other day, women would have pounded the rice with a mortar and pestle according to their family’s preference.
I have never eaten much brown rice, so I have no idea what the texture was like. However, the side dishes, including the containers and tableware, are not different from those of today. I can feel the happy atmosphere at the dining table in the Middle Ages.

So, here is a table of the results of the analysis of the artifacts, such as plants and animals, that were examined at the museum. It was noted that an unusually large number of “canine” bones were excavated. At first, people imagined that the people of Kusado-Senken were all great dog lovers, but the unearthed canine bones showed obvious traces of “mutilation”.
In short, it was concluded that canines were bred and preyed upon as meat.
Oh, yes. It is said that canine eating culture took root in the Korean peninsula and mainland China, but there was no such common sense understanding in Japanese society. Rather, it was the understanding that Buddhist thought had been introduced and widely accepted, and that the forbidden idea had spread, but this was not the case. Moreover, this Kusado-Senken is the gateway market of a Buddhist temple, Meio-in, so it is a somewhat surprising factual discovery result. It is dark under the lighthouse.
On the other hand, in the world of Seto Inland Sea trade, we can imagine active exchanges with the Korean peninsula area, so there may be a possibility of such an influence. I was somewhat surprised by the traces of canine food culture.




English version⬇

The “Bansho” domestic industry group created by shrine and temple architecture – Kusado-Senken 2023 Revisited-9
The Izumo-taisha shrine pavilion, an ancient 48-meter large wooden structure, was considered a myth, but it has been proven to be a real structure. Visualization of the social “economic” function of shrine and temple architecture. …

Now, finally, the construction group as the most familiar “local manufacturing industry” for the Japanese people. In this Kusado-Senken Museum exhibit, a restored “sakugijo,” a processing site, was displayed under the name of “bansho.
Today, the term “carpenter” is used to refer to this familiar group of builders. Historically, however, “carpenter” was a respectful name for a person who was in charge of a “master carpenter,” a position that united wooden craftsmen. As such a profession, “bansho” seems a more appropriate name for medieval society.
There is no doubt that such a group of building techniques existed in the Japanese archipelago since ancient times. Otherwise, it is inconceivable that large wooden structures such as Sannai-Maruyama, the Izumo-taisha shrine pavilions, and the Yoshinogari ruins could have been constructed. In particular, the Izumo-taisha shrine, which is said to be equivalent to 48 m above the ground, could not have been built with the super high-rise wooden structures of the past. What had been thought to be a “myth” of Izumo’s shrine buildings was confirmed to be a reality when three huge pillars were actually excavated from three huge trees that were tightened together with a metal ring for structural reinforcement.
Such ancient traditions of wooden construction technology must have been deeply rooted in society. On the other hand, the world’s oldest architectural “company,” Kongogumi, has continued to exist for more than 1,450 years until the present day. The Kongo-gumi came to Japan from Baekje as temple construction specialists who were instrumental in Prince Shotoku’s policy of introducing Buddhism. The construction industry as an industry has persisted in Japanese society as a bearer of “public works” such as shrines, temples, and Buddhist temples. I strongly believe that the transmission of these skills is a fundamental asset of Japanese society.

Not far from this Kusado-Senken are the famous old temples and shrines of “Kusado Inari Shrine” and “Meio-in Temple” (in order of photo). The shrine is a high-rise structure that looks like a building, and the pagoda of Meio-in Temple is the fruit of the skill of the craftsmen of that time.
Kusado-Senken was established as a townhouse in the middle of the Ashida River, which is like a “downtown” of these old temples. Incidentally, Kusado Inari Shrine was built in 807 during the Heian period (794-1185), while Meio-in Temple was founded by Kobo Daishi in 807 (Daido 2). This means that the two shrines were constructed at about the same time. Considering the time of construction, it can be imagined that Meio-in Temple, an old temple of the Daikakuji School of the Shingon sect, was the main construction site.
However, there is no doubt that these two major construction projects were decisive factors in the creation and maintenance of the medieval city of Kusado-Senken. It is certain that all the workers involved in shrine and temple construction were concentrated in this city, creating a “gate market” of sorts. It is obvious that a single major construction project can lead to the establishment of all kinds of industries. It is highly rational to live in close proximity to each other when craftsmen in various related construction fields are working together. The fact that such shrine and temple construction projects have been carried out continuously throughout history seems to have formed the backbone of Japan’s industrial history.


〜しばしも休まず 槌うつ響き 飛び散る火花よ 走る湯玉 ふいごの風さえ 息をもつがず
仕事に精出す 村の鍛冶屋
あるじは名高い 働き者よ 早起き早寝の やまい知らず 永年鍛えた 自慢の腕で
打ち出す鋤鍬(すき くわ)心こもる〜「童謡・村の鍛冶屋」

「あるじは名高い 働き者よ」というのは、日本社会がこういった競争を生産者に強いた表現の一種であるのかも知れない。日本の市場が歴史的に培ってきた生産者への創造力刺激パワー。

English version⬇

[The “town blacksmith,” a manufacturer who forges day and night – Kusado Senken 2023 Revisited-8
It continued to stimulate the spirit of “monozukuri” (manufacturing) in both rhythm and melody, the best of all the nursery rhyme songs. The core of the Japanese spirit. …

〜The sound of hammering, the echo of hammering, the sparks flying, the running balls of hot water, even the wind from the blowpipe, breathless…
The village blacksmith, hard at work
A master blacksmith, renowned for his hard work, early to rise, early to bed, never getting sick, his skill trained over many years
The plow and hoe he hammers out, with all his heart – “The Village Blacksmith,” a children’s song
In the history of Japan’s “monozukuri” (manufacturing) industry, it is rare to find an occupation that has been passed down through the generations in a children’s song like this one. The tempo of the melody and the crisp lyrics. I remember being strongly inspired while singing this song in elementary school.
I must have loved it. I think I was made to respect it strongly in the sense that it continued to demonstrate to Japanese children the pride of craftsmen who were “making things” through real labor. Even in the photo, the image of the craftsman using a shimenawa to express a boundary against the main fire power rises to the surface as he strives to make things right in his heart and earnestly, once in a lifetime.
In ancient history, Japan was deeply involved in the struggle for power on the Korean peninsula, including the Battle of Hakuchon River, indicating that above all, the production and securing of iron was a major mission of the Japanese state power and that securing the industry itself was a core theme. Iron manufacturing in Japan is said to have begun in earnest in the 5th and 6th centuries.
When did “tatara iron manufacturing” begin in the Chugoku region? Using the raw iron produced there, “blacksmithing” must have been established as a local industry in areas closer to consumption areas to meet the respective demands.
Basically, it is presumed that agricultural ironware existed as an entity that dramatically increased the productivity of agricultural engineering, and at the same time, military uses such as swords developed in parallel. I strongly believe that this is the industrial foundation of Japan that has led to today’s car industry.

The first and foremost reason for the establishment of Kusado-Senken would have been to provide agricultural machinery to the surrounding agricultural areas. The raw iron produced in the mountainous areas of the Chugoku region was transported to Kusado-Senken at the mouth of the river using the Ashida River system, processed and commercialized at this “ironworks”, and spread to the surrounding areas, and then to large consumption areas such as Sakai through trade on the Seto Inland Sea.
Each product formed its own specialty area, and the kitchen knives of Izumi Sakai, carpenters’ tools of Harima Miki, sickles of Echigo Sanjo and Echizen Takefu, and wood saws of Omi Koga and Tosa Yamada became representative of these areas. Trade probably provided the best testing ground and fair competitive opportunities to stimulate such competition between production centers. Japanese manufacturing industries have always innovated and developed through such fierce competition among domestic industries.
The phrase, “Aruji wa kamihaso hirusha” (“Aruji is a famous worker”) may be a kind of expression of the Japanese society that forced producers to compete in this way. The Japanese market has historically cultivated the power to stimulate creativity among producers.




English version⬇

Japanese craftsmanship: “Geta shop” – Kusado-Senken 2023 Revisited – 7
Footwear and geta have supported the footwear of the Japanese people. Since they were worn barefoot, they gave birth to a lifestyle culture of “rising” from the ground. It may be the source of the sense of home = boundary. ・・・・.

People don’t really think that they themselves will gradually become elderly (laughs). It may sound strange, but it is only when you actually start aging that you come face to face with this reality.
This report on the town houses of Kusado-Senken reminds me of my own experience in Sapporo in the 1950s and 1960s, when the town was full of professional craftspeople called “◎◎ya,” who were engaged in manufacturing in the town. It is a clear indication that the times are changing. The younger generation of Imadokoso probably does not have such a sense of reality. I myself, at the time when I was actually exposed to it, did not think it was such an important element in the town’s memory, but I only learned about it after such an existence had disappeared. So the process of gradual monopolization and oligopoly went on for each type of business, and the original manufacturing businesses in the town were forced to withdraw from the market.
In this Kusado-Senken, I can see the original form of such “lost town houses” that I myself remember from my own experience.
Today, I would like to introduce a “clog maker’s” house that doubles as a manufacturing plant. The earthen floor, a work site, and the wooden-paved living room space coexist in the same space, and the desperate way of life is clearly visualized.
The geta is made of a wooden board with a hole drilled between the thumb and forefinger with a nose strap, and two wooden board teeth are attached to the front and back to ensure holding strength in conjunction with the holes on the left and right sides. Its structure is identical to geta from the Edo period onward. Geta is said to flourish from the Muromachi to the Edo period, and as the Kusado-Senken site machiya, which does not include the Edo period, it is probably a “foot geta.

The process shows the cutting and forming of the board face from a reasonable log, and then heating and drilling the board face. There did not seem to be a clear display of the nose strap.
Traditionally, Japanese people’s footwear was made of this kind of wood material. This is in contrast to shoes made of leather, which became common in Europe. While geta (clogs) may be used in daily life, sandals are said to have been the basic footwear for long-distance travel and combat. Everyone from generals to foot soldiers wore sandals. The basic material was hemp, but there were also straw sandals mixed with twisted cotton. They were tied tightly so that they would not come off easily.
Because of the structure of the house, toes were inevitably exposed, so when entering the house, one had to “wash one’s feet” before “going up” inside. The fact that the entrance of a Japanese house became more than just a doorway, but also a “boundary” space, must have been due in part to the footprint of the house.
In addition, while the “lacquer” house I saw until yesterday had wet-finished painted walls to avoid dust, the wooden flooring in this adder house is so ventilated that the outside can be seen. Although these are townhouse row houses, there are differences in specifications, and it is thought that each builder had his own choice of housing performance.
This makes the relationship between the owner of the tenement building and the renter interesting. Generally speaking, the relationship was probably that of a lease contract. From tomorrow onward, we will also see the construction site of a bansho (carpenter), but it will be interesting to see the relationship between the construction and real estate industries and this Kusado-Senken machiya.