



English version⬇

Cold Climate, Leather Fashion, Women and Needlework
The power that has evolved over the ice age is also in the women’s quest for beauty. The power of the human race’s evolution overcoming the glacial cold period is also the quest of women for beauty. …

While yesterday’s theme was about the passing down of skills between a Stone Age father and son over obsidian, the other side of the diorama exhibit was, naturally, a mother-daughter pairing. Here, the mother and daughter were hard at work making clothing from the “hides” of the animals they had captured and eaten as a family.
In the article by Professor Hiroyuki Sato of the University of Tokyo’s Faculty of Letters, which I introduced yesterday, he writes, “This was a glacial period with cold and dry weather, but temperatures fluctuated violently in short cycles, so people could not rely on plant resources and their main occupation was hunting medium and large animals that repeatedly moved. The description goes on to say.
The Jomon Period was the last period of intense cold and warming, and after the Late Glacial Period ended, the Holocene, a stable warm period, came to the Earth, including the Japanese archipelago. With the influx of ocean currents into the surrounding area, the archipelago shifted from a continental climate to an oceanic climate, and forests developed under the warm and humid climate.
This is how it is described in the text. In the big picture, it is clear that climate change has always been deeply related to human lifestyles and has defined their culture. In the case of the Japanese archipelago, in particular, global warming has caused sea level to rise and the islands to become completely island areas, and at the same time, global warming has brought abundant rainfall from the surrounding ocean, creating a rich forest environment.

Conversely, it is clear that before that time, the climate was continental and “arid,” and animal hunting was the only resource environment that supported life. In this environment, humans developed a culture of clothing. Women, in the main, tanned animal skins and joined them together with a needle and thread to create leather fashions.
The needle was undoubtedly the most important of human inventions. It was thanks to the needle and clothing that humans were able to expand to almost every continent in cold climates. Women are the strongest.
The website of a needle manufacturer, Bankoku Seihin, says: “The oldest needle in the world was found in the Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains of Russia. The needle also has a needle hole for thread, and radiocarbon dating has revealed that it was made 50,000 years ago. The needle is 7.6 cm long and made from bird bone. The needle is thought to have been used for sewing fur to make clothing in extremely cold Siberia. The shape of the needle is not at all different from the needles we use today.”
“Kya, Mom, needles are amazing! Mother, needles are amazing. They could even attach feathers to leather clothes.
Yes, it would look great fashion-wise if you put it on, you have good taste.
From mother to daughter. The evolution of humanity’s sense of beauty in clothing must have been accelerated by the development of women’s sensitivity.



以下、「総論 黒曜石原産地遺跡研究の地平〜東京大学人文社会系研究科・文学部教授 佐藤 宏之/2016 (考古学ジャーナル2014年8月号掲載)」から要旨引用。図はきのうも紹介した北海道遠軽町白滝の「白滝ジオパーク」展示からです。

〜大規模原産地は大型火山噴火口付近で産出するため山地帯に所在する。一方旧石器時代から縄文時代(38,000~11,700年前) の列島での人類活動は、台地や丘陵緩斜面の平坦地で展開されていたため、黒曜石の採取は計画的に行われねばならなかった。この時代は気候に対応して移動を繰り返す中大型動物の狩猟を主要な生業とした。そのため旧石器時代人は、主として平坦地において広域にわたる計画的な移動を伴う狩猟によって生活を維持しながらも、必要に応じて道具の素材として必須の黒曜石を山地帯に採取に赴くといった行動戦略を採用していた。〜

English version⬇

The transmission of technology and the search for useful resources in the Stone Age.
Dad, this stone broke when it was spun vertically. That’s funny! Well, I guess we should go get the obsidian together. A scene of technology transmission between father and son in the Stone Age. A scene from the transmission of technology between father and son in the Stone Age.

The photo is from a diorama exhibit at the National Museum of Japanese History (Chiba Prefecture). It is a very clear and pleasing diorama that symbolically depicts a scene of life in the Stone Age. In the Stone Age, people lived a lifestyle of hunting and gathering while “playing” on the side of humans against mobile resources in the form of animals.
In such a lifestyle, the pursuit of usefulness of stone tools by society as a whole would have been widely pursued. In this scene, a boy is looking closely at a chipped piece of stone tool, probably obsidian, and his father is looking at his child.
The father looked at his son and said, “I wonder why it is chipped and broken like this.
“Oh, I wonder if he is interested in stone tools…” “Maybe it’s time for me to go with him to collect obsidian…”
It seemed to me that the film depicted an opportunity for the father and son to pass on their skills to each other.

Obsidian is considered to be the most symbolic “tool” of the Stone Age. Obsidian, also known as natural glass, was used as the main material for various tools throughout the Paleolithic and Jomon periods, until iron was introduced in the Yayoi period.
The following is an abstract quotation from “General Introduction: Horizon of Research on the Obsidian Site of Origin – Hiroyuki Sato, Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, Faculty of Letters, the University of Tokyo/2016 (published in the August 2014 issue of the Archaeological Journal)”. The figure is from the “Shirataki Geopark” exhibit at Shirataki, Engaru Town, Hokkaido, which was introduced yesterday.
~Obsidian is a volcanic glass formed when magma ejected by volcanic eruptions cools rapidly, and its production areas are spread around the world, mainly in major volcanic belts. Since the composition of magma differs from one volcano to another, subtle differences in mineral and chemical compositions enable accurate identification of its production area. ~ (in Japanese)

〜The large source areas are located near large volcanic craters and are therefore located in mountainous regions. On the other hand, human activities in the archipelago from the Paleolithic to the Jomon period (38,000-11,700 years ago) were conducted on flat areas of plateaus and gentle slopes of hills, so the collection of obsidian had to be planned. In this period, hunting of medium to large-sized animals, which migrated repeatedly in response to the climate, was the main livelihood. Therefore, Paleolithic people maintained their livelihood by hunting, mainly on the plains, with systematic migration over large areas, while adopting a strategy of going to the mountains to collect obsidian, which was essential as a material for tools, when necessary. ~.
The above father and son situation seems to convey this timing situation, doesn’t it? Dr. Sato’s text conveys a comprehensive analysis of climate change, vegetation distribution, and the behavioral principles of the animals at that time, and is truly easy to understand. I believe that the historical correlation between useful resources and human lifestyles can be captured in an active manner.
I feel as if I could see the close relationship between geology and history in this borderline area.




English version⬇

[Sucked in by stone architecture and re-learning “accretionary” geology (laughs)
Ever since I came in contact with Norman Foster’s works, my mind has been sucked in by materials and stones. I am even reviving my predisposition to geology, and it’s not good (laughs).

The other day, I posted a blog post with a weird name, “Gradually getting sucked into stone,” which, contrary to my expectations, received a fair amount of response, which was interesting to me as well. The article was about how the British architect Norman Foster’s design and “creativity” in the level of materiality of the stone materials used in the construction of the Kamakura City Museum of History was interesting to me.
And even though the Japanese have a strong wooden cultural sphere, my home is made of concrete blocks, and I would like to relearn more about stone materials and stone structures. Well, I am worried that I may go off on a tangent full of dogmatism and prejudice because I am studying as an elderly person, but I will be careful.
On the other hand, the beauty of the regional landscape that impressed me so much at the Kumano Sanja shrine that I visited before is actually a remarkable manifestation of “accretionary” strata that occur at the boundary between the continental plate and the Pacific Oceanic plate, and I am now planning to visit the area to experience it again. I am now planning to visit the area again to experience it again.
Furthermore, when I was sorting through the photos of the Shirataki Geomuseum in Shirataki, Engaru Town, Hokkaido, which I have covered in the past, the same keyword “accretionary body” fit perfectly with the description.
Perhaps it was the intention of the stone god (laugh), but my motivation to visit the museum has been growing, as I have learned that the earliest forms of human society were stone tools, and that the earliest houses were probably “caves”.
The unique topography of Kumano was formed by “accretionary complexes” created as a result of crustal movement around 20 million years ago, while the crust of Shirataki, Hokkaido, which is the result of similar crustal movement, is composed of accretionary complexes created by the collision of the continental plate and the Pacific Ocean plate 90 million years ago. This is one of the most famous sources of obsidian, which has been used by humans as a useful ore since the Stone Age, more than 10,000 years ago.
For a geological explanation of what an accretionary complex is, please refer to the figure above. I remember that when I was in high school, I was the type of person who gave up on entrance examinations for hard-to-enter schools as early as possible, but I was proud of getting the highest grade on a one-shot geology test, which I couldn’t compete with through my usual preparation and review (ahem), but geology, which considers mathematics and physics macroscopically, may have suited me (laugh). (laugh). I am now feeling such distant remorse, and I am determined to expand my knowledge on this topic by consciously increasing my opportunities to visit actual sites whenever possible. I would like to make use of Mr. Norman Foster’s guidance.




English version⬇

[I have a mild cold from physical exhaustion, but…]
I am a man of action, and I like to move from place to place. This leads to the accumulation of physical fatigue. Now, how do I control this personality? I…

It has been snowing in Sapporo since yesterday, and the picture shows what it looked like this morning.
Last weekend, I was on a business trip to visit the Japan Home Show at Tokyo Big Sight and other events, but since I had to walk from place to place, my daily pedometer showed that I took more than 10,000 steps a day. That also takes a toll on my legs and back, as Tokyo’s public transportation system is full of staircases going up and down. On the other hand, I am aging steadily. However, I am still aware of my physical condition as a young mother, and this has accelerated the accumulation of fatigue.
So, I had been experiencing muscle fatigue and throat discomfort since the end of my business trip, but around the 22nd, I began to feel a slight cough and sore throat, and by the night of the 23rd, I developed a fever. However, since it was a holiday, I could not go to the hospital, and finally went to the hospital on the 24th. This was my first “outpatient fever clinic” in a long time since the spread of infectious diseases.
Naturally, since I was going to attend the Japan Home Show, which was attended by an unspecified number of people, I was worried that I might have a fever, so I first took a PCR test. After about 10 minutes, I was assured that I had neither corona nor influenza, which was a relief.
The doctor who has always taken care of me gave me a prescription that included Chinese medicine. I was impressed by the progress of clinical research. In response to such consideration, after returning home, I just took the medicine, lay down, and went to sleep to recover my strength. I worked hard to recover my strength. When I woke up around midnight, I suddenly felt a sense of “recovery. It was a bit dramatic recovery.

It has been a long time since I had a cold, but as I reflected on this “cold,” I realized that any action that does not take into account the decline in my physical strength due to aging will surely result in repercussions. When I go on a business trip, my traveler’s high mentality comes into play, and I tend to overdo the scope of my activities, saying, “What the heck. I am always greedy, saying, “Since I’ve come all this way, I want to go here and there too.
Then, the winter scenery arrived for the first time since yesterday.
The weather seems to be telling me to stay quiet because there is nothing to do.
However, I start to think about my action plan. I have already changed my winter tires, my car was serviced by the manufacturer yesterday, and I am fully prepared for the trip. I’m still thinking about how I can handle my life in a relaxed manner while making the most of my action-oriented personality.



English version ⬇

[Gradually, I’m being drawn to the stones [laughs].
The walls of architect Norman Foster’s Kamakura History and Culture Exchange Center are drawing me in. I was surprised to see such a glittering stone. You can’t help but like it. …

Yesterday I wrote about house-shaped sarcophagi, and I believe that humans have a unique sensitivity to stone because we are a species that has lived through the historical development of the “Stone Age.
The house-shaped sarcophagi were for ordinary people buried in group burial mounds, while the privileged class was buried in large “custom-built” burial mounds, but I think the burial method was more like a standardized house. Although there may have been differences in class and status, there is no essential difference in the fact that after death, people spend their days wrapped in stone walls, floors, and ceilings.
The use of processed stone, and the desire to reincarnate and face the afterlife in this stone space, must be a universal desire possession of humankind. It is strongly convincing.
The photo shows the Kamakura Museum of History and Culture by architect Norman Foster.
Westerners have a long tradition of stone architecture, and I am deeply impressed by this spatiality. My house was built with concrete blocks, a building material imported from the United States. My father also built his first food manufacturing warehouse with concrete blocks.
When I had to talk about the house I had built, I was reminded of the fact that it was made of the same structural material as the building my father had built.
It must have been the precipitation of my architectural experiences as a boy that made me feel a fondness for masonry.
Since then, I have spent my life looking at the walls of my house. The texture of the bare stone has always been with me,
I feel as if my mind is being absorbed by the texture of the stone. I am not an occultist, but I feel sympathy with the people of ancient times who lived in their “final dwelling place” surrounded by stones.
With such a feeling, I like to face the silhouettes and wall surfaces that project Norman Foster’s attention to architectural materials and the stone architectural culture of Italy and Germany. These stone materials are not nature itself, but factory-processed. Different materials such as glass are also used for the glossy parts in the photo. These materials change their expressions depending on the angle and location of the viewer.
It gives us a sense of being absorbed, but also a sense of being reflected. I am sure that this building will continue to attract me forever.
There is a sense of agreement, somewhat like resignation. I guess I like it without a clue.



English version⬇

A Dialogue with the Ancients
A quiet word. Traditionally, people are housed in stone houses at the end of their lives. A sarcophagus is a kind of “factory production” in ancient times. The information and logistics of this process is a source of fantasy for me. …

Today’s topic is a bit more leisurely, as I have a bit of a cold.
The photo is of a “house-shaped sarcophagus” I saw while exploring Fukusaki Town, Hyogo Prefecture.
To quote Wikipedia, the description is as follows 〜A house-shaped sarcophagus is a type of sarcophagus found in the Kofun period. The lid stone is roof-shaped, and the body is a box-shaped sarcophagus of the gouged-out or union type. The four sides of the lid stone are sloped with rectangular rope-hanging protrusions. It was used for a long period of time from the latter half of the Kofun period to the end of the Kofun period. In the later period, the body was decorated with a narrow space between the case and the body, and some of them were carved with a lotus flower design on the rope-hanging projection. There are also side-gate sarcophagi with entrances on the front and sides of the body. 〜The first two coffins were made in the late 19th and early 20th century.
I believe that human beings gradually “return” to the world of personal tastes and preferences. In my case, as I age, I am becoming more and more attracted to things like old houses and the opportunity to talk with people from the past.
It is commonly said that the last thing you need is a stone, and from this orientation, I think it is fitting that I am attracted to sarcophagi.
The Ishibutai in Asuka is a tomb of the Soga clan, and I like it very much as an archaeological site, even though it is said to be a remnant of a bloody power struggle. I like them very much as ruins, though they are said to be remnants of bloody power struggles.
The one in this photo has a strong “factory production” smell in ancient times. I can imagine that in the case of a powerful person, a large sarcophagus would have been made to order and processed near the burial site, but other ordinary people were usually placed in such a “mass-produced” sarcophagus.
The explanatory text also describes it as a “mass grave,” so it must have been the “final resting place” of the common people. Since cremation had not yet become a custom, the dead were buried in these sarcophagi. As the number of people buried there increased, the graveyards became more spacious. Such “overcrowding” must have been one of the inevitable aspects of history.
Since the production of stone suitable for processing into sarcophagi was probably limited, information and logistics would have been frequently exchanged between the populated areas where the need for such materials was high. In the age of telephones and websites, it would be interesting to know how such things were transmitted.
In the age of the telephone and the Internet, it would have been interesting to see how such information and logistics were transmitted. I will deliver it in time for what date.
As someone who has worked mainly in the world of information, I was interested to see this sarcophagus and feel the presence of such communication. Hmmm.




English version⬇

The automobile culture, the starting point of the postwar lifestyle.
People, information, labor, and mobility. These basic “freedoms” have been expanding rapidly. Both the development of telework from home and freedom of movement will continue to be aimed for in the future. The “origin of the postwar lifestyle,” the automobile culture, and the “freedom of movement.

Well, this is my third or so visit to Busoso. Since we have previously covered the subject in a series of seven articles, well, that basically completes the series, but we also notice that the perspective changes a little bit each time we visit.
This time, I was reminded of the “degree of freedom” that a homeowner should have and the depth of the Japanese “tano-shaped” floor plan that was able to accommodate this freedom.
However, I am also strongly attracted to the way of life of Mr. Shirasu, who moved to this area from Tokyo at about the same time the war started. For Mr. Shirasu, who was a “rich man’s son” (laugh) and had connections from his studies in Europe and the United States, the defeat in the war would have been a natural consequence.
At the request of Shigeru Yoshida, he was at the forefront of negotiations with the United States.
He had a clear path to follow with the war proponents in Japan, and he went into seclusion for a while, seeing the inevitability of defeat. However, he was befriended by Shigeru Yoshida, the former British ambassador to Japan, who served as prime minister after the defeat, and worked hard to rebuild the country after the war. Yoshida was an old acquaintance of Yoshida’s from his days as a foreign student. A man with a stance like Yoshida’s would have been ideal for the postwar reconstruction period.
He is critical of the current Constitution, calling it “a dreamlike constitution that could not have been enacted even in the U.S.” and saying that it was imposed by the occupying forces. The U.S. side of the occupation force regarded him as “a hard-nosed man who insisted on principles rare among Japanese. The U.S. itself “never dreamed” that this would be maintained for so long, and it has remained in place for more than 70 years. Postwar Japan responded pragmatically and calmly organized the landing site for reconstruction. Realpolitik can only move forward step by step. It is unrealistic to talk only about “pretty things,” and it is a nuisance to the people’s livelihood.

On the other hand, as a living environment, they seem to have sought an optimal living environment for “teleworking” in the modern sense. For this kind of lifestyle, abandoned farmhouses provided the perfect place to live.
As we saw yesterday, the “tano-ji” floor plan, which can be changed in any number of ways depending on the way of living, was the perfect environment for those who have a thoroughgoing and enlightened view of housing and living, saying, “The way of living changes rapidly anyway, and it is natural to make modifications to the house.
Today, “freedom of information” has been accelerated in the form of a web-connected environment, but the luxury foreign cars of the prewar and postwar rich bon vivants functioned as information access keys to the center of power when they had to visit central Tokyo from time to time.
This freedom of movement will probably continue to occupy a large area in the future. Business has given freedom of location through the development of the IT environment, but it will never be able to take “freedom of movement” away from humankind. I strongly believe that the basis of human life has been “mobility” since the primitive times.



English version⬇

The “Sei-katsu-sha” Perspective on the House
If you construct a house with lumber of the planned dimensions, you will naturally end up with a “tano-ji” shape. This is a truly Japanese standard. This standardization gave freedom to the Japanese way of living. The Japanese way of living

〜Even after careful planning and designing, you will find that there will be some inconveniences when you live in the house. If you build too much, you are subject to the architecture, and I, who am not a sloppy person by nature, do not like such a cramped life. A farmhouse built in the shape of a rice paddy is convenient in this respect. I can have as much freedom as I want, and I can tinker around as much as I want. In a word, there is a lot of waste, just like a natural field. 〜The following is a continuation of yesterday’s article.
This is a continuation of yesterday’s article. The above text was written yesterday as well, but I thought it was strongly related to the theme of today’s blog, so I republished it again.
The photo is a picture of the “Yanagida Kunio Birthplace” in Fukusaki, Hyogo Prefecture, which I wrote about a little while ago. The owner, Jiro Shirasu, is a native of Hyogo Prefecture, and I think there is a commonality in the atmosphere of the space. Or perhaps it is the common sense of counterpoint of Hyogo and Kanagawa prefectures to the metropolitan areas of Tokyo and Kyoto-Osaka. I am not sure which of Jiro Shirasu or Masako Shirasu wrote this text.
Returning to the main topic, I think that Masako Shirasu probably wrote the text in terms of expressive power, but it is the part that conveys the couple’s views on housing very well. And, based on my own experience of having interviewed many people about their own houses, I can feel a great deal of empathy for them.
In my work, I interact with designers and architectural “professionals,” and I can understand the language system they use, but I really feel empathy for Mr. Shirasu’s words.
I think that he has clearly articulated the “degree of freedom” that is part of the Japanese way of life. The tano-shaped floor plan, with its flexible and unrestricted standardization, gives the Japanese a sense of primordial freedom, a kind of “inner freedom,” as if to say, “It’s my house, so I can use it as I please.
I feel a strong sense of a declaration of freedom and liberation, as if to say, “It’s my house, so I’m free to use it however I want. Whenever I see a traditional Japanese house, I think that this kind of standardization is what has given birth to the philosophy of the Japanese way of life.
In a society where the standard house style is to be made of wood, if one follows the standard dimensions, one will naturally arrive at the rationality of the tano-shaped floor plan. Japanese people were “born, raised, and died” in such spaces for a long time. Such cries of human beings echo in the house.
The depth of the Japanese residential structure and the repeated patterns of the house are very powerful.


 白洲次郎は吉田茂の側近として戦後焦土と化した日本の復興に辣腕を振るった。特筆すべきは通商産業省(現在の経済産業省)の創設。通産省が日本の経済大国化にとって原動力となったことはよく知られる。一方、白洲正子(しらす まさこ、1910〜1998年)は日本の随筆家。東奔西走する姿から「韋駄天お正」とあだ名された。〜以上引用「国際留学生協会のHPから」。


English version⬇

A revisit to Busoso from the perspective of a “sei-katsu-sha” (living person)
〜The house was originally designed that way, so I am never satisfied with it. The residents are never satisfied with the house because it has always been that way. 〜The residents strongly agree with this statement.

Jiro Shirasu and Masako Shirasu moved to Busoso, the house they shaped and loved throughout their lives.
As a close associate of Shigeru Yoshida, Jiro Shirasu was instrumental in the reconstruction of postwar Japan from the ashes of war. Notably, he founded the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), now the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). It is well known that MITI was a powerful driving force in Japan’s transformation into an economic superpower. On the other hand, Masako Shirasu (1910-1998) was a Japanese essayist. She was nicknamed “Vikaten Omasa” (韋駄天お正) for her east-bound, west-bound style of writing.
Occasionally, I try to visit the museum when I have a chance.
Nowadays, the couple’s daughter is the director of the museum and the house is open to the public. I have written about it several times on this blog.
I have been working for a long time in the area of housing, and my basic stance has always been “from the standpoint of the people who live there. In doing so, I am increasingly attracted to houses built by artists, houses that retain a comparative amount of information about the person who built them, and architecture that conveys a “sense of experience” to the viewer.
I feel that this Busoso (named in the sense of a place on the border between Musashi and Soshu, or in the sense of a pun) clearly retains traces of the true feelings of the residents. The following are the couple’s recollections.
〜A house with a lot of waste
We bought a house in Tsurukawa in 1940, and moved to the house just after the war started. They had always wanted to live in a quiet rural village, not too far from Tokyo.
The village is now Machida City, but at the time it was called Tsurukawa Village, a very ordinary farmhouse that was common in this area (at least at that time).
It was in such bad shape that he had to give it up, and over the next 30 years, he gradually fixed it up, and is still fixing it up.
Since that is the way a house should be, he is never satisfied with the way it is.
Even after careful planning and designing, we find inconveniences when we live in a house. However, if the house is built too conveniently and without any slackness, the human being will be influenced by the architecture, and I, who am not a sloppy person by nature, do not like such a cramped life.
As is commonly said, farmhouses built in the shape of a rice paddy are convenient in this respect.
You have as much freedom as you want and can tinker around as much as you like. In a word, like a natural field, there is a lot of waste. The earthen floor where the cows used to live was converted into a Western-style living room and parlor. The tatami room with an alcove became a bedroom, the agonizing room became my study, and the red room became the children’s room.
The children have grown up and started their own families, so now it is a room where they come and stay on weekends.
But that is just for the present moment, and you never know what will happen again tomorrow.
I am not sure what will happen tomorrow, because such things are homes, people, and human life, but the primitive farmhouse allows me to live at my leisure.
I am grateful that they have tolerated me for nearly 30 years. 〜That’s all I have to say.

I am very happy to see the progress of the construction industry as innovations in highly insulated and airtight technology have progressed from Hokkaido to the rest of Japan, but this is one of the typical honest opinions of the people who receive these innovations.
I sometimes ruminate on this in my own mind.

【小さい家の英才たち 民俗と住文化のミッシングリンク-4】



English version⬇

The Missing Link between Folklore and Housing Culture-4
The power of “family communication” is somewhat losing its richness today. Isn’t this a theme that should be examined more consciously? …

Today we return to the fourth installment of our serialized “Kunio Yanagida: Birthplace” series.
This house in Fukusaki-cho, Hyogo Prefecture, is said to have produced five brothers of the Matsuoka family, each of whom has made significant achievements in their respective fields. As I mentioned earlier, Yanagida described the house as “the smallest house in Japan,” but he also confessed that it was the starting point of his interest in folklore. It is an interesting fact about the influence of the environment of a house on human growth.
Of course, it is necessary to examine the “achievement” itself dispassionately. The value of a person is not a topic that should be discussed in isolation. However, as a premise here, I would like to consider it in the context of the general public’s understanding.
Indeed, Yanagida’s achievements as a physician, politician, ophthalmologist, poet, high-ranking military officer, linguist, Japanese painter, and father of folklore are all worthy of recognition.
Although DNA excellence may be the basis of his work, I believe that ordinary people are naturally interested in the “layout of a house” and “spatial environmental requirements. Especially for someone like me who has been thinking about housing culture, I am very interested in it.
As shown in the figure, the basic floor plan is the tano-ji (shaped like a rice paddy field), which is a very natural style of housing culture built with lumber. This is the basic form of traditional Japanese housing culture.

However, when we consider that a total of 10 people (the couple, their five adult children, and three children who died prematurely) lived in this house, and when we also look at it from the perspective of folk customs and lifestyles, which Yanagida considered to be the “starting point” of the house, various imaginative powers come into play.
I also think of the fact that all the adult children were boys, which makes me think of the richness of communication between the family members. I myself grew up with one older sister and five other boys, and I especially felt a great sense of “experiential knowledge” from my older brothers of the same sex.
Although I am the youngest, I was able to utilize the “wisdom” of my older brothers’ experiences in a variety of a priori ways. For example, my knowledge of how to evaluate a school teacher from a child’s point of view was accumulated without my knowing it. Information such as, “That teacher is interesting,” or “That teacher has a little bit of this side to him,” was transmitted to me in rapid succession.
Yanagida’s impression of the “small house” seems to include such a dense exchange of information among the family members. The accumulation of social know-how may have been accelerated by the mutual exchange of information.
While looking at the figure of a rice field floor plan and its uchisoto relationship, I was reminded of the daily life of communication among the family members in this space.