
【神楽音楽が流れる梼原町総合庁舎 四国・梼原と隈研吾-8】

・敷地面積:6,020.94㎡ 建築面積:1,628.25㎡ 延床面積:2,970.79㎡
・構造・階数:W造一部RC造 地上2階 塔屋1階地下1階
・施工者:飛島・ミタニ建設工事JV 竣工:平成18年10月 総工事費:1,222百万円
●講評:平成18年に完工した「梼原町総合庁舎」は「森林文化社会」を基盤にした「環境モデル都市梼原」のランドマークに相応しい優れた木造公共建築物であり美しい。梼原には、僅か10㎡ 程度の「茶堂」と呼ばれる旅人をもてなす歴史的施設が、今日でも多く現存している。
構造体には、自然空調を前提とした木造ダブルラティス構造による外部環境と呼吸できる仕組みや,太陽光発電、氷蓄熱、木製受水槽、木材断熱機密(原文ママ)サッシュやブラインドが組み込まれ、CASBEE評価Sランクを得ることに成功している。ともあれ収縮する一方の地域や地方の、深めるという新たな豊かさを確立する方向が力強く空間表現されたこの建築物は、深刻でネガティブになりやすいこうした地方に、新風をもたらす契機となろう。 (涌井史郎委員)


English version⬇

Yusuhara General Office Building with Kagura music Yusuhara, Shikoku and Kengo Kuma-8
The architecture that could not be visited inside. The publicly announced critique of the “Public Architecture Award, Excellence Prize” is introduced. I would like to hear the music of Tsunoyama Kagura that is played at regular intervals. Architecture and music. Architecture and Music.

Exploration of Yusuhara and Kengo Kuma’s architecture. Today, we will be visiting the public building itself, the Yusuhara Town Hall. I was able to visit during the New Year’s vacation, so it is not open to the public. The following is a list of architectural data and a PDF file of the critique of the building that won the “Public Architecture Award” in the Shikoku region.
Site area: 6,020.94 m2 Building area: 1,628.25 m2 Gross floor area: 2,970.79 m2
Structure/No. of floors: W, partly RC, 2 floors above ground, 1 basement floor and 1 tower floor
Architect: Department of System Design Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University + Kengo Kuma Architectural & Urban Design Office
Contractor: Tobishima-Mitani Construction JV Completion: October 2006 Total construction cost: 1,222 million yen
The Yusuhara Town Hall, completed in 2006, is a beautiful wooden public building that is a landmark of the “Environmental Model City Yusuhara” based on a “forest culture society. In Yusuhara, there are still many historic facilities that provide hospitality to travelers, called “chado,” which are only about 10 square meters in size.
The large glass doors on the first floor can be opened to create a festive space that combines the lobby of the town hall with the plaza in front of the building.
The government building is not a government office, but an everyday community space, and is set up like a paradise, becoming the umbilical cord of a series of wooden buildings in the surrounding area. Moreover, the structure and interior of the government building are designed to make maximum use of local timber.
The structure incorporates a wooden double lattice structure that allows the building to breathe with the outside environment and is naturally air-conditioned, as well as photovoltaic power generation, ice thermal storage, a wooden water tank, and wood-insulated, heat-tight sashes and blinds, and has successfully received a CASBEE S-rank rating. This building is a powerful spatial expression of the direction of establishing a new affluence of deepening in a shrinking region or region, and may be an opportunity to bring new life to these regions, which tend to be serious and negative. (Mr. Shiro Wakui, Committee Member)

I would be interested in such parts as ice thermal storage and “wood-insulated, confidential (original text) sash”. I am also interested in the “wooden double lattice structure that breathes with the external environment,” the ice thermal storage, and the “wood insulated confidential sash,” so I would like to check the details if I have a chance in the future.
I would like to check the details at a future opportunity.
〜The front wall is mostly made of glass. The front walls are mostly made of glass, and when you enter the building, you will see a wide atrium. The atrium is designed to let in outside light, allowing visitors to enjoy a sense of openness. In the center of the atrium is a tea ceremony room. This is a unique feature of Yusuhara, a town that welcomes visitors with hospitality. A pillar clock hangs in the atrium, and music from Tsunoyama Kagura is played at regular intervals. Tsunoyama Kagura, designated as a nationally important intangible folk cultural asset, has been performed for 1,100 years and is a spiritual center for the people of Yusuhara. 〜I hope to return to Tsunoyama Kagura when I have a chance.
If I have a chance to visit again, I would like to experience the inside.

【本と建築「司馬遼太郎記念館」との対比 四国・梼原と隈研吾-7】



English version⬇

Contrast between Yusuhara and the Ryotaro Shiba Memorial Museum of Book Architecture Yusuhara, Shikoku and Kengo Kuma-7
Books are a “dialogue between people” of the past and present. The contrast between Kengo Kuma and Tadao Ando’s architecture makes us feel this strongly.

For architects, “library architecture” is an expression of their assertiveness. It may be my personal opinion, but I believe that books vividly convey “how people felt and lived” in the vast past and present. The traces of their encounters with the world and their lives are written down in words.
A library is an accumulation of such countless human traces. The building that houses the library is then a reflection of the individuality of the architect. So it seems to me that this Yusuhara library shows Kuma Kengo’s personal approach to books. In this space, Kuma Kengo has set up a “barefoot” entry. For Japanese people, spending time without shoes implies a kind of liberation of the mind.
In this library, it is also possible to “lie down” to read books, as shown in the photo. A child was lying on the floor facing a book. Although I was concerned that it might be difficult to read the book (laugh), I thought it might be a good idea to read in this position for a while, since the position of the body can be changed in a multitude of ways depending on one’s mood and physical condition.
The floor is covered with compacted cedar boards from the region. The ceiling height is high, but as mentioned above, it is wrapped in an architectural design that resembles branches descending from a large tree in a forest.
In addition, the floor surface reflects the natural topography of the site with its undulations, in line with the original shape of the site. Many books are there to welcome visitors. The stair-like space that can be used as a chair is also impressive.
Kengo Kuma, who felt the limitations of RC architecture, recreated the huge forest of Yusuhara here, and it seemed to me that he was making the traffic of the past and present a reality by enveloping human beings.
I have visited the Ryotaro Shiba Memorial Museum as such an architecture of “books and people”.

The architect is Tadao Ando. The memorial museum, built in a residential area in Osaka, is also a reproduction of Ryotaro Shiba’s study, which I personally strongly respect. I had a feeling of being precipitated deeply into his mental image. Although the memorial hall is not an architecture with the full functionality of a “library,” it strongly evokes the image of books and human beings. The photos of the bookshelves inside were taken from the website, but it was clear that they were not designed to be accessible. The books were “shown” as objects, just like Mr. Ando (laugh). That’s just the way it is.
I was reminded of the Ryotaro Shiba Memorial Museum in contrast to the library in Yusuhara, and I felt a strong sense of consistency. Both spaces have a strong appeal that draws you in. I wonder if it is a kind of fascination that goes beyond architecture and a sense of closeness to human beings.

【木造耐震構造「四叉菱格子」 四国・梼原と隈研吾-6】

で、この梼原での隈研吾建築群について学術論文があり、木組みについての研究も発見できた。「独立行政法人 国立高等専門学校機構高知工業専門学校学術紀要 第65号」。研究者名は三橋修氏・金山将氏。このなかに以下のような記述。

English version⬇

Yusuhara, Shikoku and Kengo Kuma – 6
Did the architect, who had realized the limitations of RC construction, hear the cries of the trees in Yusuhara and strongly feel the beginnings of a wooden renaissance? Yusuhara and Kengo Kuma

A reportage of architectural experiences in Japan on a blog. The articles are compiled without much prior knowledge, starting from the feeling of actually touching the building, a method that prioritizes the user’s viewpoint.
As a housing magazine writer, it is difficult to say that large public buildings are my area of expertise, but I have a strong interest in this field, which is highly analogous to the field of architecture. And because of its openness, it does not require the same careful interview process as housing. I am grateful to be able to explore the area with a relaxed mind.
Kengo Kuma, who had been disheartened by the criticism of the time for his postmodernist RC building, “M2” (a design lab for an automobile manufacturer along Tokyo’s Kanpachi beltway), felt the gospel of salvation from the wooden world in Yusuhara. As a depopulated town, Yusuhara, which is 91% forested, wanted to strongly promote the appeal of wood and the renaissance of wood construction. Both of these wishes must have resulted in the concept of “feeling the wood” in the architectural works.
This ‘Yusuhara Library’ has a slightly mysterious experience of many trees descending from the roof, and although the description cannot yet be confirmed so much on ChatGTP on the web (laughs), what I have come to understand are the following points.
This is a construction method called Yonsa Hishigoshi (四叉菱格子), which has high earthquake resistance by distributing the load to each of its individual pieces. Numerous wooden structures like trunks and branches. This is not mere decoration; each branch extending in all four directions distributes the weight, making the structure highly earthquake resistant.
I found an academic paper on Kengo Kuma’s architectural group in Yusuhara, and I was able to discover his research on timber framing. The article is titled “Academic Bulletin of Kochi National College of Technology, No. 65. The researchers’ names are Osamu Mitsuhashi and Masaru Kanayama. The following description is found in the book.
The “Jigokumi-Part Detail Drawing” is a technique handed down by craftsmen for building wood that is not horizontal or vertical. As you can see from the name “jigokumiai,” it is a woodworking technique that, once assembled, can never be removed. In the interior space of the library, branches cover the ceiling as if they have branched off from a single post of wood, giving the effect of being in a forest.
I have experienced Kengo Kuma’s “Starbucks Coffee Dazaifu Tenmangu Omotesando” in Dazaifu, where the wooden structure covers the entire space of the store, and this blog series has helped me to see the path to these spatial experiences. I hear that Kengo Kuma’s office is currently very busy with work, which seems to be perfectly in line with the desire of local governments throughout Japan to utilize wood as a local resource.
What is the user’s perspective on the spatial experience of public architecture?

【豊かな想像力空間「雲の上の図書館」 四国・梼原と隈研吾-5】


建物概要 雲の上の図書館 設計:隈研吾建築都市設計事務所 施工:戸田建設、四万川JV 竣工:2018年4月 構造:鉄骨造、一部木造 高さ:12.65m 階数:地上2階、地下1階 延床面積:1938.31㎡ 建築面積:1170.50㎡ 敷地面積:3087.85㎡

English version⬇

Library Above the Clouds, a Rich Imaginative Space Yusuhara, Shikoku and Kengo Kuma-5
The building is a steel-frame and partly wooden structure. Users have a strong impression of the wooden trusses “standing in a forest” from the ceiling. It looks like the Sphinx. …

The facility that seemed to be the core experience of this year’s Kengo Kuma Architecture in Yusuhara is this Yusuhara library, the Library Above the Clouds. As you pass through the entrance and enter the building, you are overwhelmed by a sense of “wood structure” that exceeds even that of the Kibashi Museum.
A “forest-like” wooden structure welcomes you from the roof, filling the big-span interior space. It is so powerful that one would say, “I have never seen anything like this before. However, even so, it is not intimidating, but rather, it conveys an air of affinity. I guess you could call it a strange sense of another dimension. The following is an introduction from the Kengo Kuma Office website.
〜Yusuhara, a town above the clouds on the border of Kochi and Ehime prefectures, is home to a library/welfare complex built using Yusuhara cedar. A gymnasium and children’s school face each other across a lawn, creating a community core for multi-generational interaction. A mixed steel and cedar structure was used to create a forest-like space with sunlight streaming through the trees, which is appropriate for Yusuhara, a town in the middle of a forest. Instead of a flat floor, an undulating terrain was created, and the raised terrain can be used as a stage for various events such as talks and concerts. Inside the library, visitors can go barefoot, feel the warmth of the wooden floor made of compacted cedar, and lie down on their favorite spot to read a book. 〜The following is a brief description of the library.
The following is a postscript. 〜The library is located in the opposite side of Yusuhara and is made of Japanese paper made from the bark of Yusuhara trees by Yusuhara washi craftsman Rogier Outenbogardt, creating a warm, “home-like” welfare facility. ~.
However, we were not able to visit this facility.

The library is in the foreground in the photo above, and the building in the back with the same exterior specifications is a welfare facility. Due to the nature of the facility, it is not open to the public.
Building Outline Library on the Cloud Design: Kengo Kuma & Associates Construction: Toda Corporation, Shima River JV Completion: April 2018 Structure: Steel frame, partly wooden Height: 12.65 m Floors: 2 above ground, 1 below Gross floor area: 1938.31 m2 Building area: 1170.50 m2 Site area: 3087.85 m2
The structure is described as steel frame and partly wooden, so it is unclear at this time whether the wooden structure from the ceiling is a braided “structure” like the wooden bridge museum, since it does not refer to all of the publicly available information. I am told that it is the 37th Annual Japanese Library Association Architecture Award. A few months have passed since this architectural experience, and I am still strangely unsettled about this wooden structure from the ceiling. Well, I guess it works like a kind of truss. As if it were a sphinx (laughs).
But it is true that I feel somewhat favorable about it. I will try to sort out my impressions of it from tomorrow onward.



English version⬇

Japanese cherry blossom viewing gatherings from around the world
Hanami, the extreme point of Japanese culture with its distinct four seasons. The manner of appreciating flowers is also excellent. We would like to make the most of this cultural asset for Japan’s economy. Japan

The blog series on Kengo Kuma’s architecture in Yusuhara, Shikoku, takes a short break today.
I was on a business trip to Tokyo just as I had some overlapping matters to attend to. Returning yesterday, I was reminded that it is just the season for sakura (cherry blossoms) since I arrived in Tokyo on March 23. The top two photos are in Ueno and the bottom one is Meguro River in Nakameguro. Especially in Ueno, I could hardly hear Japanese around me when I was walking in the park. My sense was that almost half of the visitors were from other countries.
The noise was not the same as in the past, where Chinese was the language of choice, but rather the bustle of people from all over the world, including Europeans, Americans, and a wide range of other Asian ethnic groups. Is it because the cost of touring Japan has been going down recently due to the weak yen, or is it because I have been away from coming to Tokyo during the cherry blossom season for so long that I was unaware that the Japanese hanami culture is now well known throughout the world?
Hanami culture and sakura culture have been linked to each other throughout Japanese history. In Edo and Tokyo, when rivers were flooded and embankments were built, cherry trees were planted on top of them. It is said that when cherry blossoms bloomed in spring, many cherry blossom-viewing visitors gathered on the banks and danced and drank to strengthen the ground on which the embankments were built.
It is very interesting to see how the Japanese sakura culture, which is so deeply rooted in the Japanese culture, is accepted by people around the world. With so many foreign tourists flocking to the area, it is certain that it can be utilized as a cultural asset.
Industries rise from resources, but tourism resources are a bit different in concept. The cultural climate of the country and its people is the most important asset, and the spirit of flower-loving is probably the most important point. Furthermore, it is said that the manner in which Japanese people view cherry blossoms is also a rarity.
I won’t mention the name of the country, but at one time people were said to be buying cherry blossoms in Japan. I have seen this behavior several times myself, so it must have happened frequently. I have seen people grab cherry blossom branches by the eagle and shake them to make them drop their blossoms and capture the “sakura blizzard” in their photos. In the worst case, they would break the sakura and swing them around.
When I saw them, I shouted, “Stop! I shouted out. There was a large number of people: several men and a young woman who was the target of the photo shoot. For a moment, I thought they were going to attack me, but I knew that in such a case, I had no choice but to fight them. (Fortunately, they restrained themselves.)
These manners are maintained by the Japanese. I would like to export good manners by all means.

【架構と一体化する木のデザイン 四国・梼原と隈研吾-4】





English version⬇

Yusuhara, Shikoku and Kengo Kuma – 4
The movement to “utilize wood” in public buildings is accelerating across Japan. Kengo Kuma Design is extremely busy (laughs). Is Yusuhara the epicenter of this trend? Yusuhara is the epicenter of this trend.

The explanation of Kengo Kuma’s architecture was written on the on-site panel display at the Mokuhashi Museum, but the expression is a bit difficult to understand.
The entire structure, which overdrives the traditional expression of “tokyo,” or “wooden structure” with its overlapping splintered timbers, is what might be called a “kumi-zukuri zukuri,” or “wooden structure,” and it exudes a sense of presence (concreteness) and abstraction that cannot be achieved with an axial structure.
If it were shown in a photograph, this photograph would be a togue. It is placed at the top of the column or above the shaft to support the eaves girder. It is true that the expression “kumi-zukuri zukuri” is appropriate and that this kind of structure gives the viewer an image different from that of a normal wooden frame structure. In a broader sense, the “tohoku” structure technique is probably best understood as one of the “kumimono” types commonly used in shrine and temple architecture.
〜By bridging various subjects such as “revitalization of local culture,” “urban design,” “erection technology,” and “materials and traditional expression,” Kuma attempted to create a new way of thinking about public architecture. 〜Kengo Kuma explains his design intent in the following postscript: “I wanted to create a new way of thinking about public architecture.

In contrast to the wooden bridge side, which looks as if the shaft of a fan rises up vertically and spreads out, the atelier gallery has a structure that looks as if the structure extends from the top of the roof to the underside. The thick timbers of the tohoku are painted white on the wall surface, showing a unique geometric pattern. The pigment, which appears to be a preservative applied to protect the cross section of the wood, seems to correspond to the wooden bridge.
The following photo is an interior view of the wooden bridge side.

Yusuhara must have thought that giving viewers this kind of “tree hugging” sensation, this kind of spatial experience, would be an important message for the region. And this message was certainly conveyed to me this time.
In Japan today, there is a growing trend toward the use of wooden structures in public buildings. Kengo Kuma’s design of the National Stadium for the Tokyo Olympics 2021 has become the talk of the town, and it may indeed be the signal for the shift to wood construction in public buildings.
The origin of this concept is contained in this kind of spatial experience.
Kochi Prefecture is a “forest kingdom” with more than 80% of its total forest area. Yusuhara, which is located on the border with Ehime Prefecture and at the headwaters of the Shimanto River, has 91% forest area.
It is in this context that Kengo Kuma’s architectural group has been adopted as a landscape design, so to speak, and is playing a role in this context.

【木橋ミュージアム「雲の上のギャラリー」 四国・梼原と隈研吾-3】




English version⬇

Wooden Bridge Museum “Gallery Above the Clouds” Yusuhara, Shikoku and Kengo Kuma-3
Kengo Kuma’s creative policy is to sublimate the traditional Japanese wooden construction techniques that have maintained the large Yusuharaza space in terms of design. …

Following the Kengo Kuma building in Yusuhara and the Yusuharaza that inspired it is this building. Yusuhara, which is located at a height so high that it is described as “above the clouds” from the Kochi area, is about 80 kilometers away. The expressway runs out on the way, so you will have to follow the mountain roads of ordinary roads. It is probably the largest relay point and key point of the “overland route over mountains” from Kochi Prefecture to the Ehime Prefecture area.
In fact, Ryoma Sakamoto, who escaped from Tosa and headed for Nagasaki overland, took this road. It is also famous as the “Road of Ryoma’s Departure from the Domain. There are several expressions in Kengo Kuma’s architecture that say “above the clouds,” but I wonder if it has become a local term of endearment.
This building is located on the front side of the last tunnel leading to downtown Yusuhara. Kengo Kuma described his impression of Yusuhara as “suddenly appearing in front of you” when he passed through the tunnel and encountered the city of Yusuhara, and we had almost the same feeling.
This uniquely shaped building is adjacent to a public hot spring facility, so visitors from other areas understand it as a popular “symbol of the area. Visitors from other areas will understand it as a popular “symbol of the community,” as if to say, “Welcome!
In pursuit of a design that integrates small sections of laminated wood, we adopted a forgotten structural form called a “decapitation bridge,” in which a series of “decapitation timbers” (timbers that support the eaves of a wooden structure by lifting them up) are brought out from both ends and placed on the bridge girders.

In order to adapt the bridge to the topography of the site, a new structure called the “Yajirobe-type decapitation bridge” was constructed by balancing the vertical load (the load acting on the building in the same direction as gravity. The bridge is balanced at both ends around the piers, which are subject to the building’s own weight, loading, snow loads, etc.), resulting in a new structure form that should be called a “Yajirobe-type decapitation bridge”. At the edge of the cliff is an atelier gallery with an inverted roof form of the same type of structure.
Kengo Kuma explained that the building was designed with “the bare skin of the wooden structure. It is visually evident that the inspiration for the Yusuhara-za building led to the development of this kind of design technique. When we consider the architectural use of the building as an atelier gallery, it is interesting to see the sense of harmony.

The photo immediately above is an interior view of Yusuhara-za. Personally, I was struck by the wooden ceiling (a square made of thick square timbers assembled in the shape of a well, on top of which boards and other materials are attached or inserted) that shows the bare wood surface in the large space and yet firmly supports the load from the roof. Kengo Kuma’s creative approach of sublimating the wooden technology that has supported the framework of Japanese architecture and the exquisiteness of its construction into design is something I can relate to.
I would like to introduce this wooden structure through photographs and other forms of expression in the future.

【劇場建築「ゆすはら座」木肌の豊かさ 四国・梼原と隈研吾-2】



English version⬇

The richness of Yusuharaza, a theater building in Yusuhara, Shikoku, and Kengo Kuma-2
In response to the trend of population concentration, urbanization, and depopulation of rural areas, wooden architecture is sending a message through the persona of Kengo Kuma. Yusuhara, Shikoku

〜What brought Kengo Kuma and Yusuhara together was the Yusuhara Theater (Yusuhara Community Center), a wooden playhouse. It was a valuable building in the style of the Japanese-Western fusion that was popular in the Taisho era (1912-1926), but about 40 years after its construction, it was being considered for demolition due to aging and other reasons. Masahiro Kotani, a first-class architect living in Kochi Prefecture who was involved in the preservation movement, asked Mr. Kuma, with whom he had been in contact, to take a look at the Yusuhara-za. Mr. Kuma visited Yusuhara in 1987.
Overwhelmed by the neat beauty of this honest wooden structure as it was and the technology that enabled him to achieve it, Kuma Kengo decided to help in the campaign to preserve the Yusuhara-za. His encounter with this building, which was the polar opposite of the decorative modern architecture he had been working on, was a major turning point in his life as an architect. This was the beginning of Kuma’s obsession with wood, a characteristic of his architecture. Such large wooden playhouse buildings can be found all over Japan. Although it is an open-air structure with no structure, it has been preserved at the Nippon Minka-en in Kawasaki and at Shikoku-mura in Kagawa Prefecture, Shikoku. I also visited the Korakukan, a playhouse in Kosaka-cho, Kazuno County, Akita Prefecture, which is also covered with a roof. It is a national important cultural property.
In an era when entertainment was scarce, traveling theatrical troupes would have used performances at such a hut as a device for confirming the precious sense of unity in the community. Eventually, as the center of information and entertainment shifted to television, these architectural facilities lost their primary function.
However, as Kengo Kuma was moved by the building’s size, which seemed to encompass the entire village, and its powerful wooden structure, one can strongly sense the symbolic aspect of regional pride. The rich expression of the wood surface strongly conveys a sense of “real thing” that concrete and reinforced concrete cannot convey. Kengo Kuma, who felt the limitations of modern architecture, must have been shaken to the core when he encountered an architecture that honestly expressed its sense of beauty only through the passage of time.

Conversely, as an architect, I have seen the movement for the preservation of buildings such as Yusuharaza gain momentum as if it were a cry from people’s hearts in the midst of a social structure that places the highest priority on population concentration and rationalization in modern urban areas.
I think it is fascinating that Yusuhara, which is located in the middle of the Shikoku mountainous region and the headwaters of the clear Shimanto River, has made this its biggest selling point in the modern world. I think it is a rather powerful choice as a regional strategy.
On the flip side, there is now a major push for public buildings made of wood throughout Japan. The tide is turning away from the conventional pursuit of concrete construction, which has led to intensification and gigantic buildings. Yusuhara-za may be playing a major role in this trend.


隈研吾建築については、これまでもいろいろ遭遇し記事にも取り上げてきています。わたしとしては北海道の十勝に建てられた「メーム」がいちばん印象に残っております。このブログの2012年6月15日と16日版で詳報しています。http://kochihen.replan.ne.jp/blog2/?p=6910 http://kochihen.replan.ne.jp/blog2/?p=6900 。ぜひごらんください。


English version⬇

Kengo Kuma’s Relationship with Yusuhara, Shikoku’s “City Above the Clouds”-1
Kengo Kuma’s buildings have been sublimated into the city’s identity. This is a record of an exploration of Yusuhara’s “Yusuhara-za,” which Kuma himself describes as his “starting point. Yusuhara

This is the Shikoku series, starting with an encounter with the architecture of architect Kengo Kuma. On this trip to Shikoku, I visited the architecture of Tadao Ando in Awaji, the Chikurinji temple in Kochi, and the many Kengo Kuma buildings in Yusuhara, a mountainous region of Shikoku.
Among them, six of Kuma’s buildings are concentrated in Yusuhara, and they have been sublimated into the identity of Yusuhara. I was also motivated to cover the situation.
I have encountered and written about Kengo Kuma’s architecture in a number of articles. For me, “Meme,” built in Tokachi, Hokkaido, left the strongest impression. I reported on it in detail in the June 15 and 16, 2012 editions of this blog.http://kochihen.replan.ne.jp/blog2/?p=6910 http://kochihen.replan.ne.jp/blog2/?p=6900 Please take a look.
Inspired by the Ainu chise, he created architecture as landscape, contrasting it with “mem,” the Ainu word for a spring-fed pond, by means of a chemical building envelope.

On the other hand, Kengo Kuma is known for his characteristic method of designing wood with a life-like expression. As the starting point of his work as an architect, Kuma himself talks about his involvement with the Yusuharaza community center stage building in Yusuhara, a mountainous area in Kochi, Shikoku. The following is an excerpt from “Light & Life,” a public relations magazine of Shikoku Electric Power Co. Mr. Yusuhara was strongly invited by a local architect who was working on a campaign for the preservation of this building.
〜When I visited Yusuhara for the first time, I had the strange sensation that I had exited a long tunnel and was suddenly in a different world. At the time, I was wondering, “What kind of buildings should I build in the future? Yusuhara-za” was the place that dispelled my doubts. I experienced firsthand the local people’s love for their buildings and the beauty of wooden architecture, and I was able to find the answer to what I needed to do. Then, as I frequently visited Yusuhara, the mayor of the town at the time asked me if I would like to design a public restroom. I really enjoyed working with the client and the craftsmen as we discussed the project, and that led to the “Hotel Above the Clouds” project. Whenever I had any doubts about my work, I used what I felt and the wisdom I gained here as the basis for my decisions. This is why I later came to call Yusuhara “a place like a yardstick. ~.
The three photos above are of the “Yusuhara-za. I would like to delve a little more intensively into this background in a blog series as a relationship between the town and architects.




English version⬇

Niyodo River, a clear stream in Shikoku, and a “submerged bridge.
A submerged bridge that hides in the water flow when the water level rises. Symbiosis with the abundant water volume rivers of the Shikoku mountainous region. I feel that human society has a mindset of obedience to nature. …

As a Hokkaido-native, there are probably a variety of psychological motivations for me to travel to areas south of Honshu. In the Tokyo-Kanto area, I see the vitality of the capital city and its dense population, and in the Kansai area, I feel a sense of encounter with various aspects of “Japan,” such as the multilayered nature of time against the backdrop of its history.
In this context, the encounter with Shikoku is a little strange. Although I had the “original experience” of working together with everyone at my company when I first started my career, after about half a century has passed and I have traveled with my family and as a couple, I find that I am most comforted by the “richness of nature” in the warmer regions.
The Median Tectonic Line runs east to west across Shikoku, forming a mountainous region along it. The Seto Inland Sea region to the north has a larger population concentration. However, because the overall population size is not so large, huge forests continue to be preserved in the mountainous areas, and the abundant amount of water stored there produces “clear streams” when they flow. The Shimanto River is famous for its impressive name, but when I asked a person in Kochi to tell me which clear stream he was referring to, he immediately replied, “The Niyodo River.
He also told me that there is an unfamiliar bridge called a “sunken bridge” across the clear stream. What is that? If you think of it literally, it is a bridge that disappears under the water. (Laughs.) A simple question: “Wouldn’t such a bridge serve no purpose? That is why we set out to search for it. The situation is as shown in the photo.
A submerged bridge is a bridge that is constructed only where water normally flows, called a low waterway or low water bed, and the floor plate is the same height as the land of the riverbed or high water bed, so that it can be used as a bridge when the water level is low but sinks below the water surface when the water level rises. In river administration terms, it is called a “submerged bridge. This one in the photo is called the Nagoshiya Submerged Bridge.
The clear stream in the background is the Niyodo River, which is called a miraculous clear stream. It has been repeatedly selected as the “best water quality river in Japan” according to the results of water quality surveys conducted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. The river is also known by the nickname “Niyodo Blue” because of its high transparency, which makes the surface and bottom of the river glow blue.

I did not challenge the bridge, but there were some people who drove their cars over the bridge. There is no particular distinction between sidewalks and roadways, and the speed of traffic seems to naturally match the speed of people walking. This also creates a unique atmosphere. I found out later that there are several sunken bridges like this in Hokkaido.
I think that we are living our daily lives with a sense of time that is constantly adapted to the expressway. I felt as if these clear streams and sunken bridges were telling us to “wait a minute.