
【家大工より古い「船大工」技術痕跡 in 多摩川沿い】


English version⬇

Traces of “ship carpentry” technology, older than that of house carpentry, along the Tama River.
Ferry boats are based on ship carpentry techniques. The unique characteristics of the river have fostered a culture of craftsmanship that is unique to the region. Traces of our ancestors’ creativity and ingenuity. The traces of our predecessors’ creativity and ingenuity.

This week is very hectic as I have to leave for 3 nights and 4 days starting tomorrow. I have a lot of things to finish before then, and I have a lot of things to do next week. I don’t have time to think carefully about my blog posts (I cry).
(Crying) Well, once I go out, I will be able to concentrate on my work, so I am sure I will be able to put together a theme. Today, I would like to write about a “wooden boat” I saw in front of an old house in Komae along the edge of the Tama River the other day.
If we trace the history of wooden architecture, it is said that the carpentry technique of “building boats” preceded the carpentry technique of building houses. In the history of mankind, settlement of settlements began only about 15,000 years ago, and until then, “migratory gathering” was the basic lifestyle. As people frequently traveled to areas suitable for hunting, they had to make do with simpler living conditions than stationary dwellings. Cave dwellings are believed to have been the norm. On the other hand, since humans were peculiar and curious creatures that expanded to all continents, it is believed that from a very early stage, they built boats as tools for traveling on the water.
And wood was the most valued material for them. There were also fiber materials such as reed boats, but cutting and using wood became more common. Such wooden boats have a long history, but in recent years, the transmission of such techniques has been very doubtful. We found traces of the handiwork of such “ship carpenters” here in Komae, which faces the Tama River.
It is said that there used to be a ferry between Komae and Noborito on the other side of the river, but it was discontinued in 1953 when the Tama Suido Bridge was built during the period of rapid economic growth.
Mr. Yatabe, the owner and boatman of “Tamariya” who ran the ferryboat shop in those changing times, started a teahouse, hoping to attract leisure customers to the waterfront. This was successful, and many teahouses and boat rental shops lined up in the vicinity. However, the number of teahouses and boat rental shops declined rapidly after 1975, and Tamariya was the last to survive.
The “houseboats” and “fishing boats – small boats used to catch sweetfish and other fish – that were used there are on display. These boats were designed and built by Tomizo Kuboi, a shipbuilder who lived in Inagi City. He was the last wooden boat builder in the middle reaches of the Tama River until the late 1975’s, when the material of boats was shifted to fiberglass.
In the shallow Tama River, flat-bottomed, shallow riverboats were used, and the boats on display retain these characteristics well. It seems to me that this style of manufacturing is similar to that of residential construction, which aims for a perfect fit with the climate of the region. In Hokkaido, snowfall-free roofs are becoming the mainstream, and although the design motive is upside-down, it is very similar, and I think it shows a manufacturing attitude that responds flexibly to the region and river.
I think there is a similarity between boat carpentry and house carpentry.




English version⬇

Taste of spring from Okhotsk and Shakotan
Hairy crabs that have been stacked in a circle under the drift ice. They are landed at the dawn of the new year and sent directly from the sea. On the other hand, fish in season from the sea of Shakotan. Enjoy the bountiful harvest of the season. Shakotan

When the Sea of Okhotsk “dawns” after the drift ice has gone, it is the season for catching hairy crabs. The hairy crabs are landed after they have fed on plankton from the Amur River basin, which is abundantly contained in the drift ice, at the bottom of the drift ice sea.
The umami taste is concentrated in their massive body. Especially, the crab miso (crab innards) dominates the human senses with its natural taste. After eating the crab, one’s satiety center will eventually respond, “I want another one,” and the crab weighing around 500 grams is just the right size. I have heard this explanation from a friend of mine (laugh), and I totally agree with it.
I had them sent to me on the weekend when my family gathered for a family gathering, and I enjoyed eating them. The weekend was a hairy crab festival in Yubu-cho, the town that sent me the crab, and there was even a limit on the quantity of those directly sent from the beach. According to my friend, the additional explanation was that the crabs were freshly “beach-boiled” and not frozen. This kind of local information is interesting.
We also bought red flounder, squid, scallops, and hokki-gai shellfish caught in Shakotan, which we made into nigiri-zushi and served with it.
I am completely fascinated with the knife skills of flounder, and this time I obtained a very large one and handled it. After breaking off the bones and removing the head, the entrails are removed and the fish is cut into three pieces. The satisfaction and sense of freedom I felt while working with the knife at the end, when I gouged the meat out of the skin, is indescribable. I handle the flounder with a sense of respect for it as a living creature. Yes, it is a killing, but at the same time it seems to be the root of love.
And then there is the large squid, a local delicacy. I clean the squid, peel off the skin, and release the bright white flesh. It had been a long time since I had seen a squid of this size, so I was able to cut it into 12 pieces from a single squid. I also carefully back-cut the squid.
The hokki was also reduced to the natural color of the meat body, and finished off in a delightful way. I also nigiri musuko for color.
But when you start to face the hairy crab, you are more absorbed in the eating process than in the communication with other people. In my case, I like to scrape out the crab meat and miso into a container and eat it with the meat. I eat the legs as well, but I can’t get enough of the center of the crab, which is filled to the brim with crab meat. The silent line while peeling it out of the shell is blissful time.
It is a time when the drama of reincarnation from the Amur River basin to the bottom of the Sea of Okhotsk, as I wrote in the beginning, seems to seep into your body.

【報道と芸術 「屏風絵」の魅力 鎌倉の歴史-5】


English version⬇

Press and Art: The Fascination of “Folding Screen Painting” History of Kamakura-5
In the age without photography, images were produced in the interval between the press and art. As a person who has continued the media, I am strongly attracted to the motive of the production process. …

Continuing from yesterday’s article, I would like to discuss the unique “media” byobu-e expression in Japanese society. I have spent my entire life with a strong interest in the media industry. I have always been convinced that photography is the tool that best embodies “realism” in contemporary society and technology.
I believe that residential photography is the most truthful media element for capturing the lives of real people of that era as they experienced it themselves. I believe that the fact that humankind has acquired the means to convey reality in its entirety through photography has dramatically increased our ability to share culture. Based on this “factual reportage,” the viewpoint from which to consider the theme of “how to live and how to live” is firmly established.
Society before this photograph. I believe that there were various forms of image expression that conveyed the society that our predecessors had created. Because they were images, there was a strong sense of “creativity” in them. However, I often think about the mental images of the creators of these images.
The above images are clearly “reporting” on a cross-section of epoch-making events in history. As future generations, we can imagine the various ways in which they were expressed. How did the parties involved respond to the specific incident, how did the kanjin-gen commission the artists to convey the facts, and what did the artists pay most attention to in their interrelationship with the kanjin-gen in creating their works?
These are the main “explorations” that I spend time discussing with the specific image works.
I am strongly attracted to this whole process of dialogue. In particular, you seem to have the greatest interest in the in-between of journalistic and artistic aspects.
In the end, I am fascinated by the depth of these time-honored, representative objects that have survived to the present day. Many of them are concentrated in museums, art galleries, and history halls today. These places convey the identity of the region in a way that is easy to understand. It is natural, but I think they give us an opportunity to share the past and the present as human beings beyond time.
The paintings are also very useful for us to understand how the incident was reported to the production promoters of the time. Was this angle chosen as the most obvious angle for a news painting?
These questions may be the psychological motive for the inquiry, a fixed point of observation in Kamakura, where the power of the warrior class emerged.

【源平合戦図屏風に耽溺する 鎌倉の歴史-4】



English version⬇

Indulging in the Genpei War Folding Screen: History of Kamakura-4
The lady who held up a fan to Nasu Yoichi must have been terrified, and the painting depicts Yoshitsune protected by a shield and jumping eight boats in a superhuman leap (laugh).

Well, yesterday I dissected the architecture of the Kamakura History and Culture Exchange Center over the course of three articles. It is a very interesting building, but the current use of the architecture is for its “history museum” function. Almost all of the exhibits in the exchange center are permitted to be photographed and opened to the public. Or rather, they are actively encouraged to disseminate information. From today, I would like to indulge in the world of history based on the contents of those exhibits. The photo above is “Genpei Gassen Zu Byobu” placed at the central location of the exhibition, dated in the late Edo period.
While the Kinai region has long been the central region in Japanese history, the Kanto region, which has the largest plains in the archipelago, was somewhat late in developing a society based on the Yayoi culture and rice agriculture.
In the early days of settlement, the main area was the Mono (Gunma-Tochigi) region. The name “Azuma” was sometimes read in poems composed during Yamatotakeru’s expedition. From the perspective of the central government, it was a remote area, and a derogatory term for the area, “Azuma-ebisu,” was sometimes used.
The pioneering example of such discriminatory rebellion against the central government was the Taira-no-Masakado Rebellion of 904, which marked the beginning of the assertion of political sovereignty in the Kanto region. This was followed by the Oshu uprisings of 1051 and later, such as the Mae-no-Kunen Gassen. The rise of the samurai was probably due to the sharpening of armed conflict in the northeastern region of the eastern provinces.
In contrast to the dynastic government, which had an elegant ruling structure, the realistic world of the East, with its land disputes, was increasingly oriented toward domination by military force. In establishing such military power, the Minamoto clan, from Minamoto no Yoriyoshi onward, chose Kamakura as their home base and became the leader of the local warrior class.
After a variety of circumstances, the Kamakura shogunate was established by Yoritomo’s generation as a result of the strengthening and development of relations with these Kanto warriors. In Kamakura, the “emergence of power” in Japanese history, which is comparable to the Jinmu expedition and the demonstration of Yamatotakeru’s control over the whole country, took place. Learning a lesson from the Taira-no-Masakado Rebellion, which ended in an unsuccessful attempt to establish their own power, Yoritomo and his retainers carefully established their power.
Based on this history, the Genpei War was a battle that ushered in a new era in the eastern provinces of Japan and Kamakura. Yoshitsune, who played a leading role in the battle, became a tragic hero because he did not have the same political acumen as his elder brother Yoritomo. This may be a condensation of the conflict between the “common sense public opinion” of the Kinai and Western provinces and the Kamakura military authority.

This photo is an enlargement of a portion of the Genpei Gassen Byobu. Since it is a folding screen painting, the picture is divided into several parts, but I created it by cropping and correcting in Photoshop (see below). The two main battle tales in the Genpei wars: “Nasu Yoichi’s Fan” and the scene of Yoshitsune’s “Hachisou jump” scene at Dannoura.
When we process images of folding screen paintings like this, we can understand some of the details of the expression, which deepens the enjoyment of the work. Some of the lighting in the museum is inevitably reflected on the protective glass surface, but please ignore that (laugh) and enjoy the view.

【横穴墳墓「やぐら」との対話建築 鎌倉歴史文化交流館-3】



English version⬇

Dialogue Architecture with “Yagura,” a Horizontal Anaerobic Tomb Kamakura Historical and Cultural Exchange Museum-3
Kanto was “pioneered and developed” more than 1,000 years before Hokkaido. However, the architectural motive has a strong spirituality and religiosity, which is in contrast to Hokkaido, where such motives are rare. This is in contrast to Hokkaido, where there are few such buildings. …

While viewing the “Kamakura History and Culture Exchange Center” by British architect Norman Foster, I was struck by the “dialogue with the surrounding environment” as an important architectural element: the “yagura,” a group of horizontal hole tombs shown in the photo. Such tomb complexes can be found throughout the Japanese archipelago, but it is a rare experience to see them as symbolic spaces.
 According to Wikipedia, “A yokoana-teomb is a tomb in which a person is buried in a cave, generally about 2 meters high and several meters deep, dug into the slope of a plateau or hillside. This type of tomb is also found in ancient East Asia, but in Japan, this term is used as an archaeological term to refer to this type of tomb system, which appeared mainly during the Kofun period. The text reads, “The tombs of the Kofun period were mainly of this type.
 The location of this site, on a hill in Kamakura with a mountainous rim in the background, strongly suggests a cross-section of human history in the archipelago. As a symbol of life with the sea, it conveys the traces of long human habitation in the region.
 I believe that this tradition of spiritual space has existed for a long time in Japanese society and has formed the fundamental motivation for architecture. Respect for this kind of spirituality is strongly rooted in the architecture of ancient tombs, shrines, and temples. In fact, these caves themselves are a kind of “religious architecture.

People must have been considerably stimulated by the atmosphere created by this kind of environment. There are also Buddhist temples in the vicinity, which explains why Minamoto no Yoriyoshi and Minamoto no Yoshie were so attracted to this area as the base of the Minamoto clan in the Kanto region. The area conveys a strong spirituality. It is also understandable why Yoritomo thought that this site was suitable as a base for controlling the Kanto warrior groups and establishing his military authority.
 It must have also strongly inspired the architects who came across this site in later times. Today, cobblestones are laid on the floor as the “garden” of the building, but the continuity of the stone material penetrates into the interior of the building, which is characterized by its stone walls, completing the image of a dialogue with the environment.
 This is why the architects were so concerned with stone, and why they were so motivated to place European and Western stone materials in dialogue with this environment.
 In Hokkaido, on the other hand, there are few architectural spaces that stand out for this kind of architectural motivation or religiosity. The “Ezo Sankan-ji” of the Edo period (1603-1868) barely comes to mind. Sapporo, for example, is a planned city created from the ground up by modern Western thought. In Sapporo, for example, the “dialogue with the environment” was more focused on the specific thermal environment, whereas in Kanto, this mentality formed the basic motivation.
 Kanto is considered by Hokkaido people as a region where “pioneering and development” progressed more than 1,000 years before the development of Hokkaido, but I was taught that this kind of spirituality and culture was much more predominant in Kanto.

【外壁・内観、質感フェッチ全開 鎌倉歴史文化交流館-2】




English version⬇

Exterior walls, interior, and material texture fetch in full bloom Kamakura History and Culture Exchange Center-2
The marble block masonry construction of the exterior walls and bronze sashes create a contrast with the Japanese shaded space. Japanese from a Westerner’s point of view. …

The building being introduced is a historical and cultural exchange building, but the external impression appears to be that of multiple, large stone planes in parallel. The exterior walls of natural stone blocks. The photo below is a GoogleMap image from the sky and a view from the garden and the top of the cliff face. From the view from above, it is a series of walls. It may be hard to believe that this is a building. But on the contrary, from a human-level perspective, this wall “sticks” deeply as an architectural impression.
The outer skin of the stone wall conveys the texture of natural stone materials, which strongly evokes a universal human feeling. All of these materials, sashes, flooring, exterior walls, and interior materials are imported from Germany and other European countries. I was particularly impressed by the exterior wall material, but I cannot refer to detailed architectural data, so I do not know what it is. However, I think it might be marble, judging from its luster and texture. Visually, the thickness seems to be about 20 to 30 cm. Considering the attention paid to the material, the stone is probably solid wood. However, the natural texture of the stone gives it a gentle atmosphere rather than a hard-core one.

He also said that the sashes are made of “bronze”. This alloy is made by multiplying copper with tin and other metals, but it is not common to hear of its use as a material for sashes. It is not suitable for sashes, for which airtight and watertight processing is a prerequisite. Even in Scandinavia, wooden sashes are universal in ordinary houses. Come to think of it, the openings are mainly large openings, and I have never seen small windows. Although this is a super high-end house, the bronze material does not seem to emphasize airtightness or other requirements. In short, as with stone as the main building material, the predominant criterion for judgment is the sense of value as a material and the enjoyment of the texture of the material as it changes over time.

The interior space, however, is basically Japanese in essence, with a gradation from “dark” to “light” while incorporating an attractive exterior landscape. The interior space is a westernized interpretation of “wabi and sabi,” so to speak. Although the apertures are large, I feel that the overall design is based on the Japanese delicacy of spatial lightness symbolized by the paper shoji screens.
While taking into account the history of Kamakura, the designers must have been trying to live in harmony with the environment in accordance with Japanese values. Special materials are also used throughout, such as synthetic marble with optical fibers built into the walls and glass blocks made from waste TV tubes.
Since our house had a “commoner” choice of exterior skin materials: concrete block structure body and brick exterior walls and corrugated iron sheets, I felt a sense of familiarity with them as material choices, but I also felt that I was seeing a superb example of material texture fetching.




English version⬇

Explore the Norman Foster-designed “Kamakura History and Culture Exchange Center”-1
Located on a hill overlooking the sea in Kamakura, a few hundred meters from Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine. The building was designed by a British architect with a knighthood, who changed the use of a high-class residence of a certain personage. The building was designed by a British architect with a title of nobility.

The residential building designed by Norman Foster, a leading British architect who designed the new Apple building and is also a knighted aristocrat and large business owner, is located in Kamakura and has been converted to a museum-like facility with different uses. I had hoped to have a chance to visit the building once before, and recently I was finally able to explore it. It is this building, the Kamakura History and Culture Exchange Center.
I understand that a wealthy family commissioned him to design it as a private residence, and afterwards, due to various circumstances, Kamakura City has been using it for this purpose. Yesterday, I visited the replica exhibition of the armor of “Shigetada Hatakeyama,” and as a history buff, it was a great opportunity for me to kill two birds with one stone.
As I mentioned yesterday, I was fascinated by the human drama of the founding period of the Kamakura Shogunate that was popular on NHK’s historical TV program last year, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to visit the Kamakura History and Culture Exchange Center, where there was also a related event. This was my chance for revenge.
As such, I would like to introduce a new series of reports on the history of architecture and Kamakura, following the recent reports by Tadao Ando, Yasutsugu Horibe, and Kengo Kuma.
Architecture is a strong aspect of dialogue with the surrounding environment, and I think there must be a certain tension for a foreigner to get involved in another country’s cultural realm. In this sense, the relationship between the client and Mr. Norman Foster must be taken into consideration. Even though it is a very high-class residence, it is a private residence, and since it has since been given away, it is not accessible to strangers due to privacy concerns. I will only mention that he is a representative cultural figure in Japan.
The site, including the prime location in Kamakura and the back garden land, is 4,500 tsubo. The total floor area of the main building is 1137.77 m2 (340 tsubo) and the annex building is 267.56 m2 (81 tsubo).

There is a sense that Kamakura is a special place even within the Kanto region. Historically, the area was the base for the Minamoto clan to put down roots in the Kanto region, and the terrain is like a fortress, surrounded by mountains on three sides except for the beach on the southern side. However, because of this, the land is ultimately small. Since the Meiji era (1868-1912), the area has become a high-class residential area, partly because Japanese cultural figures competed for the land and enhanced their brand image.
Owning a house in Kamakura has been regarded as the ultimate dream of the Japanese since the Meiji period. The building is located a few hundred meters from Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine and close to City Hall, so I visited by car and used the City Hall parking lot. (The building is located on a hill that rises gradually toward the mountains in the background, offering an excellent view of the sea.
The location of the house makes it a truly high-class residential environment. As a Hokkaido native, the historical background of the area is beyond my comprehension (laughs). I am very interested in it.




English version⬇

Rationality and Fashion on the Battlefield – The Spirit of the Kamakura Samurai
The Seika of Monozukuri Japan. Desperate ingenuity is put into it. How modern AI development will progress will be tested. ・・・・.

I have been immersed in Kengo Kuma’s architecture in Yusuhara, Shikoku, but I have reached the end of my immersion. However, it seems that Kengo Kuma’s designs are at the forefront of the trend toward wood construction in public buildings throughout Japan. I am sure that many of the resulting works will be presented in the future. Since the movement is taking place in the immediate area of residential architecture, we will have to keep an eye on it.
Since my blog theme has been focused on digging deeper into my explorations in Shikoku, I need to take a short break. So today’s topic is history, going back in time to the Kamakura period. This year’s NHK Taiga is about Ieyasu, but I personally find the storyline a bit too ridiculous for my expectations, and I am a bit tired of it (laugh). In comparison, last year’s drama about the early days of the Kamakura period was quite interesting and immersive.
In contrast to the conventional historical understanding that focuses on figures such as Yoshitsune, Benkei, or Yoritomo, it was refreshing to see the focus on the endless internal conflicts of the Kamakura (1185-1333) warrior clans. That is why they explored Kamakura, Izu, etc. The photo is a reconstruction of the armor of Shigetada Hatakeyama, whose individuality was outstanding even among the warrior clans of the time.
In the drama, he was portrayed as a victim of the internal strife of the samurai clan, who lived proudly as a beautifully scattered Kamakura samurai. This is his favorite piece of armor, the “Great Armor with Red Thread Vestige”. It is on display at the “Kamakura History and Culture Museum” in Kamakura City.
The attached description is as follows
〜This armor was made by Ishii Gakudo (Saotome Yoshitaka) based on a large suit of armor owned by Hatakeyama Shigetada (owned by Musashi Ontake Shrine). The finest materials and traditional techniques are lavishly used in this work. It is a powerful work that reminds us of the courage of the Kamakura warriors. 〜From
Mr. Ishii Gakudo (Saotome Yoshitaka) is a modern craftsman and “the leading inheritor of Kamakura period armor in the modern age.
Armor is a fighting tool on the battlefield, so the first priority would be defense as functionality. Since it was made in the Kamakura period, we pursue defense against swords, bows, and arrows. On top of that, ease of use was required to facilitate body movements.
The beginning of the samurai era means that economic development was booming in response to such needs, and there must have been a lot of competition among the winners and losers of such competition. The Kamakura period can be seen as a time of “monozukuri” (manufacturing) in Japan. I also wanted to analyze it from a business perspective to see what kind of ingenuity and ingenuity was incorporated into it.

Now, beyond the social stagnation caused by infectious diseases, I believe that the world is beginning to move in a big way. In terms of national developments, the budget for this fiscal year will be executed almost as originally proposed by the government in the budget debate in the Diet. I think we are beginning to see a relatively stable situation in politics. On the economic front, the development of AI has been trying to create various changes. In the modern world, this trend will still determine the future.

【1月の南国「高地」ホテル宿泊体験 四国・梼原と隈研吾-10】



English version⬇

Hotel stay in Yusuhara and Kengo Kuma, Shikoku, in January.
The lowest temperature was -1°C. Even in Tosa-Kochi Prefecture, the highlands in the mountains have cold conditions with snowfall. What are the actual specifications for insulation and openings? ・・・・・.

Kengo Kuma’s first building in Yusuhara was the “Hotel on Clouds,” but it is still under reconstruction. We were forced to stay at the town hotel in the photo, “Machi-no-Eki Yusuhara. However, there are no hot spring facilities, so I went out and took a bath in the hot spring adjacent to the “Gallery Above the Clouds,” which was featured in the article, before returning home.
As one might expect, we were physically exhausted after traveling from Kochi City to various places on the day of our stay. The distance to the hot spring facility is about a 20-minute round trip, but because Yusuhara is rich in nature, the city area is only a short distance away, so I did not feel much distance. The open-air baths at the Yusuhara hot spring facilities were like a hot spring above the clouds, with an outstanding view that made me feel like I was in a good mood and invited me to go to bed, so I was able to sleep comfortably after my hotel stay.
I was so comfortable that I went to bed and fell asleep in a slumber after my hotel stay. I had some doubts about the location of power outlets around the work desk, and about the lighting and bed placement, which made me feel out of place. Also, the floor of the bathroom was not clearly partitioned, so I felt a little uncomfortable under my feet. Well, I’ll leave it at that.
In January, even though it was in a tropical area, there was snow in some parts because of the high altitude above the clouds, but I was able to rest comfortably sleeping there with the air conditioner heating.

When I woke up in the morning and opened the window curtains, I found that the aluminum sash windows were in the same condition as you can see. I did not check the details of the building data, but it seems that the choice of the opening material was very typical for a hot and humid climate. The glass is single-pane and screened. The glass is single pane and screened. The fact that it is screened suggests that it was selected for urban conditions and specifications.
Incidentally, the annual average temperature graph for Yusuhara is as shown above, with the lowest temperature in January being minus 1 degree Celsius. In warmer regions, there are few cold-resistant plastic sashes in circulation, and I think the reality is that the price must be high, reflecting the fact that the sashes are ordered on a case-by-case basis.
I once stayed at a resort hotel near Hakata in northern Kyushu for a New Year’s family vacation, and found ice forming all over the open windows. This is the kind of reality that northerners who travel to warm regions in winter encounter. In a sense, you need to be prepared for this when traveling to warm regions in winter.
I had high expectations for this project as designed by Kengo Kuma, who built a model building, “House by the Water” of Ainu origin, with the magazine-like name “Meme” on the site of LIXIL in Tokachi, Hokkaido, but ……. Well, it is a public building ordered by the town, and I guess it was chosen under the restrictions of various specifications and conditions.

【茅外壁の「まちの駅ゆすはら」 四国・梼原と隈研吾-9】


施設東側に用いられている茅(かや)は、隈氏が、町内の伝統的な茅葺屋根に学ばれ設計されました。茅のファサードは特徴的な景観を生み出すだけでなく、通気性・断熱性に優れるため、自然の力によって快適な室内環境を創っております。 また、まちの中の「森」というコンセプトを映すように、施設内には杉丸太の柱を林立させ、森の中を巡るような内部空間を作り出しています。一方で客室は、時間を忘れゆったりと過ごすことができるように細部まで計算された瀟洒な設えになっています。〜

English version⬇

Yusuhara, Yusuhara, Shikoku, and Kengo Kuma – 9
Thatch, a primitive roofing material used in residential architecture since pit dwellings, adorns the exterior walls of this modern structure. A pleasant sense of discomfort (laugh). Kuma Kengo

Kengo Kuma’s architecture has become a trademark of the town of Yusuhara in Kochi Prefecture. This is the ninth blog entry about our visit during our New Year’s vacation. The first Kengo Kuma building in Yusuhara was a lodging facility known as the “Hotel on Clouds,” but it was under reconstruction when we visited.
As I approached the building, I was surprised to see that the thatch used for the roofs of old private houses was being used as the exterior wall material.
It was not until the Middle Ages that wooden boards began to be used as exterior wall material, even in old minka houses, and before that, straw-like material was commonly used for exterior walls. The most important element in the origin of dwellings was the roof structure, and the pit-type dwelling, in which the roof was pitched down to the ground, was the most primitive type. Walls were not considered until the stilt house.
Thatch as a primitive straw-like material, but it is unclear whether it is appropriate as a building material in modern urban areas. I am not sure about the requirement of “fireproof and flame retardant surname” required for exterior wall material, or how the building condition permit was secured for this building located in the center of the city district.
However, there is no doubt that the building is strongly eye-catching in terms of design. Although the shape of the building is a very modern and rational box, it conveys a surrealistic sense of materiality, and one is struck by a pleasant sense of “discomfort.

The following description of the building can be found on the Yusuhara website.
〜Yusuhara Town Station, which is a fusion of Yusuhara’s specialty products and a hotel, welcomes many travelers as the face of Yusuhara.
The thatched roof on the east side of the building was designed by Mr. Kuma, who was inspired by the traditional thatched roofs in the town. The thatched facade not only creates a distinctive landscape, but also creates a comfortable indoor environment through the power of nature, as it has excellent ventilation and heat insulation properties. To reflect the concept of a “forest” within the town, the facility is lined with cedar log pillars, creating an interior space that resembles a tour through a forest. The guest rooms, on the other hand, are elegantly furnished with every detail calculated so that guests can relax and lose track of time. 〜The rooms are designed in an elegant manner, with every detail calculated to allow you to forget about time and relax.
The Kengo Kuma Office’s website also states the following
〜In the past, the people of Yusuhara entertained travelers crossing the mountain passes in thatched “chado,” or tea houses. Inspired by this tradition of hospitality, the exterior walls of this marche are also made of thatch. The blocked thatch rotates along its axis, creating a ventilated detail. ~.
The blocked thatch is not visible on the side of the thatch in the interior photo. Perhaps the interior wall surface is a multi-layered addition. How was the comfort? Continue to tomorrow.