
【大名参勤交代の虚実 土佐藩・旧立川番所書院-2】


English version⬇

The Falsity of the Daimyo’s Visit to the Tosa Domain, Former Tachikawa Bansho Shoin-2
A “mite” system device that economically deprives the feudal lords of their military authority. While they were saying “down – down – down”, fierce economic hardship struck. …

The Shikoku Mountains are a natural obstacle that separates Tosa from the central regions of Kyoto, Osaka, and Edo (present-day Tokyo). In order to overcome this obstacle, efforts had been made since ancient times to open roads through the mountains. As if to mock such efforts, the Edo shogunate enforced a political system of “daimyo’s visit to and from the capital.
From the perspective of the shogunate, this system was a heavy economic burden on the clans, and from the perspective of the shogunate, it was effective for domestic political and military stability by reducing the economic power of the clans. This was the most important factor in the peace of Edo. I am impressed that the shogunate came up with such a peace strategy.
How much money did it cost to make the trip to Edo? The Maeda family of Kaga, one million koku, has a record of expenditures in the form of “Gokyoku no Goyo Ginyu (silver for the return trip in the 5th year of Bunka era). The total cost of the return trip from Edo was approximately 5,500 ryo, and assuming that 1 ryo = 100,000 yen, the total cost of the return trip was 550 million yen, of which personnel expenses were estimated at 7,410,000 yen. The cost of the journey included a wide range of items such as inns (lodging), fees for crossing the river, gifts and compensation for passing through the territory of other clans, etc. The Kaga Clan was the first clan in Japan to receive such compensation from the Tosa Clan.
The Kaga clan may have traveled less than half the distance of the Tosa clan, but its income was five times that of the Tosa clan, 200,000 koku compared to 1 million koku for the Kaga clan. The total cost cannot be simply calculated, since a “procession” had to be prepared to match the amount of stones. However, we can roughly estimate the total cost. It is said that the Tosa Clan used ships in the early Edo period, but because it was difficult to determine the number of days, they began to use a mountain route that passed through the Tachikawa River. Probably, the reason was that it was economically cheaper.
This Tachikawa guardhouse is the northernmost point of the Tosa territory. The accountant, the person in charge of the economy, was afraid to go there, saying, “From here on, it is another clan’s territory. The money was going to cost more and more. On the return trip, they may or may not have felt relieved that they could finally control their spending. I suppose that even within their own domain, they are only concerned about their appearance because they have the political objective of “showing off their authority. It seems to me that such authoritarianism was a waste of time and money, but such was the way of the world.
The samurai were probably a ruling class that was unusually sensitive to “appearances. The system that fully exploited this habit to its very marrow was the “sankyu-sho. This system was introduced and continued almost until just before the fall of the shogunate. The good argument that the budget should be allocated to actual defense rather than wasting money like this, however, did not come to fruition. In the end, the system did not change until the Black Ships Shock. Is it the power of vested interests? Perhaps Japan is a society in which it is difficult to change what has been decided once.



English version⬇

Former Tachikawa Bansho Shoin / A key point on the mountain road north of Kochi
Since the Nankaido (Southern Sea Route) was established in the Nara Period (710-794), Tosa Province has suffered as a region with difficult transportation routes due to the Shikoku Mountains. This is a strategic point for a mountain land route to break through the mountainous region. The area is also known as the “Keystone of the Mountain Road” in Japan.

The Shikoku Travels series begins this time with a “guard house” from the old domain era located in Tachikawa, on the border between Kochi Prefecture and the prefectures of Kagawa and Ehime. This old building, designated as an important cultural property, was built in the Kansei era of the Edo period (1603-1868), about 210 years ago. It was designated a National Important Cultural Property in 1974, and was dismantled and restored in 1980 at a total cost of approximately 100 million yen.
The Kochi Prefecture area is separated from the Seto Inland Sea area by the Shikoku Mountains, a mountainous region running east to west across Shikoku. This has been a characteristic of the region from ancient times to modern times. According to the ancient “Nankaido” (Nankaido means “Southern Sea Route”), which was established in 711, it runs from Heijo-kyo to Tosa via Kii, Awaji, Awa, Sanuki, and Iyo-Uwa counties. The farthest end of the Nankaido.
The Shoku Nihongi of 718 states, “The road goes through Iyo Province. The route is long. The road goes through Iyo Province. Therefore, it is said that the road leading to Tosa from Awa Province was shortened in response to a request from the Tosa Provincial Government, but the route is not clear.
Later, in 797, a mountain road was opened through Tachikawa, which is said to have served as an exchange route between Tosa and other regions. It is interesting to learn that the search for transportation routes has been conducted for more than 80 years during this period. It shows that even in ancient times, constant efforts were made to develop the region. As a native of Hokkaido, the most recently developed region in Japanese history, I feel a special sympathy for this region. I can feel a sense of affinity with the people of Tosa Province, who must have had a hard time in ancient times. (Laughs). This sentiment may be a major part of the reason why I feel a special affinity for this trip to Kochi and Tosa in my Shikoku itinerary.
In the Edo period (1603-1867), the feudal lords used to travel by sea, but this route was not stable enough for them to make a schedule, so they eventually began to use the Tachikawa route. The construction of this building was motivated by the fact that a “guard house” was built here for the feudal lord to rest.
Today, an expressway runs parallel to this mountain road. The nearest terminal is Otoyo, south of Tachikawa. There, we get off the highway and drive along the mountain road, which is a winding mountain road that reminds us of the laborious efforts of people in ancient times.
If you look around the Shikoku Mountains from Tachikawa, you can also see how high the land is. This is an exploration of buildings, but I ran out of paper just looking at the surrounding environment and location (laugh). I will continue the story in the next day or so.



English version⬇

Hokkaido and Kamakura/Hiraizumi, common traces of medieval Buddhism
On their deathbeds, people pray for a rebirth in paradise in the next life. This wish, which is equal to that of all human beings, is transmitted beyond time and space. The history of the heart that traverses the Japanese archipelago. The history of the heart that traverses the Japanese archipelago.

This is part 2 of my miscellaneous impressions and things I did not write enough about after visiting the “Medieval Prayer” exhibition at the Kamakura Museum of History and Culture. Yesterday it was about Eifukuji Temple in Kamakura, but this exhibition did not remind me of the relationship between Hokkaido and the Oshu Fujiwara clan and others.
The Oshu Fujiwara clan has been confirmed to have traces of “sutra mounds” in Atsuma, Hokkaido. Sutra mounds are one of the characteristic traces of medieval Buddhism. Sutra mounds are a religious response to the “Latter Day Buddhist Thought” of the late Heian period. The era in which Buddhist thought was properly transmitted to the people had come to an end, and a situation called the “Latter Day of the Law” had arrived. The age of “Latter Day of the Law” will come to an end, and decent thought and Buddhism will disappear from the minds of the people. After such a period of 5.67 billion years, it is said that the world will finally be saved, and sutra mounds will be left as a time capsule, so to speak, for future generations to inherit the correct Buddha Dharma.
This worldview was deeply believed by people and had a strong influence on politics. This was a time when people deeply believed in this worldview, and it had a strong influence on politics.
The first panel in the exhibition shows a sick man on his deathbed, rising from his futon, accompanied by a Buddhist priest, praying to a Buddhist altar for his safe passage to the next life. On the other side is a weeping woman who appears to be his wife.
The second photo shows a sutra mound excavated in Atsuma, Hokkaido. A precious “Tokoname ware” jar was used as a container. The third panel photo shows a scene of a “ita-toba” (wooden tablet) standing. It was probably spatially composed as a symbol of hope for the next world in the midst of the bleakness of medieval religious beliefs. A miniature alternative to a Buddhist temple. It can be regarded as a kind of Buddhist architecture.
It seemed to me that the exhibition deeply and quietly conveyed the social conditions and views of life and death in Hiraizumi, Kamakura, and Hokkaido, which were far from the capital during this period. The center of Japanese history is inevitably the Kinai region, and although the Kanto region emerged and eventually took over, it is difficult to understand the situation in other regions. In this context, the culture of “prayer” in such a remote area can be vividly understood as an image that is common to us today.
Hokkaido Island appears “from time to time” in Japanese history (laugh). The first period of involvement was during the Abenohirau expedition in ancient times. In this context, the Oshu Fujiwara Clan was quite active during the period of the Oshu Fujiwara Clan. This, together with the feelings of jealousy toward the magistrate, probably gave birth to the legend of Yoshitsune’s island crossing.


〜建久2年(1191)2月15日 頼朝、永福寺を建てる場所を決めるため、大倉周辺を探す。
建久3年(1192)1月21日 頼朝、二階堂建設現場で土工事を見る。8月27日 頼朝、庭造りの専門家、静玄を京都から招き、庭石の配置について相談する。9月11日 静玄、庭の池に石をならべ、頼朝はこの様子を見学する。10月29日 二階堂の扉と仏背後の壁画が完成する。奥州毛越寺の金堂(円隆寺)の壁画を模す。〜というような建築経緯記録を見ると頼朝の心底がうかがえる。


English version⬇

Eifukuji, the riddle of the great Kamakura temple, and the heart’s desire of its owner, Yoritomo.
The architectural complexes such as Mōtsūji Temple symbolize the independent government of Hiraizumi. The victor, the Kamakura Shogunate, Yoritomo seemed to have a certain complex about them in his mind. …

There are several themes that I forgot to write about in my recent series on exploring Kamakura. Among them is Eifukuji Temple, which has been on my mind for some time. According to historical facts, Yoritomo was deeply struck by seeing “Motsu-ji” in Hiraizumi after his expedition in 1189 in the Oshu War that decimated the Oshu Fujiwara clan, and decided to build an almost similar temple in Kamakura.
From there, a building project was initiated, and a temple similar to Motsu-dera was built, but it was destroyed by fire in 1333. Therefore, the temple existed for only 144 years in reality. In modern times, the site has been developed as a historical site, and a VR experience corner was set up at the Kamakura History and Culture Exchange Center. The city probably wants to rebuild it.
I also experienced this VR and felt that “the basic architectural concept is the same as that of Mōtsūji Temple. The Motsu-ji was built in Hiraizumi in the same period as the Byodoin Phoenix Hall and other Rin-ike style temples, but Yoritomo, the owner of Eifuku-ji, had only Motsu-ji in his mind, and it is said that he transferred the architectural concept of Motsu-ji to Kamakura.
〜On February 15, 1191, Yoritomo searched the area around Okura to decide where to build Eifukuji Temple.
January 21, 1192: Yoritomo observes earthwork at the site of the Nikaidō construction site; August 27: Yoritomo invites Shizugen, an expert in garden design, from Kyoto to consult on the placement of garden stones; September 11: Shizugen arranges stones in the garden pond, which Yoritomo observes; October 29: The door to the Nikaidō and the mural paintings behind the Buddha are completed. The murals were modeled after those in the Kondo (Enryu-ji Temple) of Motsu-ji in Oshu. 〜The record of the building’s history shows Yoritomo’s deepest feelings.

I believe that this temple may have been a deep manifestation of the image that Yoritomo had of the independent regional government of Hiraizumi as the armed power of Kamakura that had survived the Genpei uprising. Yoritomo’s complex inner feelings toward the Hiraizumi regime may have coalesced in the architecture of this mysterious temple. The disappearance of Eifukuji as an architectural structure coinciding with the downfall of the Kamakura Shogunate seems to have such a “cause and effect.
In the present day, Mōtsū-ji in Hiraizumi has been partially reconstructed, as shown in the photo, while Eifuku-ji remains only as a computer-generated image. It seems as if the Oshu Fujiwara clan was taking a shot at Yoritomo.
According to the chronology, the central Nikaido hall was completed in 1192, the year Yoritomo was appointed barbarian general. The purpose of the temple’s construction was to offer memorial services to the spirits of his younger brothers Yoshitsune and Fujiwara Yasuhira, who died in the Battle of Oshu, but it seems that Eifukuji Temple was an architectural expression of the spirit of Yoritomo.
The contrast between the architectural remains of Mōtsūji and Eifukuji is interesting from an architectural historical perspective.



English version⬇

The early budding of flowers, then a complete turnaround to freezing rain and snow.
In the business world, a variety of activities are underway on a big wheel. AI technology, such as ChatGPT, is the focus of much attention. It’s been three cold and four warm days, but the season is definitely moving. …

It is now mid-April and Golden Week will begin next week, so we are finally hearing the news of cherry blossoms blooming from many places in Hokkaido. In fact, the sakura (cherry blossoms) were in full bloom in the garden of the library across the street from our house. So, in the spirit of spring, I took a little trip yesterday, even though it was raining, to a familiar fish shop in Yoichi, Nioka Shoten, to see the seasonal fish situation. The current status of seafood from the east coast of the Shakotan Peninsula, including Yoichi, was on display. The main catch still seems to be flounder, and we were able to purchase a slightly larger one, which was being grated for sashimi.
On the road trip, we sometimes saw cherry trees in bloom. I thought that perhaps the cherry trees would be in full bloom before the consecutive holidays, but the situation took a turn for the worse early today morning, with snow mixed in along with freezing rain. The temperature has dropped dramatically since yesterday, with a high of 5° today, 9° lower than the previous day. Three cold and four warm days in Hokkaido.
The photo shows wild flowers seen on the Hassamu River the day before yesterday. The photo shows a group of wild flowers I saw on the Hassamu River the day before yesterday. I can remember the names of characteristic flowers, but it is difficult for me to remember the names of wild flowers that tell me the base of the local sense of the season. Or rather, I don’t have that much interest in them, but I feel an irresistible nostalgia for them.
From this week onward, I have a lot of things going on at work. We have been utilizing AI technology in our new project related to residential image databases, and ChatGPT-related topics are rapidly gaining momentum worldwide, and it seems that the “harmonic system” of AI research at Hokkaido University, with whom we are collaborating, is attracting more and more attention. Dr. Hidenori Kawamura, who is leading AI technology in Japan in terms of scientific research, has been sending out information in various forums. Recently, I received an invitation to an event he was going to give a lecture at, and when I immediately responded to the e-mail to attend, I was told that the event was already “fully booked. I replied to the e-mail and found that the event was already “fully booked.” I guessed that it must have attracted a lot of attention.
I was told that an AI-related exhibition will be held at Tokyo Big Sight in May, and that our partner companies will be exhibiting at the event. Since it is somewhat related to AI, I am planning to visit the exhibition as well. I have also heard that our tools were introduced at an IT-related event the other day and received a good response.
Although the snow still comes back from time to time (laugh), we are determined to make steady progress toward the end of spring. Well…


わが家の近くには洗車専門スタンドがあるのですが、買い物のついでに通りかかったらあり得ないほどの長蛇の列。どう見ても1−2時間待ちは確実。クルマを見た感じではわが家でのシロウト洗車でも、そこそこ対応可能のように思えたので、DO IT YOURSELF。洗車用の洗剤もあったけれど、まずは水洗い+洗車ブラシ+拭き取り対応で様子を見ることにしたのです。


English version⬇

Car and window washing to remove “yellow sand”.
I don’t remember that much about the natural phenomenon of yellow sand since I was born. I don’t even remember having to deal with it, much less wash my car. Is it one of the pathologies of the Anthropocene Earth? …

Yesterday, I finally returned to my home. And when I looked at my wife’s car, which she came to pick me up, I saw that it looked a little pitiful because of the yellow sand. It was not so much a beautiful face, but I felt that my deeply loved car was covered with mud, so I took the time to wash it in the afternoon at our house.
There is a car wash near our house, but when I walked by it while shopping, I found an unbelievably long line. I was sure there would be a 1-2 hour wait. I thought it would be possible to wash the car at home even by a novice, so I decided to do it myself.
We pulled out the outdoor water shower that had been removed for the winter and installed it. It had not been used for about half a year, but it was full of water, and it removed the yellow sand pleasantly. After that, we painstakingly removed the mud with a car wash brush. After that, we sprayed water once more to remove the mud for the second time. Then, I carefully wiped off the glass surface and the body of the car with a cloth wiping cloth. In my case, I did not use any detergent and only washed the car with water this time, but I may have to do it more seriously in the future, depending on how it goes. However, since it is supposed to rain today, I guess I can rest easy.

In addition, we sprayed the windows on the front side of the building with a water spray shower. The windows were dirty from the winter rather than from yellow sand, so I washed them with love and care.
My life time is getting longer and longer, but I did not remember a situation where I had to wash my car because it was dirty from DSS. The photo above is an extracted image from the “DSS” situation video released by the Japan Meteorological Agency for the period of 4/16-17/2019. The red color indicates intense DSS, while Hokkaido is only light orange. However, the global environmental climate factors are so strong that they can be seen even in these satellite images.
The term “Anthropocene” is becoming well known as human activities are affecting the global environment itself, and I wonder if this is one of the reasons why the scale of the DSS seems to be expanding. I would like to pass on a better environment to future generations, but as an individual, I think I can do my best to keep my surroundings in good shape by washing my car frequently. There are reports that it will fly in again next week, so we need to be careful for a while.

【ヒグマ目撃情報 4/14 06:37 in ほぼ北海道神宮内】


English version⬇

Brown Bear Sighting 4/14 06:37 in Hokkaido Shrine
This is the second report from last year, this time from the area around my house and along my usual walking path. We have to accept the coexistence with the danger of nature. Be careful. I am not sure if this is a good idea or not.

I happen to be out of town until today, but yesterday at 6:37 a.m., an announcement was made that a brown bear had been spotted (!) at a location on the map. I am staying out until today. It was an announcement on the city’s public relations website titled “Sapporo City Brown Bear Appearance Information. What is it, Miyagaoka, Chuo-ku, Sapporo? This is exactly where I walk every day. It is 2.9 km from Yamanote, Nishi-ku, Sapporo, where I live, as shown in the figure. I usually drive to the Jingu parking lot and park my car, and start my walk there.
Then, I was able to identify the address number, “What is it, 474-35? I pinpointed the location on Google Maps and found it to be exactly where I wanted to walk!
This location is adjacent to the three Jingu parking lots in the Hokkaido Jingu facility building. It is also about 100 meters from the female Jizo-san who visits the shrine every day. Time-wise, 6:37 is the middle of the walk. At this time of day, many people gather at the plaza in front of the main shrine building of Hokkaido Jingu and are in the middle of radio calisthenics. The subsequent announcement said that the sighting took place at 23:55 on 4/13.
If we imagine a brown bear’s territory, it must have descended along a small river on the map, and we can easily assume that Maruyama Park itself is its territory. I also walk along this river almost every day, so we share a similar “topographical awareness”.
According to the information issued by the city, police officers are on alert at the site, and I have been watching the information carefully, but as of today, no further reports have been received. It was a late-night sighting, so it could have been a misidentification….
Last year, a mother brown bear and her cubs were found in a den near our house on Triangle Mountain, and the mother bear escaped after harming the discoverer. This was also in the immediate area, about 2 km from our house. In addition, last year, a person was injured by a brown bear that appeared in the urban area of Higashi-ku, Sapporo, and it is still fresh in our minds that a brown bear was killed in the urban area. We had anticipated that this might happen again this year.
For the time being, we are thinking of changing our walking course. However, it is also a course along the surrounding river park, so there is a possibility of encountering brown bears based on their behavior patterns. As long as we live in Hokkaido, which is rich in nature, we must be aware of this kind of danger, I suppose.



〜<浦嶋神社(宇良神社)>昔話でお馴染みの浦島太郎。この話の起源は「日本書記」「丹後国風土記(逸文)」「万葉集」に浦嶋の名が見られることから、七世紀後半。日本各地にその伝承がみられますが、伊根町の浦嶋神社に伝わる浦嶋伝説が最も起源が古いとされています。 浦嶋神社創祀年代は淳和天皇の天長2年(825年)とされ、浦嶋太郎の主人公である浦嶋子(浦島太郎)を筒川大明神として祀るのが初めであると伝えられています。神社には浦嶋明神縁起絵巻(国指定重要文化財)、亀甲櫛笥の玉手箱、乙姫の打ち掛けなどの宝物が受け継がれています。〜

English version⬇

The legend of Urashima remains in the original landscape of “the sea and the Japanese.
The first source of settlement in the archipelago was probably to secure foodstuffs. From this point, agricultural development was developed in the surrounding areas. In the midst of this development, a man called “Urashima Taro” left the floating world…

This is a continuation of the article I wrote yesterday about life in Ine. When you dig deeper into the ancient history of the Tamba region, you will learn that it is a very important region. At the time when the Yamato kingdom established its supremacy over Yamato, the Tamba region was regarded as an important advanced region, along with Izumo in the myth of the handover of the kingdom, and Kibi and Okayama in the Momotaro legend. Although Izumo is considered to be connected to the Yamato kingdom because of its location on the Japan Sea Rim, the Tamba area is said to have had a multilayered intermarriage relationship with the Yamato kingdom. The relationship is almost an alliance.
The traditional dwellings in Ine strongly appeal to the sense of people’s activities that have continued from ancient times. It is hard not to see the early days of human settlement in the Japanese archipelago. As shown in the photo above, the houses are clustered together like townhouses, and each house has its own access to the sea by boat. I wonder if these boats are comparable to today’s private cars.
It is not the same as the industrial traces of “fishery”. Fishing is an industrial form based on the assumption of a large consumer market and the “trade” of supplying that market, but the boathouses in Ine seem more like an extension of the “kitchen” of each house, where small boats were used for transportation and to secure fish for the daily meals.
It is as if we can feel the basic lifestyle of “sea people” in these boathouses. Based on this basic means of securing food, they gradually expanded their living area to gathering plants in the surrounding area. I believe that this is a glimpse into the beginning of the history of this archipelago, in which rice cultivation was the best means of food production at that time.

There is a “Urashima Shrine” in this Ine. The photo shows a kyogen stage being held there. The shrine enshrines the hero of a Japanese folk tale who was taken by a rescued turtle. The following is from the Ine Town website.
〜<Urashima Shrine (Ura Shrine) > Urashima Taro is a well-known character in Japanese folk tales. The origin of this story can be traced back to the late 7th century, as the name of Urashima is found in the “Nihon shoki” (the oldest chronicle in Japan), “Tango kuni fudoki (anecdotes)” and “Manyoshu” (the oldest anthology of Japanese poetry). The legend of Urashima can be found in many places in Japan, but the legend of Urashima at the Urashima Shrine in Ine-cho is said to be the oldest. The shrine is said to have been founded in 825 by Emperor Junna (825), and is said to have first enshrined Urashima Taro’s hero, Urashima Ko (Urashima Taro), as Tsutsukawa Daimyojin (Great God of Tsutsukawa). The shrine has inherited such treasures as the Urashima Myojin Engi Emaki (designated as a National Important Cultural Property), the Turtle Shell Comb Chest of Tamatebako, and Otohime’s Uchikake. ~.
As mentioned earlier, Tamba, including Kibi with its legend of Momotaro and Ine with its legend of Urashima Taro, has passed on hints of the society of the Japanese archipelago in the Early Genesis period as traces of the way of life that are still relevant today. It is precisely because I am a Hokkaido native who has once left Japanese culture as my hometown that I am struck by this form of Hatsugen.

【人類と「移動の自由」獲得戦略 海の京町家・伊根と東南アジア】


English version⬇

Humanity and the “Freedom of Movement” Acquisition Strategy: Ine, the Kyomachiya of the Sea, and Southeast Asia
The energy of human development may be expressed from the desire to go somewhere far away. A far-reaching demonstration of human beings and mobility. …

The photo shows a boathouse in Ine, called Kyomachiya of the Sea, in Kyotango, and the homes of people living on the water in Southeast Asia. As a person in the media about housing, I have a strong desire to increase sensitivity about the state of housing throughout Japan. As my activities gradually spread across the country, I naturally want to grasp the true nature of housing in each region.
I am not a person who studied architecture, but rather have a strong journalistic orientation. As such, my encounter with the boathouse in Ine was deeply moving.
It is said that the biological “intellectual level” itself has not evolved that much during the long survival of the present-day human race. I believe that our ancestors probably felt the same things that we do today, and that the direction of development from that point on has been basically the same up to the present day.
I began my life time in the era when the car became the universal means of transportation. I think that human beings are typical of a species of animals that move around, get stimulated by various places, and use them as a source of vitality for the future. I imagine that the fact that humans are a rare species that has spread to all continents of the earth is deeply connected to this strong “motivation. I want to go somewhere far away.
However, I am a human being who has lived surrounded by the technological world of today. Our predecessors in the past lived in an age without such technology. What kind of “imagination development opportunities” did they have? I had a simple question.
This boathouse in Ine has a clarity that seems to sweep away these primordial questions. I realized that wooden boats were the best solution for such a means of development. Below the picture was a picture of a house of “sea dwellers” in Southeast Asia, which I had seen at a lecture. They share exactly the same lifestyle as the boathouse in Ine.
As soon as they wake up in the morning, they immediately explore the sea conditions in front of them, plan where and how they should go about their activities today, and put their plans into action. The wooden boats owned by each household guarantee the basic means for such a way of life. It seems to me that wooden boats were the greatest asset that guaranteed the freedom of movement that is so essential to humanity.
Modern people place the highest priority on securing housing and freedom of movement at the same time. People living in large cities have been selective about where they live based on the convenience of public transportation. It is a very natural survival strategy.
I wonder what the basis of the Japanese DNA is, but I think it must be the rich natural climate surrounded by the sea. It is, so to speak, the “natural form” of the Japanese people.
The coexistence of the sea and a mobile lifestyle seems to have been a decisive factor in the biggest change in the human evolutionary process of settling down.

【歴史的絵画と現代的写真 視認角度の違い】


English version⬇

Historical paintings and contemporary photographs: Differences in viewing angles
Historical news visuals convey peripheral facts and human relations from a slightly elevated perspective in an easy-to-understand manner. Contemporary photography risks being “clipped” due to its directness. Which is more objective? Which is superior in terms of objectivity?

We are planning to stay out of town for 3 nights and 4 days starting today. So I have a lot of office work to do before that. I think I will have more time once I go out, so I want to organize a lot of past photos and narrow down the theme of my blog.
The photos above are the ones I processed when I was organizing photos on the theme of Kamakura. The famous yabusame (horseback archery) ritual is held at Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine in Kamakura, but I have also attended one in Sendai. Historically, it is said that it started when the Yoritomo administration dedicated the shrine at the time of the founding of Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine. The photograph below is one of many taken by Western photographers who visited Japan in the early Meiji period (1868-1912), and depicts the scene from Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine to Wakamiya-oji Avenue.
Paintings and photo groups like these convey a variety of “information” beyond the literary sources. The angle of the yabusame archery depicted in the paintings is expressed from a slightly elevated angle. In reality, such a visual image from a slightly elevated viewpoint would not have been possible. Paintings and screens depicting historical facts in Japan almost uniformly use this type of visual representation. It is thought that this is a kind of standard pattern of Japanese historical reporting paintings. Court beauties dressed in juni-hitoe (twelve-layered kimono) are almost always depicted from this visual angle, and this pattern is also uniform on news screens during upheavals. Perhaps this is a common viewpoint in Japanese history and East Asia.
In photographic expression up to the present day, the viewpoint from the photographer’s natural “standing position” is universally taken. The photographs are very plain as the viewpoint of a foreigner in the early Meiji era, and they are “record photos” of the situation at that time, which can be easily compared and contrasted. It is natural, but when we contrast the two, we realize the difference in historical perceptions of the images.
Perhaps the visual angle that conveys the historical facts is the one that can contain a lot of information as a peripheral explanatory angle. The “Rakuchu-Rakugaizu” style has been used for quite a long time in Japanese history, and it is likely that it conveyed to people far from Kyoto the variety and splendor of the bustling city in an easy-to-understand manner. We can understand the significance of the legend that Oda Nobunaga sent the Rakuchu-Rakugaizu to Uesugi Kenshin in the Echigo region to win his favor. When I think of it as a “one-stop expression of the relationship” of news transmission, I am informed of the depth of the wisdom of this expression.
Conversely, in modern expression, the impression received may vary considerably depending on the “way of cutting.
Now, which method is more “objective” will depend on how you receive it. Surprisingly, the old people’s macroscopic grasp of relationships may be closer to realism.