
【WBC熱戦の狭間(笑) 土佐竜の浜景観で一服】



English version⬇

Between the heated WBC games, a smoke at the beach scenery of Tosa Ryu.
The passion of the Japanese representatives is heating up the world. It is an event in the world of baseball, but it is also unexpectedly suggestive of the situation. …

Yesterday, while we were having breakfast as a married couple, our son came up to us and said that the TV remote control at home was malfunctioning. My intuition told me, “Ha ha, you mean you want to get excited about the WBC (laughs). From that point on, like almost the entire nation, my mind was completely dominated by baseball.
When we allowed a three-run lead, I had to go out at my wife’s request, but about 60% of my mind was dominated by All Japan, and I was both happy and sad. At the climax of the game, I was out and about, and I was madly in love with myself. I called my son and gave him a high-five over the phone. I was so intoxicated by the drama that I could only think that God had created it.
I must confess that as a fan, I was ready to give up when we lost the lead again right after we had tied the game. But our representatives never gave up. Personally, my hope was completely restored in the 8th inning, when we put Mexico under pressure by scoring the minimum number of runs on a bunt with no outs.
…So today, we finally reached the summit stage of the battle between the U.S. and Japan, the decisive game. I am writing this blog post around 5:00 a.m., so I have a feeling that today’s battle will be a bit more chaotic than before. I am very excited.

So it’s hard to get my mind and heart back to my regular blog series, “Exploring the Living Environment,” right away (I cry). So today, I’m going to share with you the sunset and morning glow scenery of the coastline of Tosa, a tropical island. The evening view is from “Tosa Ryu no Hama” overlooking the Pacific Ocean to the west. The color of lavender, which is very tropical, soothes the heart.
The moon over the mountains on the other side is the morning glow looking east. And as a sandwich for the photo, I put Kochi’s specialty “inaka-zushi” (country sushi) between the two.
Today, too, I am sure there will be a series of harrowing moments in between work, but I hope everyone will remain quiet and pray for the success of the delegates. However, if we can make it this far, all that remains is to leave the luck to the heavens. Having been able to create this kind of stage for a decisive battle between Japan and the U.S., I believe that the composition of this event is suggestive enough in the current world situation.
Good luck, Nippon!

【空海は平安期仏教界の大谷翔平か? 「青龍寺奥の院」-2】



English version⬇

Is Kukai the Shohei Otani of Heian Buddhism? Seiryu-ji Temple, the Inner Sanctuary of Seiryu-ji Temple-2
Ancient Japan was full of eagerness to introduce cutting-edge technology and culture. Kukai, a very successful man who appeared at the place where he studied abroad. This is a flashback. …

This was a time when the urgent task of the Japanese nation was to transplant advanced culture in the form of Japanese envoys to the Tang Dynasty. In order for Japan to establish its position in the world, the introduction of advanced technology and culture from mainland China would have been essential.
In architecture, the latest Buddhist temple buildings were erected by Prince Shotoku, including Shitennoji Temple, Asukadera Temple, and Horyuji Temple. Even to the present day, a group of carpenters from the Korean peninsula, the oldest construction company in Japan, survived and continues to exist in the form of the Kongo-gumi. The details of the specifications of the religious architecture of Buddhism were transmitted, and fusion with native wooden construction techniques took place. This advanced technology in the Kinai region was promoted throughout Japan in the construction of Kokubunji and Kokubun nunnery temples, and the technology and culture spread in layers to every corner of the country.
In this context, Kukai, the most “successful” Japanese envoy to the Tang Dynasty, who returned to Japan in 806, the first year of the Daido Period in the early Heian period, was an unprecedented figure. He returned to Japan as the “Eighth Patriarch of Shingon,” having learned and received the core secrets of esoteric Buddhism from his master, monk Keika, at Seiryuji Temple in Chang’an, the most advanced Buddhist sect at that time. I believe that Japanese society was greatly moved by this fact. He must have returned home with the core of the world’s cultural center in his prodigious linguistic and human skills.
If we were to make an analogy today, Shohei Otani would be the most appropriate person to represent baseball culture. The core of the baseball culture, the core that shakes the big leagues, is born from a Japanese person. In the early Heian period, Kukai, a Buddhist monk, was probably the one who was involved in the national effort to introduce Buddhism to Japan.

The whole country must have celebrated Kukai’s accomplishment, and an atmosphere of approval must have filled the air. The emperor also praised the movement, and the central government followed suit.
Naturally, Shikoku, Kukai’s birthplace, also experienced a great boom, giving rise to the culture of “88 temples” that has continued to this day. In this context, Kukai’s own experience and somewhat biased perception may have been converted into a major publicity material for the region.
The legend tells that the Tokkosho, or pestle, that Kukai threw in Chang’an flew to this place in the inner sanctuary of Seiryu-ji Temple. Kukai himself had a memory of throwing the pestle, and the cry of his heart, “Deliver this thought to my hometown,” flashed back to him here, and it was imprinted on the actual landscape. He may have “seen” the Tokko pestle in an old pine tree on the cliff at the inner sanctuary of Seiryu-ji Temple. If you look at the Pacific Ocean from the cliff behind the main temple building, it is natural that the “sparkle” of the morning sun as it rises through the trees would evoke such an experience.
For the local people, this kind of “flashback” in Kukai’s mind would have been convincingly accepted as a fitting “omen. In an age when religion takes precedence over scientific cognition, this would be understandable.

【空海が見た豊穣の海 四国36番札所「青龍寺奥の院」-1】




English version⬇

The Sea of Abundance as Seiryu-ji Temple, Shikoku’s 36th temple, is located in the inner sanctuary of Seiryu-ji Temple.
When he became enlightened and opened his eyes, there was only the sky and the sea. I stood on a cliff further inside the inner sanctuary, knowing that the name “Kukai” is said to have such a legend. …

As I age, I have come to love traveling in a simple way. The main theme of my recent blog series has been a trip to Shikoku, which I visited during my New Year’s vacation this year. After actually experiencing and feeling the atmosphere of the place, writing this kind of blog record afterwards will allow me to relive the experience and enrich my personal memory. The time of a human being’s life is limited, but I think it is meaningful to record it. Blogging is a way of honestly recording things, and I feel that I am facing myself more directly than others.
Unexpectedly, I have already visited several of the 88 sacred places in Shikoku. Kukai, who is said to have come from the Saeki clan in Shikoku, is truly a “giant” of Japanese history. It is said that Kukai, after completing his Buddhist training in Chang’an, China, threw his Buddhist tool “Tokkosho,” or tokko pestle, toward the direction of Japan. The dokko, originally a weapon from ancient India, is used in esoteric Buddhism to destroy vexations.

The legend says that the place where the Tokko-kogane (a pestle and pestle) was thrown from Cho-an flew to is the “inner sanctuary of Seiryu-ji Temple” in Tosa City, Shikoku. Although it is impossible in reality, it must have religious connotations. Speaking of which, the name “Kukai” is said to have come from a legend that he named himself after a cave overlooking the Pacific Ocean in the Tosa Province of Shikoku, where he attained religious enlightenment and opened his eyes to the sky and the sea, which was all there was. Kukai must have loved the sea.
I left my wife in the car in the parking lot and went to the inner sanctuary by myself, and I felt like going further into the forest behind the chapel. The photo above is a shot of the morning sun rising through the trees, looking toward the east.
This inner sanctuary was not my destination in the first place, but rather a place I stumbled upon by accident. When I looked up from my hotel on the coast of Tosa City, I saw an interesting Italian resort-style hotel building on the mountain, and when I headed for it, I found it by chance. Being curious by nature and somewhat aware of being a Shingon sect member, I instantly had a hunch that it was related to Mr. Kukai.

Since this is an inner sanctuary, I thought it would be best to let my heart perceive it. Indeed, I could feel a little bit of the atmosphere of enlightenment, “the sky and the sea” (laugh).
I have run out of space to post pictures of the religious facilities, so I will post an article with pictures in the morning. I apologize for the inconvenience.

【えっ? あの「イタドリ」がソウルフード in 南国土佐】




English version⬇

What? That “Japanese knotweed” is soul food in Tosa, Tropical Japan
Tosa, a southern island of Japan, has been vigorously eating Japanese knotweed, which is synonymous with annoying wildflowers. We would like to send it from Hokkaido to Kochi as a representative product to deepen friendly exchanges between the regions (laughs). …

“Wow, do people in Tosa eat itadori?” “Yes, it’s delicious!” “Well, if that’s the case, we’ll send an inexhaustible supply from Hokkaido. If so, I’ll send you an inexhaustible supply of itadori from Hokkaido. “Wow, that’s Hokkaido. But you really don’t eat it?
It is true that things change from place to place. The photo above was taken from a web page that introduced itadori (Japanese bitter melon) in Kochi. Basically, it is eaten in a similar way to asparagus in Hokkaido, and is used for frying in oil, etc. However, as shown in the photo above, it is also eaten as a local dish in Kochi called “inaka-zushi” (country-style sushi).
The second photo shows “inaka-zushi” without fish. Myoga (myoga) and konnyaku (konjak) are the standard ingredients, and itadori (bitter gourd) is also used as a vegetable. The green one in the photo is not itadori but “ryukyu,” a vegetable of the taro family. This vegetable belongs to the taro family, and the stem part is eaten. I have never seen this kind of vegetable in Hokkaido.

Japanese knotweed is a native wildflower of East Asia, as shown in the illustration. It is said that when an Englishman who came to Japan in the early Meiji period (1868-1912) brought it back to Japan and cultivated it, it quickly flourished and became a representative of the hated wildflowers. In my blog, I have written in the past, “In England, when a female prime minister was attacked by her political rivals, she was derogatorily called ‘itadori’ (Japanese knotweed), which is so detestable. Well, at that time, I wrote that the hated weasel was analogized to the way she stubbornly stayed in office despite her declining approval rating.
I learned for the first time at a holiday market in Kochi City that itadori is a local soul food in Tosa, a southern island of Japan (!). I was surprised to find out that itadori is a local food in Tosa, a southern country. However, I did not see it actually being sold. I was told that they were sold out immediately. Even though it was in Kochi, it was January, so there must not have been many shipments. So, I asked the woman selling them to give me some information.

I think that only residents in areas with abundant nature would recognize it as a wildflower when told that it is a Japanese knotweed. In densely populated areas such as the Kanto and Kansai regions, you will hardly see it at all. I, who grew up as a city kid in Sapporo, learned that it was a troublesome wild plant and that it grows wild in large quantities in Sapporo only after I became a habitual early morning walker in my old age.
The name “itadori” comes from the Japanese word “itadori” meaning “to take away pain,” and I learned that it has been used as a kind of folk medicine in Chinese medicine. However, its vitality and reproductive power are not strong, and I have seen road administrators struggling with it on a daily basis.
I learned a lot from this open-air market, and I learned a lot about the dietary habits of the common people. I am becoming more and more fond of Kochi.

【南国土佐の子育て応援「親子狛犬」 竹林寺探訪-8】



English version⬇

A pair of guardian dogs symbolizing child-rearing in Tosa, Tropical Japan.
A pair of guardian dogs symbolizing child-rearing. They are the incarnation of love and education. On the other hand, there is the tragic love story of “Bossan Kanzashi” on Harimaya Bridge. It is truly the true nature of human beings. The true nature of human beings.

The Chikurin-ji Temple has the Hie Shrine within its precincts, and this “Oyako Komainu” is the gatekeeper of the shrine.
Normally, there is a male and female A-Un pair, but this pair is a parent and child. The right guardian dog on the right is a parent protecting a child. The left guardians are guarding their children. The left guardians on the left are guarding their children, and the right guardians on the right are protecting their children, and the left guardians are strictly nurturing their children.
It is said that the lion pushes the children down into the valley of a thousand questions and raises only those who crawl out of the valley.
I was looking at the lionesses according to the explanation, but the red cloth around their necks obscured the child guardian dogs. In the photo above, you can barely make out the child guardian dogs.
The sphinx is said to be the original guardian dog, but it is probably the only religious site in Japan that has survived in the world today. The concept of a guardian deity for a Shinto shrine may have existed universally among humans, but Japan is the only country in the world that has accepted it. This may be an indication of the fact that Japan is an island nation, which tends to be a cultural Galapagos. This may be a good thing in some respects, but it may also be a bad thing.

The Chikurin-ji temple also has a “Ko-yasu Jizo” (a guardian deity of children), which seems to express the temple’s overall attitude of support for child-rearing. Yesterday, Prime Minister Kishida held a press conference in which he announced a national policy of supporting child-rearing and countermeasures against population decline, and this “parent-child guardian dog” could be a symbol of such support. There is no doubt that child-rearing has been the most important issue in the long history of mankind.
On the other hand, speaking of Tosa-Kochi, it is said that the monk who sang “Harimaya-bashi” in the song “Harimaya-bashi” (Harimaya Bridge) was a Buddhist monk at Chikurin-ji Temple. He fell in love with a female believer who was participating in a religious study program held at the temple, and two monks fell into a delicate love triangle over her. In a single-minded effort to win her shifting affections, they bought her a kanzashi (hairpin) and gave it to her as a gift at Harimayabashi in downtown Tokyo.
However, she was strongly attracted to the other, an older Buddhist monk who served as her teacher, and she eloped with him, shrugging off his courtship. She managed to cross the border into Tosa, but was captured and publicly “humiliated,” and the monk was deported from Tosa. The woman with whom he had a falling out was also expelled from Kochi, but she lived out her life in the countryside of Tosa. The monk is said to have survived as a teacher at a temple in Iyo Province and even married.
The two statues of the father-and-child guardian dogs strongly suggest the human roots of love between father and son and between man and woman.




English version⬇

Spring in the North with a straight line of snow melting at once
This year, the period of “spring of light” was very short, and the snow melted all at once. It is a little disappointing to see the spring of light. The early morning walk in the woods is also starting the symphony of the woodpeckers. …

From all over Honshu, we are hearing more and more about the blooming and full-blooming of the cherry blossoms, and with the Japanese national team in the WBC, the spring of this year is becoming more vibrant. I am truly delighted. Go Nippon, go Nutbah!
 Although it is a little late, the melting of snow has been progressing at a rapid pace in Sapporo, and what used to be one slow lane on the main road just a short while ago has been restored to a comfortable three lanes.
 This has led to a resurgence in my early morning walks, which had been limited to “clearing snow” during the winter months. We are getting out of the shackles of hard work and steady patience racing and getting into a more open rhythm. Almost daily course selections have become routine, from a visit to the Hokkaido Shrine to the nearby Maruyama Park and a visit to the Kannon (Goddess of Mercy)-reminiscent of Jibo at the entrance to the Maruyama Trail.
 On the way, we visit various spots, but we especially enjoy watching the ducks and mandarin ducks living in the memu (waterfront or swamp in the Ainu language) of Maruyama Park. During the winter, the memu is frozen over, so we could not see them. They seem to have wintered over safely, and although they still seem to be enduring the cold, they look healthy.
 The second photo shows the park near our house at the end of winter on February 28, and it looks like “spring of light. It was like a “spring of light.” The sunlight was increasing and the reflections on the snowfield were dazzling, but this time this period was very short and passed in a blink of an eye. It was a bit lonely in some parts. The blooming of plum and cherry blossoms is wonderful, but the diffuse reflection of sunlight in this snowy country gives me a sensation that penetrates deep into my body. It can be said that this is the true beauty of snow.

This is a comparison between the scene around 3/13 and 2/28. The melting of snow upstream is clearly visible as the volume of water.
 The sense of rhythm of nature has been playing again and again. In terms of work, the project that I have been working on for more than a year and a half has almost reached its conclusion today. Now, let’s work even harder…even in the WBC, go Nippon!

【日本建築・空間文化と北海道 竹林寺探訪-7】



English version⬇

Japanese Architecture, Spatial Culture, and Hokkaido: Chikurinji Temple Visit-7
Japanese architectural design was made possible by a dialogue with the gentle climate. The northern part of Japan wants to share its essence and challenge a new Japanese design.

What kind of presence does contemporary architecture have in Japanese architectural culture? I sometimes think about this. The cultural legacy of Japanese sensitivity to architecture and space is richly layered in this Chikurinji temple.
The photo shows the main temple of Chikurin-ji and its famous garden. The relationship between garden and building has been aesthetically sublimated in Japan in this way, and has been precipitated in the undercurrent of Japanese culture. In this way, the architectural structure itself seems to “breathe” in the nature as a cutout landscape.
The human-made building is an outer skin, and when confronted with nature, there is a sense of being united with the five senses. A garden, on the other hand, is also nature artificially created in space, and although it has a different origin from a building, it is developed and structured in line with the human eye for aesthetic selection.
I believe that the Japanese way of saying “home” is a very Japanese cultural expression.
In this way, our predecessors have passed on their architectural culture to us through Buddhist temples, pinning down the aesthetic senses of their respective eras. As a stage set for this, the existence of temples has been a critical point between this world and the next.
It was against this cultural background that the contemporary architect Yasutsugu Horibe created the “Chikurinji Ossuary,” which I saw the other day. I think I can somehow understand his neat creative attitude at that time.

The entrance was decorated with such gorgeous flowers. The cultural climate of this country has continued to precipitate Japanese sensibilities at such famous temples and other places in various regions of Japan.
Hokkaido, on the other hand, has difficulty with this kind of “uchisoto spatial continuity with nature.
It is difficult to generalize the experience of opening up space with a garden in this way. Although there was a trend in early Hokkaido architecture toward such “integration,” the cold weather of nearly half a year and the resulting building obstacles made it impossible to achieve the same lifestyle as this type of architecture. It was early January when I photographed this building. In Hokkaido, the garden is closed by snow and the cold air attacks the living space.
The dialogue with the garden is also premised on the strict protection of the space with triple glazing and other measures. In some cases, the accumulation of snow falling from roofs destroys the entire view.
However, even in such a natural environment, we are Japanese. We wish to enjoy the “expanding beauty of flowers, birds, wind, and the moon” in our daily lives with our ingenuity and ingenuity. We would like to think, even if forcibly, that difficulties are the greatest asset for development.

【建築再生・文化継承に賭けた魂魄 竹林寺探訪-6】



English version⬇

The soul that bets on architectural revival and cultural inheritance: Exploring Chikurinji Temple-6
The core of Japanese cultural inheritance revealed by the deep business motives of those who commission architects. The soul that revitalizes even a society with a declining population. …

Now that I have seen the “ossuary” architecture designed by Yasutsugu Horibe, winner of the 2016 Architectural Institute of Japan Award for Best Work, I have been thinking about the existence of Chikurinji Temple, the entity that commissioned such an architect.
Why did they commission the design of such a controversial building? Normally, one would think that the temple architecture should be maintained in accordance with tradition, but I was very interested in the motive of commissioning an up-and-coming architect such as Mr. Yasutsugu Horibe.
The world is now facing a declining population, and Japan is at the forefront of this trend. In such an era, architecture also needs to move away from new construction and toward renewal. I have a strong interest in how to stimulate the momentum for architectural revitalization, based on my own experience as a member of the Hokkaido Government’s Housing Policy Council. The administrative side’s approach is generally to design systems from a technical standpoint. While that is natural, I believe that it is far more important to “enliven the motive”.
With these thoughts in mind, I visited this Chikurinji temple and found interesting attempts everywhere. The statue of Shakyamuni is dressed in a novel “costume,” and the framed picture inside the main hall depicts Nasu Yoichi at the Battle of Yashima. I wondered why a temple in Kochi called Chikurin-dera depicted the Battle of Takamatsu/Yashima, but I came to the conclusion that it was largely due to the temple management aspect of “understandability” and “topicality.

This building is called “Funaoka-do. According to the history of the temple, Yoshinobu Funaoka, the abbot of Chikurin-ji Temple, which had been deteriorating and falling into disrepair since the Meiji Era, made efforts to rebuild the building and restore the temple’s management. In 1897, the Chikurin-ji building was in such a state of disrepair that it would have cost about 2 billion yen in today’s terms to rebuild it.
As a result of the “restoration and promotion” activities that were carried out throughout the country to reform such a situation, the prosperity that we see today was created. This is reminiscent of the monk Shigen of Todaiji Temple, who made a nationwide pilgrimage to restore Todaiji Temple, which had been burned down by the Taira clan during the Genpei uprising.
The spirit of this monk is what motivates us to commission him to design buildings that are still talked about in the modern age. Today, we are moving away from the construction of new buildings and toward the regeneration of architecture. I strongly believe that the spirit of Mr. Shigen and Mr. Funaoka needs to be shared throughout society.
In the reconstruction of Todaiji Temple, rare artists such as Unkei were created, which also created the atmosphere of a new era. I believe that Japanese culture has been properly inherited through the continuous repetition of such architectural revival rather than new construction in Japanese society. We have much to learn from this experience.

【鎮魂の空間と「音楽性」要素 竹林寺納骨堂-5】



English version⬇

Space for Requiem and “Musicality” Element Chikurinji Ossuary-5
The Japanese sense of “reading the air” may have been built up from a variety of experiences of Buddhism acceptance at the DNA level. …

Now, one leaves the concrete space dominated by the faint sound of water from the water basin. At Tadao Ando’s “Awaji Yumebutai,” a children’s song “Winter Night” was played as background music by the Hotel Grand Nikko just in time, and although several months have already passed, the melody still remains in my memory.
The sound of water in the ossuary here is not the actual sound of water, but a visual sound, or perhaps it is strange to say, but there is a residue of such a sensation. I have never really thought about the relationship between architecture and music.
However, in one of Ryotaro Shiba’s writings, he writes that when the first Buddhist temples were opened in Japan, the musicality of the “Buddhist chanting” repeated in the morning and evening seeped into people’s minds like a precipitation. It is said that the musicality of “Nembutsu Yomikyō,” which was repeated in the morning and evening at the time the Buddhist temple was first opened in Japan, played an important role for the people living in the archipelago, who had never seen or heard such music. This was introduced into the culture in tandem with the religious architecture of the temple complexes. The “mandala” worldview, from the high-rise architecture of stupas and five-story pagodas to the corridor-style inner sanctuary and outer sanctuary, was developed in the architectural space of Buddhist temples in one fell swoop. It must have been a truly astonishing worldview.
It is highly likely that the Japanese people’s acceptance of Buddhism, which can be considered to be at the level of their DNA, was greatly influenced by the experience of Buddhism, including its musicality. While Buddhism was dying out in India and China, Japanese society continued to revere this religious culture, which seems to have been deeply related to the Japanese mentality as a people with a high emotional level who “reads the air. The “change” factor is so enormous that it may be almost imperceptible to later generations. As something similar to such a feeling, I was left with the impression of the water-board device as a typical musical element.
I deeply agree with the sense that the water basin was chosen as a musical and architectural element to color the requiem space of the ossuary.

The concrete building body, both interior and exterior, is clad in wood. The ossuary is required by law to be fireproof. The wooden sections that make up the roof are all made of 105 square meters of prefectural Japanese cedar, with a 1995mm grid. The wood is laid out or stacked in layers. The truly “honest” expression of the materials enhances the atmosphere of the place of repose. Also, the lighting and ventilation from the twin windows add color to the repose of souls at this place.
Eventually, we left the ossuary and moved to the precincts of Chikurin-ji Temple, and I felt a sense of returning to my daily life, feeling a kind of reincarnation.

【建築的クライマックスに「水盤」 を配置 竹林寺納骨堂-4】



English version⬇

The “water basin” is placed at the architectural climax of the Chikurin-ji Ossuary.
The water basin is an introspective device that maximizes depth. The water basin harmonizes with the sky, the surrounding nature, and the clay-painted walls of the site to create the harmony of the sound of water. The water basin is a device for reflection.

This is the fourth installment of our report on our visit to architect Yasutsugu Horibe’s representative work, the Chikurinji Ossuary, which won the 2016 AIJ Prize for Best Work.
In the previous chapters, we have described that the design was intended to have an “environmental harmony” orientation, which is different from the so-called artist’s self-assertion. However, while it was in perfect accord with that purpose, at the same time, I was surprised to see that it came in this way. The latter part of the ossuary, through which the path connecting life and death passes, is impressively located in a space named “water room,” and the “water basin” was installed as the main device.
I am not familiar with the general design style of ossuary architecture. In the case of the Miki family, the grandparents who moved to Hokkaido from the suburbs of Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, and their parents who passed away in this area, built their graves in the public cemetery in Sapporo. Until the cemetery was built, the graves were kept in the ossuary of the family temple, which was housed in the main hall of the temple, although I used to visit the graves there until I was a child. I do not know the details of the separate ossuary as an architectural structure. Considering the examples I am familiar with, I do not think that a “water basin” would exist as a general design specification condition.
Therefore, this layout plan is considered to be original by Mr. Horibe, the architect of Chikurin-ji Ossuary, and it seems to be the core of his architectural plan.

The static earth contrasts with the tranquil but dynamic water. I aimed to create a space where people can not only face the dead in the ossuary, but also feel a strong life force”. The introduction on Horibe’s website explains as follows
The wall is about 2 m high above the water, and planters are placed on top of the wall, in which several species of plants native to Mt. The walls are Tosa plaster with a mirror finish. The water basin is made of black granite. Water is constantly flowing in the basin, and the sound of the water echoes through the passage space. Water overflowing from the four perimeters is circulated by a tank and pump located in the bit directly below.”
Yesterday I wrote that “there was a person reading in the ossuary,” but there was no specific location mentioned in the original text. As a blog that does not go into details, I can only imagine. I think that the person who was reading must have been on a simple bench placed in front of the water basin.
With water, sky, clay walls collected at this site, and greenery surrounding the space, this place is truly a place for introspection, a place to be immersed in and embraced by the ossuary space where one’s relatives are laid to rest.
The placement of the water basin in this space seems to express a gentle, environmentally harmonious, yet straightforward artist and assertiveness in the architectural concept.