


English version⬇

[Resort Construction Increasing in Hokkaido, “2Ken x 6Ken” Version – 1
Condominiums are not counted in detached housing statistics. Active demand in Hokkaido. Are we headed for an aging population demand for 2-point residences? ・・・・.

Hokkaido is facing a population decline from 5.7 million at its peak to 5.15 million today. While residential construction is an industry that would normally be considered to be in decline, the entry of Western capital into the market as one of the world’s leading resort areas has led to an increase in demand for construction for tourism and other purposes.
As the flow of people is finally revitalized after the blockage caused by infectious diseases, and inbound tourism is on the rise, this kind of new demand for construction will also be stimulated. I think there is a situation that cannot be grasped by simply looking at “demand for new detached houses.
In particular, I have been visiting the Niseko area more and more recently, and I have been surprised at how active the construction of detached condominiums has been. Such demand is also increasing in Higashikawa, where I visited. Japanese people’s conventional wisdom is that sightseeing is a form of tourism that requires hotel accommodations, but in resort areas around the world, there is a great demand for long-term stay accommodations. In Niseko, for example, the mainstream style is to stay for a week or more to enjoy the world’s best snow quality slowly, fully, and freely.
This will increase the demand for condominium-type accommodations with a high degree of freedom in the living environment. For construction firms, this is a different type of construction demand from that of conventional custom-built detached houses. However, the actual statistics for this type of construction are not yet fully understood. Even if it is true that the number of detached houses is “decreasing,” there is still a demand for construction similar to that of detached houses. In fact, it is very active in Hokkaido.
Considering the future market for the elderly, it is possible that this could be a demand for two-story residential construction.
During the Shinjyukyo Hokkaido inspection this time, we visited two detached houses and a wooden building consisting of a yakiniku restaurant and a lodging condominium, as shown in the photo. The architecture is completely “house-sized. The building is convenient for tourists because it combines lodging and restaurant functions in close proximity.
The condominium building is a very cost-effective 6K x 6K building, which is divided into three parts to provide each unit with a “just right” area of 24 tsubos per unit in a 2K x 6K two-story building. Oh, actually, the floor area is probably about 20 tsubo because there is a stairwell in the stairwell.
The condominium architectural style seems to have the basic form of the “aging couple lifestyle” that is expected to be realized in the future. If we assume that we will be able to live a long and healthy life, the stairway seems to be a health maintenance device.
Since I believe that “decluttering” will accelerate in an aging society, I was strongly impressed by the architectural philosophy of “necessary and sufficient” in each space. I will continue this section tomorrow.

【ボーッと過ごす、住まいの至福時間 東川のアトリエ-4】


English version⬇

Blissful Time at Home, Spending Time in Idleness – Higashikawa’s Atelier – 4
After all, isn’t this the most relaxing thing? A space and time without thinking about anything else. This is the ultimate value we seek in a house. The ultimate value we seek in a house.

In our coverage of housing, we feel empathy as we see the various ways in which users are creative and ingenious in response to the times. This atelier in Higashikawa was built at a time when construction costs were rising rapidly.
When considering how to build in such a difficult environment, the first measure was to keep the total floor space as small as possible. The natural direction to take would be to simplify the design and enjoy the flavor of the materials.
In this atelier architecture, an interesting object was placed on a scallop plaster wall. The interior space was decorated with a wood-burning stove on the wall side, which made the viewer concentrate on the flame. When we gaze at the flames, we are probably in a daze. The act of putting firewood on the stove is simple and almost unthinking. And when the flame eventually rises, we often wander through time in a daze.
This sculpture is the perfect place for my swimming gaze when I am in such a mood (laughs). I had such an impression that I asked the designer, the owner of the building, “What is this?
I said to the designer, who is the owner of the building, “What’s this?
He replied, “Thank you very much. This is a piece of rusted roofing sheet metal that was discarded at a previous renovation site.
This is a piece of roofing sheet metal that rusted and was thrown away at a previous renovation site.
(Laughs)” For those of us who work in the construction industry, discarded building materials are probably a common object we come across. I couldn’t help but agree with the mental image of wanting to look at this kind of material and the sheet metal that rust creates as an object to look at during the time one spends “in a daze” for a while (laugh).
When you think about it, “time spent at home” also means the time when a person is “zoned out. Perhaps the real value of a house is as a space that serves as a bridge or doorway to the unconscious world. The subconscious of many people may be seeking to give form to their unconscious sense of “comfort. The fact that this piece of rusty sheet metal is displayed in a manner reminiscent of Mondrian’s paintings is strangely satisfying.
I think that the interior spatiality of a wood-burning stove has a large part to play in this kind of mentality. It may be said that it is a stage set that allows one’s true spirit to be revived.
This may also be said of the atmosphere of the exterior of the architecture. The simple triangular roof appeals strongly to our basic sense of form, and the aging of the Abies sachalinensis, a common local species of tree, is a daily sight.
The repetition of these days makes me think, “Oh, I’ll just sit idle again. It is a simple thing to do, but I think it is a supremely enjoyable experience.

【基礎高と断熱改修工法 東川のアトリエ-3】



English version⬇

[Foundation Height and Insulation Retrofit Method Higashikawa Atelier-3
Freezing depth” is a major factor for houses in cold regions. Insulation methods are an old and new theme. Especially, it is a major limiting factor for insulation retrofitting of existing houses. …

The house + atelier architecture in Higashikawa that we are introducing here is a case study of a newly built atelier, but the house was renovated mainly to strengthen insulation. Although we had talked with the owner, Mr. Shimizu, at the atelier of the newly built house, we were not able to cover the thermal insulation renovation of this house adequately due to his reservation, as he was dealing with a large number of people. However, the foundation height was not high enough, so they had no choice but to leave the existing floor of the first floor as it was.
So, we had to visually inspect the floor from the exterior.
In cold regions such as Hokkaido, there is a concept called “freezing depth,” which means that there is a risk of the ground becoming uneven due to the freezing of water in the soil during the winter, and for this reason it is necessary to “dig down” the foundation to a certain depth. For this reason, it is necessary to “dig” the foundation down to a certain depth. In a cold region like the East River, the value is defined as 80 cm, but the existing house seemed a bit low on the ground surface visually on the exterior.
I had heard the explanation that this building was nearly 40 years old, but the details of the building’s age, up to the comparison of the building’s age with the age at which the freezing depth standard was established, are not known at this time. However, it still seems to be unsound as far as visual inspection is concerned. However, it is unknown because the ground surface may have been excavated below the above-ground portion.
At this Shinjyukyo meeting, Dr. Norihiko Kamata also raised the issue of new foundation insulation. This is one example of how insulation retrofitting requires various “construction method options” depending on how the existing house is built. It is extremely difficult to raise the foundation of an existing building. It would be difficult to lift up the entire existing building. If you want to go that far, it is much more cost-effective to demolish the building and build a new one. In this case, traces of renovation from the outside of the foundation could be confirmed, but it could not be checked in a short time, including the existence of vents.

The photo shows the foundation height of the existing renovated house at the top and the newly constructed atelier at the bottom. Visually, the difference in height above ground is clear. If the foundation height of the newly built side is secured, it would be possible to make various modifications to the foundation in the future.
On the other hand, the existing building may be limited to digging up the soil around the perimeter and installing “skirt insulation” or similarly digging up the soil and reinforcing the insulation on the outside of the foundation. In the Niseko area, where I have recently been traveling away from home often, such foundation heights are uniformly set high, partly due to the heavy snowfall.
I would like to mention Dr. Kamata’s proposal for foundation insulation in the conclusion of this blog report. I heard that Dr. Kamata was also interacting with the North Research Institute in Asahikawa this time. The North Research Institute also said that they would accept Dr. Kamata’s proposal. This is an interesting move.

【薪ストーブが醸し出す暮らしの彩り 東川のアトリエ-2】



English version⬇

Atelier in Higashikawa: The Colorful Lifestyle Brought to Life by a Wood Stove
Is there a trade-off between wood stove and PV installation for living in cold regions? Which is superior in terms of “enjoyable living” cost performance? ・・・・・・.

In Hokkaido, especially in the northernmost and coldest regions of Japan such as Asahikawa, PV power generation efficiency is not as high as in the Pacific Belt region. In winter, it is difficult to obtain the solar radiation needed to generate electricity, and the three months of snowfall during the winter make rooftop PV installation virtually unattractive. At the same time, although it is said that EVs will eventually become the mainstream car, they are not a realistic means of transportation in the northernmost part of the country, and the characteristics of the region make them impractical for a non-densely populated lifestyle, such as living 100 km from an AEON. In the winter, a lifestyle dependent on PV that does not generate electricity is a matter of life and death.
It is difficult to find “life design elements” in the use of PV. While I am not opposed to the use of PV in areas where efficiency is effective, everyone thinks that the “sense of symbiosis with flames” that has existed since the beginning of mankind, such as the use of wood stoves, is still immature in terms of lifestyle and culture.
Rather, I believe that the concept of “natural energy utilization” is gradually spreading throughout the country, and that the wood stove is the one that can convince people of this concept as a real-life reality. The choice point is which is superior as a cosmetic of living happily.
After all, wood stoves are “picturesque,” as shown in the photo. I think that the overwhelming visual appeal of the wood stove brings out the “way of living at one with nature. In densely populated areas, there is even a backlash from neighbors who criticize the “smoke” emitted by the stove, but one can also feel the appreciation of a region where people can live in simple harmony with nature. Many people may feel that the gentleness and warmth of such a community is more human.

These various factors may be intertwined in the meaning of living rooted in the community. In this atelier architecture in Higashikawa, I was also able to see a set of wood chippers as part of the wood stove living culture. A wooden ring cutter as a base for chopping wood, and a machete-shaped wood splitting hardware with practicality and aesthetics made in Scandinavia. The leather covers are cool too. Every time I use my wood stove every day in the winter, I naturally have the opportunity to interact with these tools. At that time, the feeling of use of these tools also adds color to the scenery of our daily life.
While we want our rooms to be warm without doing anything, the warmth of a unique flame is a device that makes us feel that we are living in the midst of nature. When I wake up in the morning, I do not feel physically cold, but I feel a rich sense of rhythm brought about by the habitual action of chopping wood and getting warm in the cold landscape outside.
As a northerner, I can agree with this nostalgic feeling of peace of mind.


写真は近年北海道でも有数の「人口増加」傾向にある旭川近郊の東川町の現場であります。ちなみに3件とも東川町ということで、同町がいかに活発な建築需要であるかがわかりますね。北海道全体では直近の人口は5,149,405人ということで人口は1997年の約570 万人をピークに全国より約10年早く人口減少局面に突入しています。まことに「課題の最先端地域・北海道」ということが言えるでしょう。

English version⬇

Atelier Architecture in Higashikawa Town, Hokkaido
There is something about a fresh sense of “residential coverage” that revives my senses in a deep way. A simple triangular roof in a rich natural environment. The sense of human life. The house is a simple triangular roof in a rich natural environment.

Yesterday, for the first time in a while, I was assigned to cover a business trip. The first half of the meeting consisted of three tours of actual housing construction, and the second half consisted of case reports and a lecture by Mr. Norihiko Kamata. Many members seemed to have gathered in Asahikawa the day before, but it was too difficult for me to make the round trip on the day of the meeting.
However, I was able to meet with many of the old members and Dr. Kamata and exchange information. More importantly, I was able to have the opportunity to do “housing interviews,” something I have not done for a long time, and I kept feeling refreshed, as if all my stresses were being washed away. I knew it was good to be at a house-building site.
The photo shows a site in Higashikawa, a suburb of Asahikawa, which has been experiencing one of the largest “population growth” trends in Hokkaido in recent years. All three of the sites are in Higashikawa, which shows how active the demand for construction is in the town. The population of Hokkaido as a whole peaked at 5,149,405 in 1997, about 5.7 million, and has entered a phase of population decline about 10 years earlier than the rest of Japan. Hokkaido is truly a “region at the forefront of issues.
However, those regions that continue to make efforts in accordance with a solid “regional strategy” are experiencing active economic activities. The Niseko area, Furano area, and the Higashikawa area are good examples.
Oops, this is a bit of a side-track for a housing case study (lol). This house is the showroom/workshop of Toru Shimizu, who moved from the Tokachi area and runs an architectural design studio under the name “Monocraft. The house was built adjacent to a residential building, which was renovated and insulated, and this building was newly constructed as a design studio.
The exterior of the building, with its simple triangular roof, is beautiful against the backdrop of the tranquil natural surroundings. The wooden windows and the exterior made of Abies sachalinensis (18mm thick), which is locally grown in Hokkaido, create a natural landscape to the eye.
If one were to wish to live a simple life in the embrace of Hokkaido’s nature, many people would probably wish for this kind of lifestyle, and this house expresses such a feeling. In this rich natural environment, the exterior shape of the house is not overly elaborate, and the frankness with which it is presented resonates in the hearts of the residents. The simplicity of the triangular roof is a design in which the roof plays a leading role in protecting human life, and is universal to mankind.
The presence of many such simple designs in a region is thought to send a message of regional character. Even in a time of declining population, this would be a point of appeal to Japan as a whole and to the world. This section will be continued tomorrow.



English version⬇

Museum and research institute “catalogs” are quite stimulating.
When I search for materials in the library, I find that I am strangely drawn to the catalogs of exhibitions at museums and research institutes. I feel a sense of real time as the points of questions at the researcher’s level are exposed. I am very interested in the

Since my recent encounter with the picture biography of Prince Shotoku in the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures at the Tokyo National Museum, I have been exploring related materials and acquiring books from friends. Japanese history has been a strong field of interest throughout my life since I was dazzled by the Genpei wars in my youth, but I realized that the part about the time of Prince Shotoku was like an air pocket in the field.
I found that in Hokkaido, there is only one copy of the Nara Prefectural Museum’s 1965 exhibition catalog in the Hokkaido Public Library as a book reference on “Shotoku Taishi E bien” when I searched on the Web. When I visit various regions for housing research, I often visit museums and other regional research facilities to gain an understanding of the historical background of the area.
When considering housing in a region, it is a natural assumption that there are various “cultural climates” in the background, so taking this into account adds layers to the coverage. In this sense, we sometimes ask curators and researchers at museum-like facilities in various regions to speak directly with them. This gives us very interesting perspectives.
You were informed of the depth of the catalogue of the exhibition related to the “Shotoku Taishi Eaden” exhibition, which was a very valuable material, and you gained a deeper understanding of the basic aspects of the exhibition. When I revisited the library to return the materials, I was again allowed to use the library’s search system, and what caught my eye was a strong attraction to the materials compiled for the exhibition at the museum/research facility for the same mysterious reason.
The two items in the photo above were compiled by the museum affiliated with the Archaeological Institute of Kashihara, which conducted archaeological excavations of the garden ponds of Asuka-kyo. I had visited this museum the year before last when I was exposed to the news of this excavation, and the curator had further disclosed the latest research information to me through direct conversation.
This is the reason why I was so interested in the museum that I was able to borrow the materials shown in the photo. As an ordinary history buff, it is a fresh stimulus for me to share.
Recently, I have become more and more interested in the results of such steady research, and I have realized again that the materials I have been strongly attracted to, including the third cover photo, have been concentrated in “exhibition catalogs of museums and other institutions.
Whenever I have visited such museums and research facilities, I have almost always obtained some kind of catalogue. I have always thought that these catalogs have a very useful function of reproducing “connections” because they allow me to reconfirm and relive my experiences by comparing them with my memories of actually visiting the facility and seeing the exhibits. However, I have also come to realize that the catalog itself also provides information on the front lines at the research level.
I am sure that our desire for knowledge is sustainable until we die. I would like to express my gratitude for this kind of guiding material.


岡三証券が提供している動画番組に「複眼経済塾」というのがあって、ときどきチェックしています。最新の番組では「10ヵ月ぶりの利下げ!中国経済は窮地か? 」と題して公開されていた。公開10時間後で2.4万回視聴ということ。画面ショット画像はそちらからのものです。


English version⬇

How did China’s real estate bubble burst?
China’s economic development was effective in rebuilding the world economy after the Lehman Shock. However, a complete red light has been turned on for the abnormal real estate one-legged economy. What will be the impact? …

Okasan Securities offers a video program called “Compound Eye Economics School,” which I check out from time to time. The latest program is titled “Interest Rate Cut for the First Time in 10 Months! Is the Chinese Economy in Trouble? ” was published. It was viewed 24,000 times after 10 hours of publication. The screen shot image is from there.
There is growing concern about the bursting of China’s real estate bubble and its global impact, but because of the country’s dictatorship, the Japanese mass media in particular tends to be very compliant in its coverage, making it difficult to convey a sense of crisis. In such a situation, it is easier to understand the situation through specialized economic channels.
During the Hu Jintao administration, China’s real estate investment-led economic policies were successful in helping the world economy recover from the Lehman Shock that originated in the United States, and they became the driving force behind the global economic recovery. Since then, the economy has been developing under the reform and open-door policy, but at present, the number of condominium units in China is already at a level three times that of the total population, and there is a complete oversupply. The figure above shows the semi-annual housing price index in China for 2028-2022, with 2010 as 100. Although the index for FY23 was predicted in the chart, there is no doubt about the sharp downward trend. The data is from the National Bureau of Statistics of China, so it was repeatedly mentioned in the program that it should not be relied upon. However, even with this bias, the stalling trend of the Chinese economy comes into sharp relief.
Although housing trends are a domestic economic factor, we cannot ignore the impact of this trend in terms of global housing-related marketing. It has long been said that if the U.S. sneezes, Japan will catch pneumonia. As the world’s economic structure is becoming more interdependent, it will be necessary to assess how the economic situation in China will affect the Japanese economy in particular. There are probably very few large Japanese companies that will not be affected.

On the other hand, this is the OECD Business Confidence Index, which was shown in the same video, and since the OECD is generally considered to be an average of developed countries, only Japan has remained at a high level in the world economy. This is probably a background factor for the rising stock prices in Japan. The U.S. move to “derisk” and exclude China from the market in terms of economic security policy choices is probably an indication of the trend of increasing relative confidence in the Japanese economy amid the accelerating trend.
Japan experienced a long period of stagnation after the bubble economy, but the system did not collapse and a peaceful environment was maintained. Is a soft landing from high growth in China really possible?

【北の夏至 緑の繚乱ぶりがまぶしい】


English version⬇

Summer Solstice in the North, the dazzling green currents.
The almost all-night-like morning is dawning early. The work of writing 20,000 words of fear. I’m dizzy, but I have the patience of calmness, ganba. …

As I age, I am enjoying an early bedtime and early rise lifestyle, but from yesterday to today, I had a short sleep due to “night work” for the first time in a long time. I would like to say that I am still young, but I still feel sleepy.
I’m still young, I’d like to say, but I’m still sleepy.
20,000 words means about 50 sheets of 400-character manuscript paper, as it is often said. In order to write that carefully, I need to prepare carefully, referring here and there. It is a document to be submitted to government offices and the national government, but I have almost no time to spare because of my full attention span.
But I don’t want to take a day off from blogging even if I die (laughs). As I wrote the other day, I started writing when I visited the Aichi Expo with my children and have continued to do so for 18 years. No breaks.
I am beginning to have the delusion that I want to finish writing on the last day of my life as if to say, “I am going to die today, so please accept my regards. I may be the first person in the history of mankind to be so desperate about something like this (laughs). If so, it may be worth doing. That’s my fantasy.
I am in a daze, so I am not sure if the summer solstice is today or tomorrow, but when I went for a walk yesterday, I found myself surrounded by a flood of greenery. The crows, which are becoming more and more violent as usual, are actively threatening me.
They are now marching peacefully in a “banzai pose. But with the rising temperatures in Sapporo, the crows seem to be getting more and more restless. I can’t hear any trace of gentleness in their cawing.
So, I am afraid that this is a very boring blog, but it is just a report of my rambling thoughts. Now, I would like to put in a little more effort. Take care of yourself in the heat.

【イキモノシリーズ2 湯島聖天「亀の子寺」の氏神】


English version⬇

Ikimono Series 2: The Ujigami of Turtle Ujigami of Yushima Seiten
The majesty of the Ujigami of the Turtle Temple in Yushima Seiten reminded me of the violent nature of crows. I was somewhat pressured by the “code” of the strict power relationship in the Ikimono society. …

Yesterday’s description of the “raven attack” may have provoked more fear of animal species than I expected. It is not my intention to do so, but I am an animal lover and a peaceful coexistence person. However, I would like to refrain from talking about bears and crows raising their young (laughs).
I have recently become fond of the atmosphere of places like Ueno and Okachimachi on my business trips to Tokyo, where I often stay overnight, and I often go to Yushima Tenmangu Shrine on my morning walks. There is a “Kame-no-Koji Temple” near there, and I was reminded of it because I once made eye contact with a turtle that looked like a “Ujigami” (guardian deity) and got stuck.
He is the one in the photo above. The other day, our eyes met, and he didn’t move an inch, even looking a little dignified. It was like he was saying, “What the hell, you got a problem with me? Or, it was in a mood of “I’ll bite you without hesitation if you come near me, so be prepared.
I don’t think he is agile enough to bite, but it is enough to make us feel that he may have unexpected means to attack us. I feel as if I am giving off a sign that makes him feel hostility, and I am a little pressured. As a creature, I am aging in my own way, but turtles have a long life span and are said to last “10,000 years,” so he himself may be quite experienced in a hundred battles.
However, it would be embarrassing for him to be aware of my psychological state, so I silently returned his gaze and we spent a moment of silence and tension, as if we were facing each other.
The other turtles seemed to be chatting and laughing with their friends at the water’s edge, and this turtle society was operating in a friendly manner, unrelated to the human world. Only this shrine deity is isolated and has its own exclusive area. It is not difficult to imagine that he must be the boss of this group of turtles.
It was a different feeling from the outburst of the crows I encountered yesterday when they were raising their young, and it was as if I was being shown the unique authority structure of Ikimono society. Is the existence of violence and power a constant in the Ikimono society?
Maybe I am overthinking things a bit (laughs).
This temple, Yushima Seiten Shinjoin, is a Tendai sect temple that enshrines Sugawara no Michizane, a god who was “festivized” so that he would not be attacked based on the belief in grudge spirits. The temple is also home to “Yanagi no Iido,” one of Edo’s famous water sources, which has survived the frequent fires, earthquakes, and air raids of the Edo period. According to the history of the well, this group of turtles has continued to exist as a symbol of the protection of this famous water.
It seems that these turtles may be the master of the turtles with a heart and soul so strong that even an occasional visitor from Hokkaido would not be able to stand them. Well, the god who doesn’t touch it has no curse (laugh).

【子育て時期カラスによる人間襲撃 in 北海道神宮周辺】


English version⬇

[Human attacks by crows during child-rearing season in and around Hokkaido Jingu Shrine
It is difficult to reconstruct memories of experiences on the spur of the moment. Lost track of the fact that the Banzai pose is an effective way to deal with crows that have gone berserk. I felt a sense of hatred for a few minutes as I continued to dodge the attack. …

Yesterday, as usual, I took a walk around the area from Hokkaido Shrine to Maruyama Park. In my walking course, I park my car in a nearby parking lot and walk a certain distance to Hokkaido Shrine. After finishing my walk, I was returning home along the sidewalk facing Kita 1-jo Street, which has three to four lanes each way, when two crows that looked like crows began to make a commotion behind me, trying to mount me.
However, it had been a while since I had encountered crows in their excited phase, and my awareness of them had been shifting to the point where I was not so concerned about them, so I tried to pass by them without thinking of any particular response. It was just 100m away from the parking lot.
As I was walking from east to west, looking at the asphalt sidewalk surface in the direction of travel, I was able to “dodge” the crow attack by crouching just before it because its shadow was visible on the road surface. Normally, the most effective way to dodge a crow attack would be to raise both hands in a hail Mary pose, but humans are not able to think that far on the spur of the moment.
I was just trying to dodge the crows by bending down. The parking lot is large, so we were completely out of the blue to the position of our car. It was easy to be attacked as a target of their attack. I dodged and avoided them, but I still allowed a “kick” attack from one of them once. Then, rather than a sense of fear, a feeling of hatred arose on our side, as if we wanted to double down on them. I have not had enough training (laugh).
I manage to get to the car, check on the two crows, and feel like I want to retaliate in some way.
Well, this is the time of year when they are raising their young, and while I know with all reason that their actions are motivated by the natural instinct to preserve the species, it is inevitable that I will have the urge to kill them out of hatred. The mind is driven by the need to pay for the sparks of fire that fall on us. I have not experienced this kind of thing in a long time.
I had experienced this kind of thing before, and I remembered that the Hail Mary pose was effective after I calmed down, but I could not restore my memory of the experience to that level within 1-2 minutes on the spur of the moment.
So, when I had the TV on during lunch yesterday, a news program was just showing footage with a theme like “Crows in Sapporo are going berserk. The place where I encountered the crows was along the street, but there were still trees lining the street, so I could guess that there must be nests there, but in the program, I saw crows attacking from pylons in an urban area without greenery, glaring menacingly at people.
I was surprised at the ability of the species to communicate with each other. The ability of living species to communicate with each other is astonishing.
Therefore, I think it would be more precautionary to refrain from acting in the vicinity of the attacked area for a while. I don’t want to coexist with crows, but I would like to keep my distance from them during their breeding season. Please be careful, everyone.