
【世界宗教と異質なアステカ太陽信仰 古代メキシコ-9】




English version⬇

Aztec Sun Worship, Ancient Mexico, Different from World Religions
The universal value of world religions is the system of thought that rescues people from the suffering of this world. Ancient Mesoamerica, on the other hand, was led by a unique worldview. On the other hand, ancient Mesoamerica was led by a unique worldview.

In the history of human evolution, various religions have emerged and unique value systems have been believed by the people. The Aztecs of Central America are unique among these. In 1325, the Aztecs reclaimed Lake Tescoco in the central Mexican plateau and built the city of Tenochtitlan (now the capital of Mexico) on the water. In 1325, the Aztecs reclaimed Lake Tescoco in the central Mexican plateau and built the city of Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City, the capital of Mexico) on the water. The Aztecs formed the “League of Three Cities” with the two city-states of Tescoco and Tlacopan, and then launched a war against the neighboring states, expanding their power throughout the central Mexican plateau. The population of Tenochtitlan, the royal capital, reached 300,000, and the standard of living was said to be higher than in any European city.
In Japan, there is a story that Nobunaga Oda used the skulls of enemy generals he had destroyed as containers for his subjects to drink sake, and there is also the fact that he brutally killed everyone in Ise Nagashima, in what felt like revenge against the Ikkyu sect. Nobunaga is said to have prayed to become a god himself. In the Chinese mainland states, the massacre of Nemu is also told.
The fact that such a “war mentality” resulted can be confirmed as a universal human anecdote, but in the Aztecs, it was stamped with religiosity, and human beings were sacrificed as offerings to the gods. It was an area that I did not want to be too interested in, but when I was compelled to look into it for this series, I still wanted to avoid the content.

This is the “Head Statue of the God Sipe Totek. The name “Sipe Totec” means “flayed lord,” and the god is said to wear the skin of a sacrificed human being. It is said that Aztec kings fought wars possessed by this god.
In Japan, the ethical code of “justice” is often advocated in wars. The sense of value that fighting is for the realization of justice must have been considered important. The setting of righteousness and wickedness was emphasized, as in the case of the government army and the bandit army.
However, this sipé Totec seems to be a bit of a leap. While I respect the religious beliefs of the people, I cannot deny that there is a sense of discomfort.

This tablet, named the Night Sky Tablet, expresses their sense of value as sun god worshippers. The night sky is represented by Venus and stars on both sides, and an eagle and a soldier in the center. The souls of soldiers who died in war or as sacrifices had to travel with the sun through eternity on the celestial sphere.
It is difficult to imagine the religions to which the Aztecs and other ancient Mexican peoples turned because their doctrinal systems are said to have been intermittent, but I cannot help thinking that there is a difference in the basic theme of these religions compared to other religions in general, which focus on “salvation” as their theme.
In Japanese mythology, it is similar to the myth of Izanagi-Izanami, in which Izanagi goes to Hades to look for Izanami, who died first, and is chased by demons.

【戦国武田氏とも似た武闘派アステカ文化 古代メキシコ-8】



English version⬇

The Aztec Culture of the Warring States Aztecs, similar to the Takeda Clan of Warring States, Ancient Mexico-8
The Aztecs’ religious rituals and military organization were extremely militant, but their weapons were stone tools and bronze tools. Did the Western Spanish fear this culture and eliminate it? …

This is an ethnographic exploration of ancient Mexico from a special exhibition at the Tokyo National Museum on the Aztec culture that emerged as a successor to the Teotihuacan culture in the region. The image imprinted by the name is that of the most martial people.
In reality, the Aztecs were a Mesoamerican civilization that flourished in central Mexico for about 95 years, from around 1428 until their destruction by the Spanish invasion in 1521. This period was the height of the Warring States period in Japan. In other words, it is like the Kai Takeda clan, the largest military regional state in the Warring States period.
While the Oda regime, which controlled the central region of Japan, modernized its military power through trade from Sakai and expanded its conquests overwhelmingly, the Kai Takeda clan fell behind in the race to modernize its weaponry due to its geographical location and perished. Well, if we look at it from a macroscopic point of view without going into details, this seems to be an appropriate way to understand the situation.
I feel that the fate of the Aztecs seems to overlap with the fate of the Aztecs, who were crushed by the Spanish invasion.
The top temple is made of stone. It is a stage set up as if it were an oracle from a height above the people’s eye level, as is typical of the belief in the sun god.

In their religious ceremonies, “sacrifices” were made repeatedly, and the skull was offered as a sacred object. The rituals in which human organs and parts were taken away and offered to the gods went on and on. The picture below is supposed to be a sacred knife. The design makes it look as if the knife has been given a personality. It is easy to imagine that the Spaniards as modern people would have been instilled with a fearful notion of religious distance by seeing this style of religious rituals.
However, Aztec military power was at a stage where stone tools were used as the primary weapons, and there were barely any bronze weapons. It is said that there was no use of iron weapons. They were no match for the modern Spanish army, which was armed with sharp-edged iron weapons and firearms as leapfrogs.
In this respect, it can be said that Japan, which had a history of iron production since the Yayoi period and produced firearms domestically during the Warring States period, was a non-Western nation, which is rare in the history of the world. One can imagine that Westerners who came into contact with Japan must have been astonished at the technological capabilities of the country when they saw how guns were produced domestically in the blink of an eye after they were imported.
At the very least, iron weapons were developed independently in mainland China, and in order to acquire such weapons, the ancient Japanese nation became deeply involved in the political situation on the Korean peninsula and eventually produced them domestically. The Aztecs and Central Americans were not able to communicate with other civilizations in the same period, and this could be seen as a peculiarity of the region.
In this sense, the Aztecs were close to the final region of the Great Journey of mankind, and their isolation from the layers of human traces may have led to their tragedy.


1 東京国立博物館150周年記念特別展   351,153人
2 日中国交50周年記念特別展       27,839人
3 沖縄復帰50周年「琉球」特別展     90,395人
4 特別展「空也上人と六波羅蜜寺」    146,085人
5 特別展「ポンペイ」          197,700人

English version⬇

Comparison of the attendance at the Tokyo National Museum’s Special Exhibitions in FY2022
The Pompeii exhibition was very interesting and I wrote a series of in-depth articles about it on my blog, but the China exhibition, which I was able to visit, was very deserted. The Chinese exhibits, which I was able to visit, were deserted.

I have been writing almost every day on my blog, and it is essential for me to identify a certain theme, so I have been writing on a specific theme within the broad theme of people and their homes. I would like to write a “summary” of each theme, but I can’t find the time (I cry). The “Ancient Mexico” section of the series is temporarily on hiatus today, as the Teotihuacan culture has come to an end.
History and human culture are the main themes of the series. A house is a part of people’s lives, and its relationship to the world of ideas is the most important area. In the end, human interest determines everything.
In this context, I have been thinking about the exhibition themes at the Tokyo National Museum, which I often visit, as a barometer of “the fields of interest of modern people and their cultural aspects.
Although Sapporo and Ueno are far from each other in Tokyo, I visit the museum when I have time because I have many opportunities to go on business trips.
When I think about it, the variety of special exhibitions selected by museums, especially those that are “national” in nature, may reflect a cross-section of the contemporary Japanese consciousness. Furthermore, the “total number of visitors” to such special exhibitions may also express the way of thinking and frank awareness of contemporary Japanese people.
With this in mind, I referred to the data of last year’s special exhibition in 2022, as shown in the image above. Picking up the data on the number of visitors, we find the following. (in the order of the museum’s exhibition display)
1 Tokyo National Museum’s 150th Anniversary Special Exhibition: 351,153 visitors
2 Special exhibition commemorating the 50th anniversary of Japan-China diplomatic relations: 27,839 visitors
3 Ryukyu Special Exhibition: 50th Anniversary of the Return of Okinawa to Japan 90,395 visitors
4 Special Exhibition “Kuya Shonin and Rokuharamitsuji Temple” 146,085 visitors
5 Special Exhibition “Pompeii” 197,700 visitors
Each exhibition has a slightly different length of time. The range is from a minimum of 48 days to a maximum of 70 days. Although there may be various conditions, such as calendar conflicts, it seems that the unit of time is generally two months.
As one would expect, exhibitions such as “All About the Tokyo National Museum” are the most well attended. I also visited the “Pompeii Exhibition,” which I mentioned in my blog as an ancient European living environment, because I was allowed to take pictures.
The somewhat geeky exhibition “Kuya Shonin and Rokuharamitsuji Temple” also did well. Considering that Okinawa is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its reversion to Japan and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan, and that many of its citizens actually visit Okinawa for sightseeing, the theme itself may have been a handicap.
The least successful of these was the special exhibition commemorating the 50th anniversary of Japan-China diplomatic relations. I was somewhat disappointed, saying, “Hmmm, China, huh? Incidentally, I was able to visit Pohnpei and this exhibition only twice in 2022. The main feature of the exhibition was the use of digital technology to make the Forbidden City “look like you are actually there,” but I was rather surprised at the number of people who visited the deserted site.
It seemed to express the frank mood of modern Japanese people.

【土偶的美感が一世風靡した社会か? 古代メキシコ-7】




English version⬇

[A society dominated by the beauty of clay figurines? Ancient Mexico-7]
After the separation of the human race 30,000 years ago, the commonality of the sense of form appeals to us like a faraway “echo”. Occultism may be the missing link. …….

I visited Teotihuacan, a highland civilization that flourished in ancient Mexico from 100 BC to 550 AD.
The topmost one is called the “Death Disc Stone Carving” excavated from the Pyramid of the Sun, the central facility of Teotihuacan. Radial motifs are arranged around a skull with a tongue protruding. The nose has a hole in it, which is thought to represent a knife. In Mesoamerican culture, sunset meant death and sunrise meant rebirth.
The image below shows an incense burner excavated from a palace building. The censer consists of a body, chimney, and lid for burning incense. It shows flamboyant decorative characteristics by combining molded parts. The motifs of arrows and shields suggest that it was used as a ritual object for the repose of the souls of warriors.
When we recall these works, their makers, and the social context in which they were made, we are reminded of Japan’s Jomon society.

This is a replica of a Shakugi Clay Figure with not one but two legs.
Even we Japanese do not have a complete understanding of the structure and ethical system of the Jomon society that existed. However, it is clear that there is a core of native Japanese-ness that gives rise to these forms.
It also makes us feel that the ancient Mexican people shared the same sense of formative arts and a universal part of humanity. Recently, at the Tokyo National Museum exhibition, a theory was put forward that shading devices were universally developed by northern peoples as tools to mitigate the effects of reflected light in order to maintain their field of vision in the shining white snowfield landscape, and that this is an example of their use in Tsugaru. If this is so, it is possible that the human race, which has crossed the Aleutians and the Bering Sea from the Japanese archipelago to the American continent, shares such traces of spirituality.
Both are more than enough to awaken the cosmic and alien occult (laugh). Perhaps the human race that reached the Americas via the East Asian archipelago around 30,000 years ago also had a strong affinity for such occult imaginations.
There may be a possibility that the mental link between the death disc and the light-shielding clay figurine will be explicitly evidenced by the progress of human DNA information analysis. I feel that there is enough in common between the two to make me have such a fantasy.

Now that we have looked at the Teotihuacan culture, which is the least well-known culture in ancient Mexico, we will look at the more popular Maya Aztecs from tomorrow onward. As Japanese history is gradually becoming more understood, I believe that comparative culture will also become more interesting. Stay tuned.

【土偶VSテオティワカン人物像 古代メキシコ-6】



English version⬇

Clay Figures vs. Teotihuacan Figures Ancient Mexico – 6
The settlement of Japanese society began with the abundant marine resources as the basic food source. Ancient Mexico, on the other hand, was based on corn cultivation and agriculture. Similarities in the starting point of expression. The similarities in the starting point of expression.

How to represent humans and the human body has probably been a major theme for mankind since the beginning of time. However, in the highly realistic Lascaux cave murals and other paintings from about 40,000 years ago, the main object of human observation was a group of animals that were the object of hunting, and we do not feel any depictive conflict toward humans as our own kind.
In ancient Egypt and elsewhere, however, the central theme is the representation of the pharaohs. In ancient Egypt, the central theme of expression was against the pharaohs, and in conjunction with the portrayal of such powerful figures, warrior groups were also depicted.
On the other hand, in the Japanese archipelago, clay figurines, which originated in the Jomon period, have been moving toward the representation of human figures. However, as in Egypt, there is not the slightest sense of worship of authority, such as kingship. Yet, they are still moving toward the expression of the human figure. The evolution is not in the direction of realism, but rather in the direction of magic.
In ancient Mexico, across the Pacific Ocean, human figures are drawn in a manner that could be contrasted with clay figurines. For those of us who are sympathetic to the forms created by these artists, as I am, we can feel a similarity in the psychology of their work.
It is almost inconceivable that there was any exchange in terms of expression techniques or material selection methods, so if there is a similarity in atmosphere, it is probably due to a whisper of DNA. I feel that is what motivated me to compare and contrast ancient Mexico with the ancient layer of Japanese culture in this blog series.
The statue above is a “small statue with shield,” circa 450-550. The face decoration, pendants, belt, and shield are typical of the Teotihuacan style. These warrior statues have not been found as burial accessories in tombs at all, and there is a theory that they were children’s toys. The “Storm God Wall Painting” below it shows a man carrying a basket on his back and a corn cob in his right hand. Agriculture was probably the main means of production. It is also said that many buildings in Teotihuacan were decorated with colorful murals in red and other colors to decorate the urban space.
The same is true of Japan, where red is a color sense that is related to the origin of humankind.

Japanese clay figurines were probably formed more than 1,000 years before Teotihuacan. Clay figurines are also not regarded as burial objects. Rather, some believe that they were objects of prayer for life to be born, for the new birth. It is said that the essence of clay figurines is to pray for life rather than death.
Clay figurines representing women symbolically depict the abundant lower half of the body, which shows how the expectation of new life was strongly shared as a universal wish. At a time when man himself was the greatest means of production, this would have been an urgent social need.
While European peoples continued to rely on “hunting and gathering” as their economic base for a relatively long time, the rich coastal environment of the Japanese archipelago probably provided a cultural cradle for fishing as a means of production. On the other hand, ancient Mexico also seems to have developed its culture as a suitable place to cultivate corn, a basic food.

【テオティワカンの動物偶像と八咫烏 古代メキシコ-5】



English version⬇

Animal Idols and Yatagarasu at Teotihuacan, Ancient Mexico – 5
Strange ducks and snakes. Animal symbolism adorns the discourse. Ancient Mexico is characterized by an outstanding sense of modeling. Can the yatagarasu barely compete with them?

In Teotihuacan, which flourished in ancient Mexico from around 100 B.C. to 500 A.D., idols in the shape of various animals have been found in religious pyramids and other structures.
The photo above shows one of the most eye-catching finds at the exhibition, an extremely colored “bird-shaped” earthenware vessel. It was named “strange duck” by the discoverer. I can understand the sense of surprise when one encounters such a form for the first time. It is believed to be a “vessel” with ornate decorations such as shells. Teotihuacan is said to be a religious city at a high altitude of over 2,000 meters, so shells are not produced in the local area. Therefore, it is possible that a business of shell merchants, who were in charge of trade between the inland area and the Gulf Coast society, was established, and that these vessels were offered as burial accessories by these merchants. It is assumed that the animal species had a meaning as a funerary offering to the deceased.
The photo below shows a “knife-shaped eccentric” that had the same purpose as the “snake-shaped eccentric (two-sided processed stone tool). Excavated from the “Pyramid of the Moon” at Teotihuacan. Eccentric is a stone tool with a complex shape created by fine peeling. It is said that a large amount of such animal-shaped artifacts have been excavated from burial tombs. While primordial nature beliefs seem to be a fundamental characteristic of their culture, it is possible that they used such animal figures as universal “vocabulary” communication tools.
By modeling snakes, they may have given the tools some kind of religious message.

Japan has a historical tale of the Jinmu expedition, which is almost contemporaneous with Japanese history.
One of the most impressive animal tales is the myth of the raven. The three-legged raven, depicted in the three-legged raven statue at Kumano Hongu Taisha Shrine, is said to have been inspired by the three-legged raven myths of Chinese mythology, which came to Japan via the Korean Peninsula.
Emperor Jinmu headed for Yamato in an attempt to build a capital to rule the country in the east. He crossed the Seto Inland Sea, went up the Yodo River from Namba, entered Kawachi, and attempted to go to Yamato, but was defeated and retreated when he was intercepted by Nagasunebiko, a powerful Yamato tribe. Jinmu attributed this defeat to the fact that although he was a descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu, he fought from the west to the east, facing the sun, and thus he sought to invade Yamato by detouring southward through the Kii Peninsula and then northward from Kumano.
It is said that a raven descended from the heavens at that time and marched without hesitation through the mountains of Kumano to reach the banks of the Yoshino River. The myth of the raven is probably the most famous animal tale in Japanese folklore.
The technique of giving animals a kind of magical meaning and narrative of authority and ornamentation. In the case of the Japanese people, it is likely that similar meanings were given to animals in ancient Mexico as well. In ancient Rome, the myth that the founder of the emperor was raised by wolves. Perhaps such a story must have existed in ancient Mexico as well.
Still, the primordial sense of humor of this strange duck is outstanding. It sticks deeply in my mind and won’t leave my head (laughs).

【テオティワカン・ピラミッド像と東北仏像 古代メキシコ-4】



English version⬇

Statues of Teotihuacan Pyramid and Northeast Buddhist Statues Ancient Mexico-4
Two statues found in the Pyramid of the Sun. The statues of a nobleman and a “sacrifice”. The expression on the sacrificer’s face suggests a Northeast Michinoku folk Buddhist image. …

This is a series of challenges to contrast the ancient Mexican civilization with the Japanese culture, which parted ways “only” 30,000 years ago in the Great Journey and expansion of mankind throughout the continent. Yesterday, I compared the Pyramid of the Sun in the religious city of Teotihuacan with the Nintoku Emperor’s Tumulus, which seems to be appropriate for the time period. It is a common practice in human society to create man-made structures through civil engineering works around the world and give them symbolic power.
In Teotihuacan, the two statues above were excavated from the center of the pyramid. On the other hand, the Nintoku Imperial Mausoleum in Japan has not been investigated because it is considered to be directly related to the emperor’s family. However, something must have been offered to the emperor. As in the case of the Takamatsuzuka burial mound, offerings to mourn and repose the dead, such as beautiful wall paintings, must be universal among human beings.
The two Teotihuacan statues here are said to represent a real nobleman (bottom) and a sacrificed person (top). Oh, it is finally the descent of the “sacrifice” custom (laugh). For some reason, the religious culture of offering sacrifices to the gods has been intensely popular in ancient Mexico.
It seems that the spirituality of offering human life as the highest expression of faith in a natural god was universal among human beings. In Japan, too, there existed a spiritual culture of offering one’s life after the death of a nobleman. This culture can be seen in the custom of the samurai called “Oibukiri.
However, in the Kofun period in Japan, a large number of haniwa (clay figurines) were laid out in place of human figures in kofun tombs. In the case of Chinese civilization, the terracotta army may be a remnant of such custom. It seems to me that the entire society judged that it was too terrible to sacrifice human life, even if it was the death of a nobleman. In ancient Mexico, however, this custom continued for a long time.
It seems that the Spaniards destroyed the ancient Mexican society when they encountered it, because of their spiritual denial that this custom was a disaster. It would have appeared to the modern mentality as “crazy sacrifices.” Westerners thought of “using” Japanese society when they encountered it, but when they encountered ancient Mexico, they went into total denial.

I wanted to juxtapose the Pyramid of the Sun statue with a Buddha statue that has recently become a topic of conversation as an ancient folk custom in Tohoku. The photo is an excerpt from a poster for an exhibition at the Tokyo Station Gallery, a museum in Tokyo Station from December through February of next year, which I have seen featured humorously on NHK TV programs.
Japanese society has accepted Buddhism as a world religion, but in Michinoku and Tohoku, the final destination of Buddhism, it has been precipitated into “folk customs” and has blossomed into a group of Buddhist statues full of humanity.
However, the expression on the face of the Mexican “sacrificial” statues also conveys a certain kind of human voice. I believe that we Japanese have traces of a spirituality different from that of Westerners.

【宗教都市テオティワカンと日本の神道 古代メキシコ-3】



English version⬇

The Religious City of Teotihuacan and Japanese Shinto: Ancient Mexico-2
While Japan accepted world religions and Buddhism, and at the same time, Amaterasu, the ancestor of the goddess Amaterasu, was able to continue her Shintoism, Mexico developed its own religion from the belief in the sun goddess. The…

The photo above shows the landscape centered on the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan and a map of the city.
〜The civilization of Teotihuacan, which flourished in a basin about 2,300 m above sea level in the central Mexican plateau around 100 BC to AD 550, was a civilization of about 100,000 people living in a city space of about 25 square kilometers. A maximum of 100,000 people lived in an urban space of about 25 square kilometers. Its people, language, and script are unknown, and the civilization is full of riddles. Teotihuacan was a major religious city whose buildings were laid out according to the worldview believed by the people of the time. In the central district, pyramids, ceremonial halls, palaces, and other structures are neatly arranged around the Boulevard of the Dead. Recent research has shown that at its peak, it was a cosmopolitan city with influence over almost all of Mesoamerica, attracting people and goods from all over the region. It is becoming clear that the city was the capital of an active multi-ethnic nation. ~.
The establishment of the capital city of Chang’an in China was received with shock in Japan, and the location of the royal palace, which had been moved from place to place, led to the construction of cities such as Asuka-kyo, Fujiwara-kyo, and then Heijo-kyo, but Teotihuacan was different from Japan in that it was a city built based on a unique religion. Teotihuacan differed from Japan in that Teotihuacan built its cities based on its own religion.

However, since a burial mound is a kind of “religious architecture,” the Pyramid of the Sun may be compared to the Nintoku Imperial Tomb. The Nintoku-tenno mausoleum is a burial mound located in Daisen-cho, Sakai-ku, Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture. Based on the characteristics of the excavated artifacts, such as cylindrical haniwa terra-cotta tombs, it is commonly believed that the tomb was constructed over a period of about 20 years in the first half to the middle of the 5th century. The construction of kofun tumuli seems to have been motivated by the visualization of a tangible object of veneration as the best method of controlling people. In later periods, such social functionality was replaced by temple architecture. So, at the same time that temples began to be built in earnest in Japan, kofun tumuli rapidly ceased to be constructed. There is a parallel relationship.
In the case of Japan, Buddhism was born in faraway India, flourished in China, and then passed through the peninsula to be introduced as a “world religion” by the then powerful Prince Shotoku and others as a symbol of “internationalized Japan. As a result, it is a miracle in the history of world culture that Buddhism, which eventually declined in India, China, and Korea, was able to flourish and persist in Japan. On the other hand, Shintoism as a customary practice has continued to coexist in parallel. Is this a Japanese ethnicity?
On the other hand, in Teotihuacan, there was no such shared civilization of “world religions,” and it may be said that they founded their own religion. Although similar to Japan’s ancient burial mounds, what could have remained as a “customary” position of authority in Japan, as was the case with Shintoism, may have been “forced” to become a religion in ancient Mexico due to the isolation of the civilization there.
What they were clinging to at that time was the idea of setting the celestial navigation based on the sun god, which has been a common rule of human experience since time immemorial, as the central axis of their religion. It seems that what Japanese Shintoism, as a non-religious practice, could have continued as a belief in eight million gods and goddesses, with Amaterasu as the originator, was not the case in Mexico.

【テオティワカン⇔弥生〜古墳期 古代メキシコ-2】



English version⬇

Teotihuacan ⇔ Yayoi – Kofun Period Ancient Mexico-2
This is a series of articles contrasting ancient Mexican culture with Japanese culture of the same period. This is an experimental contrast to see how two cultures that are closely related by DNA could be dissimilar in different environments. Ancient Mexico

In general, Western history is the basic flow of world history, and events in Chinese and Japanese history are generally considered in contrast to Western history. If we look at ancient Mexico, which is different from such a basic flow, a chronological comparison with Japanese history would be the most appropriate.
In Mexico, the Olmec culture existed as a prehistoric culture from around 1500 BC to 400 BC. However, there was no explicit evidence of this culture at the Mexican exhibition. In terms of Japanese history, the Olmec culture probably corresponds to the period from the Late Jomon to the Yayoi culture. In Japanese history, large-scale cultural traces can be found even in this period, such as at Sannai-Maruyama and Yoshinogari.
The photo above is a “mask” from the ancient Mexican culture of Teotihuacan, identified as dating from around AD 350-550, and said to represent a priest or warrior. I felt that it conveyed the spiritual structure of this civilization in the way it was expressed. The photo below, which I contrasted with the above, is a haniwa statue work. I could think of many possible Japanese cultural objects from the same period, but here I was represented by the haniwa statue at the Shibayama Haniwa Museum (smile).
According to the theory of Professor Emeritus Hidemichi Tanaka of Tohoku University, the model for this famous work is a “Jew. As I will explain later, the statue tells us that Mexico, including Teotihuacan, was an “isolated civilization,” while Japan was a “melting pot of exchanges. Although this is true, they seem to be close in terms of their sense of form.

Yesterday, too, we saw the DNA similarity between the Japanese people and those who came to the Americas. The colonization of Mexico by Spain in 1521 was, by the way, at the same time a period of encounter with Western civilization, including the introduction of guns, and although Japan was able to maintain its independence, Mexico was colonized.
While Japanese history had experienced the continuous international relations with China, a continental nation with a strong power that was oriented toward the emperor of the world, which was a nuisance to its neighbors, the “Chinese idea,” and this experience strengthened their sense of nationhood and independence, they had no experience with international relations, and they were not able to have a strong sense of international relations until the invasion by Spain, It seems as if the invasion by Spain and the sudden civilized international relations from the Western modern era were their “first experience” with foreign relations at all. At the same time, the Americas had not developed the ability to recognize and coordinate “international” relations that would affect the survival of their civilization.
Even in more ancient times, in regions such as Egypt and Mesopotamia, there was a sense of “dialogue among civilizations,” but this may not have existed in the Central American region.
If Japan had a little more experience in foreign relations, it might have had the wisdom to persist in last-minute diplomatic negotiations, as Prince Shotoku did in Japan. However, although Japan is close to the Chinese civilization in terms of distance and has experienced “exchanges” such as the acceptance of Chinese characters and the introduction of Buddhism, to some extent it is an “isolated island nation” that seems to have “understood” and “understood” some aspects of this faraway Central American culture.




English version⬇

Ancient Mexico, the brother civilization of faraway Japan-1
Although we probably knew the way 30,000 years ago, I don’t feel like a stranger. Guided by a sense of human kindred spirits, I would like to share my heart with the ancient Mexican civilization. …

It is said that the present-day humans were born 70,000 to 80,000 years ago in the Central African region, and then spread throughout the world after exiting Africa during the period when the Great Rift Valley was formed. This is the so-called “Great Journey. Archaeology and anthropology are also well-known.
And although there are various theories, it is said that the present-day humans arrived in the Japanese archipelago around 30,000 years ago. Our evolutionary development into the Japanese people is believed to have begun around that time.
After that, it is said that the present humans continued to expand into the world, crossing Siberia and the Bering Sea to the North American continent, and from there to the South American continent, only around 10,000 years ago.
It is truly gratifying to know that we are now able to grasp our national and human societies objectively from a macroscopic viewpoint, using the common sense of humanity in such a big span. I am moved by the fact that we are living in an age when we are born into this world as human beings and can use this kind of recognition as an objective standard.
From this perspective of human history, I have a special feeling toward the North American Indians and the ancient civilizations that flourished in Central and South America. We began our lives on the Japanese archipelago around 30,000 years ago, but even after we parted there, we traveled in a circle around the distant Pacific Ocean to reach the American continent, where our civilization gradually blossomed. I think we can feel a strong sense of such distant relatives.
Yes, there is an underlying sense of brotherhood as civilizations that were separated a long time ago.

And geographically, such ancient civilizations flourished in the region of Central America and Mexico. An exhibition was held at the Tokyo National Museum, and I was astonished to see it. The exhibition ended on September 3. As I soak in the afterglow of the exhibition, sometimes the experience and feelings I had there come rushing back to me like waves from deep within my heart.
〜More than 13,000 years ago, hunter-gatherers first came to the Americas from Siberia, and after a long wandering life, they migrated southward to Mexico. Over several thousand years, they adapted to the varied ecosystems and began to live a sedentary lifestyle, subsisting on a wide variety of plants and animals. Thus, people based on agriculture were formed in various regions of the country. One such example is the Olmec civilization that emerged around 1500 B.C. in the Gulf of Mexico. Around the same time, core settlements also emerged in the central Mexican plateau and Oaxaca region. Chiefs built monumental structures, astronomy, calendar systems, and writing developed, and eventually cities appeared. Teotihuacan, the Maya, and the Aztecs are representative of ancient Mexican urban civilizations. ~…
<From the exhibition “Invitation to Ancient Mexico
We would like to explore in depth the possibility of communicating with the civilizations of these people, who had facial features and a sense of human form that were not so different from those of us Japanese, in a series of exhibitions to see if we can communicate with them in spirit even if not in speech.