
【香取の海から津宮に上陸・香取神宮① 東国三社探訪-15】

2番目の地図は先般来、このシリーズで紹介してきた古地図で、約1000年前の古地形を表現したもの。香取市がまとめている「第1章 香取市の歴史的風致形成の背景」PDF書類に掲載されている。


English version⬇

Landing at Tsumiya from the Sea of Katori, Katori Jingu Shrine (1): Exploring the Three Shrines of Eastern Japan – 15
The sea of Katori appeared as an important area in Yamatotakeru’s eastern expedition. The most important “sea route” to Kashima on the opposite shore. From Ichino-torii and Tsumiya to Jingu Shrine. The first torii, Tsumiya, to the shrine

Tsumiya is called the “first torii” of Katori Jingu Shrine. It was built facing the present-day Tone River. This is in line with the legend that the gods would come ashore from the water’s edge.
The second map is an old map that I have been introducing in this series, showing the ancient topography of about 1,000 years ago. It is shown in the PDF document “Chapter 1: Background of the Historical Landscape of Katori City” compiled by Katori City.
The local newspaper “Chiba Nippo” article also includes the following description 〜The present Tone River basin, which is the inland area of the city, had a large inland sea called “Katori-kai”. The area is as large as the present Kasumigaura, Inba-numa, and Teganuma swamps. Water traffic on the Katorikai has been active since the Jomon period. In the Asuka-Nara period, there were the provinces of Inba and Shimotsunakami on the Chiba side of the Katori Sea, and Tsukuba, Naka, and Ibaraki on the Ibaraki side, and many ancient tombs were built on the coasts of these provinces. The Katori Sea played an important role in the Imperial Court’s control of the eastern provinces. The Chronicles of Japan and the Fudoki of Hitachinokuni describe the crossing of the Katori Sea during Yamatotakeru’s eastern expedition. The two shrines, Katori Jingu (Katori City) and Kashima Jingu (Kashima City), are located on opposite sides of the entrance to the Katori Sea, and were worshipped as deities for the pacification of the Emishi, with the former shrine positioned in Shimousa Province and the latter shrine in Hitachiniku Province. ~.
The third photo shows Katori Jingu Shrine as well as Kashima Jingu Shrine, where the “Shikinen Shinko Matsuri,” an event in which the deities are ferried across the water, is held once every 12 years on April 15 and 16 in the year of the Noon. Based on the ancient topography, such a procession ceremony confirms that the main route of the old Tokaido Highway was Kamisusa-Shimosusa-Jochiriku, and that the sea in Katori was the most important area in the Kanto region. This is probably why Katori and Kashima were coiled on opposite banks of the sea. This shows the probability that the Yamato royal authority enshrined Ise and these two shrines as the supreme deities.
Also, it is eye-opening to see that in Japanese shrine worship, these eight million gods are very active. Is this correlated with the fact that these two shrines are both warrior deities? The Kanto region’s role throughout history as a base area for launching offensives against the Emishi may also be symbolic of this.

The route from Tsumiya to the Katori Jingu Shrine, with a visit to the “Jindozan tumulus group” at the end of the route, seems reasonable as a palace path. The distance along this path is 3.2 km, which is almost reasonable. The Jindozan tumulus group is a group of tumuli from the late Kofun period, consisting of one 46-meter-long (4-meter-high) round tumulus and 11 circular tumuli. The area is said to be under the jurisdiction of Katori Jingu Shrine.
On the other hand, about 7 km southeast of Katori Jingu is the “Shiroyama Kofun Tumulus Group,” a cluster of posterior frontal round mounds. The first burial mound (late 6th century?) was found to contain a Chinese-made triangular-rimmed The first burial mound (late 6th century?) contains a Chinese triangular-rimmed animal and animal mirror (the only one excavated in Shimousa), four sword blades with ring heads, and other items. The burial mound No. 1 (late 6th century?) has a large number of burial accessories, including a Chinese triangular-rimmed mirror (the only one found in Shimousa) and four ring-headed swords. For this reason, the tomb is thought to have been owned by the Shimo-Kaijo-Kokuzo clan.
This seems to be a contrast between the Ryukakuji tumulus group and earlier tumulus groups. It can be inferred that the conflict between the Yamato Royalty and regional powers resulted in a “newly emerged military power” taking control of the region. The reality of the Yamato kingdom’s control over the eastern part of Japan is interesting.

【季節の「水入り」 のどかな水郷景観】


English version⬇

Seasonal “Mizuiri” – idyllic water town scenery
Remnants of the Jomon sea advance. The landscape of the water village reminds us of the “Sea of Katori”, which is similar to the Seto Inland Sea. The Japanese archipelago of Kanto may be a symbolic zone of the “Anthropocene. Japan and Kanto may be a symbolic zone of the “new human age.

For a while now, I have been blogging about the three shrines in the eastern part of Japan and spinning out to visit Ryukakuji Temple and other ancient architectural sites.
Today, we will pause for a moment on the theme of “Mizuiri” (entering the water). The photo is of a landscape that caught my eye as soon as I left Ryukaku-ji Temple, and whose name I could not quite make out. I took a closer look and found a nameplate that read “Kame-no-ko ike” (turtle pond).
The Tone River in Kanto was shifted to the east, and around its outlet to the Pacific Ocean, there was an inland sea area called “Katori no Umi” in historical times, which is said to be in contrast with the Inland Sea of Seto Inland Sea.
The landscape of these water villages retains remnants of the landscape of the ancient historical period.
Recently, human activities have come to be counted as a major factor in the “Anthropocene,” or the transformation of the global environment as a whole. Among these, Japan, as an archipelagic society, can probably be visibly recognized as a landscape.
Climatically, it is a suitable place for rice cultivation, and in such an environment, various rivers repeatedly flood the land. On the other hand, there were many undulating landscapes like the one in the photo in the suigo-like area.
At the time of the Jomon sea advance, the sea spread across these landforms, and the “delicacies of the sea and mountains” must have supported the pastoral way of life of the Jomon people.
Later, as the advance of the sea gradually receded and the land became more and more terrestrial, humans began to actively “transform nature” and vast areas suitable for farming emerged.
In the early Edo period (early 20th century), the Tone River was moved eastward, a major natural transformation was accomplished, and the land was modified in the manner of the “Anthropocene” to make it easier for people to live in the country. This may be the epitome of the Anthropocene.
The fact that Edo/Tokyo, an urban area of considerable size even on a human scale, was born as a result of the artificial natural transformation should also be kept in mind as a very characteristic fact.
Once a city is remodeled, the past is forgotten, but if history is carefully traced, such a reality will emerge. If we can suppress the underlying currents of human activity, it will naturally lead to a better understanding of the background of historical facts. History teaches us many things.
As a seaside human environment, Katsuura at the southern tip of the Boso Peninsula is said to enjoy comparatively cool summers. Looking at the scenery of Kame-no-ko Pond, I was deeply impressed by the fact that the Jomon people may have had a more comfortable way of life than modern people who are beaten down by the extreme heat.
I wonder how long the heat wave will last this year. I think it has cooled down a bit in Hokkaido, but I hope everyone south of Honshu will take care of themselves.

【二荒社と校倉、建築の輪廻転生・龍角寺⑦ 東国三社探訪-14】



English version⬇

Futaara Shrine, Koukura, and Ryukakuji Temple, the reincarnation of architecture (7) Exploring the Three Shrines of Eastern Japan – 14
From the calligraphy of Edo period architecture to the disappearance of artisans, and the lingering light of the Showa period and the lingering shadow of the Narita struggle. The cry of the architectural group that repose the souls of the times. The cry of the buildings that repose the souls of the times.

As a “spin-out” from my exploration of the three shrines in the eastern part of Japan, I decided to delve deeper into the Ryukakuji Temple near Narita Airport. My initial interest in the temple was guided by its relationship with the Soga clan, an ancient clan in the center of Japan, based on the conditions at the time of its founding, but after taking photographs of the site, and being exposed to several pieces of physical evidence, the principal image, and the research of researchers, a sense of reality was formed in my mind. I think this is the best part of exploring ancient architecture.
There are two “regent” buildings on the grounds of Ryukakuji Temple, an ancient temple.
One is the Futara Shrine in the photo. The main building of the former Futara Shrine was replaced with the current one in 1990, but it is known from the ink writing on the dismantled parts that the former shrine was built in 1668. The photo below shows the old shrine building from 1668, before it was rebuilt. Reference citation material is from a presentation material at an exhibition related to Ryukakuji Temple at Waseda University: “Early Modern Architecture of Ryukakuji Temple” by Dr. Masaki Koiwa, School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University.
Futaarayama Shrine is located in Utsunomiya and is said to be the root of Nikko worship. Ieyasu Ieyasu became “Tosateru Daigongen” and rested as a god in Nikko, the location that protects Edo Castle, and we can imagine that such historical changes must have extended to the precincts of Ryukakkakuji Temple, where the shrine was built as a regent shrine. According to the documents, the date of construction is highly likely to be 1668, based on the ink signatures that indicate the date of construction. At the same time, the names and attributes of the craftsmen involved in the construction are also known.
〜The year of construction and the ink inscriptions on the building materials show the name of the carpenter Ihee Masubuchi Morikatsu, as well as the names of “Kouko” and “Kibiki,” all of whom were from Nobe-mura, Shimodate City, Hitachinaka Province. Ihee Masubuchi is said to be an immigrant carpenter who settled in the nearby village of Ajiki. Other people who appear in the inked documents include Norihisa Matsudaira, lord of the Sakura domain, who was the lord of Ryukakuji Village, “Ryukakuji disciple Gensei,” and “Daimon Zenjuro, who donated the building to the temple.
These architectural records convey a sense of excitement that transcends the time and space of more than 300 years.

Furthermore, it is believed that this schoolhouse was built in the early Meiji period (early 1868) and was moved and preserved in the precincts of this building in conjunction with the construction of Narita Airport. It was moved from the Imperial Imperial Household Agency’s Shimofusa Imperial Farm in Sanrizuka to this location in conjunction with the construction of the airport. The Imperial ranch itself became a national property, and the site was transformed into Narita Airport.
The Imperial ranch was moved to Takanezawa-cho, Tochigi Prefecture, but the circumstances as to why a portion of the schoolhouse was moved to this location are currently unknown. The “tingle” of the “struggle against Narita Airport” of our youth suddenly appeared before our eyes. Eventually, our own lives will also fall asleep in history. I was deeply moved by the reincarnation of life and the impermanence of all things.
There is never a dull moment in the process of unearthing the thoughts of our predecessors through the superimposition of architecture and historical circumstances. I would like to continue working on this project as a kind of lifework.

【東北征夷拠点の豪族育成策・龍角寺⑥ 東国三社探訪-13】



English version⬇

Ryukaku-ji Temple, a strategy for fostering powerful warriors as a base for the “conquest of the barbarians” in the Tohoku region (6): Exploration of Three Shrines in the East – 13
The royal power eventually began full-fledged conquest of the northeastern part of Japan, but it also fostered the power of Inba and other areas as a base for training military forces and nurturing Kanto samurai. The Inba forces and other organizations were fostered as a base for training the warriors of the Kanto region.

In my search for Ryuzaku-ji Temple, I consulted a variety of sources and found that, in comparison with the remains of other great families in other areas, the central royal authority was in the early stages of introducing Buddhism, so why was a full-scale Buddhist temple established in this area?
In addition, there is a specialized finding that there is a clear difference between the tombs around Ryukakuji Temple and those that preceded it in the area ruled by the Inba-no-Kokuzo, in terms of the character of the subjects of the tombs.
These questions were becoming more and more puzzling.
In this context, I was strongly attracted by a passage in the presentation by Ms. Kumiko Shirai, the “chief senior researcher” of “Boso no Mura” near Ryukakuji Temple. She is particularly interested in “hair-carved harnesses” that represent military functions.
〜It is thought that saddle makers and Buddhist priests were both involved in the production of harnesses from the 6th century onward. The “Toryi School,” represented by Kurazaki-Toryi, is known as the main group of Buddhist statue makers in the Suiko period who created the main statues of Asukadera and Horyuji temples, and their involvement in the production of gilt bronze thin plate horse mounts is also presumed. In particular, the gilt-bronze horse tack of the 7th century, when Buddhist colors became stronger, is highly likely to have been produced by the leaders of Buddhist art, and it can be said that it reflects the breath of a new age. (The distribution of carved bridles is characterized by a bias toward eastern Japan (Fig. 1), particularly concentrated along the ancient Higashiyama and Tokaido highways, with Gunma (Kamimono) and Shizuoka (Suruga) to Ibaraki (Hitachiniku) prefectures dominating the rest of the country. These were the key points on the inland and maritime highways leading to the Tohoku region, and the new style of roadside carved horse tack was used in the Tohoku region.
The new style of Doujo-style carved horse mounts may have been a medal of honor for the Eastern army corps that responded to the policy of the royal government to advance into the Tohoku region. ~.
The villages of Boso are some of the finest “folk villages” in the Kanto region, and I have explored them myself, introducing them in a 13-part blog series in January of this year. (Please follow the link in the first article of the series.)
As such, I feel a sense of familiarity with his personal experience, and I am strongly impressed by the results of his research as the chief senior researcher of the project. Your editorial based on such physical evidence is very persuasive. The theory is that the royal power intentionally fostered its power in the Kanto region as a place to cultivate its military strength, although it became more active in advancing into the Tohoku region and conquering the barbarians after the Emperor Kanmu moved the capital to Kyoto. This was the intention from the mid-600s. With this intention, the power in this region was nurtured as a regional power to cultivate military strength.
Minamoto no Yoshiie, the leader of the warrior class in the later period, advanced into the Tohoku region from the Pacific Ocean side of Fukushima Prefecture called Nakosunoseki, and it is highly probable that the forces that operated the Ryukakuji Temple in the Shimousa/Inba area played a role as a base and preparation area for his advance.
It is a pleasure to connect the dots and lines between Japanese history and architectural exploration.

【基壇が残る「金堂」跡・龍角寺⑤ 東国三社探訪-12】



English version⬇

The site of “Kondo,” where the platform still remains, Ryukakuji Temple (5): Exploring the Three Shrines of the Eastern Provinces – 12
Research results were presented at the Waseda Symposium. Traces of local powerful families from the Kunizukuri period. The name of the country was changed from “Inba” to “Shimousa” during the establishment of the state under the Order of the Emperor. The name was changed from “Inba” to “Shimousa” in the country under the Order of State.

Waseda University has been actively involved in the excavation and research of Ryukakuji Temple, and the results have been made public in the form of documents, including a symposium related to the Shimousa Ryukakuji Temple Exhibition held during the Waseda Culture and Arts Week 2022 in October 2022.
The ancient place name “Inba” can be seen in the documents as the name of the area where the Ryukaku-ji Temple was built and the preceding tumulus clan flourished. (From an article by Kumiko Shirai, a researcher at Chiba Prefectural Boso no Mura.)
In her discussion, Ms. Shirai states that the historical period of the Ryuzumadera Kofun Tumulus Group was the early Asuka Period, when palaces were established in Asuka and the entire country was converted to a new system based on the Ritsuryo system of the Sui and Tang Dynasties in China. It was also the period when Buddhism, a foreign religion, was introduced in earnest.
It was also the time when Buddhism, which was a foreign religion, was introduced into the country in earnest. The founding of Horyu-ji Temple was in 606.
Horyu-ji Temple is said to have been founded in 607. According to temple tradition, Ryukaku-ji Temple was founded in 709, but some researchers believe that it was built between 650 and 660. Some researchers believe that the temple was founded between 650 and 660, the year when the head of the main image was created.
If we assume the name of the clan from the place name “Inba,” it is likely that the Inba clan was a local clan in the Kanto region, comparable to the Kamitsuno clan of Kozuke in Gunma Prefecture. While the Kamimeno clan was hit hard by the volcanic eruption of Mt. Asama in the historical period and the region collapsed, the Inba clan, as it is tentatively called, is also not well documented. The Inba clan seems to have been a powerful family in this area since the Inba Kunizou period, but there are few data on them.
It can be presumed that they sponsored the construction of Ryukakuji Temple as a local powerful family, but there is no evidence of their clan name in the temple legend, even though there is a fairy tale of a dragon skull.
It is imaginable that the name of this area was changed to “Shimousa” when the ancient name of the country was specified (Reisei Kuni), but as the name of the country became common, the clan names also declined. The date of establishment of the country as a state under the ritsuryo system is said to be the first year of Taika (645) at the earliest, and the first year of Taiho (701) at the latest, so it seems to coincide with the founding date of Ryukakuji Temple. The relationship between the central and remote areas may also have something to do with it.

As shown in the photo above, an old photo of Kondo built in the Edo period (as of 1932) was available in the symposium record at Waseda University. An analytical article by Masaki Koiwa, School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, at the same symposium. The architecture is similar to the Kondo shown in the restored map placed in the precincts of the present Ryukakuji Temple. The Kondo shown in this old photo was built in 1698 after the temple was damaged in 1692. It was dismantled in 1950 due to the danger of collapse.
It is unclear whether the Ryukakuji Kondo was built before 1692 or in 709, according to the temple’s legend. However, it is considered to be a tradition of Japanese craftsmen to faithfully follow the design intent of the original construction, as seen in the foundation stones of the pagoda we saw yesterday, including the foundation stones of the platform that remain today.
This is an exploration of historical wooden architecture guided by various imaginations.

【塔心柱の礎石「不増不減石」・龍角寺④ 東国三社探訪-11】


English version⬇

The foundation stone of the central pillar of the pagoda, “Non-increasing and Non-decreasing Stone”, Ryukaku-ji Temple 4: Exploration of Three Shrines in Eastern Japan – 11
The foundation stone of the pagoda’s central pillar, the “nonincreasing and non-reducing stone,” is the foundation stone of the pagoda’s central pillar, the “nonincreasing and non-reducing stone. …

This mysterious stone is located approximately 13 ken (23.4 m) east of the main hall of Ryukakuji Temple (the current site of the main hall). It is believed to be the cornerstone of a three- or seven-story “pagoda,” according to the legend of Ryukakuji Temple. The phrase “nonincrease/non-decrease” is a key word in the Heart Sutra, which is the foundation of Buddhist thought. The naming of the pagoda also suggests a desire for Buddhist indoctrination.
The cornerstone is made of granite with a long diameter of 249 cm and a short diameter of 203 cm, with a flattened surface and a circular hole in the center with a diameter of 81.8 cm, an inside diameter of 66.6 cm, and a depth of 12.1 cm. Small grooves for drainage were carved at both ends. Based on the size of this central foundation stone, the tower is estimated to be about 33 meters high. The five-story pagoda at Horyu-ji Temple is estimated to have been 31.5 m high from the base, which means that the pagoda was about the same height.
It is also said that the water stored in this hole neither increases nor decreases even in rain or shine, and is considered one of the Seven Wonders of Ryukakuji Temple. This is one of the Seven Wonders of Ryukakuji Temple. The story of the Seven Wonders is interesting, but it is too much like a Japanese folktale, so I restrain myself (laugh). If you are interested, please visit the website of Sakae Town, Chiba Prefecture.
The Seven Wonders of Sakae are apparently unique to this area, with its water, swamps, and such. To begin with, Ryukakuji Temple itself is said to have been visited by a dragoness in 709 and built various halls (Kondo and Pagoda) in a single night, and is also famous for holding a mummy head of a small dragon, which is related to the “dragon legend” of its naming, as a temple treasure.
〜In the summer of 731 (Tempyo 3), it was extremely hot and there was a shortage of water. After the rain had stopped, the corpse of the dragon was found split up in three places along the banks of the swamp. As promised to the dragon, the shonin buried the head in Ryukaku-ji Temple and renamed the temple Ryukaku-ji Temple. The head of the dragon was buried at Ryukaku-ji Temple and the temple was renamed Ryukaku-ji Temple. ~.
It is deeply shrouded in a haze of legends.
This stone of non-increase and non-reduction is an important component of the nationally designated historic site, and the main statue of Yakushi Nyorai, a bronze statue of Yakushi Nyorai, is also registered as a national important cultural property. It was also designated as a national treasure in the prewar period.
As a Hokkaido native, I am deeply reminded of the profundity of local history in the Honshu region. Although the historical fact is that Ryukakuji Temple was built here as a national project of the Soga clan, it may have been easier to convey the “gratitude” of religiosity to the local people by wrapping it in the language of dragons, miracles, and mysterious stories.
In this tale of the founding of Ryukaku-ji Temple, it seems that this kind of “indoctrination” of people who first came into contact with the idea of Buddhism is hidden.
I am about to fall into the fascinating trap of imagination (laugh).

【古墳から仏教寺院建築へ・龍角寺③ 東国三社探訪-10】



English version⬇

From Kofun Tumulus to Buddhist Temple Architecture, Ryukakuji Temple (3): Exploring the Three Shrines of Eastern Japan – 10
The form of manifestation of power changed from ancient burial mounds to Buddhist temples. The area around Ryukakuji Temple is a pinnacle of this ancient period. The temple is located in the vicinity of Ryukaku-ji Temple.

The area around the Ryukakuji Temple is one of the most concentrated areas of kofun tumuli in the Kanto region. The tombs date from the late Kofun period (6th century) to the end of the Kofun period (7th century). The total number of confirmed kofun tumuli is currently 115. In the Kanto region, the Kamimono clan, based in Kozuke, is the dominant force, but the area around Ryukakuji Temple is also by far the largest tumulus cluster in the Kanto region. On the edge of the plateau facing Obanuma, there is a row of 6th-century round mounds and posterior-rectangular mounds.
Many of the tombs are well preserved within the grounds of the Chiba Prefectural “Boso no Mura,” one of the largest old private gardens in the Kanto region. The designated area includes 93 burial mounds.
It is assumed that this tumulus group is closely related to the nearby Ryukakuji Temple, which was founded in the Hakuho Period. So the background of this kofun tumulus group and the surrounding ruins suggests that a powerful tribe based on the northern coast of the Inba Marsh to the southern coast of the Katori Sea acquired a position as an agent of the central royal power in the process of establishing the Yamato royal power’s rule in the East, and became a local power that played a part in the state structure after the Ritsuryo state was established.
The photo is from the “Reconsidering Shimousa Ryukakuji Temple” symposium held at the Aizu Yaichi Memorial Museum of Waseda University in October 2022. The tumulus is the exterior of the Ryukakuji Tumulus Group 101.
The tumulus culture declined sharply after a certain stage in the history of Japan, but I believe that this represents a shift in the culture of authority of the royal power, which was replaced by “temple architecture” in many cases. At the same time, this is in contrast to the 8 million deities who have taken refuge in the nature in which they dwell.
The “prestige architecture” of the eight million nature-worshipping “religions” that took refuge in the natural environment of the archipelago may have been the mound structures modified by nature and their shapes as symbols of authority, but in the next new era, Buddhist temples and their architectural temple styles became symbols of authority.
As such symbols of authority, the main Buddha image and its facial expression are more easily understood than the shape of the kofun tumulus, and it can be assumed that they “visualized” the support of authority. The religious nature of nature worship that had existed up to that point was replaced by the humanized religion of Buddhist thought.

It is stimulating to the imagination to see how people of Jomon origin reacted to and accepted the “divinity” that had a concrete expression. The Jomon had previously displayed kofun as a concrete expression of local kingship, but at some point in history, this was suddenly replaced by Buddhist monasteries, and “mihotoke” appeared with a more concrete human expression.
What has developed in actual Japanese history is the symbiotic coexistence of the eight millions and Buddhism. What would have been a continental trend toward a bias toward one or the other, in Japan they coexisted. In the eastern part of the Kanto region, the Kashima Shrine, the Katori Shrine, the ancient burial mounds, and the Ryukakuji Temple were all religious entities that coexisted with each other. The same is true of the later Naritasan Shinsho-ji Temple.
It must be said that the intertwining of royal power and religiosity was a complicated process.

【奈良大仏より古い本尊頭部・龍角寺② 東国三社探訪-9】

残念ながらこの龍角寺は歴史年代、幾多の火災に遭遇し現存する本尊座像は頭部と胴体部で制作年代に違いがあり、江戸期に胴体部は復元されたものとされている。上の写真画像は龍角寺 薬師如来像 頭部石膏型抜 早稲田大学會津八一記念博物館展示より。その下は現在龍角寺廃寺に建てられている「拝殿」正面画像。裏手には「収蔵庫」があって本尊薬師如来はあるいはそちらに収蔵されていると思われます。鹿島神宮参詣途中での立ち寄りだったので、参観は望むべきもありませんでした。

English version⬇

The head of the main image of Yakushi Nyorai, which is older than the Great Buddha of Nara, at Ryukakuji Temple (2)
The image of the Yakushi Nyorai (the Medicine Buddha) is a very old image. How was it received in Kanto, where the Jomon spirit still lingers? …

Since Ryukakuji Temple is a defunct temple, records and other information are difficult to trace. It was also difficult to identify the information on the images. However, in such a situation, it has been clarified in art history that the main statue, Yakushi Nyorai, dates back to the Hakuho period. The Hakuho period refers to the Asuka period of culture from the Taika Reform of 645 to the transfer of the capital to Heijo-kyo in 710. It was an intermediate period between the Asuka culture represented by the architecture and Buddhist statues of Horyu-ji Temple and the Tempyo culture represented by the Buddhist statues of Todai-ji Temple and the architecture of Toshodai-ji Temple.
It is said to be older than the Daibutsu statue at Todaiji Temple in Nara, and was carved in the period immediately after the period in which Kurusaku Noritoshi was active.
Unfortunately, Ryukakusokuji Temple suffered from numerous fires during its history, and the existing seated statue of the principal image has a different production date for the head and the body, and it is believed that the body was restored during the Edo period. The photo above is a plaster cast of the head of the statue of Yakushi Nyorai from the exhibition at the Aizu Yaichi Memorial Museum of Waseda University. Below is an image of the front of the hall of worship, which is now built in the abandoned Ryukakkakuji Temple. There is a “storage room” in the back of the temple, and the main statue of Yakushi Nyorai is probably stored there. Since we stopped by on our way to Kashima Jingu Shrine, we could not visit the temple.
<I learned about the seated statue of Yakushi Nyorai, the principal image of Ryukakuji Temple, from an article written by Kanbutsu Nichijitsumecho. Please refer to the same page, which also includes a photo image from the magazine “Houn” (Vol. 3) from the 7th year of Showa (1932). > “Tokyo Imperial University
On the same page, there is an article by Sada Sekino (1868-1935), a professor emeritus at Tokyo Imperial University and a member of the Society for the Preservation of Ancient Temples and Shrines, on the results of his appraisal of this Buddhist statue, “Ryuzokuji Bronzo-Yakushi Nyorai Zo and Old Tile Fragments” (History Education Vol. 7, No. 4, published in 1932).
The style and technique clearly show the characteristics of the early Neiraku period, and it was made almost at the same time as the Sei-Kannon in the Toin of Yakushiji Temple, the Yumekai-Kannon in Horyuji Temple, the Koyakushi Nyorai in Shin-Yakushiji Temple, and the Shaka Nyorai in Jindaiji Temple. It is a rare masterpiece. The Daibutsu in Asukadera is a rare masterpiece.
I have a crush on the Great Buddha of Asukadera Temple. Asukadera Temple is a temple strongly influenced by the Soga clan, but there is evidence in the Kanto region at about the same time that conveys the simple religious beliefs of the period when Buddhism was introduced to the region.
The expression on the face of the Yakushi Nyorai (the Medicine Buddha) is simple and expressive of the spirit of the early introduction of Buddhism. In particular, the long, slanted eyebrows seem to symbolize a sense of human “gentleness. Facial expressions must have played a huge role in how people who first came into contact with Buddhism “accepted” it.
After Todaiji Temple, Kokubunji temples were built throughout the country during the Nara period (710-794), but this Ryukakuji temple shows that the Soga clan had a strong influence as far back as the Kanto region.
In the Kanto region, where the majority of people would have been those who had been living since the Jomon period, as opposed to the more advanced Kinai region, these Buddhist statues would have encountered many people.
These images seem to “convey” a variety of things.

【古代蘇我氏の痕跡・龍角寺① 東国三社探訪-8】


English version⬇

Traces of the Ancient Soga Clan, Ryukakuji Temple (1): Exploration of Three Shrines in the East – 8
This is a region in Kanto that can be traced back to the time of the Kunizukuri. The most advanced temple architecture in the Kinai region at that time was transplanted to the Kanto region. The influence of the Soga clan is strong in its construction. The Soga clan’s influence is strong in the construction of this temple.

Although this is a trip to actually experience the conditions of the Kanto Plain in ancient times, the so-called “Three Shrines of the East,” an exploration of the three shrines of Kashima, Katori, and Sosu, there was actually one more deeply stimulating interest: the Ryukakuji Temple. Today, the ruins of the abandoned temple remain.
The image shows a front exterior view contrasted with a restored painting and layout seen on a local explanatory board that tells how the temple was in ancient times. In the foreground of the photo are the ruins of the Niomon Gate, which is now only a foundation stone.
This temple is located in Sakae-machi, near Narita Airport, in an area that still retains the atmosphere of a water village like Obanuma, which reminds us of the topography of the ancient Kanto region. Despite its location in such an environment, and despite the fact that the area is considered difficult to access, Ryukakuji Temple is known to have been founded in the mid-600s.
There is no doubt that a Buddhist temple has existed in the area since ancient times. Excavations have revealed the remains of a so-called “Hokki-ji style” temple layout, with the main hall on the left, the pagoda on the right, and the lecture hall in the back, entered through the main south gate, and with eaves round tiles in the Yamada-dera style with a single-petaled eight-leaf lotus flower design with a threefold garden pattern on the periphery. This is the oldest of the Yamadadera style eaves round tiles that have been excavated from several temple sites in the Kanto region.
To the south of the temple are the Asamayama Kofun Tumulus, said to be the last forward-rear round burial mound, and the Ryukakuji Iwaya Kofun Tumulus, the largest square burial mound of the Terminal Period, surpassing the great imperial tombs in the Kinai region. It is the oldest temple outside the Kinai region. The Ryukakuji Iwaya burial mound is a typical Kinai-type Terminal Period burial mound, and cannot be understood without its close relationship to the Kinai center.
The square burial mounds are used for tombs related to the Soga clan, such as the Kasuga Mukoyama burial mound for Emperor Yomei, the Yamada Takatsuka burial mound for Emperor Suiko, and the Ishibutai burial mound, which is likely to be the tomb of Soga Umako. The tombs are even larger in scale than those of the other tombs, suggesting that the Soga clan, the most powerful clan at that time, was deeply involved in their construction. The “roof tiles” used in the construction of Ryuzumakuji Temple are also in the Yamadadera style, which was created by the family of Soga Kurayamada Ishikawamaro, which leads some to believe that the builders of Ryuzumakuji Temple were of the Soga lineage and descended from the family of the buried in the Ryuzumakuji Iwaya tumulus. 〜The above is from Wikipedia.
The above is from Wikipedia. I have been quoted for a long time, but as I wandered around the ruins of this abandoned temple, I was bombarded with dizzying explanations and description boards at various places like a raging wave in my foggy brain (laugh).
(Laughs). I was bombarded with so many interesting historical riddles that I could not digest them all in a single visit.
I secretly revere Mr. Tadataka Ino, who tried to lead a healthy life and did activities for the Japanese people only in the later years of his life. As an ordinary person who is far from being a dropout, I would like to at least face the traces of these ancient people.
I was moved by the atmosphere that rose up from the ruins of this abandoned temple.

【芸術的な石灯籠と寄進者たち 東国三社探訪-7】



English version⬇

Artistic Stone Lanterns and Donors: Exploration of Three Shrines in Eastern Japan-7
The exquisiteness of the stoneworking techniques of the Edo period and the high esteem in which Edo merchants held the Kashima Jingu Shrine are truly evident. …

The Suica card that triggered this series of blogs was lost, and after the local police notified me of its discovery and the entire process of reissuing the card was successfully completed, the remaining 6,500 yen is now tucked away in my wallet.
I am deeply grateful to the many people who have laminated their goodwill to the Kashima Jingu Shrine, and I am sure that the spirit of reverence for the shrine has been shared by people throughout the ages.
Lastly, I would like to talk about the “stone lantern” by the main shrine of Kashima Jingu Shrine, which surprised me a little.
The main body of the lantern is as shown in the photo, but I cannot find any record of its identity on the web. However, it is amazing that the stone is processed to achieve such a high level of decorativeness. Well, I have not always had the experience of looking closely at stone lanterns, but when I suddenly saw this stone lantern, I couldn’t help but click the shutter.
The umbrella at the top is warped with decorations at the ends. Below that, the lantern has a finely engraved latticework frame as intricate as stained glass. Below that, the body is beautifully engraved with a variety of patterns and carvings that may have been inspired by the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac.
From the outside, it was unclear how to light the lantern section, but the skillfulness of the modeling, combined with the fact that the body is made of stone, strongly impresses us with the high level of craftsmanship that seems to have been used during the Edo period.

Underneath the pedestal is a list of names of donors.
Since the name of the donor is “Caretaker,” it was probably made by people with a deep religious faith in Kashima Shrine, who collected money and asked a master stonemason to create it, and then asked Kashima Shrine to dedicate it. As one of those who have been saved by the divine virtues of these people in this day and age of 2025, I am truly humbled by the high level of devotion of these people from long ago.
The sponsor was listed as “Tachibana (?) Machi 2-chome. The address of the caretaker is written as “Tachibana (?) town 2-chome. Tachibana-cho is the name of a town in the Nihonbashi area during the Edo period. And since we can see store names such as Fujii-ya, Banya, Matsuzakaya, Tambaya, and Hyakusokuya, we can imagine that the donation was made by these merchants in joint names.
The next item on the list, in which the amount of donation is estimated to have been a little smaller, also shows shop names such as “Enshuya,” “Sagamiya,” and even “Senya. The fact that the name of the place “Kanda Aioi-cho” is also written here suggests that the donation was made by merchant families in Edo.
Even today, the distance from Edo to Kashima is 92.6 km, which would take more than 19 hours on foot. In the normal sense of the Edo period, it would take 3 to 4 days to travel this distance. If we consider it as a round trip, the distance would be about one week.
In addition to the exquisiteness of the craftsmanship, it is clear evidence of how much Kashima-san was known to the common people of the Edo period.