
【人格化されなかった神の社殿・息栖神社⑤ 東国三社探訪-25】

〜息栖神社が最初に置かれたのは現在の日川地区と伝えられており、大同2年(807)に現在地に遷されました。 岐神(くなどのかみ、路の神・井戸の神)、天鳥船神(交通守護の神)に加え、住吉三神(海上守護の神)が祀られています。 息栖神社は鹿島神宮の摂社という位置づけです。〜鹿島神宮の摂社ということで祭神の鎮座する「本殿」は存在しないということ。さらに、
〜かつて鹿島地方の丘陵地南端は今の鹿嶋市国末辺りまでで、やがて沖洲が陸続きとなり幾つかの集落が出来ました。このような中州に鎮座された祠を、大同二(807)年、平城天皇の勅命を受けた藤原内麻呂により現在地の息栖に遷座した。国史書『三代実録』にある「於岐都説神社」が現在の息栖神社です。仁和元年(1120年)の記には「授常陸国 正六位上 於岐都説神従五位下」とあり、於岐都説(おきつせ)は於岐都州(おきつす)であり、沖洲➡息栖になったものであると考えられます。〜


English vrsion⬇

The Shrine of the Unpersonalized God, Ikisu Shrine (5): Exploration of Three Shrines in Eastern Japan – 25
I have been writing and polishing my research on the mysterious shrine. Finally, I came up with a hypothesis. Is it a shrine belief version of the Mermaid legend? The Mermaid Legend.

There is no “main hall” or “hall of worship” within the precincts of the shrine. Instead, a “shrine pavilion” is built as the central structure. There is no indication of the so-called “deities of worship. The history of the shrine includes the following description
〜It is said that the shrine was first located in the present-day Nikkawa area, and was moved to its present location in the 2nd year of the Daido Era (807). The shrine enshrines three deities, Sumiyoshi (guardian of the sea), in addition to Ki (god of paths and wells) and Amatori-Fune (guardian of traffic). The shrine is positioned as a regency shrine of the Kashima Jingu Shrine. 〜The fact that it is a regent shrine of Kashima Jingu Shrine means that there is no “main shrine” where the deities are enshrined. In addition, the shrine does not have a “main hall” where the deities of the shrine reside,
〜The deity of the deity of Kashima and Katori followed the deities of Kashima and Katori to the East during the Kami period, and although both Kashima and Katori shrines were located on the plateau, the deity of Kunato and the deity of Amano-torifune remained at the seashore at Hikawa (present Hikawa, Kamisu City) and were eventually enshrined as a shrine in the reign of the Emperor Ojin. 〜The description of the shrine is “a shrine of the gods of the sea”.
〜In the past, the southern edge of the hills in the Kashima area extended as far as Kunisue, Kashima City, and eventually a sandbar connected to the land and several settlements were established. In 807, Fujiwara no Uchimaro, under the command of Emperor Heijo, relocated the shrine to its present location in the middle of the island. The “Oki-tosetsu Shrine” mentioned in the national history book “Sandai Jitsuroku” is the present-day Ikisu Shrine. In a chronicle of the first year of Ninna (1120), it is written, “授常陸国 正六位上 於岐都説神従五位下,” and it is thought that Okitsuse is 於岐都説, which became Okisu ➡息栖. ~.
The deity itself is not a specific personal deity, but rather a guardian of such “activities” as the god of roads, the god of wells, and the god of traffic protection. It is a deity that is alien to common sense shrine worship.
Furthermore, when I googled the deity “Kudo”, I found that “Ki no Kami has been believed in since ancient times not only as a god of cow and horse protection and fertility, but also as a god of misogi, protection from evil spirits, protection from mischief, and safety on the road. In Japanese folk beliefs, he is said to prevent evil gods and spirits that bring plagues and disasters from entering the village. Some people also believe that kunado means “kunagu,” which means mating or marriage.”

It seems that the various riddles of the Ikisu Shrine have finally been revealed in their entirety.
Although the shrine was ranked with Kashima and Katori as one of the three shrines in the eastern part of the country, it was a strategic point for water traffic in the ancient topography of the inland sea, and although the place itself was considered to be “home to a god,” it was not identified as a specific personal deity.
The goddess “mermaid” exists in other countries. Mermaids are aquatic creatures with a woman’s head, upper body, and fish tail, and appear in the folklore of many cultures around the world, including Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Perhaps they should have been hypothesized as such personalities in Japanese shrine beliefs.

【海上交通の社、陸の景色・息栖神社④ 東国三社探訪-24】


English version⬇

Shrine of Maritime Traffic, Land Scenery, and Breathing Shrine (4): Exploring the Three Shrines of Eastern Japan – 24
Is it a far precedent of Itsukushima Shrine? Is it a far precedent of the Itsukushima Shrine? …

I would like to consider the origin of the name of the shrine, “Breathing Place.
It is said that the character “栖” means “nest” or “roost” for birds. If this is so, we can conclude that the name is derived from the meaning of the Chinese character.
In general, it is difficult to mix “ideogram” and “phonogram” in a two-character noun. I think that the priority for place names will be comprehensibility, and since place names will eventually become universalized, the priority will be that they can be shared by many people. If this is the case, “breath” can be thought of as an ideogram.
If so, what meaning does the Chinese character for “breath” have?
It is probably the meaning of a roost for survival and a base of security as an inanimate object. It seems to be consistent with the idea that the existence of the fresh water that gushes out of the seawater is symbolized and sanctified in the naming of the place.
On the other hand, “okisu” is also close to the concept of “port” or “harbor” in the sense of “offing” and “dwelling place.
Since “okisu” is a concept related to water, it may be a different linguistic world from that of “land/place names” that evoke a strong sense of attachment. The most important meaning of the name is related to water, and it is an axis point of “shifting” as a mobile transportation hub, so it may have been expressed as a place name in a “wai” form.
While Kashima and Katori are both place names that give a strong sense and impression, breath seems not to have been intended to give a strong sense of land presence.
Rather, the impression from the sense of the word is that the most easily conveyed basis for naming is a sense of “relaxation” as an oasis for sea traffic, and it is likely that popular understanding of such functionality was prioritized.
For this reason, the drinking water marker torii facilities around the Ichino-torii (first torii) may have shown the meaning of this shrine more strongly than the shrine facilities on land.
It may have been a nature worship presence for a “sea god,” much like the Itsukushima Shrine constructed by the Heike clan in later generations. Rather, it seems to have been a far forerunner of Itsukushima.
At Itsukushima, the spirit of the god is greeted by an underwater shrine gate, and the main shrine building is designed to float above the water according to the draft line at high tide. Although the Japanese people and their seafaring character have come to that kind of expression in the course of history since then, it is thought that the much earlier Ikisu Shrine had not reached such an architectural design. The Heike power did not have the coercive or economical power to do so.
If we were in a position to consider the creation and promotion of liveliness in the three shrines in the eastern part of Japan, the first priority would be how to promote the character of the shrine as a sea god. However, the “Katori Sea” is not as compelling as it was in ancient times, when it was not visible.
The topographical changes in the Kanto region during the Anthropocene period had a negative effect on the shrine.

【おきす⇒いきす&国内海運史・息栖神社③ 東国三社探訪-23】


上の図は江戸期に消費都市江戸に20万石ほどの米を提供したといわれる仙台藩の安定的輸送ルートを諮問された先端的事業家・河村瑞賢が開拓した「東回り航路」図。<こちらは宮城県の公式資料「河村 瑞賢 -東廻り航路を拓く」より引用>

English version⬇

Okisu ⇒ Ikisu & Domestic Shipping History, Ikisu Shrine (3): Exploration of Three Shrines in Eastern Japan – 23
Japanese History of Language Sense Transition. Is it a residue of the ancient Yamato language? What about the development process of domestic sea routes on the Pacific Ocean side from ancient times? The history of domestic maritime transport in Japan

I was unintentionally unaware of the existence of this “anchor” at the local shrine, so I enlarged and edited the top photo from the photos I took of the surrounding area while reading the explanatory board. After reading the text carefully, I realized later that this inconspicuous “anchor” played an important role in the identity of this place, which used to be a port (Tsu).
It is difficult to imagine a place name written in kanji characters as “breath” in the common Japanese sense. I did not think that the character for “breath” was a place name, and I unconsciously mistook it for “bird” and said, “Torisu, I wonder. It sounds like whiskey.
(Laughs.) This is not only me, but many people seem to think so.
On the other hand, I understand the name of the place called “Okisu-no-tsu” in ancient times. It is an expression that falls into place. But when I tried to find out why “Okisu” became “Ikisu,” I could not come across any information.
This sense of absurdity leads me to wonder if the place name might reflect a primitive Japanese linguistic sense like that of the “Kaimin” people. It seems to me that there is an old Japanese linguistic sense. This sense is something like that of the Asuka region or the mountainous areas of Tokushima Prefecture. It seems to me that it conveys an original Japanese sensibility, whereas the Japanese language since then has been dominated by its “sound reading” and “meaning making” with the introduction of an active “kanji culture.
Furthermore, one theory suggests that these three shrines in the eastern part of the country may correspond to the border line with the “Hidakami – Hidakami – Province,” which is said to have existed in the Kanto – Tohoku region before the Yamato Kingship.
In Hokkaido, there are many place names derived from the Ainu language, and I cannot help but think that such a way of expression that seems to be common to such linguistic sensibilities is also projected here.

In any case, I have been searching for maritime routes between the Japanese archipelago and other parts of Japan in relation to the ancient Kanto inland sea port (Tsu) of Suisu, but have been unable to come across any explicit research on the subject. The explanatory board at the shrine reads as follows.
The Edo River, the Tone River, the Suigo area, and the Kashima Sea route northward from the mouth of the Choshi River to the Kashima Sea were chosen for the water transportation routes. Naturally, large vessels were used for such long-distance transportation, and it is said that the shrine prayed for safe voyages on the way there and back. (Abstract excerpt)
The above chart shows the “eastbound route” pioneered by Kawamura Zuiken, a leading entrepreneur who was consulted on a stable transportation route by the Sendai clan, which is said to have supplied the consuming city of Edo with some 200,000 koku of rice during the Edo period. In the past, ships were often shipwrecked in shipping. It sometimes takes a year for a ship to reach Edo from Sendai. Takara, who was consulted by the Oshu Fujiwara clan, developed the map.
However, during the reign of the Oshu Fujiwara clan, porcelain from Tokoname, Aichi Prefecture, was excavated as prestige material, as well as in Atsuma, Hokkaido in the distant past. It is true that the Sea of Japan side was the basis of domestic distribution, but there were also activities on the Pacific side, such as the Kumano Suigun (navy). The history of Japan by sea is a world of great depth.

【列島海民のはるかな交流・息栖神社② 東国三社探訪-22】




English version⬇

Far-flung exchanges between the archipelago’s sea people and the breath shrine (2) Exploration of the three shrines in the eastern part of Japan – 22
Asuka poets convey the atmosphere of breath to the present day. The simple nature worship of the sea people, who prayed for the safety of ancient traffic. The shrine is a place of

While Kashima and Katori have a certain relationship with the sea, the reason why they have been referred to as the “Three Shrines of the East” is becoming clear to me now.
It is likely that the present-day humans arrived in the Japanese archipelago by crossing the sea. I believe that the roots of the Japanese people are deeply imbued with this kind of DNA. It is said that the earliest work of a “carpenter” was not to build houses or buildings, but to build ships. It is said that ship carpentry was close to the origin of carpentry, and house carpentry was derived from it.
The reality of the situation is that many different lineages of present-day humans migrated to the Japanese archipelago region in waves, uniting these ship carpenters since the Stone Age. In this archipelago region, they encountered one of the world’s richest fishery resources and settled down by the sea.
They encountered in earnest fish, a hunting target with behavioral principles completely different from those of land animals, and began a settled lifestyle known as the Jomon settlement. The culture of Japanese shrines reflects the legacy of this long-standing memory.
The simple devotion to the traditions of the seafaring people, which are at the bottom of our national consciousness, can be seen in the appearance of the shrine. The photo shows the area around the Ichino-torii (first torii), and the small torii (male and female) that enshrine the fresh water that gushes out of the torii. It is truly a place where the gods dwell for the “sea people.
Of course, I believe that the Yamato kingdom of Amaterasu lineage brought to this archipelago a cultural system that led rice production in the “reed field of Nakatsukuni,” a land suitable for rice cultivation, and realized reproduction, development, and population growth.
I feel that there is a strong trend toward a peaceful coexistence of such East Asian agricultural culture and the aforementioned seafaring culture as a “country of harmony” rather than exclusivity.

I believe that the three shrines in East Asia have been revered as sacred sites of such ancient maritime people’s traditions.
The photo above is an explanatory board placed in the precincts of the shrine.
The above photo is a signboard placed in the precincts of the shrine.
The two phrases are: “The boatman who now more than ever will be at the Nusatori Festival is heading into the wind off the coast of Katori.
〜The ancient water village of Katori was called “Katori no Umi” (Katori Sea) because of its vast inland sea, and the place where the god of water, the breath shrine, is located was called “Okisu no Tsu (port). <Omission.
Poems by poets of the 600s and 700s romantically convey the ancient topography of the time and the appearance of the Ikisu Shrine in the midst of it. Kakinomotojinmaro, who came to this place after a far journey by boat, probably saw the boat owner reading the wind and described the atmosphere of the place. Also, nusa ~ hibaku. The scene of the boatman praying for the safety of the boat’s journey by holding up the nusa – gohei – reveals the ancient traffic. It makes me sigh. The shrine is a place of

【古代地形とナゾの海神・息栖神社① 東国三社探訪-21】



English version⬇

Ancient Landforms and the Riddle of the Sea God, the Ikisu Shrine (1): Exploring the Three Shrines of Eastern Japan – 21
A node of maritime traffic and logistics in an archipelagic society. A strategic point between the Yamato regime-controlled area and Northeastern Japan. A place where fresh water, where the god resides, springs from. The shrine is a place where the gods dwell.

We have already visited the three shrines in the eastern part of Japan, Kashima Jingu Shrine, Katori Jingu Shrine, and, slightly spinning out, Ryukakuji Temple, which is related to the Soga clan.
I visited the shrine with little information beforehand, and with only a casual “it is said to be one of the three shrines in the eastern part of Japan…” out of historical curiosity, but when I actually visited the shrine and began my search again based on that experience, I was surprised to find that “Oh, so this is the background that led to that fact. I was surprised at the fact that it was generated from such a background. As my connection with the Kanto region has grown stronger, I have come to realize that I must now understand and accurately grasp the topographical transformation of Japan’s largest plain area.
It may be that the history of Japan is not necessarily limited to the Yamato Plain and Kyoto-Osaka area.
The above figure shows a map of the present-day Ikosu Shrine and an ancient topographic map of the Jomon period in the midst of the sea advance. In front of our eyes, we can see the ancient landscape of inland seas such as the Katori Sea, Kasumigaura, and Ko-Kinu Bay. The ancient topography of the shrine suggests that it was a strategic point for maritime traffic. In particular, it was a frontline location for the distribution and movement of goods between the Tohoku region and the Yamato regime-controlled areas via the Pacific Ocean.

When I took this realization into account and superimposed it on my exploration experience at the site, memories of two wells called “Oshioi,” which I had casually observed, began to well up. When superimposed on these traces of the Jomon sea advance, the idea of drinking water, the greatest lifeline and necessity of ancient maritime traffic, hit me like a thunderclap of conviction.
This spring water is considered one of the three sacred waters of Japan, along with Meisei well (Oshioi well) in Ise and Naoi well in Yamashiro (Fushimi, Kyoto). The shrine’s website gives the following description (summary).
〜˜There are two square wells called Oshioi (Oshioi) with small torii gates built on either side of the first torii gate along the Hitachi-Tone River. They are called Ogame (male bottle) and Megame (female bottle). Oshioi was built in 194 and has been producing fresh water for nearly 2,000 years. The entire area was covered with seawater, and when a vein of fresh water (freshwater) was discovered and gushed out, the fresh water gushed out, pushing aside the seawater in the area, hence the name Oshioi Well. This is the oldest well in the relationship between water and humankind. According to legend, if a man drinks the water from the woman’s bottle and a woman drinks the water from the man’s bottle, the two will be united, and the well is said to bring good luck in marriage. 〜The water in the male bottle is said to be good for marriage.
Unlike voyages on the Sea of Japan, those who encountered this fresh water in the Pacific Ocean, known for its rough seas, must have been greatly moved by the gratitude of this place, and must have felt the divinity of this place, as if a god resided here.
As a person who has lived on this archipelago, I can understand this primordial devotion to nature.

【素朴な神性「奥宮」・香取神宮⑥ 東国三社探訪-20】




English version⬇

Katori Jingu Shrine (6): Exploring the Three Shrines of Eastern Japan – 20
The space is an architecturally designed representation of the fierce spirit of the god of worship, Kyotsu-no-okami. The construction materials are recycled from the old materials used for the ceremonial relocation of the Ise Jingu Shrine. It is a very “Arakotama” (spirit). The building is designed by the architect, Mr. K. Kikuchi, who is also the director of the building.

The “Okumiya” of Katori Jingu Shrine is said to be called Arakotama. Arakotama is the wild side of God, or the soul that rages. It is said that it is a strange symbol of the god Kyotsu-no-okami’s valor, chivalry, and perseverance. In contrast to the mature design of the hall of worship and the main hall of the shrine, which I mentioned the other day, this shrine seems to honestly express the nature of the ancient god, and is captivating.
The present shrine pavilions are said to have been built using old materials from the Ise Jingu Goshengu in 1973. The fact that the old timbers were used for the reconstruction of the shrine during the ceremonial relocation of the Ise Jingu shrine gives one a sense of the continuity of the ancient tradition and spirit of the shrine.

Although there may be some preferences in the design of deities, the fact that Japan has continued to maintain a national culture of designating certain nature-rich sacred areas and creating park-like environments where people of all ranks are allowed to freely visit, and where people’s backs are made to stand upright, makes me think that this is a characteristic of the Japanese people.
In my opinion, this kind of divinity makes me feel the true spirit of the Japanese people.
I believe that this is the core of the Japanese mindset of spatial design as a whole, in harmony with the surrounding environment. I believe that this kind of design theory dominates the basic sensitivity.
The explanation that “the souls of the wild spirits are under the influence of a mystical spirit that dispels evil spirits, and the work of breaking evil and manifesting righteousness is also active to bring good luck, ward off bad luck, and fulfill one’s desires” is very funny.

Like the Kashima Jingu Shrine, the Katori Jingu Shrine also has a “keystone” in place. The photo above is a drawing of a “catfish carrying a keystone,” and it is said that this warrior god is holding back a major earthquake in the Kanto region in cooperation with the god of Kashima (laugh). It represents the fact that the Kanto area and its vicinity had suffered a series of earthquake damage over the past generation.
It seems to me that this is why the Japanese belief that the god of war protects both Kashima and Katori grew up. For the Japanese people, the Kanto region was a great development frontier, and human efforts, such as the eastward shift of the Tone River, were continuously invested in the region, despite the difficulties of being an earthquake-prone area.
The “ethnic experience” of such a historical period is contained in these two major shrines of the Three Eastern Provinces. From there, Japanese society will further move toward the historical experience of the development of Hokkaido, where I live. While the Tohoku region has had the unfortunate history of being singled out as the target of “barbarian conquests,” this was not the case in Hokkaido. The cold conditions of the region made it essential for the evolution of the survival environment and the improvement of housing performance.
The Kanto frontier experience of earthquake-prone catfish has given rise to such caricatures, but what kind of caricatures will be generated by the experience of creating highly insulated and airtight housing in Hokkaido?
At the present time, we do not see such a caricature of ethnic experience in the Hokkaido shrine (laugh).
The explanation that “the souls of the wild spirits are under the influence of a mystical spirit that dispels evil spirits, and the work of breaking evil and manifesting righteousness is also active to bring good luck, ward off bad luck, and fulfill one’s desires” is very funny.

【武神の本殿建築と装飾性・香取神宮⑤ 東国三社探訪-19】



English version⬇

Katori Jingu Shrine 5: Exploration of Three Shrines in Eastern Japan – 19
The same objects as the Shosoin treasures are the sacred treasures. The Shosoin treasures are the same as the Shosoin treasures, cutting-edge artifacts imported through trade with the Tang Dynasty. The Takejin also cared about the appearance of these treasures (laugh)…

Before the Meiji era, only three Shinto shrines in Japan, Ise, Katori, and Kashima, were entrusted with the name “Jingu” (Shrine).
In the case of shrine architecture, the “hon-den” is the building where the deities are enshrined, and the “haiden” is the place of worship where visitors pay homage. In general shrine architecture, these two are considered to be one and the same. At the Hokkaido Jingu Shrine, which I visit every day, the main hall is located behind the worship hall. The Katori Jingu Shrine has the same style, with the main hall behind the worship hall, and the two are architecturally “connected” and built in a series of buildings. At Kashima Jingu, the main hall was temporarily enclosed during the reconstruction of 2021, but it was built in the same style as this Katori shrine, in a series of linked buildings.
The design trend in both buildings is the uniquely evolved decorative style of the Edo period (1603-1868) when they were built. The roof is cypress bark thatched with a color similar to deer skin, and the walls are painted black.
On the other hand, in Ise Jingu, the main shrine is completely separated from the outer shrine, and there is no worship hall in the outer shrine, but only a simple main shrine built on a paving stone level, which is worshipped while looking up to it. Because of the simplicity of the structure, the shrine has been reconstructed in the form of shikinen sengu (ceremonial relocation of the shrine) for most of its history, although there was a decline for a period of time.
As is typical of an imperial shrine, the main hall of Katori Jingu Shrine has a gold-work chrysanthemum crest as a roof decoration, and the gable below it is also decorated with gold work, which contrasts with the black coloring of the main body, creating an eye-catching decorative effect. The gold work on the gable below the chrysanthemum crest is also gold-plated, contrasting with the black coloring of the main body, and creating a sense of eye-catching ornamentation. Is this a god of war who has awakened to fashion?
Japanese society during the Edo period was, by its very nature, a military-dominated society, but the image of the warrior gods may have changed as peace continued for a long period of time. The environment surrounding the Katori Jingu Shrine has also changed. I feel that this corresponds to the success of the great engineering project of the eastward shift of the Tone River, which caused the “Katori Sea” to shrink and transform into the Tone River.

This is the Katori Jingu Shrine’s sacred treasure, the National Treasure Kaiju Budo Kagami (mirror of sea beasts and grapes). The Katori Jingu Shrine was founded in the 18th year of the Jinmu period, although there is no way to confirm this.
This is the same treasure as five other treasures in the Shosoin Repository. Among them, this treasure is said to be the same type as the one housed in Shosoin’s Nanzang No. 9. The Shosoin was built in 756 A.D., which means that the history of Katori Jingu can be traced back at least to that time.
The mirror is 29.7 cm in diameter. The mirror is 29.7 cm in diameter, with a gouged-in outer circle. The knob is in the shape of a beast with a mane and backbone, and a fawn in its mouth. The inner category of beasts includes an antlered eminence and a lion, surrounded by 13 smaller beasts, each of which has a different aspect. The grapevine pattern on the outer section extends above the band and is surrounded by a grape and boxwood pattern, with small birds and insects between the grape and boxwood patterns. The outer band has an arabesque design with a mixture of cloud and flower patterns and palmetto patterns. The large mirror shape can be said to be one of the most complete forms.
As the deity that ruled the Kanto region, these treasures expressed his prestige. But did this mirror awaken your sense of fashion?

【キッチュな元禄建築「拝殿」・香取神宮④ 東国三社探訪-18】





English version⬇

Katori Jingu Shrine, a kitschy Genroku-style building (4)
The world has changed since the early Edo period, and perhaps the building was intended to show the prestige of the shogunate. The building’s inclination toward showiness is astonishing. The building’s design is a bit of an eccentricity.

After passing through the gate, the worship hall of the Katori Jingu Shrine appears straight before the eyes of visitors. The triangular gable and the gently curving karahafu (Chinese gable) below it draw us in. As someone who has visited Kashima Jingu Shrine before Katori Jingu Shrine, I find the simplicity and profundity of the ancient “Okumiya” of Kashima Jingu Shrine to be quite different from the sense of design.
It is wrapped in an air of being built in 1700 during the Edo period (13th year of the Genroku era), as if it were a direct expression of its historical phase. I am sorry to say that I feel a little uncomfortable about why this kind of expression has flourished.

This is the Kashima Jingu Shrine Okumiya before it was rebuilt 2-3 years ago. The moss edges also emphasize its yukashisa (gracefulness). Incidentally, this is a building donated during the Ieyasu era.
On the other hand, the Katori Jingu worship and main shrines in the photo above were donated by the 5th Tokugawa Shogun, so the intention of the Shogunate was to “show its prestige,” which is a projection of the sense of the full maturity of Edo period culture. There is also an inner shrine in Katori, which I will introduce later, but that is fine (laughs)….
As a modern Japanese who can experience diverse sensitivities in a diachronic manner, I feel more affinity with this Kashima Okumiya as a design expression. However, in the early Tokugawa period, the number of visitors to the shrine was probably on the rise, and the shrine was required to be large enough to scare people away with its mossy appearance. This kind of expression was probably required to appeal to the general public in the Edo period, when people’s minds had changed from the time of the Okumiya shrine.

This photo shows the kitsch design of the “toadstools (kaerumata)” of the “main shrine” building. This kind of structural reinforcement material for wooden buildings has a transition of Japanese design sense accumulation.
Toadstools were introduced as an architectural style for temple buildings when Buddhism was introduced to Japan, and were used as reinforcements to take the load of the roof. It was one of the necessary structural members of a building, but it eventually became a decorative element for Japanese taste. While toadstools are of course also found in Chinese and Korean temple architecture, the development of toadstools to this extent is said to be a uniquely Japanese development. The following is a brief description of the changes over time.
Nara Period: Thick and solid
Heian period (794-1192): A little decorative element appears.
Kamakura period (1185-1333): Openworking and other decorative processes began to be used.
Muromachi and Azuchi-Momoyama Periods: Carvings and curves became a feature.
Early Edo period: Lavish coloring and carving
Late Edo period: Carving techniques jump out
Present: Vague, fusion, or a combination of the best of both worlds
Is it an indication of the trend of the Japanese public’s mood that the Japanese artwork has become more and more elaborate with each passing era?

Japanese architecture, however, is a witness to the transition of the Japanese mentality. It conveys to us a more direct sensitivity than verbal expressions or ideas. The wooden craftsmen and architectural expressionists conceived of the design process, and repeatedly trained the aesthetic of the decorative elements for it.
As a modern human being, I would like to respectfully acknowledge this.

【楼門と朝臣像の仁王門・香取神宮③ 東国三社探訪-17】



English version⬇

Katori Jingu (Katori Jingu Shrine 3), the Gate of the Tower and the Statue of Asaomi [Exploring the Three Shrines of Eastern Japan – 17].
Katori’s strategic location is historically important for the formation of a unified state by the central Japanese monarchy. A strategic strategic point. The god of worship, Kyotsunushi, is enshrined both in Nara and in Yanagama. ・・・・.

When we look at the hazy Upper Period scene surrounding Katori Jingu Shrine, it becomes clear that it was an important military base for the conquest of the Emishi and Northeast regions. The deity of Katori Jingu, Futsunushi no Okami, is also enshrined at Kasuga Taisha Shrine in Nara, as well as at the nearby Shiogama Shrine in Sendai, symbolizing the conquest of the Emishi by the royal power.
The expansion into the Tohoku region by the central royal power is reminiscent of several periods of warfare in Japanese history, such as the Nine Years’ War in the Former Nine Years and Three Years’ War in the Later Three Years, and the conquest of Oshu by Yoritomo (1467-1568). It seems that Kashima was the most important transportation node from the Kinai region in central Japan to the Tohoku region. This is easily analogized by looking at Shiogama’s position as a port for receiving transportation in the Tohoku region.
Even today, the Tohoku and Kanto regions are likely to have followed this route, as in the case of the Pacific Ocean ferry route Tomakomai – Sendai – Oarai, which is a major logistics artery route.
In the Nihon-shoki (Chronicles of Japan), it is written that Takeuchi Sukune (the founder of the Fujiwara Clan) proposed that the Tohoku and Emishi regions “should be taken by shooting”. Takeuchi Sukune is placed in the position of the guardian dogs that guard the “tower gate” leading to the main shrine of Katori Jingu, and on the other side sits Nakatomi Kamatari, founder of the Fujiwara Clan who built the Kasuga Grand Shrine, which is closely related to Katori. The shrine appears to represent Katori Jingu Shrine as such, as a strategic location for transportation between the Kinai region and the Tohoku region.
In ancient times, the Satsuma Hayato also suppressed the central Japanese royal power, and Usa Jingu Shrine is located at the center of this power, where the Hachiman deity is enshrined as a symbol of their military virtue. Hachiman is also a warrior god enshrined at Tsuruoka in Kamakura.
When I expanded my business from Hokkaido to Tohoku and looked out over the Kanto region from there, I may have been mysteriously led to this Katori Jingu Shrine and Kashima Jingu Shrine to pay homage to them (laugh). As a Hokkaido-jin, I selfishly think that there may be such a way of come-back Japan.
The activities of Kyotsunushi no Mikoto as a deity are described in the following myth of the creation of the Land of Reed Plains.

According to mythology, when Amaterasu intended to create Japan, he failed twice to subdue the deity of Izumo-taisha, which ruled the Japanese archipelago at the time, and sent him to Katori as his third attempt. In this illustration, the deity Kyotsunushi is firmly seated, but Takemikazuchi is depicted as if he were an incidental deity. In addition, the Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters) does not mention Kyotsunushi no Mikami, even though the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan) does.
It is a little worrisome what kind of correlation there was between these two deities (laughs). However, there is no record of any such interregional conflict in subsequent history.

【総門と勅使門・香取神宮② 東国三社探訪-16】


English version⬇

So-mon Gate and Imperial Envoy Gate, Katori Jingu Shrine (2) Exploration of Three Shrines in Eastern Japan-16
The Imperial Gate, which represents the high status of Katori Jingu Shrine. Katori Jingu is located on both banks of the Katori Sea, an important transportation hub on the Tokaido Highway, in Kashima and Katori. Domestic governance was also important and was controlled by the “military authority”?

Looking at the history of Japan, we can clearly see that religion and political situations were closely intertwined in the historical process. As we visited Ryukaku-ji Temple in this Kanto series, the construction of kofun (burial mounds) was actively practiced as a “religious” facility to ensure the legitimacy of local power, but as Buddhism, a newly introduced world religion, was actively promoted by the royal power, the sills of power and visible expressions of authority shifted from kofun to the construction of Buddhist temples. As a result, the sills of power and visible expressions of authority were transformed from ancient burial mounds to the construction of Buddhist temples.
Shrines and other forms of worship that appealed to the legitimacy of each of the 8 million regions were probably a part of this trend.
The central kingship introduced the Chinese concept of “conquering the barbarians” as a major goal of its legitimacy appeal. Following the “Huayi/Chinese ideology” established in China in the Asian world, the central kingship probably tried to enhance the centralized power of the state by identifying foreign peoples as external enemies to be attacked. This was the most advanced modern state ideology of the time.
The Japanese royal power set the northeastern region as the target of its barbarian conquests. In the second month of the 27th year of Emperor Keiko’s reign (assumed to be in the 2nd century), Takeuchi no Sukune, who returned to Yamato after visiting the eastern provinces, wrote in the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan), “Among the eastern barbarians, there is Hitakami province. The people of this land, both men and women, are fearless because of their tattooed bodies. They are all called Emishi. The land is fertile and spacious. We must shoot them and take them.
This is a radical declaration of aggression.
In the process of the centralized royal power’s domination of the eastern provinces, a change of power took place in the regional powers that had developed independently until then. In the Kanto region, it seems that a more militaristic power gained control over the region. This suggests the history of the interplay of various agendas and personnel matters between the regional powers and the central royal authority. The legend of Yamatotakeru may have been an allegorical expression of this process.
The reason why Katori Jingu, whether Kashima Jingu or Katori Jingu, is portrayed as a warrior god may be due to these background circumstances. In the whole of Japan, Kashima and Katori, across the sea from Katori, became recognized as the most important point of traffic on the “Tokaido” highway. This seems to be the reason why these two shrines were treated as equal to Ise in terms of divine status.
Looking at the shrine area of Katori Jingu, there are two gates, which give it a kind of “castle-like” appearance. The photo shows the “So-mon Gate” (the main gate), which marks the boundary of the shrine area, and the “Teshimon Gate” (the third photo) is next to it. Inside this wall, the highest-ranking priest of the Katori Jingu resided and welcomed the emissaries of the royal authority.
In ancient times, priests were not considered to be priests as they were. The most immediate and legitimate means of commanding people to obey him was to proclaim that he was a god.
I have learned a lot about the “conquest of the barbarians” by this royal authority when I started my publishing business in Hokkaido and later expanded to the Tohoku region. Now that I have come into contact with the Kanto region again, I am reminded of many different ways of looking at it.