
【宗教都市テオティワカンと日本の神道 古代メキシコ-3】



English version⬇

The Religious City of Teotihuacan and Japanese Shinto: Ancient Mexico-2
While Japan accepted world religions and Buddhism, and at the same time, Amaterasu, the ancestor of the goddess Amaterasu, was able to continue her Shintoism, Mexico developed its own religion from the belief in the sun goddess. The…

The photo above shows the landscape centered on the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan and a map of the city.
〜The civilization of Teotihuacan, which flourished in a basin about 2,300 m above sea level in the central Mexican plateau around 100 BC to AD 550, was a civilization of about 100,000 people living in a city space of about 25 square kilometers. A maximum of 100,000 people lived in an urban space of about 25 square kilometers. Its people, language, and script are unknown, and the civilization is full of riddles. Teotihuacan was a major religious city whose buildings were laid out according to the worldview believed by the people of the time. In the central district, pyramids, ceremonial halls, palaces, and other structures are neatly arranged around the Boulevard of the Dead. Recent research has shown that at its peak, it was a cosmopolitan city with influence over almost all of Mesoamerica, attracting people and goods from all over the region. It is becoming clear that the city was the capital of an active multi-ethnic nation. ~.
The establishment of the capital city of Chang’an in China was received with shock in Japan, and the location of the royal palace, which had been moved from place to place, led to the construction of cities such as Asuka-kyo, Fujiwara-kyo, and then Heijo-kyo, but Teotihuacan was different from Japan in that it was a city built based on a unique religion. Teotihuacan differed from Japan in that Teotihuacan built its cities based on its own religion.

However, since a burial mound is a kind of “religious architecture,” the Pyramid of the Sun may be compared to the Nintoku Imperial Tomb. The Nintoku-tenno mausoleum is a burial mound located in Daisen-cho, Sakai-ku, Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture. Based on the characteristics of the excavated artifacts, such as cylindrical haniwa terra-cotta tombs, it is commonly believed that the tomb was constructed over a period of about 20 years in the first half to the middle of the 5th century. The construction of kofun tumuli seems to have been motivated by the visualization of a tangible object of veneration as the best method of controlling people. In later periods, such social functionality was replaced by temple architecture. So, at the same time that temples began to be built in earnest in Japan, kofun tumuli rapidly ceased to be constructed. There is a parallel relationship.
In the case of Japan, Buddhism was born in faraway India, flourished in China, and then passed through the peninsula to be introduced as a “world religion” by the then powerful Prince Shotoku and others as a symbol of “internationalized Japan. As a result, it is a miracle in the history of world culture that Buddhism, which eventually declined in India, China, and Korea, was able to flourish and persist in Japan. On the other hand, Shintoism as a customary practice has continued to coexist in parallel. Is this a Japanese ethnicity?
On the other hand, in Teotihuacan, there was no such shared civilization of “world religions,” and it may be said that they founded their own religion. Although similar to Japan’s ancient burial mounds, what could have remained as a “customary” position of authority in Japan, as was the case with Shintoism, may have been “forced” to become a religion in ancient Mexico due to the isolation of the civilization there.
What they were clinging to at that time was the idea of setting the celestial navigation based on the sun god, which has been a common rule of human experience since time immemorial, as the central axis of their religion. It seems that what Japanese Shintoism, as a non-religious practice, could have continued as a belief in eight million gods and goddesses, with Amaterasu as the originator, was not the case in Mexico.

【テオティワカン⇔弥生〜古墳期 古代メキシコ-2】



English version⬇

Teotihuacan ⇔ Yayoi – Kofun Period Ancient Mexico-2
This is a series of articles contrasting ancient Mexican culture with Japanese culture of the same period. This is an experimental contrast to see how two cultures that are closely related by DNA could be dissimilar in different environments. Ancient Mexico

In general, Western history is the basic flow of world history, and events in Chinese and Japanese history are generally considered in contrast to Western history. If we look at ancient Mexico, which is different from such a basic flow, a chronological comparison with Japanese history would be the most appropriate.
In Mexico, the Olmec culture existed as a prehistoric culture from around 1500 BC to 400 BC. However, there was no explicit evidence of this culture at the Mexican exhibition. In terms of Japanese history, the Olmec culture probably corresponds to the period from the Late Jomon to the Yayoi culture. In Japanese history, large-scale cultural traces can be found even in this period, such as at Sannai-Maruyama and Yoshinogari.
The photo above is a “mask” from the ancient Mexican culture of Teotihuacan, identified as dating from around AD 350-550, and said to represent a priest or warrior. I felt that it conveyed the spiritual structure of this civilization in the way it was expressed. The photo below, which I contrasted with the above, is a haniwa statue work. I could think of many possible Japanese cultural objects from the same period, but here I was represented by the haniwa statue at the Shibayama Haniwa Museum (smile).
According to the theory of Professor Emeritus Hidemichi Tanaka of Tohoku University, the model for this famous work is a “Jew. As I will explain later, the statue tells us that Mexico, including Teotihuacan, was an “isolated civilization,” while Japan was a “melting pot of exchanges. Although this is true, they seem to be close in terms of their sense of form.

Yesterday, too, we saw the DNA similarity between the Japanese people and those who came to the Americas. The colonization of Mexico by Spain in 1521 was, by the way, at the same time a period of encounter with Western civilization, including the introduction of guns, and although Japan was able to maintain its independence, Mexico was colonized.
While Japanese history had experienced the continuous international relations with China, a continental nation with a strong power that was oriented toward the emperor of the world, which was a nuisance to its neighbors, the “Chinese idea,” and this experience strengthened their sense of nationhood and independence, they had no experience with international relations, and they were not able to have a strong sense of international relations until the invasion by Spain, It seems as if the invasion by Spain and the sudden civilized international relations from the Western modern era were their “first experience” with foreign relations at all. At the same time, the Americas had not developed the ability to recognize and coordinate “international” relations that would affect the survival of their civilization.
Even in more ancient times, in regions such as Egypt and Mesopotamia, there was a sense of “dialogue among civilizations,” but this may not have existed in the Central American region.
If Japan had a little more experience in foreign relations, it might have had the wisdom to persist in last-minute diplomatic negotiations, as Prince Shotoku did in Japan. However, although Japan is close to the Chinese civilization in terms of distance and has experienced “exchanges” such as the acceptance of Chinese characters and the introduction of Buddhism, to some extent it is an “isolated island nation” that seems to have “understood” and “understood” some aspects of this faraway Central American culture.




English version⬇

Ancient Mexico, the brother civilization of faraway Japan-1
Although we probably knew the way 30,000 years ago, I don’t feel like a stranger. Guided by a sense of human kindred spirits, I would like to share my heart with the ancient Mexican civilization. …

It is said that the present-day humans were born 70,000 to 80,000 years ago in the Central African region, and then spread throughout the world after exiting Africa during the period when the Great Rift Valley was formed. This is the so-called “Great Journey. Archaeology and anthropology are also well-known.
And although there are various theories, it is said that the present-day humans arrived in the Japanese archipelago around 30,000 years ago. Our evolutionary development into the Japanese people is believed to have begun around that time.
After that, it is said that the present humans continued to expand into the world, crossing Siberia and the Bering Sea to the North American continent, and from there to the South American continent, only around 10,000 years ago.
It is truly gratifying to know that we are now able to grasp our national and human societies objectively from a macroscopic viewpoint, using the common sense of humanity in such a big span. I am moved by the fact that we are living in an age when we are born into this world as human beings and can use this kind of recognition as an objective standard.
From this perspective of human history, I have a special feeling toward the North American Indians and the ancient civilizations that flourished in Central and South America. We began our lives on the Japanese archipelago around 30,000 years ago, but even after we parted there, we traveled in a circle around the distant Pacific Ocean to reach the American continent, where our civilization gradually blossomed. I think we can feel a strong sense of such distant relatives.
Yes, there is an underlying sense of brotherhood as civilizations that were separated a long time ago.

And geographically, such ancient civilizations flourished in the region of Central America and Mexico. An exhibition was held at the Tokyo National Museum, and I was astonished to see it. The exhibition ended on September 3. As I soak in the afterglow of the exhibition, sometimes the experience and feelings I had there come rushing back to me like waves from deep within my heart.
〜More than 13,000 years ago, hunter-gatherers first came to the Americas from Siberia, and after a long wandering life, they migrated southward to Mexico. Over several thousand years, they adapted to the varied ecosystems and began to live a sedentary lifestyle, subsisting on a wide variety of plants and animals. Thus, people based on agriculture were formed in various regions of the country. One such example is the Olmec civilization that emerged around 1500 B.C. in the Gulf of Mexico. Around the same time, core settlements also emerged in the central Mexican plateau and Oaxaca region. Chiefs built monumental structures, astronomy, calendar systems, and writing developed, and eventually cities appeared. Teotihuacan, the Maya, and the Aztecs are representative of ancient Mexican urban civilizations. ~…
<From the exhibition “Invitation to Ancient Mexico
We would like to explore in depth the possibility of communicating with the civilizations of these people, who had facial features and a sense of human form that were not so different from those of us Japanese, in a series of exhibitions to see if we can communicate with them in spirit even if not in speech.


100メートルで約1℃ほど冷える。 ③ 冷やされると空気の中の水蒸気が水や氷の粒になって雲ができる。この水分が空気中の小さな「ちり」などの周りに集まり,水滴や氷の粒となる。この粒は0.02mmから0.2mmと小さいけれど,これが集まって雲の形を作っている。〜

〜[1] (坂東にある第一の川の意) 関東地方を流れる利根川の異称。※随筆・東路記(1685年)江戸より日光へ行道の記「坂東第一の大河なり。故に此あたりの人は坂東太郎と云ふ」[2](利根川の方向に生ずるところから) 夏の白雲をいう。※物類称呼(1775年)一「なつのくも 江戸にて、坂東太郎と云ふ」〜

English version⬇

[I like you, Taro Bando (laughs).
The vast Kanto Plain and the raging river, Tone River, and the naughty boys generated by the Pacific Ocean’s oceanic air mass rushing into it. Is it also a prime expression of the oceanic race? …

I think that one of the symbolic things that allows us to understand the local area firsthand is the appearance of clouds. I know it sounds strange (laugh), but I think that when we are children, we naturally spend our days “chasing after clouds”.
I have never really taken a scientific view of it, but a quick google search gave me the following answer.
~1) Air is lifted upward where there is an updraft. (2) Air lifted upward is cooled.
It cools about 1 degree Celsius at 100 meters. (3) As it cools, the water vapor in the air turns into water or ice particles and clouds form. This moisture collects around small “dust” in the air and forms water droplets and ice particles. These particles are as small as 0.02 mm to 0.2 mm, but they gather together to form clouds. 〜I was born in Hokkaido, Japan, so I am a native of Hokkaido, Japan.
I was born in Hokkaido, so I have a “fixed point of observation” in Sapporo, where I lived until I was 3 years old and where I have lived since I was a boy, except for a period of time. Although my childhood memories of clouds are not so strong, I still feel a sense of nostalgia when I stay in my birthplace for a while.
In Sapporo, the clouds moving along the Ishikari River, which is about 20 to 30 km away from the city, are naturally imprinted in my memory. Clouds floating in the northern sky were a source of various information. Storms are coming, it’s going to be hot.
I like the phrase “Bando Taro” as a phrase that expresses my climate memory with such clouds.

〜[1] (meaning “the first river in Bando”) A variant name for the Tone River, which flows through the Kanto region. Zuishu, Toji-ki (1685), an account of a journey from Edo to Nikko: “It is the first great river in Bando. It is the largest river in the Bando region, so people around here call it Bando Taro.”[2] (From its origin in the direction of the Tone River) A term for white clouds in summer. In the first place, the name “Bando” is also used to refer to the Yamatotake mushrooms, which are also called “yamatake” in Japanese.
Bando is also an ancient name that comes from the legend of Yamatotakeru’s expedition to the east, when he looked back to the Kanto region and saw the east from the “slope” of the hill. The word “Bando” seems to express the natural behavior of a mischievous child, and the local character of the area became the leading force in Japanese history, just as it was called “Bando Bussha.
The atmosphere of the land seems to be expressed in the form of clouds, which also overlap with the rampaging Tone River.
In Tokyo, the sky is getting smaller and smaller, so we cannot really feel it, but if we come to the vast Kanto Plain, it will visually pierce our hearts as an expression of the summer season.
The photo shows a view from a place near Kujukuri in Chiba.
The Kanto Plain is probably blown by air masses with rising temperatures from the vast and boundless Pacific Ocean, creating this kind of maritime ethnic scene and landscape. The broad plains receive solar radiation, which raises temperatures and raises water vapor, which crystallizes as it clings to the fine clumps of soil typical of the Kanto region. These various climatic conditions must give birth to the shape of the clouds.
Thanks, I have been in love with it ever since I saw it for the first time. That was a confession (laughs).

【明治期日本画の大家・橋本雅邦 旧岩崎邸探訪-12】



English version⬇

Exploring the Former Iwasaki Residence of Masakuni Hashimoto, a Japanese Painting Master of the Meiji Era – 12
A tie-up between Japanese architecture and Japanese painting. The fittings master also joined in this symphony of Japanese spatial beauty with various sensitivities. Japanese sukiya. Japanese Suki.

In the history of Japanese painting, as in the case of culture in general, the artwork is preserved in alcove wall paintings, fusuma-e (sliding doors), and board paintings that adorned the residences of powerful people and castles. It is the way of the human world that culture is inherited through the decoration of power. This is probably because works of art and architecture have always maintained a correlative relationship.
In this former Iwasaki residence, there are paintings by Gakuni Hashimoto, who is considered a master of the Japanese painting world in the Meiji period.
Masakuni Hashimoto was an American oriental art historian and philosopher who came to Japan during the Meiji period to evaluate and introduce Japanese art, and is said to have been highly regarded by Ernest Francisco Fenollosa and Tenshin Okakura, who helped establish the concept of Japanese art in the Meiji period and beyond.
He served at the Tokyo Fine Arts School, the predecessor of the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, and is said to have played a major role in the modernization of traditional painting. His students included Yokoyama Taikan, Kawai Gyokudo, Shimomura Kanzan, Hishida Shunso, and many other Japanese painters.
The wall painting in the alcove of the hall is considered to be the latter end of his painting career in this mansion. Fuji and a part of the “waves” can barely be discerned.
Perhaps the base of the painting was not a good match with the painting, but considering the historical transition of the mansion, we can assume that this was an unavoidable factor. However, although Japanese-style paintings generally use paper as their canvas, there is no indication of the existence of such a canvas when looking at the current state of the building. It seems possible that the paintings were painted directly on the wall material or painted wall with rock paints. Since a fence was placed so that visitors could not get too close to the house, we could not confirm the details. In many introductions to the former Iwasaki Residence, there are many who say that they could not understand it very well.
On the other hand, the fusuma painting above, although faded, is in a reasonably well-preserved condition. The artist’s brushwork, for example, can be seen. As in the case of the mural paintings in the Takamatsuzuka burial mound, “preservation” and management must be very important in this kind of historical painting work. This is an area that correlates with the longevity of architecture, so I am concerned about it.

Next to the wall painting, a shoin (a drawing room) is lit by a soft light source, and the “rhombus crest” motif is sculpted into the kumiko. This kind of multilayered design down to the smallest detail will be projected deeply into the Japanese aesthetic of the Japanese space. The air of subtle interaction between the leading and supporting actors is interesting. Do Japanese people like this kind of quiet responsiveness?
The atmosphere of the Japanese-style house in contrast to the Western-style house is a completely different kind of spatial beauty. I guess Japanese people have lived with this kind of dualistic sense since the start of the Meiji period.

【江戸期以来の豪壮な和のライフスタイル 旧岩崎邸探訪-11】



English version⬇

The former Iwasaki Residence, a grand Japanese lifestyle since the Edo period (1603-1868).
The Japanese-style wing, with a maximum of 14 rooms, was gradually reduced in size. On the other hand, the Western-style building is designated as an important cultural property. This may be the end of the line for exploring the Japanese lifestyle. The Japanese lifestyle

The daily life of the Iwasaki family was conducted in this “wakan. In the castle architecture of the Edo period, Japanese-style buildings, such as castle towers, were built around a symbolic structure such as a castle keep, where the daily life of the lord of the castle was conducted, and these were huge one-story buildings with many apartments built in a row of “Iraka” (roof tiles). The castle’s high-rise nature was expressed in the castle tower as one element of the display of power, while the spaces for daily living and government affairs were constructed as a series of single-story buildings, spreading out horizontally. This seems to have been the basic framework of the highest level of Japanese “residential” architecture. The Iwasaki family, which rose to great wealth during the Meiji Restoration, also followed this “tradition.
Tatami, a floor covering material, is probably the foundation of Japan’s unique housing culture. There is nothing more deeply ingrained in the spiritual life of the Japanese people than the materiality of this building material. It is common to use the metaphor “dying on tatami” as a happy way to die. Perhaps Japanese people are consciously aware of the texture of Tatami as a material that is felt under the soles of babies’ feet when they stand up.
In the Iwasaki family, family weddings, weddings, and funerals were held in the “hiroma” in the photo above. I believe that celebrating the prosperity of the family with the alcove in the background was an extremely important part of Japanese residential culture. The design of the house, which continues to protect the peace and prosperity of the family for many years to come, has a sense of DNA that can be felt in the body of the house.
The Meiji Restoration, the great revolution of the Meiji era, and the disappearance of the samurai class, probably did not change this awareness.

The hall with an alcove is furnished with a shoin-style drawing room and stylized shelves. Large cypress and cedar trees were used for the floor posts, Kamoi (gateway), nagishi (long beam), ranma (balustrade), and ceiling panels. The former Iwasaki residence was once home to a total of 14 such halls and living rooms based on the shoin-style architecture.
These rooms were gradually reduced in size as the occupying forces seized the property and built facilities for the Japanese state. The total number of rooms now stands at four. I assume that the buildings designated as national important cultural properties are mainly Western-style buildings, and that the Japanese-style building here was not given much importance. The “standard for judging value” in this area may also be quite anachronistic. This Japanese-style house presents a much more attractive theme than the Western-style house, which seems to have a “reception” function for entertaining as a lifestyle.
As people of Hokkaido, where the revolution in housing performance in the form of high thermal insulation and airtightness is almost complete, I believe that the interest in housing will soon move toward “ways of living” and “ways of life”. I believe that it is essential to carefully examine the universal lifestyles of modern people, and to make every possible effort to identify the future development of these lifestyles.
I believe that we modern people have created an ecosystem that is different from that of Japanese society up to the Edo period and from that of the Meiji period. The Japanese people of today are far removed from a housing culture that conforms to a lifestyle that reflects a specific mode of daily production, such as the farmhouse.
Although we must continue to explore such future forms, the former Iwasaki Residence and Japanese-style house, which conveys the lifestyle of the people of the Meiji period, seems to emit a very interesting atmosphere.

【洋館から和のいごこちへの結界 旧岩崎邸探訪-10】



English version⬇

The boundary from a Western-style house to a Japanese-style comfort Former IWAZAKI Residence Visit-10
The boundary to a Japanese space that feels simple and modern like a Mondrian painting. Kacho-fu-getsu is the motivation for nature interactive eco-friendly architecture. …

Now, from the wooden architectural design space of cottage Western culture, the head of Mitsubishi’s founding family moves to the world of everyday wear. He “returns” to the annex, named the Japanese-style building. My guess about this sensation is how I feel.
In this visit to the former Iwasaki residence, I was most attracted to this “crossing” corridor space. It is a space like a boundary that leads to the Japanese-style building. However, from the above photo and others, I feel a mysterious geometric “reduction” and a simplified design intention of spatial elements.
Indeed, Japanese architecture is a world of aesthetics that emphasizes lines rather than planes. It gives us a sense of mysterious symbolism like that of Mondrian’s paintings. Rather, it feels much more “modern” than a Western-style building. I have the illusion that this kind of spatial design might have been designed by the English architect Condor. Although I have not been able to research the details of this area, it has left a strong impression on my mind.
The people of the Meiji period (1868-1912) were eagerly receptive to Western sensibilities and values, which had been the norm for their way of life up to that time. The same architect, Conder, designed the Rokumeikan, where Western-style “socializing” took place night after night, and social reform was carried out like a big wheel as “civilization opening.
However, let us consider the inner life of the Meiji people. The Meiji government sent promising young people on a two-year tour of Europe and the United States to learn about Western culture, and the diary of Soseki Natsume, who experienced the trip, conveys a strong sense of conflict. Ryotaro Shiba described it as “the sadness of the Meiji era.
Perhaps the founding families of Mitsubishi, who were at the forefront of the times, must have felt the same way.
They agreed with the basic rationalistic social evolution and development of the Western modern era, and Japanese society had been vigorously promoting self-improvement in this direction. However, there is no doubt that they are people whose spirituality was shaped by the Japanese lifestyle and culture until the Edo period. They have an aesthetic sense of Kacho-fu-getsu (flowers, birds, winds, and the moon) at the base of their hearts.

For the Japanese, who had created a wabi-sabi spiritual world after coming into contact with Western civilization during the Warring States period and the Age of Discovery, as if they were experiencing a “clash of civilizations,” this head-on confrontation with Western civilization in the Meiji period must have caused a strong self-division. As if to balance the mind and restore a sense of equilibrium, the Wadokan was placed in opposition.
In contrast to the Western-style building, which was designed to be highly decorative and artificial down to the smallest detail, the garden trees and sunlight created a subtle “dialogue with nature” that freed the mind from its sensitivity to the beauty of flowers, birds, winds, and the moon.
As a Hokkaido native, I find it hard to believe that nearly 130 years have already passed since the former Iwasaki Residence was built.
Hokkaido people are willingly moving away from this kind of Japanese-style room culture. Nowadays, rooms with tatami mats are almost disappearing from Hokkaido houses. However, although tatami rooms have almost disappeared, I believe that the sense of dialogue with the outside landscape that is typical of Hokkaido, the sense of “Kacho-fu-getsu,” or “bird-and-flower-and-gaze” sensation felt on the skin, is still alive and well. Japanese people’s minds are changing in a flexible manner. The Japanese mind is changing flexibly.

【1795⇒1896年「一族の家」100年の推移 旧岩崎邸探訪-9】

で、この「生家」は以下のような経緯でいまから228年前、1795年に建てられた。〜この家は、彌太郎の曽祖父 弥次右衛門が郷士の株を売って1795年ごろ建築したもの。〜


English version⬇

1795⇒1896 “The Family’s House” 100 Years of Transition: Exploring the Former Iwasaki Residence – 9
Residence architecture and the Japanese people’s strong sense of “Ye”. The strong attachment to his birthplace, which he obtained by “selling” his samurai status, and his subsequent economic success. …

This former Iwasaki Residence is said to have been built in 1896 (Meiji 29). It is about 127 years old now, but Japanese people are very conscious of their yeh consciousness as a “family lineage”.
Yataro Iwasaki’s birthplace has been preserved in Aki City, about 40 km east of Kochi in Tosa Prefecture. 〜Yataro Iwasaki’s ancestors were vassals of the Aki Kunitora, and later served Chosokabe during Chosokabe’s rule of Aki. 〜The description on the city’s website. The photo was also taken from there.
The house was built 228 years ago in 1795 as follows. 〜The house was built around 1795 by Yataro’s great-grandfather Yajiemon, who sold his shares in a local merchant family. 〜The house was built around 1795 by Yajiemon, Yataro’s great-grandfather.
This farmhouse embodies the story of how Yataro returned to farming after selling his shares in his hometown. In Tosa, the vassals of the Chosokabe family, the former feudal lord of the country, were considered “goshi,” a special status that was a step lower than that of the Yamanouchi family vassals (joshi) who entered the country as part of the occupying forces. Yes, but they were still of the samurai class, and their status was traded as stocks during the Edo period.
The amount of money obtained by selling the status was equivalent to a house. If we think about it in a normal way, as a farmer, you are a tenant farmer who owed tribute to the lord, so you obtained the entire status as such. It would not be the cost of building a house as a residence. In the first place, the cost of building a house would not have been commercialized in the ruling structure of a local clan during the Edo period. Yataro’s great-grandfather must have obtained a house through such a process.
Later, Yataro Iwasaki would be punished for his rebellion against the unreasonableness inflicted on his parents’ family, but this “selling of the status of a township samurai” must have been latent and persistent in the family as a refracted emotion toward status consciousness.
From an ordinary point of view, this farmhouse is a beautiful and simple house, but Yataro may have had these refracted feelings, if we can imagine them.
The farmhouse in Aki City is a straw-thatched one-story house with a building area of approximately 30 tsubo. The front room is 8 square meters, flanked by two 4.5 square meters rooms and a 9 square meter tea room, and to the left is the street garden. The bathroom and toilet are located in separate buildings.
On the other hand, the Ueno residence acquired by the family 100 years later is a large mansion with a building area of 531.5m2, two stories, brick construction with a basement (including the connection with the chess room and the hall), an entrance tower, and a slate roof.

With this awareness, he was told to “take care of the economy,” and it seems that he continued to burn with a strong sense of family lineage, from which he purchased a vast mansion site on high ground in Ueno, Tokyo, 100 years later. The psychological correlation between the residence and the family’s Japanese “yeh” consciousness seems to emerge.
Although there are probably not many records of this kind of psychological realm as a client, by analogy with Yataro Iwasaki and his family’s background, it is hard not to think that such a story might come to mind.

【明治期建築テラス「異世界」と和館 旧岩崎邸探訪-8】




English version⬇

Meiji Period Architectural Terrace “Another World” and Japanese-style House: Exploring the Former Iwasaki Residence-8
A Meiji man who meets for business overlooking the old Edo district from the Western-style building of reception and entertainment that amazes the eye, and returns home at midnight to view the garden lanterns. …

The exterior of the former Iwasaki residence looks more exotic on the back side facing the garden than it does on the front entrance side.
I believe that this is a true expression of Western architectural design. Japanese architecture has also pursued a visual unity with the garden, but even though this is a “similar” feeling, there is a strong desire for “height” in the West, and I sense a strong desire for a “vast view” from a high point.
The exterior of the Western-style building, viewed from the garden, must have had terraces all around the building, offering a vast view of Tokyo, the capital city that was being transformed from Edo to the Imperial Palace, which had changed its purpose from Edo Castle to the Imperial Palace.
Many Westerners who came to Japan during the Meiji period (1868-1912) expressed their overwhelming impression of the beauty of the uniform roof tiles of the Edo period (1603-1912). The few remaining photographs of the cityscape seem to reflect the sense of values that the Japanese people and their society have cherished.
The “conqueror’s” view of the city of Edo, so to speak, may have been the “dominant” sense of Western society. The exterior of this terrace gives us such a feeling.
On the other hand, the sense of unity with the garden in Japanese architecture strongly suggests the pursuit of a sense of “coexistence with nature” from the same perspective as the garden trees.

It is said that the Iwasaki family lived in a separate building named “Wadokan” for daily life. The photo above shows the “unity” of the Japanese-style house with the garden. On the other hand, the photo immediately below shows the view from the second floor of the Western-style building.
Comparing the two, there seems to be a clear difference between the Japanese and Western architecture and their usage and purposefulness in daily life.
As the founding family of Mitsubishi, whose talents were recognized by the Meiji era patriots, who were told by the Meiji era patriots to “do business with the economy,” this building specializing in business reception and entertainment was used to announce to Western businessmen that “we Japanese society can share your Western values,” and at the same time, to the very few who understood the culture, the “Japanese-style building” was also used as a special place to entertain guests. At the same time, it seems that a small number of people who understood Japanese culture were invited to the “Japanese-style pavilion” as a special guest.
I think he was conveying the duality of Japanese society that has continued to the present day: “We are such people, but in truth we have cherished these values.

Ryotaro Shiba analyzed in depth the sentiments of the Meiji people regarding the acceptance of the West in “Kaido yuku – Hongo” in line with the psychology of Soseki Natsume. In “Hongo,” Ryotaro Shiba examines the Japanese people’s refractory feelings of flexibly accepting values that have been created by Western civilization over more than a dozen centuries in the span of one human generation or so.
The Iwasaki family, however, seems to have built their success as “pioneers,” so to speak, as a type of Japanese that is completely different from Soseki Natsume, a literary scholar.
After the reception, what kind of conversation did the head of the Iwasaki family have with the quiet garden trees reflected in the firelight of the lanterns as he returned to the Japanese-style house to eat hot-spring pickles and other dishes?




English version⬇

At my parents’ house on the anniversary of my father’s death, a Buddha image and a traditional artifact.
The soft expression on the face of the main Buddha image conveys the feelings that my grandfather and father held so dear to their hearts. As the youngest child, I was forced to talk with myself, who had lived a life of wild abandon. The statue is a symbol of the Buddha’s life as the youngest child.

In the midst of my continuing series of articles on the former Iwasaki Residence, I would like to take a break today.
Yesterday was Chou-you, September 9. It was the anniversary of my father’s death, and I paid my respects at my eldest brother’s parents’ house. Unfortunately, the monk had contracted an epidemic disease, so for the first time in a while, we had a status report meeting with just my siblings.
I was facing my parents’ Buddhist altar for the first time in a long while, and I had a good look at the Buddha statue with a beautiful face. I must have been looking at this Buddha image since I was a child, but I was allowed to whisper sutras while I worshipped the face.
My family came to Hokkaido in 1905, 118 years ago now. My grandfather, who was the head of the family, decided to move to Hokkaido to recover from the financial difficulties of his family’s business in Imazu, a suburb of Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, during the late Edo and Meiji periods.
As the phrase “carrying the altar on his back,” which expresses the family’s awareness of its importance to the family, remains, it is said that this Buddhist altar and statue came to Hokkaido as a part of the grandfather’s sense of mission to the family. My grandfather must have hoped to revitalize his family’s declining fortunes in Hokkaido, and this Buddha image must have come to Hokkaido as a sign of his “head family. It has been in our house for at least 118 years. The main Buddha image is quite beautiful.
There is a smaller statue below, which I am told is of Kukai, the founder of the Shingon sect of Buddhism. It is said that the grandmother of one of my ancestors in the Edo period made a pilgrimage to 88 temples in Shikoku and probably acquired this statue as a commemorative gift.
I am the youngest child in the family, so I do not have a strong sense of “family” as such, but as I get older, I gradually feel more and more close to the memory of my ancestors. Namu Daishi Hensho Kongo…

Also, yesterday I received this “lacquered” item from my brother. Lacquered tableware.
The characters “a” and “three” are painted in gold letters as a store name. According to tradition, the family was a merchant family during the Edo period (1603-1868), and the tableware was made as a kind of “gift” during that period.
Agaya” is said to be the “Aga” of “Egaho” in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture, and is believed to be the name of “Ega Castle,” which was attacked by Hideyoshi in the Warring States period and fell. After the castle fell, the Miki family dispersed to various places, and one of the families became a merchant family in Onomichi, a commercial city in the Seto Inland Sea, and took the name of the family tradition.
The older brother is now old, so he has decided to pass the family legacy on to his younger siblings.
Since I was occupied with other topics, I did not hear a proper story about this distribution. The monk was away, so I may have lost the chance to talk about it (laugh).
Since I have spent my life without having any formal meetings or dinners using such lacquered tableware, I felt like a “cat with a pair of koban,” but I was grateful to receive it.
I feel as if I have become a little closer to my ancestors.