




English version⬇

Saika Shu” that Shook the Warring States Period – Visit to Nara and Wakayama – 31
The Saika Shu fought with a clear “right to freedom” in Japan, where the DNA of the relatively submissive type is dominant. I feel solidarity with this kind of spirit. …

The Saika Shu were a geographical community formed in the lower reaches of the Kino River in the late Middle Ages.
They actively traded with various parts of the archipelago via the Kii Channel.
The Kino River is the main stream of a first-class water system that flows from Nara Prefecture to Wakayama Prefecture and empties into the Kii Channel.
It formed a major artery of water transportation from the ancient capital Nara to the Kii Waterway.
For these people, a particular ruler must have been an annoying presence.
For these people, who by nature are mobile, any power that tries to tie them to the land is an anathema.
Free trade was to be respected, and absolute power was not acceptable.
They have maintained the same spirit as Sakai, a trading city in the Middle Ages.
The existence of Koyasan and Negoro-ji temples probably contributed to this atmosphere.

The Age of Discovery brought about a flourishing trade with Spain and Portugal, and the Zoka Shu began to produce large quantities of guns.
The Saika Shu, owning a large number of guns, contracted with warlords in various parts of the archipelago as “mercenaries”.
It was a dry contract with money and did not have a relationship with a specific warlord.
The story of Oda Nobunaga’s first meeting with his father-in-law, Saito Dosan, in which he showed a large number of guns in a procession is well known.
It is said that the Zoga were mobilized under a temporary “mercenary contract.
The Saika Shu were temporarily mobilized as “mercenaries” under a “mercenary contract.
The Saika Shu were contracted to the Honganji side, which greatly distressed the Oda side as a military force under heaven.
Documents from Kennyo of Honganji have been confirmed.
Nobunaga attacked the Saika Shu, and the Saika Shu surrendered for a time.
However, the Saika Shu quickly reneged on their agreement and continued to support Hongan-ji.
After that, Honganji evacuated Osaka, made peace with Oda, and fled to Saika Shu.
However, this does not mean that he was a strong religious leader of the Ikkyu sect.
It seems to be a “contractual cooperation” against such religious forces.
In the case of Banshu Eiga of the same period, they even invited a temple of Honganji called Eiga Godo.
However, this does not seem to be the case with Honganji and Zoga.
Miki-machi” near Wakayama Castle, which inspired this exploratory article, is exactly at the center of the Saika Shu power.
It reminds us of the delicate distance and relationship between religious and economic forces in the Middle Ages.
It is speculated that the Eiga power was trying to bring the Zouga into their fold.
The Eiga’s power may have been based in the center of water transportation in order to deepen their trading relationship with the Saika Shu.
The complicated diplomatic situation between Honganji, Zoga, and Banshu Eiga forces.
The Saika Shu’s basic diplomatic line was probably to “stay close” and only have economic ties.

The third photo is a “letter of appointment” of the Zoga Shu, which also shows the signature of “Magoichi Zoga.
Personally, I am strongly attracted to this Saika Shu group.
Japanese people have a predominant sense of agricultural values and nature worship since the Jomon period.
The Saika Shu’s free movement is indeed a dashing and free spirit.
The free movement of the Saika Shu is symbolic of the way of life of a dashing free spirit.
Although the history of the Saika Shu will eventually be erased by the establishment of the powerful military power of Hideyoshi’s regime, I believe that the Saika Shu were a unique group of people who were able to create their own unique style of life.
It is interesting to know that such individuality exists in the DNA of the Japanese people (laugh).





English version⬇

Sanjusangendo “Passing arrow” Bushido with a false name – Exploring Nara and Wakayama – 30
The honor of being praised and the priority of form. Hana no taijutsu katsudo kyoka event. Bushido, a way of life at the mercy of empty values. …

I have been exploring Wakayama Castle since its foundation and have “dug up” a lot of things.
History teaches us a lot about the human condition.
Sanjusangendo is a famous building in Kyoto with a 33-meter-long rim.
It is a Tendai sect temple located in Sanjusangendo Mawaricho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto. The building’s official name is Rengeoin Main Hall.
Owned and managed by Higashiyama Myoho-in, Kyoto. Originally a Buddhist temple built by Emperor Go-Shirakawa in his own detached palace.
The main body of the building is 118.2 meters long with 33 ken and 3 beam spans, and has 1 ken wide eaves on all four sides.
This long rimmed space is the only one that brings to mind the event of the “through-arrow” ceremony.
It is not unrelated to the fact that the building was built by Taira no Kiyomori, the founder of the warrior class.
This is an archery event in which arrows are shot through the eaves of the west side of the main hall from south to north. It began to be practiced in the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573-1600).
In the early Edo period (1603-1867), it was actively practiced by archers of various clans and became a famous event in Kyoto.
The target was placed at the north end of the rim, and arrows were shot from the south end of the rim to avoid hitting the eaves of the ceiling.
The event became an honor because many archers competed with their skills under the auspices of the clan.
The record holder of the “number of arrows shot in a single day and night” was called “the best in the world.
On April 27, 1686, Noriton Wasa (Daihachiro) of the Kishu Domain achieved a record of 8,133 arrows out of a total of 13,053 arrows.
This was the highest record to date.

There is an episode behind this Kishu clan member’s challenge.
It was filmed during wartime with the cooperation of all Japanese movie companies, starring Kazuo Hasegawa.
The film is based on historical fact. Noriton Wasa was the child of a past new record holder, and
He was ashamed when his record was broken by Kanzaemon Hoshino, a vassal of the Owari Clan.
The record was broken by Hoshino Kansaemon, a vassal of the Owari clan, and his father was so ashamed that he committed suicide.
This is why there was a background circumstance that was akin to avenging his father’s death.
In the movie, the sabotage by the Owari clan side and the attack by hiring ronin (ronin) are vividly depicted.
The film shows an unexpected development in the story, and the story is that it was Hoshino Kansaemon himself who protected Wasa Noriton from the attack.
The story is enlivened by the unexpected development that it was Hoshino Kansaemon himself who protected Wasa Noritoshi from the attack.
The film successfully sets a new record for the Sanjusangendo through-arrow attack.
A grand banquet was held in Kyoto to celebrate the new record.
The second lord of the Kishu Tokugawa family, Mitsusada Tokugawa, personally welcomed him and rewarded him with 300 koku.

This is an interesting historical fact in a double sense.
One, it gives us a poignant picture of the “way of life” of the samurai in the peaceful days of Edo, and two, it shows us the “spirit of bushido” in wartime.
The film was made under wartime conditions with the permission of the military to “promote the spirit of bushido”.
The feelings of the “people after the guns” who finally managed to make the film after receiving permission from the military to “promote the spirit of bushido” during the war.
The Japanese people and bushido are conveyed as a kind of symbol.
The NHK historical drama “Kamakura-dono and the Thirteen” is being broadcast right now.
The drama is about the doldrums of samurai politics during the Hajime period, but it is also about the subsequent form of bushido.
The Sanjusangendo Passage tells us about the form of Bushido after that time in various ways.
The Sanjusangendo Passage has a lot to teach us about the later form of bushido through its various narratives.
The barbarism of Russia, which is under similar mental control even today, is truly a madness in the light of day.
We, modern Japan, must calmly raise our defenses.
I feel sorry for our predecessors who were forced to live a vain Bushido life.




English version⬇

Strategic “High Stone Walls” and Wasteful “Gobashi Corridor” – Exploring Nara and Wakayama – 29
Strategic architecture of practicality and wasteful architecture. Both of them may be possible as architecture. But now….

Now, let’s take a spin and explore the series of castles built by Takatora Todo, who was responsible for the initial design and construction of Wakayama Castle.
I have taken a spin out to explore the series of castles built by Takatora Todo, who designed and built Wakayama Castle in its early stages.
His master Toyotomi Hidenaga, whom he was very much in love with, discovered his talent for building castles, and his first work was the construction of this Wakayama Castle.
His first work was the construction of this castle in Wakayama.
This “high stone wall” is located at the southern end of the castle to increase the defensive strength against the “Oka,” the stronghold of the Zoga-shu, the castle’s hypothetical enemy.
This “high stone wall” is located at the southern end of the castle and was built by Takatora to increase the castle’s defensive strength against Oka, the stronghold of the Zoga Shu, a hypothetical enemy.
At this stage of the castle’s construction, the Zoga-shu would have still had plenty of strength to spare, but
The sight of this magnificent high stone wall by far deflated their fighting strength.
It would have had the effect of forcing them to give up, saying, “It is impossible to break through this line of defense.
A castle is a basic territory and design concept from a strategic point of view.
It is a strategy to carry through as a ruler to the Zoga-shu, a force rooted in this region.
This castle-building experience eventually led him to the opportunity to build a building for the reception of Ieyasu in Fushimi, and he was further fascinated by castle-building.
It is said that Ieyasu was further awakened to the fun of building castles, and built a massive defensive structure.
This is said to have brought him closer to Ieyasu, the great ruler of the country.
Later, he demonstrated his talent for building castles in key locations throughout Japan.
Apart from his combat ability as a military commander, he was also an architect.
In addition to his military prowess as a warlord, he was also an architect with a strong personality.
In this period, the names of architectural specialists such as the Nakai family and the Anata-shu were already mentioned.
In the genealogy of Japanese architectural engineers starting from “Hida no Takumi
It seems to be the emergence of individuality in this “Great Architectural Age” of the Warring States to Edo period.
In a series of architectural and castle-building activities, Takatora Todo
He, Takatora Todo, seems to have indulged his modern ego in a series of architectural and castle-building activities.

On the other hand, the picture below shows the period of peace that was realized in the Edo period.
The picture below, on the other hand, was realized in the Edo period (1603-1868), a time of peace, when the Kishu-Tokugawa family, one of the three great families of the Tokugawa dynasty, used the castle to go from Ninomaru to Nishinomaru.
In reality, it was used to “cross” from the castle to the Daimyo Garden.
Exterior and interior views of the “Ohashirouka” (bridge corridor).
The topographical slope of the building has a vertical difference, and the stairway has become a freestanding structure.
The architectural concept is extremely decorative in contrast to the high stone walls that visually clarify the purpose of defense.
The architectural expression of the awareness of the three highest-ranking families is expressed.
In the same Wakayama Castle, two opposing architectural ideas coexist.
Is this a clear indication of the transition from the age of war to the age of peace?
Personally, however, I think that the heavy foundation stones were built solely for the purpose of allowing the feudal lords to move around on foot.
I personally wonder what the need is to build a roof wall after constructing a massive foundation stone and a high substructure just for the purpose of walking of the feudal lord.
I was strongly discomforted by the necessity of building a roof wall even after constructing a massive foundation stone and a tall substructure just for the purpose of walking of the feudal lord.
Some people may like this kind of architectural culture, and it may be a genre of architectural purpose.
I think it is a genre of architectural purpose.
However, the fact that a large sum of money was spent for this project
I feel the smell of “decadence” in it, and a feeling of repugnance arises.
The psychology of wasting money like this to move around in a castle where safety is assured
I feel an indescribable sense of “Bakadono”. Is it my own prejudice?





English version⬇

The History of the Remodeling of the Archipelago through the Construction of Stone Walls and Waterways – Exploration of Nara and Wakayama – 28
The history of DNA is deeply engraved in the architecture of castles. …

The fundamental technology in Japanese castles is probably the “stone wall” lamination technique.
While utilizing and veiling the natural terrain, specific acts of war are reflected in it.
When building a position from a defensive point of view
It seems to me that the basic idea is a high stone wall that “the attacker gives up.
It is said that there was a high level of technological development in masonry above a certain height.
The other is the defense by water called moat.
In order to protect themselves from attacks by swords, arrows, and guns, it was necessary to wear protective gear.
It was almost impossible for a large number of people to cross the moat equipped with such gear.
The castle was thus used to grasp the position of the attackers from a high vantage point and to formulate an effective defensive strategy.
This is the role of a castle.
In order to cultivate such military power, it was of course necessary to control the economy.
By concentrating the wealth of the whole country, as in Hideyoshi’s Osaka Castle
By seizing control of the economy and the military, Japan’s historical military power was strengthened.

That is how Japan’s civil engineering and construction technology developed on both fronts.
The photo above is “Imabari Castle” built by Takatora Todo, whom we are studying in the series.
In terms of strategic location, it was historically the most important for Japanese logistics.
It is clear that Imabari Castle is located at the strategic point of the Seto Inland Sea water transportation, which was historically the most important for the distribution of goods in Japan.
The blue line on the map corresponds to a modern-day “sea route.
The blue line on the map corresponds to a modern “sea route.
The site is conveniently located at this strategic point as a trading contact point for water transportation.
The moat, stone walls, and the ability to grasp the flow of people from high places are self-evident.
In Japan, plains are dispersed by many mountains.
The basic agriculture in Japan is rice farming, and civil engineering technology to guide water to rice paddies has developed greatly.
This civil engineering technology is probably reflected in the construction of this high stone wall.
In order to pile up stonewalls high, both work rationality and robustness need to be resolved.
During the reign of Takatora Todo, the method of civil engineering construction of water castles developed greatly, and
The technical ability to control it was required from the military side.
The construction of “Zesho Castle,” which controlled the node of Lake Biwa water transportation and land transportation in Omi, as I mentioned yesterday, established the technology of civil engineering works on the water.
The castle was built to control the water transportation of Lake Biwa and land transportation in the Omi area, and the construction of Zessho Castle established civil engineering technology on the water.
The third photo shows a castle built in the Seto Inland Sea area in Kyoto, which was constructed by the shoguns from the eastern part of the country.
The third photo shows the high stonewalls of Iga-Ueno Castle, a strategic point on the overland route from Higashikuni to Kyoto.

This kind of stone wall construction technique is a double image of Tadao Ando’s concrete wall.
I feel like I am in a double vision of Tadao Ando’s concrete wall construction techniques. I can imagine Takatora Todo as Tadao Ando of the Sengoku period (laugh).
In a manner of speaking, he modified the terrain with architectural intent through civil engineering technology, and then concreted it as a solid wall.
I feel a sense of homogeneity, like a person who transforms the terrain with architectural intent through civil engineering techniques and concretes it as a solid wall.
On the other hand, if contemporary architects with a heightened sense of “auteurism” were given the opportunity to build a castle, what kind of castle architecture would they realize?
I fantasize about what kind of castle architecture they would create if they had the opportunity to build a castle (laughs).
Japanese people have a strong tendency to express their architectural intentions through castle construction and natural remodeling.
I am beginning to think that the Japanese are quite “sukiyoshi” in terms of their ethnicity. Now…

【要衝戦略眼と施工技術開発「膳所城」 奈良・和歌山探索-27】




English version⬇

The development of strategic eyes and construction techniques for the key strategic point “Zensho Castle” Nara and Wakayama Exploration-27].
Whoever controls Seta controls the whole country. The construction of a water castle by creating artificial ground in Seta, the most important strategic point for the realization of peace in the Edo period, is a strategy for regional defense. Nara and Wakayama

After his victory at Sekigahara, Ieyasu ordered Takatora Todo to build “Zessho Castle.
This Zesho Castle is the place where it has been said since ancient times, “He who controls Seta controls the whole country.
It was located at the southern tip of Lake Biwa on the way to Kyoto from the eastern part of the country.
During the Genpei War, Kiso Yoshinaka’s army defeated the Heike clan in a battle here.
Yoshinaka was defeated by Noriyori and Yoshitsune’s forces from Kanto, who broke through here.
Kyoto itself is an open geography except to the north and has no special defensive mountains.
The city was designed from a feng shui perspective and in the manner of the Ritsuryo State in urban planning.
After his victory in Sekigahara, Ieyasu naturally decided
How should this area of Seta be under his control?
Ieyasu must have been thinking about how he should control the Seta area.
He then had Takatora Todo, who was regarded as a master of castle construction, design and construct the castle even though he was a foreigner.

As you can see on the map, Zesho Castle is located near today’s Omi Ohashi Bridge.
It was a strategic point for the water transportation of Lake Biwa and for the Tokaido Highway Route 1.
Today, the Tokaido Shinkansen bullet train, the E1 expressway, and National Route 1 all pass through the area.
The castle was conceived as a castle that would control the most important area for east-west transportation throughout the ages.
Ieyasu and Takatora Todo had a meeting about the design and construction of the castle.
Ryutaro Abe’s “Geden wo kakiru” (Conspiring for the future), already mentioned, vividly and imaginatively describes the discussions between Ieyasu and Takatora Todo in designing and constructing the castle.
This castle was built to overhang the southernmost point of Lake Biwa as a “water castle.
The castle was built to control and dominate both water and land transportation.
The technical difficulty of constructing the foundation against the water was solved by working closely with the Anata-shu, an influential group of builders around Lake Biwa.
It is said that they succeeded in the construction while closely discussing the technical difficulties of building a foundation against the water with the “Anata-shu,” a group of influential builders around Lake Biwa.
This is a highly plausible description.
The wooden piles were driven into the surface of the lake while controlling the water flow to create a starting point, and a large number of foundation stones were placed there.
The construction setup involved driving wooden piles into the surface of the lake while controlling the water flow to create a foothold, and then placing a large number of foundation stones to solidify the foothold.
As a result of the construction, a full-scale “water castle” was successfully built to control the water.
This castle was useful as a military and political base for Ieyasu’s rule in the upper part of Japan.
The success of this castle led to the construction of Imabari Castle, which was later used as a castle in the area of Ieyasu’s control.
Takatora Todo succeeded in controlling the Seto Inland Sea water transportation.
He was able to seize a strategic point for transportation between Kyoto and the western part of Japan, which was extremely important in Ieyasu’s strategy.
It is clear that he established artificial island civil engineering and construction techniques in these water castles.
The reputation of Takatora Todo as an annoying lackey of Ieyasu is on the contrary.
Ieyasu’s pawns.
Ieyasu’s strategy of carefully controlling the whole country did not break down, and he was able to maintain domestic peace for more than 250 years during the Edo period.
Ieyasu’s strategy to control the whole country did not break down, and it was beneficial in terms of achieving domestic peace for more than 250 years during the Edo period.

The success of the construction of Suijo Castle was also a great success for Takatora Todo himself.
and for the rush of construction by “major general contractors” such as Anotashu in the late Sengoku and Edo periods.
This success may have been a very important merkmal for Takatora Todo himself and for the rush of construction by “major general contractors” such as Anata-shu in the late Sengoku and Edo periods.

【戦国末期からの城「建築」活況期 奈良・和歌山探索-26】





English version⬇

Exploration of Nara and Wakayama during the booming period of castle “construction” from the end of the Warring States period-26
Japan’s major cities originated in urban design from the perspective of military politics and economy during the Sengoku and Edo periods. This exhibition hand-dug the “age of architecture”. Nara and Wakayama

Today, the city is being developed with priority given to the functionality of gathering and dispersing people and interaction.
The population grew from 30 million at the end of the Edo period to 60 million in the prewar period.
The population has increased to 120 million since the end of World War II.
This has been achieved by attracting the population of large metropolitan areas.
With such a drastic social change, cities are being built with high-rise concrete.
The transportation network has also become dramatically more sophisticated.
The drastic changes from the end of the Warring States period to the Edo period must have been tremendous as well.
Needless to say, most of today’s “big cities” except for Sapporo were built during this period.
The starting point of the “City Creation Plan” was written during this period.

Takatora Todo was a man who was known to be a hated figure in the upper class society because of his close relationship with Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Takatora Todo is often regarded as a hated figure in the upper classes of society because of his close ties to Ieyasu Tokugawa.
However, in terms of castle construction, he has left traces of his business in many places.
Castles of this period were basically for military purposes, but at the same time, they also served the purpose of “community building.
Nobunaga’s Rakuichi Rakuza and Azuchi Castle may have marked a turning point in the history of castles.
However, the “Age of Discovery” that Japanese society encountered as a global situation
The social transformation from a capitalist and mercantilist viewpoint was booming.
Political, military, and economic activities were integrated to form the framework of “urban development.
Takatora Todo was called the leading expert on castle construction in this era.
The foundation was formed during his time in the service of Toyotomi Hidenaga.
<At Hidenaga’s urging, he interacted with the leading master builders of the day, including Masakiyo Nakai, Munehiro Koura, and Ano-shu.
In addition, since Hideyoshi was one of the magistrates in charge of the construction of Azuchi Castle by Oda Nobunaga, Takatora naturally followed Hidenaga’s lead in the construction of the castle.
Naturally, Takatora also followed Hidenaga’s lead and worked on the construction.
In the construction of Wakayama Castle, Takatora was appointed as a fukushin-bugyo and experienced his first experience in castle construction.
When constructing the Great Buddha Hall of Hokoji Temple, he was ordered by Hideyoshi to procure lumber from Kumano.
Takatora was involved in the construction of Tokugawa Ieyasu’s residence in Jurakudai. When Takatora found a security problem in the blueprints he was given, he changed the design at his own discretion.
Takatora changed the design at his own discretion and decided to pay for it out of his own pocket. Later, Ieyasu took a look at the plans and asked him what was different from the blueprints.
Ieyasu later visited Takatora and when asked about the differences from the blueprints, Takatora replied, “If Ieyasu-sama is not pleased, it is because his master, Hidemasa, has been careless.
I made the change on my own initiative because I knew it would affect the honor of Hideyoshi Kanpaku. If you are displeased
If you are displeased, please strike him down without mercy. Ieyasu is said to have thanked Takatora for his thoughtfulness. >Ieyasu is said to have thanked Takatora for his thoughtfulness.
Ieyasu is said to have thanked Takatora for his thoughtfulness.

He must have felt “sukiyoshi” in the integrated act of building a castle with architecture and civil engineering.
The company’s name is a reference to Masakiyo Nakai, Munehiro Koura, and Anodashu, who today can be compared to major energy contractors such as Kajima Corporation and Takenaka Corporation.
They must have been deeply involved with Masakiyo Nakai, Munehiro Koura, and Anata Shu, who today would be compared to major energy contractors such as Kajima Corporation and Takenaka Corporation.
He used them as builders in the construction of many “castles”.
Ieyasu fully exploited the abilities of these special technicians, architects, politicians, and military men.
Ieyasu may have drawn out their abilities to the fullest.
Although it is a given that Ieyasu was a military commander and excelled at warrior work on the battlefield, Ieyasu was not a warrior.
However, Ryutaro Abe’s novel suggests that Hidenaga was chastised by Ieyasu for his warrior spirit, and that Ieyasu was more interested in serving the world from a higher perspective.
However, according to Ryutaro Abe’s novel, Hidenaga was said to have rebuked such warrior spirit and admonished him to think about serving the world from a higher perspective.
I think I see traces of the architect’s “sukiyoshi” in the backbone of Wakayama Castle’s layout.

【城という建築分野 奈良・和歌山探索-25】





English version⬇

The Architectural Field of Castles: Exploring Nara and Wakayama -25
The conception of the city as an economic center based on the military element. Comprehensive pursuit of town development and regional planning. Recalling the wisdom of our predecessors. The castle is an architectural field called “castle.

One not-so-popular warlord is Takatora Todo.
He was one of the first soldiers in Tokugawa Ieyasu’s power grab that peaked at Sekigahara.
He has the impression that he was a pawn in Tokugawa Ieyasu’s power grab at the peak of the Sekigahara War.
Thanks to his successes, he remained a powerful feudal lord throughout the Edo period.
However, at the end of the Edo period, he was the spearhead of the Shogunate’s “customary
He was a man of great strength and power, and his powerlessness was exposed in the armed conflict between Satsuma and Satsuma.
He was scorned as a descendant of Takatora Todo.
In the Kamigata culture, where the Tokugawa are considered to be unpopular, he is considered to be an unpopular figure.
However, when we look into his history, we find that he is an interesting person.
In a sense, he is symbolic of the way samurai warriors were at the end of the Warring States period.
The city of Wakayama still retains strong traces of this personage.
He designed the basic design of Wakayama Castle and built the castle as it was in the early days.
After Hideyoshi destroyed the Zoga Shu, he focused his attention on Oka, which was the base of the Zoga Shu, and Mt.
The castle was built on Mt. Torabuse, which was located on the same side of the mountain as the Zoga Shu’s base.
Castle architecture is a field of architecture, but I thought it was a little far from my usual field of
I had thought that castle architecture was a branch of architecture, but it was a bit far from my usual field of residential architecture.
However, when I actually visited this castle, I was able to see the ingenious ways in which the natural terrain was utilized.
I realized many things about the castle.
People in history are almost at the same intellectual level as people today in terms of “thinking.
If we reduce the conditions to the elements of the time period, we can find a common thread that runs through them.

Wakayama Castle has been remodeled many times.
The basic topographical elements largely determine the “design strategy,” so to speak.
The “Okayama-guchi” entrance, which was mentioned yesterday, is a heavily defended structure.
And once you pass through the entrance, the “high stone wall” rises magnificently.
From the top of the wall, the attackers can snipe at the castle.
One corner of it is “Masugata,” designed to allow sniping attacks from all sides.
Even if you break through it, it is an extremely steep slope that you have to “climb” up.
The main citadel was located at the end of the main castle, from which the attacking forces could “pick and peck” their way through the castle.
This “basic design” concept was clearly visible.
Although these war aims were basic, the larger location of the castle was also important.
The area was also involved in the Seto Inland Sea trade, and was located at a strategic point on the south side of Osaka Bay.
As the name “Kumano Suigun” still remains on the Pacific side, it is an important base for both these forces and for the navy of the Seto Inland Sea.
The strategic position of Wakayama Castle made me curious about Takatora Todo.
I have been reading “Geden wo kakiru” by Ryutaro Abe, a writer (laugh).
While digging up historical facts, he also restores the atmosphere with his imagination.

It is a tool for war and at the same time an economic center called “castle town.
It is also a tool for war, but at the same time, it is an economic center, a “castle town.
I feel that this is also related to the housing.

【和歌山城の地政学と経済 奈良・和歌山探索-24】





English version⬇

Geopolitics and Economy of Wakayama Castle Nara and Wakayama Exploration-24
Speculation on the interaction between the Zoka Shu and the Seto Inland Sea water transportation. Banshu Eiga Miki clan and “Miki Town” in Wakayama. Searching for the missing link in history. …

Wakayama Castle was built in 1619, when the Tokugawa family entered the area as one of the three Imperial families.
This shows how important this area was in the national ruling structure.

In Wakayama Prefecture, there is Koyasan as a religious sanctuary, from which the Koyasan sect diverged.
Koyasan as a religious sanctuary, and from there, there was the Negoroji Temple as one of the leading “gun corps” in the country.
The Zoga-shu, another artillery corps, were independent and unrestrained forces that were active as mercenaries throughout the country.
It was an extremely difficult region to govern for a warlord.
In the process of Hideyoshi’s unification of the whole country, the “Zoga attack” was an important merkmal.
It was Hideyoshi’s suppression of the armed forces that enjoyed a free medieval period, so to speak.
After the bloody war, Toyotomi’s younger brother, Hidenaga, was appointed to rule the region.
The region was administered almost directly by the Toyotomi government.
This is analogous to the modern Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Hidenaga was much wiser than Putin.
After the conquest of Wakayama, Hideyoshi ordered Takatora Todo to build a castle in Wakayama from 1586.
It is said to be the first castle built by Takatora Todo, who was later regarded as a “master castle builder.
It is said that Hideyoshi’s intuition was significant in his macroscopic understanding of geopolitics and topography.
It is likely that his macroscopic strategic vision led him to establish this site as a base for regional control.
The character of Hideyoshi’s administration was definitely focused on commerce.
The area was located at an important node for water transportation along the Kino River, the Seto Inland Sea, and the Pacific Ocean side.
It is likely that Hideyoshi’s administration considered the area to be a strategic point that would support Osaka in its domination of the western part of the country.
Such an understanding of the region is self-evident from the prosperity of the Zoka Shu up to that time.
Naturally, Hideyoshi’s strategic eye was solid, and his later placement of the three families was also understandable.

Now, let me tell you how this relates to my family line.
The rule of Toyotomi Hidenaga from around 1586, and his “official” to the Kuwayama clan, the “deputy” of Toyotomi Hidenaga, are the reasons why the Gozan family was placed under the control of Hideyoshi.
It seems to me that the subsequent transition of the family is a natural flow of the family.
Miki-machi,” which we saw yesterday, is also a town that is a base for merchants.
My guess is that it was formed during the Zoka Shu period.
The important entrance to Wakayama Castle called “Okayamaguchi” in the photo is located in a geographical area.
The entrance to Wakayama Castle, called “Okayama-guchi” in the photo, is located in close proximity to “Oka,” which was a former Zoga-shu stronghold.
The entrance to the castle is located in an area that had already been formed as a traffic hub.
The name “Miki” is related to Miki, who had a castle in Eiga, Banshu, which was an important port for shipping on the Seto Inland Sea.
The name Miki can be assumed to be related to the Miki clan, which had a castle in Eiga, Banshu, an important port for shipping on the Inland Sea.
This network of medieval merchants has strong ties to religious powers.
Commerce was a means of transportation between regions, but religion had the most credibility as a “bill of passage” between regions.
Religion had the most credibility as a “handbill.
Therefore, the collaboration between Honganji forces and the Zoga was a natural part of such a commercial network.
Eiga Miki was such a close friend that he invited Eiga Godo, a temple based on Honganji.
The former Ishiyama Honganji occupied the location of Osaka Castle and its logistics.
It is thought that the port of Eiga in Banshu on the Seto Inland Sea and the port of Wakayama in Kishu were linked.
It is natural to assume that there was a direct trade relationship between Eiga and Wakayama.

Now, I would like to continue to verify this compass axis in various ways.
We have obtained some clues from the curator of Wakayama Castle History Museum.
I would like to improve the accuracy of the information.

【地名に残る「人縁」痕跡 奈良・和歌山探索-23】




English version⬇

Traces of “human relations” in place names: Nara and Wakayama Exploration-23
A record of an ancestor who served in Kishu has led to the discovery of the town name “Miki-machi” in Wakayama City. I am “Koko hore wan wan” (laugh). Laughs…

Well, after the start of GW, various projects are in full swing.
I would like to continue to explore in depth apart from the raw reality of the situation.
I would like to return to the theme of exploring history, architecture, and housing.

The Kansai region is historically very familiar to the Japanese.
Especially in Nara, there are many traces of the center of political power.
This provides us with clues for various analyses.
In my family, I have an ancestor who left us a written record of a specific date, “Keicho Nenchu” (during the Keicho period).
I have an ancestor who left me a written record of a specific date, “Keicho Nen”, and what happened around that time seems to be a solid fact.
I see that there is a reference to “serving in Kishu.
Especially for those of us whose ancestors moved to remote areas such as Hokkaido, it is difficult to understand why they would be so interested in such a wide-area activity such as this modern-day WEB.
In this day and age of wide-area activities and the means of communication and exchange such as the Internet, it is very important to take advantage of this.
I feel like taking advantage of this opportunity and digging into my own roots.
This is why I have visited Kishu Wakayama several times.
Recently, Kansai Airport is often my means of transportation and route.
I am becoming more and more connected to the city.
I found a place name “Miki-machi” in the city of Wakayama that remains in modern times.
Directly during this Keicho period, the family lore has a different family name.
However, when we consider the subsequent history, it provides a clue, albeit a somewhat tenuous one.
So, we visited the Wakayama History Museum, a historical research facility near the castle.
The exhibits were mainly about the period when the castle was occupied by the Kishu Tokugawa clan, one of the three great families of the Tokugawa dynasty, and so I could not get any direct clues.
I could not get any direct clues. I had no choice but to inquire at the counter.
Thankfully, a curator was able to provide me with some interesting information.
This Wakayama Castle was a stronghold of the Zoga Shu, and after Hideyoshi’s extermination of the Zoga, the castle was used by Hideyoshi’s younger brother, Hidenaga, as his consul.
After Hideyoshi’s extermination of the Zoga, Hidenaga, the younger brother of Hideyoshi, received the castle as his domain, but Hidenaga himself was the center of the government.
The castle is said to have been controlled by his vassals (mainly the Kuwayama clan), and the construction of the castle is also said to have been controlled by a warlord from the Sengoku to the Edo period.
The basic design and framework of the castle was built by Takatora Todo, a general in the Sengoku and Edo periods.
The curator said that there are almost no materials available at that time.
The records are overwhelmingly from the Kishu-Tokugawa family and later, and there are no materials from the Hideyoshi administration during the period of excavation.
However, when we gave them our clue that the excavation took place during the Keicho period, they said, “We have no information at the stage of prediction.
We were also informed that the information was still in the process of being determined.
Curators are researchers of history, and they are in the process of presenting new theories
It is essential for us to present new theories in papers and other publications, and to firmly establish the basis for such theories.
In that sense, I am grateful for your in-depth teaching.

As a history buff, especially on the side of those who want to improve their imagination based on their roots-related interests, I thought this would be a very useful “tip” to use.
I thought it would be a very useful “hint” for those who want to improve their imagination, especially those who are interested in the roots of history.
In the modern place names, as well as in the above and middle photos taken in the Edo period, the name “Minami-Zaika” and the name of Miki Town are shown as “Minami-Zaika”.
The name of Miki Town faces the Waka River, a major river in the region, and is a strategic location for river transportation to the Kino River, the largest river in the region, and to the port.
The town is found at a strategic point for river traffic to the port.
The distance from the castle is also within a stone’s throw, and the town’s function as a castle town reminds us of economic activities.






English version⬇

What is the future of snowy, cold weather and residential energy?
Cars are essential infrastructure in a wide living area. What will happen to our lives in the winter when PV power generation is difficult? ・・・・・・・.

Yesterday, I wrote an article titled “What is the Future of Cars in Snowy and Cold Regions?” I wrote an article titled “What is the Future of Cars in Snowy and Cold Regions?
I received a lot of feedback and opinions.
My car happened to be in trouble, so I thought I’d share my thoughts along the way.
Today, I would like to continue the discussion on the issue of residential energy in the snowy and cold regions of northern Japan.
The photo is from TESLA’s website, which I mentioned somewhat critically yesterday.
It is an easy-to-understand proposal for residential energy, consisting of photovoltaic power generation and storage batteries.
The storage battery technology, in particular, is the most important technology for the development of EVs.
This is why the linkage to residential energy is mentioned as a matter of course.
It is clear that the major changes in the car industry will inevitably lead to a major change in the residential sector as well.
Power companies are now offering a solar power generation + storage battery system similar to the TESLA proposal.
and maintenance, but the total cost of electricity is about the same as before.
However, the total cost of electricity is almost the same as before.
In Japan, the trend toward highly insulated and airtight homes has spread from cold regions to warmer regions.
However, the choice of energy source for EVs is driven by the warmer climate.
Residential energy is used for lighting, heating, cooking, and hot water.
Gasoline-powered vehicles have been placed in carports and other locations as a means of transportation for daily life.
In regions with a large living area like Hokkaido, or in rural areas of the country.
The car is becoming increasingly dependent on the car due to the difficulty of accessing public transportation.
Cars function as Doraemon’s “door to anywhere” and
In areas that cannot rely on public transportation, such as metropolitan areas in warmer regions, they are the very infrastructure.
Reflecting this reality, the city itself is also developing a vast parking space like AEON.
AEON-like vast parking spaces have fulfilled the function of modern convenience for everything from shopping to leisure activities.
The car constitutes a prerequisite, so to speak, at the level of housing and urban planning.
If these cars were to be converted to EVs in snowy and cold regions
In winter, the efficiency of photovoltaic power generation will drop drastically. Roof-mounted solar power generation systems will inevitably have lower efficiency.
However, wall-mounted solar power generation may be a possibility.
glare and other neighborhood concerns. Inevitably, the
grid power supply to supply the necessary energy. Concentrated demand.
In winter, when heavy snowfalls continue, the load on the grid power is considerable.
The question of whether society as a whole will be able to handle this generation capacity is also a major issue.

In a temperate region, there is no need to take into account
In the case of residential construction, it is necessary to give considerable “consideration” to such events, and
For the time being, trial and error and complaints may be inevitable.
Charging the car at home will be done by using electricity derived from photovoltaic power generation.
However, even here, it is difficult to charge the car from a charging station.
In cold climates, it would be safer to install the charging station in a carport if possible.
In warmer climates, the cost burden will be greater for the more common front porch type.

In general, we need to be prepared for social costs that are completely different from those in warmer climates.
Although the TESLA website has a link to “estimate” right on the homepage
I think cost concerns are inevitable from the user’s side.
Mr. Mask, the CEO of TESLA, is said to have said that “Japan will decline and perish.
Is he anticipating that Japan’s snowy and cold regions will not be able to bear this kind of cost burden?