




English version⬇

What is the future of snowy and cold regions and cars?
Mask’s Twitter acquisition of TESLA, an environmental wolf-boy company, with a market capitalization of over 2.5 times that of a company with 930,000 cars compared to 11 million cars. …

Today is the first normal business day after GW, and I will do my best.
My car, which had been taken care of during the holidays, had a trouble.
I was totally careless, but I neglected to check the oil.
I had been feeling a somewhat strange noise when starting the engine.
During the trough of the consecutive holidays, I brought it to the manufacturer for maintenance and it was restored.
It has been comfortably restored since then, but a big lesson learned.

I had my car checked regularly when I refueled at a gas station owned by a friend of mine.
I had my car checked regularly when I refueled at a gas station owned by a friend of mine.
During the checkups, I just chatted with my friend and left the work to him.
I had completely forgotten about self-checking, even though it was my own car.
And then, the gas station was closed due to the trend of the world.
So, after that, I spent my time only with self-fueling.
So, after a long time, I had a chance to talk with a person from the manufacturer.
He said, “No, I am sorry, thank you.”
He said, “Well, I’m sure it’s fine, but please be careful.”
‘By the way, I wonder if it’s time for the next replacement, EV or otherwise?
How’s that?”
I urged him to answer, and at some point he made a statement as if he had made up his mind….
Incidentally, TESLA, which is like a symbol of EV manufacturers, has a market capitalization of 110 trillion yen.
Last year, it sold 936,000 vehicles.
On the other hand, the market capitalization of Toyota, Japan’s leading manufacturer, is 40 trillion yen.
This is almost double the amount of the previous year’s 23 trillion yen.
And the number of vehicles sold in the last fiscal year was 11 million.
While the sales volume is off the charts, the speculative stock market has been
In the stock market, on the other hand, the opposite is true, with a reversal phenomenon of more than 2.5 times.
We have become accustomed to these “from now on” announcements.
But whether or not this is the right thing to do is still in doubt.
The progression of global speculation on a global shift away from oil is directly reflected in stock valuations.
At the moment, I think it is difficult to use EVs in Hokkaido.
EVs generate little heat, so in winter, snow does not fall from the body when the switch is turned on.
The total distance is limited by the charging status, so there is no way to drive quickly.
Charging takes time, so there is a waiting time for charging at a gas station.
The cost of recharging from solar power at home is several million dollars for each household.
Is this really feasible for the average consumer? And so on.
The parties concerned were firing a barrage of negative factors like machine guns.
Not only my friend’s company, but also in rural areas, GS closures are becoming a reality.
In Japan, although warmer regions may be able to withstand such changes, the number of cities and towns without GSs is increasing.
In Japan, warm regions may be able to withstand such changes, but cold regions are likely to be left as maladaptive.
In Japan, while warmer regions may be able to withstand the changes, colder regions are likely to be left unadapted.
So, TESLA’s Elon Musk recently acquired Twitter, Inc.
He controls the future of the car, and at the same time, he controls the place of communication.
Yes, he is a very successful businessman, but
in the context of Russia’s destruction of the modern world order.
I wonder if everything is really going to converge in this direction.
Come to think of it, he has made some anti-Putin statements as if he were the standard-bearer of freedom, but I am not so sure.
I am also concerned that this may be a collusion between the wolf boy and dictatorship.
The future of automobiles seems to be very uncertain.

【国家建設と飛騨の匠 奈良・平城京探索-22】




English version⬇

The Construction of a Nation and the Artisans of Hida: The Search for Heijo-kyo, Nara – 22]
The substance of the centralized state, the large-scale wooden architecture and its technical group that played a role in its “visualization. The fundamental meaning of architecture. …

The construction of Heijo-kyo Capital proceeded simultaneously with the establishment of a centralized state in Japan.
A powerful “modern state” called the Tang Dynasty was established, and neighboring countries were forced to respond.
The Korean peninsula state of Baekje was annihilated as a nation.
Japan rescued Baekje, but was defeated at the Baekchon River, and the survivors of the Japanese invasion were returned to Japan in droves.
The Japanese government rapidly became more aware of the need for national defense, and Japan’s centralization of power was promoted.
In 701, a system of taxation was established under the Ritsuryo (Laws of the Ritsuryo Period).
The compilation of national histories, such as the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan), also proceeded.
These were precisely based on the premise of comprehensive national defense against the Tang Dynasty.
Even though it had its own legal system and its own history
The Tang Dynasty had its own legal system and its own history, and yet it built a “capital” as an architectural space and had the substance of a festival.
The Tang Dynasty, for its part, recognized its diplomatic standing as a nation similar to that of India.
Through diplomatic contacts, Japan was recognized as “another China” and
The recognition of Japan as a nation independent of the Chinese dynasties was due in large part to the
The fact that Japan achieved a high degree of perfection in the construction of this building was a contributing factor.

Not content with the Fujiwara-kyo Capital, he built the Heijo-kyo Capital and began to visualize the conduct of state affairs.
In this process, taxation and taxes were paid to the government from all regions of Japan.
Hida was the only region in Japan that was exempted from paying taxes by dispatching artisans.
They were assigned to the Ministry of Palace Construction, the Woodworking Dormitory, and the Repairing Department in the ancient bureaucratic state structure.
The name “Hida-machi” still remains in Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture, near the site of the Fujiwara-kyo capital.
Hida’s excellent craftsmanship enabled the construction of magnificent buildings in the capital.
Hida was clearly the center of the capital’s palace construction, and the people of Hida migrated and worked there with their collective technical skills.
Hida were exempted from paying for textiles, but instead worked 250 to 300 days a year in the capital.
Instead, they were required to go to the capital 250 to 300 days a year to work as carpenters building palaces, temples, and other structures.
Every 50 households were assigned 10 carpenters, and about 100 carpenters went to the capital every year to work on the construction of the capital.
If we assume that the total number of houses was 500 and that each house had 8 workers, the total population would be about 4,000 people.
However, the concept of a “house” needs to be specified, and it may be a unit with a much larger number of people.
The total population of Hida was already 100 adult males at that time.
This is evidence that Hida’s architectural skills were already considered outstanding at that time.
Therefore, the reconstruction of the Heijo Palace is considered to be a trace of their technology.

The thought of seeing the substance of architecture deeply involved in the metaphysical things of a nation.
This leads to the question, “Why did the Hida region have such technology?
This leads to the question, “Why did the Hida region have such technology?
In Hida, it is said that traces of humans can be seen for about 10,000 years since the Jomon period.
I think the abundance of wood resources is a major factor.
The fact that such a reputation existed at the time of the Heijo-kyo Capital
The fact that such a reputation existed during the Heijo-kyo period indicates that there was a considerable accumulation of various “wood-handling” techniques.
The huge and massive demand for construction, which was unimaginable in the architecture of the time
It is interesting to see how the imagination is expanding.
It is interesting to imagine the various possibilities.

【奈良期と現代・美感の「復元」 奈良・平城京探索-21】




English version⬇

Nara Period and Modern Times, “Restoration” of Aesthetics, Exploration of Heijo-kyo, Nara – 21
Restoration” of the prestige architectural interior design from the democratic modern period to the pioneer period of the nation. Especially, it is difficult to find a way to express the products of imagination. …

A reader friend of mine, Mr. N, expressed his discomfort about the “Four Gods Design” of yesterday.
He expressed his discomfort especially with the expression “blue dragon”.
I also wrote about my impression of “a dog or a deer? I also wrote about my impression of the “blue dragon” design.
As a person of our generation born in the Showa period, I would like to leave it for a long time to come.
There are various opinions about the “Four Deities” that adorn the restored Daigoku-den Hall of the Heijo Palace.
Another is the design of a tortoise and snake intertwined as “Genbu” (Genbu).
The artist, Japanese-style painter Uemura Atsuyuki, says that it is completely original.
On the other hand, the contrasting group of photographs shows a Gigaku mask from Horyuji Temple, which dates back to a slightly earlier period.
In this period, when “realistic” sculpture was the norm, these masks are not at all deformed in terms of their intended use.

In terms of its use, it seems to be a deformed work of expression.
It is somewhat similar to the concept of the design of the four restored deities.
However, it is difficult to say whether this is the same as the concept of the mural design for the main hall.
It is a question of what was the policy of the client side for the restoration.
However, we have no clue as to what the client’s policy was in the process of restoration.
As a result, the artist’s expression remains as the idea of “Heisei no Restoration.
Naturally, we live in an era of democracy, and each sovereign person is free to decide how he or she perceives the work.
However, it is a fact that this work will remain as a “means” of architectural and design thought in the Nara period.
It is also a fact that this work will remain as a “means” of architectural and design thought of the Nara period for posterity. Such is the difficulty.
I am sure that the people involved in this project must have faced many conflicts.

Historically, Nara Heijo Palace was built during the Temmu and Jito periods.
Fujiwara no Fuhito is said to have been in charge of the construction as de facto prime minister.
He was the second son of Nakatomi Kamatatsu, and was educated as a “history (fumihito: scribe)” and a “Chinese” from a group of exiled bureaucrats from Baekje.
He is said to have learned the framework of “Chinese thought” from a group of exiled bureaucrats from Baekje.
Specifically, he was brought up in the house of Tanabe Fumihito Osumi (田辺史大隅).
He inherited their extensive knowledge of Chinese literature, Confucianism, Buddhism, and architecture.
He was the most learned man of his time and had the latest knowledge at the highest level of learning.
He distinguished himself when he was appointed as a “judge” in February of the 3rd year of Emperor Jito’s reign (689).
It can be assumed that the Daigoku-den Hall of the Heijo Palace was constructed based on such knowledge.
Therefore, it is natural to assume that the architectural intention was to build an authentic Chinese national facility in Japan.
It is natural to assume that the purpose of the construction was to build an authentic Chinese national facility in Japan.
What kind of expressions were used for the “four deities” in light of the historical background?
Especially, what kind of expression would have been used for the gods Seiryu (Blue Dragon) and Genbu (Xuanwu), whose imaginative power is indispensable to the nation itself?
I wonder what kind of image would have flashed in Fujiwara no Fuhito’s mind when he chose the architectural decoration, which could be called the nation itself.
If we imagine what kind of image came into Fujiwara no Fuhito’s mind when he chose the architectural decoration, which could be said to be the nation itself, this restoration seems somewhat strange.

However, this is still a “restoration,” and the mother’s expression clues have also been lost.
If we consider that the clues to Mother’s expression have been lost, we can understand that the fantastical and cute expressions of the present day
If we think of it as a “Heisei restoration,” we may understand that it will be handed down to future generations.
However, in the age of free speech, it is a good opportunity to think about various things.

【平城宮大極殿「四神デザイン」 奈良・平城京探索-20】




English version⬇

Heijo Palace Daigokuden “Four Deities and Twelve Zodiac Signs” Nara, Heijo-kyo: Searching for the Heijo-kyo Capital-20
A group of Japanese paintings that give a more Japanese impression of the hard authoritarianism of Chinese thought. The four gentle deities heal us (smile). …

The “capital of Nara,” which I visited on a school excursion when I was a high school student, is a city of the Nara Period.
The “Nara Capital” that I visited on a school excursion when I was a high school student was the area around Todaiji’s South Gate and the Daibutsuden (Great Buddha Hall), where deer gather in large groups.
The area around the present-day Nara City Hall was the center of the Heijo-kyo Capital at the time of its foundation, but this area was not the center of the capital at the time of its foundation.
The real center of the capital was the area of the outer capital.
The true center of the capital’s functions is the Heijo-kyo Park area, which is now being restored.
Will the Daigoku-den and Suzakumon be one of the destinations for school excursions in the future?
This type of exploratory change would be very meaningful and interesting.
However, I am not sure whether young people will accept the Todaiji Daibutsuden as “very Japanese” or not.
I wonder about the possibility that young people will accept the restored Heijo Palace Daigoku-den as “Japaneseness”.
I wonder about the possibility that young people will accept the restored Heijo Palace Daigoku-den as “Japaneseness.
It is obvious that Buddhism was accepted as a universal world religion.
On the other hand, Daigoku-den, an architecture based on Chinese thought, does not necessarily seem to be so.
Sannai-Maruyama and the ancient Izumo Temple should be regarded as the first source of knowledge of Japanese architecture.
Historically, it was the first time for a unified nation to take shape.
The model for a national polity was based on Chinese ideology, and this was recognized as the global standard.
The reality is that they recognized it as the world standard and accepted it as such.
Well, since we visit other architectures in Kyoto in order to gain a relative understanding, I don’t think it’s so much of a big deal.
I don’t think it is worth making such a big deal out of it.
And actual Japanese history took a non-Chinese direction, a more democratic direction.
And so, the process of forming a unified nation is represented by the Chinese ideological “Four Gods” enshrined.
The photo shows a cute animal painting on a small wall of the restored Daigoku-den Hall of Heijo Palace.
It was painted by Atsushi Uemura, a Japanese-style painter living in Nara Prefecture.
The white tiger is on the west, the blue dragon on the east, the red bird on the south, and the black turtle on the north. Each of them is depicted in its own direction.
When I saw the painting, I was interested in the blue dragon, which is also my zodiac sign.
It is also my zodiac sign, but it is an imaginary animal.
I looked at it with surprise, “Oh, this is a dragon?” I looked at it with surprise.
Usually, dragons depicted in ceiling paintings of temples and other places look more like snakes.
and their expressions are frightening. This blue dragon looks like a dog or a deer.
It was a new experience for me to see such a “cute” dragon.
I suppose they would have asked for evidence of this kind of “wall painting” when they restored it.
However, we can assume that it has probably disappeared and there is no record of it.
I wonder if this style of painting was chosen in order to create a less authoritarian expression.
As a result, I was satisfied with the result.
This sense of gentleness also gives me a Japanese impression.

Such an impression was further enhanced by what appeared at first glance to be a Tyvek sheet design (laugh).
The design of the ceiling.
It was also covered with a gentle Japanese painting-like pattern.
The design policy for the restoration of the building was to soften the hard “Chinese idea” and to create a prestige building in a Japanese style.
I felt that the design policy in restoring the building was to soften the hard “Chinese idea” and create a prestige building in a Japanese style.
I was inclined to agree with this.

【中華思想導入と「日本化」 奈良・平城京探索-19】




English version⬇

The Introduction of Chinese Philosophy and “Japanization”: The Search for Heijo-kyo, Nara – 19
The Japaneseization of the emperor’s “no family name” that systematically avoided the harsh easy family name revolution and violent revolution. Was there ingenuity in the introduction of Chinese ideology? …

The Daigoku-den building is a place of important state action and an architectural device to solemnize the most important ceremonies.
It is an architectural device to solemnize the most important ceremonies.
In the East Asian world, Chinese thought spread as the central architectural idea.
The upper photo shows the restored Daigoku-den Hall of the Heijo Palace.
Below is the “Throne” of the Taihe Dian in the Forbidden City in Beijing, China by the Qing emperors.
The Emperor’s throne as a symbol of the idea of the Chinese nation in the construction of the Heijo-kyo Capital in Nara, Japan, and in the founding of the unified nation of Japan.
The throne at the accession ceremony of the emperor as a symbol of the Chinese nationalistic ideology.
This is a photo of the restored Daigoku-den Hall of the Heijo Palace and the exterior of the Taihe-den Hall of the Forbidden City in Beijing.
and the exterior of Taihe Dian, Forbidden City, Beijing, preserved as it was in the Qing Dynasty.
<(Photo of the Forbidden City from the National Museum of Japanese History’s “Is Japanese Architecture Unique?
The architectural intention of the Forbidden City was to demonstrate the power and dominance of the Chinese ideology.
After the Asuka-kyo period, the archipelago’s society aimed for a unified government, and the Tang Dynasty in China was used as a model.
The Chinese Tang Dynasty system was introduced as a model for this system.
In a society where local ruling systems and forces existed in various regions, the system of a continental state was introduced.
The Ritsuryo system is a legal concept.
The Ritsuryo system was a legal concept, while Buddhism, which was accepted at the same time, had the universality of a “world religion.
Buddhism, on the other hand, was accepted as a “world religion” with universal characteristics.
The power structure seems to have shifted from a more loose federated power structure of 8 million regional powers
The reconstruction of power in the form of a federation of 8,000,000 regional powers, which is a different lineage of thought from that of the Chinese.
This type of nation-state was subsequently “Japanized” in the course of time.
The next time that Japan will accept the world system will be in the Meiji period.
The next time Japan would accept the world’s system would be in the Meiji period, where the Western social system would become the basic framework.
The constitutional monarchy was aimed at as the ideal political system.
At the time of the Heijo-kyo Capital, the Chinese dictatorship by the emperor was recognized as the most advanced political system in the world.
The subsequent social development in China led to the development of the “easy surname” system.
Later, as society progressed, violent revolutions were repeated in China through the “Yi Surname Revolution.
In Japan, on the other hand, the king reigned but did not rule.
The restored Heijo-kyo Palace provides us with a glimpse into the history of the country.
The Japanese kings and emperors do not have “family names.
This is the opposite of the Chinese emperors, who repeatedly “changed their family name.
The surname is supposed to be “given” to the people by the royal power, and the royal power itself does not have a surname, which is a contrast to the Chinese emperors, who have repeatedly changed their surnames.
The fact that the surname system was designed by members of the bureaucratic system who experienced the harshness of China’s “Yi Surname Revolution
It is assumed that this system was designed by the members of the bureaucratic system who experienced the harshness of the “Yi Surname Revolution” in China.
The bureaucratic members of the ruling system of China’s successive dynasties and Baekje, etc.
After witnessing the continental political upheaval in China, they became naturalized Japanese citizens.
They were seeking to create a more “peaceful” political system.
The theory that the Yamato dynasty’s system of government, which was a federation of local
The Yamato dynasty’s system of government, which was a federation of local
Around the Temmu-Mochito period, the name of Japan and the name of the Emperor were established and constructed.
This Chinese system already had a “Japanese change” in place.
The analysis of the motive for this kind of Japanization is not given much importance.
It is as if the Imperial Household Agency had jurisdiction over the burial mounds, which cannot be studied even academically.
In any case, while Japan was based on a “Chinese” state, it was also a “Japanese” state in the sense that it was a “Chinese” state in the sense of China.
In any case, while Japan was based on the Chinese “Chinese” state, it was also more “Japanese” in its subsequent political transformation and modification.
Architecture reflects the direction of a society and at the same time
and at the same time, it provides future generations with a great clue as to the state of the society.
I believe that we can learn a lot from the restoration of Heijo Palace.
These are some of my thoughts around the time of Constitution Memorial Day.

【宇宙中心中華「大極殿」思想 奈良・平城京探索-18】




English version⬇

The Idea of the Space-Centered Chuuka “Daigoku-den” (Great Pole Hall): Exploration of Heijo-kyo, Nara – 18
The central building of the nation until the Asuka Palace was a dugout structure, but the Heijo-kyo Palace adopted a “basement” structure. The difference in time is more than 30 years. Why the difference in design philosophy? Heijo-kyo Palace

The idea of Heijo-kyo as the center of the nation is still the “Chuuka idea”.
In China, the Tang Dynasty was established as a powerful state, and the Ritsuryo system and Buddhist culture were considered universal as its core institutions.
The Ritsuryo system and Buddhist culture were considered universal.
In response to this world situation in East Asia, Japan also made progress in establishing a unified state.
The Asuka-kyo period was the era of local “kings.
Emperor Temmu established the “Emperor Name” and Japan as a country name, and at the same time
the Ritsuryo system and the spread of Kokubunji and Kokubuninji temples throughout the country must have been realized.
When establishing the national system in this way
Japan was oriented to be “another China” in relation to the Chinese dynasties.
The “Land of the Rising Sun” posture that Prince Shotoku diplomatically proclaimed is the basic foreign policy.
It seems that with this declaration, Japan aimed to establish a system different from the group of states on the Korean peninsula.
The diplomacy of the Japanese nation after the defeat at the Hakuchon River must have been excellent.
The greatness of Japan’s diplomacy after the defeat at the Paekchon River can be clearly seen when we look at it today.
It seems that Japan lost the war, but won the war diplomatically.
One of the roots of the longevity of Japanese kingship is the diplomatic skill of this period.
On the other hand, as a choice of a different dimension, the Tang Dynasty’s evolving state system was acceptable.
While “harmony is the best way to be noble” toward the diverse regions of Japan, the Emperor’s royal authority was further strengthened by the Chinese.
The emperor’s royal authority was further strengthened in order to establish a substantial Chinese state.
The architectural concept of Heijo-kyo Palace, the core of Heijo-kyo Capital, was similar to that of the Tang Dynasty.
The Daigoku-den was located in the northernmost part of Heijo-kyo, and the Suzaku-mon Gate was built from there.The capital city was planned by building the Suzaku Gate at the northernmost part of Heijo-kyo and the Rashomon Gate at the southernmost part of the palace.
The “Great Pole” is the North Star in ancient Chinese astronomical thought, the core of ancient Chinese thought.
By performing the most important national ceremonies there, the substance of “China” was embodied.

The above group of photos is a record of the restoration of the building.
It can be seen that the restoration was based on considerable research on architectural history and verification of technical methods.
Personally, I think that the Ebinoko-kaku Shoden, which can be regarded as the “Daigoku-den” of Asuka-kyo, is a dugout pillar building, but the restored building is a “dugout pillar” building.
The first Taigoku-den, which can be regarded as the “Daigoku-den” of Asuka-kyo, is built on a platform, which is what caught my attention.
If the Ebinoko-gaku Shoden is considered to be the “Daigoku-den of Asuka Jomihara Palace,” it is estimated to have been built in 681.
Since the Taigoku-den of Heijo Palace is estimated to have been built in 710, it is estimated to have been built in 681.
In terms of architectural history, the design concept of the highest level of prestige architecture seems to have changed significantly over the past 30 years or so.
Did the architects accept the architectural techniques of the Chinese royalty while strengthening their independent stance toward them?
Incidentally, the modern Shikikinden in Kyoto does not have the external form of a platform.
What was the design intent at the Heijo Palace stage, and who were the architectural engineers?
I would like to explore more about the design intent and the background of the architectural engineers at this stage of the Heijo Palace.I think it may be related to the large number of Baekje refugees who were naturalized after the defeat of the Baekchon River.

Takenaka Corporation is the contractor for the Daigoku-den, the main building of Heijo-kyo Palace.
The Daigokumon, which we saw yesterday, was constructed by Shimizu Corporation.
I guessed needlessly that there must have been a considerable “sparring match” between the two companies (laugh).
It is not unreasonable to think that this is a historical prestige building of the nation that will remain for a long time.

【平城京の復元「太極門」 奈良・平城京探索-17】





English version⬇

Heijo-kyo Capital, Nara, Japan: Searching for the Heijo-kyo Capital – 17
Ethnic history and economic traces. Japan’s first full-scale public works investment, the construction of the capital, and the economic boom that ensued. The dynamism of the huge architectural complex. Nara Heijo-kyo Capital

Yesterday, we went from the Nara Prefecture series to the distant town of Chonai, Hokkaido, in connection with Kamo Jinja.
The Kamo Jinja-related topics did not develop very much.
Rather, with the help of a reader friend of mine, I was able to dig up a record that spotlighted the activities of a group of gold-producing businessmen from Koshu in Hokkaido during the Kamakura period.
The records that spotlighted the activities of the Koshu gold-producing businessmen in Hokkaido during the Kamakura period have been unearthed with the help of a reader friend of mine.

So I will return to the Nara series. Ho-ho-ho…
Within a short period of time after the transfer of the capital from Asuka-kyo to the nearby Fujiwara-kyo, the construction of Heijo-kyo proceeded as a full-scale planned city in ancient times.
Heijo-kyo Capital was constructed as a full-scale planned city in ancient times.
From an economic historical perspective, the Heijo-kyo Capital construction period is said to have been one of the most prosperous in history.
After the warfare that had continued, including the Otomi Incident, the defeat at the Hakumura River, and the Jinshin Rebellion, the introduction of Buddhism and the Ritsuryo system brought about a period of economic growth that was unprecedented in history.
The introduction of Buddhism and the Ritsuryo system, a system of uniform rule by the royal authority throughout the country, also brought about a booming economy.
The centralization of power in the collection and dispersion of goods
The centralization of power in the collection and distribution of goods inevitably led to a boom in the economy.
The development of “government highways” and the establishment of a nationwide logistics system were also important.
A little later, gold was discovered in Oshu to meet the need for “plating” the Great Buddha of Todaiji Temple.
It was said that a plan to trade with the Tang Dynasty in order to obtain gold had to be made, but that plan was no longer necessary.
However, this was no longer necessary, and the Japanese were able to become one of the world’s largest gold-producing nations.
The name “Zipangu” was known to the European world via Marco Polo.
At this time, Japan already occupied the position of an “economic nation.
Against this backdrop, the Heijo-kyo Capital was built as a construction project to establish the nation.
Sapporo was divided into city blocks called “jyocho,” while Heijo-kyo Capital was built under the “joubo” system.
However, the basic concept of both Heijo-kyo Capital and Sapporo is a rational urban district design in the form of a goban (a grid pattern).

In Japan, the historical tradition of planned city construction continues in Nara, Kyoto, Osaka, Edo, Tokyo, and Sapporo.
Nara, Kyoto, Osaka, Edo, Tokyo, Sapporo, and so on.
I believe that the Heijo-kyo Capital in Nara was the first full-scale development of such a pioneering project.
The royal court had made up its mind to do so, and began to seriously engage in “public works”.
Public investment created a booming economy, tax revenues rose, and the people’s economic activity was greatly stimulated.
The economic activities of the people were greatly stimulated, and as an unexpected result, the nation’s fortunes rose.
The situation even brought about the miracle of the Oshu gold mine.

This Heijo-kyo Palace is being planned for restoration as a historical park project.
It seems that it will still take some time for full-scale maintenance, but as you can see in the photo
The temporary scaffolding of the Daigoku-mon Gate, which is considered to be the gate to Daigoku-den, was also on the verge of being removed, as you can see in the photo.
As an architect, I was very interested in the restoration of the vast royal castle space.
Major general contractors such as Shimizu Corporation and Takenaka Corporation are constructing the gate.
As one would expect from a public project, information disclosure is carried out democratically.
We will continue to watch the progress of the maintenance plan and, if possible, create opportunities to visit the site in the future.
I would like to see the transition of the building as a symbolic cross section of ethnic and architectural activities.

【高鴨から北海道最古「雷公神社」へ 奈良・飛鳥探索-16】



English version⬇

From Takagamo to Raikou Shrine, the oldest shrine in Hokkaido, Nara, Asuka, Nara – 16
A super spin-out from the Takagamo Shrine in Nara Prefecture. Suddenly, we are in Chouchi-machi, Hokkaido. Is it a clue to the fact of ethnohistory, or a riddle of confusion? The search for the shrine of

This blog basically consists of a series of articles and is currently exploring “Asuka, Nara”.
The series of 15 articles is about Asuka and its surroundings in Nara Prefecture.
In the 15th installment, I mentioned “Takagamo Shrine” in Gosho City.
I myself have been visiting cherry blossoms and historical sites in the southern part of Hokkaido.
My wife, in support of my hobby life, said to me, “You know, this is the oldest shrine in Hokkaido.
“You know, there is the oldest shrine in Hokkaido.
She found out some useful information about the oldest shrine in Hokkaido. It was a hit (laugh).
The name of the shrine is “Raikou Shrine,” which has an unusual name.
It is located in Chonai-cho, which runs from Hakodate to Matsumae in southern Hokkaido.
After visiting the shrine, I checked the inscription and found the following
〜According to “Ono Tosa Nikki (Diary of Tosa Ono),” the oldest document in Chonai-cho, which has been handed down in the company, the following is written in 1205
In 1205, Araki Daigaku came to this area from Kai Province in search of gold sand.
According to the legend, Araki Daigaku, who came to the area from Kai Province in 1205 in search of gold sand, ordered Ryotokuin, the founder of the Ono family, to build Kamo no Jujo-sha in 1244.
It is the oldest shrine in Hokkaido. It was originally located in Kamigarai (the name of a place around here), but was moved to its current location in 1915.
It was relocated to its current location in 1915. 〜The shrine was believed to have been located in the same area as the current location. <The third photo shows the old shrine.
Oh, a double pressure point.

I just wrote about the main shrine of Kamosha, Takagamo Shrine, in this blog series.
I just wrote about Takagamo Shrine, the main shrine of Kamosha, in two articles in this blog series. It is an unexpected coincidence.
The Kamo-sha spread from Takagamo-jinja to the rest of Japan and was introduced to Hokkaido in the Kamakura period.
The name of the pioneer involved in the founding of the shrine in 1244 is that of a relative of Kai, who came to this area in 1205.
Considering the circumstances at the time of its arrival in this area in 1205, it was in the early Kamakura period.
The Oshu Fujiwara clan had just moved from Atsuma Town adjacent to Tomakomai as their trading base in Hokkaido.
Tokoname ware, which appears to be a sutra mound, has been excavated from Atsuma Town adjacent to Tomakomai, suggesting a trading base with Hokkaido.
Archaeologists in Hokkaido have pointed out the strong relationship between the Fujiwaras and the gold-producing region.
The Kamakura Shogunate forces, which had destroyed the Fujiwara Clan in an attempt to seize control of the region, were thought to have intended to mine gold sand in Hokkaido.
It is highly probable that the Kamakura Shogunate forces intended to mine gold sand in Hokkaido.
The Kai Province is known for its high level of mining technology, which can be inferred from Shingen’s later activities there.
The person who was named “Daigaku” (university) by the local power in Kai, and the person who was named “Daigaku” (university) by the local power in Kai.
In other words, a professional mining engineer was dispatched to the southern part of Hokkaido.

So, I asked the chief priest about the disappearance.
The answer was, “The order to develop this mine and mine gold sand came from the Yoritomo regime.
Yoritomo himself died in 1199.
Since Yoritomo himself died in 1199, it is difficult to say whether it was his own order or the will of the shogunate administration.
But at least as a local power that received the order, it is clearly stated that it was “from Yoritomo.
The information is clearly indicated to have been received “from Yoritomo” as the local power that received the order.
Regarding the lineage as a shrine, and the fact that it is in the Kamo-sha lineage.
The person who was commissioned to establish the shrine by this influential clan leader
The person who established the shrine at the request of this influential clan leader “happened” to have the right to establish a shrine in that lineage, or
Or was it because Kamosha was believed to have spiritual power related to mining?
I could not hear anything about this from the priest’s talk.
In any case, the shrine is a far cry from the Takagamo Shrine in Nara Prefecture.
I strongly felt this kind of “connection,” and I need to search for it again (laughs). Hmmm… Hmmm…





English version⬇

2022Good weather in the first half of GW, cherry blossom trip in southern Hokkaido.
Grassroots cherry blossom lovers are a national culture. The power of attachment is the national power and the fundamental power to crush the aggression of other countries. GW is a time to learn the importance of peace…

Until yesterday, I was on a cherry blossom tour in southern Hokkaido.
Our family’s annual cherry blossom viewing tour includes Hakodate Goryokaku, Matsumae cherry blossoms, and other cherry blossom viewing spots.
In between, we visited ruins and other places to fully enjoy spring.
The weather in the Hokkaido area was fine for the past three days, as you can see in the photo.
Yotei and Hakodate in southern Hokkaido were greeted with beautiful blue skies.
Many people were interested in exploring the ruins, perhaps thanks to their registration as World Heritage sites.
Families enjoyed exploring the lifestyle of our ancestors together (laugh).
The children were given the opportunity to experience the excavation, and other efforts were made to familiarize them with the site.
The photo was taken at the Kakinoshima site in southern Hokkaido.
The explanatory staff were also encouraged by the participation of many families and other visitors.
The participants were very friendly, but at the same time they were serious about “passing on the tradition”.
I think it is a wonderful educational opportunity for children, who are the bearers of the future, to be interested in human activities around them.
I think it is a wonderful educational opportunity for the children, who are the future leaders of our society, to be interested in human activities around them.
By tinkering with the soil and accumulating knowledge through the texture of the soil
I am sure that they will come to know the history of the world through the blood of the soil.

Hokkaido is still in its infancy.
In the past 150 years or so, the planting of cherry trees has been vigorously pursued as part of the Japanese DNA.
The efforts of Goryokaku in southern Hokkaido and Matsumae are particularly impressive.
This year, for some reason, I have mentioned cherry blossoms in Yoshino and Hirosaki Castle.
The excitement in the southern Hokkaido region is by no means inferior to that of other areas.
I have no doubt that these efforts will soon be widely recognized as “Hokkaido’s” sakura culture.
I have no doubt that these efforts will eventually be widely recognized as part of the “Hokkaido-style” sakura culture.
After all, there are white snow-covered landscapes in the distant mountains.

The contrast between the white snow on the mountains in the distance is something that can only be enjoyed in Hokkaido.
Yotei in the photo also has a unique beauty with its white snow-covered ridges.
The sea of 1,000 cherry trees in Yoshino is different from the sea of 1,000 cherry trees at a time.
It seems to me that the cherry blossom culture is a culture that can be appreciated in the diversity of the seasons.
It is highly possible that a new sakura culture will be born in Hokkaido, which is still a newly developed area.
I believe that there is still a high possibility that a new cherry blossom culture unique to Hokkaido will be born in this newly developed region.

This year, the cherry blossoms arrived just in time for Golden Week.
Even Sapporo is almost in full bloom.
I returned to Sapporo late last night after a long car drive.
From today, I would like to sit back and enjoy the scenery of Sapporo, Hokkaido and other areas.
I am looking forward to seeing the Sapporo area, the central part of Hokkaido, and various other places in Japan.
I believe that this kind of “attachment to the land” is a great asset for the people of Japan.
The situation in Ukraine continues to be difficult.
However, attachment is the power of the people to crush the ridiculous rulers like Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

I believe that such efforts will cultivate the power of a grassroots nation.
I am beginning to think that Japan has the national power of cherry blossom culture.

【縄文弥生〜建国期と葛城伝承 奈良・飛鳥探索-15】




English version⬇

Jomon Yayoi – Founding Period and Katsuragi Traditions: The Search for Nara and Asuka – 15
The shrine omens I purchased contain a variety of descriptions. It is a good reference to understand the relationship between archaeology, mythology, and historical facts. Hmmm… …….

This is a continuation of my exploration of Takagamo Shrine.
I was allowed to purchase a bill for this shrine for my personal collection.
At the same time, I also bought a copy of the history magazine published by the shrine.
When I read it over, I found the following description in it.
The three emperors, Jinmu, Suiyasu, and Anei, had as their concubines the daughters of the chiefs of the Kamo tribe.
They laid the foundation of the Katsuragi Dynasty at the foot of Mount Katsuragi. The first article of the book. The first article of the text reads as follows.
“This dynasty developed to the point where it ruled over the provinces of Yamato, Kawachi, Kii, Yamashiro, Tanba, and Kibi.
The 16th Nintoku-Tenno also established a dynasty. The dynasty also ruled over the 16th Emperor Nintoku, the 17th Emperor Nichu, and the 18th Emperor Kosho.
The Empresses of the 16th Emperor Nintoku, the 17th Emperor Rinchu, and the 18th Emperor Nanjo also came from the Katsuragi clan.
Before the establishment of the Yamato Imperial Court, there were two provinces in Yamato: Yamato and Katsuragi.
This shrine was the first palace in Katsuragi Province. This shrine was the first shrine in Katsuragi Province.
Even today, Takakamo-jinja Shrine holds an autumn festival with a ritual centering on a chestnut tree.
This is a reference to the fact that chestnuts, or acorns, were a major source of nutrition and staple food, as seen at the Sannai-Maruyama Ruins in Aomori Prefecture.
(This indicates that people ate chestnuts and acorns (as a major source of nutrition and staple food), as seen at the Sannai-Maruyama site in Aomori Prefecture, and
This is a form of pre-paddy rice life.”
“The origin of the shrine’s rituals is not known.
“Although the origin of the shrine’s rituals is not known, they have been practiced since at least the mid-Yayoi period (about 3,000 years ago).
It is one of the oldest shrines in Japan. It is one of the oldest shrines in Japan.
It also states that “Yakuzumi Shokaku, the founder of Shugendo, is a direct descendant of the Takakamo clan.
It is also true that Mount Kongo in the Katsuragi mountain range is a mountain where ascetic ascetics have practiced asceticism.
It is possible that this family was involved in a certain part of history in ancient times.
In any case, this is an interesting tradition.

Of course, the existence of such a person as Emperor Jinmu, the pioneer of the Yamato Imperial Court, has not been proven as a historical fact.
Although the existence of such a person, including the emperor Jinmu, has not yet been proven to be a historical fact
But traces of related facts are gradually being uncovered.
I do not think it can be said that this is just a wild assertion.
It is possible that the existence of the site is a part of the circle between archaeology, mythology, and historical facts.
This kind of reasoning is one of the possibilities.
There is no doubt that the ethnic background of Japanese shrine worship has an influence on it.
As a clue to such a part of the story
It was an interesting encounter with Takakamo Shrine, even if it was only by chance.

It is the time of the first full-scale consecutive holidays since the archaeological sites in northern and northeastern Hokkaido were recognized as a World Heritage Site.
Since the World Heritage Site in the north-northeastern part of Hokkaido was recognized as a World Heritage Site, this is the first full-scale consecutive holiday period for the region.
My wife and I are also touring around the southern Hokkaido area.
We have been exploring archaeology as a rather unusual hobby, but now it seems that the World Heritage registration has become a tailwind for us.
But the World Heritage registration seems to have given us a tailwind.
I am a little bit happy to see so many like-minded people.
I am starting to feel a little happy about it (laugh).