



English version⬇

Diplomacy at the End of the Edo Period at Deren in the Middle Heilongjiang River – Mamiya Rinzo’s Birthplace – 8
Diplomacy between Japan and China at the time of 1810 at the Qing dynasty’s outpost in China. Under the isolationist regime, was it in the form of an accidental encounter with a local in Sakhalin accompanying a local in Sakhalin? …

Based on the efforts of Mamiya Rinzo and other territorial surveyors at the end of the Edo period, the new government, led by Kuroda Kiyotaka, adopted an aggressive “colonization” policy to consolidate Japanese control over Hokkaido Island.
The foundation for this policy was research into “cold-weather housing” and the policy to promote its spread. This DNA has been passed down through the generations to today’s local governments in Hokkaido, where highly insulated and airtight housing has taken root, and is now spreading to housing innovations in the south of Honshu and beyond. It seems to be a straight line of history as far as Japanese history concerning housing is concerned.
After his original mission to explore Sakhalin, Rinzo Mamiya, with the cooperation of the local people, went to explore the trading city of Deren in the middle reaches of the Heilongjiang River (Amur River). He was 30 years old at the time. The account of his expedition is described in the book “Travels in the East Rhodesian Region,” which was compiled as a record of the second Sakhalin expedition. The pictorial representations handed down to this day are recorded by Sadasuke, the son of Mamiya Rinzo’s mentor as an explorer, Murakami Shimanojo, as the compiler of the book. Sadasuke’s pictorial representation conveys the situation of this region at the time of 1810 in an easy-to-understand manner. The information is depicted from a naname-upper perspective as in the traditional “Yamato-e” realistic expression, as in military records and Rakuchu-Rakugai-zu, and is easy to understand.
The first picture depicts the form of subjugation and payment of tribute by different ethnic groups to the Qing dynasty. Of course, it is a prerequisite that the return gift
The first illustration shows a form of subjugation and payment to the Qing Dynasty by the different ethnic groups. From the perspective of the different ethnic groups, the purpose is only to trade, but the Chinese thought that they are the center of the world requires this kind of “formality”. Is this a part of the modern world as well?
On the other hand, once the formalities were over, Mamiya was treated as a so-called guest, and the scene of entertainment at the drinking table is also expressed. We can also see how traded goods were traded and freely distributed at the market in Deren. The question is whether or not the Qing dynasty “ruled” the region in the form of this kind of market.
The Japanese Edo shogunate at this stage in its dealings with the Western world was taking a stance that corresponded to the concept of a world-standard “modern state,” and the actions of these Mamiya and others represent such a reality. The subsequent transition of the situation in Far East Asia would see the collapse of the Qing dynasty state, while Japan would aim for “de-industrialization” of Europe.

Mamiya’s gaze also turned to the way of life of ordinary people. He even described how the local people were raising their children. Is this a sign that he was able to have friendly contact with the officials in Deren? The paintings can be identified as showing the “cradle” of an infant. Mamiya, who was not married and had no children, must have felt how he felt, and there must have been moments when he thought of his parents. Although Mamiya’s life was devoted to the affairs of the country, it is also somewhat sad.



English version⬇

Hokkaido and Sakhalin further to the Heilongjiang River estuary area – Mamiya Rinzo’s birthplace – 7
The scientific rationality of territorial grasp and geographical recognition was established as the basis for territorial domination of the northern part of Japan. From this achievement, Mamiya Rinzo further advanced into northern diplomacy. …

For a modern state, understanding the geography of its territory is important fundamental information that ensures the legitimacy of its governance. Without accurate geographical awareness, the overall effectiveness of the exercise of power is impossible. It is the basis for “land rule,” including the defense of the territory and its transportation, as well as the development of industry, population growth, and the promotion and securing of settlement.
It can be said that Japan’s Edo shogunate had a very correct understanding of the international common sense that such “civil administration” is the very essence of the modern concept of the state.
The Edo shogunate system was quick to promote the surveying of Hokkaido Island as the basis for territorial determination, and later, in preparation for border disputes with Russia, it promoted exploration of Sakhalin Island, the Kuril Islands, and other areas.
Rinzo Mamiya made a huge national contribution in this survey of Sakhalin. He established internationally that Sakhalin and the continent of Northeast Asia were not connected to the land, but were islands, and this led to a breakthrough in world map information. The “special national missions” were carried out and were considered “state secrets” under the Edo Shogunate’s policy of national seclusion. In the case of the “leak” of state secrets to the Dutch physician Siebold, the Shogunate imposed a maximum penalty on the Japanese informant and had Siebold deported from Japan.
However, as the above map information was shared with the Western world by Siebold, it was recognized that Japan’s political structure had the basic requirements of a modern nation that respected such accurate information. This was very effective for the national interest at the time. At the very least, it was one of the grounds for the West to recognize Japan’s superiority in the Russo-Japanese “war” regarding information. Perhaps it was the recognition that Japan possessed the basic qualifications of a modern nation, different from other Asian nations. Japan could defend its independence to the death. It can be said that the efforts of the Edo shogunate and the explorers of the Northern Territories in the “national intelligence power” saved Japan from the Meiji era onward.
I believe that Ryotaro Shiba’s repeated exploration of the Japanese in this period leading up to the Russo-Japanese War was based on his respect for this kind of background.
After discovering the Mamiya Strait, Mamiya Rinzo also engaged in “northern diplomacy” toward the region at the mouth of the Heilongjiang River, the northeastern tip of the Asian continent that Karafuto faced. He organized local residents living in the Sakhalin region to cross the strait and explore the estuary and basin areas of the Heilongjiang River, which had previously been called “Shantan” or “Tadatoku.
Japanese historical records are scant on direct negotiations with these regions. There is barely a fragmentary record of a visit by a family member of the head of the Abe clan during the period of Abe rule before the Oshu Fujiwara clan. However, the fact that the Oshu region occupied a unique position in “trade” with the central power regions of Japan for a long time must have been based on such exchanges with the northern regions. Mamiya Rinzo’s diplomacy must have had some aspect of reaffirming the relationship with these regions.




English version⬇

The Formation of a Modern Nation, Hokkaido, and Territorial Issues – Rinzo Mamiya’s Birthplace – 6
At the end of the Edo period and during the Meiji era, there were countless activities that martyred the “national interest” regardless of whether it was Satcho or the shogunate. In Hokkaido, such spirits are enshrined in the Kaitakushi Shrine.

The Kaitakushi Shrine is located within the precincts of the Hokkaido Shrine. It is a regular course of my favorite morning walk, and I visit the shrine with a strong sense of familiarity. I am not sure if my memory of the shrine is correct, but its name is imprinted in the standard local history book for elementary school social studies classes. The shrine honors those who have contributed to the development of Hokkaido. So Hokkaido as a region officially begins to have its history imprinted at the end of the Edo period.
Among them are the names of pioneers of Hokkaido’s geographical information, such as Ino Tadataka, Kondo Shigezo, Takataya Kahei, Matsuura Takeshiro, Matsuda Denjuro, Mamiya Rinzo, and Mogami Tokunouchi. Takataya Kahei was depicted in Ryotaro Shiba’s “Nanohana no Oki” as a hero of the Kitamae-bune trade. In my search for family lore, I have a strong sense of my roots in this area. As I was researching with interest, I found a passage at the end of Harimanada Monogatari (Tales of Harimanada) that crossed my family traditions with those of Mr. Shiba’s ancestors.
Such a sense of the times arises when I relive Rinzo Mamiya’s footsteps. When Rinzo Mamiya met his end in Edo, it is said that the shogunate had recovered the documents that contained the traces of his many northern expeditions as a vassal of the shogunate as “state secrets”. In an era when the national policy was to keep the country closed to the outside world, it is easy to understand how sensitive it was for the Shogunate to obtain information on the northern territories.
The fact that the Meiji Restoration government honored the many shogunate officials who were involved in this process shows how important the issue of northern territories, including Hokkaido, was to the Meiji era. There are traces that Kiyotaka Kuroda, who was at the center of the Meiji government, actively respected his adversaries and shogunate vassals in the Restoration War. The territorial issue centering on Hokkaido was the central axis around which the core of the modern nation was formed. For the people of Hokkaido, this sense of the times is still vividly alive through their daily visits to the shrine.
Visiting the birthplace of Rinzo Mamiya in Tsukubamirai City, I was reminded that the foundation of Hokkaido was formed by the various activities of these frontiersmen.
The bronze statue in the photo above is the statue of Rinzo Mamiya left at Cape Soya in Wakkanai. As a shogunate minister, he traveled to Sakhalin Island as part of his territorial survey activities as ordered by the Japanese government and established the “Mamiya Strait” that separated Sakhalin from the mainland. The discovery was later used as a basis for diplomatic negotiations with Russia as a fact of “public knowledge” in the world.

This fact was spread around the world by Siebold, the Dutch physician of the time. The name “Mamiya Kaikyo” also became a global standard through this process. World history and Japanese history began to intersect again after the Sengoku period. While the subject of the Warring States period was the feudal lords, the subject of the late Edo and Meiji periods was individual names that were closer to the common people. It is wonderful to be able to know even the breath of Rinzo Mamiya in this way.




English version⬇

On a morning walkway in Sapporo on May 19, dazzling with fresh greenery.
The island closest to heaven, with its green perspective, reflections on the water, and scenes like a nirvana seen on earth can be seen in various places. Flowers hand-planted by my late mother also make an appearance. The island is the closest to heaven.

Last week I went on a business trip to Tokyo and returned on Sunday night, which meant that I had to work from the following Monday, which was two weeks of continuous work mode. In addition to the accumulated fatigue, I had to go to the dentist’s office yesterday evening, which I hate (laugh). My tiredness was doubled. Apparently, one of my teeth was found to have a cavity, and they had to anesthetize the nerve to rush it through. It seems that the treatment was quite rough, and the residual effects of the anesthesia are still not clearing up even after I went to bed and woke up.
Therefore, I am somewhat “dazed” today, and my blog is taking a theme break.
In the fresh morning air, Sapporo in May is showing us many different faces. The photo above shows the pond in Maruyama Park where I usually see mandarin ducks and ducklings. The pond is surrounded by shining new greenery, which is reflected in the surface of the water. The trees in the foreground are also vigorously green, so they are reflected in the surface of the water, creating a harmonious whole. The gradation of greenery and the reflection of the surface of the water, it could be called a symphony of greenery. I am healed by the scene that seems to blur the boundaries of my consciousness.
In the second photo, I marked the edge of the pond with a red arrow, but it was a completely unnecessary resistance, and I was overwhelmed by the new greenery, which was like a full boat decoration.

On the other hand, this is a “peony” blooming in the garden of my brother’s house along the path of our walk. My brother, who was a neighbor, received a share of the flower that his mother had grown on the site of the house where their parents had lived, and it has been blooming vigorously ever since.
As a child, I was struck by the fact that the “life” associated with his mother is blooming vigorously. My mother, whose family had settled in Hokkaido from Gifu Prefecture, had planted warm-weather plants in her flower garden. She used to tell me, “It’s cold in Sapporo, but these flowers bloomed…” I recall the sound of her voice just now. The sound of his voice overlapped with the expression of this peony flower.
Just the other day, I was holding a memorial service for my mother on the anniversary of her death, and I was glad to know that the cycle of life is connected in the natural world without ceasing.




English version⬇

Promoting the national policy of “border demarcation” at the end of the Edo period – Rinzo Mamiya’s birthplace – 5
Geographical surveying to ensure the world standard “rule of law” basis. Deterrence activities that confronted Russia with the world standard “rule of law”. …

In the last days of the Edo period, invasive actions by the powers in the name of “expansion” into the Asian region became more and more active. The Edo shogunate’s policy of seclusion, which cut off contact with countries other than the Netherlands and China, was under increasing pressure from other countries to change its policies. During this period, the Shogunate began to actively promote “northern exploration activities. Rinzo Mamiya’s work was a major achievement that was officially recognized by the world, and was even given a personal name, “Mamiya Kaikyo.
The act of overcoming the technical difficulties of geological surveying at this stage of the history of the world and establishing the foundation for “border demarcation” was a major achievement. The reality was that Russia was threatening to conquer the northeastern part of the Eurasian continent, and the question of whether the islands of Hokkaido and Sakhalin were islands or extensions of the continent was an important topic of discussion in international relations.
In reality, “explorers” from various countries had explored the geographical relationship between Sakhalin and the continent, but had repeatedly failed. Despite the isolationist regime, the Shogunate also had a strong sense of urgency about Russia’s southward aggression, and made repeated efforts to survey the area in detail as a basis for international “public knowledge. The accurate understanding of geography was the basis for the world standard “rule of law,” which has continued to the modern world, as a strong “diplomatic bargaining power” as it is today.
Under these circumstances, the Bakufu appointed personnel not traditionally associated with the shogunate, such as Ino Tadataka and Mogami Tokunouchi, to create an accurate map of the island of Hokkaido, as shown in the photo. Their actions were first and foremost a frontline activity for the national defense of Japan. In this context, the footsteps of Mamiya Rinzo, who made the world recognize the accurate geographical knowledge of Sakhalin, were the most important “deterrence activity” against Russia. Defense equipment based on scientific knowledge.
Rinzo Mamiya was positioned as a counterintelligence agent in the Shogunate organization as “Oyaban,” and in fact, in his later years, his activities in his original duties were also reported. Rinzo Mamiya, a clear contributor to the defense of the Shogunate against Russia, was selected and promoted from among the peasants as a specialist, so to speak. Ino Tadataka and Mogami Tokunouchi were also given the status of shogunate vassals because of their expertise. Therefore, they were ordered to engage in counterintelligence activities, which was their original role. Later, in the process leading up to the political upheaval of the Meiji period, he was caught in the stormy waves of history regarding his evaluation.

The record shows that there was a sense of kinship and professional empathy among them. The above document is a letter from Tadataka Ino to Rinzo Mamiya. Ino, who had continued his surveying activities “for the good of the country” after “retiring” from the peasant life at an advanced age, seems to have felt some sympathy for the young Mamiya’s actions. In fact, Mamiya was an only child, and his family of birth was continued by a member of the same family. Rinzo Mamiya personally did not marry and devoted his life, so to speak, to national affairs. His life was dedicated to national affairs, so to speak, and his deaths in subsequent national wars can be seen in the shadows.
As a Hokkaido native, I cannot forget these predecessors.




English version⬇

The Boy Who Prayed All Night for a “Career” – Rinzo Mamiya’s Birthplace – 4
Amidst the tension in the northern part of Japan, a boy with a gift of science and technology thought of “promotion” to serve the world with his life. What were his parents’ thoughts as they watched over him? ……

Rinzo Mamiya’s birthplace is located in Tsukubamirai City, Ibaraki Prefecture. Rinzo Mamiya was born into this world as the son of a married couple, and his life was nurtured by the deep love of his parents. From an early age, he showed glimpses of talent in such areas as arithmetic, and was called a child prodigy in his village. One night, when Rinzo was 13 years old, he left home on a whim and finally returned the next morning. When his parents asked him what was wrong, he told them that he had gone to Mt.
Mt. Tsukuba, like Mt. Fuji, has been the object of faith as a “sacred mountain” in the Kanto region. Tsukuba has been the object of religious belief as a “sacred mountain” in the Kanto region, similar to Mt. What kind of background could have led him to pray for success in life, when it would normally be common knowledge that he would devote himself to farming as the son and heir of a farm family?
In 1783, when he was 13 years old (1792), a Sendai samurai wrote a book titled “Akaeyesi Fusetsu Kou” about the island of Hokkaido, which raised interest in defending the so-called “north side.” In 1785, the shogunate dispatched the first “Ezo Survey Party,” which included a survey party to the coastline of Karafuto. This was the period that ignited the upheaval at the end of the Edo period that eventually led to the opening of the country to the outside world in the Meiji era. Although his family had returned to farming, he was still proud to be a samurai and wanted to use his talents for the benefit of society.
In the following year, he entered a local school of arithmetic and began to study in earnest. This was used to analyze geology and civil engineering, and he is said to have proposed a superior engineering “solution” to a local agricultural engineering project, which led to his talent being recognized by the civil engineers of the Shogunate. The long-lasting isolationism and pacifism of the shogunate led him to instinctively realize that the vortex of international upheaval by the powers of the world was approaching Japanese society, and he wanted to devote himself to national defense and “rise in the world”. It seems to me that he did not want to enjoy the benefits of success in life, but rather he genuinely wanted to contribute to the development and peace of society, and to utilize his talents for that purpose. I can sense such a will in his life.

Imagining the parents who had caught a glimpse of Rinzo’s mind through the way he spoke in his daily life, we are also deeply moved. Rinzo’s child, the object of their deep affection, was finally given to him after praying to the gods. As they grew up, they developed a strong interest in society, and I wonder how they must have felt about the idea of using their own lives for such a public mission.
There is no doubt that the Japanese of that era had different value judgments than we do today. It makes me think of a boyish sense of justice, patriotism, and other metaphysical aspects, a mind martyred by a sense of “servitude,” so to speak. He must have deeply loved his own child and accepted the gentle outpouring of that love.
Family and lineage, parent and child. This is the part of the story that makes me think of the family and its lineage, the parents and their children.




English version⬇

The longed-for child of my parents, finally given to me – Rinzo Mamiya’s birthplace – 3
The house is like witnessing the traces of reincarnation of life. The neat and simple living space that secured the growth of Rinzo Mamiya from birth to the age of 15-6. …

Rinzo Mamiya was later promoted to the post of shogunate minister in recognition of his talent in science and engineering, and he was the first person in Japan to make the world aware of the accurate geographical understanding that would serve as the basis for control of the northern border region, which was undergoing increasing tension in world affairs.
At the time, the struggle for territory and interests throughout the world by the powers was fierce, and Rinzo Mamiya was able to calm down the most dangerous “territorial” dispute with Russia and establish a basis for attracting world public opinion, especially that of the United Kingdom and the United States, to Japan.
This is the house where he was born.
The photo at the top is a scene from the nearby “Tsukuyomi Shrine,” where his parents, who were not blessed with children, desperately prayed to God for help. The parents’ wish is also relevant to us today in the midst of a society with a declining birthrate.
It is interesting to see a case like this where one set of “people and their home” has been preserved.
As a Hokkaido native, the more I learned about the history of the region, the more I kept thinking that I owed a great debt of gratitude to a person whose land I live on was determined as Japanese territory after tensions with Russia and whose life I am living as a Japanese citizen. It was a strange opportunity to be able to explore the person’s birthplace in the flesh.
I feel that I was even able to touch the simple humanity of his parents.

Upon entering the house, one is greeted by a spacious earthen floor space with a farmhouse-like “tataki” (earthen floor). Although this building was “relocated” from a distance of only 50 meters away, the ground surface, which has been painstakingly pried and stepped on, is richly expressive of human nature.
I was naturally drawn closer to the kamado. It is a space where parents prayed and continued to generate the power to nurture the life that was finally given to them. The kamado is a place that has continued to protect the life of the Mamiya family through the fundamental element of food, and this arouses a sense of awe in me.
Today, most people are born in maternity hospitals, but 200 or so decades ago, it was natural for women to give birth at home with the assistance of a midwife. This kamado must have served the purpose of the “birth bath” as well.
During the growth period of Rinzo Mamiya, from the age of 15 to 6, this kamado overwhelmingly ensured the growth of his personality and character through his food. The deep love of his parents is imprinted in this kamado space.
People are born, grow up, have hopes, and do useful things for others, but in such “reincarnation,” a dwelling quietly continues to provide a place to stand. It is a space that continues to give birth to a variety of personalities, as we are reminded even more deeply now.


・1780年 常陸国筑波郡上平柳村の農家に生誕。家系は戦国期小田原の北条氏の家臣だった武家出自で秀吉の小田原攻めによってこの地に落ち延び,帰農したという。
・1792年(13歳)筑波山に登り立身出世を祈願 村の海老原庄右衛門から算術を習う
・1798年 近藤重蔵、最上徳内らエトロフに渡り「大日本恵登呂府」の標柱を建てる。

English version⬇

National Defense Awareness of Russian Aggression Boils Over – Rinzo Mamiya’s Birthplace – 2
As the basic composition of the world, the Russian state has always been an invasion danger state. What is happening now in Ukraine was correctly recognized as a crisis more than 200 years ago. …

It seems that saying “Rinzo Mamiya” does not “resonate” so well with people of today’s generation (laughs). (Laughter) Well, is it any wonder? Who is Rinzo Mamiya? It seems to be a natural reaction. So, here is a brief history and chronology of Rinzo Mamiya’s career up to the time he served in the Shogunate.
Born in 1780 in a farmhouse in Kamihirayanagi Village, Tsukuba County, Hitachi Province. His family was a vassal of the Hojo clan in Odawara during the Warring States period, and he returned to farming after Hideyoshi’s invasion of Odawara.
In 1787 (age 8), he started going to a temple school.
1792 (age 13): Climbed Mt. Tsukuba to pray for success in life, and learned arithmetic from Ebihara Shoemon in the village.
1795 (Age 16) Shimojo Kichinosuke, a shogunate contractor, discovered his talent for civil engineering and arithmetic during a trip to the area to work on a weir.
In 1798, Kondo Shigezo, Mogami Tokunai, and others traveled to Etorofu and erected the “Dai Nihon Etorofu” marker.
This is an overview of the background of the period and his own career. Later, he went on a surveying expedition to Hokkaido Island and Sakhalin Island, and discovered the Mamiya Strait, which remains on world maps to this day, and strongly demonstrated to the Western world opinion against Russia that the Japanese were here to stay.
In recent years, it has become clear that the central government of the Edo period (1603-1867) had a detailed grasp of world affairs. The Shogunate’s decision to open the country to the outside world and to choose the U.S. over the dictatorship of Russia as a countermeasure is considered to be evidence of its deep insight into world affairs.
Basically, he correctly recognized that he had to fight against Russian aggression with Britain and the United States as dialogue partners. A global strategy as Japan that later led to the “Anglo-Japanese Alliance” during the Russo-Japanese War. Based on this international recognition, the Shogunate was developing diplomatic and military strategies for the defense of Japan’s land on the island of Hokkaido as the most important region. Under such circumstances, the Shogunate seems to have been recruiting many talented scientists and engineers from the private sector.
Rinzo Mamiya, who was highly regarded as a child prodigy for his studies in arithmetic, was scouted at the age of 16 and sent to Edo (Tokyo), where he threw himself into the tense situation in the northern part of Japan in relation to Russia.
The danger of Russia, a lawless nation that even today carries out acts of aggression against Ukraine with impunity. The Japanese people became increasingly aware of the need to defend their land against this tyrannical hegemonic state. The Shogunate responded to the crisis in the form of the appointment of talented civilians such as Rinzo Mamiya. At the time, the world’s nations, led by Britain and the U.S., viewed Russia as a danger and strategically responded to contain it.
The fact that Japan had a completely different international perception from other Asian nations and established its own position on the side of the more liberal Britain and the U.S. in response to Russia’s harsh military aggression stance is still prevalent today.
The basis of national defense is a calm and dispassionate geographical grasp of the country. Gaining a “geographical advantage” in the fight against Russia is a prerequisite. I have no objection to the strategic policy that Hokkaido Island is the front line of Japan’s defense against Russia.
The calm land survey activities of Mamiya Rinzo and his group played a key role in establishing Japan’s strategy. In particular, the fact that the continent and Sakhalin Island were not connected by land was used by the world as the basis for strategic planning.
It is interesting to see what was going through the mind of Rinzo Mamiya, a boy who was hailed as a child prodigy in his homeland.



English version⬇

Exploration of the Predecessor’s House that Preserves the Soul of Hokkaido – Rinzo Mamiya’s House of Birth – 1
Rinzo Mamiya was a late-Edo period ancestor who achieved an accurate understanding of the geography of the island of Hokkaido. As a local resident, this is a unique experience like visiting the residence of a benefactor. …

Since I began my schooling in Hokkaido as a young boy, the names of people such as Rinzo Mamiya, Tadataka Ino, and Takeshiro Matsuura had been ingrained in my mind a priori, so to speak. Although the names may have been taught in schooling, they had a strong sense of immediacy for someone who was born and raised in Hokkaido.
They were not strangers to us, and we felt that we were descended from their souls. They were like giants who made the Japanese people fundamentally aware of the regional consciousness of Hokkaido. Perhaps this is what shook the souls of many of the educators and teachers who were involved in the education of boys. I believe that it “seeped” into us as impressionable boys.
Ever since the horrific events of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I have felt this kind of awareness rising up from the depths of my own being. One of his predecessors, Rinzo Mamiya’s birthplace is located in the suburbs of Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, and is open to the public. As it happened to be near where I was on a business trip, I decided to visit the house to explore the space between my own boyhood and the reality of my life, the part of my soul, so to speak.
Although I am a person who has long since passed away, as I approached the site, I couldn’t help but be filled with feelings of nostalgia. The image of the person I had felt in my boyhood was under my consciousness, and the far-off memory area must now exist in my brain with a nostalgic atmosphere. I was also slowly becoming interested in the structure of human consciousness and its historical generative process. A psychology unexpected even to myself.
A statue of Rinzo Mamiya stood facing the house where he was born.
As someone who has worked for a long time in the human-environmental field of housing, I felt that being confronted with this kind of arrangement was a real challenge to my awareness. Yes, human beings are imprinted with unlimited nostalgia for the spatial environment in which they were born and raised. Rinzo Mamiya, reduced, so to speak, to his spirit, simply continues to gaze at his home. I naturally felt a strong interest in the house, wondering what kind of thoughts and feelings were arising in his mind.
This interest, which was as vivid as that of a residential interview, led me to observe the details of the house where Rinzo Mamiya was born and raised, while conversing with him. As a person who has usually covered the relationship between various people and their homes, I was able to create such an imaginary setting with a sense of virtual reality.




English version⬇

At Horomui-inari Shrine in the northwestern tip of Shakotan Peninsula
The spirit of the people who survived by fishing and built a foundation in Shakotan, Hokkaido. This is a monument of the Kushin faith that bears their spirit. It is human nature to continue to ponder the spirit of those people. The monument is a symbol of the spirit of the people of Shakotan, Hokkaido.

The requirements for this business trip ended successfully yesterday. I mentioned in my blog the total number of steps I took every day, and the function ended up being the maximum value, with a whopping 16,459 steps. From 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., I went from place to place with no regard for my age, and my legs had passed the stick stage and turned into giant trees (laugh). (Laughs.) But I think it is in the nature of the animal species called human beings to move around and take action while we can move.
First of all, I would like to organize the information and other information obtained and make use of it in future activities. However, that is something I will be working on after I return home today.
Today’s article is from the Shakotan Peninsula in Hokkaido. In Japanese society, shrines and temples have continued to occupy a central role in the local network. Any remote place shows traces of the human interaction that has been structured in the area. So, this is the Horomui-inari Shrine in the photo here.
The Shakotan Peninsula is characterized by its steep reefs bordering the Sea of Japan. Since the pioneering period, efforts have been made to connect the peninsula with a road, but the efforts to open a road around Cape Kamui and to the northeast of the peninsula have been exhausted. The shrine is located on the hill of a fishing port on the coastline.
The shrine overlooks the harbor of the “Higashi Shakotan Fishing Cooperative. The beautiful Shakotan blue sea welcomes you. Inari” belief is comparatively majority in the relationship between fishery and gods. So, I found a unique stone monument in the precincts of the shrine.

The Geng-shin faith, which is described as “Geng-shin”, is a composite faith based on the Chinese Taoist theory of the three living creatures, which is a complex combination of Buddhism, especially esoteric Buddhism, Shinto, Shugendo, and magical medicine, and various Japanese folk beliefs (folk beliefs) and customs. The traditional values of the society of origin must have been transplanted by the people who settled here as a survival strategy in the extraction of fishery resources, but the design engraving on the top of the monument, which appears to be “sun and moon,” caught my attention. I wondered if it was an attempt to appeal to visitors with a riddle (laugh).
I am fascinated by the playful, or rather, spell-like, scheming mind of our forefathers.
At the moment, fantasies keep bubbling up in my mind, and I have not been able to settle them. I am accepting the appeal of localism as a stone monument of a shrine. Since I have been frequenting the nearby day spa facility, I am thinking to myself that it would not be a bad idea to spend the rest of my life thinking in symbiosis with the riddles of my ancestors (laugh). I am looking forward to your advice if you have any information. Thank you in advance.