
【日本的「坐る」文化格式表現 氷川神社末社・安楽寺庫裡-5】

ちなみに暖炉のWikiページには以下のような記述。「暖炉は特に西洋では部屋の格式や、席次を決める上での重要な調度品であり、暖炉周りのマントルピースなどの装飾には力が注がれる 」とある。このあたりは、日本文化でも同様で,きのう書いたように席次による格式が顕著に存在した。


English version⬇

Japanese “sitting” cultural prestigious expression: Hikawa Shrine and Anraku-ji Temple Kori-5
The family’s straightforward impression became clear to me. The Japanese architectural culture of sitting, a lifestyle culture derived from Irori (hearth), deeply engraved in our DNA. The Irori-derived lifestyle culture deeply imprinted in our DNA.

Yesterday, when I wrote about Japanese hearths and Western fireplaces, I was reminded by an honest feedback check from a family member. The difference between the culture of sitting and the culture of chairs. When I was told this, it became all too clear to me.
The hearth, a characteristic of Japanese culture, was also a space for “eating and playing,” which was very different from the fireplace culture of Western society. In the fireplace, for example, the culture of skewering meat and eating it cooked by radiant heat is not predominant. On the other hand, in Japan, the culture of cooking meat on skewers in a hearth with a good layer of ash and ash residue has taken root. In Japanese cuisine, meat is usually consumed as a “nabe” (pot), and fish is the most suitable for this kind of skewered food.
The fireplace may be a poor evidence of the cultivation of food culture. Furthermore, in the Chinese cultural sphere, the hearth does not seem to have become a dominant part of the lifestyle culture. Rather, it seems to be more in the direction of fireplaces. Also, I have not heard much about the cooking culture using ondol, a floor heating system commonly used in the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia. I would like to explore this area a little more.
Incidentally, the Wiki page on fireplaces has the following description. The fireplace is an important furnishing in determining the prestige of a room, especially in the West, and a lot of effort is put into decorating the mantelpiece and other parts around the fireplace. As I wrote yesterday, there was a pronounced hierarchy of seating in the Japanese culture as well.
This “seating order” concept and way of thinking developed throughout the Japanese house. The photo above is the most prestigious space in the kori, which is a combination of the Shinto and Buddhist temples, with a tokonoma (alcove).
Even today, when encountering such a space, Japanese people have a unique social ritual of giving up their seats to each other.
“Please come this way, Mr. XX.
No, no, no, I’m sorry to make a mess of your seat, you go this way.
Such scheduled exchanges of words and phrases are ingrained in the DNA of the Japanese people. There is also a verbal expression of character evaluation, such as, “You look good in the tokonobashira. This kind of “airiness” and sensitivity may be the ultimate in Japanese “character.
This concept of the pecking order has been passed down strongly in Japanese architecture.

I was born in Hokkaido, and belong to a housing culture society that has moved away from this type of floor plan structure in the early stages of its history. However, as a Japanese, there is still a part of my DNA that wants to respond to this kind of space. The tatami conveys a subtle fiber texture to the buttocks, and the pleasant sensation makes me swoon (laughs).
While overwhelmingly satisfied with the highly insulated and airtight lifestyle of living on chairs and sofas, free from cold and heat, there is also a desire from deep within to eat out occasionally, preferably in a space with a restaurant interior like a charcoal sunken hearth edge, and to be soothed by grilled fish skewers. It is the Nippon way of life and culture, a mixture of the two.

【囲炉裏火力調節のお魚デザイン 氷川神社末社・安楽寺庫裡-4】


English version⬇

Fish Designs for Irori Fireplace Heat Adjustment: Hikawa Shrine’s Yuhisha and Anrakuji Temple’s Kori-4
Fish is the mainstay of the pot dish that hangs over the hearth as a folk tradition. This unconscious area continued to be imprinted at the base of the Japanese sense of home. The…

One element of Japanese life design that has been lost in modern life is the hearth. The hearth is the dining table for daily meals and has subconsciously defined the Japanese consciousness, including the expression of the natural “sitting position” relationship within the family.
The highest position is the one that is farthest toward the earthen floor on the tatami room side. The family members sat on either side, and the person with the most authority in the family sat in the most senior position. Usually, the head of the household occupied this position. In my family’s old memories, my grandfather as the patriarch of the family was always present. Even so, there is no doubt that it was a symbolic place for family reunion, a space that connected the family’s life and sympathy while making sense of it.
The pots and pans that hung over such a hearth were adjusted in terms of fire power with an “arm tree. The pots and pans were placed close to the fire until they were simmering, and once they were simmering, the temperature was maintained at a constant level. In other words, it is a device that adjusts the heat power in stages.
Fish” formed the overwhelming mainstream in the design of this device.
Perhaps this is due to the fact that fish was the predominant source of protein for the Japanese, or perhaps it is due to the fact that fish was the dominant taste in nabe dishes. Either way, its design is dominated by fish. Why fish? And in foreign countries, do they have hearths and free-standing hooks, or not?
The theory is that “fish is connected to water, which means it is a talisman to avoid fire, and since fish have no eyelids, it means that they do not sleep – they do not doze off and keep the fire going, or that they do not take their eyes off the fire and cause it to burn. This seems to be the mainstream interpretation. However, I think it is more fitting that fish is the main ingredient in nabe dishes.
In addition, a web search on this theme shows that hearths can only be found in private homes in China’s Yunnan Province, and it seems that in the West, the hearth is still a “fireplace” and not a hearth, a cooking culture that doubles as a heating system.
In this way, we can see that the hearth culture itself is a lifestyle culture that has had a very significant impact on the formation of the Japanese mentality. The Japanese have a strong sense of “home” compared to Westerners, but this sense of ethics, which is quite different from individualism, may be the essence of the Japanese people. Samurai warriors fought for the survival of their families, risking their own lives. Perhaps the reason why they sacrificed their lives to ensure the continuation of the family even after their own deaths was due in large part to their culture of living around the hearth, which constantly heightened their sense of family.
It is interesting to note that humorous fish are a key design element of such hearth fire power. It seems that since the Jomon period, the afterimage of fish has continued to be imprinted deep in the hearts of Japanese people as the mainstay of seafood and river food.

【ひとをやさしく迎える食の空間 氷川神社末社・安楽寺庫裡-3】


ちなみに「筋を通す」という公正性の言語表現はどうも日本独特のようにも思われる。WEBで翻訳コンニャクしてみた。「筋を通す→proceed in a logical manner」語感では日本語と違い「合理的」「ロジカル」というニュアンスが強い。日本語の「誠実さ」といったニュアンスは感じられない。

English version⬇

A space for food that gently welcomes people: The Anrakuji Temple Kori, a branch of the Hikawa Shrine – 3
The Japanese sense of ethics originates from the polytheistic fairness of Shintoism and Buddhist syncretism. We will look at the traces of this in the relationship between the individual and society. …

This is the third part of our visit to a temple kori residence in the Japanese tradition of Shinto/Buddhist syncretism.
These meeting spaces attached to temples are thought to have continued to play the role of “community centers and meeting places” in local communities in the Japanese spirituality. I believe that they were spaces for local “huddling” that had a strong public character. Yesterday I described it as a “cradle of people’s sense of ethics,” and for this area of Saitama City in Saitama Prefecture, this space with its Shinto/Buddhist syncretism had such a character.
In my own experience at the site, I felt as if I was seeing a typical architectural appearance. In European society, Christianity, a monotheistic spiritual code, is the norm, but in Japanese society, a completely different, yet unique, ethnocentric “sense of ethics” prevails. The substance of this spirituality lives simply in the exterior of the thatched roof and the segai-zukuri style. It is not a sense of devotion, but a sense of ethics that makes you tense up and your mind become selfless. The temple is not a place for devotion.
For such a gathering function, it is also essential to have a place where people can eat. The photos above show a kamado (a bamboo stove) on the earthen floor, a “sink” in front of the house, and a dining space with a sunken hearth around the fireplace.

A group of healing devices that gently welcome the gathered people with a spirit of selflessness. Perhaps the participants brought a variety of foodstuffs, cooked them in these kamado and sinks, and ate them in the sunken hearth space. The smoke rising from the gently heated food and the unique aroma of the food must have dominated the space and freed people’s minds. This place may be the foundation of a cohesive device for such a sense of community.
Here, I have some fish I caught this morning…”
“Oh, well, I’ll have some of the morning’s wild vegetables with it.
Then we’ll finish it off with a chicken stew.
The sense of symbiosis through food deepened with each gathering. It is believed that such a social consciousness has been strongly cultivated among Japanese people. The opportunity for this was the belief in a variety of religious values and the belief in the eight million gods, and the reverence for the mihotoke.
Japanese architecture may have continued to exist as a place to reaffirm such sociality, but Japanese architecture is based on wooden framing, and the structural materials are generally expressed as they are. I believe that honest wood framing “through the muscles” supported the Japanese mentality of such sociality in an unconscious way. The architectural structure must have also constituted a simple ethnic ethic.
I tried to translate the Japanese word “musu-suji” into Japanese on the web. The word “suji wo koru→proceed in a logical manner” has a strong nuance of “rational” and “logical,” unlike the Japanese word “sincerity. It does not have the nuance of “sincerity” in Japanese.
The relationship between Japanese spirituality and architecture is also extremely interesting.

【端正なフォルムと陰影感 氷川神社末社・安楽寺庫裡-2】



English version⬇

Neat form and a sense of shading: Hikawa Shrine’s Yuhiken Shrine and Anraku-ji Temple’s Kori -2
The thatched roof and the aesthetic sense of the segai-zukuri style create a Japanese-style orientation toward a sympathetic society. It makes us feel the fundamental sense of ethics. ・・・・・・.

This house was used as a korori (storehouse) at Anrakuji Temple in Oyaguchi, Minami-ku, Saitama City. As for the building date, the ink signature of 1858 has been confirmed, so it is 165 years old. It was built at the end of the Edo period (1603-1868), but it was destroyed by the “restoration of the monarchy” during the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912), which was followed by the social movement to “abolish Buddhism” that flared up violently.
The family was also the head priest of the Oyaguchi Hikawa Shrine, which was a syncretism of Shinto and Buddhist teachings, and one can imagine that the background of the family was very complicated. As a result, Anrakuji Temple as a Buddhist temple ceased to exist, and this building lost the substance of being a koryu. The owner, having abandoned his position as the temple’s abbot, “returned to the priesthood” and changed his name to Mr. Noguchi.
For us modern people, the defeat in World War II against the U.S. is a huge epochal national experience, but I believe that the political upheaval of the Meiji period also brought about a great change in society. Especially for the Japanese, the religious upheaval caused by the abolition of Buddhism had a great impact.
The Japanese view of religion has changed greatly due to historical changes. Since the Jomon period, nature-worshipping belief in the “eight million” gods has been a part of the Japanese people’s spiritual landscape. The royal lineage since the Jinmu period took root against this base, and shrine worship spread as a testimony to its legitimacy.
The royal lineage itself introduced Buddhism, and Prince Shotoku promoted the development of a basic national system. The belief in “eight million” probably ensured flexible social acceptability at the time of the introduction of Buddhism.
During the Warring States period, Buddhist forces such as Ishiyama Honganji were obsessed with radical activism and anti-authoritarianism, but these were suppressed and converged with the establishment of the Shogunate’s military power as a political system. In the process of achieving a stable society during the Edo period, there was a layering of such ethnic experiences.
A polytheistic society of gods and Buddha was realized and a society of mutual respect was formed. Postwar democracy as a political system seems to have been a part of this acceptance of polytheism among the Japanese people.
As a result of these cultural and religious experiences, a syncretic orientation may be deeply rooted in the Japanese people.

The house is characterized by its large roof, the tiled roof over the front portion, and the neat proportions of the segai-zukuri style. This building would have functioned as a place for various meetings and gatherings in the koryu of temples during the Edo period. The volume and stability of the large thatched roof, which creates a stable indoor environment in the hot and humid climate, seems to have served as a cradle for the spirituality of the people.
The aesthetics of these large thatched roofs give a strong impression of the stability of Japanese society and the cradle of people’s sense of ethics.

【日本人の宗教実態とは? 氷川神社末社と安楽寺庫裡-1】


English version⬇

What is the Religious Reality of the Japanese People? Hikawa Shrine and Anrakuji Temple
Although there is no international comparison in terms of the rate of reporting lost and found items, the high level of “ethics” among the Japanese is remarkable. Let’s look into it from the perspective of Shinto/Buddhist syncretized houses. …

I am keenly aware that Japanese society is truly a strange society. I was in Tokyo and Kanto from last weekend to the day before yesterday, and actually lost my SUICA card (tears). So, as a precautionary measure, I immediately reported the loss and purchased a usable SUICA card separately, since it immediately interfered with my mobile transportation.
Two days later, however, the details of the lost card were quickly revealed to me. It seems that when I was visiting a religious facility, I took the coin purse out of my pocket and threw in some money, and the SUICA card I had in the same pocket fell out and I didn’t notice it. Yesterday, the day after I returned to Sapporo, I received a phone call from the local police box informing me of the details of the SUICA card. <I guess they found out my phone number when I reported the incident. >I am still working on this interesting story.
I would like to report the details of this interesting incident again after it is settled, as it is still in progress.
I am still in the process of finalizing the details of this interesting incident, so I will report it to you again after the case is settled. This is often said, and I have had this experience several times, but I wonder if this is an indication of a truly great level of social maturity, or if it stems from a different national character.
I think it has a lot to do with the religiosity that has taken root in Japan.
In the special environment of an island nation, such spirituality is almost purely cultivated and has brought about a uniform sense of ethics. It seems to me that this is the case.
The eight million deities are universally present in the Japanese air, and the mihotoke, the savior of all sentient beings, provides salvation for all. While allowing for multiple religions, such as Shintoism and Buddhism, people’s sense of ethics has been raised to the utmost limit.
The house we interviewed for this report is one of the houses in an old private house garden in Urawa. The “old Noguchi family” used to house the abbot of Anrakuji Temple, a “separate temple” of the Oyaguchi Hikawa Shrine, which has a record of having received “10 koku of shrine territory” in 1649 (the last shrine of the same name at Hikawa Shrine in Musashi Ichinomiya Shrine).
It seems to be a proof that the Shinto/Buddhist syncretism had been continued in this local community quite naturally.
Although the house itself is a kori (storehouse) of the temple, it was also a Shinto priest of the Oyaguchi Hikawa Shrine. In 1864, the Noguchi family became the head priest of Anrakuji Temple, and in 1871, they became the head priest of Oyaguchi Hikawa Shrine, and the company was listed as a village shrine. Later, during the movement to abolish Buddhism in the early Meiji period (1868-1912), the Noguchi family was returned to the priesthood and became the Noguchi family, according to records.
Japanese society had matured into a polytheistic world that was both a shrine and a Buddhist temple. Although this may seem unbelievably “lax” to a monotheistic society, the moral consciousness of the people has matured to such an extent that many lost and found items are reported to the authorities.
I would like to visit the Noguchi family residence in the morning and later on, while discussing the theme of Japanese people, religion, and ethics.


下の写真は北海道立北方民族博物館資料目録3の木製雪眼鏡。使用民族はエスキモーで米国/アラスカ 1890-1930年 8.5㎝という説明文が付けられている。

English version⬇

[First time in my life I confirmed the “light shielding device” of the light shielding clay figurine (sweat).
First encounter with the wooden light-shielding glasses inherited by modern northern peoples. Is this the clarification of the truth similar to the true culprit of the Honnoji Incident? …

This is a case that makes me deeply reflect on the fearful nature of the “stereotypes” that are imprinted on human beings.
The “Shakogu Dogu” in the photo is one of the most famous items in Japanese history. It is a very popular star of Nobunaga’s level, comparable to the Honnoji Incident.
I think I first came across the image of this clay figurine when I was in the early grades of elementary school. I think I learned from my textbooks that “this is a Shakokidogu, which was found at a Jomon-era site.
The overwhelming visual impression of the object made a deep impression on me as a child, and I was deeply moved by the thought, “This is definitely an alien that has landed on the earth.
I remember that there was no detailed explanation of the “light shielding device,” which was the most important part of the telescope, at that time. Perhaps the professor may have given a supplementary explanation, but the impression was so strong and alien that it was imprinted on my mind, and it may have been stored in the zone of my strong motivation to explore prehistoric times.
I am ashamed to admit that the other day I came face to face with an actual “light-shielding device” for the first time and listened to its explanation.
He explained that even today, northern peoples use wooden glasses to protect their eyes from the intense diffuse reflections of reflected light from snow fields in winter as a basic measure.
Oh,” he said.
I was finally freed from the “fixed and erroneous impressions” imprinted on me as a boy (laugh).
Although I have plenty of laminated visual experiences in the winter snow fields of Hokkaido and know that some people wear goggles to protect their eyes from the reflected light, I was caught completely off guard.
The photo below shows wooden snow goggles from the Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples’ Materials Catalog 3. The description of the glasses reads, “The people who used them were Eskimos from the United States/Alaska, 1890-1930, 8.5 cm.
The long winter in the Arctic is over, and as the sun shines higher in the sky, the snowfield becomes more reflective. During these seasons, it is necessary to protect the eyes from ultraviolet rays. Because of the long hours they spend hunting and traveling on snowfields and ice, Eskimos made snow goggles with slit holes in them out of wood or bone to protect their eyes. The snow goggles are the light shields used to name the Japanese light shielding clay figurines. The article clearly states, “The snow goggles were used to protect the eyes.
The “alien” image that had been spellbound and hardened since my childhood was finally shattered. I am not an “alien” at all. If that’s the case, you should have said so earlier, but it also made me realize that the impression of a person who sees something for the first time is a heavy one. It can also be said that the presence of this alien image has continued to arouse interest in history with unparalleled power of attraction.
However, Japanese people did not inherit this kind of shading device as a folk tool until later.
It is also said that the Jomon period was rather longer than the present day, when the climate was warmer.
Although Nobunaga’s Honnoji is gradually being elucidated, the elucidation of the light-shielding clay figurines is still not progressing very well. In fact, it seems that this state of affairs is more desirable as a device for attracting interest.


「延床面積は約25ヘクタール総展示面積は約9.5ヘクタール。 建築総工費は1985億円。 東京都が1995年に世界都市博覧会(都市博)の会場として建設したが、青島幸男都知事の判断で都市博が中止になったため、中央区晴海(はるみ)にあった東京国際見本市会場を移転する形で開業した。」


English version⬇

Tokyo Big Sight and Religious Architectural Design
Gaudi created the Sagrada Familia from the historical design of Christian and Islamic architecture in a unique way. What is the sense of form that is common to modern Japan? ……

On my recent business trips to Tokyo and the Kanto region, I have been visiting Tokyo Big Sight quite often. The site is often a regular venue for housing and other events that I am involved with, but it is also used for many other areas of interest as well, so I feel that I am visiting the site almost every time I am there. The front exterior greets us with a face like this every time.
It is not bad, as it has a sense of familiarity.
Located on a reclaimed land in Tokyo Bay, it takes about 30 minutes from Shimbashi by Yurikamome. It is highly convenient as an “exhibition facility” with its vast site and indoor space. The history of the building is as follows.
The total floor space is approximately 25 hectares, and the total exhibition area is approximately 9.5 hectares. The total construction cost was 198.5 billion yen. It was built by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in 1995 as the venue for the World Urban Exposition (Urban Expo), but when Governor Yukio Aoshima decided to cancel the Expo, the Tokyo International Trade Fair Center was relocated to Harumi, Chuo-ku, and opened.
As I looked at the building, I began to think about the deep psychology of form, and began to make analogies between the triangular proportions of the overhanging and overhanging roofs of Japanese religious buildings and the balance between the four-legged standing columns and the triangular pyramid. The photo below shows the Kashima Jingu Shrine.
The design is by Sato Sogo Keikaku, an organizational design firm with 324 members.

The initial design proposal was based on the image of “Laputa: Castle in the Sky. Since this was a Tokyo Metropolitan Government proposal project, the jury members included many non-architectural specialists in order to reflect “diverse views,” and the emphasis was probably placed on “easy-to-understand” points.
However, the legs of the building swelled and became larger and larger as the project progressed to the implementation stage. The proportions of the building were transformed from the original image and became closer to the proportions of a temple building.
Because this is a reclaimed area, titanium and other rustproof construction materials were used extensively, especially for the exterior design. The fact that the form of the building was getting closer and closer to religious architecture, yet it was received in the style of modern design without giving that impression, must have been largely due to the “poof” factor from the texture of such materials.
The exhibition of the purpose of Gaudi’s religious building, Sagrada Familia, was also being held at the Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, and I was looking into the design of the building from various aspects, so I tried to apply my view of “Japanese architecture” to the exterior of the Big Sight in comparison with the exhibition.
Well, once the architecture is completed, it will be seen fairly and straightforwardly by everyone, so I think we should freely discuss what we think and feel about it. I think this kind of building is not bad.



English version⬇

Early Summer in East Hokkaido – Sapporo Maruyama Oubayuri Afterglow
Glamorous beauty and delicate beauty. Is it the difference between Nakashibetsu and Sapporo’s geographical strength or the difference in the natural power of the entire environment? But both are divine, desperately holding on to life. …

I was in East Hokkaido for three consecutive holidays starting on July 15. Since I rarely have the opportunity to travel within Hokkaido for interviews these days, I was surrounded by a unique feeling of being in contact with nature for the first time in a long time and receiving the atmosphere with all my energy, as if my innermost self was being revived.
The two photos above are of day lilies that I saw along the roadside in Nakashibetsu, where I was staying. As you may know from my personal blog, I have been deeply sympathetic to this plant on my walks in Maruyama, Sapporo, and I have a unique sense of knowing where it grows naturally, so I stopped the car and “visited” it a lot (laugh). (Laughs.) “Oh my God, here so suddenly! my wife screamed (laughs).
I have been watching the soul food of the Ainu people in my hometown of Sapporo for almost 10 years now, especially in the Maruyama area, but since I started paying attention to the Ainu people, I have not been driving in the east of Hokkaido during this season, so it was almost as if I was meeting them for the first time.
The first and second pictures are from a roadside in Nakashibetsu, while the third picture is from the Maruyama area of Sapporo at the same time. Obviously, the volume of the flower clusters is completely different.
Nakashibetsu’s flowers are overwhelmingly voluminous, while Sapporo’s are very slim.
I have no idea what kind of chemical changes or reactions the human mind undergoes when looking at flowers, but the difference in the visual experience and the difference in the perceived emotional state between the two is easy to understand.
Perhaps it is a true expression of the difference in the power of nature. I think I also saw the same kind of brilliance as this individual in Nakashibetsu more than ten years ago in Sapporo Maruyama.
Flowers are the fullest expression of life and the drama of nature’s formations. It sounds like the “cry” of an individual who has lived out his or her life in this world. Perhaps we perceive it with a visual sensibility that is closest to our musical sensitivity. It is a part that strongly appeals to our homogeneity as a creature, and its cry resonates deeply with our side.
The overwhelming sense of depth of Nakashibetsu’s nature is overwhelming.
On the other hand, the desperation of the emaciated individuals of Sapporo’s Maruyama, which we are accustomed to seeing in everyday life, also makes us feel deep sympathy for them.
This is not a matter of comparison and contrast, but rather a demonstration of how desperately this species is trying to pass on its life to the next generation in each location. In the last week, most of the individuals have dropped their flower clusters and transformed toward fruit results. Summer is in full swing.

【江戸期農家/間取りとひとの暮らし 浦和の開発農家-5】



English version⬇

Edo Period Farmhouse / Floor Plan and People’s Lives: Development Farmhouse in Urawa-5
The state of the common farmhouse in the middle Edo period. The division of how the eldest son and the second and third sons stand. The severe way of life of each can be seen. ・・・・.

This Hasumi family residence is said to have typical specifications of a mid-Edo period farmhouse. It is a three-room, wide-plan house with a hipped roof and thatched roof. It has a girigakukan of 7 ken (16.8 m) and a beam span of 3.5 ken (5.5 m). In the Edo period, common people lived in row houses. Generally, the second and third sons of these farmers left their birthplace and headed for Edo, where they found jobs and lived in tenements, dreaming of a successful life, but many of them lived a transitory life without a home to return to.
When I look at the Edo period ledgers of my family, who lived in the eastern part of Hiroshima Prefecture, I sometimes feel a sense of bitterness as I come face to face with a reality that testifies to the fragments of a reality where life was difficult in a society with a fixed status system. If I had passed through my dreamy childhood, I would have been thrown out of this kind of reality as soon as possible. Even so, I would have returned home at the end of the Bon holidays and spent some carefree time with my parents, siblings, and childhood friends.
However, it is clear that even for the eldest sons who succeeded to the family of their birth, life was difficult under the severe pressure of collecting tribute. In such a situation, they must have managed to survive by devising ways to cultivate their own land to grow commodity crops, such as mulberry for sericulture, which became an active export industry in this region at the end of the Edo period. There must have been a great sense of anticipation on the part of the people that they would be able to open up the country and become economically independent. Is this the truth of the “ee-jana-nai” social movement that spontaneously emerged at the end of the Edo period?
The interior of the house has an earthen floor more than half the size of the frontage on the right side of the floor plan, a wooden floor with a hearth between the beams along the earthen floor, an oku (a small wooden box) on the upper side, and a nando (a wooden stand) on the back side, in a so-called three-room, wide-room layout. The hearth is set in the hearth, and a wooden floor is placed on the earthen floor side of the hearth, and a closet is built behind the hearth. The “itashiki-no-ma” is about 20-22 tatami mats, including the storage nandos, and is about 10 tsubo (about 1.5 square meters) in area. Japanese living space is basically in this form, and has nothing to do with the “individualistic” private room layout that has become universal since the end of World War II.
If you look closely, you can see that the ceiling is stretched only over this wooden floor. It is probably a trace of the attempt to seal the main living space as an earnest device for “heat insulation. The ceiling is finished with bamboo screens, and there is a fire pit in the sunken hearth.

The only tatami-matted oku does not have a ceiling, and the view is directly behind the roof. An alcove, a butsudan (Buddhist altar), and a cupboard are installed as part of the tatami room decorations. There is no record of how it was used, but it is likely that it was basically used for ceremonial occasions such as weddings and funerals, and was usually used as a bedroom.
The area is 103 square meters (about 31 tsubo). The entrance to the stable is on the right when viewed from the front, and the entrance to the earthen floor is on the left. There is only one pillar standing between the stable and the earthen floor, and the stable is not fenced in, and the floor is integrated with the earthen floor.
The floor is also integrated with the earthen floor. This is the kind of appearance that brings to mind the lifestyle of ordinary people in the Edo period.

【300年前の調理煮炊き空間 浦和の開発農家-4】


English version⬇

300-year-old cooking and boiling space Urawa development farmer-4
How did the rational change of “sink” from sedentary to standing work affect the Japanese lifestyle? …

Kitchen space of the Hasumi family, a development farmhouse in Urawa.
Adjacent to the earthen floor is a sunken hearth on a wooden floor with a “sink” in the immediate vicinity. A kamado is placed across the earthen floor and the back door. In a modern layout, this space would correspond to a system kitchen and dining room. Although the cooking space is about 300 years old, it has many similarities with the modern kitchen.
In the sink, food was washed and cut with a knife while water was drawn from a water bottle, while the main food was basically cooked in a kamado and hearth heat was used as an auxiliary heat source. It is obvious at a glance that these lines of flow are composed of a very rational floor plan.
I had an opportunity to see a reconstruction of a cooking area from the Warring States period, which was much older than this, where the sink was used in a “sitting” position. I thought it was more primitive to have a large number of women sitting down in a large wooden floor to face the cooking work, but in this farmhouse in the Kanto region during the mid-Edo period, they are “standing” to face the foodstuffs. Is this an evolution of the times? In terms of work efficiency, sitting down is not very reasonable for heavy-duty cooking. On the other hand, the Japanese culture of care and attention to detail in such delicate tasks as serving may have been enhanced through the use of this sitting style of cooking.
It is interesting to see how this point influenced the Japanese home cooking culture.
I think that the kitchen workspace reflects the lifestyle of the time, especially that of women. Looking at the relationship between housework and the floor plan these days, based on the assumption that both husband and wife work, washing and drying and organizing clothes have become very rational and time-saving tasks, and the family closet has taken on a leading role. The kitchen is integrated with the dining table, and I believe that more efficient rationalization of work has progressed.
Even in this Edo period farmhouse, women are basically supposed to “work together”. The earthen floor space, which occupies about half of the interior space, is basically the main equipment for farm work, and is the core work space for farming, which is the livelihood of the farmers. From early morning preparation for outdoor work to nighttime work processing plant fibers such as “rope,” farm work basically goes on and on from morning to evening and into the night. It is clear that time-saving “continuity” with the farm work in the earthen floor was a major “problem to be solved. Naturally, food related to the daily farm work would have appeared on the dining table, so the integration of the two was inevitable.
Well, nowadays, washing, drying, and putting away clothes has become even bigger than the space for food, so I think that the solution to housework has changed “with the times.
In any case, I deeply respect the traces of our ancestors’ lives.