
【温暖地海浜「通風重視」軽建築 芥川龍之介・九十九里の庵-4】



English version⬇

Warm climate seaside “ventilation-oriented” light architecture Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s Hermitage in Kujukuri – 4
From the point of view of the people of Hokkaido, this is a dazzlingly blessed climatic environment blessed with the “season of the sun. I would like to delve deeper into the “comfort” of this environment.

When I visited the main building of the ryokan to see “Akutagawa-so,” the proprietress kindly offered me a tour of the house but told me that she had closed all the shutters in preparation for a typhoon.
I was very interested in the place where the writer, who was deeply familiar with the masterpiece novel, wrote his love letter, so I first read the love letter carefully at the monument in the tree house, and then went to the “detached house” where the young 25-year-old literary great stayed.
The hermitage as an architectural structure is truly typical of a warm and humid place. I could not find any drawings of the main structure, but it is a two roomed house with three sides of a rim. The roof is thatched with overhanging eaves. This is probably a response to the tropical climate and frequent rainfall. The thatch is quite massive, but of course the main purpose is to control the rise in indoor temperature due to solar radiation in the summer. Since it is hard to imagine temperatures dropping below zero even in winter in this region, this is a Japanese cultural lightweight building designed for the summer.
The pile foundation is evident, and the under-floor space is fully open to allow for durability in the hot and humid climate, and to emphasize ventilation. The ground is obviously sandy, as is typical of the Pacific and Kujukuri beaches, and the pile foundations are somewhat uneven, with some unequal settling, such as at the edges. However, the building itself is of lightweight construction, so although it is certainly over 100 years old, it can be visually recognized as a building that has been kept in a dry state.

Akutagawa’s literary talent was recognized while he was still a student at the University of Tokyo, and he began his life as a writer, a career that later became typical of Japanese literary writers when Kenzaburo Oe became his successor. In Akutagawa’s case, he had just received a great award from Soseki Natsume, whom he looked up to as a mentor for the rest of his life. The time of his sojourn at the seaside hermitage coincides with a brilliant period in the life of a genius who began his life in a very privileged environment. The season of the sun.
Soseki Natsume’s era was the Meiji era, when the Meiji nation was doing everything in its power to make all kinds of industries flourish and society catch up with the Western modern era. The psychology of his generation probably led him to believe that the literary work of a genius like Akutagawa was indispensable for the creation of Japanese society and culture.
The photo above shows a postcard from Hiroshi Kikuchi. The fact that Akutagawa received a postcard from Hiroshi Kikuchi, founder of Bungeishunju-sha, during his two-week stay suggests that Kikuchi’s publishing company financed Akutagawa’s stay as a “place to create works” and allowed the up-and-coming writer to write his works “in the can.
The building itself is a warm-weather, open-plan residence that evokes for Hokkaido residents a dreamlike paradise climate (laughs). (Laughs.) I felt a strong sensitivity to the climatic conditions themselves, and saw a sense of psychological liberation that is uniquely Japanese, so to speak.
I would like to think a little about the “comfort” of housing architecture that is typical of such a warm and humid climate in Japan, so from tomorrow onward, I would like to delve into the housing environment of this hermitage.

【素朴な恋情告白 芥川龍之介ゆかりの九十九里の庵-3】



English version⬇

A simple confession of love: A hermitage in Kujukuri related to Ryunosuke Akutagawa – 3
I can see from his predecessor Akutagawa that “gentleness” is the only way to approach a woman’s heart. Men of the world should forever be mindful of this. I am sure you will be able to understand the feelings of women.

Kujukuri, from the perspective of a Hokkaido native, is a land with the feel of a tropical island like Okinawa, Hawaii, or Guam. For those born and raised in the north, it is a paradise, a land of dreams, blessed with a climate that is after all, endless. The gentle sandy beaches are connected to the sea for a long, long time….
Along with the footsteps of the writer Ryunosuke Akutagawa, the way he perceived his own era is also very intriguing. The book shows how the modernization of Tokyo in the Taisho period (1912-1926) led to the spread of the train transportation network to this area and the so-called “mass socialization” of the area.
Perhaps it is similar to the image we have today of tropical countries such as Okinawa or Hawaii. The “spirit of the land” leads the young Akutagawa to confess his love for a long time.
The letter of love is inscribed in the floyer in the remote flora of Ichinomiya-kan, the ryokan where Akutagawa stayed. I was surprised to know that a famous writer’s privacy is exposed to the public, but of course, he must have obtained permission from his next of kin to leave the inscription. The above photo does not show the full content of the inscription, so here is an enlarged photo.

Fumi Tsukamoto, who sent this love letter, later became Akutagawa’s wife and had three children. The famous words of Ryunosuke Akutagawa, “You are so pretty I want to eat you up. The frankness of the young man’s love for Akutagawa is very funny.
I was a little tense as I read the book, wondering what kind of a love letter Akutagawa Ryunosuke, a very famous writer by profession, would have written. I could tell that “I see…when you are trying to seduce a woman, you must choose gentleness (laughs).
I think that today’s young people are less likely to use this kind of writing to express their relationships with men and women, but there are many people in my generation who are susceptible to the fearful words, “I still have your love letters (laughs). I read Akutagawa’s frank love letter with a smile on my face. I have absolutely nothing to add, so I will end today’s blog with a short one. Thank you very much.

【大正ロマン・九十九里 芥川龍之介恋文執筆の庵-2】



English version⬇

Taisho Romance, Kujukuri: The Hermitage of Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s Love Letter Writing – 2
Since he is a well-known writer whose writings are abundantly documented, his psychological state of mind also emerges in real time. Akutagawa’s psychological upheaval. …

Today, Ichinomiya-kan is a “long-established” ryokan and a popular inn, emphasizing its connection with the writer. A look at Jaran shows it to be a fairly high-class ryokan. The Kujukuri beach may have been in the midst of a kind of “boom” at the time when the railroad was opened as a bathing beach and tourists from Tokyo began to arrive in droves.
Referring to the map, the location of this ryokan is like a lagoon where the Ichinomiya River flows into Kujukuri. Japan began its path of modernization with the great reforms of the Meiji era (1868-1912), and with the victory in the Russo-Japanese War, the country achieved the position of a “leading nation” in Japan. This was a time of mass socialization. The popularity of romantic expressions such as those of Takehisa Yumeji suggests such an atmosphere.

At the age of 25, the young Ryunosuke Akutagawa stayed with his friend Masao Kume at Ichinomiya-kan, which he later named “Akutagawa-so” (Akutagawa Manor). A stone tablet is placed in the corner of the garden, and the third photo shows the period of his stay from August 17 to September 2, 1916.
The open “midsummer” feeling of the Kujukuri seashore stimulated his instincts, and we can imagine that his mind was filled with a passionate love for a woman he had long been in love with. Was this ardor nurtured in the atmosphere of the open hermitage space in this remote summer resort? Well, it is a very funny story. It is obvious that love between young men and women is the fundamental power of “living” in any age.
According to Akutagawa’s footsteps, he first appeared on the literary stage in 1916 when his novel “Nose,” published while still a student at Tokyo Imperial University, was highly praised by Soseki Natsume. This coincides perfectly with his stay at the ryokan. Since “Nose” was published in February of the same year in Shin-Shicho, it is not difficult to imagine the intense competition for “new publications” that ensued as the literary world paid attention to this budding writer in the wake of Soseki’s high praise. Perhaps one of the companies may have launched a “canned” strategy, asking him to stay at a Japanese inn in Kujukuri in the height of summer and write his manuscript. The fact that so many short stories have been produced since then makes it highly probable.
The reader may raise the question, “How could a 25 year old stay in such an inn for such a long period of time?” This seems to be the reason, considering the background of the story. Akutagawa was deeply grateful to Soseki Natsume for his generous encouragement, and he was very conscious of the relationship between master and disciple.
This surge of vitality may have motivated him to write the love letter (laugh). As a well-known writer, his sensitive love life is also exposed in the light of day, without any consideration for personal information (laugh).
Unlike the ukiyoe artists of the Edo period (1603-1867) and the writers of the Meiji period (1868-1912), when the modern nation was being built, the writers of the Taisho period and after were treated like the TV entertainment “stars” of today’s society in the so-called mass socialization. It is interesting to look at the glamorous commercialist publishing capital and the inner lives of writers.
The “only vague anxiety about my future” that eventually led to his suicide spread strongly among Japanese writers in the following years. I can’t help but feel something indescribable.

【芥川龍之介が妻に恋文を書いた 九十九里「芥川荘」-1】

で、きょうから芥川龍之介篇であります(笑)。たまたま以前に千葉県の九十九里・一宮周辺に行ったことがあり、この芥川荘の存在を知った次第。上の芥川龍之介の写真は出典:国立国会図書館「近代日本人の肖像」 (https://www.ndl.go.jp/portrait/)より。


English version⬇

Ryunosuke Akutagawa wrote a love letter to his wife at “Akutagawa-so” in Kujukuri.
To delve into the basic theme of people and their homes, a person known to everyone is an excellent subject. The space where Ryunosuke Akutagawa wrote his blatant love letters to his wife. The space for writing Akutagawa Ryunosuke’s blatant love letter.

This week, I have been going through a series of organizational changes to mark the milestone of a major change in my own environment. However, as a blog, I would like to gradually return to my usual in-depth exploration of the theme of “people and housing.
I have been covering housing for many years, so I guess my habits have become my “nature,” but my basic area of interest is the correlation between the house as architecture and its inhabitants. My interest in housing as architecture and its inhabitants is based on my memories of the experiences I have had in covering housing in the usual magazine style, and from there my interest in the way of life of the inhabitants and their way of living has deepened.
Through these experiences, I have made it my life’s work to take various opportunities to look at living spaces across the country.
So far, our main operation and activities have been as a media company, but from this change in environment, I would like to have a little more freedom to delve into this personal area of interest. Best regards.
And so, starting today, I am going to start with the Ryunosuke Akutagawa chapter (laughs). I happened to have visited the Kujukuri/Ichinomiya area in Chiba Prefecture before and learned of the existence of this Akutagawa-so. The above photo of Ryunosuke Akutagawa is from the National Diet Library’s “Portraits of Modern Japanese” (https://www.ndl.go.jp/portrait/).
Ryunosuke Akutagawa is one of the most famous Japanese writers of the post-modern era. I too became familiar with his works through textbooks when I was in elementary and junior high school. In the Meiji era (1868-1912), the Japanese language itself became “unified” as a result of the shift from a decentralized feudalistic system to a centralized system, and a variety of “literary giants” were produced. There must have been a “cultural revolution” in the process of creating a common language. Akutagawa emerged as the embodiment of one of these geniuses.
After Akutagawa entered the University of Tokyo and began his writing career, Natsume Soseki, who was a central figure in the “pioneering of Japanese language and culture” during the Meiji era, and who was also a teacher at the University of Tokyo, is said to have highly praised Akutagawa and praised him highly.

In the summer of that comet-like summer of Akutagawa’s 25th year, he spent all his time creating his works by staying at a remote house on the beach at Ichinomiya-kan in Kujukuri, which was then beginning to become a “tourist spot” with the extension of railroad lines from Tokyo. He wrote a long love letter to “Fumi-chan,” who later became his wife (laugh). 25-year-old young man’s frank love. Please refer to the stone monument in the photo that tells the story of the situation.
In Boso Kujukuri, a place where the life force of heaven and earth can be felt, Akutagawa, who was a promising star in the Japanese literary world at that time, wrote a love letter, a space like a hermitage where he wrote his frank thoughts. It is reminiscent of the relationship between architecture and linguistic expression, as in the “Hojo no Han” where Kamo Chomei is said to have written his Hojo Ki. Hojo, by the way, originally meant a building of one length and four sides.
In the sense of exploring the correlation between people and their homes, I had a strong impression of this building. So, since I have some photos, I will summarize them in a series as a vicarious experience. The photo of Mr. Akutagawa at the top of this page is very similar to the atmosphere of Akutagawa-so, in terms of background and age.


この記事写真は10月4日夕方17:07分のアップされた記事のヘッドタイトル回りのスクリーンショット。もと記事のURLは https://www.s-housing.jp/archives/326619 ですので、参照ください。(無料公開情報記事)


English version⬇

News coverage in the housing industry magazine “Shinken Housing DIGITAL
As a regional media outlet, we are not yet well-known nationwide, so the article was effective. Chiko is scolding me, but I can’t sit idly by. …

A reporter from “Shinken Housing DIGITAL,” who saw the article I wrote on this blog the day before yesterday [Replan: Fushoku Sha’s Representative Resigns, New Company Established] and also referred to the company introduction article on the Fushoku Sha website, contacted me on the evening of the 3rd and asked if I could upload this content as an article, I was contacted by a reporter from “Shinken Housing Digital,” who also referred to the article introducing the web site.
As I had already sent a letter of notification to all the companies and individuals involved, I thought it would be a welcome offer to make the facts known to the public, and after notifying Mr. Kobayashi, the new president of Fushoku-sha, in advance, I agreed. I contacted Mr. Kobayashi, the new president of Fushushinsha, and he agreed to the offer. I was also asked to provide a photo of my face. I felt a little embarrassed, but I agreed. Later, I realized that I still had an ugly stubble on my face at the time of the photo (laugh). It was a later event.
This article photo is a screenshot of the headline area of the article uploaded at 5:07 p.m. on the evening of October 4. The URL of the original article is https://www.s-housing.jp/archives/326619″ rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”
Please refer to it. (Free public information article)
If you can get the word out through housing industry magazine media articles, the cost of publicity is extremely high. As a regional housing magazine and media, we are not yet well known nationwide, so this article is very effective. I am also an old acquaintance of Mr. Miura, the president of Shinken Housing, and I am grateful that he kindly allowed us to feature this article.

I am grateful to Mr. Miura, the president of Shinken Housing, who is an old acquaintance of mine, for kindly taking the time to feature my work in this article. In between all of this, I have been greeting everyone with whom I have had a relationship in the recent past by phone and in person. On the other hand, we have to make a “new normal” under the new organization by groping around. I am deeply reminded of the fact that I have been living “in a daze,” always being scolded by Chicochan. Let’s see what “Chicochan” means to me (laughs).





English version⬇

Trends in Permission for Photography at Public Museums and Galleries
In response to an article I wrote yesterday, I received an introductory article from the media. I appreciate the information disclosure. On the other hand, what is the current state of information disclosure for works of art, etc.? …

Until yesterday, the external part of my own environmental changes had come to an end. A media company specializing in housing (Shinken Housing Digital) took notice of what I wrote in this blog, and in the evening they offered me permission to publish an article about it. When I said yes, they called me back for a phone interview, and even asked me to provide photos.
I was a bit nervous about how the article would be published (laugh). But I am very grateful for the publicity, as it will help spread the word.
So, I would like to return to normal blogging today, but I am not yet fully conscious of my normal state of mind (laugh). I would like to take some time to gradually get back to “serialized stuff” and the like.

The photo above is from the “photography OK” exhibit at the “Gaudi” exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo in Kitanomaru Park, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo the other day. This is an interior view of the Zagrada Familia and an aerial view.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, public museums and galleries around the world are almost always open to photography. There is a great awareness that the intellectual accumulation that mankind has cultivated is public property, and that its life is eternal when it is freely disclosed to the public.
Recently, this awareness has become stronger in Japan as well, and the movement toward openness in public museum and art museum exhibitions is accelerating. However, there are still some zones that are non-permitted as before for some exhibitions. Even in this Gaudi exhibition, when it came to the main Zagrada Familia corner, photography was allowed. From the user’s point of view, this is very meaningful as it helps to organize the experience as an individual.
Strangely enough, since human beings are far superior to “forgetfulness,” the seal is weakened by the experience of seeing it only once. When there is reliving and organizing of the experience, the experience can be very multi-layered.
Especially with things like art or paintings, you have to repeatedly relive and “taste” them. Details that you don’t notice just by looking at it once can be grasped from various aspects through repeated viewings. While it is good to have a serious one-time-only encounter, that does not lead to a deeper understanding of everything.
I am very pleased to see this trend toward “openness” in the industry.

As I mentioned earlier, I am interested to see how the articles of Shinken Housing Digital will be compiled. I will not be able to make it since my blog is up early in the morning, but if I confirm it, I will mention it from tomorrow onward.



株式会社札促社 社長退任



English version⬇

[Replan Issued: Retirement of Representative Position and Establishment of New Company by Sassoku Sha Co.
Information on the retirement of the representative position of the company that founded the company and the succession system. We will continue to strive to disseminate information on our blog by looking at the site from the starting point of “better homes”. ・・・・.

Yesterday was a major milestone for Sassoku-Sha, the company I founded.
I myself stepped down as representative director and passed the baton to my successor, Daisuke Kobayashi.
There was much confusion in disclosing this information in advance, so I apologize for not informing you until after all the arrangements had been sorted out. Below is the “Message of Greetings (summary)” that was sent to related business partners yesterday.

Resignation of the President of Sassoku-Sha Corporation
Message from the President of the newly established spin-off company “Replan House Co.

As of October 2, 2023, I, Keigo Miki, have resigned from my long-serving position as Representative Director of Replan magazine editor/publisher Sassoku-Sha Co. Mr. Daisuke Kobayashi, a young venture business owner in Tokyo and representative director of SUMUS Corporation, will assume all shares of Fushushosha and become its representative director as well.
This will further strengthen our business foundation. (Sassoku-Sha Inc. will expand its activities from Hokkaido to Tohoku, Kanto and Kansai, starting with the publication of Replan magazine, its flagship business. We look forward to your continued support.
In line with the aforementioned transfer of management control, Replan House Corporation will be established as a “newly established company” from Sassoku-Sha Corporation, in line with the aforementioned vision of new President Kobayashi.
I, Keigo Miki, will act as the representative of this newly established company. We have received the rights to the AI-based “Replan Sumai Navi” system, the entire system development of which is now in the final stage of completion, as one of the main management assets of Replan House Co. Of course, there is no change in the fact that Replan House has agreed to a close “business tie-up” with Sassoku-Sha Corporation, and Sassoku-Sha will do its utmost to promote the sales expansion of this new business. The two companies will work together in a non-exclusive relationship.
We would like to ask for your continued patronage and support of Sassoku-Sha Corporation, which will promote more dynamic business development under the new structure, and the newly established Replan House Co.

This is the content of the announcement. As such, I have been silently (laugh) changing the title of this daily blog as well. I have also changed my introduction from “Publisher of Replan” to “Housing Journalist.
Rather than being a business owner, I will continue my activities for “better house building” from the viewpoint of a housing user from a more pure standpoint regarding architecture and housing space. I will continue to write blogs as a place to express this. My hunch is that it will become my “life work” itself (laugh).
Thank you for your continued support.




English version⬇

The foundation of Tokyo Station in 1914, supported by Aomori pine timbers.
From the past to the future, Nippon is passed down from generation to generation. The construction history of Tokyo Station, the starting point of human flow. A total of more than 10,000 pine logs with a diameter of more than 21 cm were driven into the foundation piles. …

Today is October 2nd. I have an announcement to make about our company and myself, but I will not post it on this blog until tomorrow, as I will be sending a formal letter to all of my business associates as of today. Please understand.
As such, I was on a business trip to Tokyo last weekend, and symbolically, today’s blog is about the Tokyo Station building.
Tokyo Station is home to the Tokyo Station Gallery, which opened in 1988. It is located inside the brick tower building on the right side facing the Imperial Palace. Since Tokyo Station is often the starting and ending point of business trips, this kind of museum is a great place for me to adjust my time.
Also, as my house is made of bricks, I feel sympathy for the nostalgic attitude of Tokyo Station. The flow line of the exhibition takes visitors through the brick stairwells, and they spend a lot of time in these stairwells along with the art exhibits. It is interesting to learn about the ingenuity of the construction at the time of the building’s founding in the Meiji period.
Architecture is an activity that strongly affects people’s memories. The traces of the work are tasteful and convey the atmosphere of the building.
The photo above is a picture of an explanatory panel named “Matsumaruta,” a pile foundation at the time of Tokyo Station’s construction. The actual “pine log” is shown in this photo.

The name “Matsumaruta” comes from the construction record “Tokyo Station Construction Report” compiled after the construction of Tokyo Station in 1914. According to this record, pine logs were purchased from the Aomori Dairin District Office (present-day Aomori Forest Office), with diameters of 21 cm or more and lengths of approximately 5.5 to 7 m, depending on the geological conditions, and buried at equal intervals by a steam pile driving machine (total of 11,050 piles) in the ground dug approximately 3.7 m below the ground. Concrete, Hanaokaishi stone, and bricks were piled on top of the piles to form the foundation of the building, on which steel columns were erected.
Oh, and then, the train network was built at that time. Even though the train network was already in place at that time, the logs used for the “foundation” of Tokyo Station, the gateway to Japan, were transported from as far away as Aomori to support the foundation. The photo above shows the foundation of Tokyo Station taken in February 1909. More than 10,000 large-diameter pine logs were driven into the ground here. You can guess that the “steam pile-driver” is the one standing gnarled.
The main objectives of the preservation and restoration work of the Tokyo Station Marunouchi Station Building from 2007 to 2012 were to restore the station building to its original appearance and to “seismically isolate” the building. The Meiji-era foundations were removed to create a seismic isolation layer underground. The pine logs that were cut and dug out were in good condition with no corrosion.
From the past to the future, we were made to feel that this is one of the symbols of Japanese architecture.



English version⬇

Today’s walk at Shinobazuno Pond in Ueno
Perhaps the excessive “expectation” of nature in Hokkaido generates the psychology of blame and slander toward brown bear hunters. I am somewhat uncomfortable with the well-nourished carp in Shinobazuno Pond. …

Well, I have some business in Tokyo over the weekend and my morning walk is around Ueno Shinobazu Pond.
When I first came to Tokyo, about 53 years ago, my franchise was in an area between Tokyo and Yokohama. It was because my older brothers and sisters were living there. I remember it was because it was close to my sister’s place of residence who was working in Yokohama.
I think Tokyo and Sapporo were the “closest” relationship for my generation. This was largely due to the fact that most of our trips were by air. If you took a plane from Chitose, the closest flight was the Haneda line.
It was as if Tokyo was just a short distance away from Chitose.
So, those who were older than us used to go to Tokyo by train. From Sapporo to Hakodate by train, then to Aomori by the Aohako ferry, then to Sendai, the central city of Tohoku, where you pass through in your sleep, and finally to Ueno.
For Japanese living in Hokkaido and Tohoku, Ueno was the gateway to Tokyo, and they continued to feel a unique sense of nostalgia for their travels. There is a big difference in the Tokyo experience with these older generations.
Recently, however, as my knowledge and experience of staying in various “towns” in Tokyo has increased, I have come to feel closer to Ueno. I have been visiting the special exhibition at the Tokyo National Museum as an opportunity for cultural contact, and I have been spending a lot of time in the Ueno Park area. Considering with time saving, it became reasonable to stay at a city hotel in Ueno or Okachimachi.
My friends in Tokyo halfway wonder, “Why Ueno?” and they half wonder why Ueno. They seem to feel that the area west of Tokyo Station is somehow more appropriate.
Since my morning walk is my most important health maintenance activity, I always go to the surrounding “natural” environment wherever I can. This is why Shinobazuno Pond is my first choice.
Carp, for example, are huge and will come to you when you approach the water’s edge. Many people probably feed them. They have a rounded body. They do not look “natural” at all (laughs). It must be completely different from the usual ecosystem of the ponds in Maruyama, Sapporo. I think that the opinion I wrote yesterday, “I feel sorry for the brown bears,” may be due to the fact that people have become accustomed to this kind of loss of nature, and they are seeking for a sense of nature in Hokkaido to an excessive degree.


それに対して北海道のX、twitterアカウントで「冷静に考えてください」というような意見を発出したところ、異例なまでにバズって、2000万くらいにまで反響数が伸びているとのこと。〜「OSO18」を駆除したハンターに「クマがかわいそう」の抗議相次ぐ ⇒ 北海道庁が声明「捕獲は地域の安全に欠かせないもの」


English version⬇

[Hokkaido’s abundant nature and human society, the rules of coexistence
A response of slander from some people to a hunter who exterminated a dangerous brown bear OSO18. As a citizen of Hokkaido, I would like to ask you to “think calmly. …

This summer has been a hot and humid one, and although September is now in its final stage, it has become quite chilly in the mornings and evenings in Sapporo. Every morning, I put on a jumper when I go out for a walk.
Recently, information was circulating that OSO18, a highly renowned brown bear individual that had been causing damage from livestock attacks in the eastern part of Hokkaido, had been exterminated, but afterwards, the person who killed it, who is also a government employee, received numerous harassing phone calls even to his home, which was an impossible anomalous reaction.
In response to this, Hokkaido’s X, issued an opinion on its twitter account, saying, “Please think calmly,” and the buzz was unusually strong, with the number of responses growing to about 20 million.

This is a picture of the path I take every morning. This location is also in close proximity to the sacred torii gate of the Hokkaido Jingu Shrine, and there was information of a brown bear appearing here early this spring.
Naturally, as a member of the public, this made us think about taking more careful measures. We have been taking measures such as changing our walking routes to safer areas for a while and gradually shifting them to less early morning hours after a certain period of time.
The brown bears are renewing themselves at a much faster rate than we are, so they are becoming much less aware of the dangers of human society. If the level of “danger warning” on the part of humans declines too much, unrestrained cross-border activities will be repeated.
Nature has many faces and harsh aspects. I believe that human society should live in harmony with nature in such circumstances. We must consider the appropriate level of coexistence with brown bears. As a human society, it is absolutely necessary to ensure a defensive response to those who would harm us. On top of that, I believe that we must come to an “accommodation” with nature.
Extermination is the most important way of communicating rules to help human society and nature come to terms with each other. It is a clear statement of human will toward the brown bear as a species. They are smart. I believe that warnings from human society will be conveyed to them.

We human beings live in the midst of nature. In order to ensure the safety of human society, I believe that we must make the necessary rules.