
【縁側の洋風変容「サンポーチ」 旧有島武郎邸-4】



English version⬇

Western-style transformation of the porch “sun porch” Former Takeo Arishima’s residence-4
The Japanese people have an attachment to nature and have developed a sense of “kacho-fu-getsu” (flowers, birds, winds, and the moon). How did the Japanese transform their “Kacho-fu-getsu” sensibility by experiencing the cold and dry northern climate, which is far removed from the warm and humid climate of Japan? …

I decided to analyze Takeo Arishima’s residences in Sapporo as an extension of Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s temporary Japanese-style house in Kujukuri, because I was interested in the “residences of writers”. I began to think of it as the beginning of the history of housing design in Hokkaido.
I, as a human being, chose the domain of housing as the most Hokkaido-like theme from the desire to “create media in Hokkaido, and rich content at that,” but I feel as if I am being scolded by the great Mr. Arishima, who has gone far beyond Hokkaido, saying “Since you made such a choice, you should pursue the theme to the end” (laugh). You made that choice, so pursue the theme to the end” (laughs).
(Laughs.) No, I think it is a great blessing to be able to think that way.
Today, I would like to show you a “sun porch” that I have been wondering about in the drawings. 110 years ago, I wonder if Takeo Arishima, an English professor, was not aware of the general term “sunroom,” or if he felt it was more appropriate as a Western house type of “en-garashi” (porch) in the Japanese sense. Or perhaps he felt that this kind of word was more appropriate as a Western house type of “en-gawa” (porch), which is a Japanese concept.
Although the picture is not very clear, the windows in this area are not “raised windows” like the windows in the other rooms, but sliding windows and fittings are used in this room. The glass in the other rooms has a design shaped frame, but only this section is made of bare glass. The glass is quite “large” for this 110-year-old building, which gives the impression of an intention to obtain sunlight and solar radiation. The intention of a more open space can be read into the design.
However, there is a wall under the window, and if the emphasis is only on openness, it should be “swept out” with glass doors to the floor, but this is not the case. It is clear that the sense of openness was created with a strong awareness of the “cold climate” in mind.

This sun porch is adjacent to the back family space, the living room. The living room is a Japanese-style room with tatami mats. The sun porch is separated from the living room by a sliding shoji door. It is clear that the Japanese sense of a living room and porch was the base of the house. The large glass windows of the sun porch are also consistent with the emphasis on the view.
In Hokkaido, or perhaps in modern Japan, the only house in which the Japanese-style room is the living room is Sazae-san’s house.
Japanese people have accepted “Western-style” culture as the global standard lifestyle, but 110 years ago, Mr. Arishima seems to have been confronting the theme of blending Japanese and Western styles. Mr. Arishima spent about a year and a half in this house, and he used to watch the blizzard coming down from the kotatsu in the Japanese-style room through this sun porch.
I wonder how the extremely sensitive Takeo Arishima, experiencing the harsh winters and dry summers that far exceeded the “Kacho Fu Fugetsu” of Japanese society up to that time, perceived the “extended Kacho Fugetsu”. It will be interesting to see what kind of color patterns were created by the sensitivity of the Japanese people and the nature of Sapporo, a newly developed northern city.

【110年前の札幌モダン「暮らし」デザイン 旧有島武郎邸-3】



English version⬇

Sapporo Modern “Living” Design 110 Years Ago Former Arishima Takero Residence-3
The interior space design emanates the frontier spirit of northern-style housing since the Meiji pioneering period. Did Arishima transmit the northern residential culture like a switchboard? …

Takeshi Koshino, professor emeritus of architecture at Hokkaido University’s Faculty of Engineering, who is a distant junior at the university, has contributed a description of this interesting house, in which Takeo Arishima was deeply involved as “owner and visionary,” as an exhibition panel.
In accordance with the description, construction of the house, which was built in Kita 12-jo Nishi 3-chome, Kita-ku, Sapporo, was completed in August 1913, so the presumption is that construction began in early spring of the same year or the previous fall. It conveys the state of manufacturing and residential construction in Sapporo just 110 years ago.
It is a large two-story wooden house with a building area of 165.1 m2 and a total floor space of 259.7 m2 (78.7 tsubo).
It is said that the local newspaper at the time treated it as a “NEWS residence” and introduced it in an article. The novel sense of design must have had a strong impact on journalism. As a side note, Replan magazine has always paid attention to the freshness of northern housing design. We have always wished to be a place for the discovery and presentation of interesting housing designs. As a Hokkaido native, I have come to realize that our predecessors must have had a strong frontier spirit in pursuit of new design possibilities….
When constructing his new residence, Takeo Arishima apparently actively worked out the design concept on his own. Although he may have received advice from professional architects, it is more likely that Arishima himself decided on the floor plan and even the design of the windows, which blended Japanese and Western styles in the rooms. Dr. Koshino writes.
The same local newspaper also reported that Kenji Araki, a member of J.M. Gardiner’s design office who taught architecture at Rikkyo University at the time of construction, was in Sapporo to supervise the design of the building that his office had worked on. It is unnatural to think that Takeo Arishima, a professor of English at Hokkaido University, was not aware of the architect J.M. Gardiner. Although there is no record of their meeting, it is more natural to assume that they had some kind of contact or exchange of opinions. Arishima himself had traveled to the U.S. to take in American culture, and the design of this house was strongly conscious of “Western-style” architecture.

I would like to refer to the floor plan and the photos. The photo immediately below the floor plan shows the entrance and a passage-like space named the central hall. Although it has the appearance of a “Western-style house,” the “Omotezashiki,” which should be the core of the spatiality of the house, has tatami mats and an alcove, expressing a strong Japanese sense.
As a large residence of 78 tsubos (about 1,860 m2) and a cultural residence for a university professor who is a leading-edge intellectual, it is clear that this kind of “reception” was strongly considered. Incidentally, since then, such residences for intellectuals in Sapporo have always been talked about as news residences. It is likely that Hokkaido people and Sapporo people unconsciously paid strong attention to this kind of “housing culture. I believe that the Arishima Residence functioned socially as a pioneer in this field.
The Japanese-style drawing room has a series of three waist-high wooden windows. In a normal “Japanese-style room,” this direction would have a shoji screen and a rim, but a Western-style “window” was installed there. However, there is a storage space at the waist of the window, and there are also remnants of Japanese-style furnishings.
The result is a “Japanese-Western fusion” style that Arishima himself describes as “very Nue-like. It is as if one can hear the sighs of the new Japanese, who have taken up the challenge of designing a northern-style house.

【腰折ギャンブレル屋根と札幌「住」足跡 旧有島武郎邸-2】



English version⬇

The Waist Fold Gambrel Roof and the Sapporo “Residence” Footprints: Former Residence of Takeuro Arishima-2
Takeo Arishima left behind a highly sensitive residential design suitable for Sapporo. This roof must have been shocking in Japan at the time.

There are probably several characteristics of residential architecture that are typical of Hokkaido or Sapporo, but there are some areas where the Western style seems to have taken root as a Japanese private house as it is.
The roof shape is the most distinctive feature in terms of appearance. In the modern era, the “no-snowfall roof” or flat roof is the ultimate in this style, but in the pioneer period from the Meiji era (1868-1912), the characteristic roof shape was the gambrel roof, which is called a “mid-folded roof. The most common type of “mansard roof” is a hipped roof with a hipped gable, whereas the gambrel roof is a gabled hipped roof.
After his student days at Hokkaido University, Takeo Arishima studied in the U.S. for four years, returned to Japan, and was assigned to teach English at his alma mater, Hokkaido University. During his time in the U.S., he seems to have developed a deep commitment to American housing design. It can be assumed that perhaps the underlying inspiration was the landscape scenery in Sapporo, where he had spent time as a student. Since the Hokkaido Settlement, the recognition of the limitations of traditional Japanese construction methods that cannot cope with cold weather has led to an orientation toward Western-style housing, and the streetscape landscape of Sapporo, which had become a huge exhibition hall for such housing, probably inspired him to develop a deep interest in housing design during his life in the United States.
Arishima, who was a writer with a strong interest in residential architecture and a strong attraction to Western-style architecture for cold weather, is an extremely important and unique figure in the history of housing in Hokkaido as an “owner and visionary of custom-built houses” who, as a resident, went one step further and gave form to his own designs.
The red-brick Hokkaido Government Office Building, an American-style neo-Baroque building built in 1888, and the Clock Tower Building, among other symbolic structures, strongly influenced the eyes of the impressionable student Takeo Arishima, who continued to walk the streets of Sapporo. It is likely that the coloring of the red bricks had a strong influence on the coloring of this own residence.

The traces that Arishima left behind in the city of Sapporo and mapping related to his residence were displayed in this former residence. Sapporo Agricultural College, the predecessor of Hokkaido University, which was the starting point of the project, is said to have developed in a circle around the present clock tower. In his novel “Constellation,” he wrote a truly musical description of the sound of the clock tower’s bell. Such a description itself seems to have shaped the image of Sapporo in Japanese society after the Meiji period.
The house that has been relocated and preserved in the Hokkaido Kaitakushi no Mura (Hokkaido Development Village) was located in Kami Shiraishi-machi (now Kikusui, Toyohira-ku). It was the house where newlywed Arishima’s first son was born. It may be that the house became famous as the setting for the novel “Born of Trouble” after being visited by the painter Kinjiro Kida, who was a fisherman. However, the period of residence was only about a year and a half. After that, he changed his residence from place to place in a short period of time. And five years after his marriage, this new residence, which seems to be the crystallization of Arishima’s image of “residence” in Sapporo, would have been completed.

【「札幌らしい」典型的デザイン住宅 旧有島武郎邸-1】


English version⬇

Former Takeo Arishima’s residence, a typical “Sapporo style” design residence-1
Since the Meiji period, encouraging immigration to the cold region of Hokkaido has been a national security issue for Japanese society. The design of the Takeuro Arishima Residence deeply imprinted this image. …

Earlier, we visited Akutagawa-so, a hermitage attached to Ichinomiya-kan in Kujukuri, Chiba Prefecture, as a hermitage associated with Ryunosuke Akutagawa. I was conscious of the fact that the experience I gained by actually visiting the villa and coming into contact with its atmosphere was more like a physical voice from the fact that I was also exposed to the novelist’s works. I feel sukiya in the artist’s space.
I have seen the residences of various artists in terms of “people and their homes,” and I would like to delve deeper and take a look. I remember that when I visited Ryotaro Shiba’s memorial museum, I was able to experience the atmosphere that accompanied the artist as he created his works, although only through the glass.
In the same vein, the former residence of Takehiro Arishima is located in Sapporo, Hokkaido, and is related to the Hokkaido Houses. Arishima’s former residence has been relocated and preserved in the current Hokkaido Kaitakunomura (Hokkaido Development Village), but it is said that Arishima himself was deeply involved in the design of this building, which was completed in August 1912, when he was newly married, in Kita 12-jo Nishi 3-chome, Kita-ku, Sapporo. It is located close to the main gate of Hokkaido University where he worked.
The design sense of the house was quite different from the traditional Japanese style, and the reddish-brown paint, which is said to have been applied early after construction, must have made a particularly strong impression on the owner. The Arishima Residence is unique as a typical example of a detached house design, even though “Western-style construction” was introduced in the Hokkaido frontier to pursue architectural performance. This sense of design, which is so different from traditional Japanese design, must have contributed to the Japanese people’s awareness of Sapporo and Hokkaido as a new land.
The atmosphere of the Tatsuhiko Kuramoto residence had a great influence on the sense of residential design of the architect Tatsuhiko Kuramoto, who was active at the time of the first issue of Replan magazine. It is a classic of “Sapporo style” design that makes us nostalgic for our generation.
This building has been relocated and is now preserved as a memorial building in the Sapporo Art Park.
Arishima lived 45 years (March 4, 1878 – June 9, 1923), 12 of which were spent in Sapporo. Hokkaido and Sapporo became a kind of unique symbolic region in the “internationalization” of Japanese society after the Meiji period. I believe that the “exoticism” stimulated by the streets of Sapporo in Arishima’s works permeated Japanese society. In one of his works, he describes the bells of the clock tower, and I believe that his works may have fostered the desire for a new land beyond the Tsugaru Straits that had yet to be seen by the Japanese people.
Although he is 14-5 years older than Akutagawa in age, his serious writing career coincides with Akutagawa Ryunosuke’s. While writing about Akutagawa, I also wrote about him in his works. While writing about Akutagawa, I would like to delve a little deeper into the residence of Takehiro Arishima, which has been on my mind for some time.



English version⬇

A heavenly northern autumn, a time of drastic changes in life.
While the next environment has yet to start up, I feel sheer joy that the remnants of the heavenly summer of high temperature and humidity are still here in Hokkaido. …

I have been in an environment where various things have been going on at the same time and it has been difficult to have a peaceful mental image. I have put an end to the time that has passed since I started my own business, and I am now moving on to the next environment, but it is also taking a certain amount of time for legal applications.
There are a lot of things I can do, but psychologically I am not feeling very refreshed (laughs).
During such a period, I feel like I want to surrender myself to the changes of nature and accept the responses from nature. Since I am Japanese, I keep feeling this way. This is why my wife and I are floundering around on weekends.
Hokkaido has been experiencing a heat wave this year, and for a northerner, it is a miracle that the heavenly summer has lasted for more than a month. In Hokkaido, the warm and humid “midsummer” of Honshu is usually limited to one or two weeks. It gets a little hotter, but not for long, and the “hot and humid” usually lasts only a few days.
The day before yesterday, I was suddenly asked by people in warm and humid regions to discuss measures against “humidity” during the summer season. I couldn’t say, “You are very welcome,” but I just smiled at him (laugh).
While the response to cold temperatures may be a factor of “preparing for the crisis of life,” the response to wetness may be a mental image of “freedom from the hatred of dampness.
That is why an experience like this year’s is truly an “unprecedented” event. Perhaps we will be deeply moved by the passing of this year and think, “That year was good. If we can experience another summer like this one next year, I really believe there is no greater feeling of happiness. This may be the biggest reason for the psychological difference between people in warmer regions and those in colder regions.
Once the Obon season has passed, the autumn chill begins at once, and we are gradually driven into a state of mind that keeps us waiting for the harsh arrival of the winter army. That kind of “flower, bird, wind, and moon” feeling is common.
Although such autumn is steadily deepening, there is still a rise in temperature during the daytime. Yesterday, too, I was preparing to enjoy the ski gondola around Asahikawa and enjoy the view from the top of the mountain, but the conditions were so sweaty that I was not prepared for the beat.
It seems that the season closest to heaven, Hokkaido this year, is continuing into autumn.
I am praying in my heart that General Winter will not bring this kind of sheer happiness back to us this winter. A few more days, please.

【「日本エコハウス大賞 クロストークvol.2」に参加】

この様子は、https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaMQELSgsJU&t=21s で動画配信されていますので、ご興味のある方はご視聴ください。


English version⬇

Participated in “Japan Eco-House Award Crosstalk vol.2
Participating in a project by Architectural Knowledge Builders to promote high performance housing in warm and humid regions. Video distribution is underway. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaMQELSgsJU&t=21s

Yesterday evening, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., I participated as a “guest judge” for the Japan Eco-House Award sponsored by the architectural magazine, Architectural Knowledge Builders, as a preliminary cross talk.
The video of this event is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaMQELSgsJU&t=21s. Please watch it if you are interested.
The content of the talk was in line with the purpose of the Eco-House Award, and the moderator suddenly took a very maniacal (laugh) turn and talked about “humidity control” in housing. As an architectural magazine, I guessed that the main target audience was focused on professional architectural experts. His partner was Dr. Masayuki Mae of the University of Tokyo’s School of Engineering, who writes a series of articles for Replan magazine.
Dr. Mae is one of the leading experts on this topic, so I was able to learn from him, while I was able to respond from a position close to the user’s point of view.
I think that measures against “high humidity” inside buildings are a theme that has emerged as a major countermeasure against “heat and humidity” in the Kanto and southern regions, but Hokkaido is closest to the continental climate of the archipelago, and humidity is rather dry.
My house is built of concrete blocks, which is a “humidity-regulating building structure,” so I answered the question in line with the realities of daily life. I also said that even in warm and humid regions, the wisdom of our ancestors’ building materials such as plaster and painted walls would be fundamental.

Even in warm and humid regions, recently, individual advanced builders have been taking highly insulated and airtight housing technologies and practicing them in house building, and they are being closely watched as the “best in the region. This trend has become apparent since the Shinjyukyo’s activities have been moving southward. I think it is a very good thing, but in the process of popularization, various transitional events also occur.
In Hokkaido, too, there were some cases where this was used as a means of “differentiation” in the early stages of the development of highly insulated and airtight buildings. However, the Hokkaido Government and other public agencies were heavily involved in creating fair standards, which led to the formation of a user-centered technological infrastructure. This is a viewpoint that universalization is far more important and vital than the fundamentalist prominence of one part of the population.
I hope to seize opportunities like this to spread such Hokkaido-like empirical knowledge widely. Following this crosstalk, on October 26, the Eco-House Award selection process will be broadcasted in real time over a four-hour period from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.. As a participant, I am wondering if it is possible to take a restroom break during that time, even though it will be via Zoom (laugh).
(Laughs.) I hope you will be able to watch the event as well. I would like to participate from the user’s point of view first and foremost, and from the perspective of the cold region. Thank you very much.

【文豪の肉筆に触れる 芥川龍之介・九十九里の庵-8】



English version⬇

Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s Hermitage in Kujukuri – 8] Touching the Writings of the Great Writers
Akutagawa and his contemporaries must have been in the reverberations of Soseki Natsume’s generation, who created the lingua franca of Japan. We will explore their psychology in cursive and running script. …

I am not knowledgeable about handwriting, but when I look at my bad handwriting on a daily basis, I am reminded that my ineptitude is truly expressed in it. I think many people probably repeat the secret self-questioning about their own writing. For such a person as myself, the fact that the world has been transformed by personal computers has been a secret “liberation” from a latent and deep-seated sense of inferiority.
But it is also a very fundamental “revolution” about human beings and writing culture, which could later be qualified as “a trace of an important handiwork that humanity has lost.
The way Akutagawa writes the postcard characters above also gives the impression of “Oh, it looks quite throwaway. In particular, the single stroke on the left side of “kome” (込) and “shinyou” (しんにょう) give the impression of Akutagawa’s individuality and the expression of his internal language, as if to say, “Well, this will work.
In terms of writing styles, such as cursive, running script, and standard script, postcards are probably the most common type of cursive writing.

On the other hand, as for the proper writing of a letter, each character is carefully handwritten and has a sense of “conquering”, although it is not necessarily in block style. The phrase “Dear Sir/Madam,” which is an idiom at the beginning of a sentence, cannot be found in modern PC dictionaries. It is assumed that it was used to express the meaning of “respectfully” or “respectfully,” but since the common Japanese language had not yet been fully established at the time of Akutagawa’s death, he may have created his own favorite idiomatic expression.
Perhaps Akutagawa was respecting the efforts of his mentor Soseki Natsume and others to create a lingua franca as the cultural foundation of modern Japan, and at the same time, he was proposing his own original writing style to society. This may have been part of Akutagawa’s sense of national mission to create a national language culture at the end of the Meiji and early Taisho eras.
As for the “love letters” that we have been looking at for some time now, no such writings have been made public. It is very interesting to know whether the writing style was cursive or cursive, as it is a very vivid expression of the feelings of love. I am ashamed to admit that when I think back on it as a matter of personal experience, I am not quite clear on this point. I am ashamed to admit that when I think back on my own life, I am not so clear about it, and there is almost no way to check. In an era without photocopying equipment, the written word, which was a once-in-a-lifetime event, was entrusted with a kind of “spirit” as well.
Ryotaro Shiba wrote “Kaido yuku” (“On the Road”), in which he describes the human image of Soseki Natsume and others during the period of cultural creation in the early Meiji era, and the anguish they endured.

【この木造空間にちなむ文学作品 芥川龍之介・九十九里の庵-7】

・バルタザアル 1914年(翻訳、原作アナトール・フランス)
・「ケルトの薄明」より 1914年(翻訳、原作ウィリアム・バトラー・イェイツ)
・春の心臓 1914年(翻訳、原作ウィリアム・バトラー・イェイツ)
・クラリモンド 1914年(翻訳、原作テオフィル・ゴーティエ)
・ひょっとこ 1915年
・羅生門 1915年
・鼻 1916年
・芋粥 1916年
・手巾 1916年
・煙草と悪魔 1916年

このブログで建築と文学仕事の関連を考えていますが、明示的な資料にはないけれど、どうも作品としては「芋粥 1916年」がこの滞在期間に描かれたものだと想像できる。〜芋粥を腹一杯食べたい、という欲望を大事に持っていた人物が、突然その欲望を他人の力で満たされる事になり・・・夢見る幸せと、他力で叶う味気なさ。〜

English version⬇

Literary works associated with this wooden space: Ryunosuke Akutagawa, The Hermitage of Kujukuri – 7
The economy of the “Japanese literary world” and the realities of the writer’s business in 1916. Soseki Natsume intended to nurture the standard-bearers of “Japanese culture” and Akutagawa responded to him. …

In writing this blog, I have received some opinions that the truth is that Akutagawa was a rich bon vivant who, without a regular job, spent his time at a seaside ryokan “away from home” to the fullest extent of his amusement. Today’s blog is an investigation into this matter.
〜The Ichinomiya-kan Ryokan is located at the mouth of the Ichinomiya River, and Ryunosuke Akutagawa stayed at the Ichinomiya-kan in 1914 and 1916. During his stay, Akutagawa sent a long letter of courtship to Tsukamoto, who later became his wife, from this villa, and his memories of Ichinomiya appear in such works as “A Smile,” “On the Edge of the Sea,” “Genkaku Yambo,” and “Mirage.
The building was constructed in 1897. It is a one-story wooden structure with a thatched hipped roof. The main house and the two rooms of the second house are surrounded on three sides by a porch, and a washroom is located at one end of the porch. The house was built using traditional minka (private house) construction techniques of the region, and the quiet atmosphere of the surrounding pine forest makes for a beautiful sight.  Akutagawa’s works during this period were as follows.
Balthazar, 1914 (translation, original by Anatole France)
From “Celtic Twilight,” 1914 (translation by William Butler Yeats)
Heart of Spring, 1914 (translation by William Butler Yeats)
Clarimonde, 1914 (translation and original by Théophile Gautier)
Hyottoko, 1915.
Rashomon 1915
The Nose, 1916
Sweet potato porridge, 1916.
The handkerchief, 1916
Tobacco and the Devil, 1916
In Iwanami Shinsho’s “Akutagawa Ryunosuke” (written by Yasuyoshi Sekiguchi), “Ryunosuke’s summer at Ichinomiya-kan and his deep teacher-student relationship with Soseki Natsume are also introduced in detail,” and the following statement is included in the book.
After graduating from the university, Akutagawa entered graduate school without a fixed salary and began to work hard on his creative writing. This reminds us of the economic situation of writers in this period. Eventually, he was able to secure a regular job, thanks to the consideration of his former teacher, Soseki Natsume, but the basic economic structure of the Japanese literary “industry” was also in its infancy.
In one of his love letters, he wrote, “My business is the most unprofitable business in Japan today. Moreover, I myself have no money. So, from the point of view of my living standards, I will always be a nobody.
Although he graduated from university and had much more time for creative work, he still had more than enough time to devote to writing. During his stay in Ichinomiya (1916), Akutagawa systematically read, translated, wrote novels, painted, and wrote haiku while swimming in the sea with his housemates.

In October 1915, Akutagawa published “Rashomon,” one of his best-known works, in Teikoku Bungaku under the name “Akutagawa Ryunosuke,” and in 1916, he published the fourth edition of Shin Shicho (New Shicho), and his “Nose” in the first issue was highly praised by Soseki. This corresponds to the period of his career.
I have been thinking about the connection between architecture and literary work on this blog, and although there is no explicit reference to it, apparently I can imagine that the work, “Imo porridge, 1916,” was drawn during this period of his stay. 〜The character who had a cherished desire to eat a full meal of sweet potato porridge suddenly has that desire satisfied by the power of others…….. 〜The story is about the happiness of dreaming and the tastelessness of being fulfilled by other means.
There is no doubt that the “work” described in the love letter to his wife-to-be was writing. However, it does not seem that he could have earned a huge fortune from his writing career. There is no doubt that his teacher, Soseki Natsume, praised his talent highly, and he was attracted by the attention and burning desire to create.

【創造力生産性の高い空間 芥川龍之介・九十九里の庵-6】



English version⬇

Creativity Productive Space Ryunosuke Akutagawa, The Hermitage of Kujukuri – 6
Capitalism that tries to stimulate the imagination and draw out maximum efficiency in an extraordinary space. A landscape of the first source of Japanese literature that remembers exuberance and produces works of art. …

I may have a personal attachment to the writer Ryunosuke Akutagawa. For the people of today, the great writers of the Meiji and Taisho periods are almost on the same historical level as Murasaki Shikibu and Sei Shonagon, I suppose.
I personally loved “Rashomon,” and I am of the generation that was stimulated by the “writerly” nature of the author’s ability to pin up a scene from history and compose a cross-section of the human conflict. In contrast, the world of You-tube videos is probably much more stimulating in the modern sense. I myself no longer respond to anything like the Akutagawa Prize-winning works of today.
However, I believe that human beings have always valued creativity, which is the attempt to generate “new ideas” in our minds. As capitalism has taken over society, people have come to pursue “productivity” and “efficiency” even in the face of such creativity.
The spirit of “canning” writers to produce good works and then selling them as literary “products” with high added value became more and more popular.
The writers must have been desperate to create a space that would stimulate their creativity and imagination. In the atmosphere of Akutagawa-so, I was subconsciously searching for the aims of such publishers in the Taisho era. The two photos above show the area around the “writing desk” where Ryunosuke Akutagawa must have been sitting.
While modern people would prefer not to sit at a desk like this, Akutagawa would have found this kind of posture more suitable for the Taisho period. The writing desk is located on the southwest corner of the room. The desk is located in the southwest corner of the room, which provides the best lighting for working during the daytime. The writing desk itself is very compact, and it can be imagined that it is almost exclusively used as a writing surface. The references must have been scattered on the tatami mats in the surrounding area.
The erosion control forest and hedges must have provided greenery as a surrounding environment where one could occasionally rest one’s eyes, visually assuring peace of mind and body. It must have been an environment where he could release his true nature, since he even wrote a love letter.

It was a space provided by the people of this era with a commercial mindset that writers would be comfortable in such an environment and produce a large volume of good works. In fact, Akutagawa produced a novel and even wrote a love letter in his exuberance. The ryokan, as one would expect, paid close attention to the “product” and did not give any consideration to personal information, asking permission from the writer and even building an inscription to be used as a symbol of a first-class ryokan, which today continues to cast a net even for people like me (laughs).
It seems dark to me that this “habit” of exposing all information about the inner life of individuals has cast a shadow over the “suicide” culture of subsequent Japanese writers, from Ryunosuke Akutagawa to Osamu Dazai and others.
This is a truly interesting case study in the dual sense of an interest in space itself and the ryokan that directly commodifies that spatiality.

【天国に近い快適性の「科学」を 芥川龍之介・九十九里の庵-5】



English version⬇

The “Science” of Near Heavenly Comfort: Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s Hermitage in Kujukuri – 5
Experience the young Akutagawa’s free-spirited environment and background. I would like you to experience the science of this heavenly comfort along with high insulation and high airtightness. ・・・・・.

I feel that the human experience of the environment in warm and humid regions has not been the subject of much “science” because it is too familiar to the Japanese people. On the other hand, Hokkaido, which has been called “Ezochi” in Japanese archipelago society, has been hotly “scientifically” studied for its harsh, cold winters.
Before the Meiji era, the main interest of the Japanese people in the utilization of Ezo land was the exploitation of fishery resources, and it was never considered as a land where rice cultivation was “hard at work” due to its unsuitable climatic conditions. However, during the end of the Edo period and the Meiji period, the world powers, especially in Japan, began to think positively about the cold climate as a result of the Japanese people’s immigration policy as a response to Russia’s intention to occupy the southern part of the country and its aggression against the imperialist powers.
Until then, the Japanese people had been living in “gentle” natural conditions, wrapped in traditional wisdom, and filled with a sense of security. Except for the Tohoku region.
With the progress of the “science of comfort” research in Hokkaido, we can say that this residential environment research has almost reached the level of completion. Today in Hokkaido, appeals that dare to claim “housing performance” are no longer “resonating” directly with users. The mainstream perception is that it is a matter of course.
In warmer regions, “eco-house contests” are being held in katakana Japanese to promote housing performance, but the reality is that there is little interest in these contests from Hokkaido.
I happened to be interested in the bohemian and free-spirited environment of the place where Ryunosuke Akutagawa started his writing career, and as a person from a cold region, I was struck by the “heavenly” nature of the climate there. For those of us in the interior, it is probably too natural, but I wanted to take a look at the living environment equipment as a complement to the “comfort” of the environment.
After all, the greatest ethnic wisdom is the protection against solar heat by thatched roofs and the shielding of direct sunlight by eaves, as well as “natural ventilation” by ventilation under the floor like high floors and “full opening” in all three directions except the north side.
Various studies have been conducted on the thermal environmental effects of thatched roofs, but I believe that their heat insulation and moisture evaporation effects are recognized. It is likely that such a point of arrival was reached as a result of empirical research by architectural masters over a long period of ethnic history.
On the other hand, the comfort effect of natural ventilation is certainly at a level where the temperature and humidity are close to the maximum comfortable range in warm climates, making one feel “enchanted” and “light-headed”.
In the midst of strong sunlight and high temperatures, the Akutagawa Villa made me realize that the inside of my house is the closest thing to heaven. In fact, it is this kind of “comfort” that I wish would be “scientifically proven.

The wisdom of the people also extends to the environment as a whole. Although Akutagawa-so is located several hundred meters away from the Kujukuri beach, a greenbelt has been created in the buffer zone as if it were a sandbreak. A hedge has also been built on the south side of the hermitage, providing a “gentle to the eyes” green area for the protection of the residents from inside the house. I would like to see more scientific analysis of this kind of “visual” comfort stimulating factor.
The beach breeze coming through the layers of plants must have a very special airy feeling. In addition to the pleasant breeze, the subtle smells and breaths of the plants and flowers, the temperature and humidity must also add to the feeling of air quality.