
【「温故知新」型建築の未来 兵庫福崎三木家住宅-1】




English version⬇

The Future Possibility of “Onmyoshin”-type Architecture
A hotel that utilizes the emotionality of the “Miki Family Residence” in Fukusaki, Hyogo Prefecture in a modern way. This could be seen as an untapped business area for the housing industry.

The other day, I was serving as a judge for the Eco-House Contest sponsored by the housing industry magazine “Architectural Knowledge Builders.” I myself have been involved in the housing industry for a long time, and my career has a sense of one-cool-set.
However, after going through this process, I have come to think that it is important to look back on the future of the Japanese housing industry and consider the direction in which it will develop in the future. Having had the opportunity to serve as a jury for the competition, I was wondering what direction Japanese architecture should take in the future, and I felt that I had “gathered a lot of knowledge” by being exposed to many people’s “entry” activities and hearing directly from them.

I had this feeling of having “gathered the collective wisdom” of the many people who had submitted their ideas, and having come into direct contact with their real voices, I felt as if I had experienced a reincarnation of the beginning and the end of the story.
To my surprise, I learned that a part of the building with which I had a connection had been renovated and was being utilized as a hotel. The photo shows the Miki family residence in Fukusaki-cho, Hyogo Prefecture, and the stone warehouse facility on the far right side of the exterior photo has been converted into a hotel. I was surprised at the business concept of converting this building into a hotel and reusing it, and I wanted to applaud it.
The use of highly insulated and airtight housing technology in new construction of ordinary private houses will bring about technological transformation in various aspects. I think it is a welcome change in the industry that this will become a universal phenomenon. It is natural that evolution and sophistication in this area will be pursued. I agree with this viewpoint to a great extent.
On the other hand, however, Japan has a culture of old private homes that continues to retain a wonderful “emotionality.
While in Hokkaido, I am surrounded by the natural process of creating a highly insulated, airtight, and globally common living space, when I walk around the country in search of inspiration, I am overwhelmingly knocked out by the “emotionality” of Japan’s unique housing culture. I realize that each region of the world has its own unique “traditional” housing culture, which has a strong influence on a large part of human society’s thought process.
After a long time since my last conversation with “traditional architectural” people, I feel that Hokkaido’s housing culture needs to “learn” from such quality aspects. As I mentioned earlier, there is a sense of “reincarnation.

The Miki Family Residence here is a family lineage of my own ancestors in Fukusaki, Harima Province, and I was very surprised to see that modern values have been added to this old building to give it a “new life” factor, and at the same time, it made me feel a bit excited. I wanted to organize this kind of movement.




English version⬇

Global “Great Rebellion in Heaven” & Peace of Home, Nurturing of Life
The internal turmoil of power in neighboring countries and the sudden death of a central figure. The crisis in the Middle East after the terrorist attack on Israel. On the other hand, the comforting atmosphere of an old private house. On the other hand, the soothing atmosphere of an old private home…

Since returning from my business trip this week, I have had a number of various projects in progress, as well as temporary duties such as being an Eco-House judge, which has left me feeling somewhat fatigued in my lower back and other parts of my body.
I would like to return to a peaceful mood because of this. I believe that busyness and the noise of the world are the triggers for mental and physical fatigue.
Turning our eyes to the world, we see the outbreak of terrorist attacks and hostage-taking by Hamas, Israel’s declaration of retaliation against Hamas, and preparations for such attacks. In addition to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, the Middle East is also plunging into crisis. And in China, a series of purges within the regime and the military have emerged. The news of the “sudden death” of former Premier Li Keqiang. It seems that the “no way out” situation amid the rapidly worsening economic crisis is being reflected in the political situation as well.
While I was looking at some web information on Li Keqiang’s death yesterday, I came across information that when he visited Japan during the Abe administration, the purpose of his last stop in Hokkaido was to tour a Toyota-related “hydrogen fuel vehicle” plant. There was very little information available on the intentions of this visit to Hokkaido, and it was extremely strange that former Prime Minister Abe also accompanied him on such an unscheduled and hurried trip.
According to some sources, Li Keqiang, who had a sense of crisis about the future of EV technology development and its potential, took a strong interest in hydrogen technology, and it was believed that China was trying to pursue industrial policy in this direction.
I now realize that there is an unexpected perspective that the internal struggle within the Chinese Communist Party and its industrial policy are intertwined. His “sudden death” could be seen as a foreshadowing of another “Tiananmen Square Incident.
For Japan, this kind of turmoil in neighboring countries is also a matter of great concern.

In the midst of such a chaotic situation, I am moved by the idea of “tranquility” in housing. The photo shows children playing in a restored old house in Komae, Tokyo.
The thatched roof and the silhouette of the children appeal to the Japanese spirit. It can be said that Hokkaido has created a housing culture that has been greatly transformed by the housing innovation of high thermal insulation and high airtightness, but in my opinion, I feel a strong sympathy for this traditional worldview.
In the Eco-House competition, I felt strong sympathy for those who submitted proposals that made use of traditional natural features. And rather, I kept thinking that Hokkaido needs to learn well the sentiment of life that these traditional houses have created.
I guess I have a strong impression that this is the original landscape that cultivates the spirituality of the Japanese people.
Please forgive the lack of coherence in today’s blog.

【トータル5時間超 エコハウス審査員任務ようやく終了】

1 ユーザー視点での見方を情報発信すること。
2 寒冷地・北海道の人間がだれもいないのでその立場・見方を意見表出すること。
3 今後の住宅業界が見据えていくべき方向性を審査過程で意見具申すること。
審査の過程でのわたしの発言については配信される動画を参照ください。視聴チケットのお申し込みはこちら https://t.livepocket.jp/e/7u056 (無料かと誤解していましたが有料での配信ということ)


English version⬇

Finally, after more than 5 hours of eco-house jury duty, we are done.
1. user’s point of view; 2. Hokkaido’s point of view; 3. future direction of the industry. 〜It was a pleasure to participate and have a dialogue with such a stance. I was happy to participate and have a dialogue with such a stance.

Yesterday, I was finally able to complete my assignment as an “eco-house judge,” which I was lightly asked to do by Mr. Kido, the editor-in-chief of Architectural Knowledge Builders, whom I have known for a long time, when I met him at the Japan Home Show last year.
I was able to participate via Zoom because of my remote location. I was able to participate from my office in a relaxed manner, but the show was scheduled to start at 14:00 and I was supposed to be on standby at 13:20 to prepare for the show, but I had to jump into the show just before the show started. I was a bit sweaty and a bit nervous.
Of course, since I was a “guest judge,” the data I had received was quite adequate, and I was not able to refer to the important “construction cost data” (I may have found it somewhere). (Perhaps there was some data somewhere, but I could not find it.
Looking at the distinguished jury members, all of whom were experts, my mission was to
1. To provide information on how to look at things from the user’s point of view.
2. To express my views and opinions from the perspective of Hokkaido, a cold region of Japan, since no one from Hokkaido was present.
3. To express my opinion on the direction that the housing industry should take in the future during the screening process.
I have decided to present my opinion based on my self-awareness that the following points are necessary requirements. I guess it is a part of my experience to be aware of the “expectations” of the judges based on the stance of the organizer as a member of the media. I have been in such a position myself.
In that sense, the judging was focused on “new points of view” for the readers of architecture magazines, the majority of whom are makers, rather than on the total “degree of completion” of the house.
Please refer to the video for my comments on the judging process. For tickets, please visit https://t.livepocket.jp/e/7u056 (I mistakenly thought the video was free, but it was paid for).
As a result, the grand prize was awarded to a case study of renovation of a rental house in Kyoto.
I was very pleased with this result, as I believe that the most important role the housing industry should play in Japanese society as a whole in the future is to take the initiative in improving the lives of users and creating a more comfortable living environment, which is the purpose of Eco-House. I am very pleased with the results.

To be frank (laugh), when talking with people in Hokkaido, we heard many comments beforehand, such as “people in Hokkaido are not interested in opinions from Hokkaido” and “people in Honshu and southward misunderstand that we are dissing them. I am deeply grateful for their valuable opinions. I have tried to be careful in my remarks on these points, but please forgive me if there were any points that could have been misunderstood.
However, it is hard work to keep one’s attention in a sitting position for a total of five hours (laughs). When I went to bed, somehow my right ring toe got cramped.


・設計者 葛野壮一郎
・構造形式 鉄筋コンクリート造
・階数 地上5階・地下1階
・竣工 1921年(大正10年)
・所在地 大阪府大阪市北区西天満2丁目8-1
設計者は葛野壮一郎(かどの そういちろう1880年-1944年1月18日)は、関西を中心に多くの建築物の設計を手がけた建築家。



English version⬇

Oe Building in central Osaka, a mixture of old and new architecture.
A housing builder company relocated its office to the center of Osaka. A warm and comfortable living environment is proposed to users from a retro “building” from the Taisho era. …

I had heard that Daishin Build, an Osaka-based construction company, had relocated to a building in the center of the city. And since the new tenant was an old building known by the name of “Oe Building (Ji, not Ji),” a very retro architectural building, I was strongly attracted to the building and visited President Shimizu.
I was completely in the identity of an architectural explorer and captured it on camera. This building is so famous that it has its own page in Wikipedia. The architectural data is as follows.
Architect: Soichiro Kuzuno
Reinforced concrete construction
Number of floors: 5 floors above ground and 1 basement floor
Completed in 1921
Location: 2-8-1 Nishitenma, Kita-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture
The building is 102 years old, and nearby is the famous Osaka branch of the Bank of Japan. This old building was relocated and newly constructed in 1903 in Nakanoshima, where it stands today. The current old building of the Bank of Japan. It is 120 years old.
The designer is Soichiro Kuzuno (1880 – January 18, 1944), an architect who designed many buildings mainly in the Kansai region.

In Osaka, such old buildings are juxtaposed with the latest architecture in the cityscape. In Tokyo, economic rationality prevails, and land prices are naturally high for sites for such retro buildings in the central area, so buildings are being rebuilt rapidly to increase the “turnover rate,” so to speak. However, the role of these unique old buildings in the so-called architectural flavor and atmosphere of the cityscape is immeasurable. I think they play the “main melody” in the streetscape of Sapporo, which is also played by the Hokkaido Prefectural Government Red Brick Office Building and the Clock Tower Building.
When I asked Mr. Shimizu about the key points of these buildings, he was embarrassed during the middle part of the interview and talked about the location environment that easily attracts people and the “attractiveness of the building as an attractive architecture” as some of the points of choice.
Since people like me are visiting from remote Hokkaido, the “attracting people” factor must be more than enough to make it effective. I couldn’t help but ask, “But it looks cold in winter, doesn’t it? As the number one store in the region for highly insulated and airtight houses, Daishin Build is, in a way, taking on the challenge of choosing the right environment.

It will be very interesting to see how the design characteristics typical of reinforced concrete architecture and the wooden opening components and design expression will harmonize over time to inspire contemporary residential users. I can easily imagine the response of a prospective homeowner who might ask, “You have an interesting office in an interesting building,” to which I would reply, “We will build a highly insulated and airtight home while also utilizing this retro design mindset (laughs).
I would like to pay attention to what kind of results will be produced.






English version⬇

Aerial sketch of a flight from Kansai to Chitose in fine autumn weather.
By chance, I was transferred from my usual aisle seat to a window seat. I felt the blessings of the autumn weather as the aerial view unfolded outside the window. For a moment, I was forced to change my line of sight to the macroscopic view. Aerial view

When you fly, do you prefer the window side or the aisle side?
In my case, I have been choosing the aisle side for a while now because of the freedom of movement. I have been choosing the aisle side for some time now because of the freedom of movement. and since then, it has been mainly “freedom” when boarding and exiting the plane and during the flight, and it was the aisle side with the single-minded desire to be free from the inconvenience of the in-flight as soon as possible.
Was it the psychology of having unknowingly chosen functionality as my business life (laugh)?
(Laughs) But this time, by chance, I forgot to select my seat, and for the first time in a long time in my life, I was seated on the window side. What am I going to do? I had to do some work on the computer in my hand baggage, so…well, I could just put it under my feet.” This activated a switch in my mood, and after having my bowel movements firmly contained beforehand (laugh), I was enjoying the scenery outside the window from Kansai to Hokkaido under the fine weather.
It was a turning point in my work life, so I checked the scenery outside the window for the first time in a while. After taking off from Kansai International Airport (KIX), I was in a passive state of mind, thinking “Oh, KIX and Kobe are surprisingly close” and “Osaka is full of reclaimed land, isn’t it?
The top photo is an aerial view of Kyoto, where the grid pattern of the city is clear. The green area slightly to the upper right appears to be the Kyoto Imperial Palace. I was surprised to see such an orderly layout of the city, which had been the capital for a thousand years. I wonder if the diligent nature of the Japanese people was influenced by such a city.

While I was trying to sleep, I felt sleepy and was in a trance for a while…. I noticed that the summit of the independent volcano could be seen clearly below the window. The summit was capped with snow, and the trees near the summit were turning red, and the gradation of colors from red to green was visible from the base of the mountain.
I wondered if I had reached Mount Tsugaru-Iwaki in one fell swoop while I was sleeping.
I realized that I had passed through a lot of viewing points while I was in a daze. I was determined to keep my eyes open from here on.

The aircraft quickly crossed the Tsugaru Straits, and we were now on our way to take aerial photos of Hakodate. Once again, I learned about the natural topography of Mt. Hakodate and how excellent it was as a port. Hakodate is a city in Hokkaido that I love and consider a major presence in my mind. I was struck by the scenery, which seemed to confirm its beauty once again.

And just before landing at our destination, New Chitose Airport. The contrast between the evergreen forest and the overwhelming broad-leaved trees greets me with a “Oh, you’ve come home so often. This is the moment when my “home” begins to reboot from the atmosphere in Kansai. I feel that as I age, this kind of “sense of impermanence” increases more and more.
From this moment on, I will restart my business time in my hometown. I’m going to do it.




English version⬇

Nobunaga’s view of Sakai during the Warring States Period
Nobunaga as a symbol of the strong Japanese curiosity discovered by the West in the Age of Discovery. Nippon adopts the landscape of the first source of encounter of civilizations as a construction shielding panel mural. …

Whenever I travel to the Kansai region, I generally stay in the town of Sakai. It is within easy reach of many places in the Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe area, as well as Nara and deep into Hyogo Prefecture, and has a moderately rural feel that makes me feel close to Sakai as my “home town in the Kansai region.
I have had a love of history since I was a child, and the story of Nobunaga Nobunaga that I watched as a child depicted the young Nobunaga “spreading his knowledge” of Sakai as if he were on a school excursion, and I believe that I was strongly motivated by my sympathy for Nobunaga’s thoughts and feelings. I believe that it was largely due to his strong sympathy for Nobunaga’s heart and mind.
I believe that what we all experience in our youth will continue to have a strong influence on us, and as we get older, our psychology matures and becomes more romanticized, making us feel as if we are a gem.
The photo is a drawing of a construction wall panel that can be seen from my favorite Ohama Park.
Although these wall panels are used to temporarily cover construction sites, in recent years architects often use wall panels with themes that respect the history of the area in which they are built, in consideration of the people living in the area. In this case, I was impressed by the wall paintings in Sakai.
As mentioned above, the situation in Sakai during the reign of Nobunaga Nobunaga appears as if in a daydream (laugh).
In the far-off days of the Warring States period, the foreigners who strolled around Sakai in this manner were trading in the latest Western technology. The merchants of Sakai, the most advanced capitalism, responded to their reception and worked to spread and diffuse the technology to Japanese society.

Japan had a similar experience after the end of the Edo period and the Meiji period, but as a result of these layers of active trade exchanges, Japan during the Warring States period was forced to close its borders due to a strong rejection of the spiritual culture of Christianity. On the other hand, I believe that the end of the war was the result of a society that actively introduced Christianity from the end of the Edo period and the Meiji era, and that it experienced defeat.
Such encounters with Western culture as a people and its various twists and turns still strongly remind us of the pure and surprising feelings of the young man Nobunaga. As a member of the Oda family, which controlled the Owari economic zone, the center of Central Japan in terms of trade, Nobunaga must have had an exceptional experience in Sakai. He was convinced that he would be able to unify Japan if he controlled the latest weaponry, specifically guns, and he chose an active mercantilist policy as a source of funds to achieve this goal.
As the starting point of Japan’s history, this scene in Sakai is a dazzling sight for a Hokkaido person like myself. Yet, today, with the central axis of Japan’s history shifting to the Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe area, the town of Sakai has been somewhat forgotten. But this is something to be thankful for. I am supremely fond of the atmosphere of the town, which is contained within a very ordinary locality.

【家とひと・人生の「運命」 有島武郎旧邸-8】



English version⬇

The Fate of the House, the People, and Life: The Former Residence of Takeo Arishima-8
The sheer joy of life, blessed with three children, took a dark turn. His beloved wife became ill and died too young. The house still tells us of Mr. Arishima’s thoughts and breath. The house still speaks of Mr. Arishima’s thoughts and breath.

The lives of literary figures are a certain amount of personal information, but just as the genre of “private novels” has been established, there is an aspect of expressing the entirety of a literary figure’s life and communicating it to readers, and this information is made public on the premise of consent from the bereaved family. However, many Japanese writers, such as Ryunosuke Akutagawa and Osamu Dazai, committed suicide as a result of having agreed to such conditions. Arishima followed in their footsteps.
However, the disclosure of such information will expand the realm of reading in the sense that the general reader will be able to perceive the world of the work, including such aspects of the work. In addition, today, there are many unwritten photographs and records of materials left behind, so it is possible to explore the history of the work even more deeply.
The photo above is a scene at the entrance of the Arishima residence on New Year’s Day in 1914, the year after the residence was completed and the family moved in. Pochi,” the dog that was given the common name of “Pochi,” which is not like the artist (laugh), is playing with Arishima. The dog, which must have communicated with Arishima as an animate being, is affectionate and relaxed.
The episode of Saigo Takamori and his beloved dog is widely known among Japanese people, and it brings blood to the image of the man before his death. Perhaps Japanese people are particularly fond of such things. Please take a look at the photo of the exterior of the building, which is the best angle of the building. The snowfall in Sapporo on New Year’s Day in 1914 also conveys the atmosphere and reality of the city.

And here is a shot of Arishima as a parent embracing his newborn child in his new home. He was deeply in love with Sapporo, had obtained a job as a university professor here, and had built a custom-built house that reflected his own “creativity,” so to speak, and was at the peak of happiness in his life.
The timeline below is part of the story of Arishima, his family, and the fate of this detached house. The Arishima family celebrated New Year’s in this house for only one year. The house’s condition is recorded after the beloved wife became ill in the second year after the house was built.
As I mentioned yesterday, there are some figures that give an idea of the “housing economy” at that time. In 1921, a large house with a floor space of nearly 80 tsubo (about 1,000 square meters) was priced at 5,000 yen. If we apply the monetary translation konnyaku (purchasing rate parity standard x 1,080) that we explored yesterday, the price would be 5,400,000 yen in modern parity. Since the land is leased and only the price of the building itself is used, I wonder if this is a certain measure. The property was built seven years ago, and the site conditions on the north side of Sapporo Station, which was considered “gloomy” according to the land sense of the time, are also taken into account. Land improvement projects, such as the Sosegawa River excavation, were still in their infancy.
After all, we can receive a variety of information from the footsteps of our predecessors who did the expressive work. As a person of the future generation, I can only be deeply grateful.

【建て主自身の設計図面スケッチ 有島武郎旧邸-7】




English version⬇

Sketch of the builder’s own design plan of the former residence of Takeo Arishima-7
The plan drawings reveal in detail the state of the Arishima family at that time. It shows the joys, sorrows, and the way of life of the Arishima family. The house was built in the late 1960’s…

When the former residence of Takeo Arishima was built, Sapporo had a total population of 96,897 in 1913, of which 52,867 were males and 44,030 were females, about 1/20 of the present population. The current number of new housing starts in Sapporo in 2010 is 15,761. Although data on the number of housing starts during the Taisho period are scarce, a simple 1/20 estimate suggests 7,000 to 8,000 housing units.
This means that a considerable number of houses were built in the Taisho period. My family moved to Sapporo 68 years ago. At that time, I heard that they bought a ready-built house on a corner lot in Kita 3-jo Nishi 11-chome, which was built by a real estate agent named “Fujikichi Kinoshita. In Sapporo, where the population was concentrated, there must have been active real estate agents and builders even at the time of construction of Arishima’s own residence 100 years ago.
Although the Pacific War intervened between the two periods, it was only 30 years or so at most. There is a certain amount of historical understanding of the housing trend in Sapporo, and it is said that newly built houses by university professors were the object of envy for the “high-colored” detached houses.
The pioneer of this trend was the old Arishima Residence, which gained a high reputation and recognition. Other houses built by high-ranking officials of the Kaitakushi (Hokkaido Development Office) and Michi (Hokkaido Prefectural Government) are also said to have been the talk of the town. The unique regional character and soil of residential architecture may be the result of the activities of Mr. Arishima and others. Having experienced the life path of a local housing magazine, there are moments when I look back on it.
The hand-drawn sketch above is from an exhibit at the Arishima residence.
The land is 405 tsubo (3,860 m2) and was leased, with a monthly rent of 3.51 yen, which, according to a popular theory on the web, is 1,080 times higher than in 2019, or about 4,000 yen per month, but we will see.

It is imagined that Arishima himself had a private room either across from the kitchen or on the second floor. Reflecting the era, a “maid’s room” of about 2 tsubo (3.5 square meters) is also provided. It is thought that the wife, who had just given birth, would not have been able to handle the upkeep and maintenance of the spacious house.
Then the wife contracted pulmonary tuberculosis and was unable to sustain life in Sapporo with three young children, forcing the family to give up living alone in this house. The house reflects the family drama and shows us afterimages.

【1913年の北海道住宅記事発掘(!) 旧有島武郎邸-6】



English version⬇

Hokkaido residence article excavated in 1913 (!) Former Takeo Arishima Residence-6]
A rather unfortunate article that shows an intent to diss society, rather than a positive attitude of “building up local architecture together”. …

In a recent article, we reported that a local newspaper had published an article on the newly built house by Takeo Arishima in 1913 as a NEWS house, and we were able to take a screenshot of the July 9 edition, 110 years ago.
Since this is a report on the housing of a distant predecessor, we have tried to translate the article into modern Japanese as much as possible. The newspaper itself is no longer in existence, so please forgive me for any inaccuracies. The following is a modern translation of the article.
Old Architecture – House in Sapporo Dist.
Sapporo is called the “Kyoto of the North,” and it is known for its spaciousness, especially its wide roads, lush trees, mountain scenery, and undulating rivers. When people from Japan see the smoky towns of the Tohoku region and enter Hokkaido, they feel relaxed and at ease. Sapporo, in particular, is the earliest place to import Tokyo trends, and it is truly pleasant to see and hear people’s “style” and “mannerisms. It seems as if the city is recreating the image of the central imperial capital in the north, passing through the muddy land of Nakasendo.
The architecture of Sapporo, however, is one of the most striking features of the city, and it is unlike anything seen anywhere else in Japan. This is a kind of special so-called “Sapporo style” architecture that cannot be found anywhere else in Japan. You might say that it can be found in the rural areas of the U.S., but even the Yanks do not have houses of this style in the center of the capital. It is a bad idea to build a house with long clapboards piled up horizontally. It is made of long clapboards piled up horizontally and has two or three windows with bad glass. It is probably a legacy of the government houses built by the Meiji Kaitakushi (Hokkaido Development Office) in imitation of the wooden shacks of the American colonial style.
I am feeling a little tired (crying)…. >The following is a photocopy.
In the text that follows, it says, “The houses of Mr. Ryoji Oda and Mr. Takeo Arishima are being built in the private sector at this time as well. The text seems to be a warning against the situation where houses are being built with immature technology without a solid design. As one would expect from a newspaper journalist, he takes a socially critical stance in his piece. However, I was a bit concerned about the argument that “the building designed by Tokyo engineers” is the correct one as an honest architecture. The entire article gives the impression that Tokyo is a higher concept, and that the local people are “looked down upon” as inferior, which does not make me feel any love for the local people. It is a little sad to think that there is no sense of fellowship as a local person.
The conclusion of the report seems to be, “Modern life in our country seems to be a mixture of Japanese and Western styles, with houses leaning toward a purely Japanese style or a blend of Japanese and Western architecture, while commercial buildings, offices, and government offices are becoming purely Western. This seems to be the conclusion.
It seems that the author is aiming to criticize Hokkaido politics by leaning toward architecture rather than leaning toward architecture. The author’s “good view of housing” is not clear, as it seems that the blending of Japanese and Western styles of housing was a very natural trend. I agree with some parts of the article, and disagree with others (I cried).

【さっぽろの街と青春の感性 旧有島武郎邸-5】



English version⬇

The City of Sapporo and the Sensibility of Youth Former Takehiro Arishima Residence-5
The expressive power of Takehiro Arishima is a very significant factor in the image modeling of the city of Sapporo. It makes us deeply grateful to his predecessors of about 80 years chronologically. ・・・・.

Today, I would like to consider the atmosphere of Sapporo, the city he came from Tokyo to live in. Among the exhibits at his former residence, there are photos of Arishima’s fascination with the city of Sapporo, and I feel that I am approaching a point beyond saturation point.
The photo above shows the area around Sapporo Agricultural College (later to become Hokkaido University), where Arishima attended school. There was a clock tower near the school, and the sound of the bell must have been a daily punctuation mark that seeped into the folds of his psyche. The Japanese and the sound of bells is a theme worth considering, but for a sensitive young man from Tokyo, it must have been a completely different experience from the bells he had heard from the bell towers of Buddhist temples and shrines. Today, the clock tower is considered one of the three most disappointing tourist attractions in Japan (laugh), but for people of Arishima’s age, it was the tone that set the tone for their lives. He left behind such a sentence.
I think that the world of Arishima’s time, which was more than 60 years after his arrival in 1896, is quite different from the world of my generation, who moved to Sapporo as a child in about 1955.
When I was a boy, the Sapporo Citizens’ Charter was read out loud, and it included the first phrase, “We are the citizens of Sapporo, where the clock tower bell rings. However, even in the area around Kita 3-jo Nishi 11-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, where I lived, it was rare to hear the sound of the bell. Although the distance between the two places is about 1 km, I did not develop such sensitivity. Rather, the sound of wolves roaring in the night sky at the nearby “Hokkaido University Botanical Garden” remained as an afterimage in my mind’s eye during my childhood and adolescence (laugh). For myself, I believe that the musicality that was deeply absorbed into my psyche was that roar….

However, as a citizen of Sapporo, I can never forget the debt of gratitude I owe to Takeo Arishima for shaping the image of Sapporo for the Japanese people. Moigonzan” is now commonly referred to as “Mt. Moiwa,” but as a citizen of Sapporo, I can agree with this expression that deeply touches my heart at once.
The psychological feeling of sharing a common sense of atmosphere comes over me strongly.
Whether it is the clock tower or Mt. Moiwa, I feel that he is a great benefactor who has appealed to the majority of Japanese people both musically and visually. His deep love for the city of Sapporo can be felt endlessly. He was born in Tokyo and died in Karuizawa, and through his expressive power, the image of Sapporo was conveyed to Japanese society with a unique aftertaste. I am truly grateful to him.