


English version⬇

The challenge of utilizing PV in “high snowfall areas,” where it is difficult to install PV.
The attitude of boldly taking on the challenge of a harsh external environment with more than 100 cm of vertical snow cover shows the frontier spirit of the Pure-Hokkaido people.

Yesterday I introduced various challenges in Hokkaido regarding “wall-mounted” solar power generation, but the problem of snow accumulation is still an obstacle to the adoption of PV as a response to the energy crisis.
 The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism defines a “heavy snowfall area” as “an area with a vertical snow accumulation of 100 cm or more as specified by a specified administrative agency in accordance with Article 86 of the Building Standards Law Enforcement Order. Since the proposed building site in Minamihoro Town is located in an area with a vertical snowfall of 130 cm, the conditions of a heavy snowfall area would apply.
 If the government is going to force these areas to change their approach to energy, it should also provide institutional measures to deal with the anticipated difficulties, but it is undeniable that at the moment the local governments are solely responsible for their own efforts. While such matters should be pursued on the institutional side, in reality, we have no choice but to respond to social changes by considering “what we can do.
 The plan shown above is the one that makes the most use of PV in the collection of plans for the “Zero Carbon Village” in Minamihoro Town. (An example of a proposed house built in collaboration with Kikuzawa Corporation and Toruichi Hirota Design.
 A total of 30 panels were installed: 12 445W panels on the gently sloped, no-snowfall flat roof, and a total of 18 panels on the walls. The total energy is 13.35 kW, a powerful challenge proposal. Kikuzawa’s home base is in Eniwa City, an area with 90cm of snow outside of the heavy snowfall zone, so they are proposing a very “aggressive” plan here as well. Since the company has been actively promoting the use of PV, it is assumed that this decision is based on “empirical knowledge” of actual operational efficiency results, rather than the “efficiency” of PV power generation as assumed by the system.
 This is a nod to the proposal from a position that has actually verified actual energy efficiency in cold regions. I recently had a chance to visit their latest home, and they are taking a challenging stance on ventilation and heating equipment. I was very excited by their extreme research into the efficiency of various energy equipment, using their home as a testing ground.
 Hokkaido is the most suitable region for this kind of challenge. You can assume that the results obtained under the harsh conditions have been subjected to rigorous verification.
 Before giving up because of the heavy snowfall, it would be more refreshing to look forward with a little bit of certainty to the results we have accumulated. I agree that the majority of the people who moved to Hokkaido were determined to move forward and take on challenges, rather than looking backward. The “frontier spirit” of today’s people may be more alive in such places than one might think.




English version⬇

Hokkaido, the Advanced Region of the Issue, Will Clear the PV Wall?
Hokkaido has responded to the demands of Japanese national society through the development of highly insulated and airtight technologies. Now, is there another demand for “evolution” in residential energy?

The somewhat self-deprecating phrase “Hokkaido is an advanced area of issues” is often used by the Hokkaido Institute of Housing Research (HIROSOKEN) to convey information. This is a very apt description.
 As I mentioned yesterday, since the Meiji era (1868-1912), when the Japanese colonization of this land was a matter of “national defense” itself, Japanese architecture has been dealing with “cold climate countermeasures” in earnest for the first time. Japanese society is, after all, a human society established in the global geographical conditions of warm Asian islands, and it is also a cultural society that originated in a subtropical climate, where rice is the main food product.
 In such a society, the harsh climatic conditions of snow and cold were probably avoided. Even in the northern Tohoku region, poor rice production due to the cold climate had been shaking the society as a famine throughout the historical period.
 The Meiji Revolution was a revolution that revolutionized the entire society in order to secure independence from the Western powers, and the promotion of colonization of Hokkaido and the innovation of “housing” technology were essential to this. Kiyotaka Kuroda, the future prime minister of the Satsuma clan, was deeply involved in the development of Hokkaido, and he spearheaded the promotion of cold-weather housing technology. It is said that on one occasion, he even climbed onto the roof of a wooden construction site and jumped in to participate in the work.
 For this reason, Hokkaido has always been an “advanced place of challenges” for Japanese architecture as a whole. This has remained a “tradition” to the present day, and the sense of mission since the pioneering mission has made Hokkaido a Mecca for technological innovation in cold-weather housing, including thermal insulation and airtightness. While these technologies were being returned to regions south of Honshu, the region was also confronted with solar power generation as a form of energy innovation.
 Hokkaido, an “advanced region” in terms of snowfall conditions, was to accept this energy device that utilizes the roofs of buildings in warmer regions with little or no snow cover.
 From there, the major direction of PV wall installations has been developed. 
 However, as a Hokkaido-er, I cannot help but feel that this is “absurd. One of our readers commented to us, “If there is little chance of a large building being erected on the south side, a wall PV system would be effective. If MLIT is going to promote PV, shouldn’t they improve the legal system surrounding the right to sunshine?” This is a perfectly reasonable opinion.
 While this is absolutely true, it is also true that Hokkaido, with its relatively spacious site conditions, is the most suitable place for the development of wall PV application technology. Hokkaido, which has developed and spread the technology of high thermal insulation and airtightness, must think that it is being presented with new conditions for evolution.
 In terms of design, these kinds of fetters may lead to the creation of something new. The design shown above may suggest a “direction”.




English version⬇

Hokkaido Style: Using PV for Zero-Energy Homes
Struggle for advanced insulation. Although the operating rate is generally less than 70% for roof-mounted PV, we are moving toward a concrete approach to PV “wall-mounted” installation. …

The most important difference between Hokkaido and warmer regions in terms of housing policy is the endemic condition of snowfall.
 Regarding energy for housing, the first houses in Hokkaido were heated by coal, which was mined in abundance from the early stages of development. The discovery of coal was a miracle for the development of Hokkaido in the Meiji era. The reason why Hokkaido Island has not been developed as a Japanese nation for so long is largely due to the fact that there was no concept of insulation in Japanese housing and no source of heating energy.
 However, American engineers, with the help of pioneering ideas, discovered a coal mine near Yubari that had extremely abundant coal reserves on a global scale, and this provided an “energy source” for the pioneering work.
 The opening of Japan’s railroad line between Otaru (Temiya) and Sapporo, following the line between Yokohama and Tokyo, and the fact that the first passenger on the line was the Emperor Meiji, who toured the area of Sapporo, is an indication of this. The inn where the Emperor Meiji stayed in Sapporo has been preserved.
 For the Japanese nation, the discovery and mining of coal may be said to have marked a breakthrough in Hokkaido management.
 It can also be said that the heating of houses in Hokkaido and the advancement and development of the living environment have been Japan’s long-cherished aspiration since the Meiji era. This is the biggest reason why Japan has continued to crush the southward ambitions of Russia, the aggressor nation. It can be said historically that the reason why the recent invasion of Ukraine has not been carried out against Hokkaido was largely due to the success of such Hokkaido development.
 Indeed, Hokkaido’s housing technology is inextricably linked to this. I personally believe that when the history of Japan progresses a little further, this will be clearly stated in history.
 After such a star-studded history, today, the energy issue has taken on a different aspect.
 Today, the use of photovoltaic or PV power generation has been established as one direction. While we still have the problem of what to do about the disposal of these panels after they deteriorate over time, it has become common sense as a major directional choice.
 This is very troubling for Hokkaido.
 The question is how to maintain the snow-covered roof with PV panels on it. When this topic was raised at the Hokkaido Housing Advisory Council meeting, there was a sense of “are we finally being forced to do something about it? It was from such discussions that the specific idea of “wall installation” gained momentum. Needless to say, energy efficiency would be lower than roof-mounted systems, but the system would be free from the need to deal with snow accumulation. The other requirements are location and other conditions.
 The “Zero Carbon Village” in Minamihoro this time presented a model plan reflecting such discussions. It is the result of efforts to achieve this kind of “optimal solution” in difficult climatic conditions.

【2024イマドキ北海道住宅の目標・可視化 in南幌】


English version⬇

2024 Imadoki-Hokkaido Housing Goals and Visualization in Minami-Horo
Yesterday, we had a meeting to discuss the direction of the Hokkaido Housing Policy Conference for 2023 and the new fiscal year. We would like to propose a house building concept that reflects the discussions. …

One symbolic project is beginning to move forward regarding changes in “housing” reflecting various social trends that have been moving under the surface during the stagnation experienced from the social blockage caused by the Corona.
 The “Preamble” section of my blog of 6/2/2018, in which I introduced the “Kita Smile Village” as a precursor to the “Midorino Zero Carbon Village” that I introduce today, which is a 2018 stage of visualizing housing policies in Hokkaido, is reproduced below.
 〜Hokkaido has been very unique among regional governments across the country in maintaining close involvement in “local home building”.
 Since the Meiji era, the Kaitakushi (Hokkaido Development Office), which is the root of today’s Hokkaido Government, has been desperately searching for ways to create a stable “indoor environment” in the extremely harsh cold climate conditions for the Japanese house culture, and as a result, to achieve a large number of immigrants.
 For the Meiji nation, this was truly a nationalistic challenge to make the leap to a modern nation.
 This historical background has now led to the accumulation of a unique housing culture in Japan that is the result of a combination of knowledge of housing performance and the trial and error that led to it. The “residual heat” from the past 150 years certainly still exists today. 〜The spirit of the “residual heat” from the past 150 years is still present today.
 This spirit continues to be at the root of Hokkaido’s unique housing policies to this day. In order to keep this spirit alive today, Hokkaido has continued to hold regional “housing policy meetings. I have participated as a member of these meetings, and have expressed my opinions from the standpoint of real-time information on housing in the region and the user perspective of the NPO Housing 110.
 Yesterday, the policy review meeting was held, and a booklet for the general public on the “Midorino Zero Carbon Village” was disclosed as “today’s edition”. As expected, it was clear that the directions discussed at the policy meeting have been materialized and visualized in various ways. The real-time status of Hokkaido housing can be understood by observing actual construction in each region, but in a larger sense, the direction that the entire “region” is aiming for is visualized in these future-oriented housing concepts.
 In this sense, it could be called a concept book of “what we are aiming for.
 The “Quality First Homes Created by Architects and Local Builders,” as is typical of Hokkaido, makes explicit the entity that will create the direction of performance and design for housing construction in Japan as a whole. I think there is a difference in this standpoint from the housing policy led by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. In the national housing policy, it is difficult to clearly specify the “creator subject” as is the case in Hokkaido.
 I would like to touch again on Hokkaido’s housing, which has begun to take on a new form. I would like to look at each of the local makers individually to see what kind of thematic awareness they have and how they are trying to make them a reality. From tomorrow onward, we would like to watch each case study in the concept book.




English version⬇

From individualism-centered market to multi-generational housing demand
It is essential to shift the focus from the housing needs to realize a home of one’s own through individualism to a more multigenerational housing demand. The market is now shifting from an individualistic market to a multigenerational housing market.

The photo shows a visit to Irino, a place of ancestral lore near Hiroshima Airport.
 I would think that Hokkaido people would naturally have a strong sense of “origin” with respect to their “birthplace” in Honshu, but, well, that tends not to be necessarily the case in general.
 I am sure it is a big area of interest for the type of people who have a strong interest in history and the humanities, and the type of people who don’t are very “practical” and don’t have such a big interest in the past. In my case, among my siblings, my second brother has taken a strong interest and has dug up a lot of information for me. Following his lead, I have been on a series of exploratory trips in my own way.
 There are no confirmed relatives in this area today. However, according to the records that have been handed down in my family, there is no doubt that they moved to this area in the “Keicho era”. 〜It is written that the temple took root in this area in the Keicho era (the middle of the Warring States period). Normally, in such a case, there would be a clue to such a record in a temple, etc., but we have not yet started on such a matter.
 For now, we are still in the process of inspecting the site to enhance our imagination about the circumstances and hope to start up our land knowledge. However, a definite ancestor also left us a written record of his exploration of Irino, Kawachi-cho, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, from Imazu, Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, where he lived at that time, and visited his ancestor’s grave. I believe that these ancestors must have reached a certain point in their working lives and went out to repose in the traces of their predecessors.
 Now that I myself have passed such a break, I would like to search for my roots more consciously from now on. I am currently participating in the Hokkaido Housing Policy Conference, where we are discussing the “motivation” for performance-enhancing home renovations, and the issue is what kind of motivation older people have nowadays.
 When I think about it, I think it is probably universal, not for myself, but for my descendants in the future.
 As human beings who have been “kept alive” by our ancestors, it is natural for us to serve the needs of our descendants.
 I myself am leaning toward such an opinion. Perhaps this kind of multi-generational demand will play a major role in housing demand in the “era of declining birthrates. Although our generation desperately tried to realize our own home based on “self” individualism, the next generation will be a little different. The next generation will be a little different, and with the aging of the population, I think there is a strong need to uncover this kind of “multi-generational” demand for housing.




English version⬇

The year began with a “concentrated heavy snowfall” of more than 40 cm around 1/7, 1/12-17, 2/11, and 2/22-24.
The new year began with “concentrated heavy snowfalls” of 40 cm or more on 1/7, 1/12-17, 2/11, and 2/22-24. We cannot let our guard down yet. The year has begun with a new year with snowfalls of 21 cm.

In my blog yesterday, I wrote a joyful article titled “Clear Snowy Mountains,” but the snow was eerily accumulating while I was describing it (I cried). When I finished writing the blog and looked outside, I found that it was snowing quite heavily. According to the report, there was 21 cm of snow in 24 hours, but according to the Sapporo District Meteorological Observatory data above, the “snow depth” as of 9:00 a.m. on March 10 was 107 cm in Nishi Ward, Sapporo, exceeding the normal by 39 cm, since the normal value is 68 cm. In fact, the graph shows that the red line has increased by about 20 cm at a stretch.
 Has this become too much of a “reverse wolf boy” state blog (cries)? Well, it is true that the city’s public snow removal has dramatically reduced the size of the huge snow piles at the snow depositing sites, making traffic much more comfortable, but it has really caught up with us. It seems that Hokkaido’s General Winter is in high spirits this year.
 We were not discouraged and worked on the snow removal. However, it has been a constant struggle.
 Today is the first day of the week, and the snow removal trucks of the neighborhood association have been actively going back and forth in front of our house since before dawn. I guess they are concentrating their snow removal work on the alleys and 6-meter roads in the neighborhood association. As a resident, I would like to stay cooperative so as not to get in the way of this work.
 However, this year, the graph shows that “heavy snow” has been hitting us periodically. Since then, we have been hit by “concentrated heavy snowfalls” such as late December, around January 7 after the new year, January 12-17, February 11, and February 22-24, when more than 40 cm of snow fell at one time.
 From the perspective of Hokkaido people, it is our earnest wish to be free from snow shoveling work as it is almost March, but it may be a futile resistance if we have to experience the vigor of General Winter until now.

【やってきた集中除排雪! in わが家周辺】




English version⬇

Snow removal from the house in our neighborhood
The end of winter and the arrival of spring are strongly impressed by the active and vigorous activities of the heavy snow removal trucks. It’s worth it for the city taxpayers….

It is now the middle of March, and we have had more snow than usual this year. Around our house, we have been working together to remove snow from our neighbors and the junior high school in front of us so that we can walk to school as safely as possible.
 I believe that this kind of “silent” cooperation forms the basis of the city’s livability, but there is a limit to how much snow can be removed from the ever-increasing number of “snow-covered” areas if the residents only cooperate with each other.
 Therefore, public snow removal by the city government is intensively carried out after the Snow Festival, which is a “tradition” of Sapporo.
 The schedule is usually announced to each neighborhood association by circular, but it is difficult to announce the exact schedule because it is affected by the progress of snow removal in each area and the variation of snowfall conditions during the year. This year, too, there was an announcement at the beginning that it would be put in around the end of February, but the circular notice was revised to say “Sorry, between March 11-13” after that date had passed.
 This is the information about the street behind our house for snow removal on a “neighborhood association basis”. Since our house is on the way to the junior high school, the schedule seems to be set up in relation to the time of year, but finally on March 9, the snow was to be concentrated on the entire street.
 The work was started between 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. when I was out shopping, etc. When I returned home, the snow removal was in full swing. I drove back to our parking lot in between the movements of the heavy snow removal equipment, but since our house is on a “corner lot,” they were thoroughly removing all the hard snow.
 It seems that the priority in the snow removal procedure is to ensure the freedom of heavy equipment, and it seems that the corner lot is cleared thoroughly first, and then the straight road leading to the corner lot is cleared.
 I am actually taking “video” of this snow removal operation, but I am not sure if it will work to post it as a blog attachment (lol), so I have posted a still image above for now. If it works, I will put it on the top (laugh).
The snow removal in the central part of Sapporo is a tourist resource (laugh) that is welcomed with clapping and whistling by foreign tourists during this time of the year.
 For those of us who live in the city, it is a great opportunity to think, “I know the Sapporo Dome is stupid, but it’s worth paying taxes for.” It is a very big opportunity for us residents to think, “It is worthwhile to pay taxes after all, despite the foolishness of the Sapporo Dome.
 Well, I hope that the city government will learn from its failure to deal with the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters and move forward.

【16世紀初頭 ニッポン「食の世界」と料理人たち】


English version⬇

Nippon’s “World of Food” and its Cooks in the Early 16th Century
In what kind of space did our predecessors confront cooking? The atmosphere directly resonates beyond time and space. Life has been handed down in this way.

This Yamato-e is from a panel displayed at the Yuzuki Castle Museum in Matsuyama, Ehime, Shikoku, Japan, as was the case yesterday.
 The origin material seems to be from the “Sake and Rice Theory Picture Scroll” painted in the early 16th century. The following Wiki abstract – It is said to be based on a painting by the Kano school and is also called “Shimoto Kamito Emaki,” “Sanron Emaki,” “Sake Shokudo Ron,” and “Shimoto Kamito no Kaki” (literally, “A man who loves sake and rice”). The painting is said to be composed of three people, one who loves sake, one who loves rice and is a “down-and-out” drinker, and one who enjoys both in moderation, each developing his own theory on the subject. The detailed descriptions of cooking, serving, eating, and drinking are valuable materials for understanding the food culture of the time. ~ (laughs)
 That’s right (laughs). The actions of the cooks are recorded quite clearly, and it is enjoyable to get a sense of the space and atmosphere of “Japanese food,” the basis of daily life, transcending time and space.
 In the above illustration, we can feel the realism of fish and birds on a large cutting board with legs, about to be processed. Today, it is considered reasonable to “stand” when cooking, but until the Edo period (1603-1868), it seems that it was common practice to “sit” when preparing food. The floor is a wooden floor, and the chef himself works on a bamboo floor laid out like a cushion. The fish cook describes the moment when he captures the fish with large chopsticks and inserts the knife with his right hand at the very moment, perhaps to restrain the fish from flailing in his left hand. The chef’s table and the dish containers can be seen behind him, and from the looks of it, it may be a “live cooking” type of dish. It seems that the liveliness of the dish is the most important thing.
 On the other hand, the chef is working to process the bird. The working posture is almost the same.
 Both seem to be putting in a lot of effort in a kneeling posture, but I wonder how it went. I feel that there is a “gap” in the wooden floor. This may be because a large amount of water is required when processing fish and chickens.
 In the foreground, a dish is being cooked over a charcoal fire. The finished food is being put into a bowl and about to be handed to someone.
 In addition, on the left in the foreground, a cook is preparing a bird. He appears to be the only one sitting on the edge in a mid-leg position. Since he is removing the fur from the bird, it may be easier to work outdoors. We can also see the foundation of the stone building. Next to her is a woman with a baby in her arms, working on a bowl-shaped container. Perhaps she is helping her husband with his work and is trying to pour water from a water jar into a “sink.
 It is as if the scene is a clear description of the daily life of the people who were cooking for the nobility over a period of 500 years. The way in which this situation is depicted from a slightly elevated perspective in traditional Japanese painting is also fascinating.
 As a food lover myself, I have a weakness for this kind of expression (laugh). I was grateful to him for having left us a painting with this kind of subject matter.




English version⬇

Japanese dining table – “Meizuzen” dining scene
A social culture that enforces the role of the woman who cares for the “master” of the highest rank. This kind of scene will continue to become a “marginal custom” in the future. …

I have been thinking about “dining table” since the other day, and I am reminded that historically, the original dining custom of the Japanese people was based on the “meishizensen” style of dining.
 The photo shows the dining scene of a samurai family seen at the “Yuzuki Castle Museum” in Matsuyama City. It is a dining scene of “important persons,” and you can see the most “noble person” sitting near the alcove and his two companions eating, and the women taking care of each and every meal.
 This kind of meal was common, and it seems that this kind of scene expressed the status system as it was, and was considered as an opportunity to educate and reaffirm the awareness of such “prestige” at each meal. I think most people would consider this a hassle. The ruling class may have placed the utmost importance on such formalities, but it is more common to think of the meal as being held around a “sunken hearth,” and although the seating arrangements may express the relationship between the head of the family and the family members, it is more likely that the basic format of the meal was a dialogue around the fire.
 The picturesque dining scene proudly flaunts how the authority of the ruler was penetrated.
 Although the substance of the meal may have been diluted considerably, it may have been a kind of social habitualization as a form of formalization.
 However, it is said that the same was true at the dining table around the sunken hearth. An example of an exception to this rule would have been “nabe ryori. The word “murekou” is often used to describe the Japanese sense of “openness” in contrast to the social norm of “no such thing” that is enforced as a formality.
 The women who serve the guests are performing hard labor, and they have to be very careful.
 They must have been paying close attention to ensure that there would be no mishaps and that the guests would be satisfied with their meal.
 It is easy to imagine that this kind of “formalism” has been the source of Japanese spiritual culture for a long period of time.
 This “meizentei” style of formalism would be transformed into a “big table meal” style with the introduction of the public housing lifestyle in the postwar period. From the standpoint of lifestyle rationalism, the current trend is quite natural, and the trend toward time-saving is likely to intensify in today’s lifestyle where dual-income couples have become the norm. In addition, the lifestyle will become one in which husbands can be in the position of cooking meals at any time.
 Eventually, people will look at a picture like this and say, “What is she doing? (laugh). Now, let’s see what happens next.



English version⬇

What is the substance of being creative?
While being struck down by the huge disparity in talent (laughs), the spatial experience at Akutagawa-so has remained deep in my heart. I feel a strong attachment to expressing these inner feelings. I am very much interested in expressing these inner feelings.

I wonder if there is much correlation between feelings and age (laughs).
 The environment is changing, and the situation would normally be a gradual fade-out, but on the other hand, I am gradually freeing myself from the constraints of being an “organizational manager,” and something like a completely new “desire to create” is rising.
 On the other hand, I am gradually freeing myself from the constraints of “organizational management,” and a whole new kind of “creative urge” is rising. This makes the need to build new relationships more exciting and stimulating in its own way.
 And now that I think about it, I realize that starting a business is essentially different from maintaining and sustaining it. Furthermore, I find myself asking myself how my “sukiyomi” is doing. I find this interesting in spite of myself.
 Regardless of my age, I am analyzing and making plans for new areas, and this restores the memory of my personal connections and adds another stimulating element, creating a kind of chaotic situation.
 I came to realize that I am not averse to putting myself in that kind of atmosphere and listening to what seems to be welling up from deep within me (laughs).
 I guess we will never know the true nature of human beings until the very end, but in the end, I guess it all comes down to whether or not we can be “self-forgetful” to any extent.
 As I wrote the other day, I have been able to communicate with the priest of the temple where the graves of my ancestors, whose traces are known since the early Edo period, have been maintained, and thankfully, I am beginning to feel a sense of fertility. If you think of yourself as being part of a larger flow, a kind of “being kept alive,” then a slightly different way of looking at things and thinking about things arises.
 And as we age, we come to think of the NEXT, and realize that we want to do what we can about it as much as possible. It is like a Zen question and answer, but it makes sense to me.
 I realized that my main desire is to be creative.
 Come to think of it, there is a part of me that continues to be strongly attracted to the time spent at the hermitage on the Kujukuri beach where Ryunosuke Akutagawa wrote his love letter and surrendered himself to its appearance. I am struck by the huge “talent gap” (laughs), but I am not discouraged and keep on creeping forward, little by little. I am not sure if it is too late to realize this, but I feel that I am back to a very natural mood from the feeling of standing at a point where I can make a free will choice once more. I wonder what will happen now (laughs).