


English version⬇

The Historical Culture of Postwar Manga and the “Tokiwaso” Space
The great revolution of postwar Japanese manga began with Osamu Tezuka. This is a space where the hearts and minds of the young “artists” who took on this exciting cultural field are vibrantly alive. The “Tokiwaso” space…

For me, born in 1952, it was the postwar manga culture.
 Tezuka Osamu, a prominent figure in Japanese manga culture, began his career as a cartoonist, producing such era-defining works as Astro Boy. This cultural movement was enthusiastically supported by children, which at first greatly stimulated the publishing industry, and later, as the main content of postwar TV culture, animated works based on manga captured the hearts and minds of children.
 I believe that the most “original” cultural area of Japanese society since the Birds and Beasts caricatures was greatly awakened. Such social movements inspired impressionable and talented boys to dream endlessly, and they were motivated by the expressive means of manga artist activities.
 In February 2020, a wooden apartment called “Tokiwaso” was restored and reconstructed on a park site in Toshima-ku, Tokyo, and is now open to the public. The following is an introductory article from Nikkei.
〜11 young manga artists move in to “Ryozanbaku,” competing with each other in terms of talent and sensitivity
Tokiwaso” refers to an apartment building in Minami-Nagasaki 3-chome, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, where a building-raising ceremony was held in December 1952, when an editor of Gakudosha, a publisher of “Manga Shonen” magazine, invited Osamu Tezuka to move into his own “Tokiwaso. Since then, young manga artists who had published serials in Gakudosha’s magazines began to move in one after another, and eventually Tokiwaso became a kind of Ryozanpaku where promising young manga artists of the same generation lived together, stimulating each other and engaging in friendly competition to improve their talent, sensibility, and drawing techniques. 〜The first time I saw the film, I was in the middle of the Corona disaster.
 I was in the midst of the Corona disaster, so I had not been privy to this kind of information, but recently I dug up this information and took time out of my business trip to Tokyo to pay a visit.
 During the Meiji Restoration, Japan introduced a lot of “culture” from the West and digested it. Literature, as we call it, was also vigorously created with figures such as Soseki Natsume as a “compass”. However, I do not think that manga culture was introduced during the Meiji period. Manga, so to speak, is a highly original culture deeply rooted in the Japanese mind.
 Today, the world is astonished by the Japanese manga culture, and its influence is becoming global.
 And as for architecture, we cannot avoid discussing the atmosphere of this rental house, which has been the cradle of postwar manga culture with its spatiality.
 It has been a long time since I have been so “excited” to visit an architectural space….



English version⬇
From “suspicion” in the barium test at a medical checkup to a gastroscopy examination.
The internal organ parts that I have been managing and controlling for all of my life time. You have done a great job up to now. I will take good care of you from now on. I will take good care of you from now on.

We have continued to have regular medical checkups once a year. I had done it every year in January, and although the company has changed this year, I had a checkup in January as well. As for the stomach, I had been doing various checkups for almost all my life time, having had an ulcer in my late 20s that was lightened by hospitalization and medication. He had been hospitalized and operated on many times in gastroenterology hospitals, and had been under management control.
 Under such circumstances, I had undergone a “barium test” again without any particular concern, but this time the result was “close examination required” and was sent to me along with an image of my stomach. The results of the barium test were sent to me along with an image of my stomach.
 I gave the mailed document to my doctor and asked him about it. He said, “Oh, the barium test is not very useful, so you should pass the checkup. As for the gastroscopy, there is a clinic specializing in gastroscopy that I also see, so I will refer you there.
 So, I went to see the doctor at the time of my appointment yesterday with an uneasy feeling in my heart.
 I had been checked for a gastroscopy at a hospital specializing in gastroenterology about a year ago, but there were no special precautions at that time, so I was relieved. However, the hospital’s system had changed drastically, and the staff’s attitude was questionable, which made me feel uncomfortable. I had also undergone a “H. pylori removal” surgery here about 7-8 years ago.
 Because of this background, I was also looking for a reliable specialist clinic. I went for a gastroscopy after giving them various information that I remembered as a patient.
 The results showed that “the probability of getting stomach cancer is very low. It is probably less than 5%. However, since the stomach deteriorates over time, we recommend regular checkups once a year.
 The doctor showed me images of the stomach while the camera was in and out of the stomach, and gave me explanations one by one, so I was able to get a clear understanding of the current situation and my concerns were eliminated. As a novice, I may have some unnecessary preconceptions when just looking at the images, so the doctor’s explanations “guided” me to a calm decision, so to speak. The explanations are very scientific, so I can see the management policy for my own body.
 Therefore, when I go for my annual checkup at the company, I would like to skip the barium test from now on and focus on other tests. This calm judgment reminds me that I have had some difficult experiences with barium tests (laugh). In this regard, I realized after talking with the doctor that I am a person who “quickly forgets about the things that were difficult or unpleasant.
 I guess that is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. Hmmm.



English version⬇

The house decluttering continues, no matter where you go.
In search of a more free way of life, I’ve been on a big wheel, abandoning the house where I live in a two-location house. Can I gain freedom like the birds in this favorite tile painting at the Yamatane Museum of Art? …

I have been thinking and looking at my future lifestyle and considering a more flexible way of living, and in doing so, I have been attracted to the idea of “living in multiple locations” for myself.
 My current residence was built 33 years ago as an office/residence, and I have been using it for its original purpose. Today, offices of two related companies coexist in the house. The reality of the situation has not changed, but the “population density” has remained at a moderate level due to the rapid progress of telework since the Corona disaster, so it is easy to spend time here.
 However, there is one more residential area in Sapporo that needs to be maintained.
 Sapporo is expected to see an increase in traffic and urban revitalization between Sapporo and the Chitose-Eniwa area due to the withdrawal of the Nichi-Ham baseball team from the Sapporo Dome, the relocation of the stadium to Kitahiroshima, and the concentration of the semiconductor industry in the Chitose-Eniwa area amid the trend of global manufacturing industry relocation to safe countries and total withdrawal of all manufacturing from China. This residence is located right in the center of the area.
 This is probably a business “gut” feeling, but I have a hunch that this is where Hokkaido’s revitalization area will be from now on.
 So, I am thinking about the future and want to do what I can, so I am doing my best to declutter the house to make it easier to use. I have not been able to do this since the death of my mother-in-law, but I would like to use the second office of the new company as a second location, and I would like to use it as a two-location residence with my home, including some overnight accommodations.
 Although we are in the same city of Sapporo, the difference in location is significant, and since the land area is comparatively large, I can imagine many interesting plans in terms of both the environment and architecture.
 I am sure that this part of my “sukiya” has deep roots. That must be why I have been making housing magazines (laughs). But it has been more than 20 years since this house was built, so there are still points here and there that I would like to improve. It is fun to think about the best way to use the house while considering the cost performance.
 For now, it is a process, so I won’t show pictures (laughs). I will soon ask a carpenter to make some architectural changes to the building, so I will show them to the public at that stage of construction. This tile painting is one of my favorite paintings.



English version⬇

Started to reference, organize, and integrate the blog database.
A close encounter with 19 years and 8 months of my own “thinking,” an experience analysis made possible by the modern environment of PC + web. …

Yesterday, six months have passed since my own “environmental change.
 The “handover” work is almost over, and I am now moving on to the work in progress at the new company.
 However, I have not been able to think of a way to “reorganize” this blog, which has been ongoing since August 9, 2005 (tears). Blogging as a form of expression and recording became common in human society with the advent of the input method of PCs and smartphones and the almost infinite recording media of the Web. As a person who encountered it in its early stages, I guess I am an eccentric who tried to use it as a contact method of daily updating (laugh).
 However, with 6902 daily updates in total, it is difficult to integrate the whole data. But all the data is in one place, and it is possible to display all of them, so if I decide to organize them in this way, it will be possible to arrange them in various ways. So, for now, as a first step, I have started to check all the data from the first 19 years ago.
 I have started to pick up articles related to “specific themes” in the order of past time.
 After about 10 hours of net time, I was able to check 1621 out of 6902 articles, which is about 23.5% of the total.
 First of all, we thought it would be fundamental to check all the cases once and get a “feel” for them. When we actually look at a list of about 1/4 of the minutes, some “trends and countermeasures” come to mind. It is also significant just to know that the “list” can be done in this amount of “concentration time” with about three times this amount of time effort.
 After all, since it was written by myself, the “sense of presence” at that time was not so great. Even matters that I had completely forgotten about were reconstructed with a vivid physical sensation. You can also enjoy the simple time-delayed reactions of “Oh, I remember when this happened,” or “Hmmm, I had this experience, come to think of it.
 It is a bit of a strange relationship between myself as the writer and myself as the one who “tries to edit” the writing.
 It will take me a few more days to get to all of them, but once I look through them all, if a hint of consolidation comes to mind, that will be nothing less than that. Now, I’d like to get back to it in time.



English version⬇

Spring in Sapporo, a northern city where snow breaks and melts
Spring has finally arrived in Sapporo, a unique city with an annual snowfall of 6 meters. The satisfaction of hard work. For the next few months, the season closest to heaven will cover Hokkaido.

If you live in a detached house in Sapporo, snow removal becomes an indispensable part of your daily routine throughout the winter. As one of the most unique cities in the world, Sapporo is a huge city with an annual snowfall of nearly 6 meters, and city residents are willing to accept this situation and make their winter comfortable through mutual aid as much as possible.
 The snow finally melted in the middle of March, and the last of the snow and ice, which had become a “bedrock,” was finally broken up yesterday after much “breaking up” day by day. Yesterday, all the snow was finally broken up.
 The feeling of having finally finished the work is fading away like a springtime sunflame as the daytime temperature rises. This unique sense of oblivion may be the essence of spring in the north.
 There are some “remnants of broken bedrock snow” on the road side in the front photo, but I leave all this to the spring sunshine, and am nonchalantly chewing on the feeling of “spring in the north.
 This year, the cherry blossoms have been late in blooming even in areas south of Honshu, and it seems that the timing may have been timed to coincide with the melting of the snow in Sapporo, Hokkaido. We are very happy to hear that.
 After the snowmaking and thawing is completed, people in northern Japan finally think, “What should I do for this year’s cherry blossom viewing?
 Every year I used to go to Hakodate Goryokaku or Matsumae in southern Hokkaido to see the cherry blossoms, but yesterday I realized that I had finally arrived at that topic when I was talking with my wife.
 She said, “Well, with the unusually large number of foreign tourists traveling back and forth to Tokyo, Kansai, etc. this year, I wonder if hotel costs are also rising at that time of year?”
 Before that, however, there is a lot of “decluttering” work to be done due to environmental changes (laugh), There is a lot of groundwork to be done to make it usable again.
 However, as there is not a night that goes by that we don’t open the door, if we proceed step by step, we will definitely be able to settle on a tidying up process.
 The snow and ice that used to cover our property will be cleared away like this. Even though I am a short-tempered person, I have a certain amount of patience as a northerner (laugh). I think you can believe that the seasons of spring, summer, and fall will surely come, just like the exterior of our house.


【高級武家・連歌の会 in 伊予松山「湯築城」-4】


English version⬇

High-class samurai and renga association in Iyo Matsuyama “Yuzuki Castle”-4
The harmony between the common Asian culture and the spirit of the original Japanese people has been needed for a long time. This is one of the forms of the Japanese language cultural movement. The Japanese cultural movement…

Looking around Japanese history, the role played by evolution and transformation in the area of language and cultural communication is not always clear or of much interest.
 Although the famous renga (linked verse) gathering held by Akechi Mitsuhide just before Honnoji Temple is well known, it is difficult to imagine such a culture in concrete terms because it has hardly been transmitted to modern society in its original form.
 The cultural form of renga has fallen into disuse, but when I think about the direction it was heading in, I think that the most important factor was the “development of the Japanese language”.
 The original Japanese language was rooted in the hearts of the ancient people, and the Ritsuryo system and the cultural acceptance of world religions such as Buddhism were pushed into the original Japanese language. In response to the social trend toward the adoption of the Chinese writing system for official documents, the area of “expression of the heart” of the native Japanese was left empty.
 This is a continuous “historical issue” in Japanese society, and in response to this, there must have been an underlying “demand” in terms of culture to reveal the “mentality” of the Japanese people.
 Since such a cultural form as renga had such a major orientation, it fell into disuse when its purpose was achieved to some extent, and in later generations, it may be that the social purpose was achieved with the creation of “Japanese literature” based on “unanimity of speech and writing” in the Meiji era and lost its driving force for the continuation of culture. Such is my impression.
 The diorama exhibition of “Renga no Kai” at the Yuzuki Castle.
 A day in a samurai residence in the middle of the 16th century. In the main room, five people gathered to hold a renga (linked verse) party. Renga is a cultural form of waka poetry in which the upper part of the poem, “5/7/5,” and the lower part, “7/7,” are read one after the other to complete “100 rhymes (100 phrases). A “sozai” (master) is invited to the upper section as an instructor, and while being taught a set of rules of engagement called shikimoku, the students “kugin” frantically try to improve their cultural skills.
 While everyone is struggling to create a poem as they approach the end of the renga, a servant is preparing to serve tea to the guests who have finished the renga in the itanoma kitchen in the adjoining room.
 This is a scene from a fixed point in Japanese society, which has accumulated a variety of experiential knowledge through its evolution from the pastoral society of the Kojiki world to the world of Asian cultures.
 As an ordinary person, I was more interested in the delicious dumplings and tea than in such a mendouche (laugh). The tea and sweets that were finally served to the guests must have been very comforting to them. I have always thought that Japanese people are more interested in dumplings than in flowers.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

【豪族支配下のものづくり経済 in 伊予松山「湯築城」-3】



English version⬇

Manufacturing Economy under the Ruling Clan in Iyo Matsuyama “Yuzuki Castle” – 3
The local powerful clans were in turmoil over their control of the area, and their rise and fall was repeated. The local clans were in turmoil over their control of the area, and the economy of manufacturing was booming. The…

Well, on the 1st, we talked about the funeral of a friend, but today we return to the topic of the medieval Iyo-Matsuyama castle fortress.
 This Yuzuki Castle was terminated as a “regional power” by the central power during the establishment of the Toyotomi administration. The Miki clan of Banshu Eiga, which can be regarded as a family lineage, was also destroyed by Hideyoshi, a general of the Oda administration, at the same time. Although many “warring feudal lords” perished, there were many generals who survived by reading the “atmosphere” of the time. In such a situation, I have my doubts as to what the circumstances were for the demise of two families in the family line as warring feudal lords.
 It means that they were defeated in terms of their insight into the future. In the modern world, there may be times when people make mistakes in their political outlook, but there is no doubt that they were defeated in their ability to intuit and gather information about the “transition of the times.
 However, my research on the Eiga Castle Miki clan has revealed that although they were defeated as a warrior clan, they later apologized to Hideyoshi, the ruler of the region, and lived on as a private family in the region, maintaining substantial control and management of the economy of the two domains in the Edo period. There are many families of the Edo period that belonged to the “daimyo-ya” class, and in Banshu there are two old village headman’s houses called “Miki Family Residences” that are open to the public.
 There are also such “ways of survival,” but I would like to continue my research to find out how it was done in Iyo Matsuyama. However, there was a “Priest Ippen” from one of the families, and in this sense, I think he has survived to the present day as the founder of the Jishu sect of Buddhism.
 I believe that human society cannot be discussed only in terms of temporary successes and failures.
 The first is a “bansho-shi,” a carpenter, wearing an erect raven hat in the middle. The first is a “banshoji,” a carpenter, and the one in the center, wearing a erect crow’s hat, is the master carpenter. His apprentices are using hatchets to sharpen and ink square timbers. They are probably working on the building on the “picture plane” behind them. Below them, a master craftsman in a blacksmith’s hat peers over a bellows, while a hammer is swinging down the blade.

On the other hand, this is the creators of “armor,” which is vital to the lives of the samurai. The word “hard” has a strong connotation of “life”, but it is amazing that the inner lives of the samurai have become the lingua franca among the languages of the world. The most advanced technology of the time must have been crystallized to protect the lives of these warriors. The most advanced technology of the time must have been crystallized to protect the lives of these warriors, who devoted their energies to protecting their lives, while at the same time meeting the demands of the time for more flexible weapons for combat.
 This kind of craftsmanship must have been practiced daily at the Yuzuki Castle in Iyo Matsuyama.



English version⬇

[Sudden death of a high school classmate, farewell.
From adolescence to the end of life. We have been talking to each other in our own language in the whirlpool of our respective dark nights. At a direct meeting, they poured local sake together, using their illnesses as the perfect accompaniment. The story of the disease is a good one to share with others.

As we pass the age of 70, we have no choice but to accept the fact that we may disappear from each other’s lives at any moment as a self-evident fact of life in this dark night.
 However, I was horrified to learn that just the other day, a friend of mine, who seemed to be in good health at a New Year’s party, suddenly disappeared from sight, as reported in the obituary column of a newspaper.
 Without any sense of realization, I put on my tie for the first time in a while and headed for the venue.
 Five of my high school classmates who live near our house share a car and drive to the funeral home together.
 Since we were high school classmates, we were attending such an event, but in the car, light talk and jokes were exchanged, and time and space were instantly transported back more than half a century. We think that this kind of relationship is the most appropriate way to send off a friend.
 After the funeral, more than 10 people gathered at the reception, which was held on our own initiative without anyone’s notice.
 I am not much of a drinker, but as I tasted a variety of Hokkaido’s local sake, I was mellowed by the depth of the time I spent with my friends, and my mind drifted off into a state of relaxation.
 We were drinking sake in the face of the immovable fact that this is how people are becoming demons in a quiet manner.
 The topic of conversation was each person’s serious “illness bragging contest.
 Each of them received information from a friend who had become a doctor, and each of them came to a realization that he or she would have to fight again with each other.
 One by one, they will probably leave the front lines of battle in the future.
 However, the existence of such a place for flat exchange of information may be a source of emotional support, even if only for a short time, when they leave for other lands. I am grateful for that.
 With my best regards.


【中世の武家住宅 in 伊予松山「湯築城」-2】


English version⬇

Medieval Samurai Houses in Iyo Matsuyama “Yuzuki Castle”-2
The reality of the Kono family, which consolidated the ruling system in Iyo after the Kamakura period. The reconstruction of “society” based on illustrations and foundation stone layouts. The diorama’s floor plan prioritizes “hospitality”. The diorama’s floor plan prioritizes “hospitality”.

This is a sequel to yesterday’s article. The region of Iyo has been considered an important region in the Japanese ruling structure since ancient times. Even in the regional divisions of the Ritsuryo system, for example, during the Genpei wars, the Imperial Court, aiming to divide the power of the Minamoto clan, awarded Iyo to Yoshitsune, the man who had made the greatest military achievements, as a place of beneficence. As the Imperial Court’s method of controlling the warrior clans up to that time, it must have had a political meaning of “driving a wedge,” so to speak, by not allowing the warrior clans’ own system of bounties to run alone.
 Yoritomo, who was aiming to establish a military dictatorship called the Minamoto clan army, was reluctant to accept this. The Imperial Court was trying to “shake” Yoshitsune, who was officially recognized as a “younger brother” by Yoritomo, by giving him a bounty.
 The dominion over Iyo was used as a symbolic tool in such a game of deceit and deception. It is a fact that Iyo was one of the major pawns in the Imperial Court’s administration of the country since ancient times.
 The Iyo-Kono family, a powerful local clan for a long time, built a castle here, close to Dogo Hot Springs, as a base for their political battles. The next morning, after staying at a hotel in Dogo Onsen, my wife and I drove to the center of Matsuyama City in a rented car. It was only a five-minute drive.
 As I mentioned yesterday, the Kono family participated in the Battle of Yashima against the Minamoto clan’s Yoshitsune during the Genpei wars, and were very successful in their pursuit of the Heike clan. The Kono family continued to occupy a dominant position in Iyo during the Kamakura period (1185-1333).
 The Yuzuki Castle excavations have unearthed a total of 250,000 pieces of pottery and other artifacts that attest to the prosperity of the castle, and the above is a reconstruction of a “senior samurai residence” and materials based on the research.
 The model of the interior above is a reconstruction of a scene of a discussion among warriors. The model of the interior above is a reconstruction of a meeting between warriors. And the process of “floor plan” study based on excavated foundation stones and other materials.
 The floor plan shows that the building was built with dimensions that were one size larger than the modern building dimension standards. In the floor plan above, the north side is considered as “living space” with a sunken hearth, kitchen, and earthen floor. The left side is the most important “serving space” with an itanoma and a closet in the center. The space as shown in the diorama of the restored model.
 On the other hand, in the floor plan shown below, the center of the room is the most important “main room” for guests, based on the layout of the foundation stones. The space on the left is assumed to be the room where the guests’ retainers and the master’s household members are kept in reserve. The “Kusama” adjacent to the kitchen functions in the same way as an earthen floor, but it is a space where joists are laid on top of the earth and boards are placed on top of the joists.
 Visually, it appears to be a space of about 6 ken x 4.5 ken. The floor area is thought to be about 27 tsubo, but as mentioned earlier, the dimensions themselves are somewhat “large,” so a floor area of about 30 tsubo can be imagined. The samurai residences may be more similar in nature to modern residences, as they are not related to the “means of production” like farm residences.
 When we can understand the background situation from a macroscopic perspective, we can more easily understand the reality of this period and recognize it as something close at hand. The social structure of medieval Japan also comes into view.



English version⬇

Iyo Matsuyama “Yuzuki Castle” and the Remnants of the Kono Clan
Kono clan joined forces with Yoshitsune’s army in the Battle of Yashima. A powerful clan in Iyo dating back to the Genpei period. Although the Kono clan was destroyed in the Warring States period, their fortress still remains in Matsuyama. This is the historical exploration part of the family tree. The family history

Today is the Matsuyama historical part of our New Year’s couple’s trip. According to my family tradition, I can trace my family history back to the Miki family, a warrior family that existed at Eiga Castle in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture. Since this is a historical story, various changes and crossings of family lines can be seen from there, but the Miki family of Banshu is a tentative source.
 With these “clues” in mind, I have occasionally traveled to the Kansai and Chugoku regions. With this kind of guidance, there are various encounters, which add layers and depth to the fun.
 On our recent winter vacation trip, walking around Shikoku as a couple has become a regular occurrence. Since my wife has become a fan of Shikoku, I wanted to take this opportunity to research the Iyo-Kono clan, which I have wanted to do for many years.
 According to tradition, the Eiga Miki clan was a branch of the Kono clan. The Miki clan branched off from the Kono clan that lived in Iyo and other parts of Shikoku, and established a stronghold in Hyogo Prefecture at a strategic point where rivers and marine transport overlapped at Himeji and Eiga, facing the Seto Inland Sea in Banshu.
 This makes the existence of Shikoku, and Iyo Matsuyama in particular, very familiar. It can be said that the search for the family lineage has become one step older.
 The Kono clan seems to have been coiled in Iyo before the Genpei period, and during the Battle of Yashima in the Genpei period, they led a fleet of ships to join Yoshitsune’s Genji forces, and later participated in the Battle of Dannoura. Because of his “merits,” he was treated favorably by the Kamakura shogunate regime. At a banquet attended by Yoritomo, he was given the third position in the order of precedence, and it is said that he was so happy to receive this honor that he chose “Oriziki San-no-ji” as his family crest. The character for “three” written on the cloth or paper that hung over the oriziki table must have made a vivid impression.
 Since the family crest is also depicted on lacquerware that has survived in my family, there is no doubt that it has been handed down through time and space by our ancestors. It also shows the connection between the Kono clan and the Miki clan.
 With this background knowledge in mind, I decided to visit Yuzuki Castle, the stronghold of the Kono family. Fortunately, my wife had a crush on the “Juzo Itami Memorial Museum” in Matsuyama City, so our visit was a family-friendly and peaceful one, as each of us had our own personal preference (laugh).
 The ruins of Yuzuki Castle are now maintained as a park, but there are also interesting facilities such as the Yuzuki Castle Museum and a restored samurai residence. While I was asking various questions at the Yuzuki Castle Museum, the “director” of the museum was kind enough to answer my questions, and I was able to hear some very interesting stories.
 He seemed to have a good grasp of the relationship with the Eiga Miki clan and felt that it could not be a coincidence that the Miki clan as a military family also perished at the same time the Kono clan perished in 1585.
 I am not sure if it will be during the New Year holidays next year or otherwise, but I would like to revisit the site and make the exploration of the bloodline one of my lifeworks.