



English version⬇

The Vacant House Issue and the Nipponistic “Family Lineage Tradition” Psychology
 The shift to the nuclear family and the difference in button position of the traditional “family lineage survival” mentality. The survival of the physical house, the liquidation of assets and liabilities, and other interesting aspects of the Japanese house. …

Yesterday I wrote about the vacant house problem based on a lecture I attended. I believe that this “vacant house problem” is a problem that symbolizes the present and future of the Japanese people and is related to the foundation of the “house” system.
 I have been involved with housing magazines for many years, but I think the main theme of my work has been housing as architecture. On the other hand, the “house” for the Japanese people is a matter of the “spirit” of passing on the family lineage, which is a fundamental element of “folklore” as elucidated by Kunio Yanagida.
 A house is a cultural realm of existence that concretely realizes “family succession and long-term survival of the family lineage,” which is the fundamental spirituality of the Japanese people. Therefore, it is deeply related to “a way of life,” and a “prestigious space” has been created from it.
 Such a “sense of value” of a house has been at the bottom of people’s desire to build a house.
 Today, the “livability” of residential construction has been technologically elucidated, and some people even take it as if it were its own “purpose. Well, it may be the emergence of a kind of “fundamentalism,” but the calm mindset of the majority probably sees it in a completely different light.
 Looking at the “vacant house” issue from such a perspective, it seems that at the bottom lies a “structural change in the family system” in the cultural phase of family lineage transmission and in the phase brought about by social changes such as the shift to the nuclear family.
 To put it simply, there is a situation in which a person has a house that he or she built separately from the “parent’s house,” which is not consistent with the idea of family lineage inheritance. On the other hand, the social system of “inherited property” is still strictly in place, and it can be said that problems are arising.
 It can be said that people have spent their lives with a different sense of value from that of family lore, and housing construction has emerged as an asset or a “liability” of the family line, and a new question of consistency is being asked.
 The population of Japan has tripled and quadrupled since the Meiji Era. Since the start of the postwar period, the population has almost doubled in size. The greatest phenomenon that has occurred during this period is probably the accelerated increase in the number of housing units as a result of the “concentration of population in cities.
 The trend of the Japanese people as a bloodline will continue to decline. On the other hand, it is difficult to foresee the future because of the possibility of global immigration and other population movements. In terms of housing, there is the possibility of determining what the “trend” will be and choosing to move strategically in that direction.
 Japanese houses may be approaching a very interesting area.

<The photo shows an oak tree on the approach to the Hokkaido Shrine that is believed to be about 200 years old.



English version⬇

Lecture on “The Current State of Measures against Vacant Houses” by the Minka no Kita (Private Houses) Association of the North
Wisdom and ingenuity are required on the part of both the system and the users to prevent the houses from becoming a mass of liabilities instead of assets. This is a completely new “housing need. The current situation of vacant houses in the north.

Yesterday I attended what was the annual meeting and lecture of the “Northern Minka Association”. There were other events that I was interested in attending, but unfortunately, they were on the same schedule. It was a pity.
 I listened with great interest to the lecture given by a public figure with whom I have a regular relationship. (Just to be clear, the name of the organization and the name of the speaker will remain anonymous in case there are any problems.)
 The theme of the lecture was exactly the same as the purpose of my own project to start using the 2nd office, which is closely related to the theme of how to utilize existing residences.
 I have been developing my business related to housing construction, and even though I am a little distant from it now, I recognize that I am still within the framework of this major theme area.
 The major area in the housing field is the future of existing buildings, as symbolized by the “vacant house” issue.
 The lecture started with a confirmation of the concept of so-called “vacant houses,” but from a practical standpoint, I took it as “wisdom and ingenuity in how to utilize existing buildings. From the user’s point of view, it is about how to make use of vacant houses in cooperation with the national and local governments’ policies for vacant houses.
 There are people around me who continue to move from one place to another, utilizing three different properties or residences as if they were “living in three different places,” but this will eventually become a permanent problem for people my age. Many of us are faced with a house built by myself, then the house built by my parents remains, and then the house built by my wife’s parents.
 From the tax concept, they are naturally subject to property tax and other taxes, and in extreme cases, they have to keep paying taxes on three different places. However, while the home can be handled in a familiar manner, dealing with the municipalities in which the two parental homes are located can be a challenge in itself. The municipality is naturally subject to taxation, and if the house were to become “abandoned and vacant,” it would be essential to deal with the danger of fire and damage to the surrounding area caused by the collapse of the house.
 On the other hand, those who own the property naturally want to avoid excessive expenditures.
 The issue of the size of the population, as well as the differences in the intentions of each municipality, makes this a difficult one to solve. The situation is also deeply related to the taxation system. The national government, the system, and politics will eventually need to take action.
 At the same time, the theme of “how to use and utilize” will become a major issue for the private sector as well. I believe that this is a thematic area on a completely different level from new residential construction. Now..




English version⬇

2nd office environment improvement – study desk
A simple business hotel-like environment (laugh). How will this work environment, which can be completed with a laptop computer, change in the future era of two-point residences? A kind of residential experiment. A kind of living experiment.

The second office environment is undergoing a little bit of improvement.
 The interior is being rearranged and reorganized in accordance with changes in the use of various rooms, and interior work is being carried out, but yesterday was spent on my “office environment centered on writing.
 Recently, a sub-display has become indispensable for computer use, so I bought a used display and reorganized the connection environment. Since I work with photographs very often, I think a display with a large screen is effective in conjunction with my notebook PC.
 I had forgotten about the connection to the Mac, but as soon as I plugged it in, the setup was complete.
 So, the framework of a space like a business hotel + office desk environment was created, as shown in the photo. There is also a printer under my feet.
 Now it is time to see how far I can go with my documents, books, and other “materials”.

This picture shows my current main desk environment.
 I need to think about how I can reasonably assign functions as a second office, though it will be positioned as a main office and a sub office.
 For the time being, I will probably start with the travel specifications, but I am sure that the “usability” will gradually become more defined.
 Above all, the 2nd office has a vegetable garden of more than 160 tsubo, etc., so we can get that kind of sunny environment. Since I have recently become more writing oriented, conversely, an environment where I can “get in touch with the soil” is a very stimulating part of my work. When I put myself in an environment where I can experience the same environmental requirements that humans have experienced for a long time, such as picking cherries on the grounds or selecting vines that are growing as fast as they can, my mood lightens up in a certain way.
 On the other hand, in the main office environment, there are areas where there is a large amount of accumulated past data that stimulates us.
 It can be thought of as a kind of two-point residence experiment.
 As I have written before, Japanese society is faced with a large stock of housing. The theme of how to “use” this asset will probably grow in importance.



English version⬇

Nippon is moving back from IT to analog.
I was surprised to hear the announcement that people nowadays use paper medication registers. And this pamphlet is 14 years old. How much has the progress of IT in Japan been hampered? …

With the aging of the population, we are seeing more and more hospital visits. Well, I think it is inevitable.
 I had been receiving my medication at a particular “family doctor” for a long time, and the “pharmacy” there recommended a medication notebook application, which I immediately downloaded to my smartphone as a natural “IT” move, and was happy that I did not have to bring it with me every time like my previous “medication notebooks”.
 I was not familiar with this kind of information and was ignorant of the details of this area. I naively believed that all pharmacies would share my medication information and that the information would naturally be shared with the hospitals as well.
 However, as I began to see patients at more and more hospitals, I was asked, “Um, do you have your medication book? I answered, “Oh, I use an app on my smartphone. I had no idea about the subtlety (?) of the pharmacy’s reaction at that time. I had not given any thought to the pharmacy’s reaction.
 Recently, however, I have come to realize that the “Medication Notebook App” only functions as a means of “user retention” for each specific pharmacy chain, and that information is not shared at all, not only between pharmacies, but also with the hospitals, which is the important thing.
 As a patient, all I could think about was what I believed about my health, medical care, and drugs. I was truly horrified to learn that the only purpose of “IT” was to “enclose” information. That’s ridiculous.
 In my case, I have two hospitals/clinics as my regular “family practice,” and I was shocked to find out that even these hospitals/clinics do not share information.
 That is why I was given the pamphlet pictured. It says to always keep a paper analog version of your medication handbook in case of “disasters and emergencies. My first thought was, “Oi oi oi. I had mistakenly thought that it was for this year, but it turns out that it is for the year 2012.
 The hospital had announced that the “Medication Record Book App” of a self-serving pharmacy chain did not share the important information about the patient’s medication status, and that the paper version should be used. This was a paper pamphlet from 14 years ago. IT has not progressed at all in this area for such a long time.
 My mind was in turmoil for a while.
 I knew from information that there were some people who were “against” the MyNa card, but I was beyond surprised to find out that we have come to this kind of reality. I was so stunned by my own “information-impairedness” that I couldn’t even say anything.
 I wish I could say enough.
 The whole world has been plunging into IT and information technology, and even the work environment has been progressing in this way, but even in the important area of health, the trend has been from IT to analog, perhaps as a result of opposition movements.
 As a senior citizen, I felt I had to speak out against this.


English version⬇

The summer solstice is approaching, the peak season for activity.
Sapporo Maruyama Park is a friendly cultural asset with the U.S., which cooperated with the initial Sapporo urban planning. 150 years later, the relationship and distance between the squirrel society and the human species. ・・・・・.

I believe that Sapporo Maruyama Park is a very successful example of a “nature park” in an urban environment. The photo shows a squirrel that appeared unexpectedly on our walk yesterday. They tend to appear unexpectedly and disappear as soon as they are done with their business. I managed to get the photo in time.
 In this nature park, they are changing their behavior in the midst of urbanization, and they have come to terms with human society, so to speak, and have taken in human society as “a part of nature,” and their behavior patterns have changed. The reason they are approaching humans in this way is that some humans have made it a habit to “feed” them, and the squirrel community is “taking advantage” of this and saying, “We’ll take what we can get, and we’ll feel like we’ve petted them. I think this is a manifestation of the fact that they have established a principle of behavior that is divided into “take what you can get, and feel like you are petting them without permission.
 I often hear people expressing concern about this, but I think it is a testament to the excellence of the American urban planners’ approach to urban parks that they cooperated with the city of Sapporo in the urban planning stage, and that they still maintain the American Consulate, which is located adjacent to Maruyama Park.
 Incidentally, I often pass the staff of the U.S. Consulate sometimes during my walks in this park. When I greet them with a “Ohayo gozaimasu” (Good morning), they reply in proper Japanese. Sometimes I hear them say “Good…” in Japanese. Recently, many people from certain Asian countries have been walking around the Jingu area again, but not a single one of them has greeted me. What a pity.
 To return to the original topic, the American approach to the park, which is to respect the natural ecosystem as much as possible, may have been passed on to the squirrels and other “native inhabitants” of this area, and after nearly 150 years, their mutual relationship and environment may have matured as animate objects. Of course, the humans who feed them and the squirrels who accept them naturally are deviating from nature, but I think it is within the acceptable range.
 I have been silently telling them that there are some people who do not have a relationship with them beyond what is necessary and do not respond to their “bad behavior,” even though they will readily give them food if we show them a sense of intimacy. I think that the individual differences in the human species are also being conveyed to them.
 They instantly decide, “Oh, this one is no good,” and change their behavior to something else.
 I “think” I am sending them a message like, “Aba yo, be well.



English version⬇

Hello again, Ouba lily.
Wild plants live their lives in all their glory without the need to interact with humans. Let me be a source of energy by observing the beauty of their appearance on a daily basis. ・・・・.

My health is finally recovering for the first time in about half a month, and my morning walking habit is being restored as of late. Among several courses, I have started walking in honor of the Hokkaido Shrine and its surroundings. I am somewhat relieved that no brown bears have been sighted in this area of Sapporo this year, but they have been confirmed in Minami Ward and other areas, and their activities have been observed in various areas throughout Hokkaido. We need to be careful.
 At this time of the year, a live show of Oubayuri, considered soul food of the Ainu people, will be held in the satoyama-like area of Maruyama, Sapporo, until the blooming of the Oubayuri.
 The photo shows a budding flower bud on one of the flowers we were able to see yesterday.
 The process from this point to flowering is truly dramatic and sends a strong message to me about the power of nature. The Ainu people must have considered this flower bud signature an important landmark in their hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Their soul food is produced in the bulbous part of this flower bud. I could feel something of the Ainu people’s “joy” in their eyes, and even though I was not feeling well, I wondered how they were doing now, whether they had already bloomed, and whether I might not be able to see them this year.
 However, I was surprised to see a strong message like, “Oh, it’s been a while.
 As we age, I wonder if this kind of “dialogue” becomes infinitely more gratifying. Recently, my daughter has been urging me to get a dog, and I feel that my heart-to-heart conversations with the people I encounter on my walks are becoming more heated. My wife has threatened to tell me that it is “absolutely impossible” and that she does not want me to take care of them during my business trips, so I have given up on the idea. That is understandable.
 In such a situation, I do not have such anxiety and worry when I talk with wild plants.
 I hope that in the next month or so, I will be able to experience the full glory of the lives of these daylilies, which have put all their energy into their work. I would like to express my greetings to them in my own language, saying, “I look forward to working with you again this year and feeling the life of these plants.



 「地すべりとは  地すべりとは山地や丘陵の斜面が比較的広い範囲にわたってすべり出す現象のことです。地すべりにはゆっくりとした滑動が長期間続くものが多く、中には断続的なすべりが数十年にわたるものもあります。「沼前」地すべりは、海岸浸食を起因とし、長期にわたって滑動していましたが、地価水位上昇により活発化しました。規模が大きく、全国有数の地すべりと言えます。」

English version⬇

Shakotan Peninsula “Landslide” topography area
A signboard that was quietly hanging on the wall of a restroom in a parking lot where we stopped on the way to our car. It explains in an easy-to-understand manner the landscape topography that I had never seen before. Amazing. …….

Yesterday, my mind was in a whirlwind of activity, and I finally felt like I had reached the final stage of a project that had been taking 2-3 months to complete.
 In such a situation, writing a blog is the most difficult work. After all, there is no room in my mind. It’s like, “I’m full, but what’s wrong?
 Since I am writing every day, I usually set a major theme like a “series” on a certain topic, and from there, I often make arrangements to analyze it in depth.
 Therefore, I try to keep “daily updates” on a single theme as much as possible.
 In my case, cooking is a good complement to such laborious work and serves as a refreshing change of pace. When my mind is full, it seems to turn on a different kind of switch, saying, “Oh, I should make that dish.
 Oops, this is going to be a topic that has nothing to do with my blog.
 Today, I would like to talk about a typical “landslide landform” that I encountered during my recent trip around the Shakotan Peninsula.
 The above figure is an explanatory board by the Otaru Development and Construction Department of the Hokkaido Development Bureau, located in the coastal area of Shakotan Town. It is named “Numamae Landslide,” but the details of the place name are not written. The following is a summary of the text.
 A landslide is a phenomenon in which the slope of a mountain or hill slides over a relatively wide area. Landslides are often long-lasting, slow-moving slides, some of which may last for decades. The “Numamae” landslide was caused by coastal erosion and had been sliding for a long period of time, but became more active due to rising water levels. It is one of the largest landslides in the country.”
 Oh, yes. I can’t even take a picture because I am surrounded by this terrain all the way around.
 So, looking at the chronology, it has been recorded since around 1932, which means that more than 90 years have already passed. The National Highway 229 that leads here was opened in 1996 (Heisei 8), which means that the parking lot where we parked was opened and used in 2001. I am not sure if I have been here at least once before, but this time I was able to check this kind of information board. It was amazing.
 As a high school student who had a successful experience of getting an excellent grade in “geology” in an academic test without any prior study, my mind was activated for the first time in a long time.


【出版人の本然 「執筆」&写真整理】


English version⬇

The publisher’s book “Writing” & Organizing Photographs
I continue to explore every day. I am able to concentrate on my field of interest, or rather, my life as it is. I feel like my head is going to explode from all the blood rushing through my veins.

The “writing” work is becoming my main focus these days.
 Even in one day yesterday, I wrote about 10,000 words worth. As a person who has been involved in publishing for a long time, it is natural, but as a modern person, I do not have the same orientation as writers of the past, who expressed even visual elements in their writings. I feel that Tanizaki Junichiro, for example, pursues aesthetic expression in his writing. He pursued his “writing environment” uncompromisingly, almost as if he were a “mover and shaker,” continually seeking a space that would stimulate his sensibility.
 It is true that in his expression, we can sense a strong attachment to beauty and an orientation toward visualization.
 However, people today are typically of the “manga” generation, and rather than seeking “pictoriality” in textual expression, it is easier to understand the more direct expression of images and their clip-pinup sensibility.
 However, there are some visual expressions that are easy to understand and others that are not, and even in iPhone photography, one is asked whether or not there is “composition” or “directness” that is in line with the intent of the shot.
 Especially since I have lived in the world of housing magazines as a means of expression, I have a strong habit of putting all kinds of connotations into the photographs I take. And of course, when I write a text or create an image of a space, I concentrate on the typicality of the photograph, the “point” at which I took it. Each photograph has its own “photographic intent,” which always turns on the “memory reproduction” switch.
 The “memory replay” switch is always turned on by the fact that each photograph has its own “photographic intention.
 Therefore, I think of writing as an expression that corresponds to such an atmospheric environment.
 Perhaps that correlation is the key.
 Well, I guess that is the “nature” of those of us who have lived our lives mainly through photo magazines. However, as a member of the manga generation, I believe that the main domain of expression has changed dramatically in this way.
 The Japanese are unique among the world’s peoples in that they have taken up the challenge of expressing the religious world in their “Birds, Animals, and Caricatures. I believe that the Japanese are skilled at visualizing their traditions in a way that is easy to understand.
 So, today’s photo is a three-dimensional model drawing that I had found somewhere in Kompira-san. It is a piece that is easy to understand, making you relive the experience after you have been there and say, “Oh, I didn’t know it was like this.


 1 ご飯は共和町の生産米。 2 喜茂別町・南蛮味噌 3 蘭越町・フキ 4 共和町メロンのぬか漬け 5 神恵内ブリ照り焼き 6 岩内町豆腐&焼きそば 7 赤井川村アスパラ 8 余市町「サンタのところ卵」 9 余市町ミニトマト 10 余市豚肉 11 共和町レタス 12 余市町ささげ 13 ニセコ町にんじん 

English version⬇

Local Women’s Association Handmade “Bento” Lunch Boxes Almost Around the Shakotan Peninsula
Roadside stations in depopulation-stricken areas are lacking in special products. The local “women’s group” that has sprung up in the area has created an all-star cast lunch box made of local products. We were very impressed and took a bite. The “girls’ group” that started up the project was so impressed that they took a bite.

Yesterday, the first phase of the second house remodeling project was completed, freeing me from the need to “manage the site. I went to Niseko for the first time in a while to do some leisurely shopping for spring vegetables. The more I look at these seasonal spring vegetables, the more I am reminded that they are the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Asparagus are still actively being shipped, and various spring vegetables refresh my mind with their freshness.
 So, afterwards, I headed for a day trip to a hot spring at the tip of the Shakotan Peninsula for the first time in a while.
 The route from Sapporo to Niseko was to get off the highway at Asazato IC, traverse the “Kenashi Pass” and head for Akaigawa to Niseko, so this time I decided to go to the tip of Shakotan Peninsula from the west side.
 It had been a long time since I had taken this course, so the scenery was fresh in my mind’s eye. At Cape Kamui, we walked while shivering with fear of wind pressure, but yesterday we were greeted with surprisingly calmness.
 So, we bought a “bento” at the “Kamieuchi Michi-no-Eki” (roadside station) on the way.
 As a region suffering from depopulation, it must be difficult to operate such a roadside station, but I found the words “Regional Women’s Association” among the “nobori” flags standing in a row. When I wondered what it was, I found out that all the housewives in the area were working together to make the station run smoothly.
 It is easy to imagine that the roadside station does not attract many customers, as the cost of operating the cafeteria and other facilities is very high, but that is where this “women’s group” came in.
 The “women’s group” started up to sell their “handmade” lunch boxes specially made for the area. Fortunately, they were still for sale, as it was just before lunch. I purchased the “makunouchi” style bento pictured in the photo and the scallop rice.
 I checked before eating and found this photo print attached to the bento.
 1 The rice is rice produced in Kyowa Town. 2 Kimobetsu Town, Namban Miso 3 Rangetsu Town, Japanese butterbur 4 Kyowa Town melon pickles 5 Kamueiuchi yellowtail teriyaki 6 Iwanai Town tofu & yakisoba 7 Akaigawa Village asparagus 8 Yoichi Town “Santa’s place egg” 9 Yoichi Town mini tomato 10 Yoichi pork 11 Kyowa Town lettuce 12 Yoichi Town white beans 13 Niseko Town carrots 
 The all-star cast of local products was a great gathering. It is wonderful!
 And these bento lunches for “local revitalization” were made by the women of the community, who showed a lot of initiative in “handmade” and made it all the more exciting. I was even more impressed by their spirit. The men were smitten (laughs).
 It’s nice, I like it! Shakotan Peninsula and surrounding areas.




English version⬇

The unity of housing and human life.
Photographs of houses provide us with a lot of “way of life” information. I think the range of such experiences expands with life experience. I think that the range of such reliving will expand with life experience.

As of yesterday, the first phase of the woodwork-related work for this renovation project was completed. Civil engineering-related work to expand the parking lot and interior floor polishing and electrical work will continue.
 So, I visited the neighborhood, which I had wanted to do at least once before. Since the outside construction work inevitably involves the adjacent land, it is necessary to greet the neighbors. As a result, we were happy to be able to have a very natural dialogue with them. After all, my partner is a Hokkaido branch of a nationwide company, so it is usually difficult to have a “neighborly” relationship with him. It was a good thing.
 Naturally, the condition of a residence is a part of human life. If you are simply “living” in a house, you can get away with a lot, but in my case, I was born into a farming family and a merchant family, so I feel that my way of life is directly reflected in the expression of my house.
 In the photo, I am three years old, and my father made a lifelong decision to quit farming near Iwamizawa City, and bought a corner house across the street on the east side from the Hokkaido University Botanical Garden in Chuo-ku, Sapporo City, and moved us to the new house.
 I don’t remember much about the farmhouse where I lived until I was two years old, but even now I sometimes drive by the house, and when I do, I still feel a sense of “nostalgia. However, it is the house in the old photo that brings back memories of the experience and the lifestyle of the family.
 His father, who came from a farming family, wanted to be a “food manufacturer” in Sapporo. At first, he was involved in natto (fermented soybeans) production, but when a business partner at the time told him about the potential of other food products, he decided to move in that direction. This photo of a house replayed the memories of such a period.
 It seems that the only way to obtain housing at that time was generally by building for sale, and the property was for a merchant family for a “corner lot” developed by such a real estate agent. The back view of the “auto tricycle,” which was immediately purchased for product delivery, is recorded. Many “shipping crates” are accumulated in front of the house. The front door opening, which appears to be for a store, which seems to provide easy access to the interior of the building. A sliding glass door. To the right of the sliding glass door is a show-window-like corner, also made mainly of glass.
 This is a photograph of a house that I sometimes look back on, filled with the unique feeling that this kind of house brought me up. Perhaps many of you must have such a photograph as well.