
【高架道路から橋脚参道&鳥居 ニセコ「曽我神社」】


なんですが、よく神社名を確認したらヨミは「そがじんじゃ」だけれど、蘇我ではなく曽我という地名の神社と言うことがわかった。この一帯ではパワースポットとして知られている。調べてみたけれど、由緒はあんまり確定できない。明治以降に入植して成功した「曽我」という人物が建立したようです。1901年(明治34年) 曽我子爵がこの地の開拓を始める。1904年(明治37年) 創建。ということで周辺一帯に「曽我」という地名。
祭神 天照皇大神 八幡大神

English version⬇

[Elevated road to bridge approach & torii, Niseko “Soga Shrine”].
I was excited to visit this shrine, mistaking it for the Soga Shrine, but unfortunately, it was not. I was excited to visit the shrine, mistaking it for Soga Shrine, but was disappointed (laugh). I was so excited to visit the shrine, but I was disappointed.

The Niseko area has developed into a world-class luxury ski resort area. Basically, it is an agricultural area at the foot of Mt. Yotei, so transportation is by car. As I passed by an elevated road in a valley formed by a tributary of the Shiribetsu River, I saw an “approach road” and a torii gate on the side.
What? Are you going to pay a visit to a shrine from an elevated road? It was a riddle scenery. I checked the map and found a shrine called “Soga Shrine,” my wife reported. I understood. I understood. Soga Shrine is located in Chiba Prefecture and is a trace of the descendants of the Soga clan that colored Japanese history during the period of upheavals such as the backward Yotei and the Abenohirau.
I made a hasty U-turn to visit the approach to the shrine and the main shrine. If it is the Soga Shrine, the historical background of the backward Yotei in the Nihonshoki Chronicles will begin to synchronize, which is very exciting.

However, when I carefully checked the name of the shrine, I found that it is not Soga but a shrine in the name of a place called Soga, although the yomi is “Soga-jinja”. It is known as a power spot in this area. I looked up the name of the shrine, but its history is not very definite. It seems that the shrine was built by a successful settler named “Soga” after the Meiji era (1868-1912), Viscount Soga started to settle the area in 1901 (Meiji 34), and the shrine was built in 1904 (Meiji 37). The whole surrounding area is therefore named “Soga”.
Gods of worship Amaterasu-O-no-Mikoto Hachiman-O-no-Mikoto
1901 (Meiji 34) Soga area developed by Viscount Soga.
The shrine was founded in 1958.
So, why it is a power spot is unknown. Perhaps the unusual feeling of crossing over a bridge is the topic of conversation? Since the shrine was founded only recently, it is thought to be an image from the location.
However, in Japan, there are as many as 8 million Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples throughout the country, and people have a culture of reverence for such things. This social nature has somehow become ingrained in people’s mentality. Although it is not a monotheistic society like in the West, it is still characterized by a gentle social harmony. It can also be said that there are countless time capsules of hints of history. Like this shrine, it was built only recently, in the Showa period, and yet it is still cherished by the society. I think it is important to have a culture like this, where people can feel relaxed.




English version⬇

Cape Kamui, a difficult point on the Japan Sea route and forbidden to women, and the development of Hokkaido
The Matsumae Clan of the Edo period delayed the development of the Shakotan Peninsula north of Cape Kamui by taking advantage of a legend about Yoshitsune. A clan that clung to its marine products trading interests and had no regional development policy. The Matsumae Clan

A historical exploration of ancient Japan and the island of Hokkaido, inspired by a visit to the ringed stone remains at the foot of Mt. Yotei, which are believed to date back about 3,000 years to the Jomon period. The basic transportation route was by ship in those days. Abenohirau definitely left traces of the place name “backward Yotei” on the island of Hokkaido, although there are various theories.
As a Hokkaido native, however, I find it strange that traces of the area’s connection to Japanese history ceased after that, until the Edo period. There are only a few clues that can be deduced from folklore and written records.
There is a “Yoshitsune legend” that records that the area north of Cape Kamui, pictured in the photo, was forbidden to women. The “legend” tells of Yoshitsune’s escape to Ezo, escaping from Yoritomo’s pursuit. The wild folklore says that he finally escaped to the continent and subsequently became Genghis Khan. In this passage, there is a tragic love story about the daughter of an Ainu chief who was in love with Yoshitsune. It is said that the daughter, who fell in love with Yoshitsune, was snatched away by a stormy sea and lost her life in pursuit of him as he departed from Cape Kamui to escape his pursuers.
It is highly probable that, at a time when the island of Hokkaido had long disappeared from the surface of Japanese history, the public of that era, who received the content of the tale, had a mental image of a favoritism toward the priests who told the story with biwa accompaniment at festivals and other occasions in villages across the country as storytellers of the Heike tale. Such a mentality may have given birth to the diverse folklore of Yoshitsune.
On the way back from the Niseko area, I decided to go around the Shakotan Peninsula.

I have been to Cape Kamui once or twice, but this time the wind was so strong that it could be described as a “wind pole. Even adults could not stand up, as we experienced at Cape Erimo in Hidaka, and children were actually blown away by the wind and fell down when they were joking around. The cape itself is a rocky reef area, and the cape itself and the peninsula itself have a topography that expresses the tremendous rock-making activity, and I had the feeling that the development of the area was delayed until around the Edo period because of the intensity of this wind (laugh).
The reason for the “no women allowed” policy may have been to maintain the secrecy of the Matsumae clan’s marine resources and economic interests during the Edo period, but it is also a fact that this policy was a deterrent to the development of Hokkaido.
The prohibition of women was a declaration that “no settlement” or “only migrant workers” would be allowed north of the boundaries of Hokkaido, and the regional administration had no intention of regional development, but only a sense of value for its own trading interests.
There is no “inheritability” in any way between today’s Hokkaido and the Matsumae clan of the Edo period. Perhaps no other region in Japan has such a remarkable disconnect between the feudal lords’ domains and their relationship with each other since the Meiji era as Hokkaido. Because of the period of “direct rule,” the Edo shogunate faced the future of the island of Hokkaido with a high awareness of northern defense in a rather open-minded manner. If the Matsumae clan had been like Satsuma in the south, the subsequent history of Japan could have been very different.

【1364年前と現代 大和王権・世界との遭遇 in羊蹄山麓】

この羊蹄山周辺地域はいまや世界的な雪質レベルでのリゾート開発が盛ん。世界的なスキーリゾートとして欧米からの来訪者で大いに賑わっている。図のように「NISEKO UNITED」ということでシルキースノーゾーンが広がっている。日本人ではスキー人口はそれほど伸びているとは聞かないけれど、シーズンになると英語などの方が当地では優勢になるそうです。わたし自身はスキー学校授業程度ほぼ興味がない。そういうことなので来るのはもっぱら夏場ということになるけれど・・・。


Enlish version⬇

1364 Years Ago and Today: Encounters with Yamato Royalty and the World in Yotei Foothills
Is this the local environment that attracts the most “outside attention” in Hokkaido now and in the past? World-class ski resorts and the Abenohirou expedition. …

While visiting the Niseko area during the holidays, I came across some unexpected historical facts, including Jomon-period ruins. My love of history has recently been completely consumed by my travels in the Honshu area, but this time I found myself in the Hokkaido area. As a Hokkaido native, I may have a part of responsibility to clarify this kind of historical information for future generations. Of course, this is based on information from professional researchers, but it is also meant to spread interest and foster public opinion.
The area surrounding Mt. Yotei is now being actively developed as a resort with world-class snow quality levels. As a world-class ski resort, it is very crowded with visitors from Europe and the United States. As shown in the figure, a silky snow zone called “NISEKO UNITED” is spreading. Although I don’t hear that the ski population is growing that much among Japanese, I hear that English and other languages are predominant in this area during the season. I myself am not interested in ski school classes. So I come here only in the summer.
I guess it is easy to attract such “attention from outside” to this place. As a history buff, I suddenly realized that the fact that the Yamato Kingdom of Japan conducted a military expedition with a fleet of 200 ships to this area as a measure to defend the northern part of the country had a great impact on me. In a sense, the “spirit” of the land may have attracted people from the outside (laughs).
As you can see in the photo, for architects in Hokkaido, the initial resort development construction in the area was done by an Australian real estate developer of unknown background, and they had to be a little apprehensive about the credit situation. The demand for high-end resorts in Europe and the U.S., such as St. Moritz, and such active investment activities are meaningful for Hokkaido as a whole. Many new rental villa complexes are now being built in prime locations near the slopes. There is also the entry of European and U.S. capital such as Hilton.

Now, research activities about “Rear Yotei” in the Abenohirao expedition of history buffs. According to my favorite history writer, Ryutaro Abe, the Japanese expeditionary fleet and its personnel size at that time at the Battle of Paekchon River in Joseon was said to have transported 30 soldiers per ship, so a fleet of 200 ships was a large expeditionary force of 5,000 to 6,000 soldiers.
Conversely, it could be said that such a large fleet was organized, so it changed direction from north to west and plunged into the Battle of Hakuchon River. According to Google Map, it takes about 8 hours to reach the foot of Mt. Yotei, where the Shiribetsu River, which is suitable for transporting food and supplies, runs through.
This distance would have made it possible to march armed to the teeth in one or two days.
A force of about 50-60 men would have been sufficient to escort Abephirao to the foot of Mt. Looking at the environmental factors, it would certainly have been possible to move the military. It would also be possible to set up a government office.




English version⬇

[People of the Jomon descendants who conversed with Abepirāu.
From Abephirao’s expedition onward, until the Kamakura period, there was a missing link in the world of the rise and fall of the Oshu Fujiwara clan, which is poorly documented. However, there were historical facts in Hokkaido. …

The description of the Nihonshoki, the northern conquest of Abenohirau in the article of Emperor Saimei. Because of the sudden appearance of descriptions of the northern world in the ancient world, a great deal of research has been conducted in various parts of Japan. As a resident of Hokkaido, I have repeatedly asked this riddle. This time, too, I have been exploring my imagination as I traveled around the area. I believe that the Shiribetsu River, the sixth largest river in Hokkaido in terms of watershed area, is located somewhere in the foothills of the mountain range, always with Mt. In fact, the place name “Hirao” has been preserved. I think it is natural to think that place names are like a time machine, expressing folklore and other historical facts.
There have been repeated disputes in Kutchan Town, Yoichi Town, and other towns over this Nihon Shoki description, arguing that there must have been a “county seat” of government in Shiribeshi in the backward direction in our town. At present, this is just one aspect of our local history, and we look forward to further research in the future.
On the other hand, various analyses of the people with whom Abenohirau came into contact are underway: the Ainu culture had not yet been established in Hokkaido around the 7th century, and the “Scrubun” people had established a cultural sphere before that time. The following figures and tables are from “Reading History from the Nuclear Genome of the Jomon People: Hideaki Kanzawa, National Museum of Nature and Science,” JT Biohistory Research Hall.

This analysis suggests that the people of the mainland were closer to the present DNA, while the people of Hokkaido Island were closer to the Jomon people. From this analysis, we can imagine that the people who encountered Abenohirau and advised him to establish a “county fiefdom” during this period were people with stronger Jomon blood.
According to the theory of Segawa Takuro, an archaeologist active in Hokkaido, during this period, “Okhotsk Culture people” of northern Asian descent who originated around the mouth of the Amur River expanded into the Okhotsk coastal region of Hokkaido with a lifestyle centered on hunting large marine animals, and they also expanded into the Sea of Japan side, aiming to expand their contacts with Japanese society through trade. They also expanded to the Sea of Japan side in order to expand their contacts with Japanese society through trade.
This may have led to tensions with the Jomon-derived Abrahamic people of the Yotei region, and the Abenohirau expedition may have been the result of their request for “reinforcements” from their trading partners in the Yamato Royal Society.
It is said that a battle actually took place on the supposed Okushiri Island battlefield, and that the second-in-command who served with Abepirāyu was killed on Okushiri Island.
These records of contact with Japanese history on the island of Hokkaido, however, then seem to have fallen asleep until about the Kamakura period. Some believe that the lineage of the Abenohirou expedition is linked to the Oshu Abe clan. The reality of “trade” with the northern world as its economic base is also evident in the miraculous prosperity of the Oshu Fujiwara clan.
Japan’s northern history is filled with many fascinating missing links.



English version⬇

Abenohirao’s Northern Expedition and the “Backward Yotei” Shiribetsu River
Yotei from the Shiribetsu River mouth area, and was offered submission by the local tribal leaders. Diplomatically, the expedition was a success. Whether or not they actually established “county fiefdom” building facilities? ・・・

Am I the type of person whose interest in the “local history” of an area I visit when traveling or on a business trip is very excited? I like history books, but of course I have not read them exhaustively. When I actually visit an area, my peripheral memory reacts strongly and whispers back to me, “Hey, you, you left this area out.
This time, as I traveled around the Niseko area, I was reminded of the strong relationship between the area and Japanese history. As one would expect, the relationship between this area and Japanese history is strongly influenced by the northern expedition of Abepirābu, which had a strong impact on the ancient history of Japan. Even the name of the place has Hirao in it.
Abenohirau was a powerful figure during the Taika Reform Period in his position as provincial governor of Koshi-no-Kuni and Echigo. From this politico-military action to control the northern part of the country, he later went to the Hakumura River, the great defeat of ancient Japan, in the following year. The main battlefield for the “naval power” of the Japanese nation at that time was the Japan Sea Rim. Since he specialized his activities there, it can be inferred that he was in charge of the de facto national military department. Although the size of their ships is unknown, it is said that they advanced to the “banks of the great river” with an army of 180 to 200 ships. The local chiefs were overwhelmed by the force of the army and offered their respect. The history of Hokkaido does not have a definite theory as to where this “great river” was located.
Many researchers have been excavating and investigating the location of the “county fiefdom” where Abenohirau is said to have placed it for many years. Although it is mentioned in the National Records of Japan, it is still unclear whether or not such an “architectural facility” existed in the first place, so it is a laborious task.
As a history buff, I look forward to the activities of researchers, but based on the name of the area, which remains as Yotei in the back, the description of the river, and the historical fact of a large military fleet, I believe that the ancient people would have seen the same scene as in the photo.
In today’s river names, the Shiribetsu River is an appropriate name for the area. The Abenohirao expedition would be similar to such a context, as the subsequent expedition to the Hakumura River was also a demonstration of national naval power and an actual act of war. It means that there was a submissive response to the ancient Japanese kingship from the chiefs in this region.
Abenohirau is said to have brought a large number of brown bear pelts and two live brown bears to the imperial court after his return. It is probably true that he “won a diplomatic victory without a fight” with the chiefs of this backward yotei region. It is said that it was the local chiefs who offered to establish a county fiefdom.
Now, whether or not Abepirābu actually went to the area around Yotei to establish a “county fiefdom” is not clear. The local chieftains were indeed prostrated by his military might on the banks of the great river, but it is doubtful that they would actually lead a military leader into their own territory. Would Abenohirau have been so confident of his own safety? The Local History Detective Corps is very curious (laughs).

【神々が坐す 素朴な自然崇拝の「後方羊蹄」地域】


English version⬇

A simple nature-worshipping “backward yotei” area where the gods sit.
The area where Abenohirau “established a county fief” during his northern expedition 1,364 years ago. 3,000 years ago, during the Jomon period, we can predict the continuous existence of a populated society. The area was “the county seat” during Abenohirau’s northern expedition 1,364 years ago.

Yesterday’s visit to Niseko and the traces of the ancient Jomon people were a reminder to me that my own view of Hokkaido as an unexplored frontier with its natural wonders intact is beginning to waver. I feel as if my eyes have been opened from the extreme disregard for human remains and culture.
It is true that there is little continuity in the history of human sites, but I have come to realize once again that they exist in their own way as a point of view.
In terms of contact with Japanese history, the area around Mt. Yotei, Niseko, was named “Yotei Shiribeshi” during Abenohirou’s expedition. This divergence between the Kanji character description and the yomigana is probably a unique example in the Japanese language.
Furthermore, the modern use of “Goshi” as a place name expression, reading “Shiribeshi,” is also probably based on this relationship between the written and phonetic readings. I believe that people from other regions may feel a strong sense of discomfort with the Chinese characters and pronunciation.
The following is a description of Abeno Hirao’s expedition to the north in the “History of Fukui Prefecture,” General History, Part 1, Primitive and Ancient Times. The burden of building ships and procuring men and food for the expedition was enormous. It is likely that the burden was borne mainly by Echizen in the broad sense of the word, including Noto and Kaga. Hirao’s expeditionary force pacified Jinden and Nugushiro (Akita and Noshiro) in the 4th year of the Emperor Saimei (around 659). He also returned after having pacified the “Emishi” of Watarajima. In the same year, Hirao also returned after defeating Sukune. In the same year, he served “Ezo” in Ajita, Nuyo, Tsugaru-gun, and Ezo in Echigo-Tsumari, and returned to Yotei with his county territory in the rear. In the same year, he fought against Sukune of Beshima with the “Emishi” of Watarajima as his allies.
The area described here as “back Yotei” is, to the casual observer, the area around modern Mt. The description of a “county fiefdom” here suggests that it was an area with a certain population. It is natural to assume that a certain settlement society had continued to be formed for at least 1,700 years from the Jomon period ruins we saw yesterday, about 3,000 years ago, to this time, 1,364 years ago. It may be necessary to continue to think painstakingly based on this kind of reasoning.
Even in the modern geographical view of Hokkaido, Cape Kamui, at the tip of the Shakotan Peninsula, is known for its ferociously strong winds, and the Ishikari Plain area beyond Cape Kamui was a difficult area where women were even forbidden to travel until around the Edo period. Even today, travelers from Sapporo must pass through mountainous areas. The Niseko area is thought to have been the only area in the so-called “Ezo-gashima” area that was accessible to Japanese society. It is against this background that the “county territory” was established. In the present day, this area is also a region where contact with the rest of the world has increased greatly. It is very interesting from the perspective of the Historical Detective Corps.



English version⬇

Ancient Astronomical Science, Jomon “Soga-Hokuei Ring Stones” at the same latitude as the summit of Mt.
Is this an ancient scientific example similar to the case of Awaji Izanagi Shrine and the Inner Shrine of Ise Jingu at the same latitude? An encounter with a fact that makes my archeological blood boil. …

It is the first day of a consecutive holiday, so we are going away. Recently, we have been going out to Niseko. My wife has been on a quest for fresh vegetables as she has been improving her diet, and she has started to pay close attention to the texture of asparagus in season. I learned more about their motivation yesterday (laugh), and I thought to myself, “If that’s the case, why don’t I just ask the locals when they start shipping their produce?
(Laughs) So, I checked yesterday, and the shipping season here is from the middle to the end of this month, which means it is still before the season. But, well, that is only one of the reasons. I am not averse to a long drive.
So, as I was cruising around the neighborhood, I came across the “Soga Hokuei Loop Stones” here. As an archeologist, I was strongly attracted to it. According to the information, it is located at the same latitude (42 degrees, 49 minutes and 35 seconds north latitude) as the northern side of the crater rim of the summit of Mt. As mentioned in the recent article on Awaji Izanagi Shrine, which is associated with ancient Japanese royalty, the Yamato Fujiwara Capital and the Inner Palace of Ise Jingu are located directly east of the site, which is a trace of the existence of “astronomical science” in ancient times.
This was the first time I learned of the existence of such astronomical remains in the highland plains around Mt. The upper photo is a view of Mt. Yotei looking directly east from the remains. The GoogleMap below is an accurate mapping of the north-south-east-west street, which confirms that the summit of Mt. Yotei and these remains are indeed at the same latitude and level of modern scientific knowledge of the geophysical analysis.
Excavation by Professor Kazuai Komai of the University of Tokyo in 1951. The excavation revealed bone fragments, a stone cone, a jade mortar ball, and a deep bowl-shaped Late Jomon-style earthenware, which researchers claim are annular tombs rather than ritual tombs, dating back about 3,000 years, when the Jomon people separated their graves from their settlements.
Although Jomon-era sites have been discovered in Niseko Town, the remains of records from the Middle Ages (Kamakura and Muromachi) to the late Edo period (the Ainu period) have not been found and remain a mystery. Takeshiro Matsuura, an explorer at the end of the Edo period, speculated that Mt. Yotei was the backward Yotei (Shiribeshi) mentioned in the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan).
As an archaeologist, I really like this development (laughs). I happened to be able to visit the site because of Kami’s information research, and I am very much inspired. It is a fact that the same level of darkness under the lighthouse, ancient romance, and Awaji Island can be found in my hometown, Hokkaido. I am excited.




English version⬇

Refresh your mind by returning to nature during the consecutive holidays.
The mandarin ducks, in their natural habitat, heal me. I want to change from a slammed brain and hippocampus full of blood to the rhythm of nature. The rest of the day is a time of restoration and relaxation.

The photo shows a male and female mandarin duck living in a pond in Maruyama Park, a daily early morning walking course between Hokkaido Shrine and Maruyama Park. In Hokkaido, when the snow melts and all the flowers are in bloom at once, the breeding season for animals begins.
In the tiny mandarin duck community, mating pairs will eventually form as “mandarin duck couples,” and this is the time of year when we wonder whether we have such a premonition or not. Every year, a little later, the male and female mates leave the flock to work on their rendezvous date. I often see them dating at the foot of Mt. I was tempted to cheer them on in their youthfulness, saying, “It’s wonderful that they get along so well with each other.
When I look at the male and female, the female in the second photo is more spontaneous in her body movements, while the male in the first photo is more alert, holding his head up to my iPhone. The male in the first photo is standing at attention to my iPhone, and seems to be on the lookout for me. The female does not show such an overreaction, but seems to be living a positive life in the real world without hesitation.
The female’s power is amazing. It is a law in their world that males should attract females’ attention by dressing up in conspicuous fur colors. I don’t know which of the sexes is more selective in their pairing behavior, but as a human male, I prefer the female to the male because she seems to be more relaxed and calm (laughs). At first, I was surprised at the colorful feathers of the males, but the more I looked at them, the more I was attracted to the “suppleness” of the females.

The extremely busy schedule up until yesterday has somehow come to an end, and I only have about two days of work left to do before the end of the holidays to achieve my latest goals. However, Kami had a lot of work to do, including accounting work at the end of the month.
The snow melted and the cherry blossoms bloomed early this year in Hokkaido, and the cherry blossoms have already fallen in Sapporo. And it is now the season for various flowers to come into bloom at once, as if a hundred flowers are blooming at once. I would like to spend the consecutive holidays starting today as leisurely as possible in contact with nature. Today’s temperatures are said to range from a low of 2°C to a high of 24°C. I will take care of my physical condition and try to spend my time in sync with nature.




English version⬇

[It’s the trough of a holiday weekend, but stress fatigue has struck hard (tears).
The Sekigahara decisive battle of the battle for better diet is approaching. The summit battle between appetite and inhibitions that are about to erupt. …

Now that the holidays are upon us, the number of stressful labors that have been completely increasing lately…. In the human brain, the area called “hippocampus” is said to be the place for logical thinking, and this area is fully mobilized in official applications and other bureaucratic work.
Of course, we communicate using language, but people like me, who have focused on the theme of residential space, such as emotion and atmosphere, are more susceptible to language, thinking about how to express ambiguity. This is almost the opposite of that kind of orientation, and it mobilizes the part of the brain that is the opposite of that.
The basic part of the brain that says, “Well, what event does this sentence identify?” The basic part of the brain that says, “Well, what is this sentence specifying?” is filled with extremely restrictive language, language such as laws. The sentences are listed without the slightest diffusion between subject, predicate, and modifier. Even if you mobilize your mediocre hippocampus to the fullest, it is difficult to keep things in order.
I regret that I have been living “in a daze,” as Chico would scold me (tears).

So, this is a negative for the efforts to improve eating habits that have been ongoing for some time now. Perhaps humans instinctively have an “irresistible appetite” when they keep a highly logical and limited area active for a long period of time.
There are other matters that increase the frustration factor, and the stress maximal state comes in and adds intense destructive pressure to the current dietary habit improvement behavior (laughs). (Laughs.) Explosive desires like, “Enough, do as you please,” sprout inside the mind. Perhaps there is an abnormal increase in blood flow around the hippocampus as shown in the figure, which causes overheating and attacks the brain’s functions of endurance and inhibition.
The photo above is the only nigiri-zushi I ate during my diet improvement. Recently, I have been making nigiri-zushi with a smaller rice ball to suit women (my wife’s preference), but at this sushi restaurant, the rice ball was huge, and the ingredients were thick and filling.
The sushi at this sushi restaurant had a large rice and the ingredients were thick and filling, as if to suggest overeating. The menu actually included soba noodles as well (laugh). However, the meal before and after was very moderate, and it was also a holiday, so the overall effect was restrained.
I have been fighting a desperate battle of self-control against the overheated hippocampus area, and it has been more than 20 days since I started this battle to improve my diet. It has been more than 20 days since I started the battle to improve my diet, and it seems that I am about to see the real battlefield.
I want to do my best to control stress and appetite. Now, can I believe in myself?

【鳴門うずしお・伊弉諾神宮太陽の道 おのころ島神社探訪-3】


English version⬇

Naruto Uzushio, Izanagi Shrine, and the Path of the Sun: Exploration of Naruto Uzushio and Izanagi Shrine – 3
Asuka, Fujiwara-kyo and Ise Jingu are located directly east of Izanagi Shrine. The Yamato kingdom “conquered” the east to that place. Is there any scientific basis for the ancient principle of action? ……

During the year-end and New Year’s holidays, it has become a habit to leave snowy Hokkaido and travel south of Honshu. The destinations of these trips are now mainly in Shikoku and the nearest convenient airport is Kobe Airport. The nearest convenient airport is Kobe Airport, from which the usual route is to rent a car for a flexible itinerary. In this way, trips to Awaji Island and the Seto Inland Sea region became the standard route.
Awaji Island is a key location for transportation in the Seto Inland Sea area. For Hokkaido residents, who generally travel 600 km round trip between Sapporo and Hakodate, Awaji Island is just a short distance away. As I traveled, I came to realize that Awaji is home to many shrines and folklore related to the birth of the nation. In line with this trend, this time I paid an in-depth visit to Onokoro Shrine.
The existence of the Median Tectonic Line and Naruto’s Uzushio strongly stimulated my imagination about the myth of Amanuma no Mako (Amanuma no Nuhoko). 〜The two gods Izanagi and Izanami created the country with the sacred Nuboko. Standing on the floating bridge of heaven, they stirred up the chaotic world with the sacred spear. The drops that fell from the tip of the spear, which rumbled with the tide, hardened and became an island. 〜The island was an island.
The coincidence of this “stirring” tradition with the Uzushio of Naruto, the pseudo-figure of Onokoro Island, and the Kamitatekami rocks of Numajima, etc., seems to indicate the results of “scientific” analysis of ancient predecessors’ observation of the natural topography of the islands of the archipelago.
This reminds me of the “sun map” I saw at Izanagi Jingu Shrine in Awaji. The map was a lithograph made by a shrine priest explaining that the Asuka Fujiwara-kyo Palace and the Ise Jingu Shrine are located directly east of this shrine. When I was looking at this chart, I had my doubts that it might be a contrived check-and-balance theory, but when I thought about it, it was essential for the royal authority, the ruler of rice farming in ancient times, to give clear and persuasive instructions to the people on the seasonal movements of the seasons. Rational judgment and instructions on when to plant seeds and when to plant seedlings in the rice paddies were considered critically important. This would have involved a variety of analytical work, including astronomical observations, observation of natural terrain, and the seasonal movement of the sun. These would have been the “scientific basis” of the time itself.
Why did Awaji receive a special status in the myth of the birth of the nation? I think it is highly likely that this indicates that Awaji was an extremely important region for the Yamato kingdom. Asuka and Fujiwara-kyo were located directly east of Awaji, the site of the early Yamato kingdom, and it seems to make sense in the direction in which Jinmu’s expedition to the east took place. In ancient times, this was both a myth and a rational basis for action. Although Jinmu is said to have built a palace in Kashihara, his descendant, Choshin, moved the center of rituals to Ise, aiming for a separation of rituals and government.
It is natural that the path of the sun was deeply considered in the decision-making process as a royal authority. They must have made a series of directional observations centering on the North Star in their astronomical observations. However, even though many of our predecessors had the empirical knowledge of observing the nature of the archipelago, we must face a big question as modern people: How did they identify the path of the sun in detail?