


English version⬇

Wind God and Thunder God – Religions and Deities of the Asian World
The wind god of ancient India and the thunder god derived from the thunder lord of China. Asian earth gods incorporated into non-monotheistic Buddhism. Did the Japanese accept them as pure art in a non-religious manner? …

I finally returned from a business trip yesterday. Clothing is completely unpredictable when traveling at this time of year. I went from Sapporo to Kanto, and in Sapporo I naturally wore a down jacket. On the other hand, I heard that cherry blossoms are in full bloom in the Kanto region, which makes me think, “Oh, what should I do? I am a lover of freedom (lol), so I want to move as light as possible and keep my luggage in a single backpack. Since I am wearing one jacket for business purposes, I am wondering what to do with my cloak. This time I was very successful and kept my down jacket on, but Tokyo remained on the cold side for this time of year. I was a bit startled by an earthquake alert on the way (laugh).
 In my blog yesterday, I wrote about my daily thoughts on religion and art, and I mentioned the Wind God and Thunder God, and a reader pointed out similar images of the Wind God and Thunder God at Mogao Grottoes in China.
 The above images are from Sotatsu Tawaraya’s “The Wind and Thunder Gods,” a wall painting of the Mogao Grottoes in China, and a statue of the Wind God and Thunder God in Sanjusangendo, a temple built in the 1190s. I am deeply devoted to the Wind and Thunder Gods by the painter Sotatsu Tawaraya, but this does not mean that I consider them to be “original” as if they were some kind of golden rule.
 It is a fairly common motif in religious paintings. However, I had no motivation to look into the Wind God and Thunder God until you pointed it out to me. I was following the very common sense of modern people, which is to look at it “only” as a work of art. If you ask me, there is no doubt that the social function of the Wind God and Thunder God painting is that it is a painting work that was commissioned and established as one form of expression for religion.
 From this, it seems that the Wind God and Thunder God originated from the “earth god” status that originated in ancient India. On the other hand, the god of thunder seems to have originated from a similar Chinese deity, the “Thunder God.
 These local deities from various parts of Asia have been assigned different roles in the religion of Buddhism, and have been introduced to Japan as a single set of Wind God and Thunder God. This may have something to do with the development style of Buddhism, which is not a monotheistic religion. This may be the reason why the theory of “Honji-dakujaku” (manifestation of the true nature of the Buddha) eventually gained momentum in Japanese society. Buddhism as a world religion may have been characterized by a kind of “integrity” that made it easy for Asians to accept.
 The painter Sotatsu Tawaraya must have examined the two statues at Sanjusangendo in particular.
 However, whether it is the Mogokutsu or the Sanjusangendo, the interest in “Wind and Thunder Gods” in contemporary Japan is concentrated on the timeless works of Sotatsu Tawaraya, Korin Ogata, and Hoitsu Sakai, whose works are in competition with each other. Conversely, I am more interested in why Japanese people have continued to sympathize with the works of these artists to such an extent.



 そういうことで生きてきたけれど、最近は、仏像や宗教画(仏教絵画)にも、そういう精神性が深く宿っていることにしんしんと気付かされている。額田王をモデルとしたと言われている「石位寺 石造浮彫伝薬師三尊像」を知人の紹介で参観させていただいたときに、その仏としての「表情」に深い人間性の刻印をみたことが大きかったか、いや、それ以前に止利仏師の作とされる飛鳥大仏の表情に、深く癒されていたことがあっただろうか。

English version⬇

The relationship between the human mind, its expression in art, and religion.
The architectural space of temples has functioned as a Japanese “asylum” because of the prayer for “eventual salvation from this unholy land. Dialogue with such a mind. …

As I have aged, I feel that I have come to have a more satisfying sense of “life” as a theme for my own life. I am sure I will be laughed at for saying, “Oh, come on, it’s too late now (laugh),” but I think it is a big psychological change for me to realize that the nexus of bringing various things in this world to a close will eventually come.
 And, of course, there is no doubt that our predecessors have lived their lives with the same deep preoccupation.
 Religion must have had its raison d’etre as an opportunity and space for “dialogue” between people that transcended time. We are finally coming to realize the obvious. How late it is (laughs).
 I am strongly fascinated by the spiritual “externalization” of art and art produced by human beings. They contain the cries of the hearts of our predecessors.
 When I was a boy, I was not interested in the Buddha, and I rejected religious paintings that seemed to serve the church in the Christian monotheistic social structure worshipped by foreigners, so to speak. In such a situation, he did respond to themes not directly related to religion, such as the Mona Lisa and Monet’s Waterlilies series.
 On the other hand, I thought that in Japan, there was an unrestrained development of “manga” style expression filled with a sense of freedom from the very beginning, as in the pioneering “Birds and Beasts” caricatures. I believe that the unbounded spirituality of the Japanese is expressed in works such as Sotatsu Tawaraya’s “Fujin Raijin” (Wind God and Thunder God).
 I have lived my life in such a way, but recently I have been reminded that such spirituality is deeply embedded in Buddhist statues and religious paintings (Buddhist paintings) as well. Perhaps it was because I was deeply healed by the expression on the face of the Great Buddha of Asuka, which is said to have been created by the great Buddhist monk Toributsuji, when I visited the “Stone relief statue of Yakushi Sanzon,” which is said to be modeled after King Nukata, through the introduction of an acquaintance. Or perhaps I had been deeply healed by the expression on the face of Asuka Daibutsu, which is said to have been created by the great Buddhist priest Shuri.
 Perhaps my sensitivity to this aspect has grown as my way of looking at and living in the world has changed. As fellow human beings, the mental images of suffering and liberation that our predecessors felt may have naturally grown as interesting subjects.
 I have not been able to find such an opportunity in religious paintings of the Christian world, but I am beginning to approach the world with some fear, hoping that I can eventually reach a common world view, not only in Japan but also in other Asian ancient Buddhist arts such as the “Ten Kings of Hell” Buddhist art of Korea shown in the photo. (Laughs).



English version⬇

Is the Right Number of Exercise Steps the Best Way to Stay Healthy?
As we age, information technology and SNS-like web conversations increase. It is important to be open to exploring health maintenance strategies from a purposeful perspective, under the pressure of such daily “information”. ・・・・・・・・.

I have been walking around during the day for the past few days.
 I have maintained a pattern of getting a certain amount of exercise, mainly by going for a walk, about 7-8,000 steps a day. When I was a bit younger, I used to get my exercise by going golfing in my own bad way, but I gradually became disconnected from it because it was too much of a waste of time. I guess I have become intolerant of wasting almost an entire day, considering the time it takes to get to and from the golf course.
 Perhaps this change in preference has something to do with our modern lifestyles, which are now based on computers and smartphones. I feel that the constant flow of information via the Internet and the constant access to Slack and the like has become the norm, and this is what has changed our lifestyles.
 In such an environment, and in the wintertime in Hokkaido, we are not walking around, but driving instead, so we are lacking in exercise. This means that I have to shovel snow, which is a heavyweight workout, but it is difficult to control myself because it depends on the weather.
 Especially this year, the amount of snowfall was more than usual, so we could not leave the house easily (laugh).
 Couples in northern Japan have to help each other and share household labor. Since shoveling snow is mainly my area of duty, psychologically I am forced to live my life checking the skies at all times during the period from January to March. But there is a good side to having such “forced” things to do. It may be that the concept of “mutual aid” becomes a natural part of our lives and becomes the norm.
 As the winter finally seems to be coming to an end, I am getting back into the habit of taking daily walks, but for the past few days I have been “moving around” mainly by public transportation, even when moving around. When I started this kind of walking, on the first day, my legs were burdened all at once and I had muscle aches in any case, but from the next day on, I feel like I am getting used to it and “working out”.
 We are looking forward to getting acclimated in a positive way to maintain our health before the real spring start-up.
 Walking naturally makes people “positive”. I have seldom seen anyone walking backwards.




English version⬇

Japan’s “Wakashu Inn” and Papua New Guinea’s “Spirit Hut
The New Left Movement of my youth was deeply rooted in the spirit of the Wakashujuku of old Japan. This project is an effort to carefully dig up such traces. Cultivation of the ability to make calm judgments. The cultivation of a sober judgment.

There was a period at the end of my youth when I became a political boy. It was right around the time of the 70-year Security Treaty struggle, so I must have been cradled in the atmosphere of that era. As a result of my experiences and psychological struggles, I have chosen to free myself from the “Kenzaburo Oe” sense of value that I had been reading up to that point. I feel that I was saved by Ryotaro Shiba’s “view of history” as a guide.
 It is not that I totally reject Mr. Oe, but I can say that I was deeply healed by Ryotaro Shiba’s historical exploration and his meticulous approach to digging up ethnic histories with a sense of “liberation”. Without fear of being misunderstood, it was a kind of psychological detachment from hatred toward people, and a choice to accept people in a peaceful manner.
 He said that he had distanced himself from political movements and had been rescued by a very ordinary view of humanity.
 So, I surrendered myself peacefully to the vast world of Mr. Shiba’s works and engaged in dialogue with historical figures.
 In this context, I kept sensing several themes that demonstrated Mr. Shiba’s inquisitive mind about the elements of “architecture and human beings. One of the most impressive of these themes is the “wakashu yado” Japanese culture.
 Wakashu-juku is an inn where unmarried young people of a village gather at night to work, discuss, and socialize, and where they sleep and stay together. Generally, men and women are separated, and Japanese boys in particular are taught the ethics of becoming an adult from a boy as a kind of “rite of passage” in this architectural space.
 It is clear that Mr. Shiba was deeply concerned about this when he analyzed the character of Saigo Takamori. Saigo-Takamori was a typical young innkeeper in the Satsuma clan’s Gochu organization, and he became the head of the Gochu several times. Later, when Mr. Shiba walked in Kumano in his Kaido Yuku series, “Kumano/Koza Kaido,” walking through deep valleys and listening to the sound of mountain streams, he began to ponder about the youth inns that must have once existed there. And you hypothesize that it may have been one of the influences of the customs of the southern islands on this Japanese archipelago, in other words, the theory of southern origins.
 With such vague knowledge, I think I myself was deeply influenced by the base of Japanese culture called “wakashujuku,” overlapping with my own experience of the student movement. I guess you could say that it is a privilege of being young, but it gives the impression of a “rite of passage” that does not quite make one an adult.
 This led me to think deeply about a photo exhibit in the Toyokan (Asian Gallery) of the Tokyo National Museum, which I happened to have visited. I did not notice it at the time of the visit, but recently I had time to reorganize my photos and rediscovered the “Haus Tambourin” (Spirit House) in this photo. This is exactly what I was looking for.
 I was able to see that the Japanese culture has a strong spirituality of the southern Asian island origins. I am now aware that I would like to delve a little deeper into this aspect of Japanese culture in the future.


【雪への造形心理 in 札幌円山】


English version⬇

The Psychology of Modeling Snow in Sapporo Maruyama
The imaginary world of a cute little girl is sculpted into a nature conservation forest with the power of gentleness. The power of the melodious and dusty atmosphere will make you smile. The power of the melodious warmth will just make you smile.

I have recently become susceptible to the power of “gentleness” (laughs).
 I am surrounded by a sense of melancholy when I have the opportunity to talk with children walking on the streets, but the scope of this feeling is not limited to humans, but extends to dogs and small animals in general. In particular, the mutual relationship between humans and canines is deeply healing. Yesterday, I discussed the relationship between humans and small animals in a “semi-natural” environment artificially created by humans, and this kind of relationship overlaps with the relationship between humans and nature.
 The “disappearing art” of humans at this time of year in Maruyama Park, also in Sapporo.
 The artist’s expression of sensitivity to the fact that, at my age, I still feel the urge to make art of trees in this way caught me off-guard.
 I found myself saying to myself, “Oh, that’s nice, this kind of thing.
 (Laughs) Although it is my imagination, I thought that the author was a woman, and a young girl at that. Or perhaps the mother was a woman with the same sensitivity, and she and her daughter set up the snow artwork on the trees in the park from the daughter’s point of view.
 The idea is infantile, but the height and position of the trees are clearly from an “adult’s” perspective. This sense of collaboration at the creative site remains in the air. I was deeply moved by such “gentleness,” and I stopped and smiled.
 Well, I guess you could say that I was stimulated in a primitive way by the creative intention to create a Disney-like world in the midst of artificial natural forests.
 In my opinion, the “power of manga” is a great cultural asset for Japan to survive in the world in the future. I believe that the depth of Japanese people’s imagination for imaginary reality, which made the Birds, Beasts, and Caricatures possible, is separated in its natural expressive power.
 They express a world view that is completely different from that of the Western world, which is dominated by the strong monotheistic religion of Christianity and the dictatorial regime of the Chinese emperors, from a perspective shared by all humankind. Therefore, it has a cultural quality that can be translated into a universal language.
 At the base of this culture is the power of “gentleness.
 In the Birds, Animals, and Caricatures, rabbits and other animals are anthropomorphized to create a sense of indescribable humor and freedom. In this worldview, it also makes us feel that the equality of human beings is expressed.
 When you think about it, the development of Sapporo Maruyama Park began with the preservation of the pristine nature of Maruyama by the “urban planning” of the American people during the pioneering period. Perhaps it also has the basis for the creation of an interesting spiritual culture.

【散歩道の水辺、春を待つカモ夫婦 in 札幌円山】


English version⬇

A couple of ducks waiting for spring by the water in Maruyama, Sapporo.
The boundary rules between humans and wild animals that have taken up residence in man-made “nature”. How will they react to the human attitude of not harming or feeding them? A couple in Maruyama, Sapporo.

I am very careful about needlessly feeding animals in the wild.
 During the period when I built my former home-cum-office, I was so happy to have a “home where you can feel the ground” for the first time in a long time from my previous apartment complex that I ended up putting up a bird table. Since it was before I had built an addition to my house, I had planted a symbolic tree, which seemed to have gained a reputation among the sparrow community.
 More than 30 years ago, sparrows seemed to see the unfamiliar triple-glazed sashes as just a reflection of the sky, and some of them died after crashing into them and becoming motionless. Such experiences made me realize that feeding wild animals is a very sinful thing to do. Possibly condemned by Enma in hell (laughs).
 However, animals in nature, especially those in places such as Sapporo Maruyama Park, see humans as beings who feed them without permission. So, when they see a human, they will come up to us. They think to themselves, “Oh, here come those stupid humans again. I can get some food. It is not an act of love for humans. It is their immediate and conditioned reflex action. It is a sin on the part of human society that has made them do this.
 The problem of coexistence between human society and wild animal society is deeply related to human ethics, and I do not think there is an easy solution. However, the natural appearance of wild animals is indeed a source of smiles.
 When I took a walk in Sapporo Maruyama Park for the first time in a while, I saw a pair of ducks wintering by the water. As I approached to observe them, the female was more aggressive in approaching. The male was a little later, perhaps due to the cold weather, but he followed me slowly, curling himself up into a ball. I understand the female’s mentality, but I have no desire to feed her.
 She seemed to immediately judge, “Oh, he’s a bad person,” but she did not immediately hide or ignore me. The male was just following her around and didn’t seem to have any thoughts of his own (laughs).
 It was a momentary, once-in-a-lifetime “dialogue” between the two animals, but I think it is what happens from this point on that is really important.
 I have no intention to feed them. We have no intention to feed them, but we also have no intention to capture them or even to consider them as food. The ducks are not a feeder, but there is a kind of “understanding” that they have no intention of harming us. “What the hell?” I don’t know.
 But I take pictures of them like this. For them, it is an “infringement of their right of portrait,” but I don’t think they have such a concept in their society. It is a logical world of “self-indulgence” on the part of human society. I wonder how the human side’s attitude of “just observing” is “perceived” by them.
 In spring, there will probably be many more close encounters with brown bears. The urban space created by humans and the “natural environment” artificially processed by humans. It is indeed strange to think that ducks are allowed but brown bears are not. It is a “self-indulgence” of human beings. However, this is an absolute “compulsory” rule for nature as a human society. What kind of segregation is possible in the wild?


【晩冬・早春の自然アート「雪の断層」 in札幌】



English version⬇

Late Winter/Early Spring Nature Art “Snow Fault” in Sapporo
This is a very minor seasonal scene. The experience is unique to Sapporo, a metropolis with an annual snowfall of nearly 6 meters. It is not so common, but it is interesting. Sapporo

I can see that sakura (cherry blossoms) have already bloomed in areas south of the Kanto region. It is truly lovely.
 In Sapporo, on the other hand, we can see some scenery that gives us a sense of the season, such as the first photo, which shows the “snow fault” that appears when snow is removed from the roadside during the winter. The location is the roadside in front of the Sapporo Maruyama Zoo, where I have recently resumed my “morning walk”.
 This kind of scenery is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and I think I will probably not be able to see it for more than a month. In northern cities, “public works” of snow removal has been budgeted and implemented continuously. In municipalities in warmer regions, such a concept may not even exist, but in Sapporo, a municipality in a cold region with snowfall of at least 6 meters per year, which is representative of the world in terms of population size, it is an essential project to maintain the functions of a “big city”.
 And as a result of such an indispensable project, such a “snow fault plane” appears. While “strata and faults” are well known as a result of crustal movement over a period of 10,000 years, this kind of ultra-short-term “fault” is also interesting at the citizen’s level. It is a kind of “art woven by the winter.
 The top layer represents the most recent snowfall, and the bottom layer represents the second layer of snow. The darker areas show the formation of a melting layer of snow due to the rise in temperature. So the snow removal work is done in the late winter season, but the “snow removal” work is done in the earlier period, and horizontal displacement is observed in the cross section as such traces.
 As someone who has been steeped in the sense of seasons in this town since my boyhood, when I encounter such scenes, I am deeply impressed by the unique “sense of seasons” of this time of year, even though they are not cherry blossoms. I even feel a kind of “attachment” to them (laughs). The passing winter honestly exposes the transition. As someone who has experienced the representation of a picture I drew in the first grade of elementary school, I expect someone to create art that expresses this kind of inspiration (laughs).
 I sometimes see similar themes in the works of artists who have ties to Sapporo and Hokkaido, and there are moments when I appreciate them while synchronizing with the artist’s point of view.

Since it lacks the vivid impact of cherry blossoms, it does not easily attract the interest of the general public, but I keep hoping that it will become a “small spring” season word in the northern part of the country. Well, however, it is a very minor area, so I guess it is a difficult scene for artists to handle.


 そういったなかで新住協<一般社団法人 新木造住宅技術研究協議会>へは先月仙台事務所に鎌田紀彦先生を訪問させていただきました。先生には多忙な日程の中、飛行機の大幅時間遅れなどがあって約束時間に遅れ仙台空港から大急ぎで帰ってこられて無事面談させていただいた。

English version⬇

Registration as an “individual member” of Shinjyukyo has been completed.
There are some things you can notice when you change from the position of “book creator” to “information receiver”. Is it the feeling of being “fully immersed” in a certain area? I am…

Due to a change in my position and renewal, I have resigned from Replan magazine’s editorial publishing company, Fudoshusha Corporation, and am now working under the social trade name and private company, Miki Jutaku Journal.
 That is how it is, but I also have a role requested by the Hokkaido Construction Department. I have also been asked to write columns for architectural magazines and other publications. Inevitably, we need to maintain continuity with our existing information network. For this reason, we have applied for membership in a separate group of construction companies in Hokkaido. Although this is a very rare case, it will continue to be extremely important for us to accumulate hands-on experience of actual high-performance housing construction.
 In this context, we visited Mr. Norihiko Kamata at the Sendai office of Shinjukyo (Japan Association for New Wooden Housing Technology) last month. He had a busy schedule, and due to a long delay in his flight, he was late for his appointment and returned from Sendai airport in a great hurry, but we were able to meet with him without incident.
 After hearing various information during the meeting, I decided that this kind of information network would be indispensable in the future as well, so I applied for membership as a newly established private company. The branch to which I belong is the Sapporo Branch.
 Yesterday, they sent me a lot of materials. I have been working on “decluttering” as an individual, and I was very grateful to receive them. I guess they were sent to me because “Mr. Miki was in the media, producing books and materials, so he probably didn’t have much time to read them…” (laugh).
 But even so, the total weight of the materials weighed 7-8 kg in cardboard boxes. There were 13 bound books. In addition, dozens of thick printed materials were enclosed.
 The position of the company has changed from that of a sender to that of a receiver. Conversely, I have come to realize that there are some things I can notice now that I am on the receiving end.
 I can feel a sense of “accumulation” from these books and documents. The merit of this is that we, as the viewer, can actively accept a certain theme repeatedly, anytime, anywhere. This is certainly an important aspect of the human desire for knowledge. We can interact with the writer of the literature at any time.
 I am now deeply aware of this.




English version⬇

The challenge of utilizing PV in “high snowfall areas,” where it is difficult to install PV.
The attitude of boldly taking on the challenge of a harsh external environment with more than 100 cm of vertical snow cover shows the frontier spirit of the Pure-Hokkaido people.

Yesterday I introduced various challenges in Hokkaido regarding “wall-mounted” solar power generation, but the problem of snow accumulation is still an obstacle to the adoption of PV as a response to the energy crisis.
 The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism defines a “heavy snowfall area” as “an area with a vertical snow accumulation of 100 cm or more as specified by a specified administrative agency in accordance with Article 86 of the Building Standards Law Enforcement Order. Since the proposed building site in Minamihoro Town is located in an area with a vertical snowfall of 130 cm, the conditions of a heavy snowfall area would apply.
 If the government is going to force these areas to change their approach to energy, it should also provide institutional measures to deal with the anticipated difficulties, but it is undeniable that at the moment the local governments are solely responsible for their own efforts. While such matters should be pursued on the institutional side, in reality, we have no choice but to respond to social changes by considering “what we can do.
 The plan shown above is the one that makes the most use of PV in the collection of plans for the “Zero Carbon Village” in Minamihoro Town. (An example of a proposed house built in collaboration with Kikuzawa Corporation and Toruichi Hirota Design.
 A total of 30 panels were installed: 12 445W panels on the gently sloped, no-snowfall flat roof, and a total of 18 panels on the walls. The total energy is 13.35 kW, a powerful challenge proposal. Kikuzawa’s home base is in Eniwa City, an area with 90cm of snow outside of the heavy snowfall zone, so they are proposing a very “aggressive” plan here as well. Since the company has been actively promoting the use of PV, it is assumed that this decision is based on “empirical knowledge” of actual operational efficiency results, rather than the “efficiency” of PV power generation as assumed by the system.
 This is a nod to the proposal from a position that has actually verified actual energy efficiency in cold regions. I recently had a chance to visit their latest home, and they are taking a challenging stance on ventilation and heating equipment. I was very excited by their extreme research into the efficiency of various energy equipment, using their home as a testing ground.
 Hokkaido is the most suitable region for this kind of challenge. You can assume that the results obtained under the harsh conditions have been subjected to rigorous verification.
 Before giving up because of the heavy snowfall, it would be more refreshing to look forward with a little bit of certainty to the results we have accumulated. I agree that the majority of the people who moved to Hokkaido were determined to move forward and take on challenges, rather than looking backward. The “frontier spirit” of today’s people may be more alive in such places than one might think.




English version⬇

Hokkaido, the Advanced Region of the Issue, Will Clear the PV Wall?
Hokkaido has responded to the demands of Japanese national society through the development of highly insulated and airtight technologies. Now, is there another demand for “evolution” in residential energy?

The somewhat self-deprecating phrase “Hokkaido is an advanced area of issues” is often used by the Hokkaido Institute of Housing Research (HIROSOKEN) to convey information. This is a very apt description.
 As I mentioned yesterday, since the Meiji era (1868-1912), when the Japanese colonization of this land was a matter of “national defense” itself, Japanese architecture has been dealing with “cold climate countermeasures” in earnest for the first time. Japanese society is, after all, a human society established in the global geographical conditions of warm Asian islands, and it is also a cultural society that originated in a subtropical climate, where rice is the main food product.
 In such a society, the harsh climatic conditions of snow and cold were probably avoided. Even in the northern Tohoku region, poor rice production due to the cold climate had been shaking the society as a famine throughout the historical period.
 The Meiji Revolution was a revolution that revolutionized the entire society in order to secure independence from the Western powers, and the promotion of colonization of Hokkaido and the innovation of “housing” technology were essential to this. Kiyotaka Kuroda, the future prime minister of the Satsuma clan, was deeply involved in the development of Hokkaido, and he spearheaded the promotion of cold-weather housing technology. It is said that on one occasion, he even climbed onto the roof of a wooden construction site and jumped in to participate in the work.
 For this reason, Hokkaido has always been an “advanced place of challenges” for Japanese architecture as a whole. This has remained a “tradition” to the present day, and the sense of mission since the pioneering mission has made Hokkaido a Mecca for technological innovation in cold-weather housing, including thermal insulation and airtightness. While these technologies were being returned to regions south of Honshu, the region was also confronted with solar power generation as a form of energy innovation.
 Hokkaido, an “advanced region” in terms of snowfall conditions, was to accept this energy device that utilizes the roofs of buildings in warmer regions with little or no snow cover.
 From there, the major direction of PV wall installations has been developed. 
 However, as a Hokkaido-er, I cannot help but feel that this is “absurd. One of our readers commented to us, “If there is little chance of a large building being erected on the south side, a wall PV system would be effective. If MLIT is going to promote PV, shouldn’t they improve the legal system surrounding the right to sunshine?” This is a perfectly reasonable opinion.
 While this is absolutely true, it is also true that Hokkaido, with its relatively spacious site conditions, is the most suitable place for the development of wall PV application technology. Hokkaido, which has developed and spread the technology of high thermal insulation and airtightness, must think that it is being presented with new conditions for evolution.
 In terms of design, these kinds of fetters may lead to the creation of something new. The design shown above may suggest a “direction”.