
【素戔嗚尊(スサノオ)主祭神の本宮 皇統神話と熊野の旅-15】



English version⬇

The main shrine of Susanoo-no-Mikoto, the main deity of the Imperial lineage Mythology and Kumano Journey-15
Susanoo, who was abhorred in the heavenly realm for his evil deeds and rough behavior, became the main deity as the “God of Trees”. He took precedence over Amaterasu, Izanagi and Izanami. The strangeness of the Kumano faith.

My motivation for walking in Kumano was to gain physical experience of the “marching route” of the first Jinmu Emperor, who is said to have been the origin of the “imperial lineage” due to my innate love of history. I also believe that such knowledge is extremely useful for a comprehensive understanding of Japanese architectural culture.
This is also because I believe it will give a clear expression to the “spirituality” of the Japanese people. Aside from Izanagi and Izanami, the most prominent ancestor deities in the mythological part of the spiritual culture of the imperial lineage are the highly influential “sister and brother” stories of Amaterasu and Susanoo.
Amaterasu, who is considered the sun goddess and is worshipped at Ise as the ancestral god, is, so to speak, the origin of the myth, but her younger brother Susanoo, the “rough” god, is unique in the mythology of the imperial lineage. Amaterasu had initially ordered her brother to deal with his many misdeeds in the heavenly realm in a hawkish manner, but as they grew worse and worse, he exploded in anger and hid in the Iwato of Heaven, causing the famous mythological episode of the disappearance of the sun’s rays from the world.
When I visited the Kumano Hongu Shrine for the first time, I was surprised to see Susanoo enshrined as the principal deity and Amaterasu in the top order of precedence over Izanagi and Izanami.
As the third signboard explains, “How to worship and the order of worship,” Ketsumiko no Kami, another name for Susanoo, is positioned at the top of the list. In the same explanation, Amaterasu is represented as being on the same level of divinity as Susanoo, and the couple Izanagi and Izanami, the birth of the nation, are seated together in a single structure. Finally, the eight million deities are seated in a row.

I am not a Shinto researcher, but as an ordinary Japanese, I have an honest psychological attachment to shrine worship as a customary practice. More specifically, I have respect for Shinto as a major spiritual culture of the Japanese people.
This is the only place where I could look at Susanoo in such a positive way. Ketsumiko-no Kami is the central deity of Kumano Gongen and has been worshipped in Shugendo since the Heian period (794-1185), and as the Kumano faith spread, he came to be worshipped in various places. Ketsumiko means “Kizumiko,” the god of trees, and is said to be based on the legend of the Kami period that trees were planted in Kishu, the land of trees.
Among the various myths of the imperial lineage, Susanoo, who is unique, is interesting. Although he is clearly a heretic in terms of orthodoxy and heresy, he is the main deity at Kumano Hongu, and is regarded as the god of trees. And if he is regarded as the god of trees, he seems to be the most revered deity in Japanese architecture.
While being inspired by such delusions, I was inwardly feeling a sense of joy at having been given the opportunity to enjoy an enjoyable exploration of the area. The presence of all the great stars of the Imperial Ancestral Gods in one place was indeed the center of the Kumano faith.

【民族の「再生」力の根源思想 皇統神話と熊野の旅-14】



English version⬇

The Root Idea of the “Rebirth” Power of the People Imperial Mythology and the Kumano Journey-14
Disaster-stricken islands repeatedly force their people to face difficulties. However, our ancestors have also bequeathed to us the faith to confront them. Passing on wisdom to the next generation. The wisdom of the past is passed on to the next generation.

The existence of the three Kumano shrines is something that few people today have the opportunity to learn about through history or other means.
However, the three Kumano shrines are the focus of the Kumano Sansha, or Kumano Gyoja, who can be said to be the central figure of nature gods and mountain worship. Kukai, who had his headquarters on Mt. Koya in the mountains of Kishu, and other important figures in the history of Japanese spirituality seem to have been deeply aware of Kumano. In the Middle Ages, the Nenbutsu (Buddhist prayer) dancer Ippen is said to have had a chance of rebirth at Kumano Hongu, and there are countless other similar examples.
As such, it is an important part of Japanese history that serves as the foundation of “spiritual history,” yet it is not given a second thought in modern education. In fact, I myself was only vaguely aware of its existence, but I had no idea that it was an important part of Japanese spiritual history.
Since the Middle Ages, many imperial families have made repeated pilgrimages to Kumano, and the common people, driven by the belief that they could not have a good life without making a pilgrimage to Ise seven times and Kumano three times, have also made repeated pilgrimages to Kumano in large numbers. It is true that this is not an authentic part of history.
Although it may not be an authentic part of history, I think it is essential to have a correct understanding of this aspect that has largely defined the inner life of the people.
As I see and hear the sad words and actions of the increasing number of Chinese tourists reflecting the “anti-Japanese education” of the Chinese Communist dictatorship, I am reminded of the importance of educating people with common sense. As a stone from the other side of the mountain, Japanese people need to learn more about their true, simple ethnicity, not about the idea of a divine nation.

In particular, the fact that the core of the Kumano faith has the heart of “resurrection” seems very important for the Japanese people. Being a volcanic island chain, Japan has repeatedly experienced natural disasters such as major earthquakes, caldera-level eruptions, and large tsunamis since the dawn of history. In fact, the Noto Peninsula is currently experiencing a catastrophe of the level of regional collapse. I strongly believe that Japan owes a great deal to the wisdom of its predecessors for its persistent efforts to rebuild at such times. It is sad to say, but I was struck by the deep wisdom of our ancestors who made the decision to migrate from Totsukawa to Hokkaido 135 years ago and showed us the revival of our people’s lives. It is imaginable that there must have been some national “guidance” in the aftermath of the disaster.
However, it is likely that the Kumano beliefs were a major psychological motivating factor in the people’s decision to move 2,000 kilometers away from their home village to clear the wilderness.
I myself was gripped by Osaibara, the core of the Kumano faith, which has been a major presence in the hearts of Japanese people for a long time, and where the old Hongu shrine was located. Well, I guess you could call it the magnetism of space.
From tomorrow onward, I would like to talk about the deities of Kumano faith.

【熊野本宮・大斎原と「蘇〜よみがえり」 皇統神話と熊野の旅-13】



English version⬇

Kumano Hongu Shrine, Osaibara and “Su – Revival”: A Journey to Kumano and the Myth of the Imperial Family – 13
The “Sai-no-gawara” stretches along the outer edge of Osaibara. It is the boundary of life, but in Kumano, there is a rebirth from there. This is the wisdom of a society in a disaster-stricken archipelago. Wisdom for a society in an archipelago of disasters.

The Kumano area has a basic tone of nature with the air created by the rustling of the 3600 peaks of the mountain range. The Kii Peninsula is in the south, the sacred direction from Nara and Kyoto. Kumano occupies the southern tip of the peninsula. The Kumano River runs through this natural environment.
Driving along the Kumano River from Hongu to Shingu, the mouth of the river to the Pacific Ocean, one can intuitively understand how the ancient people came to regard this land as kamunabi, the mountains and forests where the divine spirits reside. The sight of the red walls of columnar joints gradually unfolding on either side of the river basin toward the mouth of the river is particularly moving.
We can also empathize with the deep catharsis that must have been felt by successive imperial lineages when they arrived at this spacious “Osaibara” after having traversed the steep mountain path all the way from the capital of Kyoto.
The old shrine pavilions of Kumano Hongu were developed in this Osaibara. The site is appropriate as a sacred place for a native religion that considers nature itself, which is of Japanese Jomon origin, to be the deity.
A vast gravel space extends on the plane from the present levee-like area site boundary to the Kumano River.

The mountains facing the Kumano River basin must have been constantly supplying stone gravel from the mountain massifs. Perhaps the people of the past were deeply comforted by the sight of this riverbank. In Buddhist thought, there is the spatial concept of the Sanzu River and the Sai no Kawara. Such a riverbank leads all the way to Shingu. It is easy to imagine it as a boundary between this world and the next.
In 1889, a great flood hit this temple, and the temple buildings were severely damaged.
However, Kumano, whose fundamental philosophy is “revival,” relocated the shrine buildings to a neighboring small mountain within a year and a half to revive the Kumano faith.
However, as I was reading down the commentary on the tale of the origin of the Kumano shrine, I was filled with the story of Totsukawa, Nara Prefecture and Shin Totsukawa, Hokkaido, as I wrote yesterday, and the sight of the Osaibara filled my heart with a deep feeling of compassion. The town of Shintotsukawa still calls Totsukawa, Nara Prefecture “Mother Village,” as if it were a close relative. This kind of exchange between municipalities has been passed down from generation to generation.
The mother village continues to send chairs made of locally produced wood as birthday gifts to the children born in the child villages. Parents in the child villages continue to assemble the chairs for their children to sit on.
The Japanese society of the disaster-stricken archipelago must have continued to “revive” in this way countless times. And I think it is deeply wise that some of them made the choice to “move to another place” with all their hearts.
This Sai no Kawara is like the repose of the souls of many of our ancestors who were killed in the flood. However, the descendants who departed from there to Hokkaido, 200 km away, are making a remarkable comeback. It is a different story from the original Kumano faith, but as Hokkaido people, we have come to realize that we may be continuing to create a new Kumano faith today.

【熊野本宮大社と北海道「新十津川」 皇統神話と熊野の旅-12】



English version⬇

Kumano Hongu Taisha Shrine and Hokkaido “Shin Totsukawa” Imperial Mythology and Kumano Trip-12
A mess with the fact of Hokkaido mass migration and the great disaster of 135 years ago, which we learned by visiting the site. Revival of the shared memory of the people of the disaster archipelago. …

Kumano is the spiritual backdrop of Japanese history, and is based on the Kumano faith, symbolized by the “Kumano Sanzan” (Kumano Hongu Taisha, Kumano Hayatama Taisha, and Kumano Nachi Taisha). As a Hokkaido resident, I decided to make a modern-day “Kumano Pilgrimage” to these three shrines, and I headed to Hongu as the first stop.
It was only after visiting the site with that level of prior knowledge that I learned that the current main shrine pavilion was rebuilt in 1889 (Meiji 22). Then, for the first time, I suddenly realized, “What does that mean? I suddenly realized something.
In 1888, a major flood hit the Totsukawa River in Yoshino, Nara Prefecture, which is almost adjacent to Kumano Hongu Shrine and in the same river area. The landslides that resulted in the natural formation of a lagoon, which burst its natural levee and destroyed the former shrine of Kumano Hongu, which was located downstream of the river. The former shrine of Kumano Hongu Taisha was located at “Osaibara” on the banks of the present-day Kumano River (Totsukawa River).
The origin of the shrine was the mass migration of many victims from the community of Totsukawa, Nara Prefecture, to “Shin Totsukawa” in Hokkaido, Japan, where the very survival of the community was threatened by a major flood.
I had no idea.
After I learned that this was the case, I felt a kind of fever for this modern-day “Kumano Pilgrimage. I could see a thick thread of life between Kumano and the people of Hokkaido. After 135 years, I felt the urge to make a pilgrimage to the Kumano area as a Hokkaido native.

This collection of illustrations is from the website of the town of Shintotsukawa, Sakabato-gun, Hokkaido, and shows the pioneer origins of the town. Beginning with the lagoons created by the submergence of the village by the heavy flooding, it records the ancestors of Hokkaido who migrated as a group 2,000 km away from the devastated Totsukawa village, dreaming of “rebirth” from the devastating situation. The story of the bond of life that connects Totsukawa, Nara Prefecture, and Shin-Totsukawa, Hokkaido, is widely known as the story of the Hokkaido people. I remember learning about this fact in my elementary school “social studies” class.
I remember learning about it in social studies class when I was in elementary school, and I remember thinking with painful emotion, “I didn’t know such hardships existed….
Kumano Hongu Taisha Shrine is considered the “place of revival. The very god of rebirth. I could not help but feel that the memories of my distant predecessors in Hokkaido were “coming back” to me from within. It is truly a place of rebirth.
The shrine pavilions of Kumano Hongu Taisha were rebuilt on the adjacent hillside about a year and a half after the flood. In the “new” Totsukawa area, on the other hand, after moving into a house that had been built by prison labor near the site (it is said that four families lived together in one house), the people overcame a long and hard winter and cleared the wilderness from the following spring. The following spring, they began to clear the wilderness.
Such severe disasters have been repeated in the Japanese archipelago, and are currently hitting the Noto Peninsula. Japanese people have always been “reviving” from such disasters. Perhaps it is through this that the Kumano faith has sprouted in me.




English version⬇

The season is heading into midwinter. Lake Toya Winter Scenery]
Usually, snowfall is a big problem for shoveling, but the raging blizzard is also a background device that restores various memories. A small trip on a public road in winter, no rush, no fuss. A small trip on a public road in winter.

Yesterday marked the end of the first real week of this fiscal year. There was a New Year’s party in the evening, so today’s series theme is on pause.
This week has been a busy one for me, but I was in the Date area for an interview. It was my first “long-distance trip” in Hokkaido in a long time. It was also at a stage when the snowfall was almost equal to or greater than usual. I left Sapporo early in the morning and left the interview site in the afternoon. We left Sapporo early in the morning and left the site a little after noon, so we took a short detour, or rather, we took the national highway Route 230 instead of using the expressway.
The scenery of Lake Toya in the middle of winter was nostalgic and showed us the poetic expression of winter.
The surface of the lake, which is not frozen over even in winter, gives off a “foggy look” as water vapor rises toward the cool air. The surrounding mountains were all crowned with white snow, casting shadows on the various trees.
For Sapporo residents, Lake Toya is a staple of elementary school excursions. I have visited one of the most famous hot spring resorts in Hokkaido many times. So all of the scenery has a lingering quality that restores time to its original state.
I could feel the warmth of the people I had not seen for a while, as if they were my relatives. Hokkaido’s snowy winter landscapes are beautiful in every sense of the word. I was reminded once again that the makeup of snow has an amazing effect. I was deeply bowled over by the daily efforts of the women (laugh).
The sight of my friends and I soaking in a hot spring on a school excursion, laughing and having a good time, rises up from the depths of my memory like a distant thunderstorm. I was so excited to see the dishes that I had never seen in my life. I don’t know if I was sleeping or not, but there was such a fuss about throwing pillows and such, that I would rush to cover myself with the futon and say, “Oh no, the teacher’s here! The dream stage for young, innocent boys and girls on the cusp of youth.
The return trip home. As expected, the one-hour ride to the Nakayama Pass was filled with blizzards that sometimes obscured our vision. We drove cautiously, giving up the lead as much as possible and staying in the second or third position, using the backlight of the car ahead as a guide. Thanks to my efforts, the snowfall ended when we passed the Nakayama Pass, and we were able to drive steadily on the winter roads. Under these difficult conditions, we felt a sense of “camaraderie” as we drove through the mountain pass together. I wondered if this was a common feeling among people from northern Japan.

After driving through the pass, one comes back to the everyday scenery of Sapporo, but even in such a scenic environment, one often finds scenic beauty that one would normally overlook. I was reminded, even after all this time, that Sapporo is still a part of Hokkaido.
It was a simple trip through the snow, but I felt as if I was touring through a running horse. It was a small trip that cheered me up a little.

【徐福伝説を「活かして使う」ニッポン 皇統神話と熊野の旅-11】


English version⬇

Nippon “Utilizing” the Xufuku Legend: A Journey to Kumano and the Myth of the Imperial Family – 11
The Japanese people have a mindset of “eight million people” who believe that if such a legend exists, they should make full use of it. Japanese society has cultivated a vigorous receptivity. …

Now, the sequel to yesterday’s article. I understood the outline of the Xu Fu legend, but my question is why such a legend from the Chinese dynasties took root in Japan, even though it is written in the famous “Shiji” (Records of Ancient Matters). I am wondering why such a legend from the Chinese dynasties took root in Japan, even though it is mentioned in the famous “Shiji”. Why did Japanese society continue to maintain a certain basis for its existence when even Chinese society had long regarded it as a myth, even though it was mentioned in the history books?
From a normal scientific point of view, it is unlikely that the “art of navigation” as of 219 B.C. would have been capable of intentional oceanic voyages that were about 1,000 km each way. It is clear from the many cases of Kanjin’s attempts to travel to Japan to introduce Buddhism, which was forbidden by the Japanese government, during the Tang Dynasty, which was a long time later. There is no way that stable and rational navigation techniques could have existed. Even if there had been such a case, it would not have been stable, but would have been a coincidence of a desperate attempt to cross the sea, and it is unlikely that it would have been possible to cross the sea as a purposeful result.
However, it is true that Japan has historically been a “frontier” region in East Asia and a target of many continental and peninsular peoples. In fact, the cultural development of Japanese society has been largely due to the “arrival” of people from other parts of the world.
A Wiki search reveals that, in addition to the Kumano region explored in this article, the legend of Xu Fu is also part of the local cultural heritage in Yame City, Fukuoka Prefecture; Saga City, Saga Prefecture; Ine Town, Kyoto Prefecture; Saku City, Nagano Prefecture; Izumi City and Ichiki-Kushikino City, Kagoshima Prefecture; Nobeoka City, Miyazaki Prefecture; Hatsukaichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture; Ichinomiya City and Toyokawa City, Aichi Prefecture; Hachijo Town, Tokyo Prefecture, Oga City, Akita Prefecture, and Nakadomari Town, Aomori Prefecture. Many are areas where the “sea people” culture is based or related to the “sea people” culture.
The above illustration, painted by Utagawa Kuniyoshi, has even appeared as a subject in ukiyoe paintings of the Edo period. The Japanese people were willing to accept this kind of ancient romance. It is also conceivable that the worship of the earth gods, “Ya-million,” which was highly receptive to new ideas, formed the foundation of the Japanese people’s ethnic identity.
It is thought that this is a psychological background that does not want to waste things related to Japan that are written in the history books of the Chinese dynasties, which were the cultural center of the Asian world. Make the best use of it.
This aspect of Japanese society and its truthfulness is more interesting and thought-provoking to me than what Xu Fu actually did.
It seems to me that this is an expression of “vigorous receptivity.
It could be said that it is the flexibility that has been cultivated at the root of a society that has continued to accept many immigrants. We may share this as a basic characteristic of an archipelagic society surrounded by the sea on all sides. In the Kumano region, this ethnicity has remained strong throughout the ages as a kind of regional characteristic.

【列島各地に遺る中国・秦「徐福伝説」 皇統神話と熊野の旅-10】



English version⬇

The Legend of Xu Fu” in Qin, China, which remains in various places in the archipelago.
Yesterday, I forgot to write about the important Xu Fu legend. The legend of Xu Fu, which dates back to 219 B.C. in the Qin Dynasty of China, has been preserved as a palace in Kumano. The palace is located in Kumano.

It has been more than 10 days since the Noto earthquake and a lot of visual information has come in. I have been to Noto before and have no words to describe it. In particular, I was astonished by the earthquake situation in the Uchinada area, which is located in the northern part of Kanazawa City and is quite far from the epicenter of the quake in Suzu City. Road traffic is extremely difficult in this area, and the unprecedented situation will probably become clearer gradually. One can’t help but feel a real sense of fear about the disaster. There is no doubt that housing construction as a whole will be forced to respond to the disaster in the future. The resilience of society will be put to the test.
I wrote about “Xufu’s Palace” yesterday because I had such an intense experience of the road conditions leading to the palace that I realized I had not mentioned the Xufu legend, which is the most important part of the story (tears).
So, I am late to the party. As you can see in the photo above, this shrine is built near the coastline in Hadasu, Kumano, Mie Prefecture, with a distinctive single tree in the background. The entire Hadasu area has a very narrow topography, but this shrine is located on a slightly elevated site.
The shrine is dedicated to the god of worship during the Qin Dynasty in China (known for the first unification of China in 221 B.C., followed by the fall of the Qin Dynasty in 206 B.C., and the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, Shi Huangdi). It was destroyed in 206 B.C., known as the First Emperor of China). In the Qin Dynasty (221 B.C., the first time China was unified in 221 B.C., and it was destroyed in 206 B.C.), a fleet of 3,000 men, women, and children headed for the East in search of a miracle medicine that would make them immortal. Although this wild and ridiculous story has been considered a myth with no basis in reality, in 1982, a village named “Xu Fu” was discovered in Kanyu County, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, China, and Xu Fu was announced as a real person by an academic research group. This led to the discovery of the ruins of shipyards and other relics from the Qin and Han dynasties, and information about Xu Fu’s birthplace has been spread in the area, making it a tourist resource. It is believed that Xu Fu set sail and departed in 219 B.C.

Curiously, this legend has left traces in various regions of Japan as the legend of Xufuku, the best example of which is found here in Kumano. Although it is a little out of the scope of this visit, it is of interest because, like the legend of Emperor Jinmu, it shares the same framework of the “crossing the sea” legend. In his book “Going to the Peninsula,” history writer Ryutaro Abe mentions that coins of the Qin dynasty were also excavated in the area.
In Shingu City, the center of the Kumano region, a “Xufuku Park” has been established, and the city’s website also carries this legend. The following is the gist of the story.
〜It is said that Xu Fu and his party discovered a medicinal tree called “Tendayaku,” which grew wild in this area, and that the warm climate, scenic beauty, and warm friendship of the local people made this place their permanent home, where they cultivated the land and introduced farming, fishing, whaling, paper making, and other skills to this area. <In Japan, there are several places where Xu Fu has been handed down from generation to generation, and local traditions have been nurtured and a variety of cultures have been formed since ancient times. In Kumano, in particular, there are numerous legends and historical sites that can be traced back to the Kamakura period (1185-1333), and the story of Xufuku’s arrival can be found in literature. 〜The first time in 219 B.C.E.
In 219 B.C., Japan was in the Yayoi period. Of course, there were no written records. Although the authenticity of this story is not certain, it is a curious coincidence that this kind of folklore has taken root in Kumano.

【三重県熊野市波田須町・徐福の宮 皇統神話と熊野の旅-9】



English version⬇

Xufuku no Miya, Hadano-cho, Kumano City, Mie Prefecture: A Journey to Kumano and the Myth of the Imperial Lineage-9
Aging decreases cognitive function. Geographical recognition is the most prominent factor in dementia. From walking on a mountain road in Tategasaki to a narrow slope that is difficult to drive on. …

I started work yesterday, and today I will be out of town on a business trip. However, I am determined to keep writing this blog. Recently, I heard a story about a person who was suspected to have dementia, especially geographical sense is deteriorated and it becomes extremely difficult to reach a new address or place.
I was surprised. Whenever I visit the various places in Japan that I introduce in this blog, I always set a new destination and use the car navigation system to get there. This naturally requires me to improve my geographical awareness. My combined sense of direction and distance is always actively exercised.
In my case, I have a strong desire to explore new places, and I have a mass of curiosity like “I’ll try anything” (laugh). Hearing this person’s story, I couldn’t stand still, and I felt strongly that I had to explore again. My daily blog entries have been very helpful in motivating me to do so, which is probably the most important thing for me to do to maintain my health.
Today, I would like to introduce you to “Xufu’s Palace,” which was one of the most difficult places I ever visited before I arrived there.
The photo above is a view looking down on Ippongi, the landmark of “Xufuku no Miya,” from Route 311 in Hadasu-cho, Kumano City, which is located on a slightly elevated plateau. A signboard was also in place.
However, what appeared to be a “road” near the sign, however, was an extremely difficult road that descended at a steep angle from the national highway and then quickly curved around. It was a one-lane road, which is impossible in the common sense of Hokkaido, and there were no roadside stones, so it was the kind of road that first-time visitors would refuse to enter. No matter how many times I looked back at it, I thought, “This is impossible.

The detailed map is shown here, at the upper left point of the Xufu Palace. You can see that the road is a road, but it is a narrow road with a sharp drop off and a left turn.
I thought to myself, “This must be some kind of mistake, it can’t be,” but I would not have bothered to place such a wrong sign along the national road. At a loss, I gave up halfway and moved my car to the left on the map, thinking that I would pass by the place. As luck would have it, I ran into a local. He gave me directions that were reasonably easy to follow for a first-time visitor. He said, “Well, if you follow the road, you should be able to make it.
Once far from our destination, we started from the point on the left edge of the map and headed down a winding road that was barely enough to accommodate one car. As a person from Hokkaido, I know how narrow the streets are in the Honshu area, so I had to choose a light or compact car. Fortunately, the car was light, so I was able to maneuver the steering wheel.
Unlike the previous guideway, the slope was not steep, but it could barely accommodate one car, and there were no roadside stones. It was also winding, so it was difficult to get a sense of where we were. The car navigation system was also not functioning properly due to the difficulty of the road. In fact, there was no time to look at it.
It was at this point that we encountered a local “mailman,” who gave us the same answer as the previous person. He gave us the same answer as the previous person, but he was able to give us some powerful advice there.
Finally, we managed to find a parking lot where we were told that we could only park here, parked our car, and walked toward the landmark Ippongi tree to finally reach the site.
I guess you could say that I endured a real-life difficulty that ultimately trained my geographical awareness. I am still young.
I am tired. I’ll report on the next day.

【楯ヶ崎を目途に神武帝、二木島上陸? 皇統神話と熊野の旅-8】



English version⬇

The Emperor Jinmu landed on Nigijima with Tategasaki as his goal? The Imperial Mythology and Kumano Journey-8]
A search for the myth surrounding Arasaka-no-tsu, the point of landing in Kumano during the Jinmu expedition to the east. As a Hokkaido resident, I would like to experience the narrow point between faith and truth. …

On the way to Tategasaki, I met Shika-san, who made me fall in love with him (laugh). Every animal has a “godlike” expression in its movement. It is natural for any creature to have a “divine” expression. The timing of the moment of encounter is what makes it “memorable. Perhaps it is the same with love. There must be a moment when an irresistible affection develops.
In Japanese culture, for some reason, the deer of Nara have become a symbol of this. The “sacred deer”. Takemikazuchi-no-mikoto, the deity of the Kasuga Grand Shrine in Nara, is said to have ridden a sacred deer from the Kashima Shrine (Ibaraki Prefecture). Deer, as the messengers of the gods, have long been heavily protected. I happened to meet a natural deer in Tategasaki (laughs). (Laughs.) Not necessarily because of that, but the background of the fact is gradually pushing the “so it goes” feeling toward the route of the Jimbu expedition.
Takemikazuchinomikoto played a leading role in the handing over of the land to the Emperor in the divine era, and according to the Kojiki, he gave an oracle to a man named Takakura-ji when he landed on the eastern coast of Japan to bring the sacred sword Futo-mikoto to Emperor Jinmu.
In any case, this next trip to Kumano is a journey of exploration into the mythology of the imperial lineage of the Jinmu expedition, which has long been a mystery to us. The central axis of this trip is to gain firsthand experience of the most important landing sites. One popular theory is that the expeditionary fleet, which had set its sights on Tategasaki, landed at Futakishima Minato as a suitable location and good port nearby. It is said that they made landfall while losing two of Emperor Jinmu’s elder brothers in maritime accidents along the way?

The figure is from “The Miracle of Emperor Jinmu’s Eastward Transition” at the Kashihara Jingu Shrine, and the harbor aerial photo below it is from Mie Prefecture’s website. The “Arasaka-no-tsu” in the figure is identified as Futakijima. From there, “Yatagarasu” led the way through the mountains to Yoshino. They then developed a grand strategy to conquer the enemy with the sun on their backs in order to pacify Yamato.
This grand strategy seems to be a successful strategy that has been followed throughout Japanese history, both in the Jinshin Rebellion and in Sekigahara.
My interest is to explore the narrow point between history and mythology.
First of all, I would like to have a physical sense of the mythology of the imperial lineage, which symbolizes a certain part of Japanese culture, while accepting the cultural aspects of the Kumano faith.
In this exploration, it has become clear that Kumano, a narrow region in Kii, is based on a large caldera. We have also experienced the strong connection between the unusual topography and the myth of the imperial lineage. There is no doubt about this as a general understanding. I think the columnar joints of Tategasaki are eloquent.
And when the oddly shaped topography was layered with nature worship, Shugendo, etc., characteristic of Japanese culture, and eventually spiritual culture was formed, as in the Shinto/Buddhist syncretism, Kumano must have been made a “sacred place” for this spiritual culture. Whether this is a historical fact or not, it is a fact that the spiritual culture has been strongly deposited in Kumano.
As a Hokkaido resident who has lived in a world-standard historical time that is somewhat distant from the Japanese spiritual culture, I am experiencing it with a fresh sensation in a certain sense.

【異形の自然と「ひとりきり」で出会う 皇統神話と熊野の旅-7】

世界遺産“紀伊山地の霊場と参詣道” は2004年の指定と言うこと。道の世界遺産ということではキリスト教世界のスペイン、フランスにまたがる「サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラの巡礼路」と2つだけ。この楯ヶ崎は伊勢路の周辺に位置することになる。




English version⬇

Encountering the Unusual Nature “Alone”: Imperial Mythology and Kumano Journey-7
During this early morning visit to Tategasaki, I did not encounter any human beings. The journey where the inner world encounters all the phenomena of nature with its bare skin. …

The World Heritage Site “Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range” was designated in 2004. There are only two World Heritage sites along the road: the pilgrimage route of Santiago de Compostela in Spain and France, which straddle the border between the Christian world. Tategasaki is located on the periphery of the Ise Road.
The natural formations show their beauty all over the Kumano area. When you are in the midst of such beauty, it is quite normal to feel that God resides there. As someone who was born and lives in Hokkaido, I feel a fresh sense of joy at the fact that there is such a wide area of inspiring natural formations in the Kinki region. I guess you could say that it is a little like meeting a distant predecessor clad in ancient dignity.
From the natural forest road to Tategasaki, which I walked for the first time, I saw the photo above for a moment over the shade of the trees. “Oh, is this Tategasaki? It looks a little different, doesn’t it? I thought it was Tategasaki, but it was located on the ridge further up from the junction of the local “guide map” below, so I immediately thought it was Tategasaki. However, when I checked later, it seemed to be an unnamed cliff face. The cliff face next to Tategasaki, which I marked with a white arrow on the map. Hmmm, it is confusing (laugh).
Yesterday, I wrote about the deer we met on the way to Tategasaki, but yesterday I saw an image of deer in Kasuga-yama in NHK’s history program on Nara, and I couldn’t help pointing my phone at it. The deer we met on the way to Tategasaki was in the exact same posture as the deer we saw on the road to Tategasaki. I realized that personal experiences are a bit beautified and leave a lasting impression. My affection for the deer is getting stronger. The background is the urban area of Nara, though, so there is a big difference in that area. Oops, a side road.

Sometimes I would glimpse the cliff above me on my left, but the road would swing in an angle and eventually disappear from view as I was forced to continue on through the woods. I was a little confused, wondering what was going to happen to the cliff that was so nice earlier, but the road kept “leading” me onward. I was wondering what was going to happen to me.

As if seeing through my anxious state of mind, my view was soon opened up to the wide expanse of the Pacific Ocean. Below me, the view is like a whirlpool of surging waves.
Apparently, the foreground is part of the “Senjojiki,” as described on the map. The “lighthouse” could be seen on the front right.

Then I turned my gaze to the left and saw a dark “shield” shaped mass of rock backlit by the morning sun. Although it was only 1.9 km one way, this was our destination after having our eyes burned by the ups and downs and the various landscapes. Well, we got lost for a long time, but the exterior shape was just as I had seen it in the pictures. However, I finally understood the reason why there was no one here, as I wondered if it would be so backlit in the morning at this time of the year (laugh).
But, well, that kind of nonsense disappeared as if I was sweating.