


English version⬇

[Wooden house in the 1907’s, traces of a desperate metal “noncombustible” exterior wall.
The “Kojiki” is the result of the work to record and preserve the written records of the early days of the Japanese language. Is this an architectural challenge by the descendants who sought to preserve a record of their ancestors’ labor? …

This house was the home of the family of Nobunaga Motoya, who thoroughly researched the “Chronicles of Japan” during the Edo period. It has been relocated and preserved in the castle park in Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture. The house used to be built in the city, but at the end of the Meiji period (1868-1912), a huge fire broke out in Matsusaka, and the descendants of the ancestor, Nobunaga Motoya, who devoted his life to researching “Kojiki,” the core history of the Japanese people, felt threatened that all the precious materials were preserved in this house. They thought that it should be preserved for the sake of the people, and as a result, it was moved from the city to the castle area for preservation.
 This is the history of this building.
 I myself have a special feeling for the “Kojiki,” the first written record of a people. It is said that the Jomon-derived archipelago people, who did not have a written language, had their own unique record of oral traditions. The oldest history of the archipelago was compiled on the basis of the discourses of Hieda-Arei and other sources as oral traditions. It is said that the oldest history of the archipelago was recorded using imported written Chinese characters. As someone who has worked in the media, I have a special interest in the Kojiki. I understand that during the time of the Kojiki, the Japanese people were seriously engaged in the “creation of the Japanese language. The work of Mr. Nobunaga Hon’i, who unearthed the Kojiki as the original source of the Japanese language, which was of little interest in the Edo period, is truly a work that makes me deeply bow in admiration.
 The photo below shows the exterior wall of the Hon’i family’s residence. As I looked at it in detail, I noticed a mysterious silvery-white surface appearing in the crevices of the “cedar cypress bark thatch” material. After a bit of touching, it was confirmed that it was a tin metal plate as its base of cedar cypress bark.
 According to the records, it was moved and preserved here in the late Meiji period. In those years, there would have been no such standard as “noncombustibility of the outer skin of the house. It is a fact that the Edo Shogunate forced people to change from thatched roofs to tiled roofs in urbanized areas as “noncombustibility of roofs. However, this building may have been an experimental, cutting-edge exploration of construction methods to make the exterior walls noncombustible.
 It is true that covering the exterior skin with metal plates may have had a certain effect on fire prevention.
 However, it is not clear whether they really did that much at the end of the Meiji period. When we asked the museum staff about this, they told us that they had no information on this point. However, it is certain that the Hon’i family had a strong intention to make the building “nonflammable” as a measure for its permanent preservation, based on the experience of the Great Matsusaka Fire. If this is the case, then it is likely that the cedar cypress bark overlaid on the metal tin exterior walls was done out of consideration for “design” as well.
 At this point, we have only been able to confirm the intentions of the Honyi family and the fact that a metal material like tin was used as the base of the exterior walls of the actual house.




English version⬇

The “Buddhist Land” philosophy of the Oshu Fujiwara clan in medieval Japan
I went to the Tokyo Museum to see the Chuson-ji Konjikido exhibition, but there was a huge line. I was disappointed and happy, but I felt like a “mixed bag. I told them that I would see the oriental Buddhist statues, so they should all see it. I was so excited.

Continuing on from yesterday’s “Buddhist Statues” blog, I would like to talk about Chuson-ji Temple, which was on display at the Tokyo National Museum until the other day.
 The northern part of Japan is often referred to as “Hokkaido-Tohoku” in the common sense of Japanese society, but while Hokkaido is characterized as the region where Japan’s sense of national defense emerged after the Meiji period, I think that the rise and fall of the Oshu Fujiwara clan was symbolic of the Tohoku region’s relationship with the center of the country.
 In the history of Japan, it is rare to find a “local government” as independent as the Hiraizumi government. The Hiraizumi administration can be understood as the pioneer of the regional governments of the Warring States period, and it was a concrete example of the “independent power” of the Kamakura administration. The fact that such a semi-independent regime was recognized by the central government and was able to exist is probably due in large part to its founder, Fujiwara no Kiyohira, who highly advocated the peaceful ideology of practicing the “Buddha Land” philosophy.
 It seems that the Fujiwaras, while utilizing the “same family name” as the central aristocratic Fujiwara clan, also made Japanese society more accepting of their independent color by creating a concrete golden paradise in Hiraizumi.
 Chuson-ji Konjikido was at the center of the Tohoku region at the time when I was working all over the region, and it was a geographical place that would suddenly arise in my mind wherever I was going. I thought, “Let’s stop by for a while.
 So I remember that I visited there quite often. Maybe not two or three times. Konjikido is located near the end of the main approach to the temple, with the impressive Noh stage to the far right. Looking up from the dedicated approach to the temple, the building itself, which you reach while looking up from the approach to the temple, is decorated with gold, which is a divine sight.
 When I heard that an exhibition of Chuson-ji Konjikido was to be held at the Tokyo National Museum, I was somewhat surprised, saying, “Oh, they couldn’t possibly bring that building. Apparently, a group of Buddhist statues in the inner sanctuary will be exhibited. As someone who has ties to the Tohoku region, I was more than a little concerned about the level of interest that people from all over Japan and Tokyo would have in the museum.
 However, when I actually went to the exhibition, I found a huge line of “limited admission” (!). I was surprised to see the line of people waiting to enter the exhibition. I was surprised and pleased to see that the line had already been long for two hours, even though I arrived not long after the doors opened. I remember that I myself have seen these statues several times, so this time I gave up and let the Tokyo visitors have their chance (laugh). So I gave up this time and let the people of Tokyo have the opportunity to see the statues (laugh).
 But just as I was moving from the Heiseikan to the Honkan, the “NHK/8K Exhibition” was being held, and although I was standing in the audience, I was able to take pictures as you can see.
 Although this blog is mostly about Buddhist statues (laugh), the two statues of Mochikokuten above seem to me to tell the story of the establishment of Hiraizumi as a result of the war.




English version⬇

The expressions on the faces of Buddhist statues, and the differences between Asians that I suddenly notice.
Since visiting the Great Buddha of Asuka, I have been fascinated by the way the creator of the statue, Buddhist monk Tori, looks at human beings. I have been thinking about the differences and similarities in the expressions of world religions and Buddhist statues. I am also fascinated by the differences and commonalities in the expression of Buddhist statues of world religions.

As I get older, I want to get closer and closer to the world of Buddhism (laugh). My wife’s parents have a Buddhist altar at their home, so I pay my respects there every time I go there, because I can recite the Heart Sutra, which I have practiced at least the rudiments of the Buddhist Way (laugh). I am selfish enough not to ask about the difference in “Namu…” due to some differences in religious sects, but as a sentient being, I believe that I can be forgiven for this.
 I came to be able to recite the Heart Sutra when my siblings and I took turns reciting the “Sengan Shinkyou” after the death of our parents. More than 30-40 years have passed since then and I have not forgotten it. I believe that making it a habit again would also be gratifying in terms of preventing the aging of my memory.
 So, my interest has been growing in this direction without my knowing it, and I am gradually becoming more and more interested in the expressions on the faces of “Buddhist statues”.
 The Toyokan (Asian Gallery) of the Tokyo National Museum exhibits Buddhist statues from around the world, and recently I had the opportunity to “compare and contrast” them psychologically for the first time.
 The top one is from China, and below it I have added a detailed description of its background. Please check the names of the regions in China. The top one is from China, and below it is a detailed description of the region. On the other hand, below them are Buddha images from Southeast Asia and Korea. The faces of the Southeast Asian Buddha images clearly resemble the expressions of the local people.
 I was frankly impressed by the difference in facial expressions.
 This is a matter of personal taste, so I hope you will accept it as I do.
 I think that Buddhist statues are something that express the creator’s mental image of the statue as it is. I have been fascinated by the expressions of the Asuka Daibutsu (Great Buddha) and the main image of Horyuji Temple, which I admired so much that I have since become addicted to appreciating the expressions on the faces of Buddhist statues.

This is Asuka Daibutsu (Great Buddha) made by Buddhist priest Shuri. I believe that he was commissioned to create the main image of Horyuji Temple in the same period. I imagine that he must have met with the client and interviewed him about his wishes. It would be natural that the client and his image would be “reflected” in the creation of the statue as an afterimage. If we think of it in terms of probability, we can also feel the afterimage of Prince Shotoku.
 Considering the fact that the process of production would have been the same in each region of Asia, there is no doubt that the circumstances and climate of each region would be reflected in the expression of the Buddha statues.
 Since Buddhism is a world religion, it is quite natural that we can compare and contrast the cultures of different regions. Sometimes I look at this group of photos and enjoy the historical time.
 Oh, no, I am getting closer and closer to the Pure Land world (laugh)…


 「家整」と書いたけれど、これはたぶん「修身斉家」というような意味合いとも重なるようなわたしの実感的な新語であります。修身斉家とは、〜自分の行いを修め正して、家庭をととのえ治めること。 ▽「斉」はととのえ治める意。「身を修め家を斉のう」と訓読する。 儒教の基本的な政治観を表す「修身、斉家、治国、平天下」(身を修め、家庭をととのえ、国を治め、天下を平和に導く)の中の語。〜

English version⬇

To “arrange” a house to make it easy to use.
The key to renovation of existing houses is to make use of the architecture in a rational and usable way, going back and forth between “house arrangement” and “house management”. This is also the key to remodeling existing houses. I am sure this is the key to remodeling existing houses as well.

More than two weeks have passed since we started to organize our house as a second home, which we had not been able to start since the death of my mother-in-law.
 During this period, we have visited a facility called “Shredding Center” in Sapporo City more than 7-8 times to bring in large household garbage, and we have also visited a facility specializing in glassware and ceramics twice. We have also been to a disposal facility specializing in glassware and ceramics twice. The initial “meeting” was fraught with confusion, and the couple had a heated fight, but things are now somewhat more peaceful (laughs).
 Well, when changing the current situation, it is absolutely necessary to have a rough “policy,” and according to that policy, the purpose of space use is determined, and the point where the ease of use is reached can be shared among the household members. In any case, it is important to first set a basic goal of decluttering.
 As we make more and more progress, we realize how important it is to organize the house in such a way that it is the “key” to the “atmosphere and atmosphere of the house. To put it another way, I am reminded of the decisive influence of this “house arrangement” on house construction and design.
 I wrote “家整”, but this is a new word that I have come to realize may also mean “shumin sai ke” (to train oneself and one’s family). Shushin sai jia” means to correct one’s own conduct and to set up and govern one’s family. The “Qi” means to control and govern. The word “qi” means to control and govern. The word “qi” is used to express the basic Confucian political philosophy of “shujin, qijie, jiguo, pingtianxia” (to discipline oneself, discipline one’s family, govern the nation, and bring peace to the world). ~.
 On the other hand, the well-known “domestic science” is a study that pursues the improvement of all aspects of life from a scientific perspective, focusing on clothing, food, and shelter. 〜The two are the same.
 When I actually experience it, I think I am going back and forth between these two words.
 It is my intuition, but I think that when the choice to buy an existing house, renovate it, and live in it becomes a majority choice to some extent, this new area of analytical elements for housing will have to come into the picture.
 How can we make the existing living space comfortable and easy to use? This is, of course, a very specific area.
 Of course, this is a very specific and individualized strategy, so I am not sure if it is possible to create a common language.
 It is a strange feeling, but it is interesting to see the subtle changes in the couple’s relationship when they are engaged in this kind of “home organization” work. We went to a nearby supermarket to do some errands, and I said to myself, “It’s like we’re back in our honeymoon days.
 We shared the feeling that we were back to our honeymoon days (laugh).
 (Laughs.) After a big fight between the couple, I was freshly surprised to see such unexpected “results” when we started to work.
 Now, I wonder if we can make this kind of thing into a common language?



 内容については動画本編をごらんいただきたいのですが、一応は「家づくりの知識:北海道住宅は最先端 ⁉ 知ればわかる未来の本州の家」というテーマ骨子。北海道の住宅性能向上は少なくとも30〜50年以上の経験知の蓄積の結果であり、そもそもそれを強く希求するユーザーの存在があって住宅を巡る「産・官・学」総体として実現してきた一種の「地域運動」。地域住宅メディアとしては、そういった地域総体の運動と「協働」すると言う立場で、その息吹を伝えてきたと思っています。

English version⬇

[First appearance in a YouTuve video… I’m so embarrassed (laughs).
What’s the point of being embarrassed now (laughs)? I am the one in the video and I am the one who observes, so there are many things I can notice. … .

At a recent housing event in Tokyo, Mr. Sagami, the president of Organic Studio Niigata, an old acquaintance of mine, asked me to “appear on YouTuve, Mr. Miki,” and was filmed near the venue. The content of the video was left entirely up to Mr. Sagami, as it was all about his own interests. Here is the video that was filmed.
Organic Studio Niigata is a member of Shinjyukyo, and I have had the opportunity to interact with them on various occasions, and I have also visited them at their office, and they have visited our company several times. In short, I know them well, and I am not sure how a person like me can be of any help to them with this kind of video expression, but I respectfully (and with a sense of resignation) accept their offer.
 However, due to changes in my position and other factors, I have been interested in YouTuve videos, but I have not had the opportunity or inclination to actively use them. In that sense, I was invited by Organic Studio Niigata, which has made considerable achievements in the field of video, and I thought this would be a good opportunity to observe their advanced utilization “how to do it”.
 The video is entitled “Knowledge of House Building: Hokkaido Housing is Cutting-Edge⁉ The Future of Honshu Houses”. The improvement of housing performance in Hokkaido is the result of at least 30 to 50 years of accumulated experience and knowledge, and it is a kind of “regional movement” that has been realized through the collective efforts of “industry, government, and academia” surrounding housing due to the existence of users who strongly desire it. As a regional housing media outlet, we have been “collaborating” with such a regional movement and have been conveying the spirit of the movement to the public.
 On the other hand, in the Honshu region, at the moment, leading regional builders and some housebuilders are beginning to “lead” the industry as a whole.
 For these leading builders, I believe they are in the process of exploring the direction of NEXT, which goes beyond housing performance. The main topics in the video are the aspirations of Hokkaido’s leading builders, and how users will move in a market where housing performance has become a “standard”.
 In my opinion, one point of view is the contrast between Scandinavia and Germany.
 I think that Hokkaido is not aiming for numerical “improvement” as Germany does, but rather, the development of housing in a more humanistic direction is desired as a “human rights” element, which is a common feeling in Scandinavia.
 First of all, I am embarrassed to say, but I would be happy if you could take a look at my video debut (laughs).



English version⬇

Showa-retro” atmospheric architecture of Sapporo city block.
Remnants of the original landscape architecture of Sapporo. The snow stops on the roofs, which are a showpiece of the area, convey a sense that traditional Japanese store architecture has “survived in Sapporo”.

Recently, I have been driving around the central part of Sapporo. I currently live in a “new” residential area near the beginning of Sapporo. There are many relatively new buildings and houses that have been updated and “modified” since the Showa period (postwar period). On the other hand, it is somewhat different from the urban area of Chuo-ku, Sapporo, which should be called the “original Sapporo City” in terms of time.
 I myself have been a Sapporo resident since I was 3 years old, and I am of the generation that feels a certain nostalgia for the landscape of the original Sapporo.
 I am of the generation that feels a certain nostalgia for the landscape of the original Sapporo, and I am struck by the fact that wooden buildings like the one in the photo have survived to the present day, in 2022. I find myself thinking nostalgically, “Ah, it’s a house in the city.
 Although this building faces a main street in the city, it is located a little far from the so-called “downtown area. However, it stands out because of its corner location. The first floor seems to be almost entirely open, with windows and openings on all sides of the street, including the entrance. Looking at the window frames, it appears to be a wooden window with a single-pane glass window. The building was probably built as a “store” from the beginning.
 The building as it is now looks just like a store. This can be imagined from the gaudy signboard above the entrance and exit. At first glance, the building looks very “Showa-era retro,” but it has its own kind of “attractiveness.
 People of my age and those who have such tastes will probably be able to sense a certain atmosphere. It has a unique appeal for that kind of product store. However, it can be said that it is quite maniacally focused.
 Sapporo is a city of 2 million people, and this particular market segment is also considered to be quite large. If the product or service is suitable for this market and has high added value, it may be feasible. However, if the market size is small, parking facilities would be necessary to accommodate visitors from remote areas, and this may be a bottleneck. Even though it is located in the center of the city, the transportation network is not convenient enough to reach this location on foot. Well, that’s about it.
 I think this is part of the attraction of a city. I think it is also possible to have a sense of time slip, where everything is not fully contained in modern spatiality.
 Nostalgia for “old private houses” exists even among modern Japanese. It may be a kind of attachment to something that is disappearing. However, I think it is a little early to include them in the “Hokkaido Kaitakushi no Mura” (Village of Hokkaido Settlement). Although the image of the period has not yet been clearly defined, to me it seems to be an “old house” in the Hokkaido style. What do you think?



English version⬇

The “atmosphere” created by architecture and the human perception of it.
I felt “Kirei – Kodama” in the architecture of the Lotus Sutra temple, which is a different sect from my own. I was taught about the architectural element of “kodama,” or the opportunity for the heart to rest. The “atmosphere” and human reception that is created by the architecture of the Lotus Sutra Temple

I have been to many places, and my mind has been drawn to the sensations I experience there, especially with regard to architecture and housing. I wonder if it is because of my professional experience in creating housing media that I have become this way. Is it a habit, so to speak?
 Or is it that the thoughts of those who have loved the building are appealing to me like the spirit of a tree? Is it that it is more strongly appealing to me as an individual by chance?
 It has been said that the opportunity to build a house is one of the “goals” of human life.
 I feel that the Japanese have a particularly strong sense of this. It was an opportunity for them to “express” their “sensitivity” to the space in which they lived.
 Even those who do not have such a strong sense of sensibility may still demonstrate their preference for the space in which they spend their life time by emphasizing certain “selection criteria” within themselves when they have the “opportunity” to choose the location of their home.
 In the case of custom-built housing, of course.
 It is human beings who create buildings, and it is also human beings who enjoy them. I believe that no matter how dull one’s sensitivity to “creativity,” certain preferences are reflected there. It is a rare opportunity to be able to choose such “atmosphere of a place” and realize a certain image by oneself.
 When I face a space as an interviewer, such an internal narrative is activated.
 The photo shows one of the buildings in the “Ichikawa Hokke-do” in Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture. The correct name is “Shonchuzan Hokkekyo-ji Temple.
 It seems to be a building called “Hodenmon” within the temple. The following is a summary from the website.
 〜It is located between the Soshido and Aragyo-do, just behind the Soshido of Hokkekyo-ji Temple. At the top of the stone steps, on the left side, there is a monument by Shizue Kezuka, entitled “Seikyoden e frost ippai no ishidatami” (“A piece of frost ishidatami to the Seikyoden”). Hodenmon also serves as a corridor connecting Taiga-den, Aragyo-do, and Soshido-Do. ~.
 Exactly as the architectural intent of “corridor” suggests, there is an aerial corridor connecting the left and right sides of the building. In front of the hall, there is a view of the lush garden. The proportions of the building look as if they are inviting us to something.
 I was reserved in looking at the space because I belong to a different religious sect, but among the other large buildings in the complex, this one was the one that most struck my heart. I thought to myself, “Wow, this is nice.
 I don’t know what the psychological reaction was derived from, but the overall “atmosphere” of the building seemed to appeal to me. Perhaps it is the “punctuation point” of the architecture within the cloister. It is as if the monks who are practicing asceticism turn on their minds for a beat here. As a result, the role played by this architecture may resonate transparently.
 Even in residential architecture, such an element of mental punctuation may be significant. It is omoshiroi, isn’t it?



 〜天地初発之時、於高天原成神名、天之御中主神。次高御産巣日神。次神産巣日神。此三柱神者、並独神成坐而、隠身也。〜っていうような書きだし。読み下し翻訳としては以下のようになる。〜天地初めて 発(ひら)けし時、高天の原に成れる神の名は、天之御中主神。次に高御産巣日神。次に神産巣日神。この三柱の神は、みな独神と成りまして身を隠したまひき。〜

English version⬇

Read “Kojiki” under the guidance of Prof. Takeshi Umehara.
A plain analysis and guide to the Kojiki as a philosopher against the situation of ancient history research, which symbolizes Japan’s inability to escape from the spell of the postwar GHQ regime. …

The Kojiki is a fundamental document for the Japanese people and Japanese culture, but the original text is written in Chinese, making it difficult for the average person to read it verbatim.
 〜When heaven and earth first arose, the name of the deity in Takamagahara was Amano-no-Mikazunushi. The name of the deity is Amano-no-Mikazunushi. The next is the deity Kaminosusuhi. These three deities are the only deities who are seated, and they are in hiding. 〜The translation reads as follows. The translation is as follows. 〜When heaven and earth were first created, the name of the deity that was formed in the field of the high heaven was Amano-no-Mikazunushi. Next, Takami-no-Mitsusuhi. Next, the deity Kaminosunnusuhi. These three deities all hid themselves in solitude. 〜The first three deities are
 Hiragana and katakana were not even established in 712. The Japanese language itself was in its infancy as it struggled with the East Asian ideographs known as kanji. Although the original Japanese language may have been based on the Jomon period, it was impossible to translate the concept of a “legal system,” such as the Ritsuryo, into Japanese. In such an era, the Kojiki was created with all the wisdom of the time, driven by the need to compile a national history in line with the objective of forming international relations with the Chinese dynasties.
 As a history buff, I was strongly attracted to the bloody battles of the Warring States period, but I avoided the book because I did not understand it well. However, as I have visited Kumano and Tategasaki more and more, my heart has been completely swallowed up by ancient Japan (laugh), and I have come to think that I must have the Kojiki in my mind.
 Although the Kojiki has been studied in depth by Nobunaga Motoya and others throughout Japanese history, I decided to read this book with Takeshi Umehara’s guidance as my best bet.
 Takeshi Umehara was a philosopher who passed away in 2019. He was a professor emeritus at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies. He is known for his research on ancient history, including his unique view that Horyuji Temple was a temple that contained grudge spirits. He was a giant of Kyoto University philosophy, following in the footsteps of Dr. Kitaro Nishida. He is widely known for his historical analysis that focuses squarely on Japan, as opposed to the mainstream of philosophical inquirers who think it is sufficient to interpret Western philosophy.
 He is also famous for his theory that Kakino Honmaro is the author of the original Kojiki.
 Having read his work on Kojiki, I have become even more interested in ancient history and the creation of the Japanese language. The book presents a clear and acceptable perspective on ancient Japanese history, which has been unfairly neglected in the national educational system.
 I would like to continue to explore ancient history in a straightforward manner while interacting with this book.



English version⬇

The Historical Culture of Postwar Manga and the “Tokiwaso” Space
The great revolution of postwar Japanese manga began with Osamu Tezuka. This is a space where the hearts and minds of the young “artists” who took on this exciting cultural field are vibrantly alive. The “Tokiwaso” space…

For me, born in 1952, it was the postwar manga culture.
 Tezuka Osamu, a prominent figure in Japanese manga culture, began his career as a cartoonist, producing such era-defining works as Astro Boy. This cultural movement was enthusiastically supported by children, which at first greatly stimulated the publishing industry, and later, as the main content of postwar TV culture, animated works based on manga captured the hearts and minds of children.
 I believe that the most “original” cultural area of Japanese society since the Birds and Beasts caricatures was greatly awakened. Such social movements inspired impressionable and talented boys to dream endlessly, and they were motivated by the expressive means of manga artist activities.
 In February 2020, a wooden apartment called “Tokiwaso” was restored and reconstructed on a park site in Toshima-ku, Tokyo, and is now open to the public. The following is an introductory article from Nikkei.
〜11 young manga artists move in to “Ryozanbaku,” competing with each other in terms of talent and sensitivity
Tokiwaso” refers to an apartment building in Minami-Nagasaki 3-chome, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, where a building-raising ceremony was held in December 1952, when an editor of Gakudosha, a publisher of “Manga Shonen” magazine, invited Osamu Tezuka to move into his own “Tokiwaso. Since then, young manga artists who had published serials in Gakudosha’s magazines began to move in one after another, and eventually Tokiwaso became a kind of Ryozanpaku where promising young manga artists of the same generation lived together, stimulating each other and engaging in friendly competition to improve their talent, sensibility, and drawing techniques. 〜The first time I saw the film, I was in the middle of the Corona disaster.
 I was in the midst of the Corona disaster, so I had not been privy to this kind of information, but recently I dug up this information and took time out of my business trip to Tokyo to pay a visit.
 During the Meiji Restoration, Japan introduced a lot of “culture” from the West and digested it. Literature, as we call it, was also vigorously created with figures such as Soseki Natsume as a “compass”. However, I do not think that manga culture was introduced during the Meiji period. Manga, so to speak, is a highly original culture deeply rooted in the Japanese mind.
 Today, the world is astonished by the Japanese manga culture, and its influence is becoming global.
 And as for architecture, we cannot avoid discussing the atmosphere of this rental house, which has been the cradle of postwar manga culture with its spatiality.
 It has been a long time since I have been so “excited” to visit an architectural space….



English version⬇
From “suspicion” in the barium test at a medical checkup to a gastroscopy examination.
The internal organ parts that I have been managing and controlling for all of my life time. You have done a great job up to now. I will take good care of you from now on. I will take good care of you from now on.

We have continued to have regular medical checkups once a year. I had done it every year in January, and although the company has changed this year, I had a checkup in January as well. As for the stomach, I had been doing various checkups for almost all my life time, having had an ulcer in my late 20s that was lightened by hospitalization and medication. He had been hospitalized and operated on many times in gastroenterology hospitals, and had been under management control.
 Under such circumstances, I had undergone a “barium test” again without any particular concern, but this time the result was “close examination required” and was sent to me along with an image of my stomach. The results of the barium test were sent to me along with an image of my stomach.
 I gave the mailed document to my doctor and asked him about it. He said, “Oh, the barium test is not very useful, so you should pass the checkup. As for the gastroscopy, there is a clinic specializing in gastroscopy that I also see, so I will refer you there.
 So, I went to see the doctor at the time of my appointment yesterday with an uneasy feeling in my heart.
 I had been checked for a gastroscopy at a hospital specializing in gastroenterology about a year ago, but there were no special precautions at that time, so I was relieved. However, the hospital’s system had changed drastically, and the staff’s attitude was questionable, which made me feel uncomfortable. I had also undergone a “H. pylori removal” surgery here about 7-8 years ago.
 Because of this background, I was also looking for a reliable specialist clinic. I went for a gastroscopy after giving them various information that I remembered as a patient.
 The results showed that “the probability of getting stomach cancer is very low. It is probably less than 5%. However, since the stomach deteriorates over time, we recommend regular checkups once a year.
 The doctor showed me images of the stomach while the camera was in and out of the stomach, and gave me explanations one by one, so I was able to get a clear understanding of the current situation and my concerns were eliminated. As a novice, I may have some unnecessary preconceptions when just looking at the images, so the doctor’s explanations “guided” me to a calm decision, so to speak. The explanations are very scientific, so I can see the management policy for my own body.
 Therefore, when I go for my annual checkup at the company, I would like to skip the barium test from now on and focus on other tests. This calm judgment reminds me that I have had some difficult experiences with barium tests (laugh). In this regard, I realized after talking with the doctor that I am a person who “quickly forgets about the things that were difficult or unpleasant.
 I guess that is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. Hmmm.