
【高鴨から北海道最古「雷公神社」へ 奈良・飛鳥探索-16】



English version⬇

From Takagamo to Raikou Shrine, the oldest shrine in Hokkaido, Nara, Asuka, Nara – 16
A super spin-out from the Takagamo Shrine in Nara Prefecture. Suddenly, we are in Chouchi-machi, Hokkaido. Is it a clue to the fact of ethnohistory, or a riddle of confusion? The search for the shrine of

This blog basically consists of a series of articles and is currently exploring “Asuka, Nara”.
The series of 15 articles is about Asuka and its surroundings in Nara Prefecture.
In the 15th installment, I mentioned “Takagamo Shrine” in Gosho City.
I myself have been visiting cherry blossoms and historical sites in the southern part of Hokkaido.
My wife, in support of my hobby life, said to me, “You know, this is the oldest shrine in Hokkaido.
“You know, there is the oldest shrine in Hokkaido.
She found out some useful information about the oldest shrine in Hokkaido. It was a hit (laugh).
The name of the shrine is “Raikou Shrine,” which has an unusual name.
It is located in Chonai-cho, which runs from Hakodate to Matsumae in southern Hokkaido.
After visiting the shrine, I checked the inscription and found the following
〜According to “Ono Tosa Nikki (Diary of Tosa Ono),” the oldest document in Chonai-cho, which has been handed down in the company, the following is written in 1205
In 1205, Araki Daigaku came to this area from Kai Province in search of gold sand.
According to the legend, Araki Daigaku, who came to the area from Kai Province in 1205 in search of gold sand, ordered Ryotokuin, the founder of the Ono family, to build Kamo no Jujo-sha in 1244.
It is the oldest shrine in Hokkaido. It was originally located in Kamigarai (the name of a place around here), but was moved to its current location in 1915.
It was relocated to its current location in 1915. 〜The shrine was believed to have been located in the same area as the current location. <The third photo shows the old shrine.
Oh, a double pressure point.

I just wrote about the main shrine of Kamosha, Takagamo Shrine, in this blog series.
I just wrote about Takagamo Shrine, the main shrine of Kamosha, in two articles in this blog series. It is an unexpected coincidence.
The Kamo-sha spread from Takagamo-jinja to the rest of Japan and was introduced to Hokkaido in the Kamakura period.
The name of the pioneer involved in the founding of the shrine in 1244 is that of a relative of Kai, who came to this area in 1205.
Considering the circumstances at the time of its arrival in this area in 1205, it was in the early Kamakura period.
The Oshu Fujiwara clan had just moved from Atsuma Town adjacent to Tomakomai as their trading base in Hokkaido.
Tokoname ware, which appears to be a sutra mound, has been excavated from Atsuma Town adjacent to Tomakomai, suggesting a trading base with Hokkaido.
Archaeologists in Hokkaido have pointed out the strong relationship between the Fujiwaras and the gold-producing region.
The Kamakura Shogunate forces, which had destroyed the Fujiwara Clan in an attempt to seize control of the region, were thought to have intended to mine gold sand in Hokkaido.
It is highly probable that the Kamakura Shogunate forces intended to mine gold sand in Hokkaido.
The Kai Province is known for its high level of mining technology, which can be inferred from Shingen’s later activities there.
The person who was named “Daigaku” (university) by the local power in Kai, and the person who was named “Daigaku” (university) by the local power in Kai.
In other words, a professional mining engineer was dispatched to the southern part of Hokkaido.

So, I asked the chief priest about the disappearance.
The answer was, “The order to develop this mine and mine gold sand came from the Yoritomo regime.
Yoritomo himself died in 1199.
Since Yoritomo himself died in 1199, it is difficult to say whether it was his own order or the will of the shogunate administration.
But at least as a local power that received the order, it is clearly stated that it was “from Yoritomo.
The information is clearly indicated to have been received “from Yoritomo” as the local power that received the order.
Regarding the lineage as a shrine, and the fact that it is in the Kamo-sha lineage.
The person who was commissioned to establish the shrine by this influential clan leader
The person who established the shrine at the request of this influential clan leader “happened” to have the right to establish a shrine in that lineage, or
Or was it because Kamosha was believed to have spiritual power related to mining?
I could not hear anything about this from the priest’s talk.
In any case, the shrine is a far cry from the Takagamo Shrine in Nara Prefecture.
I strongly felt this kind of “connection,” and I need to search for it again (laughs). Hmmm… Hmmm…





English version⬇

2022Good weather in the first half of GW, cherry blossom trip in southern Hokkaido.
Grassroots cherry blossom lovers are a national culture. The power of attachment is the national power and the fundamental power to crush the aggression of other countries. GW is a time to learn the importance of peace…

Until yesterday, I was on a cherry blossom tour in southern Hokkaido.
Our family’s annual cherry blossom viewing tour includes Hakodate Goryokaku, Matsumae cherry blossoms, and other cherry blossom viewing spots.
In between, we visited ruins and other places to fully enjoy spring.
The weather in the Hokkaido area was fine for the past three days, as you can see in the photo.
Yotei and Hakodate in southern Hokkaido were greeted with beautiful blue skies.
Many people were interested in exploring the ruins, perhaps thanks to their registration as World Heritage sites.
Families enjoyed exploring the lifestyle of our ancestors together (laugh).
The children were given the opportunity to experience the excavation, and other efforts were made to familiarize them with the site.
The photo was taken at the Kakinoshima site in southern Hokkaido.
The explanatory staff were also encouraged by the participation of many families and other visitors.
The participants were very friendly, but at the same time they were serious about “passing on the tradition”.
I think it is a wonderful educational opportunity for children, who are the bearers of the future, to be interested in human activities around them.
I think it is a wonderful educational opportunity for the children, who are the future leaders of our society, to be interested in human activities around them.
By tinkering with the soil and accumulating knowledge through the texture of the soil
I am sure that they will come to know the history of the world through the blood of the soil.

Hokkaido is still in its infancy.
In the past 150 years or so, the planting of cherry trees has been vigorously pursued as part of the Japanese DNA.
The efforts of Goryokaku in southern Hokkaido and Matsumae are particularly impressive.
This year, for some reason, I have mentioned cherry blossoms in Yoshino and Hirosaki Castle.
The excitement in the southern Hokkaido region is by no means inferior to that of other areas.
I have no doubt that these efforts will soon be widely recognized as “Hokkaido’s” sakura culture.
I have no doubt that these efforts will eventually be widely recognized as part of the “Hokkaido-style” sakura culture.
After all, there are white snow-covered landscapes in the distant mountains.

The contrast between the white snow on the mountains in the distance is something that can only be enjoyed in Hokkaido.
Yotei in the photo also has a unique beauty with its white snow-covered ridges.
The sea of 1,000 cherry trees in Yoshino is different from the sea of 1,000 cherry trees at a time.
It seems to me that the cherry blossom culture is a culture that can be appreciated in the diversity of the seasons.
It is highly possible that a new sakura culture will be born in Hokkaido, which is still a newly developed area.
I believe that there is still a high possibility that a new cherry blossom culture unique to Hokkaido will be born in this newly developed region.

This year, the cherry blossoms arrived just in time for Golden Week.
Even Sapporo is almost in full bloom.
I returned to Sapporo late last night after a long car drive.
From today, I would like to sit back and enjoy the scenery of Sapporo, Hokkaido and other areas.
I am looking forward to seeing the Sapporo area, the central part of Hokkaido, and various other places in Japan.
I believe that this kind of “attachment to the land” is a great asset for the people of Japan.
The situation in Ukraine continues to be difficult.
However, attachment is the power of the people to crush the ridiculous rulers like Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

I believe that such efforts will cultivate the power of a grassroots nation.
I am beginning to think that Japan has the national power of cherry blossom culture.

【縄文弥生〜建国期と葛城伝承 奈良・飛鳥探索-15】




English version⬇

Jomon Yayoi – Founding Period and Katsuragi Traditions: The Search for Nara and Asuka – 15
The shrine omens I purchased contain a variety of descriptions. It is a good reference to understand the relationship between archaeology, mythology, and historical facts. Hmmm… …….

This is a continuation of my exploration of Takagamo Shrine.
I was allowed to purchase a bill for this shrine for my personal collection.
At the same time, I also bought a copy of the history magazine published by the shrine.
When I read it over, I found the following description in it.
The three emperors, Jinmu, Suiyasu, and Anei, had as their concubines the daughters of the chiefs of the Kamo tribe.
They laid the foundation of the Katsuragi Dynasty at the foot of Mount Katsuragi. The first article of the book. The first article of the text reads as follows.
“This dynasty developed to the point where it ruled over the provinces of Yamato, Kawachi, Kii, Yamashiro, Tanba, and Kibi.
The 16th Nintoku-Tenno also established a dynasty. The dynasty also ruled over the 16th Emperor Nintoku, the 17th Emperor Nichu, and the 18th Emperor Kosho.
The Empresses of the 16th Emperor Nintoku, the 17th Emperor Rinchu, and the 18th Emperor Nanjo also came from the Katsuragi clan.
Before the establishment of the Yamato Imperial Court, there were two provinces in Yamato: Yamato and Katsuragi.
This shrine was the first palace in Katsuragi Province. This shrine was the first shrine in Katsuragi Province.
Even today, Takakamo-jinja Shrine holds an autumn festival with a ritual centering on a chestnut tree.
This is a reference to the fact that chestnuts, or acorns, were a major source of nutrition and staple food, as seen at the Sannai-Maruyama Ruins in Aomori Prefecture.
(This indicates that people ate chestnuts and acorns (as a major source of nutrition and staple food), as seen at the Sannai-Maruyama site in Aomori Prefecture, and
This is a form of pre-paddy rice life.”
“The origin of the shrine’s rituals is not known.
“Although the origin of the shrine’s rituals is not known, they have been practiced since at least the mid-Yayoi period (about 3,000 years ago).
It is one of the oldest shrines in Japan. It is one of the oldest shrines in Japan.
It also states that “Yakuzumi Shokaku, the founder of Shugendo, is a direct descendant of the Takakamo clan.
It is also true that Mount Kongo in the Katsuragi mountain range is a mountain where ascetic ascetics have practiced asceticism.
It is possible that this family was involved in a certain part of history in ancient times.
In any case, this is an interesting tradition.

Of course, the existence of such a person as Emperor Jinmu, the pioneer of the Yamato Imperial Court, has not been proven as a historical fact.
Although the existence of such a person, including the emperor Jinmu, has not yet been proven to be a historical fact
But traces of related facts are gradually being uncovered.
I do not think it can be said that this is just a wild assertion.
It is possible that the existence of the site is a part of the circle between archaeology, mythology, and historical facts.
This kind of reasoning is one of the possibilities.
There is no doubt that the ethnic background of Japanese shrine worship has an influence on it.
As a clue to such a part of the story
It was an interesting encounter with Takakamo Shrine, even if it was only by chance.

It is the time of the first full-scale consecutive holidays since the archaeological sites in northern and northeastern Hokkaido were recognized as a World Heritage Site.
Since the World Heritage Site in the north-northeastern part of Hokkaido was recognized as a World Heritage Site, this is the first full-scale consecutive holiday period for the region.
My wife and I are also touring around the southern Hokkaido area.
We have been exploring archaeology as a rather unusual hobby, but now it seems that the World Heritage registration has become a tailwind for us.
But the World Heritage registration seems to have given us a tailwind.
I am a little bit happy to see so many like-minded people.
I am starting to feel a little happy about it (laugh).

【全国加茂社「本宮」高鴨神社 奈良・飛鳥探索-14】


主祭神 阿遅志貴高日子根命(迦毛之大御神)
事代主命 阿治須岐速雄命 下照姫命・天稚彦命


English version⬇

Zenkoku Kamosha “Hongu” Takagamo-jinja Shrine Nara, Asuka Search-14
The Japanese sense of beauty of space since the Jomon and Yayoi periods. The effort to skillfully incorporate the natural environment into the spatial elements is reminiscent of Japanese architecture itself. Nara, Asuka

When I was walking around Nara Prefecture by car to visit Gose Town, I suddenly lost my way.
I was walking in my car to visit the town of Gose when I suddenly got lost on the road.
Takakamo Shrine.
Without any prior knowledge of the shrine, I parked my car and walked to the shrine over the surrounding pond.
The cherry blossoms were in full bloom, so I saw the shrine ahead of me with a blizzard of cherry blossoms on the surface of the water.
The pond is located at an elevation of about 300 meters above sea level, and I wondered if the surface of the pond was natural or not.
I was struck by the oddity of the layout of the pond and took pictures of it.

〜The shrine is the head shrine of Kamo (Kamo) shrines throughout Japan and is one of the oldest shrines in Japan.
It is one of the oldest Shinto shrines in Japan, and has been performing rituals since the middle of the Yayoi period.
The main deity, Atoshikitakahikone-mikoto (Kamo no Mikoto)
Kotoshironomiki-no-mikoto, Asuki-hayo-no-mikoto, Shimoteruhi-no-mikoto, Ama-no-Wakuhiko-no-mikoto
This shrine is the birthplace of the Kamo clan, a prestigious Yamato clan.
The head shrine is one of the shrines enshrined as a guardian deity by the Kamo clan. The shrine is one of the shrines enshrined as a guardian deity of the Kamo clan.
(The shrine is dedicated to the deity Takakamo Ajisukitakahikone-no-mikoto at the monthly, year-end, and new harvest festivals.The shrine had the highest rank among Meishin-taisha shrines, and was officially recognized as such by the government. In the 859th year of the reign of Emperor Seiwa
In the first month of 859, the shrine was ranked as the second highest in the hierarchy of deities, along with the Ookami Shrine and the Yamato Okunitama Shrine in Yamato.
The shrine’s deities were also elevated to the first rank. The shrine is an ancient shrine with such a long history.
In the mid-Yayoi period, a part of the Kamo tribe moved from these hills to the southwestern edge of the Yamato Plain in present-day Gosho City.
They built the Kamotonami Shrine on the bank of the Katsuragi River and began to live on paddy rice.
Another group that moved to Higashimochida also began to cultivate paddy rice, centering on the Katsuragi Gozai Shrine.
As a result, the head shrine was generally called Kamigamo-sha (Kami-kamo Shrine), the Gozai Shrine was called Nakagamo-sha (Nakamo Shrine), and the Kamotonoha Shrine was called Shimogamo-sha
Both shrines belong to the Kamo clan.
The Kamo clan was widely distributed throughout the country, and the Kamo deities were enshrined at their shrines.The Kamo (Kamo or Kage) clan is found in the county names of Aki, Hari, Mino, Mikawa, and Sado.
There are dozens of township and village names. Kamo-taisha in Kyoto is the most famous of these.
The head shrine is the head shrine of these Kamo shrines. (From the history of the shrine) ~.

The Japanese have a strong sense of the concept of architecture as an integral part of the external space.
The building itself can be seen as a “punctuation point” within the space.
In this sense, the spatiality of the Takagamo Shrine is a real coup.
It conveys the Japanese people’s aesthetic sense of space that has existed since ancient times.
The relationship between the pond and the architecture of the shrine seems to be one of constant mutual penetration.
The changing natural environment of the four seasons adorns the shrine.
This sense of reincarnation is perhaps a blissful religious experience.
This is indeed the main shrine of the Kamo Kamo shrine, of which there are said to be 400 throughout Japan.
It was the first time in a long time that I fell in love with a space where I felt a kind of spiritual experience (laugh)…

【日本人の死生観「土葬・火葬」 奈良・飛鳥探索-13】

<●古墳の数 文化庁埋蔵文化財関係統計資料の「周知の埋蔵文化財包蔵地数」



English version⬇

Japanese View of Life and Death “Burial and Cremation” Exploration of Asuka, Nara – 13
The burial after death is deeply related to the “way of life. The souls of our predecessors are described in this way. As Japanese, we should take it seriously. …….

When you visit Asuka and Nara area, you may be surprised at the number of ancient tombs, but that is just an impression.
But this is just an impression, and in fact, Hyogo Prefecture is said to have the largest number of kofun tumuli.
〜The following is an excerpt from the Kokugakuin University media article, “Kofun Tumuli: What You Need to Learn from Zero (3)”.
<According to the “Number of well-known burial sites of cultural properties” (2008 edition) of the Agency for Cultural Affairs’ statistical data related to buried cultural properties, Hyogo Prefecture has the largest number of kofun tumuli.
(According to the “Number of Kofun Tumuli” (FY 2008 edition), 159,623 kofun tumuli and yokoana (burial mounds) have been confirmed throughout Japan.
By prefecture, (1) Hyogo Prefecture 18,851 tombs, (2) Tottori Prefecture 13,486 tombs, (3) Kyoto Prefecture 13,016 tombs
(4) Chiba Prefecture: 12,765 (5) Okayama Prefecture: 11,810
On the other hand, no burial mounds or horizontal holes have been confirmed in Hokkaido, Aomori, or Okinawa Prefectures. >(6) Hyogo Pref.
However, many of the burial mounds in Hyogo and other prefectures are said to date from the 6th and 7th centuries, when the number of “cluster burial mounds” exploded.
These cluster burial mounds were small and were considered to be a family-oriented burial method, and the hierarchy itself was considered to be very different from that of burial mound burials up to that time.
The hierarchy itself was considered to be very different from that of the burials in earlier burial mounds.
The distribution of kofun tumuli, which are large, “once in a generation” structures, is substantially larger in the Nara Basin region than in other regions of Japan.
I think that the distribution of kofun tumuli, which are large, “once-in-a-generation” structures, is substantially greater in the Nara Basin region.
The phrase “Issei-ichi” may have origins related to ancient tombs.
Kofun “buildings” were created as an expression of respect for the individual.
The basis for this is probably the traditional Japanese view of life and death, “burial in the ground.
As I mentioned yesterday, the spread of Buddhism from such a time period led to the establishment of the burial mound.
The custom of “cremation,” in which Shakyamuni himself was buried, was introduced to Japan.
Emperor Mochito, who was the empress of Emperor Temmu, was cremated and her own bones were buried in a burial mound that she had built for her husband, Emperor Temmu.
Emperor Mochito, who was the Empress of Emperor Temmu, had her own bones buried in a burial mound that she had built for her husband, Emperor Temmu.
The last two emperors of Asuka-kyo symbolize the changes in Japanese society.
The change in the Japanese view of life and death began during the final days of Asuka-kyo.
The third photo is a model exhibit of the “cremation tomb” of Taian Wanpo, a court official.
The third photo shows a model of the “cremation tomb” of Taian Manpo, a court official.
This may be the origin of the epitaph that accompanies our gravestones today.
The changes in Japanese society regarding this view of life and death continued for a long time.
During the Edo period (1603-1867), cremation was widely practiced in Japan, but the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912) led to the Shintoist movement to ban cremation for a period of time.
A decree banning cremation was issued for a period of time, but was withdrawn after about two years.
This was due to a serious “land problem.
After all, burial in the ground would soon fail in the narrow land area of Japan.
Perhaps the dichotomy between land use and burial methods has always existed in Japanese society.

However, after death, burial is also deeply related to a person’s “way of life.
The souls of our predecessors who were sent in the form of burial mounds, and their thoughts and feelings
We, the future generations, would like to take in the “spirituality” of our ancestors.
I would like to emphasize the importance of the connection between the two.

【古代の建築デザイン「メスリ山古墳」 奈良・飛鳥探索-12】




English version⬇

Ancient architectural design “Mesriyama Tumulus” Exploring Asuka, Nara – 12
The construction of a small hill by civil engineering work and the elaboration of its form send a message like a riddle with thatched stones and haniwa clay figurines. Architectural semantics. …

There are many romantic spots in the areas adjacent to Asuka and Asuka.
Sakurai City, 5-6 km from Asuka in a straight line, is home to these burial mounds.
In fact, there are too many kofun tombs in this area.
One of the main reasons why the Japanese kings were forced to leave this area was
One of the main reasons why the Japanese kings had to leave the area was that there were too many burial mounds of influential people, and there was no more land available for effective use.
In parallel, the custom of “cremation” took root in Japan.
The first record of cremation is attributed to the monk Dosho in 700, who is considered the originator of Buddhist-style funerals.In parallel with the full-fledged introduction of Buddhism, the construction of kofun (burial mounds) declined.
The last two emperors of Asuka-kyo, the couple Temmu and Jito, were both buried in one burial mound.
During the Mochito period, the practice of cremation became a kind of boom.
Mochito himself was cremated and placed in the burial mound with Temmu.
It is a very funny story that they must have been a close married couple.
At the same time, the situation seems to have been intertwined with such circumstances.

The third photo is an aerial view.
〜The length of the mound is 224 meters (some say 250 meters). The rear part is built in three stages
128 meters in diameter and 19 meters high. Each tier is surrounded by rows of cylindrical haniwa terra-cotta tombs, and on the slope is a thatched stone the size of a human head.
There are two rows of cylindrical haniwa densely packed at the top of the three levels of the rear circle and square platform.
The top of the mound is spaced between two rows of haniwa.
The enclosure of the bamboo fence-like haniwa at the top of the rear circle is about 11.3 meters long and 4.8 meters short.
The height of the platform is not less than 1 meter. Cylindrical haniwa with a diameter of 1 meter is
The cylindrical Haniwa stands at the innermost corner of the row of square Haniwa, dividing the corners and edges equally.
The haniwa is 2.4 meters high and 1.3 meters in diameter, the largest of its kind in Japan.
Although the scale and burial goods are of the level of the great tombs, there is no tradition of the tomb as a mausoleum in the Chronicles of Japan or the Engishiki.
Considering the size of the burial mound, the size of the haniwa terra-cotta tomb, the burial facilities, the facilities to store the by-interment goods, and the relics, this burial mound is considered to be a tomb of great power and authority.
This burial mound is thought to be the tomb of an emir who boasted of his great power.

When the scale of the building and the persistence in its construction are considered together, and even the sense of decoration of the rows of haniwa terra-cotta tombs is included, it is difficult to comprehend.
It is difficult to understand the huge size of Haniwa in the exhibition.
I was surprised at the enormity of Haniwa in the exhibition.
It is a tomb, so the people around the buried person, the heirs to the power, are the legitimate testimony of the power inherited from the buried person.
It can be guessed that the people around the buried person, the inheritors of power, built the tomb as a proof of the legitimacy of the power they inherited from the buried person.
Especially, the colonnaded design of the terra-cotta tombs must have had a strong message.
The Egyptian Sphinx is also said to have a message of mystery about the motive of its construction.
But, I think that Japanese ancient tombs and Haniwa have the same experience.
I think that Japanese ancient tombs and Haniwa have the same kind of experience. I think the same kind of experience can be found in Japanese ancient tombs and haniwa (clay tombs).
It may be the purpose itself that keeps attracting people for a long time.
It seems to me that this is a question of “architectural design” from the ancients. …

【経済を勃興させる激動期 奈良・飛鳥探索-11】




English version⬇

Nara and Asuka: A Period of Economic Upheaval
The dispatch of troops to Hokkaido, the Battle of Hakumurage, and the civil war during the Jinshin Rebellion. It was truly a boiling crucible of the times. The economy must have been booming as well. The economy must have been booming.

Yesterday, I used the expression “time capsule.
I have spent time analytically, organizing and organizing the archaeological materials and exhibits
I have spent time analytically, organizing and organizing them, and I have the impression that I am reliving the DNA of the people far beyond time.
I have the impression that I am vividly reliving the DNA of a people far beyond time.
I feel as if the way of life of the people who supported the Asuka Palace and made it a reality
The people’s way of life that supported and actualized the Asuka Palace seems to float vividly in my mind.
This was a truly tumultuous century.
The development of the country was vigorous, and trade and logistics with the various regions of the archipelago expanded.
Then, the army was mobilized to fight in the Battle of Hakuchon River. A summary is as follows.
In May 661, the first group of Japanese troops departed. The commanders were Azumi Hirao, Sayi Betelang, and Pak Shi Qinzou Tada Raizu.
It was an advance party to escort King Toyohzhang, with over 170 vessels and a force of over 10,000 men.
The second group: 27,000 men. The main force of the army. The commanders were Jomo-no-kun-chiko, Geo-sesagami-mae-sin Tsugyo, and Abenohirao.
Abenohirau, who is related to Hokkaido, also went to war here.
Incidentally, his attack on Sukushin in the northern part of Japan took place from April 658 to May 660.
The Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan) records that Hirao, the governor of Koshi Province, carried out the conquest of the Emishi and Sukushin.
As evidence, Hirao offered two live brown bears and 70 brown bear skins.
Since the line of the Tsugaru Straits is strictly in the ecosystem, I think the expedition to Hokkaido was a fact.
In this period, the royal power of Asuka showed active military activities to the north and west.
Could it be said that the military aspect of Emperor Nakataiohito, later Emperor Tenchi, came to the surface?The size of the army dispatched to the Hakumura River was close to 40,000 in total.
Considering the size of the population, this was a truly adventurous and extreme period of national pioneering.
To inspire the dispatched army, the courtesan Nukata-no-ou recited what might be considered a famous proclamation.
Wait for the moon, wait for the tide, row out now!
He must have been wearing a lot of fancy jewelry (laughs).
The climax of a truly turbulent era.
After the defeat in the war, castle construction was vigorous throughout the country, including Yashima Castle, for the defense of the land.
Then, in 672, after the death of Tenchi, a civil war called the Jinshin Rebellion broke out.
Throughout these turbulent times, Asuka was a major stage.
Naturally, the country’s dynamic succession of changes would have resulted in vigorous economic activity.
The production of ironware would have been in full swing, and the various economic activities and logistics that supported it would have been unprecedentedly active.
The various economic activities and logistics conditions that supported them must have been booming like never before.
Like the Korean War special procurement during the postwar reconstruction period, war brought about a vigorous industrial upsurge.
Illustrations in the panel exhibition at the Archaeological Museum of Kashihara, Nara, Nara Prefecture
The illustrations in the panel exhibit at the Kashihara Museum of Archaeology are probably imaginary drawings based on archaeological evidence, but they are very vivid expressions.
This vigorous development of the economy and society led to the period of the couple, Ammu and Mochito, who were the first kings of Asuka in terms of area.
The Asuka area must have become too small in terms of area for royal activities.
As a result, the Fujiwara-kyo and Heijo-kyo Capital and a more spacious royal palace became necessary.
After the defeat at the Hakumura River, the core personnel of the former Baekje power structure were naturalized in Japan, and
This may have had something to do with the establishment of a more powerful royal authority.
Asuka was the cradle of the unification of Japanese royalty and the starting point for the Mahoroba of the country.
I will pause here for a moment as a blog about the exploration of the period, but I will keep Asuka as my lifework.
I would like to continue to think about Asuka as my lifework.
It is as if I am in love with Asuka and longing for her.

【飛鳥宮「跡地整理」タイムカプセル化 奈良・飛鳥探索-10】




English version⬇

Asuka Palace “Site Arrangement” Time Capsule Exploration of Asuka, Nara – 10
The wooden construction method, which allows for the recyclability of construction materials, may have strongly influenced the relationship and culture between the Japanese royalty and the people. …

The more we explore the Asuka Palace, the more we are reminded of the “Mahoroba” of the Japanese nation.
As I was visiting from a remote place, I let my questions flow freely at the Archaeological Museum of Kashihara.
I am sorry to say that I asked a lot of questions to the curator of the museum.
I was very grateful to the curators for their courteous response.
I mainly asked questions about the “garden pond” that I was interested in.
It seemed that there were still many points that had not yet been clarified.
I would like to continue my efforts to solve questions and dig deeper from time to time.
I was able to purchase some of the materials from the museum, and I found the following
I was surprised to read a book titled “The Stage of Ancient State Formation” written by Yasutoshi Tsurumi, chief curator of the museum.
As I was reading the book, there was a surprising passage in the book that made my eyes water.
As I was reading the book, I was struck by a surprising passage: “Asuka Palace was closed down in December 694, when the capital was moved to Fujiwara no Miya.
The Asuka Palace was abandoned in December 694 when the capital was moved to Fujiwara no Miya, but the site was cleared and covered with soil when the facilities were dismantled.
The site was then cleared and the land continued to be used as cultivated land until the present day.
Oh, yes.
I had never heard much information about the fate of royal palace buildings when they are discarded.
I had never heard that much information about the fate of palace buildings when they were discarded.
But as a museum of archaeology, it is natural that they are doing such research.
Today, we see a peaceful rural landscape in Asuka Town.
However, just a little below the surface, as if it were intended to be a time capsule, there are the ruins of an important royal palace in Japanese history.
The ruins of an important royal palace in Japanese history is hidden just a little below that covering, as if it were intended to be a time capsule.
The royal court showed such consideration in its abolition.
In China, where the revolutionary revolution took place, bloody wars were the norm in changing kingdoms.
Many court buildings were generally destroyed by fire in revolutionary wars.
Many of them were authoritative “keystone buildings,” and since the keystones were masonry structures, they were not intended to be moved.
It is likely that the relocation of these buildings was not intended.
Also, many of them are authoritative “platform buildings,” and since the platforms are masonry structures, it was probably difficult for them to be intended for relocation.
The fact that the platforms are masonry structures may also be a major reason why relocation was not intended.
In Europe, where architecture is also built of stone, the idea of relocation is not very common.
As a result, the buildings are abandoned in the form of “ruins.
This is apparently due to the fact that Japanese royal palaces are basically wooden buildings with dugout pillars, which makes it easy to relocate them.
This is apparently due to the fact that Japanese royal palace buildings are basically wooden, dugout-pillar structures that can be easily relocated.
In the same book, it is stated that the handling of materials at the time of demolition of the royal palace building depends on the degree of decay.
The book even confirms the fact that the materials used in the demolition of the palace were sorted into two categories according to the degree of decay.
The timber that was to be moved was carefully excavated, while the timber that was to be discarded was cut down.
The fact is that the timbers that are to be used for relocation are carefully dug up, while those with advanced decay are cut down and a part of the root part is left behind.
The post holes are then covered with “yellowish-brown soil” and the ground is cleared.
The soil was then “covered” with a layer of soil.
As a result, this Asuka Palace was preserved as a time capsule over a period of 1,500 years.
This site has been used for agriculture and preserved for many years.

I feel as if I am seeing the characteristics of Japanese kingship there.
In Asuka, Prince Shotoku set forth his political policy of “Harmony is the key to nobility.
This is not authoritarianism or authoritarianism, but a more “democratic” attitude.
Of course, I do not think this was an “intentional” measure of the royal authority.
but it seems to me that the architectural style involved a relationship between the people and the royal power that is unique in the world.

【飛鳥京「噴水」のホントの意味 奈良・飛鳥探索-9】





English version⬇

The True Meaning of the Asukakyo “Fountain” Exploring Asuka, Nara – 9
The Asuka-kyo Palace was a place for the Japanese to show off their national defense capabilities by demonstrating to China and Korea that they possessed “dangerous civil engineering and architectural technology. Japanese power that can be converted to military force. The Japanese power that can be converted to military force.

I don’t know the definition of the word “fountain.” I am not sure if this stoneware structure can be called a “fountain.
The origin of fountains in Japan can be traced back to Kanazawa Kenrokuen Garden.
There is a theory that the origin of “fountains” in Japan dates back to the Kenrokuen Garden in Kanazawa.
However, as of 2019, the Archaeological Institute of Kashihara recently concluded that the Asuka Kyoen Pond
The water conducting system in the photo may be said to be the beginning of fountains in Japan.The following introduction by the Archaeological Institute of Kashihara, Nara Prefecture (formally known as the Archaeological Institute of Kashihara, Nara Prefecture)
I think it speaks volumes about the significance of this ancient facility.
〜The “Garden Pond” adjacent to the Asuka Palace is large in scale and is paved with stones.
The “Garden Pond” adjacent to the Asuka Palace is large in scale and filled with stones, and its power is astonishing.
No other garden ponds of exactly the same type have been found in China or the Korean peninsula.
The entirety of the garden pond, which tells the story of Japan in the Asuka period, can be seen here. ~.Conversely, why were garden ponds and fountains not actively used as a building technology in Japan after that?
It is also important to investigate why these garden ponds and fountains did not flourish as a building technology in Japan after that.
At present, they appear in ancient history as extremely unique remains.
The pond on the south side of this garden pond is about 30 cm deep.
The bottom of the pond is covered with stones to form a pool-like appearance.
Is it simply to enjoy the coolness of the water with a water conducting device like this?
Or, as I guessed, was it to symbolically show the technical skill of “handling water”?
There is currently no testimony or record of its purpose.Japan was at the stage where it was forced to wake up to international relations.
Considering the “diplomatic” scene under the international situation after the defeat at the Hakuchon River
Japan’s demonstration of its technological national strength was probably a kind of “deterrent force against invasion.
The fact that there is no precedent in China or Korea is the key.
When diplomatic envoys from other countries reported back to their home countries after returning to Japan, they would say, “Japan had this kind of technology….
When diplomatic envoys from those countries reported back to their home countries, they would have been told that “Japan had this kind of technology.
For architectural and civil engineering techniques that process and utilize stone in a variety of ways and handle water at will.
If one thinks of it being applied to fortress construction throughout the country.
Even if they had invaded this country with a large fleet of warships, they would not have been able to foresee victory in the invasion.
After the somewhat reckless expedition to the Baekchon River to rescue Baekje
This Enchonji could have been a diplomatic “weapon” as a security strategy.
Yesterday, we saw the stone quarrying technique.
The bottom of the north pond is also made of hewn stone, as shown in the photo.
I strongly believe that this is part of Japan’s diplomatic strategy of peaceful coexistence.And from such a point of view, it is very likely that the Tang Dynasty gave up its aggression against Japan and turned to friendly relations with Japan.
and the situation in East Asia, where the Tang Dynasty gave up invading Japan, turned to friendly relations, and eventually approved the “Japanese name and Emperor”.
The Tang Dynasty gave up its aggression against Japan and turned to friendly relations with Japan, and eventually approved the “Japanese name” and “Emperor of Japan.
After the peace efforts bore fruit, the importance of the garden pond construction technique declined, and the garden was not restored until the Kenrokuen Garden after the Sengoku Period.
This is consistent with the history of Kenrokuen Garden, which was neglected from the Warring States period onward.

In a volcanic archipelago where rice paddy cultivation is the basic land condition
It is obvious that the development of civil engineering and architectural technology to increase the usable arable land area is inevitable.
I believe that this is the inference that can be drawn from the remains of the garden pond.
How should we defend ourselves against a mad dictator like Vladimir Putin in the modern world?
The “strength” of Japanese society may be put to the test once again.

【古墳時代の「ブロック造」石槨墳墓 奈良・飛鳥探索-8】




English version⬇

Kofun period “block tomb” stone burial mound, Asuka, Nara.
Asuka still retains masonry building techniques such as stone stages that seem to have originated in the Stone Age. As a modern block housing people, we respect it much more. Nara, Asuka

During my visit to Asuka Palace, I was very much impressed by the exhibits at the Archaeological Museum of Kashihara.
I enjoyed the archaeological point of view, or rather, the exploration backed by physical evidence.
I am very much enjoying the clear and logical understanding of the world of archaeology.
I hope to find time to revisit the museum in the future.
On my way back to the house, I found a corner surrounded by plants facing the entrance.
After reading the description carefully, I learned that it was a block building from the Kofun period (!). I was so happy to find out that it was a block building from the Kofun period (!).
Our house is built in Hokkaido with regular block construction and external insulation, so we met our ancestors from far away (laugh).
By the way, the proper name of “stone burial chamber” is
〜A chamber for a coffin made of stone. It was made by piling up natural stones or combining hewn stones.
A facility inside a burial mound to hold a corpse. A stone chamber. 〜A stone burial chamber.
This stone burial chamber is located in Sada, Takatori Town, Nara Prefecture, near Asuka Village.
This stone burial chamber is a full-scale reconstruction of the one in the Sokuakijin burial mound in Sada, Takatori-machi, Nara Prefecture, near Asuka Village.
The hewn stone burial chamber is unique among the architectural structures of the Asuka period.
In order to clarify the construction technique, the burial chamber was made of tuff, which is a homogeneous material.
However, the ceiling and the entrance part are based on a presumptive restoration.
The restoration was realized in 1984, thanks to the efforts of the masonry engineers of the time, according to the report.
〜The slope of the ridge of the hill was cut and leveled, and a 20-meter-diameter, 4-meter-high circular burial mound was built in the center of the slope using a printing technique.
A circular mound was built in the center of the hillside using the printing technique. The mound is made of tuff piled up in steps and opened on the south side.
The interior is 3.12m long, 2.06m wide and 2.5m high.
(The interior is 3.12m long, 2.06m wide, and about 2.5m high (exact measurement is difficult due to the damage caused by theft). The floor is covered with double
The walls are made of five layers of stone, and the floor is covered with plaster.
There are almost no coffins or burial accessories, but there are some teeth of the deceased and a piece of lacqueous film, which appears to be a fragment of a wooden coffin.
There are few coffins and burial accessories, but there are some teeth of the deceased and a piece of lacquer film, which is thought to be a fragment of a wooden coffin.
At the end of the Edo period, there was a story that the burial mound was compared to the mausoleum of Prince Kusakabe, and the land was taken away to designate it as a mausoleum.
It is believed that the tomb was intentionally destroyed by local people who feared that their land would be taken away to designate the tomb as a mausoleum.
The tomb is believed to have been intentionally destroyed by local people who feared that their land would be taken away to designate the tomb as a mausoleum. The actual age of death and the style of the burial mound are more important than the age of death and the style of the burial mound.
Based on the age of death and the style of the burial mound, the mausoleum of Emperor Kusakabe was designated as a specific site about 260 m north of here.
The age of death and the style of the burial mound suggest that Emperor Kusakabe’s mausoleum was not located at Mayumi-oka-ryo (Okamiya Emperor’s Mausoleum), which is 260m north of here. ~~

It is interesting to get a glimpse of the various circumstances.
Although damage from theft is unavoidable to some extent, if the site is designated as a historic site, the landowner will be subject to various restrictions that make it impossible to use the land.
However, if the land is designated as a historic site, the landowner is subject to various restrictions that make it impossible to use the land.
It is also understandable that the destruction of a site is done in favor of pragmatism.
The divergence between the practical interests of the people living in that era and the historical value of the site.
But even so, the so-called “kumi-masonry” architecture, which is
In the case of modern block construction, a hollow space is created and reinforced with reinforcing steel bars.
In an age without such technology, and in a country like Japan, which is prone to frequent earthquakes, how did these structures survive?
I was wondering how they had survived in such a time and in the earthquake-prone land of Japan.