
【稲作の文化、祈り、農耕祭祀 日本列島37,000年史-26】




English version⬇

Rice Culture, Prayer, and Agricultural Rituals: A 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Islands – 26
Rice cultivation and agriculture necessitated “matsuri” rituals and “goddesses” as priestesses. The wooden bird shape carrying the rice spirit is reminiscent of the yatagarasu (three-legged crow) of the Shinmu expedition. ・・・・・・.

Now, during the “Rice Cultivation” panel exhibition at the National Museum of Japanese History
I suddenly noticed an illustration at the top of the page that caught my attention.
Rice cultivation is an activity that involves a great deal of labor over the course of a year.
The character for “rice” is 88, and the word “peasant” represents a lot of labor.
The farmer “reads” the seasonal changes in nature, plants seedlings, and concentrates his labor in accordance with the changes in the seasons.
After concentrating a great deal of labor in accordance with the seasonal changes, the harvest finally arrives in the fall.
It is an economic activity that is inextricably linked to the changes of nature.
In this way, it is essential to pray for rain in response to the natural climate.
Even in the Jomon period, there were prayers to nature.
However, in the Yayoi period, when rice cultivation was the means of obtaining food, praying to the natural climate became even more essential.
The Jomon’s greatest “means of production” was human power, and prayer in this context meant
Prayer for human “life and death” seems to have been the main theme of rituals, whereas in the Yayoi period
In the Yayoi period, however, the emphasis seems to have been more oriented toward control of nature.
Prayers for the acquisition of food during the hunter-gatherer stage and prayers during the agricultural stage seem to have changed drastically, with the latter being more in line with the annual work of agriculture.
It is easy to imagine a parallel to the annual work of agriculture.

In rice culture, birds were thought to be carriers of “rice spirits.
The illustration is “based on examples from the Tokai region around the 2nd century, using bird-shaped wooden objects.
The “festival” at the time of rice planting to call the “rice spirit” (Inadama), the spirit of grain, and pray to the god of rice fields for a good harvest.
The illustration is said to be an imaginative reconstruction of a “festival” held at the time of rice planting.
Intuitively, it is enough to remind us of the existence of Himiko or “Yatagarasu,” the three-legged crow.
Prayer in an agrarian society created its own shaman as a “matsuri” demand.
This became a schedule that followed the seasonal changes of the year.
If the power of luck possessed by these individual shamans could bring benefits to the Yayoi village society, it would be possible for the shamans to become a part of the community.
It is easy to imagine that such individual shamans would have been revered by the people of the Yayoi period if they brought benefits to the village society.
I believe that Himiko, who “makes the path of demons better,” was directly connected to the benefits of the present world.
Matsuri becomes a “festival event” as it becomes scheduled.
Rice cultivation is a collective work, and the chain of command becomes organized.
Regardless of whether in the East or the West, agricultural societies, politics, and religion evolved in unison.
Eventually, when the Yamato royal authority, Jinmu, came to the Nara Basin on his “eastern expedition,” he was led by Yatagarasu.
The myth of Yatagarasu leading the way is an illustration of the belief that
The myth that Yatagarasu led the way during the Yamato Kingdom’s “eastward conquest” of the Nara Basin may suggest that beliefs like those in this illustration existed as foreshadowing in the hearts of the people.
In the illustration below, the rice harvest is carried to a warehouse on stilts.
In the illustration below, we can understand that the rice harvest is carried to a warehouse on stilts, but the warehouse on stilts secretly depicts “Senki,” which is characteristic of shrine architecture (laugh).
Thank you, the “imprint” of the folks at the National Museum of Japanese History is interesting.

I would like to visualize the mental transformation from a hunter-gatherer society to an agrarian society in this area.
I strongly wish to visualize the mental transformation from a hunter-gatherer society to an agrarian society.
I would also like to ask how the reality of these “festivals” is reflected in the Yangtze River estuary, where rice cultivation and agriculture emerged in Asia.
I am also interested in comparing the culture of the Yangtze River estuary, the place where rice farming emerged in Asia.

【水田農耕/東アジア世界の交流 日本列島37,000年史-25】



English version⬇

Paddy Field Farming / East Asian World Interaction: 37,000 Years of Japanese Archipelago History-25
Traces of advanced agricultural engineering can be seen in the northern part of Kyushu in the early period. Was the entire advanced rice production technology system introduced to the archipelago? The history of agriculture in Japan and the East Asia

Paddy field agriculture has been a decisive factor in the social formation of the Japanese archipelago throughout human history.
The Jomon period is estimated to have had a population of about 200,000 people.
The ability to produce large amounts of food and sustain a large population would have been revolutionary.
Since its arrival in the Kitakyushu region in the 10th century B.C., around 3,000 years ago, the Japanese people have been able to produce and sustain a large population.
The history of the development of the Japanese archipelago has proven that the “one grain, ten thousand times as large” concept is in fact a reality.
In terms of population, the number of people has increased from 200,000 to 120 million over the past 3,000 years.
This means that the staple food has occupied a position that can feed a population 600 times larger than before.
The “history” that followed in this archipelago can be said to have had rice as its backdrop.
It must have been such a decisive event.
It was so huge that it is hard to imagine now.
But at its origin, it must have had a revolutionary power.
According to the latest research, rice cultivation originated in China’s Yangtze River basin, and the remains of the Samudu site on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River have yielded evidence of charcoal production dating back approximately 7,000 years.
Carbonized rice and tools believed to have been used for rice cultivation have been excavated from the ruins at the Kawamudu site on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, which date back approximately 7,000 years.
From there, it is believed to have spread throughout the Asian world.
The hot and humid climate of the Japanese archipelago may have been optimal for rice cultivation, but it is also believed to have spread throughout Asia and the rest of the world.
The Japanese archipelago society was vigorously developed as a region of unlimited rice development.
A rice revolution swept over the Japanese archipelago.
For those who had lived the dream of peace in the Jomon era
How was this revolution received by the people who had lived the dream of peace in the Jomon period?
I think it was a revolution so fundamental that it probably cannot be compared to the impact of the opening of Japan to the outside world in the Meiji era.
On the other hand, Japanese society has been very flexible in accepting such changes.
I think, on the other hand, Japanese society has a very flexible ethnicity in terms of accepting such changes.
Furthermore, Japan may not be very good at “changing” such changes.

A drawing at the Itazuke site, Fukuoka Prefecture, shows “water use” around 3,000 years ago.
Irrigation civil engineering to draw water to such paddy field preparation civil engineering.
The wisdom and ingenuity from the start of paddy rice cultivation in the Yangtze River estuary area
The knowledge accumulated over 4,000 years has already been accumulated at the stage when it was introduced to this archipelago.
It is thought that the technology was introduced in line with this knowledge.
What was the social relationship with the Jomon people at this time?
Perhaps they focused on the land “in the reed field” like low marshland
How did the people of the Jomon tradition of living perceive this situation?
It is interesting to see how they perceived these situations.
During the Jomon period, active inter-regional exchanges took place by ship, so it is interesting to see how people who lived a traditional Jomon lifestyle would have perceived this situation.
It is natural that information and technology were introduced from the Korean peninsula through such exchanges.
It is possible that migration from the peninsula and continent was one of the various forms of exchange.
The third figure is a graph of rice spreading across the archipelago based on carbon-14 dating.
The chart shows the gradual spread of rice from northern Kyushu to the Setouchi area, Kinki area, Ise Bay area, northern Tohoku area, central Kanto area, and so on.
The gradual progression of rice to the archipelagic regions is beautifully expressed in this graph.

【農耕社会化と極東の国際関係 日本列島37,000年史-24】




English version⬇

[Agricultural Socialization and International Relations in the Far East: The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago – 24]
Jomon shifted to Yayoi society with the development of agriculture. Power and warfare become more active and bloody. Writing was developed and accepted as a means of recording production. …

Well, the 13-part “Jomon Series” has come to an end…
As I myself relive the excitement of the National Museum of Japanese History exhibit
Paleolithic – Jomon strongly shook my soul.
And somewhere in my heart, I wished the people of the Japanese archipelago had not gone all the way to the Yayoi period
I can’t stop the feeling of “I wish the people of the Japanese archipelago had not gone to the Yayoi period” from overflowing in my heart (laugh).

Is it a regret for the Jomon’s original “abundance” of the land, or is it a desire for the Yayoi to be able to live in the Yayoi period?
or that the post-Yayoi historical process was defined by a strong relationship with the East Asian world?
or perhaps it is the inexpressible “horror” of the fact that the post-Yayoi historical process was defined by a strong relationship with the East Asian world.
But agriculture, the means of production, made it possible to feed a large population, and power and the state were overtly established.
The development of writing and language as a tool to record this process.
The simultaneous development of writing and language as a tool for recording this development is a development of mankind that is more real than anything else.
This is, above all, what has actually occurred in our archipelagic society.
We have no choice but to “accept” it, whether consciously or unconsciously.
The development of relationships is an inevitable consequence of the social development of the Jomon period.
In the transition of human society, many people continued to live on the Chinese mainland
There is no doubt that the Chinese mainland has been the main sphere of human civilization closest to the Japanese archipelago.
Neither the people of the peninsula nor we islanders can escape this influence.
First of all, we have accepted the written word.
We received a means of abstracting the “concepts” of human society.
There is no doubt that the foundation for this was the acceptance of agriculture.
I believe that this is a deep-seated necessity of agricultural civilization.
There is a four-letter idiom that says, “One grain multiplies ten thousand times.
The people of the archipelago experienced the miracle of having this literally realized through rice cultivation.
The archipelago was also more suitable for rice cultivation than the original region of southern China.
The peninsula region did not develop well, but the archipelago was the perfect place for rice cultivation.
The panel exhibition shows the emergence of rice cultivation in Asia around 5000 B.C., which was followed by the emergence of rice cultivation in the 800-700 B.C. period.
This was followed by the appearance of Yayoi earthenware in conjunction with rice cultivation in Kitakyushu around 800-700 B.C., and then the appearance of Yayoi earthenware in the vicinity of 700-600 B.C.
By 700-600 B.C., Yayoi earthenware spread to the Kinki region and the Ise Bay area.

On the Chinese continent, where agricultural society emerged early, the “state” emerged.
The social stratification of domination and subjugation, and class discrimination
The production that resulted from agriculture was the result of the production of goods and services.
The products of agriculture could be stored for long periods of time.
and stored in warehouses on stilts.
This was both a “clarification of wealth” and a desire to “take.
The logic of war, “fight to take,” was strongly imprinted on mankind.
The development of writing was also an inevitable means of quantifying this wealth.
The deterrence of war that runs concurrently with this civilization
Humanity created “democracy” as its final wisdom, but even today, in the 21st century
Even today, in the 21st century, the scourge of war continues to spread and human beings continue to suffer.
Can an agrarian society overcome this long-standing negative legacy?

【縄文の家「性能とデザイン」 日本列島37,000年史-23】


・竪穴住居 以外にも



English version⬇

Jomon House “Performance and Design” 37,000 Years of the Japanese Archipelago – 23
Replan magazine describes the orientation of highly insulated houses as “performance and design. We deeply sympathize with the wisdom and ingenuity of our far Jomon predecessors. …

The National Museum of Japanese History’s exploration of the realities of Jomon society is very exciting.
The sharp edge of archaeological exploration drills, such as carbon dating, open up the darkness before the written record.
It has reached an interesting point beyond the level of conventional housing research.
A stimulating panel exhibit titled “Reconstructing Dwellings Around the World.
The theme of the exhibition coincides perfectly with my own life’s work.
The following commentary, “Settlements and Societies around the World,” is a prelude to this theme.
〜The way of settlements and cemeteries differed from place to place. For example, in the Chugoku region
In the Chugoku region, for example, settlements and cemeteries were small throughout the entire period, but in the Kanto region during the middle period, large-scale settlements were formed.
The social patterns of these regions were also very different from each other. ~.
In the Jomon period, population distribution in the archipelago was dominated by the area north of the Kanto region, while western Japan was relatively inactive in terms of land use, and the area north of the Kanto region was relatively small.
The Jomon period population distribution in the archipelago during the Jomon period was dominated by the Kanto region and northward, and western Japan was relatively inactive in land use.
With the advance of global warming, was the present cold region more advantageous?
Or perhaps the humans who settled in the archipelago came from northeast Asia, following the mammoths.
or that the human population that settled in the archipelago was mainly descended from people who arrived after the mammoths from Northeast Asia?
Recent DNA analysis of the Japanese population seems to be leaning toward the latter view.
We will have to wait for the results of future research. We must wait for the results of future research.

Now, to the main topic, the reconstruction of dwellings used and built during the Jomon period.
〜The most popular type of dwelling at that time was the pit dwelling.
In addition to pit dwellings
Plain dwellings (hottate-bashira)
Cave and rock dwellings (Teishaku-Nagoshi Iwa-in Site, Hiroshima Prefecture)
Stone-paved dwellings (Kanagawa Prefecture, Ziye Otsubo Site)
Roof supported by walls (Yamagata Prefecture, Extrusion Site)
A wall supporting a roof (Extrusion Site, Yamagata Prefecture), and a fence with planks (Yaten Site, Iwate Prefecture).
A variety of styles are said to have existed, both in terms of design and structure.
The materials used to construct the architecture were selected to reflect the local characteristics of the area.
The materials used to construct the buildings were selected to reflect the local characteristics of the region.
I am deeply interested in the Yaten site where “wooden planks” are used.
Is it really planks, and if so, were the planks split with a stone axe?
This seems to be a miraculous development of a construction method, but I would like to confirm whether this is a natural development.
I am also deeply surprised by the stone material laid on the floor of the Ziye Otsubo site.
The use of paving stones for the floor surface in addition to the pit seems to be an attempt to achieve “heat storage performance.
Needless to say, it is a purposeful way to obtain a stable indoor climatic environment throughout the year.
The traces of the “sunken hearth” located from the center of the building to the entrance can also be seen.
The Jomon people also had a natural wisdom.
The Jomon people also used their natural wisdom and ingenuity to create rational and versatile housing.
Replan magazine has been carrying the slogan “Performance and Design” for nearly 20 years.
I believe we were the first to launch the slogan “Performance and Design” in the Japanese housing information scene, but
I am in deep awe of the efforts of those who came before us. …

The Jomon family and the way of life in a house are also explored.
A single dwelling, which is estimated to have housed 5-7 people based on its floor space, was occupied by a nuclear family.
A nuclear family lived in one dwelling, which is estimated to have housed 5-7 people based on the floor space, and a family group of about 3 generations lived together in several surrounding dwellings.
The family is estimated to have been clustered in several surrounding dwellings.
This is consistent with the scale of the burial sites (burial sub-groups) where families were buried together, as mentioned yesterday.

The Jomon people’s commitment to housing and their ingenuity are indescribable.
I can’t help but feel an indescribable sympathy for the ingenuity of the Jomon people (laugh).

【交易は経済と遺伝的安全を保障 日本列島37,000年史-22】




English version⬇

Trade Guarantees Economic and Genetic Security: The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Islands – 22
Exchange and trade ensured the mutual development of village societies, and at the same time, increased human interaction induced intermarriage and guaranteed genetic security. The exchange and trade guaranteed the mutual development of village societies.

The shift from the Paleolithic lifestyle of “movement and mobility” to Jomon settlement gives the illusion that human activities are more localized.
one would think that human activities would have remained within a more localized area.
The figure above illustrates the network between the various regions of the Japanese archipelago.

The figure above illustrates the network among the regions of the Japanese archipelago.
Obsidian from Shirataki, Hokkaido, was traded with Sakhalin and the Amur River estuary.
At the same time, obsidian was excavated in Fukaura, Aomori Prefecture; Oga, Akita Prefecture; and Tsukiyama, Yamagata Prefecture.
Obsidian excavated from Kozushima Island, off the coast of Izu, is found in the Wadatoge area in central Honshu.
It has been discovered in the Kanto to central Honshu area.
The Kurawa site on Hachijojima and other sites on the islands are deeply related to those on Honshu.
The excavation of earthenware and accessories at the Kurawa site on Hachijojima and other sites on the islands indicate that the people “crossed the sea” on a daily basis.
In the Paleolithic period, migration was limited to hunting and gathering, but it is now actively expanding, and the development of regular trade is evident.
The development of regular trade resembles the business travel of modern humans.
What is done by airplanes in the modern age is done by marines traveling by wooden boats that follow the currents of the sea.
Although the means of travel is different, the purpose of travel seems to be exactly the same.
In addition, the panel “People from Outside” also shows traces of migration between villages.
〜The panel also showed traces of inter-mural migration. This is mainly
isotopes are taken into the body mainly by food, and the traces of the “native” land are fixed in the permanent teeth.
The permanent teeth are fixed with traces of the land where they were “born and raised”. From there, it is possible to identify “migrants” inside the mura. ~.
The table shows that more than 30% of both men and women can be seen.
This percentage is not much different from that of today.
We can imagine that marriage is probably the main reason for migration.
The “wisdom” at the DNA level tells us that intermarriage only within the Mula community will eventually cause genetic difficulties.
DNA-level “wisdom” that intermarriage only within a mura village would eventually cause genetic difficulties.
This may be seen as a “wisdom” at the DNA level that intermarriage only within a mura community would eventually cause genetic difficulties.
As a side note, my father was a trader who traveled extensively to
He traveled to a somewhat remote area and fell in love with my mother there (laugh).
What happened in the Showa era seems to have been universal in the Jomon era.

Mutual development through such active “trade” will further create a flow of purposeful
It is only natural that the mutual development through such active “trade” would give birth to more purposeful economic motives for regional development.
The search for rare stones such as obsidian, which has been the foundation of industry since the Paleolithic period, led to the search for underground resources and the creation of “local products.
The search for underground resources for rare stones such as obsidian, which has been the foundation of industry since the Paleolithic period, and the production of “local specialties” developed further.
They produced jade products, polished stone axes, shell rings, dried shells, salt, asphalt, etc.
As a means of mutual exchange for the enrichment and development of each other’s societies
The economy became the basic means of interaction for the development and enrichment of each other’s societies, and this led to intermarriage and other forms of interchange.
Interregional exchange also ensured genetic security and promoted the development of human society.
The prototype of Japanese society was created during the Jomon period of more than 10,000 years of activity.
Scientific analysis of each event has progressed greatly, and a concrete image of the development of human society has expanded.
The more scientific analysis of each event, the more concrete the image of the development of human society will become. The development of human society is now in the process of being realized.

【人類史「一夫一婦制と家族・家」 日本列島37,000年史-21】




English version⬇

Human History “Monogamy and Family/Home” 37,000 Years of Japanese Archipelago – 21
Monogamy as a choice of monogamy from the beginning of human history, which is now known to the public. The family form of the Jomon period as seen in the tombs. Family and Home

It is strongly believed that human beings have been monogamous from the very beginning.
Isao Sarashina, molecular paleontologist Is humanity unfit for monogamy
The following is a summary.
~The aridification of the environment has led to the shrinkage of forests. As a result, a group of apes were forced to live in sparse forests with only a few trees.
have been forced to live in sparsely forested areas where trees grow only sparsely.
Because food is scarce in sparse forests, they have to roam large areas in search of food.
This is a big problem, especially for females raising their young.
It is difficult for a female to search for food with her young when she needs food for her offspring as well.
However, if there is a male who can bring food (exclusively) to the female and her young
This problem is solved. The cubs would be well fed and grow up nicely. …
If monogamy is used, the male will know immediately which of his offspring is his.
Since he can bring food to his own offspring, his own offspring will grow up better than the offspring of others.
Since his own offspring will resemble him, they are more likely to grow up to be males that will bring food to the females and their offspring.
Thus, in the case of monogamy, a male carrying food will evolve.
If they walk upright and bipedal, it would be convenient for them to carry things by hand. Monogamy would
There would be less fighting between males, so the canines would be smaller. Since humans do not have a mating season
The number of females and males that can mate would be about the same, which would also reduce the number of male-male conflicts.
This circumstantial evidence is currently the most promising theory to explain why humans evolved from apes.
This is currently the most popular theory to explain why humans evolved by splitting off from apes. 〜End of quote.

After learning that this theory has become the dominant theory in human history
I have been strongly influenced by this theory in my life’s work, “House and Human Beings”.
From a macroscopic point of view, I was able to concentrate on the point of “home and family.
Or rather, I was deeply aware of the direct connection between human evolution and house building.
The prehistory, Paleolithic and Jomon periods in the National Museum of Japanese History exhibition underwent a major transformation this time.
The National Museum of Japanese History has been greatly enriched by the recent research results on prehistory, Paleolithic and Jomon period.
An interesting exhibition structure was found on this theme. The above panels are the most interesting ones.
The third panel in particular shows the tombs of certain geneticists.
The third panel in particular focuses on a specific genetic tendency
The third panel in particular focused on a particular genetic tendency and showed that the probability of its occurrence in a particular grave site was 1 in 5 million.
It was scientifically and probabilistically proven that the graves were of the same family lineage.
Modern humans also have a grave system that perpetuates the concept of family even after death.
This is truly a welcome advancement in scientific research.

The concept of family has existed since the beginning of human evolution.
It is only with the family that we can see that evolution was possible.
The house, as a place to live, probably retains traces of culture that we do not notice.
I would like to discuss the starting point of looking at people while looking at their homes.
It will be possible to have a dialogue with these Jomon people.

【死と弔い・縄文格差社会の実相 日本列島37,000年史-20】





English version⬇

Death and Mourning: The Reality of the Jomon Disparity in Society 37,000 Years of the Japanese Archipelago – 20
It is becoming “visible” that the “festival” symbolized by the sister-brother relationship between Himiko and the political powers has its origins in the Jomon. …

Yesterday, I wrote about the female deity representation of clay figurines and its analogy to the ancestral form of Amaterasu.
It was about the power of birth, which is the basis of human beings.
When human beings are born, they must die. With what kind of mentality did human society accept death?
The Jomon period showed us the reality and the “disparity” that can be seen from it.

The huge theme of human death is the basis of the rituals of all societies.
The more a society develops, the more it relies on “human power,” which is the basis of its evolutionary power.
The more a society develops, the more it relies on “human power,” which is the basis of its evolutionary power.
It is obvious that human life expectancy has increased, especially since the beginning of settlement.
In the Paleolithic Era, when hunting was the basic means of obtaining food
physical exercise capacity would have been closely related to human life span.
However, as methods of food production that did not rely solely on physical strength were acquired, the role of “experiential knowledge” in society became increasingly important.
There is no doubt that the role of “experiential knowledge” in society has dramatically improved.
The sum total of experiential knowledge of where to go and what kind of food to obtain is
The sum total of experiential knowledge about where to go and what kind of food to obtain was invaluable information for the village society, and should have been shared.
As the area of such “public knowledge” expanded
As the area of such “public knowledge” expanded, the existence of a kind of “Naga~osah” that stores and preserves information became crucial.
This was essential for the maintenance and development of society.
As a result of these social requirements, certain individuals and their “family lineage” were given a “special status,” so to speak.
It was a natural consequence of these social needs that certain individuals and their “family lineage” gained “special status,” so to speak.

〜The tombs in which artifacts such as stone poles and jade jewelry have been excavated have been understood to be those of the higher hierarchies.
understood to be the tombs of the upper hierarchy. Visualization of social stratification. ~ “The Life of the Jomon People
〜The life of a Jomon man” – Around the age of 50. They are the leaders of the village, and they negotiate and coordinate among the villagers.
He is the leader of the village, negotiates and coordinates between villages, and guides the younger generation. Such “special people” were mostly male in eastern Japan and female in western Japan.
In western Japan, most of these “special people” were women. 〜From an exhibition panel at the National Museum of Japanese History.
For individuals who possessed human power, which was decisive for Jomon society
It is natural that a “special form” is taken for their death.
When buried, the prestige material is enshrined for its specialness.
It is also natural that “specialness” was demonstrated in the scale of the grave.
What seemed to be a “primitive communist society” in the archaeological phase at the time of Marx and Engels was in fact a “primitive communist society.
In fact, it is becoming clear that such an understanding is unscientific.

Unlike the prehistoric remains of continental societies, where the killing of all male DNA is common.
Unlike the prehistoric remains of continental societies, where the killing of all male DNA is common.
I believe that this kind of human historical perspective is possible in the Japanese archipelago, a region with a high degree of continuity in the traces of archaeological sites.
And, as these matters of “public knowledge shared by the society” are layered
This is the reason why the metaphysical phenomenon of “matsuri seiji,” which is an abstraction of such “public knowledge shared by society,” occurred.
The word “matsurigoto” in Japanese has both of these meanings.
It represents two aspects of social decision-making, so to speak.
The larger concept is that of “ritual.
Politics may express the authority of everyday decision-making.
Is it also symbolized in the relationship between Himiko in the later period and her sister and brother with political authority?

【土器・土偶の原日本的感性 日本列島37,000年史-19】



English version⬇

The Original Japanese Sensibility of Earthenware and Clay Figures: The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago – 19
The thematic universality of the female body bearing a child as an expression of the emergence period of Mura-integrated rituals. The missing link between clay figurines and the myth of Amaterasu. The Missing Link between Clay Figure and the Myth of Amaterasu.

Earthenware was the first culture to be created when the Jomon period began in the Japanese archipelago.
These were the first tools developed as “containers” for storing hard fruits and other foodstuffs.
These were probably the first tools to be developed.
Clay, which is ubiquitous in the soil of the archipelago, was moistened to form strips of clay, which were then piled on top of each other to form the vessel.
The clay, which is ubiquitous in the soil of the archipelago, was piled on top of each other to form the vessel.
Unique shapes of earthenware are said to have been excavated in each region of the archipelago.
In the budding historical period, distinctive earthenware from all regions of Japan was excavated from the Sumamukai site in the Nara Basin, but it is not clear whether the earthenware was made by a group of people from all regions of Japan.
It is thought that they are probably remnants of the products of the people who gathered from various regions of the country and brought with them products from each region.
The pottery is thought to be the remnants of trade between people from different regions of Japan who brought products from their respective regions. (This will be discussed in a series of articles.)
It is likely that unique earthenware was made to match the soil composition and products of each region of the archipelago, which varied slightly from region to region.
The unique earthenware was probably made in accordance with the slightly changing soil composition and products of each region of the archipelago.
The techniques used to make clay figurines gradually became the foundation for the creation of clay figurines expressing spirituality.
The Jomon people’s sensitivities, prayers, and wishes were expressed in these clay figurines.
The Jomon people’s sensitivities, prayers, and wishes must have been expressed in these clay figurines.
Taro Okamoto, a well-known radical artist, was strongly influenced by these clay figurines.
In Yayoi society, such symbols of prayer were transformed into haniwa (clay figurines) that decorated the tombs and their surroundings.
Haniwa clay figurines are very “plain” in their expression.
Haniwa are very “plain”, whereas Dogu (clay figurines) are very rugged, spellbinding, and symbolic in a deformed way.
Taro Okamoto’s intuition may have led him to see in them a proto-Japanese mentality.
Since my youth, I have been in the mood to agree with this view.

Since this kind of “symbolic expression” is said to express a part of ritual politics, it is not surprising that the Jomon settlements have evolved.
I think that even in the stage of evolution of Jomon settlement, they were magical/religious objects.
The tombs of the powerful and haniwa clay figurines have a strong political expression that was replaced by the introduction of Buddhism later.
It is highly likely that clay figurines of the Jomon period were also used for ritual politics in each region.
There is no doubt that clay figurines of the Jomon period were objects expressing spirituality, symbolism, and rituals.
The impression becomes more convincing when we consider that the clay material in the shape of a band was used to express facial expressions.
In this way, do clay figurines contain the Japanese divinity of 8,000,000?
The expression is very indigenous, as if it was created from the ground.
The most common themes of expression for clay figurines are the reproduction of human beings, the motherhood of giving birth to a child, and the mother’s love for her child.
The most common theme of clay figurines is the reproduction of human beings, motherhood giving birth to a child, and the deformed form of the mother’s body.
Clay figurines express emotions more akin to prayer than to ritual.
The clay figurines with the image of a pregnant female body may have continued to be made as an expression of feelings similar to prayer, rather than as a form of ritual.
When people introduced rituals as a tool for group cohesion
When people introduced ritual as a tool for group cohesion, did they adopt motherhood and motherhood as a symbol or theme that all members of the group could agree on?
Perhaps it is the idea that “in the primitive times, women were the sun.
Is this a similarity to the fact that Amaterasu, the ancestral goddess of Japanese folklore, is a female deity?
This is a deep missing link between the clay figurines and Amaterasu.
In later times, when the concept of nationhood spread in the Yayoi period
Amaterasu may have used this indigenous concept to become a female deity.
I am now gradually leaning toward this viewpoint.

【土地計画・ムラの「掟」の発現 日本列島37,000年史-18】




English version⬇

Settlement and the emergence of the Mura “code” 37,000 Years of the Japanese Archipelago – 18]
Rational solutions to food scarcity, garbage disposal, infectious disease response, and human relations problems. Land use planning and village rules. Visualization of Jomon. The Jomon Period.

Jomon humans, and the “visualization” of their “social” development.
Subsequently, the foundation of society after the Yayoi period was laid during this Jomon period, which lasted over 10,000 years.
The depth of the Jomon period, when considered as the spiritual history of the archipelago’s society, makes one shudder.
It is gratifying to see that modern exploration is reaching into this area.

Settlement is an epoch that completely separates the pre and post Jomon periods.
The National Museum of Japanese History exhibit is a very innovative look at this stage of history, which has traditionally been only touched upon in a cursory manner.
The exhibit at the National Museum of History and Folklore presents a very innovative exploration of this historical stage, which has been only briefly touched upon in the past.
For me personally, the impact of my baptism into leftist ideology in my youth, and the
The basic imprint of the scientific development of human society, “primitive communist society
The concept of a utopia, one of the main concepts advocated by Marx and Lenin, is nothing more than a “myth” at all.
I believe that it is now being “scientifically” elucidated that it is nothing more than a “myth” at all.
I believe that we are now able to accept it.
By calmly elucidating the development of human society using archaeological methods and carbon dating
I believe that we will be freed from such a “spell” if we continue to elucidate the development process of human society using archaeological methods and carbon dating.
I believe that we can free ourselves from such a “spell” by using archaeological methods and carbon dating to understand how human societies developed over time.
The rules and regulations of society were naturally established.
In the mobile life, the solution to the problem was to “escape from the place.
Food shortages, garbage disposal, infectious diseases, human relations problems, etc.
The need for society to take firm measures to deal with these problems has increased.
As shown in the figure above, the first step was to establish rules for land use.
The stockpiling function of food was expanded, and the “village community” emerged as a way of creating a communal living area.
Rules were established for garbage disposal sites, and communal decisions were made regarding infectious disease control.
Naturally, the development of the community was greatly influenced by the “knowledge” gained during the mobile life stage.
Until then, the main activity was to “search” for the best space for one’s goal from the outside world, but now, people are more actively engaged in “creating their own space.
The act of “searching” for the best space for one’s goal from the outside world until then was replaced by the more active act of “creating one’s own space.
A paradigm shift from passive adaptation to active modification of the environment.

The above diorama is the result of such activities.
The explanation was that it was a reconstructed image of the “Tokyo Shimo-Yakubu Ruins.
It is said to be a site that developed in Tamako-cho, Higashimurayama City, Tokyo.
〜The research to date has uncovered many remains and artifacts dating back to the late Jomon Period (approximately 4,000 to 3,000 years ago).
The remains of the river flow at that time revealed facilities made of wood, a large amount of Jomon pottery and stone tools, unmade round wooden boats, round wooden bows, decorative bows, and wooden bows and arrows.
Wooden products such as round wooden bows, decorative bows, wooden containers, and knitted goods, as well as bones of deer and wild boar, which tell of the diet and natural environment of the time, were also found.
Deer and wild boar bones and plants such as horse chestnut and walnut were excavated in large quantities. 〜The site has been in the area for more than 10,000 years.
Over a period of more than 10,000 years, the human beings of the archipelago created such settlements and village societies.
The next generation of “agricultural” Yayoi society was accepted as an extension of this kind of living area formation.
On the other hand, what was the spirituality of integration in this kind of social life?
Spirituality as a social norm, witchcraft, and rituals must have had a strong basis.
We can also see the establishment of a unified metaphysical norm of ritual government. …

【移動から定住へ人類的文化変容 日本列島37,000年史-17】






English version⬇

The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Islands: The Transformation of Human Culture from Migration to Settlement.
The emergence of “storage” earthenware coincided with settlement. The dramatic shift in diet resulted in a head-on confrontation with a problem that had been solved naturally by migration.

We study history, but it is mainly what has happened since it was recorded in writing.
The word “history” itself is “a written record of events. A record of the process of change and development of the times.
In a deeper lexical sense, the word “history” is generally interpreted as “a written record of events.
The term “history” itself is generally interpreted as “a record of events written in writing. A written official. A person who takes part in writing. A person engaged in writing. The word “scribe” is used to refer to a person who is involved in the writing process.
Writing is thought to have arisen out of the necessity of an agricultural society, so it is not in line with the motive for elucidating the mobile life before that.
It is not in line with the motive of elucidating the mobile life of people before that time.
The human way of thinking must have been greatly transformed by the written records, and it is not possible to optimize the activity of learning.
It seems to be a thought system optimized for the activity of “learning.
It seems that the implications of this paradigm shift from a mobile life to a sedentary life have not yet reached a sufficiently conscious level.
I do not think that the significance of this paradigm shift from a mobile to a sedentary life has yet to reach a sufficiently conscious level.
Writing itself, as a tool for thinking, is a human experience after sedentary and agrarian societies.
It does not seem to be suitable for thinking about the human way of thinking before that time.

Even the present humans have been living for 70,000-80,000 years, and the millions of years of human time before that.
In our subconscious and DNA realms, mobile life is a priori.
As shown in the first photo, migration is universal for ape species.
It is clear that settlement began “very recently,” in the order of 10,000 to 20,000 years.
However, a significant portion of human evolution occurred after settlement.
It can be said that settlement had something to promote such a large evolutionary change.
The fact that this great evolution also took place in the easy-to-understand environment of the Japanese archipelago makes it possible for us to elucidate this area in concrete terms.
We may be able to elucidate this area in concrete terms.

As my thoughts turned to this, I was reminded of the two panels above.
The top panel reads, “Up to now, humans have solved various problems such as food shortage, waste disposal, infectious diseases, and interpersonal problems by moving around on their own.
human beings have solved various problems such as food shortage, garbage disposal, infectious diseases, and interpersonal problems by moving around by themselves”.
This is a great hint, isn’t it?
Global warming has made it more rational for people to settle down as the means of securing food has become more difficult.
This change in conditions is probably the most important factor.
As for other problems, “escape” has been the universal human solution.
It can be thought that humanity was forced to face these issues head-on.

Of course, there would have been facts like this diorama about food security.
The main purpose of food storage was the emergence of the “Jomon Pottery,” a set of tools used for settling in the Japanese archipelago, and the emergence of the Jomon Earthenware.
The appearance of “Jomon earthenware” dramatically coincides with the main purpose of storage.

The “society” that emerged after the settlement of the islands was different from the mobile lifestyle, and it corresponded to a paradigm shift in the level of thinking.
The “society” that emerged after the settlement of the islands must have gradually undergone fundamental changes in response to the paradigm shift in the level of thinking and to the various differences from the mobile lifestyle.
Problems that had been solved a priori in the mobile life
The problems that could be solved a priori in the mobile lifestyle were transformed, and humanity sought solutions to them.
This led to the creation of various social rules
and the concentration of consciousness on rituals and collective spirituality.