




English version⬇

The end of the year is busy, and the desolate nature is healing.
The early winter in the north is gradually getting colder and cooler, and a sense of desolation is evoking a sense of cleanliness. I want to face the busyness of the year with a calm and quiet mind. The first winter in the north is gradually deepening with a sense of coolness and desolation that gives a sense of grace.

I am still occupied with the careful work of putting down roots.
I am still in a state of nervous exhaustion, but now that I have a break, I decided to go for a short drive while on business.
I went for a short drive to Ishikari Beach, near Sapporo.
Here is a shot of Ishikari Beach near Sapporo yesterday.

The natural landscape is not very varied.
It is a lagoon at the mouth of the Ishikari River, but because the river is large
The area of the lagoon has a certain extent.
This is a Hokkaido-like early winter scene that I have been familiar with since my childhood and youth.
The cold air is gradually deepening, and even a small amount of snow cannot easily melt.
The road surface is shiny and shiny, and I drive carefully to brake the car.
The bare trees are swaying in the strong wind.
There is a unique sense of the season that is conveyed through the shimmering of the trees.
The memories of the deepest parts of the land come back to life in various ways.
The landscape of the place where I was born brings back the experiences of the time I have lived.
The landscape of the place of birth is a timeless replay of the experiences of the time in which we have lived.
The landscape of a desolate place without any landmarks, so to speak, as a background, is more likely to be triggered.
The landscape as a background, so to speak, is more likely to be a trigger.
The memories of past scenes excavated in this way tend to have a sweet fragrance
The human brain is capable of such a mechanism.
It is said that such a mechanism is hidden in the way the human brain works.
No matter how severe the experience of nature or life may be
The magic of time has rounded them out, so to speak.

So far this year, there has been little snowfall in Sapporo.
Sometimes a cold wave comes and piles up snow, but the temperature rises quickly and the snow disappears in a flash.
The snow disappears in the blink of an eye.
However, we are only about half a month away from the end of this year.
I wonder what will happen to the cold and snowfall in the next half month or so.
When I looked in front of my house this morning, I saw the first signs of snowplows being dispatched this year.
The end of this year, in which so many things have happened, is approaching every second.
Well, I’m not exaggerating, but I’ve managed to get through the busyness.
I want to spend my time in a calm manner, in sync with the great flow of nature.
With just a little over a week to go, let’s do our best.

【魏志倭人伝・卑弥呼伝説 日本列島37,000年史-44】





English version⬇

The Legend of Himiko, Wei-Shi-Wa-jin-Den: The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago – 44
Approximation of the Mimukai site in Nara and the center of Japan in the Biographies of Wei and Himiko. Positive efforts in the local city of Sakurai. The probability seems high. …

This is a blog series in response to the National Museum of Japanese History’s eye-opening reorganization of its exhibits.
The biggest riddle in the exploration of ancient history, the biography of Wei Wei, is very modest.
Rather, it is introduced like a photograph with animated slide images.
I guess they had no way to deal with this point since there is no archaeological evidence for it.
I agree with such an attitude.
I would rather discuss the “process” of the establishment of kingship in the Nara Plain area.
I think there are much more empirical traces in this area.

I would like to make an inference based on this. The description of the Wei Shih Wahnamen is from a passage in the “Records of the Three Kingdoms”.
The fact is that it was written by Chen Shou of the Western Jin Dynasty between 280 and 297 AD.
It is believed that the description was based on records of visits and oral accounts of the Japanese.
It does not seem to be true that the author, Chen Jue, visited Japan directly.
Therefore, it should be considered that the evidence for each and every one of the contents described has not been solidified.
It should be taken as hearsay information from Japan at the time of the mid-3rd century.
As one compass of understanding, if we identify the date of the Jinmu East Conquest
Many things may be deduced from that as a starting point.
It is certain that Emperor Sojin was the 10th emperor and built a royal palace in Mimamukai, Nara Prefecture.
The estimated date of reign of this Emperor Sojin (there are various theories, but one theory is that he reigned from 266 to 283 A.D.) is
The author of this book, “Wei-Shi-Wa-jin-Den,” is a Japanese writer who wrote about the Japanese nation at that time.
This is about the time when the author, Chen Shou, collected information on the Japanese state at that time.

The current city of Sakurai, the location of the Miamukai site, has established a center for buried cultural properties and a research center for “Miamukai studies.
The city of Sakurai, where the site is located, has established a Center for Buried Cultural Properties and a research center for “Miamukai Studies.
The city of Sakurai, where the site is located, has established a center for buried cultural properties and a research center for “MATSUMAKI studies,” and has been promoting local government-wide efforts and research to make the area “Himiko’s village, the place where the nation began.
I have mentioned this in my past blogs and have been paying attention to it for a long time.
It is said that there was a central ritual center in the Japanese archipelago in the 3rd century.
Located at the foot of Mt. Miwa, the city is also home to the Ogami Shrine.
Chopstick Tomb Tumulus, the earliest forward-rear circular tomb, which is said to be “Himiko’s Tomb,” is also located nearby.
As you can see in the illustration (which seems to be a reconstruction from an NHK program)
As you can see in the imaginary illustration (which seems to be a reconstruction of the NHK program), traces of buildings that are imagined to have been used by the Emperor Sojin as a place for rituals and administration have been excavated.
This group of buildings was not a residence, but rather a base of unity in ritual and political affairs, cohabiting with the deity Amaterasu, as shown in the illustration.
The buildings are thought to have served as a base for ritual and political affairs.
Later, the emperor Takashi intended to separate ritual and politics, and moved the central ritual facility to Ise in later periods.
The central ritual facility was moved to Ise in later generations with the intention of separating rituals and administration.

When I visited the site and considered the geographical linkage with the tomb mound of Chopstick Tomb and Mt.
Sakurai City, there seems to be a high probability for this approach.
After this period, a royal palace was built in the neighboring Asuka, and many kofun tumuli were constructed, including the Ishibutai kofun tumulus.
When the transition of diplomatic exchanges with the East Asian world is also taken into consideration, it is possible to conclude that
It is highly possible that Muko-Mukai was the central region of Japan as described in Wei-Shi-Wa-jin-den.
Reading it back that way, the Wei-Shi-Wa-jin-den becomes even more familiar to us…

【関東中部東海 1-2世紀の世界 日本列島37,000年史-43】




English version⬇

The World in the First and Second Centuries of the Kanto, Chubu, and Tokai Regions: The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago – 42
The Japanese archipelago is the frontier of rice agriculture in Asia. It is thought that the dispersed existence of suitable land for cultivation fostered a strong culture of regional independence. The Japanese Islands

A group of panels analyzing the situation of the Japanese archipelago in the 1st and 2nd centuries at the National Museum of Japanese History.
While northern Kyushu was the entry point for the introduction of cultures from the continent and peninsulas
While northern Kyushu was a cultural gateway to the continent and peninsulas, the eastward expansion of rice paddy farming led to population growth in many areas, forming unique cultural areas that either conflicted with or intermingled with native Jomon culture.
The population growth in each region was accompanied by the eastward expansion of rice paddy agriculture, which resulted in the formation of unique cultural spheres that either conflicted or intermingled with native Jomon culture.
Moreover, Northern Kyushu is too far west of the country as a whole, and the best areas for rice cultivation are located in the Japanese archipelago.
The suitable areas for rice cultivation were scattered all over the Japanese archipelago, showing a decentralized regional development.
Yesterday, we saw the Sea of Japan region, which is considered to be the “Izumo Kingdom.
This is the situation in the core region of the archipelago, the Kanto Chubu Tokai region in the central part of Honshu Island.

The influx of cultural relics of western origin is also evident in these regions.
In the 1st and 2nd centuries, various metal products originating in northern Kyushu, such as mirrors, bronze bells, and iron swords
The materials and shapes of these objects originated in Northern Kyushu.
While the materials and shapes of these objects originated in northern Kyushu, they also had a unique form in the East.
This is a commentary on the dual nature of cultural acceptance and self-assertion.
On the other hand, in terms of the tomb system, circular and square periglottis tombs were constructed.
In Eastern Japan, tombs with ditches have been used since ancient times.
It is natural to think of peri-ditch tombs as a kind of “defense facility.
Does the region of Bando express such a rough endemic character?
Is it possible that such a regional character from this period would give rise to a warrior government in later generations?
The difference is that the Chubu Highland area has circular ditch tombs, while the Tokai to Kanto areas have square ditch tombs.
Although these periglottis tombs are considered to be “common grave sites,” they are gradually being used as a place to store metal products, glass beads, and other items from the west.
The graves of influential people with metalware, glass beads, and other burial accessories from the west are gradually becoming apparent in this area.
The tombs are thought to be “communal grave sites.
The spread of mass-production rice agriculture must have brought about a disparity in society.
Looking at the map in detail, we can see that the western coast of Boso, especially in the Kanto region, and the Sagami region on the opposite coast of Boso.
The sites are concentrated in the Sagami area on the opposite coast of the Kanto region, and are probably the result of the flooding of the Ko-Tone River.
The map also shows that the flooded area of the Ko-Tone River is a large blank area.
In the historical period, “Kamihisa” was protected by the Oyashio, and the highest position in the locality was “Kuso”.
The highest position in the locality is considered to be “Kozuke”. This shows the importance of Boso in the old Kanto region.
It is said that the Tokaido Highway originally crossed the Miura Peninsula to reach Joso.
In the 1st and 2nd centuries, red-colored earthenware appeared in this region.
While pottery from other parts of the archipelago lost color and decoration and became simpler and more utilitarian.
While pottery from other parts of the archipelago lost color and decoration and became simpler and more utilitarian, the eastern world had a stronger awareness of “red coloring”.
In the midst of the shift from Jomon to Yayoi earthenware, it seems as if Jomon sensibilities were showing a kind of resistance.
I wonder if this is because the Jomon sensibility was resisting the shift from Jomon earthenware to Yayoi earthenware.

The Japanese archipelago was a frontier for rice agriculture in Asia.
I think it has a strong aspect like America to the European world in later times.
While they were culturally accepted, they also had a strong sense of independence.
It seems to have been a region where a strong cultural centripetal force, completely different from that of the Korean peninsula, was at work.

【出雲王権か?1-2世紀日本海沿岸 日本列島37,000年史-42】




English version⬇

The Izumo Kingdom: The Sea of Japan in the 1st and 2nd Centuries, 37,000 Years of Japanese Archipelago History-42
The eastward expansion of rice cultivation and agriculture created large population centers in various regions, starting in northern Kyushu. The Izumo Royalty Union was established in these areas. The Izumo Royalty Union was established in these areas.

Northern Kyushu is the gateway to the influx of continental and peninsular cultures in the Japanese archipelago.
Nevertheless, it belongs to the western edge of the archipelago’s society as a whole.
As paddy field agriculture moved eastward, the population grew in the “suitable” areas, and diverse local communities were formed within the archipelago society.
This led to the formation of various regional societies in the archipelago.
The Sea of Japan region was one of the most influential regions in the archipelago.
The Sea of Japan region was one of the most powerful regions in the archipelago, and its own local power became a powerful entity.
The National Museum of Japanese History’s panel “Characteristic Tombs and Kings” explains the following
〜The tombs with overhanging four corners spread mainly in eastern Shimane and western Tottori.
They also extended to the Hokuriku region. In Kyoto and northern Hyogo, square tombs were built on hillsides.
Eventually, among the shared tombs, influential figures with large burial mounds and special burial accessories appeared. ~.
And the “Bronze Artifacts from the Sea of Japan Coast” panel description is below.
〜In the late 2nd century, no region-specific bronze artifacts such as bronze pikes from northern Kyushu and bronze bells from the Kinki region appeared in the Sea of Japan region.
Bronze artifacts unique to the region do not appear in the Sea of Japan region. Bronze rituals and ceremonies are more important than group rituals and ceremonies.
The development of individual tomb rituals was more important than group rituals. ~.
And in “The End of the Bronze Chronicle
〜In the mid-1st century, Izumo had a large number of bronze artifacts buried at the Aragamitani site, including a uniquely shaped bronze sword.
After the 1st century, this rich world of bronze disappeared. ~.
The situation of the “Izumo Kingdom” can still be seen.
The population growth that moved eastward along the Sea of Japan was consolidated into a single collective will.
Such a hypothesis seems to be quite plausible.
These forces gathered in Izumo about one month a year during the kaminashi month, held a meeting, and formed their own federated “nation”.
The Izumo Kingdom was in fact a unique federated “nation.

In the “valuable vessels of western origin,” the leading figures of the coastal areas along the Sea of Japan were involved in trade between the east and west, and obtained valuable goods such as glassware and iron swords.
obtained valuable goods such as glassware and iron swords. All of them originated from northern Kyushu.
goods that were limited in other regions. The advanced nature of the Japan Sea coast during this period can be seen. 〜The “Iron and Steel” section of this report is a good example of this.
Furthermore, in “New Value Created by Iron,” the author explains that iron products not only have value in their own right, but also
Iron products were not only valuable in their own right, but they were also tools for creating new vessels with value. Crystal balls, wooden vessels, green tuff balls
were new material values created by iron. 〜The first time iron was used in the world was in the 1930s.

As the population of the archipelago grew, powerful people emerged in each region.
As trade and exchange expanded among them, the desire for a “united kingdom” gradually
It is easy to imagine that the desire for a “unified kingship” gradually rose as a natural result of the expansion of trade and exchange among them.
The Jinmu line advanced from northern Kyushu to the Seto Inland Sea region.
The Jinmu line advanced from northern Kyushu to the Seto Inland Sea region, where they formed a strong alliance or partnership with the powerful people of the Kibi region in Okayama.
The Kamimu line is thought to have made a brave attempt to land in Osaka Bay and the Namba area.
With the success of such an expedition and the establishment of a royal authority in the Kinai region
It seems natural that Izumo “handed over the kingdom” and followed suit.
Does this represent the historical fact that the Yamato-centered centralization type prevailed over the Japan Sea Rim type as the ruling and ritual structure of the archipelago?
Does this represent the historical fact that the Yamato-centered centralized system triumphed over the Japan Sea Rim system as the ruling structure and ritual structure of the archipelago?

【1世紀の半島地域「三韓」 とは? 日本列島37,000年史-41】



English version⬇

What was the “Three Hans” Peninsula Region in the 1st Century? The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago – 41]
During the period of 600 years between the Shinmu Expedition and the Battle of Hakuchon River in 663, the unified government of Japan was born and had a strong relationship with the peninsular society. …

The peninsula region is very important for “international relations” in ancient times.
It must have had a great deal to do with the birth of Japanese kingship as the region closest to the Japanese archipelago society.
I think it must have had a great deal to do with the birth of the Japanese kingship.
However, we do not hear much dissection of such a relationship.
If the theory of the first century is strengthened, the relationship between northern Kyushu and these regions is not so clear.
The relationship between northern Kyushu and these regions seems to be the core of the theory.
The society of the peninsula during this period consisted of Raknami-gun in the north and later Obihang-gun to the south of Raknami-gun.
The southern region of the peninsula was known as Sanhan.
〜The three Han are the groups and regions that existed in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula from the 1st to 4th centuries.
In 108, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty established four counties under Naknang-gun in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula and ruled it under the county and prefecture system.
The Han people were also ruled directly or indirectly by the Wudang. In the 3rd century, Gongsun, the governor of Liaodong
Bifang-gun was established by Gongsun, the governor of Liaodong in the 3rd century, and played the role of a key station in East Asia
The county played the role of a key station in East Asia, including the three Koreas and Japan, which was located across the sea.
Formation of the Han Nation
After the destruction of Yeoknam-gun in 313 and Obihang-gun the following year by the rapidly growing Goguryeo Dynasty in the north
The indirect rule of Bihang-gun led to a growing movement toward self-reliance among the Han people.
First, the 50-odd states of Mahan were united by Baekje, which was one of the 50-odd states of Mahan.
The 12 countries of the Jinhan region were united by Silla. However, the division of small states continued in Benhan, such as Kara, and the Yamato regime of Japan also moved in.
From the 4th century onward, Korea was known as the Three Kingdoms Period. 〜The fourth century onward, Joseon became known as the Three Kingdoms Period.
The influence of the dissipation of dictatorial powers on the continent was greatly reflected in the Joseon Dynasty.

In such an international situation, Jinmu conquered the east from northern Kyushu and established a royal authority in the central part of Honshu.
This was a highly appropriate move in terms of “geopolitics” in the Japanese archipelago.
On the other hand, however, the Peninsula – northern Kyushu region is a much more advanced region.
The Battle of Hakumura-jiang was on August 27, 663 AD. This was the boiling point.
Peninsular and archipelagic societies seem to have been very closely related and interlocked.
Today, we think of history based on the unconscious assumption of the existence of a nation.
But the decision to deploy troops overseas in response to political tensions on the Korean peninsula seems to me to be a considerable leap of faith.
It is quite a leap of faith.
The decision must have been based on such a strong relationship with the society in the southern part of the peninsula.
Normally, this would be a boiling point, but it is more likely that the decision was made because of the strong ties that exist between the two Koreas on a day-to-day basis.
It is more natural to think that there were strong ties between the two countries on a daily basis, and that the deployment of troops was an extension of those ties.
The defeat at the Hakuchon River also seems to have brought about a major social change in postwar Japan.
The defeat at Baekchonjiang brought about a major shift in Japanese society in the postwar period.
The large number of Baekje subjects who moved to the archipelago also strengthened the royal authority.
The level of ritual government was accelerated by this event.


◇止まらない経済沈没、苦しいときの「日本頼み」か 」という解説。
1 PCR定期検査の廃止
2 48時間以内のPCR陰性証明提示義務の廃止
3 自治体間移動の際のPCR陰性証明提示義務の廃止


English version⬇

China’s “Zero Corona” Policy Totally Defeated?
The dictatorship quickly crumbled in response to the blank check revolution of “no PCR,” “stop Xi Jinping,” and “stop the Communist Party” and abandoned the zero corona? …

Today, we take a pause in our series of articles on world developments and current events.
Recently in China, a “blank slate revolution” has emerged.
In response to the excessive “zero-corona” policy, people, especially young people, have been saying “No more PCRs,” “Stop Xi Jinping,” and “Stop the Communist Party.
The “zero-corona” policy was met with cries of “No more PCR,” “Stop Xi Jinping,” and “Stop the Communist Party.
Abuse IT technology as much as you want to abuse it.
Once it was thought that he had created a state of total surveillance of the people and a dictatorship for life, the
Once the dictatorship was thought to have been created, innocent people raised very simple “democratic” voices against the dictatorship.
The world was on edge, bracing itself for a return of the great repression and terror
But the situation to date has revealed a series of policy setbacks on the part of Xi Jinping.
However, the situation to date has revealed one policy setback after another on the part of Xi Jinping.
According to the latest youtube video on 12/10 by Mr. Shi Ping, who has been living in exile in Japan from China
The Xi administration has suffered a double defeat.
The video also explains that Xi Jinping’s administration has been suffering from a “double defeat,” and that he is “relying on Japan” in times of hardship.
According to the report, Xi Jinping has been using the “zero-corner” policy, which he has been abusing as a means of strengthening his dictatorship, as a policy measure.
The report states that Xi Jinping has been buckling under the criticism of the people for his “Zero Corona” policy, which he has been abusing as a means to strengthen his dictatorship.
Without admitting his own mistakes, Xi Jinping announced the “New Ten Articles,” a change in policy, from the “National Health and Medical Commission of China,” which is directly in charge of the policy.
The situation was explained as follows
1 Abolition of periodic PCR testing
2 Abolition of the obligation to present PCR negative proof within 48 hours
3 Abolition of the obligation to present PCR-negative proof when moving between municipalities
and so on, almost a total self-exposure of the collapse of the “zero-corona policy”.
According to his background explanation, the unprecedented economic crisis looming in China
The background of this policy shift was considered to be the state of fire in Siri.
China’s economic indicators have been deteriorating one after another, he said.
The flight of capital from countries around the world is accelerating.
The Chinese government, which had been taking a stout stance to “let them enter the Chinese market,” is now turning its back on them.
But it was also reported that they are now turning their back on the Chinese market.
They are now taking a “let them enter the Chinese market” attitude, but they are now turning their back on Japan when they are in trouble.

Is this the same political upheaval that has historically repeated itself in China?
So far, his commentary seems to be the pioneer of this factual reporting, so I wonder if what is being said is really true.
I will carefully watch other reports to see if what is being said is really true or not.
We will have to carefully examine other news reports to see if what is being said is really true.
If this is true, it will have a great impact on the world.
Irrational policies such as zero coronas will be thrown out of the entire world.
On the other hand, there is a possibility that the spread of infection will spread in China, where sanitation and medical resources are fragile, and this will be a major setback to the global economy.
This would also be a major setback for the global economy.
It is also a destabilizing factor for the economies of the Asian region as an economic zone.
It is highly likely that it will hit Japan directly.
We need to watch these developments closely for a while.

【国家創成=経済発展と神武東征 日本列島37,000年史-40】



English version⬇

The Creation of a Nation = Economic Development and the Jimmu Expedition to the East 37,000 Years of the Japanese Archipelago – 40]
Eastward expansion of rice paddy farming throughout Japan. The economic and social development by the establishment of the Chinese state was seen on the side. The probability of the Jinmu expedition and the creation of a nation increased.

Yesterday I introduced a theory by Professor Emeritus Noboru Okada of Kōgakukan University.
He believes that diplomacy was the most important factor in the early period of Japanese politics.
The development of Japanese society as an economy was the result of the spread of Yayoi rice paddy farming across the archipelago.
The optimum land for agriculture moved eastward.
Southern Kyushu has a unique soil geology, and paddy field agriculture was developed in the Seto Inland Sea region, the Kinai region, the Tokai region, the Tokai region, and the Tokai and Tokai regions.
The economic and social expansion of the region continued to progress from the Seto Inland Sea region to the Kinai region, and then to the Tokai and Hokuriku regions.
There must have been a strong influx of immigrants from Asia.
The population explosion was naturally synonymous with the food shortage.
In such an evolving social environment, the ruling class, which guided the direction of the government as a ceremonial regime, had the responsibility to ensure that Chinese society would be able to generate a nation.
Chinese society was gaining an acceleration of development through the creation of the state.
The Han Dynasty was the most important industrial power in the iron industry, and it was the most important industry in China.
By “state controlling” the most important point of industry, iron, the Han
The Han Dynasty, by “state control” of the most important point of its iron industry, made the surrounding societies aware of its social development.
The Han also created a common means of communication in the form of Chinese characters
This was a way to control society and create a structure of “political domination”.
How did Japanese society in the historical period respond to such “external pressure”?
Looking at the most recent period, the opening of Japan to the outside world in the Meiji era, and the social changes that occurred after the war, it is clear that Japan had only one choice.
It is most likely that Japan had only one choice.
Japan’s social evolution was driven by such “external pressure” rather than by its own positive leverage.
If we see the strong “usefulness” of a unified nation, we will actively introduce and “learn” it.
The characteristic of the archipelagic societies is that they actively introduce, “learn,” and chew it up.
It is much more likely that the same thing that happened to the Meiji and postwar nations
It is far more plausible to think that the same thing that happened to the Meiji and postwar states occurred at this stage of their initial experience.

Even in Japanese society, the geographical factors created differences in the concentration of agricultural development.
The “eight million” ruling structure would have been naturally generated in each region, but the leaders would have been more concerned with the economy.
However, the reality is that the Chinese state is in charge of securing iron, which is fundamentally important for the economy.
The leaders of each of these regions had to deal with the reality that the Chinese nation was in control of the availability of iron, which was fundamentally important to their economies.
There may have been competition among regional hegemons.
The Izumo kingdom was not a loose, united entity, but a “combination” of the two.
The Izumo royalty may have existed in such a loose federative relationship.
It was in such a situation that the “Jimmu expedition” was the starting factor of the “Japanese” state.
I believe that this kind of “grasp of the larger situation” is appropriate.
And if we consider the effectiveness of the “unified government state
Although northern Kyushu was the best place to introduce Japanese culture to the outside world, it was not the best place to introduce Japanese culture to the Japanese people.
However, the balance of the regime’s control over the archipelago makes the “Eastern Expedition” more probable.
The composition of society in this period and beyond
The Kinai region was probably the most appropriate location for the central government.
The final choice of the Nara Plain region may have had its own unique conditions.
In analyzing these factors and the subsequent social development, it is important to examine whether this choice was the optimal solution for the Japanese people and the nation.
There is room to verify whether this choice was the best solution for the Japanese people and the nation in the analysis of these factors and the subsequent development of society.
On the other hand, the socioeconomic and cultural peculiarities that resulted from the selection of the Nara Plain also need to be examined.
I think it is necessary to examine the socioeconomic and cultural peculiarities that resulted from the selection of the Nara Plain. This is more interesting (laugh).

【辛酉思想と対中外交「日本」創生 日本列島37,000年史-39】



English version⬇

The State Society of the Han Dynasty in China in the 1st and 2nd Centuries. 37,000 Years of Japanese Archipelago History-39
The year of Jinmu’s accession to the throne was set in accordance with the idea that heavenly destiny would be revolutionized in the year of the rooster. Responded to the description with diplomatic pressure. Shared recognition of the necessity of a unified archipelago nation. ・・・・・・.

Although various studies have been conducted on the controversy of the “evil kingdom” and the ancient history of Japanese kingship, no definitive “common theory” has yet emerged.
However, there is still no definitive “common theory” that has emerged.
In particular, the reigning years of emperors in the Kojiki and Nihonshoki are described as abnormally old, beyond the common sense of human physical strength, so it has been described as a “myth.
The fact that the reigns of emperors in the Kojiki and Nihonshoki are considered “myths” is a major factor in this.
I think this is a major factor. In fact, I have recently read a book on this point by
I was impressed by the commentary of Noboru Okada, professor emeritus at Kōgakukan University, who is a history writer and Naoki Prize-winning author.
Ryutaro Abe, a Naoki Prize-winning historical writer, is one of my favorite authors.
He published a book titled “This is How Japan Was Created” two years ago from Shogakukan:
In his book “How Japan Was Created: The Mystery of the Ancient Kingship that Chose Yamato as Its Capital,” published by Shogakukan two years ago, Okada’s theory was introduced.
〜The reason for the unusual length of the reign of emperors from the first to the ninth emperor was foreign relations during the founding period of the nation, and
The reason for the unusual length of the reign of the first nine emperors was the result of diplomatic negotiations with the Tang Dynasty to have the Japanese nation recognized as a state.
The Tang Dynasty had the idea that an emperor was to receive a heavenly command and establish a state in the year of the “Xin-Yu” (the year of the rooster).
In order to conform to this, the first Emperor Jinmu, who is estimated to have been around the beginning of the 1st century, was appointed as the first emperor of the Tang Dynasty.
To match this idea, the first Emperor Jinmu, who is estimated to have ascended the throne in the early 1st century B.C., was supposed to have ascended the throne in 660 B.C. ~.
*Hin-Yu is the year in which the Western year is divided by 60 and one is left over. It is said to have revolutionary elements.

It has been archaeologically accepted as a fact that the 10th Emperor Sojin was the first to reign.
Since it is considered reasonable for the reign records of subsequent emperors
I was strongly attracted to this theory.
As a result, the theory that the Jinmu expedition took place in the early 1st century is a common-sense decision.
And one more thing, the strong tension with East Asia, especially with the Chinese royalty, was a very important element in the creation of the Japanese nation.
The other point is that strong tension with East Asia, especially with the Chinese royalty, was a very important factor in the creation of the Japanese state.
We modern people have a strong common sense bias that a nation is a natural entity, but it goes without saying that such a bias existed in the early days of the nation.
However, it goes without saying that we do not have such a bias in the early days of Japan.
It is more inevitable that a more direct “threat” existed.
In the exhibition at the National Museum of Japanese History, as if to explain the background of this situation
The exhibition at the National Museum of Japanese History provides an explanation of Chinese royalty and Han Chinese society during this period, based on evidence.
The “Four Gods” ideology, which is often seen in temple architecture in Japan, has become common.
The Chinese writing system of “Chinese characters” was used to keep government records.
The “wooden letter” format and the bookbinding method to bind them together were born as documents.
The entire system of grasping society that had existed since the Qin Dynasty had reached maturity.
The economic driving force of iron, and the development and evolution of the political system.
The rapid expansion of the Japanese ruling class’s sense of crisis, which was more fundamental than a military threat, was a result of the rapid expansion of their sense of understanding.
This sense of crisis was manifested in the existence of the Jinmu.
This sense of crisis may have coalesced in the presence of Jinmu, who successfully led the “Eastern Expedition” to Japan.
This sense of crisis was also shared by the ancient regional powers that had been established in various regions.
I strongly feel the reality of the formation of the Japanese nation in the Nara Basin.

【日本国家創成期の国際関係 日本列島37,000年史-38】





English version⬇

International Relations at the Founding of the Japanese Nation: The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago – 38
The emergence of the Han Dynasty’s ruling body called Yeoknam-gun in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula caused an upheaval in the society of the peninsula. The Kuni society of the Japanese archipelago is also hit by the upheaval.

Now comes the historical process of the creation of a nation in the Japanese archipelago.
Since this is an area of the greatest riddle in ancient history, such as the “Yabataikoku” controversy, the National Museum of Japanese History exhibition was generally restrained.
The National Museum of Japanese History exhibition was generally restrained, but it is, however, also decisive for the social changes that have taken place since then.
However, it is also decisive for the social changes that have occurred since then. We cannot avoid it.
I hope you will understand that this is my personal view as an observer.
I would like to focus on objective events as much as possible.

After the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, a centralized “Chinese emperor” state emerged in China.
Although there are some descriptions of “Yamato” in books written before the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, there are no descriptions in the so-called “authentic history” of Japan.
However, it was not until the Han dynasty that the so-called “authentic history” of Japan was written.
In China, an official history of the previous dynasty is written for each dynastic change.
The Former Han Dynasty (206-8 B.C.) and the Later Han Dynasty (25-220 B.C.) were the periods of the “Han Dynasty.
The first edition of the “Han Book of Geography” is said to have been written in 84 A.D.
It was written by a man named Hanguo, and describes the period from the Former Han Dynasty to the early years of the Later Han Dynasty.
There is an island in the eastern sea where the Japanese live. The Japanese nation is divided into more than a hundred countries.
2. Periodically, envoys of the kings of the Japanese nations would come to Han to bring tribute.
The other is the “Later Han Book of Oriental and Barbarian Biography,” which was established in 432 AD.
In this history book of the Later Han Dynasty, written by a man named Fan Ye, the following is described.
In 57 A.D., King Nukoku of Japan paid tribute. Japan was in the process of dividing into smaller countries. Nukoku is the southernmost part of Japan.
Emperor Kwangmu, the emperor of the Later Han Dynasty, gave a gold seal Authenticating that he was the King of Nukuni.
In the first year of Eishu (107th year), the king of Nukoku, Marshal Masu, presented 160 people and asked for their cooperation.
The records of this period are as follows.

In this period, the Han Dynasty established “Yeoknam-gun” in the vicinity of what is now Pyongyang on the Korean peninsula.
The fact that a large centralized state established a base of power near the Japanese archipelago is a clear indication that the Han Dynasty had a strong influence on Japanese society through the peninsula region.
The establishment of a power base near the Japanese archipelago by a large centralized state can be imagined to have sent tremors through the peninsula to the society of the Japanese archipelago.
The Yayoi paddy-field farming society had already spread across the archipelago.
In the midst of the “Japanese Warring States” situation, in which daily acts of war were being repeated, it is not difficult to imagine the impact of this huge earthquake on the local society.
The establishment of this huge military power state, and its local government offices and counties
The fact that the local government offices and counties of the state appeared in the immediate vicinity was a source of great diplomatic tension.
It is obvious how much diplomatic tension there was for each of the chiefs.
Under such circumstances, it was natural for them to pursue their own interests.
As a result, they also wanted to take advantage of the situation to gain superiority over the surrounding kunis.
Perhaps, such an upheaval, which has become a major shock in the Korean Peninsula and society east of Yerelam-gun, will also be felt in the Japanese archipelago.
Such upheavals occurred universally in the Japanese archipelago.
After all, this is a powerful country that exclusively controls iron as the most advanced civilized weapon.

It is obvious that the relationship had an impact on power relations in the region, both economically and militarily.
The tribute relationship, a state-generating process common in the Asian world, began.
This would become a fairly decisive factor for the ritual government of the Japanese archipelago.
There was a winging of the tribute system, and on the other hand, the centripetal force of the local community increased.
However, as was basically the case with Korean society
Japanese society could be said to have moved in the latter direction.
It basically chose the direction of national self-determination with a high degree of independence vis-à-vis the Chinese nation.
This relationship with Rakunami-gun seems to have been a strong motive.

【沖縄の貝塚文化と農耕・戦争社会 日本列島37,000年史-37】




English version⬇

Okinawa’s Shell Mound Culture, Agriculture, and War Society 37,000 Years of Japanese History-37
Okinawa began agriculture around the 12th century. Okinawa began agriculture around the 12th century and entered the age of warring gusuku. Proof that agriculture was the foundation of politics, war, and power. …

Now, the National Museum of Japanese History and Folklore’s exhibition from the prehistoric age to the founding of the nation
I was motivated by the great renewal of the National Museum of Japanese History’s exhibition from the prehistoric age to the period of the nation’s founding.
Tomorrow, I would like to move on to the next topic, the period of the founding of the nation.
I have been motivated by the idea of reconstructing history based on archaeological findings.
In that sense, it’s a period that will have a lot of literary materials from then on.
This will be my greatest field of interest.
I mentioned the other day the heterogeneous situation of the island of Hokkaido.
I am also learning about how they maintained their own unique cultural style because I am a Hokkaido native.
I have visited various archaeological sites and have a vivid sense of it.
On the other hand, I do not know much about the archaeology of Okinawa.
I have visited a museum in Naha, but it didn’t really hit me.
The reality of the society before the Gusuku period (12th to 16th century) is still unclear.
In Okinawa, there was no Yayoi period when rice was cultivated, and the main occupation during that period is thought to have been fishing.
For this reason, it is called the late shell mound period or the parallel Yayoi and Kofun periods.
Uken Shell Mound in Uruma City, Okinawa Prefecture, which is said to be a representative shell mound site, has two gohora shell rings and six mussel shell rings.
At Uken Shell Mound in Uruma City, Okinawa Prefecture, two gohora shell rings, six mussel shell rings, and three pieces of square rectangular mirrors have been excavated.
In addition, glass beads, plate iron axes, whetstones, and pottery from the late Yayoi period have also been excavated.
However, it cannot be said that research on the actual state of society has progressed. The National Museum of Japanese History and Folklore, the Okinawa Prefectural Museum, and other museums have conducted research on the actual state of society.
The National Museum of Japanese History and Okinawa Prefectural Museum’s research results will be expected in the future.

In the National Museum of Japanese History exhibition, the above image was created.
In the Okinawa and Amami areas, it is summarized as “shell mound culture” adapted to the coral reef topography environment.
How can we say that this is a very sea people lifestyle?
So, as a result, after gathering shellfish and other animals and eating their flesh.
After gathering shellfish and eating the meat, the shells were processed and offered to the mainland as “trade goods” in exchange for rice and ironware.
In exchange, they acquired useful commodities such as rice and ironware.
Although there are differences in environmental requirements, is this lifestyle similar to that of the “Sequel to Jomon” in Hokkaido?
In Hokkaido, “agriculture” did not begin in earnest until the Meiji period.
As a result, political power was limited to a “tribal” chief system.
In Okinawa, on the other hand, the Gusuku period began in the 12th-15th century, and it was there that agriculture began to become universal.
As soon as agriculture became universalized, gusuku (castles), politics, war, and military affairs dominated the world.
This is a clear indication that agriculture is the foundation of politics and power.

Agriculture has brought about population growth up to the present day, but the next society must be able to sustain this increase in population.
Can the next society sustain this increase in population?
If agriculture is mankind’s macroscopic response to the global climate, there is a possibility that an environment will arise in the future that will make it difficult for agriculture to be established.
If agriculture is a macroscopic response to the global climate, there is a possibility that an environment will arise in the future that will make it difficult for agriculture to take root.
I also believe that the world is entering a phase of population decline due to social causes.
What does the “will of the earth” have in store for mankind?
…With this, the Yayoi period has come to an end, and we are finally entering the period of the creation of the Japanese nation.