
【鳥居と結界 日本人の精神史 (列島37,000年史 第59回)】






English version⬇

Torii and the Boundary: A Spiritual History of the Japanese People (The 37,000 Year History of the Archipelago, Vol. 59)
Kofun tumuli disappeared like a dream by Buddhist temples. They were replaced by Buddhist temples. Shrines based on nature worship did not fight with each other and remained unchanged. …

Today, I would like to talk about a huge theme in ancient history, the flow from nature worship to religion. The top photo shows a small rock on the approach to Asuka Shrine in Asuka, Nara Prefecture, with a boundary mark like a torii (a Shinto shrine gate), which is interesting because of its primitive appearance. This shrine also has an ordinary torii gate, but the way it stands quietly by the side of the road is surprisingly simple and captivating. The torii gate in the primitive period was probably a simple affair, with a shimenawa (a rope used to tie a boundary) tied to a pillar like this.

In Japanese history, Emperor Jinmu established a unified government in the Yamato Plain. The anecdotes of Yamatotakeru and the “handover of the land” to Izumo seem to be the “creak” of the establishment of a unified nation. There is no doubt that the political process followed such a path. On the other hand, as for the “mitsuri,” which is not a political process, the “kofun,” or ancient burial mound, has rapidly come to an end after the “front-rear round burial mounds” since the Chopstick Tomb Tumulus swept the nation, and was replaced by the Buddhist temples.
After Asukadera Temple, where the Great Buddha of Asuka was regarded as the principal image, Shitennoji Temple and Horyuji Temple, both of which were constructed by Prince Shotoku, came to dominate the spiritual history of the Japanese people. The struggle between the Soga and Mononobe clans was fought against this background, and with the victory of the Soga, the era of Buddhist temples came to an all-time high. I wonder if there was a strong social consistency in the fact that so many kofun tombs were created but then abandoned at once as if they were a mirage. Their position was completely replaced by the introduction of Buddhism. In such a situation, it can be said that shrines attracted devotion in a totally unique way.

The second torii is the last one leading to the hall of worship of the Omiwa Shrine, whose deity is Mt. Miwa, but it is a simple one with only a shimenawa (sacred rope) passed around the pillar. It could be taken as a sign that the shimenawa rope is being passed around the mountain itself. It could be taken as if a shimenawa rope is being passed around Mt. Miwa itself. Although on a completely different scale, this torii is similar to the one on the approach to Asukazaza Shrine in the photo above.

And the third is a torii gate that is said to be the marker of Hirota Shrine in Nishinomiya. There is also an ordinary torii gate flanking this one, but for some reason, this simple torii gate is built in an impressive manner.
Come to think of it, since a shimenawa (sacred rope) is used as a boundary around natural rock formations, such as the married couple rocks, shrine worship may have been a sublimated form of nature worship that took root in the archipelago in a simple and natural manner.

In contrast to ancient burial mounds and Buddhist temples, Shinto shrines are a different dimension of the Japanese psyche. This type of worship is not found anywhere else in East Asia except in Japan. Shrines seem to maintain a colorless and transparent atmosphere, a culture that does not fight with any religion. I wonder if this is an expression of the Japanese mindset. It seems to me that shrines have acquired this kind of colorlessness because of the actual existence of the imperial family. There is a spirituality before religion. This kind of miraculous, plaintive spirituality is something that I would like to pass on with great care.

【薄化粧も香しい飛鳥白鳳の仏像たち (列島37,000年史 第58回)】





English version⬇

Asuka Hakuho’s Buddhist Statues with Light Lipstick and Fragrance (The 37,000 Year History of the Archipelago, Vol. 58)
The ancient beauty who sang “I want to go sailing to Mukidazu,” is a reality with a faint lipstick. A girl who transcends time. A girl who transcends time.

I wonder if it is the aging of the population that begins to take an interest in Buddhist statues (laughs).
I wonder if I am gradually drawn to their charms as I begin to visit and walk along the ancient paths of history.
The stone and bronze statues in the photo are “Yakushi Sanzon Ishibutsu” at Ishiiji Temple in Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture, and “Asuka Daibutsu” in Asuka, Nara Prefecture, respectively. Apparently, I am completely tricked by the expressions of these two Buddhist statues.
The second one, Asuka Daibutsu, is the principal image of Asukadera Temple, which is considered to be the first Buddhist temple in Japan. Asuka Daibutsu was completed in 609 and is one of the oldest Buddhist statues in Japan for which the year of casting can be narrowed down. The long face and almond-shaped eyes are strongly influenced by the continent, and the national scholar Motoori Norinaga, who met the Great Asuka Buddha in the Edo period, wrote in his “Sugakasa Nikki” (Diary of Sugakasa), “It is a very beautiful and beautiful statue.
I have a vivid memory that the name of the first artist I memorized in my elementary school social studies class, when I first became interested in history, was the “Buddhist priest Toryo” (止利仏師). Having come into close contact with the artist’s actual works of art far beyond time, I was completely knocked out by the richness of the expressions on the faces of the creators and their models. Although it is one of the oldest, it is not designated as a national treasure. This is due to the fact that it has been repaired after several fires. However, I think it also shows that it has been historically revered and respected by many people. Well, I don’t care whether it is a national treasure or not.

On the other hand, I recently saw the “Yakushi Sanzon Ishibutsu” in the first photo. This one is located in “Ishiiji,” a non-resident temple, and is now maintained by the residents of Oshizaka-ku, Sakurai City, who take turns maintaining it, and you can apply on the web to view it. It is the oldest stone statue of Yakushi Sanzon (three images of Buddha) in Japan, and is designated as a national important cultural property. The photo is a print that I purchased when I visited the temple. The stone Buddha is said to have been the wish-fulfilling deity of King Nukata, the Empress of Emperor Temmu, and was elevated to stardom when it was exhibited for the first time at the Tokyo National Museum in early 2020 (laugh).

I recently learned of its existence and was able to visit it at Ishiiji Temple. I have a bitter memory of getting lost on a narrow road to the temple (tears). However, when I saw his face, I was instantly attracted to him. After all, it is beautiful. I had only read the introduction and seen the front photo of the stone Buddha and thought, “Hmmm,” but after seeing the actual statue and admiring its beautiful face from the front, back, left and right, I was completely smitten (laugh).
Upon closer inspection, one can see that her lips are covered with a light crimson color, and even the gracefulness of her plump skin can be felt. Her poem, which was written to inspire the soldiers who were dispatched overseas to the Hakumura River, is preserved in Manyo. The poem is a poem written in Manyo to inspire the soldiers who were sent overseas to the Hakumura River: “Wait for the moon to come and sail to Kyu-ta-tsu, the tide is coming in. It is said that many soldiers were inspired by the sight of this beautiful woman singing in the moonlight. This stone Buddha conveys the impression of this historical beauty with reality.

Although it was thought that the aging of the population had made people less interested in Buddhist statues, I was deeply impressed by the richness of the spirit of the Buddha, which has been transferred to the material of stone and metal.

【天照大神、纏向遺跡「日読み」痕跡 (列島37,000年史 第57回)】


〜境内地は弥生時代からの纏向遺跡中枢部で大和王権の発祥地。太陽祭祀遺跡が集中する北緯34度32分の太陽の道の中心地でもあり鎮座地の太田から見ると立春・立冬には太陽が三輪山から昇り、春分・秋分には巻向山から昇る、日読みの地。神社西側の石塚古墳からは太陽祭祀に用いられたと考えられる朱塗の鳥形板や 弧文円板も発掘されている。弧紋円板や鳥形板を高棒に飾り付けて日読みの祭祀を行っていた。鶏は太古から暁に時を告げる鳥として神聖視され、弧紋円板を通して映し出される太陽の影は神秘的。〜
<歴史探究ブログ エナガ先生の講義メモより抜粋>

English version⬇

[Amaterasu, “Nichiyomi” Traces at the Mukomukai Site (The 37,000 Year History of the Archipelago, Vol. 57)
From the traces of the Jimmu expedition to the traces of rituals around 250 at Mimamukai. The excavation of historical facts is proceeding almost as an archaeological excavation. …

The 37,000 Year History of the Archipelago began with the stimulus from the National Museum of Japanese History exhibit, but the “Jimmu Tojo” tale up to yesterday almost ended the aspect of the major flow of ancient history. From there, we come to the stage of the Sumimukai ruins, where archaeological excavations have been progressing, and we come to the world with solid material support. In terms of emperors, the 10th Emperor Sojin is considered to have a high degree of certainty of existence.
It is strongly estimated that Emperor Sojin’s reign was around the 250s. Sakurai City, where the ruins are located, has put much effort into archaeological excavation and research, and has even established an official center for ancient history research called “Sumi Mukai Gaku.
In the reign of Emperor Sojin, a major change in rituals is said to have taken place. So it is said that there was an increased orientation toward separating the “ritual administration” of the great kings’ power from that of the king up to that time. It is said that the idea was to sort out the rituals from the system in which the central military and political power had been simultaneously performing the rituals since the time of the Jinmu, in response to the situation in which half of the nation had fallen ill with a plague. The oracle from the god of the Ogami Shrine on Miwasan was to appoint a special person to perform rituals, and the plague would be dispelled. The god also ordered that a man from the Izumo-Deji lineage named Ota Taneko, who lived in the area around present-day Sakai, be appointed as the chief priest of Ookami Shrine.
〜During the reign of Emperor Takamatsu, an epidemic killed many of the people, and Ohmononushi appeared to him in his dream and said, “If you let a man named Otataneko worship you, the curse will stop and the country will be at peace. The emperor sought out this person and had Otataneko worship the deity of Mt. Miwa, and had Ikagashikono-no-mikoto create the eighty pillars of heaven and establish and worship the heavenly gods, the Ama-no-Mikuni. The Chronicles of Japan says, “He made them build the eighty heavenly shrines and established and worshiped the heavenly gods. This “policy” was successful and the plague was stopped, and it is said that the center of rituals was also moved to Ise as the site of Amaterasu’s relocation.

Regarding this relocation, it is said that the belief in the sun god, “the way of the sun,” has its roots in this relocation. This theory states that the rituals of the Yamato kingdom moved along the axis line of 34°32′ north latitude. So the direction of Mt. Miwa from the temple at the Mimamukai site is on the same axis line, and furthermore, the Saiku site at Ise is said to exist on the extended line.
The photo shows a shrine called “Amateru Amateru Shrine” located at the same point, just 2-300 meters away from the Momamukai Ruins. The word “Amateru” is carved into the oddly shaped trees and stones. There is no particular torii gate, and the surrounding area is covered with trees.
〜The shrine is located at the center of the Mimamukai site from the Yayoi period, the birthplace of the Yamato kingdom. It is also the center of the Path of the Sun at 34°32′ north latitude, where the remains of sun rituals are concentrated, and from Ota, where the shrine is located, the sun rises from Mt. A vermilion-lacquered bird-shaped tablet and an arc-marked circular tablet, which are thought to have been used in sun rituals, have also been excavated from the Ishizuka burial mound on the west side of the shrine. The arc-crested disk and bird-shaped board were decorated on a high pole to perform the sun-reading ritual. The chicken has been considered sacred since ancient times as a bird that tells the time at dawn, and the shadow of the sun reflected through the arc-shaped disk is mysterious. ~ (Japanese only)
<(Excerpt from Dr. Enaga’s lecture notes on the History Inquiry blog)
I hope that the remains of the Yamato Plain around this period will be greatly elucidated.

【ヤタガラスは「高鴨族」の逆・擬人化? (列島37,000年史 第56回)】


神話から「日本史」という歴史の世界へ移行したのは、おおむね10代崇神天皇以降とされる。かれが遷都したとされる纏向遺跡(まきむくいせき)が発掘されたことでほぼ確定されつつある。(纏向遺跡については第45回目の「卑弥呼=日の巫女「アマテラス」論 日本列島37,000年史-45」にて。




English version⬇

Is the Yatagarasu a Reverse or Anthropomorphic Form of the “High Duck Tribe”? (The 37,000-Year History of the Archipelago, Vol. 56)
The founding myths have a reverse/anthropomorphic storytelling with symbolism. The riddle of Yatagarasu, a guide who dared to conduct a campaign to conquer Yamato by breaking through the mountains. …

The world of the Chronicles of Japan, the Chronicles of the Chronicles of Japan and the Kojiki, where myths and facts of the founding of the nation are mixed together.
It may be a blessing in disguise that this personal historical exploration of the “37,000-year history of the Japanese archipelago” comes at a special time of year, the year-end and New Year holidays. The contents of this article are a bit delusional, but I hope you will forgive me for calling it my “first dream.

The transition from mythology to the historical world of “Japanese history” is generally considered to have occurred after the 10th Emperor Sojin. This is now being confirmed by the excavation of the Makimukai Site, where the capital was said to have been relocated. (For more information on the Makimuki-Seki site, please refer to the article “Himiko = Amaterasu, the Miko of the Sun” in “The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago: 45.
However, traces of the ancient Yamato Plain before that time are also being spun out as we walk around the site.
The conquest of the Yamato Plain area, summarized as the so-called “Jinmu expedition,” is full of traces of facts, even if we do not specify the personages. Asuka, Fujiwara-kyo, and the city of Sakurai, where Mimamukai is located, are in the process of applying for registration as World Heritage sites. I think the proper stance is to take the time to clarify riddles as riddles.
For this reason, even though I am from Hokkaido, I occasionally visit the area when I have time.

This time, I would like to focus on “Yatagarasu,” a legendary bird that appeared in the Shinmu expedition. Legend has it that the Yatagarasu guided the marching army.
After the defeat of the later Emperor Jinmu, who landed at Naniwa-no-tsu, he landed at Kumano in a march by sea, apparently led by the Kumano Suigun (navy). From there, they headed for Nagasada and the Yamato Plain. Yatagarasu “guided” them along this mountainous route.
This yatagarasu, if it exists, is naturally thought to be a reverse anthropomorph. The “high duck tribe” is thought to be the target.
~It is said that the ~amo tribe was a kind of spiritual group, and their background was the high technology they had developed in the mountains of Katsuragi. Because they ruled over the mountains rather than the plains, they had a deep knowledge of astronomical observation and pharmacology, and were also skilled in iron manufacturing, agriculture, and horsemanship as a means of transportation. ~Quoted from “Katsuragi, the Place of Beginnings, and the Kamo Tribe
The shrine that became the origin of the “Kamo” shrine, which later developed throughout the country, is located on the southwest side of the mountain range surrounding the Yamato Plain. It is located at a considerable elevation, but it is filled with spring water and the torii gate stands as if it were floating on the surface of the water. The beauty of the shrine led me to visit it several times. The Kamo clan has a “history” dating back to the Yayoi period, according to the legend.

It was said that the shrine grounds emanated “chi” due to the large number of mining materials buried in the ground. The atmosphere is somewhat convincing of the shrine’s legend, though some of the photos above show mysterious “light threads”.

There is an argument that points out the connection between the Yatagarasu and this Kamo clan in the description of Kiki.
It is said that the Kamu expeditionary force moved northward from Kumano through the mountains to Yoshino, and from there to Uda and Yatsubosugi, and then to the Yamato plain by following what is said to be a “marching road” through the mountains. It is clear that a leader would have been indispensable if they were to follow such a mountainous route in ancient times.
This may have been the Yatagarasu, which was sublimated into existence through mimicry in the Kamo clan.
This is my first dream, and based on the analysis and tradition of the eastern expedition path, I have this kind of inference and delusion. Now.

【2023年 カメとツルに健康長寿の願掛け 謹賀新年】





English version⬇

2023 Turtles and Cranes Wish for Health and Longevity Happy New Year!
The “New Year’s greeting card” web site. We are pursuing the evolution of housing information itself and will start commercialization this year. We are now pursuing the evolution of housing information itself and will start commercialization this year.

Happy New Year 2023!
It has been three full years since the information exchange dynamism of our society was forced to stagnate by an infectious disease.
I never expected to spend this kind of time in my life, and I am sure many of you feel the same way. Instead of New Year’s greeting cards, I greet you through the social networking service “Tsunagari.
The photo shows a group of turtles at a pond in Shitennoji, Osaka, and cranes in Tsurui Village, Hokkaido.

I have been providing housing media in Hokkaido, the birthplace of high thermal insulation, high airtightness, and housing performance innovation, as well as in the cold region of Tohoku. My perspective is based on the user’s simple wish for a good house. Since Hokkaido is a snowy and cold region, the pursuit of warm and comfortable homes is a natural starting point. Since the Meiji pioneering period, the basic premise of house building in Hokkaido has been to create houses that challenge this major theme. The mission of the Kaitakushi, the “central government agency with a fixed term” created by our Meiji predecessors, was to protect people’s lives in the cold climate. With this sense of mission, the succeeding local government, Hokkaido, has also been vigorously pursuing this mission.
This is exactly what the “government, academia, and the private sector” have been working on. The core of the highly insulating technology from Northern Europe and North America was introduced to evolve the Japanese wooden construction method. At the forefront of this effort, a new goal, “Northern-style housing ZERO,” has now been set. I myself have participated in the System Design Advisory Council and have been able to voice my opinions from the user’s point of view.
Fortunately, the basic framework of the system is in place, and social announcements are scheduled to begin in January.
Hokkaido, a cold region of Japan, will begin a new challenge toward the great social goal of “zero energy.

Meanwhile, in the Kanto region and southward, the culture of highly insulated and airtight housing is also making great strides. Excellent builders from all over the country have come to acquire the position of “local No.1 store” in their respective regions. Energy-saving technology in housing is now considered the most important basic technology by users.
In light of these trends, Replan is planning further innovations in the way users come into contact with housing information. While magazines are the foundation of housing information, information exchange on the Internet is becoming the basic method of information exchange. The web has become the core of our business as well. We have been promoting the development of an innovative infrastructure to respond to this situation as a subsidized project for “business restructuring” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). We have completed the development phase and will finally launch the commercialization phase in FY2023.

One of the factors behind this was that this new project was in the development phase, which is a confidential phase. There was also pressure to keep the details of the project in the open.
I hope that the living environment will become a fundamental technology for a healthier and longer-lived society, and I will make every effort to provide information that is easier to understand.
I wish you all a happy new year.

【八ツ房杉はヤマタノオロチ!?神武東征最初の勝利(列島37,000年史 第55回)】









English version⬇

The Yatsubusa cedar is a Yamata-no-orochi! The First Victory of the Jinmu Expedition (The 37,000 Year History of the Japanese Archipelago, Vol. 55)
Almost every Japanese house has a Shinto altar. The spiritual history is strongly projected. The series of the history of the Japanese Islands finally reaches its climax (laughs). …

Today is finally the big day of the year.
This is the 55th in a series of articles on the “History of the Japanese Islands” that I have started writing on this blog, which has “Exploring Housing” as its main theme.
Although I am a media informant specializing in housing, when I think of houses and people, the theme of “Japaneseness” also makes me think about it at the same time.

A common denominator of Japanese houses is the presence of a Shinto altar and a Buddhist altar as a matter of course.
As my “coverage” spreads from Hokkaido to various regions, at the same time my interest in things like spiritual history, such as history and the state of old houses, cannot help but expand.
It is an inevitable extension of the theme for me, but the visit to the National Museum of Japanese History and Folklore in Chiba Prefecture for a major reform of the ancient exhibition stimulated me intensely and opened the door to the history of the archipelago (laugh).

It will continue beyond the big day, but today is a kind of climax.
Today is a kind of climax. It is a cross-sectional examination of the myth of “Jinmu Tojo,” a series of stories about the first time that Ianyohiko-no-mikoto assumed the position of Emperor of Japan.
The photo above is a view of the “Yatsufusa cedar” in the precincts of the “Sakurazane Shrine” in Uda, Nara Prefecture. Uda is located in the mountainous region to the east of the Yamato Plain.
It is a pivotal location for the legend of Jimmu’s eastern expedition, an important part of the Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan).
This Yatsufusa cedar is said to have been planted by Emperor Jinmu when he encamped here for his campaign to pacify Yamato.
The following is a description of the events before and after this time in the Shoki (Chronicles of Japan).

There were two brothers living in Uda, Eukashi (elder brother Ukashi) and Otoukashi (younger brother Ukashi).
The elder brother, Eukashi, built a large palace under the pretense of offering his services.
And when he had set a trap inside the palace and was waiting, the younger brother Otoukashi snitched.
Michinoomi (an ancestor of Otomo-ren) and Ohokume (an ancestor of Kume Naoshi and others), who had made the trap for themselves.
Eukashi was killed with a trap of their own making.
This Yatsubosugi, as one can see, gives the impression of an “eight-forked serpent – Yamata-no-orochi”.
The world of Kiki is thought to have taken an easy-to-understand form of expressing the legitimacy of its power according to the understanding of the people at the time of its establishment, rather than the exact historical facts, so it is possible that it was contrived as a pioneer myth of royal authority.
Since I went there to take pictures, I would like to receive and reacquaint myself with it, at least as it is, plainly.

From an economic viewpoint, the starting point of the Eastern Expedition was undoubtedly northern Kyushu.
From among the “advanced ruling class” of the Kuni in this region, who had accumulated wealth through rice paddy farming, people who had extensively studied the “geopolitics” of the entire Japanese archipelago realized the superiority of the Kinai region and carried out a strategy to occupy it.
It is obvious that they had secured the transportation network of such sea people from early on, although they moved between the Genkainada Sea and the Seto Inland Sea region.

Once they landed at Naniwazu, but Nagasunebiko, who ruled the Nara Basin, was able to raise an army and repel them. The leader of the army, Jinmu’s elder brother, was hit by an arrow and later died.
From there, he diverted to Kii Kumano, and went out to the east of the hostile forces in the Nara Basin and attacked them from the rear, winning the battle.
It is hard not to think that the “Kumano Suigun,” a network of sea people following the Seto Inland Sea, was heavily involved in the battle. This is also thought to have been the origin of the Kumano faith.
The land of Uda was the site of the first victory in the war of conquest.

When I visited there, I found that Uda was a mountainous area, and it seems that the Jinmu army deployed a covert strategy to exploit the enemy’s weakness.
So, the theme of this blog is to go into the ancient history of the Yamato Plain.

【地政学で大和を都に選択 by神武帝 (列島37,000年史 第54回)】






English version⬇

Yamato Chosen as Capital Based on Geopolitics by Emperor Jinmu (The 37,000 Year History of the Japanese Archipelago, Vol. 54)
Japan continued to intervene in the peninsula in search of iron. Eventually, Japan produced its own iron. This enabled Japan to conduct independent diplomacy with China. …

Yesterday, we re-explored the sea transportation routes around the time of the establishment of the Japanese nation.
When I began to think about ancient history, I always wondered why the Japanese were so obsessed with the Korean peninsula.
There was also a “satellite state” called Rinna in the southernmost peninsula in the Archipelago region. Naturally, there was a strong economic interest there, and Japan must have been obsessed with securing it.
This obsession can be attributed to the fact that Nana was the route for the spread of iron and other economic tools that developed the paddy field and agricultural economies.
The climate of the region was more suitable than that of the Korean peninsula for agricultural cultivation. The desire to own land suitable for cultivation and the strong yearning for such land may have led migrants from the Asian continent to the archipelago as a new frontier.
The San’in region became the first to produce iron ore domestically, and the society was no longer dependent on the influx of iron tools and other cultural products from the Kitakyushu region.

The Izumo no Kuni Fudoki (Izumo Province Climate Record) mentions in an article on Iishi County, “Hata Ogawa. In the “Izumo no kuni fudoki” (Izumo Province Fudoki), an article from Iishi County states, “There is iron in Hata Ogawa,” and an article from Nita County states, “Iron from the above villages is hard and most suitable for making miscellaneous tools. The phrase “iron is available” indicates that iron sand was extracted from the river, and “iron from various villages” indicates that iron production was carried out in each village. According to the Heian-period “Seijo Yosaku,” iron and hoes were stipulated as jiko zoshimono (land rent) in Izumo, Hoki, Bingo, and Bichu, suggesting that these areas were known as iron-producing regions in ancient times. 〜The summary from “Izumo-no-kuni Tatara-fudoki” quoted above.

In terms of domestic politics, the Yamato royal power, which is strongly believed to have “conquered” the Yamato region, gradually strengthened its control over the whole country. It is interesting to contrast why the unification of the peninsula region did not make much progress, while the Yamato kingdom strengthened its rule in the Japanese archipelago. It seems that until a certain point in time, the division of small states, such as Northern Kyushu, where the “kingdoms” described in the Wei-Shi-Wa-jin-Den are in disarray, the royalty of Okayama and Kibi, which have the Momotaro legend, and the Japan Sea Rim royalty centering on Izumo, were in a similar state to that of the Korean peninsula.

The photo shows haniwa terra-cotta tombs decorating the tombs of chiefs throughout Japan and a stone stage in the Yamato Plain, which is believed to be the tomb of the Soga clan.

The northern part of Kyushu, as well as the Nina region on the other side of the Genkai Sea, tends to decentralize power in various parts of Japan. The Korean peninsula had an extremely complicated power struggle with the dynastic power of the Chinese mainland, and division was the norm. In contrast, in Japanese society, the establishment of the Yamato kingdom’s dominance “after the Eastern expedition” progressed, and we can imagine that this remoteness from the Chinese dynasties worked in the direction of advancing unification. I believe that this presence of a unified Japan had a great diplomatic effect in subsequent East Asian diplomacy. It also seems to have been a powerful force for the Yamato dynasty’s dominance in Japan.

【玄海灘と瀬戸内を越える櫓櫂船(日本列島37,000年史 第53回)】








English version⬇

Oar-boat over the Genkainada Sea and the Seto Inland Sea. 37,000 Years of Japanese Archipelago History-53
The culture of sea men in Kitakyushu, which nurtured the great pitcher Kazuhisa Inao. The base of the enka is the sentiment of the men who were responsible for the route from the Genkainada Sea to the Seto Inland Sea. …

In this issue, I would like to talk about “oar boats,” which were an important means of transportation between ancient Japan and the Korean Peninsula.
The first image shows the ancient movement of oared boats, which were exhibited at the National Museum of Japanese History and Culture, and are thought to date back to roughly the 3rd century.
This image shows the traffic situation between Japan and the Korean peninsula as described in the Wei-Shi-Wa-jin-Den. The means of transportation used here was the oared oar boat.
As shown in the second panel, a oar boat was rowed by a group of people using oars and oars.

Although the word “oar boat” may sound unfamiliar today, it is actually not so.
One modern-day celebrity with an episode related to oarboats is Kazuhisa Inao, the great pitcher for the Nishitetsu Lions.
Inao, who was praised as “God, Buddha, and Inao-sama,” is said to have used this oar to develop his physical strength and especially his wrist power.

〜Inao was born in 1937 in Kitahama, Beppu City, Oita Prefecture, the youngest of seven children. His father, Hisasaku, was a fisherman.
His father, Hisasaku, was a fisherman, and his mother, Kameno, earned her living by selling fish caught by Hisasaku.
She gave birth to Kazuhisa when she realized she had given birth while peddling. His father wanted him to take over as a fisherman, and in 1944, he enrolled at Kita Kumin Elementary School.
When he entered Kitakumin Elementary School in 1944, his father took him on a boat and trained him to use a Japanese oar (oroku).
Inao recalls his childhood, “A thin board separated us, and the sea was below us. You never know when you might lose your life.
I was in a small boat every day, but it gave me the courage not to be fazed when I was on the mound.
He also developed his strong lower body by helping with the fishing. ~ (quoted from Wikipedia)

The above anecdote reminds me of the oar oars of ancient times.
In particular, we can smell the way he was a man of the sea in Kyushu, challenging the wild waves of the Genkai Sea.

The Wei-Shi-Wa-jin Biography describes the transportation route to Japan as a hearsay, but the boat service over the waves of the Genkai Sea must have existed from an even older time as a regional lifestyle tradition.
In particular, the departure area on the peninsula side was also the area of influence of the ancient Japanese state of “Nina”.
The shortest distance from Tsushima to Pusan is 49.5 km, and the Korean peninsula is less than half the distance of Kyushu.
The panel photo of the voyage seems like an experimental voyage in modern times, but there must have been times like this when oarsmen with about a dozen oarsmen crossed the open sea at 50-100 km.
We can imagine that such a tradition of life of sea men existed in northern Kyushu.
In ancient times, the “Battle of the Paekchon River,” a war between the allied forces of Japan and Baekje and the allied forces of Tang and Silla in the Paekchon River (near the mouth of the present-day Geum River) on the Korean peninsula, would have been fought on foreign seas, and their compatriots would have crossed the sea in this way.

Thinking about the long-ago transportation between the Korean Peninsula and Japan, I was reminded of a night I spent in Busan, South Korea, in the past. In the far-off present day, I sang enka songs related to the straits at a karaoke bar in Pusan, Korea (laugh).
The tone and rhythm of the song reminded me of the origin of the Japanese people.

The sea traffic across such straits entered the Seto Inland Sea. Like the Korean Peninsula, the Seto Inland Sea is an archipelago itself.
It seems to me that the traffic that aimed at Naniwazu, while skillfully utilizing various ocean currents, constituted the basic melody of the Japanese way of life and culture.
The enka rhythm of a man of the sea, in the style of Saburo Kitajima, would be a good fit for this piece.
It is not wrong to say that the main highway of Japanese culture from the Korean peninsula to the Seto Inland Sea itself created a very strong emotional basis.
Old Showa people still have this kind of physical feeling (laughs).

【最初期戸籍に見る「家族=共同体」 日本列島37,000年史-52】




English version⬇

The Family = Community as Seen in the Early Family Registers 37,000 Years of the Japanese Archipelago – 52
Although they lived together by blood, their marital relations were extremely complicated. The family is more than a family; it is a microenterprise-like economic entity that conveys the desperation of its members. …

Modern life has changed completely from the agrarian-based socioeconomic structure, as the nuclear family has become the norm, and the source of their income is corporate employment.
The socio-economic structure based on agriculture has completely changed.
The property of the home has spread widely throughout the country, and metropolitanization has developed.
Such a modern common sense, however, seems to be very peculiar historically.

I have been working on a series of blog posts analyzing the state of society up to ancient times at the National Museum of Japanese History exhibit.
Today, I would like to talk about the family register.
Please forgive the blurriness of the figures, as they are reconstructions from panel photographs.
This is a record of a family register that names a person named Arauma Aonobe as the “head of the household.
He lived near present-day Shibamata, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo.
The family register record is dated 721, the 5th year of Yoro. That is 1,300 years ago.
Although he is listed as the sole head of the family, the family register shows that
Kouoube Araba’s sister and her son-in-law lived together.
In this era, even after marriage, women still took the family name of their parents.
In terms of the concept of a household, two households can be considered to be living together.
First, there is the householder, whose wife is one year older than him.
And the children are a mixture of two major generations.
There are three sisters, ages 29, 28, and 25, and three brothers, ages 16, 15, and 12, who are of a different age from them.
Considering this time period, the couple is also quite old, 55 and 56 years old.
Apparently, in the process of establishing the family, they remarried, and it is possible that one of the stepchildren is living with them.
But then again, the youngest of the boys born to the 56-year-old woman is 10 years old.
This means that this woman gave birth when she was 46 years old.
This is an older birth, which seems to be one of the few in modern times.
So, it is possible that she is a stepdaughter of one of the three sisters.
In any case, this family alone has eight members.
On the other hand, the family of the sister who lives with us has a total of six members.
She is also an older sister, and there is a two-year age difference between them. The age difference between their children is also large.
The oldest daughter is 29 years old and the youngest daughter is 3 years old.
No matter how you think about it, it is more appropriate to consider the 3-year-old child as a “grandchild.
The children were born out of wedlock, a form of childbirth that is said to have been common in the past.
Apparently, various circumstances can be inferred here, too.
I can’t pry any further due to privacy issues (laugh).
Katsushika-ku is a big city today, but 1,300 years ago, it was an agricultural area in a rather low marshy area.
I wonder if the family managed to support itself with a total of 14 members by cultivating the fields.
That is exactly what they must have worked on whatever they could earn.
It may not have been a house, but rather a small to medium-sized micro-enterprise, which is probably closer to the actual situation.
Such desperation must have formed the basis for the idea of “working hard.

This type of family structure was common until just a few decades ago.
Owning a house was a difficult undertaking, so it was difficult to build a new house except by inheritance.
It was difficult to build a new house unless it was inherited.
Today, however, this has changed dramatically, and housing media such as Replan are now available.
More than population growth, the transformation of family relationships is the basic factor that has changed the housing environment of the Japanese people.
This is the basic factor that has changed the living environment of Japanese people more than population growth.
I am sorry for the analysis of information that is related to privacy, even though I am an old-timer.

【中国・天下大乱 ようやくの空虚な習近平発言】

地方政府が相次ぎ独自推計 実態示さない中央政府と対照的」〜東京新聞12/25.

さすがにまずいと思ったのか、ようやく【AFP=時事】12/26(月) 23:31配信で
「中国主席「人命守る」措置を指示 コロナ規制緩和に伴う感染急拡大で」


English version⬇

China’s Empty Speech after the Tianxia Rebellion
The supreme power whose true nature is seen through by the Chinese people. The history of the Yi Surname Revolution proves the power of the Chinese people. We need to prepare for the wave of turmoil. …

After a 180-degree turnaround from the zero-corona policy, there appears to be a profound infection explosion.
The Chinese authorities are not functioning as information management entities at all.
The Chinese authorities have been announcing a number of deaths and infections that almost no one believes.
Now, they have abandoned even that and are irresponsible enough to transmit “reference” information by their “subordinate organizations.
On the other hand, the U.S. government has been aware of the seriousness of the pandemic situation and has been trying to help.
On the other hand, the U.S. government, aware of the serious pandemic situation, tried to offer a helping hand, but on the other hand, it shut out immigration control to China.
In the absence of public disclosure, an avalanche of unconfirmed information has been released.
The leaked information that 248 million people were infected in 20 days, with more than 10 million infected per day.
As if to corroborate, “Zhejiang Province, China: ‘Up to 2 million people infected with corona a day'”.
In contrast to the central government, which has not shown the actual situation, local governments have been making their own estimates one after another.
The recent anti-government movement of “Xi Jinping, Quit, Communist Party, Downtown” is a clear example of the kind of anti-government movement that Chinese society has experienced in past generations.
I had a hunch that we were entering a situation of “upheaval under the rule of heaven,” which has been experienced by Chinese society for many generations.
But the process is becoming more and more realistic.
The “legitimacy” of the Communist regime’s governance is in a major state of collapse.
In the first place, Xi Jinping himself, the supreme leader, has not said a word about this pandemic.
Xi Jinping, the Communist Party’s supreme leader, has not said a single word about the pandemic.
The people are in such a desperate situation, and yet the supreme political leader has not said a word.
The people are being plunged into such a desperate situation, and yet the supreme political leader has not said a word and is not taking responsibility.
They keep boasting loudly about Zero Corona as if it were their own achievement.
The “emperor of power” who keeps boasting loudly about his achievements as if they were his own and never speaks up when things go bad.

Perhaps they thought it was a bad idea, but finally, at 23:31 on 12/26 (Mon.), AFP reported the following.
Chinese President Orders Measures to “Protect Human Life” in Response to Rapid Spread of Infection Following Easing of Corona Restrictions.
The announcement was issued. The statement is unclear, but here it is
“Chinese President Xi Jinping made public remarks for the first time since the country’s drastic easing of restrictions on coronas on April 26.
“In his public remarks, he urged authorities to take measures to save lives.”
“The prevention and control of infectious diseases now faces new circumstances and challenges.”
He urged the authorities to “strengthen community lines of defense to prevent and control epidemics and effectively protect the lives, safety, and health of the people.
We will strengthen the community’s line of defense for epidemic prevention and control, and effectively protect the lives, safety, and health of the people,” he stated. ~State-run China Central Television (CCTV).
…What is being said is a bureaucratic composition of almost no content.
The content of what was said was almost contentless, bureaucratic composition, and I felt absolutely no sense of bloody determination as the supreme political leader.
On the contrary, I think it is his true nature to “muddy the waters” in this way at this stage of the game.
He is trying his best to play the game of domination, but he is completely unaware of his responsibility in governing.
It is conceivable that the response like Zhejiang’s will be a sign that even within the ruling structure, the central power structure will not be able to control the situation.
The central power structure has lost its grip on the situation.

Now that this is another country’s problem, we must first ask what Japan can do to deal with this kind of situation in its neighbor.
How should Japan deal with such a situation in a neighboring country?
Now, Japan’s foreign minister is unable to execute even his predetermined plan for a visit to China.
There is also a movement to shift domestic political failures to military tensions in the Senkaku Islands and Taiwan.
We need to be prepared to defend Japanese society against a major upheaval in the world.