



English version⬇

The Miki Family Residence in Tokushima, where the “ARATAE” ritual is held on the day of the first ceremonial offering of rice to the goddess of grain.
After a fearful climb up the narrow one-lane “national road” in the Shikoku Valley, you finally visit an ancient private house on top of a mountain. The surrounding environment is relaxing. The Miki Family Residence

There are several old private houses with the name “Miki Family Residence” that have been designated as “Important Cultural Properties” throughout Japan. As far as I know, there are four in total. My family name is Miki, so I feel that I am related to the Miki family and that this gives me a greater sense of reality in terms of understanding old private homes. I have visited two of them in Hyogo Prefecture, and during my New Year’s vacation this year, I visited the Miki family residence in Mima City, Tokushima Prefecture, for the first time. I have visited the two houses in Hyogo Prefecture several times because they seem to be connected in terms of family lore, but I think the connection is probably weak in Tokushima Prefecture. The family is descended from the Imobe clan, a clan that has had a deep connection with the Imperial Court since ancient times, and in accordance with the ancient ceremony of the Great Tamesai Ceremony of 2025, the family “prepared” the emperor’s ceremonial clothes called “aratae” for his accession to the throne.
After arriving at the Kansai International Airport from Sapporo, I stayed overnight in Awaji and set off the next day for “Mt. The distance from Wakimachi, the highway IC from which I was heading, was about 31 km, so I thought it would take about 30-40 minutes from the perspective of Hokkaido people.

However, although it is a national highway (Route 492), the mountain road from the halfway point was almost a one-lane road with twists and turns, a difficult road, and a terrible road…. We had to drive on the road for a long time, and if an oncoming car came along, we would be out of luck. My wife and I prayed that no oncoming cars would come along the road. We asked a car that looked like a local driver to pass us and we followed him, but we gave up on the chase early on because people who are used to driving on the road speed up as if they almost ignore the danger of oncoming cars. When I went down the road later on my way home, I found a warning sign on the downhill side of the road to guide traffic not to cross each other. However, first-time drivers do not understand such circumstances, and safety was our top priority. After all, if you swerve the wrong way, there is a high risk of falling off the shoulder.
The Miki family’s house was located near the top of a mountain road that led out of the last village. We finally arrived at the house, but the inside was locked and not open to the public. I had assumed that the house was open to the public on weekdays, as it is a relatively famous old house and an important cultural property. We were not allowed to go inside either the main house or the “museum. In that respect, we were confronted with a lack of prior research. However, we were welcomed by the surrounding environment and other splendors that seemed to melt away the hardships we had gone through before coming. The view was divine.
And, above all, the space on top of the mountain was filled with the dignified and unique atmosphere of a family that has produced linen for the emperor’s coronation ceremonies. It was a pity that we could not see the interior space, but the house silently told us that not only the interior space but also the entire surrounding environment constitutes the “appearance” of the house. I would like to introduce the Miki family residence in several articles.

【脱炭素の手法・対策をポイント化 北方型住宅ZERO-2】



English version⬇

Points for decarbonization methods and measures Northern-style housing ZERO-2
The system is designed to allow users to select points from decarbonization factors such as further improvement of thermal insulation performance, use of renewable energy, and use of local resources. ・・・・・.

Insulation and airtightness are the basic requirements for a “warm house,” and there was widespread public opinion in Hokkaido that longed for the development of such technologies, which led to housing innovation through the concerted efforts of users, government, and industry. The most significant catalyst was the sharp rise in heating costs due to the oil crisis. It seems to me that the humanitarian instinct to defend life in the north was switched on without having to wait for the oil crisis.
It is difficult to get a sense of this kind of broad public opinion from the current decarbonization goals. Although it would be easy to understand the need for more advanced insulation and airtightness, the benefits of increasing the thickness of exterior wall insulation from 200mm to 400mm, for example, are not so great in relation to the costs involved. In fact, it is difficult to obtain only a very limited gain. Also, even if photovoltaic power generation is symbolized as an easy-to-understand “use of natural energy,” it will not operate in the event of snow accumulation. From the user’s point of view, it is difficult to see the equivalent sense of value.
Furthermore, from the perspective of people living in northern Japan, there is a correlation between housing and cars as two wheels in the wheel of daily life. Based on such criteria, the “recommended future lifestyle” of solar power generation and EVs is highly questionable, and it is difficult to accept the future of relying on a non-electric energy source for transportation during the 3-4 month winter period, which can be life-threatening. In Hokkaido, where the public transportation network is inadequate and the area of Sapporo alone spans the entire metropolis of Tokyo, as well as the prefectures of Kanagawa, Chiba, and Saitama, driving is an important lifeline that can sustain life.
It may be commendable that an “alternative” to roof-mounted solar power generation has emerged, in which solar power can be installed on the walls of buildings all year round, even if the efficiency of the system is slightly reduced. However, in the case of wall-mounted solar power generation, the user must be responsible for the future forecast of the site environment, including the surrounding buildings and roads. The designers of the system have no choice but to make a limited recommendation.

These background conditions led to the decision to take a “point system” as the institutional design.
The following elements were selected as [decarbonization measures] and shifted to the direction of arbitrarily selecting each of them.
Further reinforcement of thermal insulation performance: Raise the UA value of the average heat transfer coefficient to 0.20-0.28 or less: 3pt-5pt
Use of renewable energy – Installation of photovoltaic power generation equipment: 3pt – 6pt
Installation of storage battery facilities: 5pt
Use of woody biomass: 1pt
Utilization of local resources – Use of Hokkaido timber for structural and interior/exterior materials: 2pts
These points were added together to make 10 points equal to a 1-ton reduction in CO2 emissions. This is an easy-to-understand indicator for a selective system. This is a measure to ensure “visualization” of decarbonization methods in discussions between users and housing companies as a system. Of course, diverse climatic characteristics differ from region to region even within Hokkaido, so the system is designed to allow elastic operation and arrangement of the system in each region’s own way.
Furthermore, there are many undetermined factors regarding the progress of elemental technologies for zero-energy and decarbonization in 2050, so at this stage we are leaving room for future decisions while keeping an eye on the progress of these technologies.

【新住宅基準:北方型住宅ZERO-1 & 北海道×工務店Talk】





English version⬇

New Housing Standard: Northern Style Housing ZERO-1 & Hokkaido x Construction Agency Talk
Hokkaido, an advanced region for high thermal insulation and airtightness, is also an advanced region for decarbonization. How to face the PV adversity with local manufacturing as a whole?

Well, social restoration from infectious diseases is going to be a major theme this year. Three years is indeed too long a period of difficult conditions for social exchange. There are very few opportunities to exchange opinions in real life, and although video distribution and web seminars have been held to compensate for this, the exchange of information is inevitably biased.
Generally, someone delivers a lecture and many people “listen” to the lecture. Occasionally, I would ask, “Do you have any opinions? but the participants are too reserved and do not ask any questions. This is quite problematic, as the participants are only listening and do not “agree” with what is being said, yet they are forced to proceed on the assumption that they agree with what is being said. The “disagreement” between the participants and the sender is fixed, and before long, the participants feel alienated.
The natural style of information exchange is for the sender and receiver to take turns exchanging information freely. The most important opportunity for information exchange is the so-called “discussion. The most important opportunity for exchange of information is the so-called “discussion. If there is no free exchange of opinions, it is meaningless as an opportunity to exchange information.

My personal involvement in housing performance requirements over the past three years has been as a member of the Hokkaido Government Building Guidance Division’s Housing System Advisory Council, where I participated in discussions on the direction of Hokkaido’s housing policy. I was involved in discussions on the direction of Hokkaido’s housing policy, which aims to declare Hokkaido carbon neutral by 2050 and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 46% from the fiscal 2013 level by 2030. The reduction in the residential sector is particularly important because Hokkaido, a cold region, has a 23% residential energy consumption rate, compared to only 15% for the rest of Japan.
Hokkaido’s cold climate and varied snowfall conditions make the efficiency of heating energy and photovoltaic power generation very different from that of the rest of Japan, making it difficult to implement the measures envisioned by the government and spread ZEH in the region. Initially, the secretariat envisioned a goal of promoting ZEH homes. From the first meeting, this point had to be the main topic of discussion, and the direction to explore feasible measures was set as the keynote. Hokkaido, a region at the forefront of issues.

The “characteristics of the region” are such that solar power generation and roof installation, the largest possible source of natural energy, must generate almost no electricity during the “snowfall season” from 11/18 to 3/28. Although “installation on the south wall” is effective in clearing this condition, the hurdle to realize this condition is high in an urban area. It is virtually impossible to include such a condition in building standards. This article is still difficult to write in one blog entry. I will mention it again tomorrow or later.

In any case, in order to promote decarbonization in the region as a whole, it is of utmost importance to collaborate with the local builders in designing the system. Even if a Buddha is created, the public interest cannot be realized unless the soul is put into it. It is for this reason that the “Dialogue Opportunity” will be held on February 3, thanks to the efforts of a variety of people. This is an open opportunity to reflect the voices of young makers of Hokkaido housing. And it will be open to the public through ZOOM. For more details, please see the chart at the top.
I look forward to lively discussions that will break through the conventional format of exchanging opinions through the web. In fact, the realization of such opportunities may be Hokkaido’s real underlying strength.




English version⬇

Luminescence phenomenon over a vein at Takagamo Shrine, Gosho, Nara Prefecture?
This shrine area is located on a mineral vein and is famous for its large amount of “chi” (energy). Is it possible for such mineral resources to react to light? I wonder. I wonder…

I am not a person who is interested in the occult (laugh). However, I have recently been attracted to the ancient capital regions of Nara Prefecture, such as Asuka, Kumamukai, Sakurai, Kashihara, etc. It is true that the ancient ancestors of the Japanese nation existed there. I am sure that the ancient ancestors of the Japanese nation existed there, and I am fascinated by the traces that are not clearly documented but are highly archaeologically certain, as you can understand from my blog.
One such shrine I have visited several times is Takagamo Shrine, located at the eastern foot of Mount Kongo in Kamogami, Gosho City, Nara Prefecture. The following is an excerpt from the shrine’s biography.
〜In the middle of the Yayoi period, a part of the Kamo clan began rice farming along the banks of the Katsuragi River, and generally called the head shrine Kamigamo-sha, the Mitose shrine Nakagamo-sha, and the Kamotonami shrine Shimogamo-sha. In addition, the Kamo clan was widely distributed throughout the country, and the Kamo deities were worshipped at their shrines. The Kamo (Kamo or Kage) clan was also found in the counties of Aki, Harima, Mino, Mikawa, and Sado. Kamo-taisha in Kyoto is the most famous of these, and its headquarters is the head shrine of all Kamo shrines. The head office is one of the shrines enshrined as a guardian deity by the Kamo clan, a prestigious Yamato clan. In the Engishiki, the shrine is named Takakamo Ajisukitakahikone-no-mikoto Shrine, and is a Meishin-taisya (great shrine) under the jurisdiction of the government. The shrine has the highest shrine rank. 〜The town of Gosho is very interesting.
The townscape of the Gosho is very interesting, and when I visited the shrine, I got lost on the way there. I was very interested in the streets of the Gosho, and when I visited the shrine, I got lost on the way there (laugh), but when I saw the beautiful shrine building over the pond, I fell in love with it. Since then, I have been fortunate enough to have many opportunities to visit the shrine. At this Takagamo Shrine, I experienced a “streak of light” like the one in the photo above. After visiting the hall of worship and the main shrine, I casually took a photo as I was walking along the approach to the torii gate. (This photo has already been used in another thematic article)

The shrine’s website has the following description. The word “kamo” is derived from the word “kamosu,” which is the same origin as “kami. It represents the release of chi. The shrine’s sacred area is famous for the large amount of “chi” that is emitted, due in part to its location on top of a vein of ore. This is why it feels cooler when you visit the shrine in the summer. I hope you will visit the shrine to receive God’s “chi” and revive your body and soul.
This ray of light was taken around 2-3 p.m. near the winter solstice. The approach was manifested toward the direction of the torii gate, which is located directly south, with the main shrine and worship hall behind it. So I don’t think it was the natural rays of seasonal sunlight. If it were “sunlight filtering through the trees,” it would have been a swath from the right side of the photo. No object that would produce such “diffuse reflected light” can be identified in the vicinity. I do not have scientific knowledge of the “luminous phenomenon” caused by mineral resources described in the text of this website, so it is unknown and a riddle at present. However, I remember to have read a legend that iron ore resource engineers from Korea saw the unique luminous phenomenon from the sea and ships far from the Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine, and then explored the area and found a vein of ore. It was quite interesting and exciting.
It is quite interesting and exciting to feel a sense of mystery (laugh). If any readers have any information that can help us understand this, please let us know. Thank you in advance.




English version⬇

Winter, cold weather brings snow and ice beauty and slightly dangerous formations.
A weekend of heavy snowfall. The snowfall was so heavy that my body is screaming from every node. The peak of winter is just around the corner. …

A winter storm is forecast for the weekend, with wind and snow strengthening on the Sea of Japan side of Hokkaido. The winter storm is forecast to intensify wind and snow in the Sea of Japan area of Hokkaido over the weekend. The photo shows the “winter landscape” around our house during the recent cold wave. Cold weather has its own unique beauty. The photo above is a step of the Hassamu River, a man-made waterfall if you will, where the ice is forming. It gradually shows us the beauty of ice formation that makes us shiver, and although it is somewhat self-deprecating to see it with trepidation, it is a secret pleasure for people living in cold regions (laugh). The contrast between the warmth of a house in winter and the coldness of winter at its height provides a contrast to our lives. The greater the difference between the two, the deeper the sense of “kacho-fu-getsu” (flowers, birds, winds, and the moon) becomes.
It is interesting to imagine what a poet like Saigyo would say if he were to travel to Hokkaido today. After all, since the almost universal adoption of a highly insulated and airtight living environment, people have been afforded the luxury of enjoying the external environment in winter, and the experience has matured in its own way. I am interested to see what kind of new “kacho-fu-getsu” (the Japanese traditional seasonal festivals of flowers, birds, and winds) will be added to the Japanese people’s experience of the winter.

One such new Kacho Fugetsu theme is the wacky scenery brought about by the house and snow and ice, as shown in the photo. Well, from a housing performance point of view, this is a scene where the roof insulation is not sufficient and the heat inside leaks out to the tin surface of the roof, causing the snow to freeze, explode, and melt repeatedly on the roof surface, resulting in the snow sliding down to the edge of the roof. This is the so-called “snow eaves” phenomenon. The photo was taken a few days ago on a non-residential building, but it changes drastically depending on annual temperature and snowfall changes. The snow is sticking out about 50-60 cm from the eaves of the roof. At the moment, the maximum daytime temperature is also below zero, so no roof-surface avalanches have occurred, but such a danger is possible depending on temperature changes. It is not to that extent yet, but when the danger increases a little more, warning cones will be installed. Since the danger is “visualized,” pedestrians should be very careful. There is also the common sense of living in a cold region.
However, when I was a boy, such snow cover and icicles were commonplace throughout the city, and I may have developed a critical sense of danger avoidance like an animal. Roof avalanches are usually most dangerous in the late winter months of February and March. Nevertheless, we should try to stay away from such areas near the eaves during the winter months. Despite these dangers, when considered as an artifact, it is truly a “winter wonder”. It is also interesting because it honestly exposes various traces of the winter climate.
Now that it fell during the night, I’m going to work hard to remove the snow.

【メディアの発展と興亡・浮世絵-4 江戸期・房総町家-13】



English version⬇

The Development and Rise and Fall of the Media, Ukiyoe-4: Edo Period, Boso Machiya-13
Today’s media are in a state of confusion. There are many things to be learned from the historical transition of Ukiyo-e with an open mind. …

With the acquisition of ukiyoe as a form of expression, Japan’s publishing culture was practically born. Until then, Japanese art had mainly existed as a service to religious temples and the ruling class, and painting groups such as the Kano school were parasites on the power structure of the time in order to maintain their existence. The Kano school was a group that specialized in bidding for “public building needs,” such as sliding door paintings of castles for powerful people, and it seems to have been a kind of art version of a general contractor. Unkei, who also appeared in “The Thirteen of Kamakura-dono,” had the opportunity to create works by taking advantage of the power of the authorities. My favorite Japanese painting, “The Wind and Thunder Gods,” by Sotatsu Tawaraya, was commissioned by a famous temple in Kyoto. One such traditional genre is “Rakuchu Rakugai-zu Byobu-e,” and the Funaki version, by Iwasa Matabei, is designated a national treasure. After he created the culmination of this genre, he moved the stage of his activities from Kyoto to Edo, where he is said to have served as a bridge to the Ukiyoe culture.
In the Kyoto period when Japanese painting was the mainstream, the themes of paintings were religion, backgrounds of imperial literature, and barrier paintings, etc. In Edo, however, with the emergence of the ukiyo-e culture, the themes of paintings were in a big bang and shifted directly to areas of popular interest, such as cityscapes, portraits of actors and beauties, etc. It was truly a “popularization of art. It was truly the “popularization of art.
It may be my personal opinion, but I think that artists in Japan are more loved for the works they created as an afterthought. I am strongly attracted to Sotatsu Tawaraya and Matabei Iwasa, but I think that the style of artists who earn their living separately and do painting as an afterthought rather than as full-time painters may have something that resonates with the public. Tawaraya Sotatsu is said to have operated a store specializing in fans. I think that this indicates that there is a freedom in the mind that goes into the canvas, and that there is no sense of narrowness in the mind of the creator.

Today, the media is approaching a major turning point, and while there is no end in sight to the innovation of existing media via the Web, videos and other media that impose only personal values are already beginning to hit a wall. The so-called “YouTuber” has reached a plateau and a dead end. Belief in and dependence on a particular individual’s discourse is like a new religion, which is also highly dangerous. I believe that the values of fairness and objectivity are indispensable elements of information. The media should function as an impartial “forum” for information, and its original mission should be to provide information that enables the recipient of information to make a final judgment on his or her own.
In such an era, there are many lessons to be learned from the rise and fall of new media such as Ukiyo-e, which Japanese society has experienced. It is probably necessary to take various truths from history and make use of them.

【大衆メディア革命と浮世絵-3 江戸期・房総町家-12】



English version⬇

Ukiyo-e and the Popular Media Revolution – 3: Edo Period, Boso Machiya – 12
For those of us who experienced the postwar TV cultural revolution, the rise of popular color painting and publishing in the Edo period seems to us to be a dazzling trace of our ancestors. …

I have spent most of my life in the publishing business. Why? When I was about to enter elementary school, Japanese TV broadcasting started and Rikidozan’s wrestling began to be broadcast on street TV in Sapporo Odori Park. My father took me to see it once or twice. My father was so enthralled by the power and realism of the images that he immediately asked an electronics store two doors down to buy a TV set. Since then, as one of the first generations to be exposed to the visual culture, I have been absorbed in the media. Since it was an elementary school in the city, I sometimes appeared in “children’s participation programs” on NHK’s local station. Perhaps I was so familiar with the media that I dreamed of working in such a field in the future.
Later, it became clear to me that the media was economically part of the advertising business, and I learned and gained experience in the fundamental aspects of its formation in the advertising business. As a result, I have been working hard to create local media that are “richly illustrated with color photographs. In light of my own experience, the world of popular art brought about by ukiyo-e in the Edo period shone in my mind as a dazzling national precedent in Japanese history. One can only imagine what the immediacy of affordable color prints must have been like for the people of the Edo period. The fact is that the nationwide travel boom that was triggered by exposure to the imaginative world of ukiyo-e prints flourished throughout the Edo period. The stars of freak shows were represented in the form of bromides. In addition, female beauty was “mediatized” for the first time. As a result, the free entertainment of the masses, which stimulated human nature, enjoyed a phenomenal rise. Ukiyo-e of the Edo period pioneered the genres of famous places, portrayals of actors, and paintings of beautiful women, and I wish to express the depth of the space of “good houses” in the region. The theme of “visualization of comfort”?

It was a miraculous encounter that I had never expected to see it manifested architecturally as a typical “machiya” (townhouse) in the village of Boso. It was a marvelous experience for me to realize that Ukiyo-e was produced from this kind of space. Just as I was dazzled by visual culture as a member of the television generation, I believe that the people of the Edo period were dazzled by the easy-to-understand culture shock from Ukiyo-e. I believe that these changes were truly revolutionary for the popular culture of Japanese society.
The basis for this change was the painter and the engraver/printer. Although painters will remain famous as artists until far into the future, I strongly believe that the development of engraving and printing techniques was the basis for all of these changes. The foundation for this was the crystallization of the knowledge of visual expression that supported popular art in the Edo period. Seeing the traces of these efforts, I find myself continually inspired.

【そば1杯値段で流通・浮世絵-2 江戸期・房総町家-11】



English version⬇

Ukiyoe: Distribution at the Price of a Cup of Soba, Ukiyoe-2: Edo Period, Boso Machiya-11
Ukiyo-e is an art form of mass printing that is supported by the masses. The strict selection of the common people in the Edo period nurtured the Japanese publishing culture. …

When trade with Europe began at the end of the Edo period (1603-1868), Ukiyo-e prints were used as “buffer materials” for exported ceramics, etc. I wrote yesterday that Westerners were surprised at the high level of color printing of Ukiyo-e as buffer materials. The West was astonished at the fact that Ukiyo-e was such an everyday “popular art” in Japanese society at that time.
I asked how much Ukiyo-e were sold in those days, and found that the price was almost the same as the price of a bowl of soba (buckwheat noodles). The price of a bowl of soba today is generally 4-500 yen, or at most not more than 1,000 yen. I remember buying a limited edition of 100 hand-printed ukiyo-e prints for about 30,000 yen each when the Tokyo Museum held an exhibition of ukiyo-e prints (first photo). (The first photo) I was stunned to think that it was a “wild profit” (laugh). Well, just kidding. Unlike the Edo period, when the business structure of mass sales was established with the support of the masses, today there is no market structure to support the existence of “printers” as a profession. I was fascinated by the craftsmanship of the “surishi” who painstakingly finished their work with finishing techniques that were on par with those of that era.
It is truly wonderful that people were able to enjoy this kind of color printing art for the price of a bowl of soba (buckwheat noodles). There are many ways to measure a country’s wealth, but I can’t help but nod in agreement with the sense of value that has been preserved and loved by a selective and demanding public. I believe that Japan has a strong foundation of a “democratic” society, and it is amazing to see a society in which popular art is respected so much, even in the world. I think this is one of the reasons why Westerners were so surprised. I think that the people of this country have a deep understanding of democracy. And.

The subjects of ukiyoe include “Meisho Zue” (famous places), which supported the nationwide travel boom, and at the same time, “Bijin-ga” (portraits of beautiful women), which was a major genre. Especially in Edo, where there was always an overabundance of men of the right age, many Japanese women’s beauties were pursued, such as the beauty of a “kirika-bijin” or “turned-around beauty. As a result, it seems that “urizane-faced” bijinga were favored, as if by seal of approval. This is by far the majority of beauty paintings that remain today. In a previous blog entry, I attempted to analyze Jomon beauties and Yayoi beauties, but I did not find much adherence to the “urizane” face. Even the dynastic aesthetic of the Kyo-bijin, or Kyoto beauties, did not seem to be so obsessed with the “plump” type. After such a transition, the “urizane face” resonated in the DNA of the Edo period as a Japanese aesthetic. In the popular arts of the Edo period, artists had to be selective in order to find the core of the populace or they would not sell well. In addition, ukiyo-e must have competed with the fashion element for “zeitgeist” expression. I believe that this reflects the principle of friendly competition and fierce rivalry that exists in the entertainment business today.

【世界が驚愕した浮世絵文明-1 江戸期・房総町家-10】

〜伝統木版画技法の確立 大量印刷物を限られた時間と費用で生産するため無駄をそぎ落とし、表現方法をシンプルにすることで浮世絵木版画独特の構図の妙や色彩表現が生まれた。制作工程を分化させ、下絵を描く「絵師」、版を彫る「彫師」、色を摺る「摺師」、それぞれ専門職として作業する三者分業制印刷が確立した。一般に知られる葛飾北斎や喜多川歌麿は絵師で大手版元のお抱えや独立して活動した。素材や色彩、表現全てが独自性に富んだ日本の木版多色カラー印刷は、当時世界最高峰の技法。のちにゴッホをはじめとする多くの芸術家たちに影響を与え世界中を驚愕させた。【豆知識】世界に日本の高度な木版印刷技術が知られたのは、印刷に失敗した木版画を陶器や磁器などの他の輸出品の緩衝材として海を渡ったからだという。〜


English version⬇

Ukiyo-e Civilization that Astonished the World -1 Edo Period, Boso Townhouse-10
Europeans were horrified by the culture shock of Ukiyo-e paintings being used as packaging cushioning material (laugh). Nippon, a society leading the popularization of art. …

The most soul-stirring store in the village of Boso is a machiya store that is an exquisite example of Edo culture. I would like to introduce Katsushikado, a “book and tile edition” store. Our main area of business, publishing, cannot be described without referring to the great rise of Ukiyo-e culture in Edo, the great revolution in popular culture. As someone who has spent a major part of my life in publishing, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to visit this type of store, built as a machiya (traditional townhouse).
The following is a brief history of publishing, especially woodblock printing, from the website of Takezasa-do, one of Kyoto’s forerunners in this field.
〜The Edo period (1603-1868) was a time of peace and prosperity as Ieyasu united the warring states, and the center of culture shifted to the townspeople. In the beginning of the Edo period, commercial publishing took place in Kyoto, and “bookstores” that dealt in books were born. In no time, numerous bookstores lined the streets of the city, followed by the appearance of bookstores in Osaka, which fostered a publishing culture in the Kamigata region. During the Kan’ei period (1624-1645), bookstores also opened in Edo. Tsutaya Shigesaburo, who later became a major publisher of nishiki-e prints by artists such as Kitagawa Utamaro, a master of beautiful women paintings, and Toshusai Sharaku, a prodigy of actor pictures, also had a bookstore in Yoshiwara. 〜The first woodblock print shop in Yoshiwara was established by Tsutaya Shigsaburo.
〜Establishment of Traditional Woodblock Printing Techniques In order to produce large quantities of prints in a limited amount of time and at a limited cost, the ukiyo-e woodblock printing method was simplified to eliminate waste and create the unique composition and color expression unique to ukiyo-e woodblock prints. The production process was differentiated, and a three-person division of labor system was established, with the “painter” drawing the preliminary sketches, the “engraver” engraving the plates, and the “printer” printing the colors, each working as a specialist. Katsushika Hokusai and Kitagawa Utamaro, both well-known artists, were either employed by major publishers or worked independently. Japanese woodblock multicolor printing, with its unique materials, colors, and expressions, was the world’s most advanced technique at the time. The technique later influenced many artists, including Van Gogh, and astonished the world. Trivia: Japan’s advanced woodblock printing technology became known to the world when woodblock prints that failed to print were shipped across the sea as buffer material for other exports such as ceramics and porcelain. ~.

The casual fact that ukiyo-e prints were used as packing materials for paper scraps is surprising in its permeation of popular art in the Edo period society. In contrast to European art, which had been a form of religious art or an object of service to the aristocracy’s lifestyle, Japanese woodblock-printed art, which was used carelessly as paper scraps, was a civilized wonder, and as a Japanese, I am proud to say that it brought about a sense of wonder. In the not-so-affluent lives of city dwellers, polychromatic paintings were still displayed in each household and provided a topic of conversation for the family dinner table. The paintings were often about travel or gossip about famous Kabuki stars, depending on the theme of the painting (laugh), and they added a lot of color to the peaceful family life. Of course, the high literacy rate in Japan meant that people probably had to learn and gather information from printed books, but the ease of understanding provided by multicolor printing had a powerful impact on people’s hearts. I myself am of the first generation to be imbued with the visual culture of television, but I suspect that the people who first came into contact with the Ukiyo-e culture of the Edo period were of a similar generation that experienced a cultural revolution. I love this atmosphere.

【街並み魅力の主役「甘味店」-2 江戸期・房総町家-9】



English version⬇

The star attraction of the townscape “Sweet store”-2 Edo Period, Boso Machiya-9
The largest star store in the group of machiya stores. It was an industry that regulated the total amount of its material “sugar”. The function of decorating the “Hare” (ceremonial occasions) of weddings and funerals. ・・・・.

It is said that Japanese towns were established along the boundary paths between villages based on agriculture. They probably emerged as an extraordinary landscape in the midst of agricultural life, which is the means of production and the basis of survival. The artisans’ work, which is essential to agricultural production and daily life, was displayed in a glittering manner.
Among these machiya stores, those that sold sweet foods must have had an exceptional ability to attract customers. Sweetness is an extremely precious part of the Japanese palate, and the fact that it was embodied in a store that was easy to understand must have been a clear gateway to the glittering world of sweetness. However, it also seems to have been a symbol of the extraordinary sense of decorating for legal and special events. In Japanese history, it is said to have been a very special item for the privileged classes and as a luxury item in temples. I believe that it became “popular” in this way when the mass socialization of the Edo period was in full swing.
Even so, sugar has continued to be imported through overseas trade from Nagasaki and has been socially maintained by a special interest structure that includes its distribution. It is a market where demand is sufficiently predictable but the total quantity is regulated, and it has existed uniquely in a society where free trade between capitalist supply and demand is not sufficient.

Confectioners are early in the morning. Daifuku, dango, and manju (steamed buns), known as “asanama,” are made in the morning. These are sweets that do not last long and must be sold out by the end of the day. After finishing the “morning nama,” they take a break and start working on dried confections and candies. Nerikiri, for example, required a lot of concentration, so it was sometimes made at night. Generally, they were busy during the cold season, and sales of confections were slow during the summer. Many of the confections were related to life ceremonies and annual events, and when asked to make gifts for weddings and funerals, or confections to be given out on New Year’s festivals and the 75th and 75th birthdays, the confectioners even had to stay up all night.
Confectionery shops selling souvenirs to visitors at the gates of temples and shrines enjoyed steady sales. They sometimes became the specialty of temples and delivered sweets as offerings, and they sometimes received special orders for festivals, so temples and shrines were an existence that confectionery shops could not ignore.
The style of store architecture was to display the manufacturing process itself in the storefront. After the Meiji period, partitions would have been made with “glass building materials” to maintain cleanliness. A chest of confectionery is located under the stairs and used to store dried confections. They are said to be made of paulownia wood to prevent the sweets from getting damp. Daifuku, kintsuba, yokan jelly, shiogama, okoshi, etc. were stored in confectionery boxes, which were lacquered in red lacquer and covered with powder to keep them in good condition. In the “Sei” box, there are wheat manjus (wheat buns), for which humidity control is very important. The store’s architecture evokes the relationship between sweetness and daily life as part of the Japanese lifestyle.